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Chat Log List - 2024 04 26 - Bear Went Over the Mountain - Formatted - Story

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Weaponsmithing, Crude [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 8]

BOB So Levi has created 7 per day every other day (as he did do work for the Orphage also) so 126 crude arrows

BOB He has no way to carry that many but he amassed a nice pile

BOB He can carry 12

BOB Yes for your canoe that is sitting at the dock there

Rothuss Carder: So... Violette, was it? Vee's been hiding you from us.

Violette Snipes: She just wants to keep me to herself

Violette Snipes: I don't blame her

Violette Snipes: Vee has her moments

Rothuss Carder: Good ones?

Violette Snipes: she is very guarded, but when you get her wound up she forgets and then EXPLODES

Rothuss Carder: That's certainly *a* way of describing her. I'm glad you enjoy her company though. What all have you two been up to down here?

Violette Snipes: I live up here, I love having nature around me

Violette Snipes: I cannot wait to bring you down to the lake

Lirtimya: Being on the water after so long will be nice

Rothuss Carder: So what are we here for? Where to?

Rothuss Carder: I really doubt Vee brought us down to introduce you to us.

Levi Reed: Yeah, personally, I would prefer to NOT be on the water, but I guess if that's the only way to the cave...

Violette Snipes: I wanted to bring Vee down to the lake to find the oyster that is rumored to be there with the largest pearl in the world

Violette Snipes: We have to go down river to get there

Violette Snipes: we will go down river

Violette Snipes: and when we get to the first lake

Violette Snipes: then we can look for urchins for you

Rothuss Carder: I... am not a deep diver.

Rothuss Carder: I can swim, of course, but I thought pearl divers had to go really really deep?

Rothuss Carder: OH! Urchins! Those are those sea slugs they were talking about.

Levi Reed: How long can you hold your breath for?

Violette Snipes: I can hold my breath for a LONG time

Rothuss Carder: Until I run out of air, I guess. No idea how long that is

Violette Snipes: did you want to test me?


Levi Reed: Like... two minutes? Ten minutes? 20? How long is long?

Laughs delightedly

Levi Reed: Indefinitely?

Levi Reed: Because I'm at like, 2 and a half minutes and I feel like it's pretty good for a human

Violette Snipes: I like to think that I can handle my breath enough to make people feel as good as I do

Vee Barlett: Alrighty, y'all. Checked the canoe. It's good to go. Ya ready?

Lirtimya: I am

Temperance: pauses in her scribbling and puts away her notebook.

Vee Barlett: Still ain't as nice as MY canoe, but it'll do.

Levi Reed: I don't know... Violette, do you think we need any special equipment before we head out?

Temperance: It would be nice to be a bit prepared if we can.

Violette Snipes: We are going to be wet

Violette Snipes: Very wet

Vee Barlett: Lookin' forward to that.

Violette Snipes: We are going to go down

Violette Snipes: slippery

Levi Reed: I mean, yeah, that's what happens when you go in the water

Violette Snipes: other than that I cannot help you

Rothuss Carder: Leave anything that shouldn't get wet behind.

Rothuss Carder: I like her. She's my kind of silly.

Levi Reed: I don't have anything that won't be ok once it dries out, so I guess I'm ready

Temperance: shuffles out her notebook and parchment documents.

Temperance: Suppose these'll have to stay, then.

Vee Barlett: You'll need to get 'em a wax case or somethin' one day. surprise you ain't have one if you been on ships before.

Temperance: offers a crooked smile.

Temperance: I'll have to think about that. I haven't on ships or have had that much parchment long enough to need it before.

Levi Reed: Next time we're in a town we can pick one up

Temperance: Yes, I'll have to keep it in mind. It sounds like it'll cost.

Levi Reed: Ehhhh, shouldn't be THAT much

Vee Barlett: Just a day trip to a cave. Ain't like we goin' on a week voyage. Now y'all ready or not? Water waits for no one.

Vee Barlett: goes to hop into the canoe

Levi Reed: After you, Rothuss

Violette Snipes: Reaches out to grab Vee's arm

Vee Barlett: Hmm?

Violette Snipes: We have a problem

Vee Barlett: Yeah?

Lirtimya: What's the problem?

Levi Reed: Already? We haven't even left yet

Vee Barlett: One of them yap yer ear off?

Violette Snipes: Well see that cabin on the other side of the river?

Lirtimya: Mhm?

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 20]

Vee Barlett: No. What cabin where?

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 17]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 17]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 5]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 3]

Lirtimya: Yeah? What's going on with it

Vee Barlett: All I see is beautiful water calling my name...

Violette Snipes: It is ok, I know you have a hard time focusing (tightens up her shirt over her .... ) but over there is a young man who ... is not ready to let us go

Lirtimya: points it out to Vee

Vee Barlett: squints where Lirt points

Levi Reed: Gonna need more info

Vee Barlett: How he plannin' to stop us?

Violette Snipes: There is a family of river otters

Violette Snipes: that lives just down stream

Violette Snipes: he is VERY insistent that we do not disturb them

Vee Barlett: Disturb them how? Ain't gonna do much 'sept maybe say hi to them otters if they be understandin' me.

Violette Snipes: Well I do not know, I think they are blowing this out of porportion

Vee Barlett: So we go talk to the guy, yeah? Or we canoe past him and make him stop us.

Violette Snipes: but he seems to think that if we go into their territory right now we will get them riled up and have problems

Rothuss Carder: River otters are well known for their habit of overreacting to almost everything.

Violette Snipes: squeezes Vee's arm

Vee Barlett: Kinda like Levi.

Levi Reed: Careful, we might need that arm for rowing

Violette Snipes: You know what you do to me when you get all stern like that

Levi Reed: makes a face

Vee Barlett: laughs and kisses her

Violette Snipes: giggle

Vee Barlett: Come on, let's go. If he wants to talk to us, he can talk to us.

Violette Snipes: What are we going to do with your friends?

Lirtimya: I'd like to see him try to talk Vee out of doing something with water

Vee Barlett: What about them?

Vee Barlett: They good at rowin'

Violette Snipes: We can take three people in our canoe, so who is coming with us?

Levi Reed: We're good at talking, too

Vee Barlett: They all comin'

Vee Barlett: Hmm... some of them we haul behind with rope?

Vee Barlett: I thought I made a canoe big enough...

Falk Honig: STAY AWAY

Levi Reed: How far is it? Because you said "first" lake earlier...

Vee Barlett: FROM WHAT?

Levi Reed: rolls eyes

Lirtimya: Here he comes

Violette Snipes: SCREW YOU FALK, SHE IS MINE!!!!

Vee Barlett: That was quick....

Levi Reed: mumbles "We can never just FINISH a damn conversation"

Violette Snipes: I mean

Violette Snipes: sorry

Violette Snipes: You were saying?

Vee Barlett: grins

Vee Barlett: Watcha want, Falk?

Rothuss Carder: Are we going to witness a duel for the Fair Vee's hand?

Falk Honig: Just stay where you are flat landers

Lirtimya: That would be quite the show

Vee Barlett: whispers, "At least this one wouldn't be a drunken fight for it."

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Excuse you???

Rothuss Carder: Excuse me, I'm a High Lander. The rest of you are Low Landers.

Levi Reed: FLAT landers?

Temperance: exhales softly and returns to scribbling in her notebook.

BOB You have some guy across the river yelling at you

BOB apparently to tell you not to go down river

BOB and you can fit three people per canoe, you have one he has one, you have 6 people total

Lirtimya: What? I can't hear you, maybe you should just tell us after we're finished!

Levi Reed: Hey handsome! Can we come over there and talk to you!?

Rothuss Carder: Are we going to mug him for his canoe?

Levi Reed: Of course not

Vee Barlett: I'm fine with muggin'

Levi Reed: That would be rude

Temperance: Let's put mugging as the last resort. It'd be unnecessary conflict before the journey.

Vee Barlett: Killjoy.

Temperance: smiles back.

Temperance: As always.

Levi Reed: Unnecessary conflict is your new life, get used to it

Levi Reed: Or better yet, you want to come over here so we can chat!?

Levi Reed: I'd like to hear more about the river otters!!!


Lirtimya: We probably shouldn't majorly hurt anyone, or we may not be allowed back

Falk Honig: You need to stay there and listen about the otters and not go see the others

Vee Barlett: So you gonna tell us WHY?


Falk Honig: Why do you need to know? it is just enough to let them be



Falk Honig: I will warn them you are coming

Vee Barlett : [Translation] HOW??



Falk Honig: What? Why would you do that?

Vee Barlett: looks at Levi then assumes he means him.




Falk Honig: Thank you

Falk Honig: the otters are cuters


Falk Honig: You can swim over here

Levi Reed: dives in

Vee Barlett: shakes head and watches

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

Levi Reed: Oh, you're even cuter up close

Falk Honig: Thank you? I guess

Levi Reed: So what's up with the otters? We gotta get past them but none of us wants to disturb them if we don't have to

Levi Reed: Got any tips?

Falk Honig: Don't go near them

Falk Honig: at least four males, with two females in heat

Levi Reed: Are they violent?

Falk Honig: What would you do if you had a female in heat?

Levi Reed: Ignore her and find a nice man

Falk Honig: Otters are not like that

Falk Honig: At least none that I have seen

Falk Honig: but you can be how you want to be

Levi Reed: So I have a friend over there who can probably talk to them... you think they could be reasoned with? Maybe we can offer them a gift?

Rothuss Carder: sidles over to Violette's side.

Falk Honig: but the otters will not like it if you come close

Rothuss Carder: So, clue a guy in. Who's this other guy, and what's his beef?

Violette Snipes: Falk watches over the river, protects it

Rothuss Carder: Using boats on a river harms it? That's a new one.

Levi Reed: Or maybe we could hire you as a guide? What do you think? 10 silver?

Falk Honig: You can hire me

Falk Honig: and I will tell you to wait and not go down river for the next five days

Falk Honig: by then they should be finished

Levi Reed: hmmm

Levi Reed: yells across the river



Violette Snipes: I can mate for far more than five days!

Vee Barlett: snort laughs

Levi Reed: rolls eyes again

Levi Reed: So our other guide over there... well... you heard

Levi Reed: Do you speak the otters language?

Falk Honig: Nope

Falk Honig: I am just a simple fisherman

Falk Honig: and woodsman

Falk Honig: and forester

Levi Reed: Are you interested in having a conversation with the river life around here?

Falk Honig: and occasional wrangler of children

Falk Honig: I can tell you everything you need to know about these waters in these mountains

Rothuss Carder: I mean, are we in such a hurry that 5 days would hurt? We could just sit and enjoy the view.

Falk Honig: there is a waterfall just over that hill that when the sun rises, turns it to fire red

Levi Reed: Sure, but my friend over there can talk to fish. That might be a once in a lifetime experience for you

Falk Honig: How do you know she is telling you what the fish say? Maybe she is just making it up, telling you "Yes please eat me"

Levi Reed: Oh, no, they never say that. They usually tell her that they're hungry and then we find something to feed them

Rothuss Carder: It's like he knows Vee very well

Levi Reed: Occasionally they guide us to where we're going... well, that was dolphins not fish

Falk Honig: So she gets you to feed the fish.....

Falk Honig: By telling you they say they are hungry

Rothuss Carder: says very quietly to Violetted, "Tell me something about Vee she wouldn't want me to know."

Rothuss Carder: grins and chuckles.

Levi Reed: Also, what's up with Violette over there? Is she human?

Violette Snipes: Whispers to Rothuss. Her left foot is very ticklish

Falk Honig: As far as I can tell she is very human

Falk Honig: She is cute and all but not my type

Rothuss Carder: Thanks.



Levi Reed: Ok, look man, I'm going to level with you here. We really gotta go today. You can help us, and I'll pay you well for your help. Or you can join us for fun, and we'll try to find some interesting sea life for you to talk to via translator that will maybe say something more interesting than "we're hungry." OR I can go back over there and tell them we can't go today and you can watch Vee come over here and try to stab you

Rothuss Carder: Oh, more drama. Wonderful.

Falk Honig: Sorry Vadim


Temperance: I think the shouting is more a disturbance to the otters than rowing uphill.

Falk Honig: That is Vadim, he has the cabin farther down stream

Rothuss Carder: asks Violette, "So who is this new character on stage?"

Falk Honig: he likes to sleep in

Temperance: Or downhill.

Falk Honig: he likes the stars

Levi Reed: Does he have a boat?

Violette Snipes: Vadim is OBSESSED with stars

Violette Snipes: He thinks they are... I don't know the meaning of life? the universe and everything? who knows, he rarely comes out in the day

Levi Reed: Ok but does he have a boat

Vee Barlett: Oh, like the fortune tellin' priestess.

Falk Honig: He has a really really really expensive ... thing... telecsribe?

Levi Reed: Is that a boat?

Falk Honig: Something to look at stars with

Levi Reed: I'm asking about boats

Falk Honig: No boats

Rothuss Carder: Astrologer?

Levi Reed: boat. ship. canoe. raft.

Levi Reed: motions for Vee to come across the river

Levi Reed: YOUR TURN

Violette Snipes: He has a magical maybe not but seems like it thing that helps him look at the stars

Vee Barlett: Ugh, Levi ain't on his flirtin' game since the Melange thing.

Vee Barlett: Lemme see what I can do...

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Vee Barlett: jumps in and swims over

Vee Barlett: Hey. Dude. You givin' trouble here?

Falk Honig: Yes

Falk Honig: I think"

Vee Barlett: Well if ya ain't lettin' us borrow yer canoe, you are.

Levi Reed: I offered to pay him. I offered to let him have a chat with the river creatures via you. And he declined so...

Falk Honig: He seems to be having trouble with things, (points to Levi)

Vee Barlett: Well, yeah, he often does. What's the trouble?

Levi Reed: I TRIED the nice way first

Falk Honig: Nothing

Falk Honig: Just don't go down river for 4 or 5 days

Falk Honig: It is easy

Vadim Blatov: SHUT UP

Vee Barlett: We goin' to the cave. We takin' the canoe. We need a second one or we gonna have to tow people behind. What's gonna upset otters more? Quiet rowin' or lots of splashin'? 'Cause it gonna happen one way or another.

Vee Barlett: YOU SHUT IT.

Levi Reed: He seems to think the otters in heat are going to be violent

Falk Honig: I know they will

Vee Barlett: If we threaten their mates, sure. But we ain't gonna.


Temperance: blinks to attention and yells back.

Vee Barlett: Unless ya know a way to the cave that don't go past the otters?

Violette Snipes: She is so cute when she takes charge like that


Rothuss Carder: to Violette, "Do otters like music? We can play to them as we go by."



Temperance: flips through her pages.

Violette Snipes: I have no idea bout otters, but she can play me like a lute

Rothuss Carder: She strums your strings?

Vee Barlett: So whatcha say, Falk? We ain't gonna harm them otters. That'd be like stabbin' my own brother and I ain't gonna do that.

Vee Barlett: Levi, maybe, but not my brother.

Levi Reed: Also he suggested you were lying about talking to fish

Vee Barlett: Why would I lie 'bout that?

Levi Reed: Ehhhh, I wouldn't say that Vee. You haven't met all your brothers yet, probably

Rothuss Carder: Heh. She said that like she hasn't threatened to stab her own brother.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] YO! ANY FISH AROUND?

Vee Barlett: Only got one, Levi. The others be offspring.

BOB No fish respond to Vee, they are hiding from the disturbances

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Levi Reed: Anyway, I'm ready to start being threatening if we need to

Vee Barlett: Too loud for fish. They're antsy here.

Levi Reed: puts hand on machete

Rothuss Carder: Why is it so important we go right now?

Vee Barlett: So, again, Falk. Ya want us swimmin' down river or you want us canoein'? 'Cause we goin' either way.

Lirtimya: You want me to come over ther Vee?

Lirtimya: Shouts across

Violette Snipes: Exactly, we can just stay at home and relax and spend time together.....


Rothuss Carder: shrugs. "None of my business, I guess."

Falk Honig: If you want my canoe, and you are going to do it anyway, at least you can pay me

Vee Barlett: motions to Levi

Rothuss Carder: finds a comfortable spot and sits down to watch the spectacle.

Levi Reed: Yes, there we go. Ten silver

Vee Barlett: Think he did offer. Maybe ain't get the words right. Whatcha offer, Levi? Offer it again.

Falk Honig: 12

Levi Reed: Deal

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 120 CP on canoe rental from Falk

Falk Honig: Thank you

Falk Honig: Promise to bring it back?

Vee Barlett: Huh, not even tryin' to lower it by addin' a kiss, Levi?

Vee Barlett: You slackin'

Vee Barlett: Gonna do our best to bring it back, and if somethin' happens to it, I'll build ya a new one.

Vee Barlett: Got my own canoe elsewhere. I know they important.

Falk Honig: If you do run into the otters, please don't hurt them

Levi Reed: Vee will build you a new one AND I'll pay you another 12, how about that. We'll take good care of it, I promise

Vee Barlett: Gonna do my best not to, sir.

BOB But you now have two canoes to handle six people

BOB V V and Rothuss

BOB Temp Lirt and Levi in the other

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 6]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Boating [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 2]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 10]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 10]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Weather Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 19]

BOB So as you go down river that is what you see

BOB two canoes of three people each

BOB and

BOB in the water.....

Levi Reed: [INIT] [d10 = 2]

Temperance: [INIT] [d10 = 10]

Vee Barlett: [INIT] [d10 = 10]

Rothuss Carder: Shall I play them a romantic melody as we pass?

Lirtimya: [INIT] [d10 = 5]

Rothuss Carder: [INIT] [d10 = 8]

Rothuss Carder: Shall I play them a romantic melody as we pass?

Levi Reed: Yes please

Vee Barlett: It might distract them. If only we could summon a wall of water...

Rothuss Carder: pulls out his lute and strums gentle, calming refrains.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Vee Barlett: motions for Lirt that they'll move their canoes to the far right side of the river

Vee Barlett : [Translation] YO! CAN WE MOVE BY?

BOB No indication they understand you

Vee Barlett: frown


BOB They swim aggressively towards the canoes

Levi Reed: throws them some fish from the rations

Vee Barlett: Didja find that hold spell, Tempe?

Temperance: No holding spell, I'm afraid.

Vee Barlett: We'll have to parry and try to get past. Ain't wantin' to hurt them. They just territorial.

Vee Barlett: Any water spells? Confusion? Sleepin?

Temperance: I may have some barrier spells...

Rothuss Carder: strums calmingly.

Rothuss Carder: strums soothingly

Temperance: [INIT] [MOD:Speak With Animals] [d10+5 = 13]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 3 : [Translation] Get the hell away from us! You cannot have her, she is mine!

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] You wish! I will have her

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] Screw you I will have all of them!

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] Let the big one talk

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] So what are you trying to steal from us?

Temperance : [Translation] We merely wish to row past you. We're not here to harm or steal.

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] You think we are not worth fighting for a mate with?

Rothuss Carder: strums soothingly

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] We can sink that log you are on

Temperance : [Translation] We're not here to fight for a mate. There is a different place we wish to go to.

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] What is better than mating?

Temperance : [Translation] I hear that my companion is searching for the largest pearl in the world. It is supposed to be located in a cave. We are heading to see if the rumors are true.

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] Pearl? what is that?

Temperance : [Translation] It is worth a lot in our human society. I believe it is created within an oyster.

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] You are silly

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] What are those words?

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] Can it get more fish?

Temperance : [Translation] From your perspective, it might seem so. And yes, it is used as currency to get fish and other forms of sustenance if we use it.

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1 : [Translation] So we should get it before you


Temperance: It seems as though they believe the pearl will get them more fish, and they do not appreciate that we are trying to get to it.

Vee Barlett: You tell them we was gettin' the pearl? We just want to see it for our own good luck.

Vee Barlett: And here I thought they was matin'...

Temperance: It was a bit difficult to explain why we were heading to the caves, and that we weren't meaning them harm.

Temperance: I thought so as well...

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 4: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 7]

Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Levi Reed] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 7 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]

Vee Barlett: Tell 'em we're trying to get luck, too, and all of us together might mean more fish for them.

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 7: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 2]

Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Temperance] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 10 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS]

Vee Barlett: Or toss our rations to them. You try to bargin'?

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 7: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Violette Snipes] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 10 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 7: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (3d6=15)] [3d6 = 15]

[15] -> [to Violette Snipes] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 9] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 6: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 2]

Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Vee Barlett] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 6 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: -3 vs. 8 ] [AC: -3 ] [HIT]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (3d6=5)] [3d6 = 5]

[5] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [STATUS: Light]

BOB SO the otters swarm your canoes

BOB and attack

BOB only Violette gets hit

BOB They were swimming around and under your canoes

BOB Violette got slashed badly and is passed out in the canoe

Rothuss Carder: grabs Violette and binds her wounds.

BOB and yes to Levi, he spots out of the corner of his eye that ghostly shape

Vee Barlett: As long as ya knock them out, that's what matters. Dissuade them.

Levi Reed: Hello monkey friend!

Levi Reed: After we deal with these otters I'll give you some more food!

[TURN] Snow Man

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 5

Vee Barlett: Levi, yer hallucinatin' and even if ya weren't, these might BE his friends.

[TURN] Levi Reed

Levi Reed: If they're your friends, call them off, I don't want to hurt them!

BOB Levi is up first on the CT

Levi Reed: Martial Arts: Rabbit punch [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: [DAMAGE (M)] Punch Result:1 [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d0=1)] [d0 = 1]

Levi Reed: KNOCK OUT ROLL [TARGET:3] Knockout roll fail! [d100 = 55]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 4's health adjusted by -1

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 8

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 8 : [Translation] Prove you are worthy of me

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 6

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 6: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 19]

Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Vee Barlett] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 6 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 6: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (3d6=15)] [3d6 = 15]

[15] -> [to Vee Barlett] [STATUS: Moderate]

Temperance: They seem to think we're fighting them to seem worthy to them.

Levi Reed: Maybe we are?

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 8: Clawing over the canoe to get to Vee

Rothuss Carder: Boop it on the snoot?

Rothuss Carder: tying bandages around Violette.

[TURN] Vee Barlett

Levi Reed: I think we lied to Falk, guys

Levi Reed: We might be about to murder some otters

Rothuss Carder: No one told me it was *monster* otters!

Rothuss Carder: I'm thinking little cute slinky fuzzballs!

Vee Barlett: Rothuss, you paddle us back out of here, and I'll make sure they don't climb into our canoe. Got it?

Rothuss Carder: Paddling!

Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 6] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. 5 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]

Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20+2 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 8] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 5 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]

Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=8)] [d6+2 = 8]

[8] -> [to Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 6] [STATUS: Moderate]

[TURN] Lirtimya

Vee Barlett: Levi, Lirt, and Tempe, you do the same. One of ya paddle, the others fend of the otters.

Vee Barlett: Our guide down so ain't reason to keep goin' down river right now.

Lirtimya: will paddle back

Temperance: helps Lirtimiya with paddling

Lirtimya: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 9]

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 2

[TURN] Ghost Monkey

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 4

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 4: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Levi Reed] [Hit-AC: -3 vs. 7 ] [AC: -3 ] [HIT]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 4: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (3d6=7)] [3d6 = 7]

[7] -> [to Levi Reed] [STATUS: Light]

[TURN] Rothuss Carder

Rothuss Carder: paddle fast!

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 16]

BOB So just normal paddling backwards

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(15)] [d20 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Vee Barlett] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 6 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]

Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (3d6=7)] [3d6 = 7]

[7] -> [to Vee Barlett] [STATUS: Heavy]

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 7

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 3

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 1

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 5

[TURN] Temperance

Temperance: continues paddling like instructed

[TURN] Violette Snipes


[TURN] Levi Reed

BOB Is Levi paddling or attacking?

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(17)] [d20 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Shortbow) [at Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 7] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 5 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(17)] [d20 = 5]

Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Shortbow) [at Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 7] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. 5 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant 8

BOB If you are retreating back upstream they let you go

BOB So you go back up stream to your starting point

Vee Barlett: Well that was stupid. Maybe we do wait five days. Bastards.

Falk Honig: Back again huh?

Rothuss Carder: What the hell were those?

Falk Honig: Otters,

Falk Honig: Otters in heat

Lirtimya: You didn't tell us they were giants

Rothuss Carder: Bull!

Falk Honig: Told you

Vee Barlett: Those ain't river otters. They nutria or somethin' mutant.

Rothuss Carder: Those were monsters.

Lirtimya: Those aren't otters

Falk Honig: Laughs

Levi Reed: Worst 12 silver I ever spent

Rothuss Carder: Otters are only yeh long. *holds up hands a couple feet apart.

Levi Reed: And I've spent money on a lot of really stupid things

Falk Honig: Are they any different than your fish in the sea?

Lirtimya: Yes

Lirtimya: Yes they are

Vee Barlett: Lots of different types of fish.

Falk Honig: Laughs

Falk Honig: I am glad you are ok

Falk Honig: Violette looks bad, but she is breathing?

Levi Reed: I mean, she lives here, she should have been able to warn us

Vee Barlett: She alive, but she need rest.

Rothuss Carder: So I'm guessing you're either cruiel or stupid. You could have *easily* said at any point in our conversation that these things were 5' to 6' long monsters that'd happily tear off our faces.

Falk Honig: I bet she said it would be exciting

Vee Barlett: Why wouldn't it be?

Vee Barlett: Except no one told us those things are monsters.

Falk Honig: Nods, see that is what she is like,

Rothuss Carder: Instead it was just "don't disturb the cute widdle otters."

Falk Honig: I tried to say to let them be,

Levi Reed: Yeah, we might still have gone up there and done almost the exact same thing, but at least we would have been prepared

Vee Barlett: They're protectin' the pearl.

Vee Barlett: Not sure they'll be any better in five days.

Falk Honig: Nah

Rothuss Carder: You don't try to keep people from running into owlbears by warning them "don't disturb the birds"!

Falk Honig: At least I have no idea about any pearl

Falk Honig: so I doubt they do either

Vee Barlett: They live in the water so I'd think so, but they ain't speak it.

Falk Honig: Owlbears? no one is stupid enough to get near one of those

Rothuss Carder: NOT IF THEY KNOW THEY'RE THERE! Which we DIDN'T!

Levi Reed: Yeah,,, no one...

Rothuss Carder: Because you NEVER TOLD US!

Vee Barlett: Adventure is fun when it ain't high stakes. Ya only do high stakes when the thing at the end is WORTH IT.

Levi Reed: Definitely none of us here would knowingly wander into an owlbear den....

Vee Barlett: This? We can wait five days. Stupid fuckin' things.

Falk Honig: You think she is worth it?

Vee Barlett: Stop hearin' what you want to hear.

Falk Honig: Laughs

Falk Honig: when can I get my canoe back?

Vee Barlett: I think she worth it enough to not risk pushin' past them bastards.

Vee Barlett: We'll get it again in a few days. Feel free to take it back for now.

Vee Barlett: But fightin' monsters like that ain't worth just lookin' at a pearl.

Falk Honig: Yeah, I thought you were after that lost pirate treasure

Vee Barlett: Now if there be pirate treasure, that might be worth it. Whatcha hear?

Falk Honig: That airship that crashed last year

Vee Barlett: Ugh, those are stupid ships. Ships belong ON THE WATER.

Falk Honig: two groups went in search of it and never heard from again

Vee Barlett: Famous pirates?

Falk Honig: Looking for their fuel gems

Temperance: blinks at the unfamiliar term

Temperance: Fuel gems?

Falk Honig: Stupid I say, if they had gems why not use them

BOB None of you have any idea what the hell he is talking about

Vee Barlett: Sounds nice, I guess. But only if it worth somethin' or has good info.

Falk Honig: People all guess they had something from the King or some sort of valuable

Falk Honig: all pirates have valuables right?

Vee Barlett: 'Course or they ain't good pirates.

Levi Reed: Uhhh airship?

Vee Barlett: But a good one also ain't gonna crash their ship.

Levi Reed: Those are just legends

Falk Honig: Yeap

Falk Honig: That is why they are so hard to find

Vee Barlett: groans and rubs her face

Vee Barlett: Maybe tomorrow this'll be more excitin' gossip, but ain't makin' my greed bone tingle today.

Vee Barlett: Stupid fuckin' otters.

Vee Barlett: Violette's mom gonna kill me if she comes back tonight.

Falk Honig: You can stay here with her

Vee Barlett: You gonna charge?

Falk Honig: Nah, she will owe me

Falk Honig: Or her mom will hear

Falk Honig: Pretty thing like you? that is worth it

Vee Barlett: What?

Rothuss Carder: grins.

Falk Honig: Violette will want to keep you to herself

Vee Barlett: And you might exploit it.

Falk Honig: Never you worry about that

Vee Barlett: frows

Vee Barlett: Always gotta worry about that.

Falk Honig: She ain't interested in me

Vee Barlett: Nah, you too borin'

Falk Honig: Too safe

Falk Honig: But I have things to do

Vee Barlett: Well Levi still up for cuddles if yer bored.

Falk Honig: you bed down stay here

Vee Barlett: Fine. Thanks, I guess. Just don't you blackmail her bad enough I gotta shank you.

Falk Honig: You make her happy

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Falk Honig: I get to tease her

Vee Barlett: Hmm, sounds like my Dad.

Falk Honig: No clue who he is

Vee Barlett: Ain't say you'd know him, just that dads like to tease their kids about crushes.

Falk Honig: I have to get some things done

Vee Barlett: Alright, y'all. We ain't in a hurry goin' anywhere so get comfy.

Falk Honig: See you around nightfall

Vee Barlett: waves

BOB and the group is here at the river fork

BOB a few of you are wounded

Temperance: [CAST] Cure Light Wounds [at Violette Snipes]

Temperance: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 1]

Heal [1] -> [to Violette Snipes] [STATUS: Critical]

Violette Snipes's health adjusted by +1

Violette Snipes: Looks up blinkin

Violette Snipes: Looking around

Violette Snipes: reaching out

Vee Barlett: You alright, Violette?

Vee Barlett: holds out hand

Violette Snipes: GRABS at Vee

Violette Snipes: Deep Deep breath

Violette Snipes: That was....

Violette Snipes: strange

Vee Barlett: Yeah, near dyin' be like that.

Vee Barlett: sits down and carefully holds her

snuggles into Vee

Vee Barlett: Falk says we can rest here tonight so yer mom don't find out.

Violette Snipes: Good

Vee Barlett: But I ain't keen to go back down river tomorrow if them otters still bein' bitches.

Violette Snipes: I am tired

Vee Barlett: Rest. Ain't goin' nowhere tonight.

Violette Snipes: They caught us unawares

Violette Snipes: He never told us they were guarding

Violette Snipes: He said they were mating

Vee Barlett: He still don't believe they guardin'

Vee Barlett: But that be what Tempe says they doin' so what else be guardin?

Violette Snipes: Mates

Rothuss Carder: pulls his lute back out again, checks it for water damage, then starts playing a quiet background tune.

Violette Snipes: sparkly things

Violette Snipes: that is all I know they keep

Vee Barlett: You know anythin' about a pirate treasure?

Violette Snipes: That is a myth

Violette Snipes: 'a treasure ship crashed here years ago

Violette Snipes: no one ever found it

Vee Barlett: Famous pirates?

Violette Snipes: If you are famous you are not a good pirate I thought?

Lirtimya: That's assasins, pirates don't mind the spotlight usually

Vee Barlett: opens her mouth to say something then closes it

Vee Barlett: It... depends.

Vee Barlett: Anyways, tryin' to see if it worth goin' that way.

Violette Snipes: If we want to get down to the big lake

Vee Barlett: I'm just... tired. Hate the unexpected THAT quick, ya know?

Violette Snipes: but if you think there is pirate treasure

Vee Barlett: The big lake?

Violette Snipes: What do you think it could be?

Vee Barlett: Nah, I don't know. Only know Falk said it.

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Violette Snipes: He must be jealous that we might find it first

Violette Snipes: maybe there is something to it

Vee Barlett: Thinkin' he jealous of me, but maybe.

Violette Snipes: There is a lake here on the river a bit farther down stream

Violette Snipes: then you can see the big lake down at the bottom of the mountain

Vee Barlett: I mean, I got reasons to maybe be interested but rumors and gossip aren't my usual reason to go after things. I like at least somethin' a little more concrete

Violette Snipes: that leads all the way to the sea

Violette Snipes: The big city I heard

Vee Barlett: He said somethin' about airships.

Vee Barlett: Well it's a quicker way out of here at least.

Vee Barlett: I hate goin' through the jungle.

Rothuss Carder: Maybe we can carry the canoes around the beasts?

Violette Snipes: I don't know about airships

Rothuss Carder: What's it called? Portaging?

Violette Snipes: I would love to see one

Violette Snipes: but I hear they are rare

Vee Barlett: Ships belong on the water.

Levi Reed: Airships aren't real

Vee Barlett: But maybe we gotta go by land for some of it, Roth. Might be right.

Vee Barlett: Or realize they gonna attack us so we can't negotiate.

Vee Barlett: Wish Melange didn't have the bug. We need more slicin'

Violette Snipes: Will you take me with you?

Vee Barlett: Where?

Violette Snipes: Where you are going

Vee Barlett: Thought we was goin' to see the pearl together. You jumpin' beyond that?

Violette Snipes: I wanted to take you down to the river and show you simple things like pearls

Violette Snipes: You want to go do big things

Vee Barlett: I like simple things, 'specially when it actually is simple.

Violette Snipes: Well I am not simple

Vee Barlett: But yeah, you can tag along whenever we leave these mountains.

Vee Barlett: Ain't said no to any yet. Well, except Beth. I ain't a fan of her taggin' along more than necessary.

Vee Barlett: But yer gonna have to be able to defend yerself.

Violette Snipes: Who is Beth?

Vee Barlett: Some small town pickpocket from one of them islands. She had a thing for Melange.

Violette Snipes: The one with the bug?

Vee Barlett: Yar.

Violette Snipes: Not sure what anyone would see in him

Vee Barlett: Ain't pretty when he sick, but he got some nice muscle on him.

Vee Barlett: Levi his boo now.

Levi Reed: Wow, ouch

Levi Reed: I mean, I'm not sure what anyone would see in you either, Violette, but here we are

Vee Barlett: Rude. I'm right here.

Violette Snipes: Vee likes it a lot

Levi Reed: So am I!!!!

Vee Barlett: Yeah, but you're you and I'm me.

Violette Snipes: But I am not interested in you Levi

Levi Reed: And I'm not interested in you

Violette Snipes: Good

Rothuss Carder: picks up the stumming pace a little bit with the rising voices.

Temperance: looks confused at the back and forth of conversation, shrugs her shoulders and focuses on casting Orison

Vee Barlett: Anyways, we ain't gotta talk about it now 'cause yer healin' but if ya kept taggin' along, Violette, how ya gonna keep yerself safe?

Rothuss Carder: wanders around while playing the lute, covertly exploring the area around Falk's house. Doors, windows, tools, just getting a good view of them as he plays.