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Chat Log List - 2024 05 17 - Bear Went Over the Mountain - Formatted - Story

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 17]

Vee Barlett: Well that's definitely a shipwreck.

Temperance: [SKILL] Bureaucracy (2) [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 2]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Shipwright [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 5]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Vee Barlett: tries to get ideas how it wrecked and/or ship type or anything like that

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Spelunking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 7) [FAILURE by 10] [d20 = 17]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Sage Knowledge, Island Kingdoms [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 6]

Temperance: [SKILL] Reading-Writing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Temperance: squinting to see if she can notice anything

Temperance: or read any letters that may or may not be on there

BOB You see that there is a section of the wreck that there is a portion above the water line and more below

BOB Vee can tell that A - this was a normal ship (her hopeful thought of a sky ship is dashed) and B - it has been picked over a bit but it seems like the below water line might still be untouched for the most part and C - there are no bodies of any sort or bones around at all

BOB No markings visible

BOB almost 6 PM

Vee Barlett: Alright y'all. Just a normal ship, but everthin' above been picked cleaned. It gettin' late so we campin' here?

Vee Barlett: Unless y'all wanna swim when it gets dark but Levi ain't good at it durin' the light so ain't sure that's smart.

Temperance: The sky looks to be getting darker, I suppose camping would be wiser.

Vee Barlett: Here or y'all wanna go back to the shore with giants? I'm good with here, but gonna wanna be on watch for selkies.

Levi Reed: I'm fine at swimming when I'm not distracted by ghost monkeys

Vee Barlett: You mean when ya ain't hit yer head. So ain't happenin'

Temperance: chuckles at the back and forth.

Vee Barlett: Violette. Which safest to camp? Out on the lake or we row back to shore?

Temperance: I don't mind camping here, witnessing the giant was... a bit terrifying.

Violette Snipes: Did you bring a tent?

Violette Snipes: It would be camping here on the rocks,

Vee Barlett: Pack mule got one.

Vee Barlett: We can grab that and use it.

Violette Snipes: You are good to cuddle with but you are not soft enough for that

Violette Snipes: So swim back to shore to get things?

Vee Barlett: laughs

Vee Barlett: Nah, I meant Roth.

Vee Barlett: thumbs where Rothuss is

Vee Barlett: Oh hold on...

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Hello? Anyone here?

BOB and No answer to Vee's call out

Levi Reed: Rocks seems safe enough

Vee Barlett: Ya, just might need to make sure we might gotta rope up or something. If somethin' out here can charm, we gotta know before they get charmed.

Vee Barlett: Well I'm gonna lay down closer to the middle of the rock, y'all. If anyone gets charmed, at least they'll have a bit more walkin' to do before they get to water.

Vee Barlett: And I'm gonna wear earplugs so kick me if y'all need me, mkay?

Rothuss Carder: Any time, Cap'n.

Temperance: I'll leave it to Rothuss.

Vee Barlett: No. Not anytime. Only if ya need help.

Rothuss Carder: Mm-hmm, yep, got it.

Vee Barlett: Just know we might got selkies, sirens, mermaids, and who else knows what out here.

Temperance: shuffles around for beeswax in her bag.

Vee Barlett: They might be tryin' to charm ya to drown so make sure yer prepared to protect yerself on watch.

Rothuss Carder: Are they always hostile, or can they be friendly?

Levi Reed: Yeah, you know me, once I'm asleep it's not easy to wake me, so... good luck

Vee Barlett: They can certainly be friendly, but they might still charm ya even if friendly.

Temperance: I don't have a needle to prick my thumb, so this would have to do.

Temperance: holds her dagger.

Vee Barlett: moves to middle of rock

Rothuss Carder: looks for a place nearby with a good view of the area.

Temperance: moves a bit away from the water's edge

Vee Barlett: puts in earplug wax, lays next to Violette, cuddles, and attempts to go to sleep.

Violette Snipes: warm happy sigh that Vee cannot hear

Rothuss Carder: pulls out his lute and keeps it handy in case of musical emergency.

Temperance: Rothuss, if I cast this spell, I won't be able to hear you until the spell is finished.

Rothuss Carder: Hah. Don't ever teach that spell to Vee.

Temperance: chuckles lightly.

Temperance: You know I won't be able to refuse her. Especially if she threatens to shank.

Temperance: She's a fearsome thing to behold when she's riled up.

Rothuss Carder: shrugs noncommitally.

Rothuss Carder: I don't let it bother me. Have you tried not caring?

Temperance: About being alive?

Rothuss Carder: About being threatened.

Temperance: Well... I suppose I used to not care as much. But adventuring is getting to be quite interesting. Makes me care a bit more.

Temperance: winces as she takes the blade to her thumb to slice a tiny cut.

Rothuss Carder: It sure beats sitting in one place. Enough to so to make it worth putting up with the threats.

Rothuss Carder: Rothuss is going to keep his lute ready. At the first sign of music or singing he's going to use Counter Effects to try and block it.

Temperance: I suppose that's true. I haven't had a lot of opportunities to venture far before now. It's quite fun once you get used to it. I suppose threats are something I'll get used to with time.

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, I'm guessing you're going to get to the social rank of being the one to give threats, not receive them.

Rothuss Carder: smiles and winks.

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: I don't particularly care about social ranks and all, but we'll see what future brings. I wasn't the most approachable before.

Temperance: puts the beeswax in her ears and prepares to cast.

Rothuss Carder: You've still got the shell with you, but I think you're coming out of it quite nicely.

Temperance: furrows her eyebrows and takes out the beeswax.

Temperance: Sorry, what was that?

Rothuss Carder: shakes his head and waves 'nevermind' to her. He smiles at her and then starts looking around.

Temperance: shrugs and puts the piece of beeswax back in her ears.

Temperance: [CAST] Hear Heartbeat

Rothuss Carder: starts walking a guard path.

Temperance: walks at a slower pace.

Temperance: glances around her surroundings from time to time.

The time is 7:33 PM

Rothuss Carder: wonders what lives in the depths out there.

BOB Temperance walks and listens

BOB and the only interesting thing she hears is Vee's heart beating faster when Violette snuggles in closer and tighter

BOB and a halfhour later Temperance is still walking but not hearing anything

Temperance: takes the beeswax out of her ears.

Temperance: Nothing I could hear thus far, at least.

Rothuss Carder: circles back around to her side.

Rothuss Carder: That's a good thing, right?

Temperance: I hope so. It means there aren't any creatures within the area or... they're too deep within the waves.

Temperance: So far, rather peaceful.

Rothuss Carder: Well, let's hope they stay there.

Rothuss Carder: nods.

Rothuss Carder: The moonlight reflecting off the water is nice.

Temperance: I agree with that sentiment. It's been a while since we've had the leisure for enjoying scenery. Everything moves quite fast around here.

Rothuss Carder: Try listening to the waves on the beach. They're not big, but it's really pretty soothing.

Temperance: It's quite nice, the way they wash over the shore and roll back again. I'd have to be careful to make sure I don't fall asleep to them.

Rothuss Carder: You can when Levi gets up.

Temperance: glances around from time to time as she walks.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: Will Levi ever get up, is the question?

Temperance: He's a tricky one to wake.

Rothuss Carder: He will if we kick him.

-> Temperance: Temp spots something maybe a light or something in the wreck

Temperance: stops and squints in the direction of the wreck.

Rothuss Carder: stops with her.

Temperance: I think I'm seeing... a bit of light within the wreck.

Temperance: Over there, do you see it?

Temperance: points in the general direction.

Rothuss Carder: peers in that direction.

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 8]

-> Rothuss Carder: Roth does not see anything

Rothuss Carder: No... is it still there?

Temperance: squints in that direction again.

-> Temperance: Temp does not see anything now

Rothuss Carder: listens to make sure he doesn't hear any music.

Temperance: I... no, I don't see it anymore.

Temperance: shakes her head.

Temperance: Perhaps it was just my imagination.

Rothuss Carder: You okay?

Rothuss Carder: moves a step closer, just in case.

Temperance: Just trying to clear my head, is all. We have enough people seeing strange things these days.

Temperance: grins lightly.

wyjyoon (Temperance): Nope : )

Rothuss Carder: Heh. You think maybe it was Levi's monkey?

Temperance: If it is, I certainly am glad Levi's not awake to go after it.

Temperance: laughs lightly at the thought.

Rothuss Carder: No kidding. You want me to go take a look?

Temperance: I'll come with you. Perhaps I'll see it again if I look closer. Better two set of eyes.

Rothuss Carder: Okay. Watch your step over here. And we'll go slow, just in case the monkey's mean.

Rothuss Carder: Stay a bit behind me. If it comes down to it, you can heal me, but I can't heal you.

Temperance: Yes, I understand. Let me know if you need any help.

Rothuss Carder: Where on the ship did you see it?

Temperance: I'm... not too sure. We were quite far away when I spotted it. It might've just been a trick of the light.

Rothuss Carder: Hmm.. okay, you wait here, I'm going to go left then right, just to get different angles on it. You watch in case I miss something.

BOB Temp and Roth both stare intently at the wreck but you cannot spot any visible lights now

Temperance: Alright. Be careful!

Temperance: continues to keep her eyes on Rothuss while glancing around to keep up with her surroundings, in case of any surprises.

Rothuss Carder: covering ground, keeping his eyes and ears open, just in case

The time is 8:13 PM

Rothuss Carder: if he sees and hears nothing, he'll head back to Temperance

Temperance: gets a better hold on her dagger.

BOB after time neither of you find anything

Temperance: I don't see much over here. Maybe I was just tired and I really imagined it.

Rothuss Carder: shrugs.

Rothuss Carder: Always possible. We should get back, though.

Temperance: nods in agreement.

Temperance: Yes, it wouldn't do to stay so close to the water, what with all that talk of sirens and selkies and such.

Rothuss Carder: I've been keeping an ear out for that. Tell me if you hear something. I've heard stories about how to fight that.

Rothuss Carder: quietly fingers a few strings on his lute.

Temperance: I'll see what I can do. I haven't ever encountered them before, but I've heard that they've got irresistible voices.

Rothuss Carder: Supposedly, if you play or sing the right counterpoint you can interrupt it.

Temperance: Ah, is that so? Interesting! Countering melody with melody...

Temperance: shuffles for her notebook to jot the notes down.

Levi Reed: No but it's like an urban legend...

Rothuss Carder: Sounds like Levi might be waking up on his own already.

Temperance: chuckles lightly.

Temperance: That's a first. Perhaps a mythical creature is on his radar.

The time is 8:53 PM

Rothuss Carder: He's just afraid of how I'm going to wake him.

Temperance: muffles a laugh in order to not wake the others.

Temperance: I'm sure it's terrifying.

Rothuss Carder: Wellllll... I don't know about 'terrifying'...

Temperance: I don't know, musical cacophony sounds like auditory terror.

Rothuss Carder: I prefer 'non-traditional'

Temperance: muffles a chuckle again.

Temperance: Non-traditional. I see.

BOB But yes for the most part the two of you are uncomfortable but do not spot anything

The time is 9:53 PM

BOB Time to kick some Levi

Temperance: prepares to witness the 'nontraditional way' of waking someone up

Rothuss Carder: crouches behind Levi's sleeping form and pulls out his goat horn. He places the mouth of it up against the back of Levi's head and carefully blows a very quiet and low note so it vibrates throughout his entire skull.

Levi Reed: I hate you.

Levi Reed: Go away

Rothuss Carder: I know.

Rothuss Carder: C'mon buddy. Time to spend a few hours telling me how much you hate me.

Temperance: slow claps softly, pressing her lips together to muffle her laughter.

Levi Reed: Uggggh, wait, I'm stuck with you?

Rothuss Carder: bows.

Levi Reed: I hope you have a good story man. I haven't had a good night's sleep in forever, I'm struggling to care enough to stay awake

Temperance: coughs a bit to muffle her laughter again before heading in Violette's direction.

Temperance: [CAST] Cure Light Wounds [at Violette Snipes]

Temperance: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 1]

Heal [1] -> [to Violette Snipes] [STATUS: Moderate]

Temperance: [CAST] Cure Light Wounds [at Violette Snipes]

Temperance: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 6]

Heal [2] -> [to Violette Snipes] [STATUS: Healthy]

Rothuss Carder: Sure. We think your monkey's over on that ship. Keep your eyes peeled, let me know if you spot it.

Levi Reed: What, really?

Rothuss Carder: shrugs.

Rothuss Carder: Maybe.

Rothuss Carder: Get back here!

Levi Reed: But the monkey

Rothuss Carder: I'm supposed to be the reckless one

Rothuss Carder: And even I know better than to go crawling over a shipwreck in the dark.

Levi Reed: It's a GHOST MONKEY man

Rothuss Carder: But you're NOT

Levi Reed: Not yet

Rothuss Carder: Keep it up.

Levi Reed: Maybe he's here to offer me friendship... ETERNALLY

Rothuss Carder: You really want to be stuck as a ghost? Just for a monkey?

Rothuss Carder: What about Mel?

Levi Reed: He'll get over it

Levi Reed: We're young

Rothuss Carder: Wow. I can see you care a lot for him.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 17]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: I do, but we're young! You can't expect this to last forever

Rothuss Carder: You can at least try.

Temperance: sighs and shakes her head.

Temperance: Don't do anything too overboard, you two!

Rothuss Carder: I didn't get into this gig to do babysitting.

Levi Reed: mumbles something about a wet blanket

Temperance: rubs her eyes and settles down to sleep.

Rothuss Carder: Oh, you did NOT just call me that.

Levi Reed: What did you get in it for?

Levi Reed: I wasn't talking about YOU

Rothuss Carder: Uh-huh

Rothuss Carder: Pull the other one

Levi Reed: waves vaguely toward Temperance

Rothuss Carder: looks skeptical, but lets it drop

Levi Reed: She reminds me of my mom but like... more boring

Temperance: furrows her brows but falls asleep.

Rothuss Carder: I think she'd be a pretty good mom, myself.

Levi Reed: Probably

Levi Reed: I already got one of those though

Levi Reed: Don't need another

Levi Reed: So what DID you get into this gig for?

Rothuss Carder: Good on ya.

Levi Reed: Don't dodge the question

Rothuss Carder: Fun. Excitement. Curiosity.

Rothuss Carder: "Not boring"

Levi Reed: See!

Levi Reed: And she's over here like "ooooh don't go overboard kiddos"

Levi Reed: is very grumpy

Rothuss Carder: Uh huh. Don't let other people bother you, I always say.

Levi Reed: Nothing seems to bother you

Levi Reed: Except when you thought I called you a wet blanket

Rothuss Carder: Hey, it's easy to not care, but some insults are just too personal to take.

Levi Reed: That's not contradictory at all

Rothuss Carder: Anyways, let me know if you hear any music or singing. If it's magic trying to charm you, I might be able to break it.

Rothuss Carder: looks smug at not being contradictory.

Levi Reed: All I hear is you

Rothuss Carder: Yep, until I'm sure you're not going to do anything really dumb. I told you because I thought you would want to know. But if I have to start keeping secrets from you....

Rothuss Carder: about the light, that is

Levi Reed: I think the monkey likes Mel better anyway

Levi Reed: pouts a little

Rothuss Carder: shrugs.

Rothuss Carder: Who knows what's in the heart of a ghost monkey?

Levi Reed: Well if anyone would let me make friends with it, maybe we could find out!

Levi Reed: Everyone here is all about fun and danger until it's ME trying it

Levi Reed: Well, except Tempe

Rothuss Carder: Hmm.. out of curiosity... has the monkey ever shown up when the situation *wasn't* dangerous somehow?

Levi Reed: When has our situation ever not been dangerous?

Rothuss Carder: is still walking the circuit around the sleeping party members with Levi, keeping a watch out, his lute at hand.

Levi Reed: We've been in a pickle ever since we met Jericho

Rothuss Carder: Well, I think there was that quiet 5 minutes the other day...

Levi Reed: Must have been a dream

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 16]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 7]

-> Rothuss Carder: Roth hears a lute playing

-> Levi Reed: Levi hears a lute playing from across the lake

Rothuss Carder: strums a discordant note

Rothuss Carder: hold up, Levi....

Levi Reed: Wait, shhhh

Levi Reed: I hear something

Rothuss Carder: Counter Effects

Levi Reed: A lute maybe? Does Ratbone have a lute?

Levi Reed: You think she's over there?

Rothuss Carder: Yep. And probably Nope.

Levi Reed: You hear it?

Levi Reed: starts VERY SLOWLY walking in the direction of the sound

Rothuss Carder: nods, trying to identify direction of the music. He keeps hitting strange notes on the lute, and humming an unknown song to himself.

Rothuss Carder: Stop, Levi.

BOB One more check for Levi

Levi Reed: You stop!

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 9]

Levi Reed: They can probably hear you

-> Levi Reed: Levi can tell it is coming from the area of the giant camp, and also that Roth is being annoying with trying to break up the music and spoiling their song

Levi Reed: Dude, it's coming from the giant area

Levi Reed: You gotta quit before they come over here to check on us

Levi Reed: is no longer walking

Levi Reed: I will break all your instruments if you don't stop

Rothuss Carder: listens to the music, still playing his own discordant notes (although hopefully not loudly enough to carry across the lake).

Levi Reed: I have no interest in meeting giants in the middle of the night

Levi Reed: Daylight, sure, I'll take the chance

Levi Reed: But not in the middle of the damn night

Levi Reed: heads closer to Rothuss

Rothuss Carder: Shh!

Rothuss Carder: holds up a hand, listening

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 17]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]

BOB Levi is certain that the music is coming from across the lake where the giant camp is, and the broken melody is from Roth

Levi Reed: gently puts a hand on Rothuss arm

Levi Reed: Ok but for real. Stop

Levi Reed: If they hear you, we're toast

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, yeah, I'm listening. Problem is if it's the sirens, you pause to take a breath and they've got you. But I don't think they play lutes.

Levi Reed: Nah, they sing

Rothuss Carder: And I'm not playing *that* loud, I promise. If they can hear me all the way over there over the sound of their own players, they already know we're here.

Levi Reed: And they aren't likely to get me anyway. Not my type

Levi Reed: Yeah but we don't have to advertise it

Levi Reed: I don't want to be on the daily specials

Rothuss Carder: Magic charm is all about making you do things you don't want to, duh.

Rothuss Carder: Can you see anything over there?

Levi Reed: Nah, too far and too dark

The time is 12:33 AM

The date is Mid____se, 25th Ze (Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Morning Crescent

Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

Rothuss Carder: Good. Then they won't be able to see me when I play my drum solo.

Levi Reed: rolls eyes

Levi Reed: Is this watch over yet?

Levi Reed: Not that I'm not enjoying your company...

Levi Reed: ...

Rothuss Carder: Any time you want to wake Vee go for it.

Rothuss Carder: grins.

Levi Reed: Why me?

Levi Reed: I did it last time and I still have bruises

Rothuss Carder: I woke you. It's your turn.

Levi Reed: So did you find your fun and excitement you were hoping for?

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, I think I have. At least it's not boring yet. What about you? What're you after?

Levi Reed: I don't know. I started out interested in that chupacabra. Now I'm after a ghost monkey

Rothuss Carder: chuckles.

Levi Reed: Not where I thought my life was going

Levi Reed: I just wanted free drinks

Rothuss Carder: I'll buy you a round at the next tavern.

Levi Reed: I just wanted to spend my life sitting around the tavern away from my family, slowly drinking myself to death

Rothuss Carder: Ahh... I've met too many like that. I may have to rescind my offer...

Levi Reed: Well obviously that changed, or I wouldn't still be here

Levi Reed: But I don't know what I want anymore

Rothuss Carder: So enjoy what you got where you are until you find what you want.

Levi Reed: Hell, a week ago I was ready to take the kid and be a dad

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, that was a bit weird. Noble, maybe, but still weird.

Rothuss Carder: grins.

Levi Reed: You'd just let some random monster take some kid and do whatever it wants with it?

Rothuss Carder: You were just assuming the monsterhood. We didn't have any evidence either way.

Levi Reed: I wasn't assuming, I was preparing for the worst and hoping for the best

Rothuss Carder: Sure. I don't have a lot of love for the church either.

Levi Reed: If it was that Mizzen church, I wouldn't have been too worried

Levi Reed: They're pretty relaxed, don't seem to do much sacrificing or anything

Levi Reed: But hidden up here in the mountains? Who knows

Rothuss Carder: Always possible. I ain't judging you, buddy. Just saying it was weird.

Rothuss Carder: Remember, weird is usually 'not boring'

Levi Reed: Oh for sure it was weird

Levi Reed: I was not happy about it

Levi Reed: But like... when the time comes, I still gotta face my own god, and I'm not facing him with that on my conscience

Rothuss Carder: Sounds like a plan.

Levi Reed: Who's your god?

Rothuss Carder: My whole beef with both the church and whathisname up there is they are so *damn* proud of all the secrets they know that they refuse to give straight answers to simple questions.

Levi Reed: Oh man, that gets my goat too

Levi Reed: No offense

Levi Reed: Or was it sheep

Rothuss Carder: You can have my goat too

Rothuss Carder: Goats. Just remember, the only thing dumber than a goat is the people who raise 'em.

Levi Reed: If they're so dumb, why can't you show your face there yet?

Rothuss Carder: sniffs.

Rothuss Carder: They blame me for their stupidicty.

Rothuss Carder: You know... a scape goat.

Levi Reed: groans

Levi Reed: If I remember correctly, didn't you purposely decieve them?

Rothuss Carder: It's called a prank. And it was totally harmless. ... almost.

Rothuss Carder: Would have been if they didn't get greedy.

Levi Reed: Ok, maybe I need the whole story

Levi Reed: I thought you were just messing with them for fun

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, that's what a prank is.

Rothuss Carder: I mean, it's just *so* stupid...

Levi Reed: So what's greed got to do with it?

Rothuss Carder: sighs

Rothuss Carder: Fine... what do you know about herding goats?

Rothuss Carder: kicks a rock.

Levi Reed: Uhhhh...

Levi Reed: You like... uhhh

Rothuss Carder: How do you know which goat belongs to who?

Levi Reed: collars?

Rothuss Carder: collars can be moved or come off.

Rothuss Carder: and mats the coat underneath.

Levi Reed: That's why you got someone out in the field watching em, yeah?

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, so how we do it is marks painted on their coats.

Rothuss Carder: Grundy's goats have Grundy's mark on 'em. Hyford's got a different mark.

Levi Reed: ok

Rothuss Carder: So.. for fun, what happens if a couple people color over all those marks one night?

Levi Reed: Those people get chased out of town, from what I've heard

Rothuss Carder: What *should* have happened was that people get confused for a while, realize they all know their own goats by sight *anyways* and figure it all out what belongs to who.

Rothuss Carder: What *actually* happens is they all start claiming they owned the most valuable goats.

Levi Reed: Wait wait wait. How are you supposed to tell one goat from another? Like, I know SOME of them have different colors but...

Rothuss Carder: You tell 'em apart same as you do a person.

Rothuss Carder: Once you get used to it, they all look completely different.

Levi Reed: There's a lot of people I can't tell apart, man

Rothuss Carder: Hell, most of them answer to their names.

Levi Reed: They name their food up in your town?

Rothuss Carder: Maybe we should mark your hair.

Rothuss Carder: Just so we can keep an eye on you.

Levi Reed: Not the worst idea I've ever heard

Rothuss Carder: Is it daytime yet?

Levi Reed: Yeah, same

Levi Reed: I mean

Levi Reed: This is delightful, I hope it continues for hours more

BOB It is time for third watch

The time is 2:13 AM

Levi Reed: Hey, sweetcheeks, time to get up!

Rothuss Carder: Alright, you wake up Vee. See you in the morning, buddy.

Levi Reed: gently kicks Vee

Vee Barlett: opens an eye and glares out of it

Vee Barlett: What?

Levi Reed: Your watch

Vee Barlett: What??

Vee Barlett: removes wax from an ear

Levi Reed: prepares to kick harder


Rothuss Carder: finds himself a clear spot on the ground and rolls up under his blanket after shaking it out.

Vee Barlett: Oh, got it. Man forgot how good earplugs work.

Vee Barlett: I should wear them around ya more often.

Vee Barlett: yawns and stretches

Levi Reed: Some giants are playing some music across the lake there. Other than that, nothing happening

Vee Barlett: Good. Hope it stays that way.

Vee Barlett: And you two didn't kill each other, yeah?

Levi Reed: Pretty sure Rothuss was purposly trying to annoy them by playing a song to interrupt their song, but so far no giants coming to check on us

Levi Reed: Not yet

Vee Barlett: Might be they can't swim or somethin' would eat 'em if they tried

Vee Barlett: Good. I wanna watch when one of ya snaps.

Vee Barlett: Now go to sleep so I can wake Violette without ya gettin' on me about it.

Levi Reed: Gross

Vee Barlett: grins

Levi Reed: goes to sleep

Vee Barlett: kisses Violette awake

Violette Snipes: Hmmmm

Vee Barlett: Up and at 'em

Violette Snipes: Let's stay in bed

Vee Barlett: Much as I like cuddlin' it ain't good to do when on adventures.

Vee Barlett: Gotta be more business-like.

Violette Snipes: We can make it an adventure

Vee Barlett: laughs

Vee Barlett: Nah, I get in ship mode. Hard to convince me.

Violette Snipes: Hmmmm

Vee Barlett: lightly disintangles herself and stands up

Violette Snipes: So firm

Vee Barlett: You gonna get cold.

Violette Snipes: laughs lightly

Violette Snipes: stands up

Vee Barlett: We survive then there'll be cuddles later.

Violette Snipes: Yawns

Violette Snipes: good

Vee Barlett: You sleep well then?

Violette Snipes: Nice and warm cuddly

Vee Barlett: Levi says some giants playin' music but I ain't hear anything when I was sleepin'

Violette Snipes: I did not hear anything to wake me up

Vee Barlett: Might be a quiet part of the lake.

Violette Snipes: If the giants are from the water? or the jungle?

Vee Barlett: Thinkin' he means that jungle camp we saw.

Violette Snipes: This is one of the busier parts, people coming down from the top of the bowl, down towards the river and waterfalls heading down to the sea

Violette Snipes: We are close to the first drop

Vee Barlett: First drop?

Violette Snipes: Where the lake squeezes in to the river

Violette Snipes: there are rapids and locks

Vee Barlett: Ah gotcha. Do ships pass through here at night?

Violette Snipes: well sort of locks

Violette Snipes: It would be dangerous

Vee Barlett: Shiplock? Them fun to see. Kinda ingenius.

Violette Snipes: It is a group of people who put up a moveable wall, help the water build up then pull it back and let the ship go

Vee Barlett: I like sailin' through the night on the sea. It's very tranquil usually.

Vee Barlett: Yeah! Those locks! They cool to watch.

Violette Snipes: I have never been on the sea

Violette Snipes: the lake seems big enough

Vee Barlett: Nah, I can see the edges.

Vee Barlett: Ocean has an endless horizon. Endless potential.

BOB It is miles across, and many more long so it is a big lake

Vee Barlett: So whatcha wanna do with yer life anyways, Violette? Got any goals or plans or somethin'?

Violette Snipes: Ma needs help

Violette Snipes: The Church always seemed like a safe choice

Violette Snipes: Nothing exciting happens here

Violette Snipes: But that is a good thing from hearing stories about exciting things

Vee Barlett: Yeah, ya told me yer mom needs help. Ain't nothin' wrong with helping yer parents, but it's nice when you WANT to help 'em 'cause it aligns with what you like too, ya know?

Violette Snipes: I don't know, we are having fun, but then you will leave so I can't really get too carried away, I have to think about what I need to do for family

Violette Snipes: You said you do things for your dads

Vee Barlett: nods

Vee Barlett: Yeah, it aligns with what I like doin', yeah?

Vee Barlett: And as long as yer havin' fun now that's what matters.

Violette Snipes: Warm smile at Vee

Vee Barlett: I just like hearin' about peoples dreams and stuff, ya know?

Vee Barlett: What they wanna do with their life and stuff.

Vee Barlett: Even if they can't do it

Vee Barlett: How long yer family livin' up these parts?

Violette Snipes: I guess my mom has been here all her life

Violette Snipes: My dad was from the other side of the mountain so he never really fit in

Violette Snipes: but my mom was always here

Vee Barlett: You ever been to the other side before?

Violette Snipes: Just up to the Orphanage

Violette Snipes: Never down the other side far

Vee Barlett: I wonder what it's like on that side. I ain't got interest in it, still too far from the sea, but slight curiosity, I guess.

Vee Barlett: You know anything about the Snow Guy?

BOB That is the side you are from, you are on the other side of the mountain now in The Bowl, the opposite of your side and the sea

Vee Barlett: Oh wait, you mean my side of the mountain?

Vee Barlett: yawns

Violette Snipes: I have heard Mr Snow is very protective

Vee Barlett: Sorry I'm still a bit sleepy.

Vee Barlett: He seems like a jerk. I ain't a huge fan of his wife, neither. A little stuck up.

Violette Snipes: The kids have always seemed taken care of

Violette Snipes: they come through and down the river to the lake once in a while when they travel down to the sea

Violette Snipes: Those are the kids the Church does not keep I guess

Vee Barlett: Ms Mirny seemed to have good memories of her time there so guess that's good for them. But I ain't got any desire to stay near there.

Vee Barlett: The kids do?

Vee Barlett: Maybe they goin' to the Cathedral.

Violette Snipes: They have people with them

Violette Snipes: Maybe? they go, I do not notice any of them coming back

Vee Barlett: Huh. I doubt he'd do slave tradin' but wonder what the purpose of their journey is?

Violette Snipes: My mother always said if you were good he would send you to the church, if you were bad he would send you down the river

Violette Snipes: But I don't know if it is bad down river

Vee Barlett: Hmm, my curiosity is a bit piqued.

Vee Barlett: Dependin' where they land, I suppose.

Vee Barlett: Parts of the city can be rough if they ain't go nowhere to go.

Vee Barlett: I imagine if they did end up at the Cathedral... they strict. I ain't a fan of them, neither.

Violette Snipes: It must be ok though, there can't be too many people after all

Vee Barlett: tilts head

Vee Barlett: Too many people in the city or goin' down river?

Violette Snipes: In the city,

Violette Snipes: I hear there are pretty castles

Violette Snipes: but that does not take a lot of people

Vee Barlett: LOTS of people in the city. It's one of my favorite places. Ya can get lost in a crowd easily.

Violette Snipes: How could there be lots of people? how do they fish? or find food in the forest?

Vee Barlett: Oh, ain't no forest there. Lots of docks, but most of them go out to sea to fish and bring it back in. Or import stuff from other cities and such. Or bring fruits from the orchards back to the city from up river.

Violette Snipes: That just seems so strenge

Violette Snipes: I trade some knitting for some bacon

Violette Snipes: but how much more could someone do?

Violette Snipes: I guess it is complicated

Vee Barlett: nods

Vee Barlett: A whole 'nother world for sure.

Violette Snipes: I wonder if I will see it

Vee Barlett: Guessin' it depends whatcha decide to do when I gotta head out.

Violette Snipes: I hope we get to dive down and see if the pearl is still there

Violette Snipes: warm smiles and gives her hand a quick squeeze

Vee Barlett: But if ya ever decide later, ya gotta tell me. I know the city well and can make sure ya don't get lost.

Vee Barlett: kisses her cheek

Violette Snipes: giggles

Vee Barlett: Once it gets light out, we'll look at the ship.

Violette Snipes: I know we need to be quick but I hope we can find some urchins for you

Vee Barlett: Wish I could see better in the dark.

Vee Barlett: Ya! They damn good food.

Vee Barlett: Gotta show Rothuss it ain't a kid.

Violette Snipes: They are good for eating and if we are lucky they might have a pearl inside too

Violette Snipes: Or ink

Vee Barlett: Huh?

Violette Snipes: Lirtimya might like that

Violette Snipes: some urchins have little pearls in side

Violette Snipes: others have little ink sacks

Vee Barlett: We talkin' about the same thing?

Violette Snipes: the different ones seem to collect different things

Violette Snipes: small little things with tentacles?

Violette Snipes: moving around like flowers?

Vee Barlett: Nah, them octopuses.

Vee Barlett: OR starfish? Huh...

Violette Snipes: I heard those were in the sea?

Vee Barlett: Sea urchins I know are spiky and don't hold nothin' inside except delicious goop.

Violette Snipes: These are like little .... pots? little blobs

Vee Barlett: frowns

Vee Barlett: Maybe it somethin' I don't know?

Violette Snipes: They taste good

Vee Barlett: Anenome?

Violette Snipes: but they take things inside too when they eat

Violette Snipes: and some of them turn them into pearls

Vee Barlett: And they taste good?

Violette Snipes: yeah

Violette Snipes: They are good but you have to get bigger ones so there is more meat

Violette Snipes: and they are the ones that collect things inside

Vee Barlett: Can they eat people?

Vee Barlett: I don't think I know these things so ain't sure what I need to be careful about.

Violette Snipes: I guess if they got really big and the person was really small

Violette Snipes: They are normally about this big (she holds her hands about a foot apart) and as long as you do not let them bite you it is ok

Vee Barlett: Thankfully we only got some with small brains, but they still big bodied.

Vee Barlett: What happens if they bite you?

Violette Snipes: Some people get really sick

Violette Snipes: Like if a snake bit them

Vee Barlett: So how do ya harvest them safely?

Violette Snipes: Being careful

Vee Barlett: Guess I can stab them with my trident...

Vee Barlett: Can they reach far?

Violette Snipes: Only the blue ones

Vee Barlett: Huh?

Violette Snipes: They only reach right nearby

Vee Barlett: What colors are they? Why am I only goin' after blue ones?

Violette Snipes: The blue ones have pearls or at least those are the ones that have the most luck at having pearls

Violette Snipes: the yellow and red ones tend to have ink

Violette Snipes: and the black ones are just icky

Vee Barlett: Oh that's borin'

Violette Snipes: no one likes the black ones

Vee Barlett: What's icky about them?

Violette Snipes: They taste icky

Vee Barlett: And nothin' inside?

Violette Snipes: I don't know

Vee Barlett: Ya never looked?

Violette Snipes: I always throw them back

Vee Barlett: Should we look?

Violette Snipes: We can

Violette Snipes: if we find them

Vee Barlett: Maybe they got pearls AND ink!

The time is 4:53 AM

Vee Barlett: What's their normal habitat? Hangin' on rocks? Bed of lake or...?

Violette Snipes: I always find them hidden in little crevices in the rocks deeper in the water

Vee Barlett: nods

Violette Snipes: But then they grow bigger

Violette Snipes: and stick out alot

Vee Barlett: I gotta see how you hunt and harvest them then.

Violette Snipes: They can move but not fast

Violette Snipes: Only in a little burst but mostly just barely creep from rock to rock

Vee Barlett: Fascinatin'

Vee Barlett: Definitely ain't familiar with yer urchins.

Violette Snipes: You need to hold your breath a long time sometimes

Vee Barlett: I did think it weird they was in freshwater, but guessin' 'cause they aren't what I think

Violette Snipes: I am glad you have dagger

Vee Barlett: grins

Vee Barlett: Lots of daggers and knives on me.

Violette Snipes: Makes it easier to pry them out

Vee Barlett: Not as fun as shankin' someone, but easy to do.

Violette Snipes: smiles

Vee Barlett: Big pearl is in the oyster, tho, yeah?

Violette Snipes: Yeah

Violette Snipes: It is right under the ship

Vee Barlett: So gotta check out this shipwreck, find the big oyster, and if lucky, get some "urchins"

Vee Barlett: Sounds like a fun day!

Vee Barlett: Maybe I'll even meet a mermaid.

Violette Snipes: I know we can find some urchins, I hope the ship did not hurt the oyster

Violette Snipes: I can be a mermaid for you

Vee Barlett: laughs

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Can you?

Violette Snipes: She just smiles a tad confused

Vee Barlett: kisses her again

Vee Barlett: That look cute.

Violette Snipes: warm smile

The time is 6:13 AM

Vee Barlett: Well hopin' this ship holds some fun treasures still. Maybe that magic ring I want in there...

Violette Snipes: Goes over to wake up Temp

Vee Barlett: goes to wake up Rothuss

Vee Barlett: I'm bein' nice and lettin' you wake Levi again.

Vee Barlett: frowns when he doesn't wake up and kicks him again

Vee Barlett: Right, nevermind.

Vee Barlett: walks over to Levi

Vee Barlett: Yo. Go wake up Rothuss, yeah?

Temperance: rubs her eyes and stretches.

Vee Barlett: You was nicer than normal wakin' me so I'll be nice. This time.

Rothuss Carder: huh?

Rothuss Carder: wha?

Vee Barlett: throws up her hands in annoyance and walks away from them both

Rothuss Carder: zzzz

Temperance: stands to do a better stretch.

Vee Barlett: goes to the lake, fills a bucket full of water, and pours it over both of them.


Temperance: blinks at the water being poured.

Vee Barlett: I told ya both to wake up.

Rothuss Carder: reaches out to make sure his lute is still dry in its case.

Levi Reed: I'm remembering this next time it's my turn to wake you

Vee Barlett: You get one chance then it's the water.

Rothuss Carder: zzzz

Vee Barlett: Yeah, ain't no different than how I've been woken up before.

Levi Reed: Did Bubbles come back?

Vee Barlett: smacks Rothuss with the bucket

Vee Barlett: Who?

Rothuss Carder: flails an arm in her direction.

Rothuss Carder: Not very nice way to wake me up, Cap'n.....

Vee Barlett: Gonna punch ya in the face next time.

Levi Reed: Bubbles!

Levi Reed: My monkey!

Vee Barlett: Who??

Vee Barlett: You hate monkeys.

Rothuss Carder: Hey, I pulled two shifts. No respite for the wicked, eh?

Vee Barlett: You don't got one.

Levi Reed: Not when they're ghosts

Vee Barlett: Not when there's stuff to do. You can sleep it off when we go back.

Vee Barlett: Ghost monkey still a monkey, dude.

Vee Barlett: You can't hate his friends and be his friend. Ya know that, right?

Rothuss Carder: Rude...

Levi Reed: So who's making breakfast

Rothuss Carder: starts trying to get up off the ground.

Vee Barlett: walks off so they wake up

Vee Barlett: Lirt ain't feelin' well so Tempe can or ya eat rations.

Temperance: I can try.

Levi Reed: Nobody's ever feeling good these days. I think there's something wrong with this inland air

Vee Barlett: I agree.

Vee Barlett: Hopin' the water got healin' powers otherwise we gotta get to the sea soon.

Rothuss Carder: rolls onto his hands and knees, and stays there for a while.

Levi Reed: You praying or being sick?

Rothuss Carder: not awake yet..

Rothuss Carder: alright,alright...

Rothuss Carder: ungggh

Rothuss Carder: staggers to his feet, leaning slightly to one side.

Temperance: approaches the edge towards the water, looking around as she stretches.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Levi Reed: So what's the plan here

BOB Temp does not spot any danger

BOB But she does need to meditate for her spells

Levi Reed: You find any mermaids or sirekies or whatever you were looking for, Vee?

Vee Barlett: Not yet.

Temperance: nods to herself and sits for a while to meditate, listening to the waves lull back and forth.

Vee Barlett: We let Tempe do her thing then we go look at the shipwreck.