Main / 20240531

Chat Log List - 2024 05 31 - Bear Went Over the Mountain - Formatted - Story

<font color="#660066">'wyjyoon' connected</font>

<font color="#660066">'seyfert' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Boo</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon: Ack, a ghost!</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: ooooy</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: smiles</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: eating tacos so here but can't type for a moment</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Glad you are both here and eat eat eat</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: THEN have to do work things then here fully</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Hi Carissa : ) It's okay, eating a taco too lol</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Why are we eating the same thing</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: yummm</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: because great minds think alike</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: but yours will be better because they come from TX</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: I don't know about that, my brain noodles are either too tangled or not tangled enough </font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: lol</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Blame it on the kids</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: so I got chips and guac with my tacos and... it's the weirdest tasting guac? I tihnk they used frozen avocados</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: things like this make me miss Texas :(</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Oh dang, how can they mess up guac though</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: : ( Sad days</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: very sad (I do not like Avacados but she does)</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: right?? it's got this weird.... citrus bite? not like lime, but like... citric acid or something</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Preservatives</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: I've tried frozen avocados before but didn't like them before of that citric acid bite</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: it's like that</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: ok</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: and Bob's dislike of avocados also make me sad</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: I've never tasted weird guac but that sounds like sadness</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I trust you</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: lol</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: I don't trust me - too long of work week so brain is also noodly as the saying goes</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: BUT</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: no more horses until July now!</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Nice! </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: HUZZZAH</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: although the 2 AM horse people said they'd be back... boooooo</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: 2 AM horse people?</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: a guy with too much money who prefers to fly the horses over at night</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: so we have to do intake at like 2 AM</font>

<font color="#660066">'Master TMO' connected</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: that was my Wednesday? Thursday morning</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Oh ew</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: working from 1 AM - 4 AM</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Hello TMO</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Hi TMO!</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: But yeah, Carissa, that sounds like too much sadness : ( 2AM horses and weird guac</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: so much sadness this week!! :(</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: hi TMO!</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: wait he can't see any of that until we see him...</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: I think</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: OK! now hi TMO!</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Lol hey TMO!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: hello!</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: important question TMO: what are you having for dinner?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: ... a chicken alfredo melt from Pizza Hut?</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: so not tacos, got it</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: I do not make tacos. I only eat tacos when with family.</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: what kind of Texan are you?????????</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: one from Los Angeles?</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: that's even worse!!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: one from Kansas City?</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: LA and Texas should have erased the Kansas City part by now</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: I've still lived longer in Missouri than anywhere else</font>

<font color="#660066">'JtomTMO' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: JTom!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Also are JTom and TMO in the same area again?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: no, that was last week</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: ahh</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I am ready with sharks, and whales, and all sorts of... </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: sadly you are not in salt water</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so no I do not have those....</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: sadly not and almost here, just doing my timesheet then I'm done</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Getting paid is important</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: JTom are you almost done with school stuff for the year? or at least until August?</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hopefully I'm getting there, but still a while away, also, hello!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Crosses fingers for you</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Get everything done by June 10th so you get 60 days of freedom</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert: (y'all can start without me)</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: we're working on it.</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: makes it sound like a prison sentence</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: It is </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: That is why you work hard to get out early</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: he gets good grades on the tests and quizzes, but doesn't get his homework done. And school doesn't end until they're all turned in.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Then TURN IT IN</font>

<font color="#000066">Violette Snipes: Testing my love</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Sadly my love is not returned</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: he's gotta do it. We're working on getting it done though. I get on the phone with him over lunch hour every day.</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Doing it just takes forever and is just annoying to do</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Sad but true</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Also, if I get a 98 on the test, why do I have to do the 3-4 quizes?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Have to do the quizes to avoid the tests</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Then again, I skipped my Physics final in high school and took a zero for a third of my grade. </font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I don't get to skip tests</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: BUT I still passed the class with an 80+ because I had such a high score</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: AND I was already accepted into the Marines</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So I am not saying I am a good example to follow</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: your teachers weren't your mother and grandparents though.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Do your test</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: hello! I have returned and will hopefully get paid now! including overtime!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Excellent</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: see and you do not need to do tests</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): That is good!</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: tests are overrated</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: But quizzes are important</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): It has been proven they don't actually mean anything</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: see? mini knows</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: They mean you get to have summer</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: and actually tests are slightly more important than quizzes but details</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): So... I'm curious too, but if he got a 98 on the test why does he still need to do quizzes?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: AND so you have Temperance, Rothuss, Lirtmya, and Vee (plus Violette) who need to breath underwater if you go deeper into the ship wreck</font>

<font color="#261A10">seyfert: is only life gave us lemons</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: OR hold their breath</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I'm sure Lemon will be here soon : ) </font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): so y'all were talking giants or.... dunno</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Grins</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): Vee got her potion so whatcha guys wanna do for your PCs?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Did you read the description on that potion?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Duration is the key</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: so you know how long to be under there</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): over an hour I thought but that was a couple weeks ago</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I believe so yes, just want you to be certain</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): 1 hr + 1d10 rounds</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Can Lirt do any kind of water breathing?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Does Temp have any Air or Water sphere spells?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: I don't think she can, but we can all do water drowning</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Not that I know of? I'm double checking rn</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Water breathing is next spell level</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): We will all be one with the sea lol</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: SO the other thing I hinted at last time with the map.... it gets dark underwater pretty quickly</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): continual light</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Especially when you are going inside of rooms</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: That could be an option if someone has that</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): looks at Tempe</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Is looking : ) </font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): or we light some metal on fire</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Magical Weapons</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): I'd say like that lightning bow but that doesn't mix well with water</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Well depends on who you aim it at</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): Rothuss like before</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: hah</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I don't have any spells that give light : ( </font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): ....anddd work phone brb</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Boooo</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Only lighting thing I have is burning hands, but that can be put out by water unfortunatly</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Also I did a very cool mask with water effects and varying light for the shipwreck map but it made it quadrupled in size so I did something wrong</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So you have a normal dark map to work with that is easy to load</font>

<font color="#660066">'LemonyLemon' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Lemon will light the way</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): would our magic shield make nay light?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): I think Tempe should have some light spells? let me look...</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): (need another minute but decide if you want to raid giants for items as well)</font>

<font color="#660066">User has gone AFK. (seyfert)</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Nothing is loading, everything is broken?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): assuming she has the sphere, of course. Sun sphere, Light, 1st level</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: fg back to the old days where it takes five minutes to catch up?</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: who knows</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Nah</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: just this time</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: the ruleset updated</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): First level spell: sun sphere. Summon the sun, ends the campaign</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and a new map for you</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Continual Light, 3rd lvl, Sun sphere</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: LOL with JTom</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I do not think that Temp gets Sun sphere</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I don't think I have sun sphere, double checking</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): No I do not : ( </font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): awwww...</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Sad days : ( </font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Oh, some icons at the top happened</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Still no chat</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Or character selection</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: We see you talking</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: You are just ignoring us</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: I'm just typing and assuming y'all can read this and I will catch up eventually</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: But maybe I'm yelling into the void</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Oh heeeeey, there's the chat</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Hello friends!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Wonderful</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): If you yell into the void long enough the void may yell back</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): The void has yelled back finally :) </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: VoidScreamsBack</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Chat loads pretty slowly for me too, so messages on my end are delayed</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Refilling and emptying and then will push on ahead</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I know Carissa says giants are an option</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): But I'm not sure how ready we are for that</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): ok back</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): and Bob wouldn't put giants there if we couldn't handle them, but we'd need to be smart about it</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): well, I can at least deal damage to giants, reading on Burning hands allowed me to see that it gets strong with me</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): also hi lemon</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'd be happy to try talking to them if their first response wasn't to shoot me</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): originally Rothuss and Levi were talking about sneaking in so up to them</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon: Idk man, he put otters there that we couldn't handle</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): well that's a good point</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): Bob's gonna make us all cowards if he keeps doing that</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): first the walking shamble then the otters...</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Oof shambling mounds</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): I mean deeper into the cave is on us, but that mound WAS at the front of the dungeon so that's on him.</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Burning hands: "1d3 points of damage, plus 2 points for each level of experience for the spellcaster to a maximum of 1d3+20 points of fire damage" also since it lights anything flamable on fire I could set the giants clothes on fire and it can be extinguished the next round</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I can try to see any spells that can deal damage, but maybe... if possible, talk first? If we're going to try dealing with giants?</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: We managed the caves ok</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Even going in way too far lol</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I dunno if giants do talking</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): some can</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): but we were thinking they'd be asleep by now</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh nocturnal giants?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: It is not supposed to be easy</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): *roll eyes*</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): we didn't elect hard, either or we'd be in the underdark</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Think of it as a test, you don't get to skip them</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): watch me</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: moving forward</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Other than the sometimes magical appearance of Sharif, this is the group for now</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: And didn't everyone a couple of weeks ago just talk about agency and now you're telling us we can't skip? Just sayinggggg</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: You have a wreck to explore, you have two giants out there that are interested in what you are doing, a</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): only two? we should go talk to them</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: So, I think the ones who want to go into the wreck get the potion. Rest of the swimmers stay outside. What do you think?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Weren't ya gonna talk to them two giants first? Or y'all just talk big?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: And Vee knows boats really good, so should probably be one to go in</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): laggggg</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes I feel lag too</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Not sure why</font>

<font color="#660066">'seyfert' disconnected</font>

<font color="#660066">'wyjyoon' disconnected</font>

<font color="#660066">'Master TMO' disconnected</font>

<font color="#660066">'LemonyLemon' disconnected</font>

<font color="#660066">'JtomTMO' disconnected</font>

<font color="#660066">Lost connection to cloud service. Players may not be able to join game. Attempting to reconnect...</font>

<a name="2024-05-31" /><b>Session started at 2024-05-31 / 20:26</b>

<font color="#660066">'Ratbone Carder' is at 'Severe' encumbrance. Movebase now 1.</font>

<font color="#660066">'Vee Barlett' is at 'Light' encumbrance. Movebase now 9.</font>

<font color="#660066">No extension updates detected</font>

<font color="#660066">Fantasy Grounds - v4.5.7 ULTIMATE (2024-05-02)</font>

<font color="#880000">Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast</font>

<font color="#880000">2E v2024.05.22 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2024</font>

<font color="#880000">Core RPG ruleset (2024-05-07) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2024 Smiteworks USA, LLC</font>

<font color="#660066">(LINK) \rWeather Generator v1.4\rCreated by mattekure</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Bayne Emporium Version 6.1</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Fantasy Eats) loaded.</font>

<font color="#880000">CoreRPG Wound Overlay v1.0.13\r by OgreManDude 2021\r Type /clearWoundOverlays to clear wound overlays for all clients\r (or just use the button in the image toolbar)</font>

<font color="#000000">Dice Games for those sessions at the Tavern\rPlayers can challenge each other or other patrons of the Tavern to Goblin Kings Dice, Trader Joes, Drunken Unicorn, Pig Dice and Last Man Standing\rv0.98</font>

<font color="#000000">Dice Jail (Version: Magnanimous Ambition [1/24/2022]) Loaded Successfully!</font>

<font color="#880000">Encounter Descriptions v1.2, March 2024 by Trenloe. Copyright 2024 SmiteWorks.</font>

<font color="#880000">[Prioritized Source: File; Other Sources: Vault]</font>

<font color="#880000">(LINK)\rClock Adjuster v4.5:\rProvides an interface for easy time tracking and management.\nThis extension is a combined effort of PR6I6E6ST (Troy Monteith), bmos, PokeyCA, MeAndUnique, Corun-Kail, and JustinFreitas.</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#880000">(LINK)\rCoins Weight v2.4:\rCalculates coin weight by leveraging the existing inventory weight process.</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#880000">(LINK)\rExtraplanar Containers v1.19-hotfix.1:\rThis extension provides support for extraplanar containers by ignoring the weight of carried (but not equipped) items in supported contaners.</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#880000">(LINK)\nMoon Tracker v2.6\r--created by DMFirmy and updated by Andraax and bmos.</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#880000">(LINK)\rParty Item Weight v1.10\nBy bmos</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#880000">Aurek-Besh Fonts</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Fonts - Extended Languages) loaded.</font>

<font color="#880000">Sign Language Fonts</font>

<font color="#660066">Halt! Player Safety / X Card \r\nThis fan made extension created by DIE Hard Gaming. (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Martial Arts) loaded.</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Name Maker) loaded.</font>

<font color="#880000">Optical Referendum v1.1.2</font>

<font color="#880000">Points of Interest v1.1.0 by Saagael.</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Save Roll Fonts) loaded.</font>

<font color="#880000">Toll the Dead v1.1.0</font>

<font color="#880000">Universal Module extension. This will allow you to open (with varying degrees of success) modules from other rulesets. \r\nExtension Created by DIE Hard Gaming. More great resources at (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">URL Links Extension Created by GM Frostbyte. Thank you for your support.\rBuilt using RulesetWizard & templateTemplate v1.1 \r*************************************** \rWarning! \r**************************************\rThis campain has URL Links Extension turned on. If you are not confortable with the GM sending you links to external sources, please ask the GM to turn off this extension. \rOtherwise, if you get Rick Rolled, please do not blame us.</font>

<font color="#660066">(LINK) \rWeather Generator v1.4\rCreated by mattekure</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Extension (XCore Fantasy Fonts) loaded.</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (XCore Modern Fonts) loaded.</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (XCore Sci Fi Fonts) loaded.</font>

<font color="#880000">Common Core v0.1a\r\n</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Core v49</font>

<font color="#880000">Turbo v1.5\rby Ryan Hagelstrom 2023</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Bigger Drop Downs v6</font>

<font color="#880000">Requested Rolls v2.15.2 by mccartysr, 2024\rFor slash commands type /RR</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Buy and Sell Items v9</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Coin Manager 2 v16</font>

<font color="#880000">Power Up v1.8 by Ryan Hagelstrom\rContribution: bmos 2022-2023\rtype: /powerup /powerupman</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Downtime Tracker v6</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Module UI v23</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Restart Turn v7</font>

<font color="#880000">RefManual Resize by JHarp</font>

<font color="#880000">Allows smaller resize of RefManuals</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Coin Manager Upgrade v2</font>

<font color="#880000">SmiteWorks Winter Theme for Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2024 Smiteworks USA, LLC.</font>

<font color="#880000">(LINK) \nTooltips - v1.5 by Zarestia</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#660066">Player Agency Version 1.26 20231222\r\nThis fan made extension created by DIE Hard Gaming. (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#660066">World Builder Basic User Manual. (LINK) </font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#660066">Investigator Basic User Manual. (LINK) </font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#660066">Dear Diary Basic User Manual. (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#880000">AD&D Inventory Search and Filter v2.1 - Spencer Gresoro</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Bag of Holding) loaded.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Source Sans Pro Font Extension v1.0</font>

<font color="#880000">Has Initiative Indicator v1.7 - CoreRPG+ version.\rBy Celestian, 2018-2021</font>

<font color="#660066">Unshare Image v7.1</font>

<font color="#880000">RealTimer v4.5 \rThis extention combines ClockAdjuster with Timer in Fantasy Grounds Unity \rCopyright ©2024 by Arnagus \rThis extension progresses the clock in Fantasy Grounds in real time.</font>

<font color="#000000">Calendar Plus v1.9 for FGII v4.1.12. Copyright 2023 Smiteworks. By darrenan.</font>

<font color="#000000">NPC flavors v1.12 (Out-of-control footwork)\n- by Tideturner</font>

<font color="#880000">Feature: Party Weight\rCriado por BRUNO SALVADIO</font>

<font color="#880000">Loaded Stage Whisper v1.0.0</font>

<font color="#880000">MNM Player Journal 2 v25</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Stronghold) loaded.</font>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Feature: Joy of Painting) loaded.</font>

<font color="#880000">Spell Tokens v7.23\r\n</font>

<font color="#880000">(LINK) \n2E/3.5E/PFRPG/5E/SFRPG Spell Action Info - v5.2 \rby Zarestia, contributions by MeAndUnique, Rhagelstrom</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Dice Jail - Smelter Upgrade Loaded Successfully!</font>

<font color="#005500">Theme Add-On: \rSir Motte's GM Icon Replacer\rVersion: 1.0\rAnstett Edition</font>

<font color="#660066">'wyjyoon' connected</font>

<font color="#660066">'wyjyoon' disconnected</font>

<font color="#660066">'wyjyoon' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: THank you Wendy</font>

<font color="#660066">'seyfert' connected</font>

<font color="#660066">'LemonyLemon' connected</font>

<font color="#660066">'Master TMO' connected</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: ? Not sure for what but no problem?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: For being here</font>

<font color="#261A10">wyjyoon: Aw, thank you for being here too BOB : ) </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and Carissa and Lemon and TMO too</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert: sorta, mostly in spirit</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon: Yes, I'm great, you're welcome :P</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Excellent</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So the choice of dive into the water around the shipwreck or talk to the giants beforehand</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: OR both</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: at the same time</font>

<font color="#660066">'JtomTMO' connected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: AND JTom has finished enough homework to rejoin us</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert: suggesting a party split already?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Master TMO: Hah! he's not doing any homework</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Never suggesting, you do it enough on your own</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: BOOO to no homeowkr</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: homework</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Got to pump up those numbers</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert: I kinda want to see about the giants, they might have stuff we could use</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Last time Temp swam around the shipwreck she almost drowned so... I guess I don't mind trying the giants : ) </font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): An attempt at optimism</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I don't have any light or water spells though, sorry : ( </font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon: You could always punish him by sending him to public school</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): no continual light?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: There is no light in public school</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): No : ( </font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Maybe I'm too low level</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Or don't have the sphere</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: it would be the sphere. you're high enough level for Light</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): it would be the sphere. you're high enough level for Light</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah, is it because I don't have sun sphere</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): yes</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): : ( Bran doesn't give me enough vitamin d</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Ain't no sunshine when she's gone</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon: lol to the vitamin d</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Ok so... I vote for at least taking a closer look at the giant camp</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I nominate Vee to be one of the swimmers into the wreck. She knows boats best and is maybe the best swimmer.</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Who's got climbing? Can someone like climb a tree and see better?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'm not bad at it</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Climb Walls *is* a thief skill bards get</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): (one sec)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: The trees are over on the lakeshore</font>

<font color="#660066">User has gone AFK. (seyfert)</font>

<font color="#261A10">LemonyLemon: Would they potentially give him a view of the camp?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): can I climb that invisible tree there?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): The giant camp is where the tents are, right?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: yes</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I can't tell if they're trees or just bushes next to them</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Rothuss, you interested in robbing some giants maybe? You wanna go climb a tree and see if they have anything worth stealing?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Of course I'm gonna be a swimmer. I already nominated myself.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: But we talkin' to giants first? Maybe they gots a way to see into this wreck. Gonna be dark inside...</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I'm game to try. They did shoot at me last time though.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Yeah, so stay hidden</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): duh</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Hopefully the foliage will help with concealment if we do have you sneak up.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: So we goin' over there?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I mean... *I* don't want to go swimming again any time soon</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: But Rothuss could!</font>

<font color="#000066">Violette Snipes: I think I should stay here and watch for anyone trying to steal the urchins</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I don't suppose any of you fine seafaring folk have a telescope on ya?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): brb need snack</font>

<font color="#660066">User has gone AFK. (LemonyLemon)</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: I don't think I do, but then again, I haven't been seafaring for very long.</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): But she does have a silence spell that could potentially help with sneaking...? If you guys want it</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: You can watch the raft. Whoever goin' over can come in the canoe.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: I'll come with to the giants, I don't think I'll be strong enough to swim around the wreck easily</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: If we head to those trees to the right of the camp, we can maybe get a good view of it from the treeline without being right in the middle of it like last time.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: How many people could the canoe carry again?</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): (was it 3?)</font>

<font color="#000066">Violette Snipes: Yes</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Ok, so Vee and Lirt and Rothuss? </font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Unless we can use the raft</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): what about levi?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): so Tempe and Violet stay behind and the others talk w/ giants</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Cool, but Canoe only fits three people</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Unless Levi wants to swim</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): ahh was thinking four</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: one of us can hang onto the side or back of the canoe and get dragged along</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): send Levi</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): or hang</font>

<font color="#418C12">Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Boating [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 9]</font> [d20 = 6]

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Well I'm steering so it ain't me.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Y'all can rock paper scissors for it.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Nah, I figured it'd be me or Levi</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I'll hang on, Levi can paddle</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Bring back some cool souvenirs!</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: smiles lightly.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Giant tiki cups, on the way</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Let's go.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Always wanted one of those! Have fun!</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: wades into the water and grabs onto the canoe, steadying it for everyone to get in.</font>

<font color="#261A10">The date is Mid____se, 25th Ze (Summer), 587 SGR</font>

<font color="#261A10">Young Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="#261A10">Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous</font>

<font color="#261A10">The time is 7:33 AM</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Gonna grab water brb</font>

<font color="#6106D1">Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 3]</font> [d20 = 15]

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: I cna't see nothin' in these dang jungles....</font>

<font color="#418C12">Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 13]</font> [d20 = 3]

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): oooh i like that purplse</font>

<font color="#418C12">Lirtimya: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7]</font> [d20 = 7]

<font color="#418C12">Lirtimya: [SKILL] Weather Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4]</font> [d20 = 9]

<font color="#418C12">Lirtimya: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0]</font> [d20 = 14]

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I do too, it looks quite nice</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Lirt can see the tents from this promitory and can tell that the Giants are still inside starting their morning slowly</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Well if they movin' slow then now the time to try t approach? They watchin' us?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Want me to try a direct friendly greeting?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Sure.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: They seem to just be waking up, so maybe they'll be a bit more friendly</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: moves over the rock to the other side.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: stay hidden from sight, so it's just me they see</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: and be ready to go if I come running back in a blind panic</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Okay, I'll be ready to cover our escape</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): I assume the tree trunk that's so conveniently placed can be walked on?</font>

<font color="#880000">Lirtimya: will take out a pinch of split dried peas from her puches, being prepared to cast wall of fog</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Amazing how that works huh TMO?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I see 1 giant in the camp, I don't think it sees me yet.</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: walks across the tree, hands empty and spread wide for balance.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Dex plus 6</font>

<font color="#418C12">Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1]</font> [d20 = 14]

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): well he's not jericho at least</font>

<font color="#418C12">Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11]</font> [d20 = 4]

<font color="#418C12">Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10]</font> [d20 = 4]

<font color="#000000">GM: I am loving the advanced dice effects</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and yes Rothuss makes it easily across and Levi does not spot any ambush waiting for him</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Huh. slipperyer than I expected. Gonna be hell crossing this at a run.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Then make sure you don't have to</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Make friends, not foes.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2 [Giant]: [Translation] Who are you and why are you invading our camp?</font>

<font color="#000000">Who are you and why are you invading our camp?</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): that looks like birthday, maybe they're singing happy birthday!</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: holds up both hands, palms outward, then points at the giant and then at himself and mimes both hands talking to each other.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2 [Giant]: [Translation] Are you stupid? You cannot speak a civilized tongue?</font>

<font color="#000000">Are you stupid? You cannot speak a civilized tongue?</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Hello. Does anyone speak my language?</font>


<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Wow, I think this giant has met Rothuss before</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Terribly sorry, friend. I'm afraid they didn't teach us civilized languages to herd goats.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: THEN YOU SHOULD STAY HOME</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: But how will I ever learn if I don't go out and meet more civilized folk?</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: LAUGHS</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: MAYBE YOU ARE NOT TOTALLY STUPID</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Only according to my mother.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: And... the captain.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: EVEN MOTHERS ARE WRONG ONCE IN A WHILE</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: CAPTAINS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): does she have two???</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Don't tell ours that.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 1 [Giant]: [Translation] SCREW YOU</font>

<font color="#000000">SCREW YOU</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: WHY ARE YO HERE?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): Ooooh maybe we can negotiate</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): Share the treasure if they help us?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: We were traveling downslope to the coast, and heard about the shipwreck, and thought we'd swing by to take a look at it. We saw your tents here, so came by to say hello and see if you had any words or advice or warning for us.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: STAY AWAY FROM THE WRECK WE ARE NOT DONE HARVESTING YET</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Ah, that's news to us. We didn't know anyone was working it.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: DO YOU THINK YOU SHOULD HAVE A CHANCE AT IT?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): harvest what?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): treasure or food?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: "Should"? Maybe not. "Could"? Maybe. We're mostly just curious, and one of our number heard about some oysters they were interested in trying to find. But, as I said, we're just passing through, mostly.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: I WILL DUEL YOU FOR IT</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: What are you harvesting? And maybe there's a way we can help you, and still get a chance to just look around while we're there?</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: SECOND BLOOD?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): yeahhhhhh!! tell Vee so she can put money on this!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: A duel? I think the deck is stacked slightly in your favor.</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: grins</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: SO PICK YOUR OWN CHAMPION</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: ONE OF YOUR'S THAT HIDES BACK THERE</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Oh, I pick me, of course. </font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: So long as it's not to the death. I don't care that much about the wreck.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): RIP Rothuss</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): Leviiii</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: FIRST TO SECOND BLOOD TOUCH WINS</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): so stab twice</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Fine, and a knockout on first blood is also a win.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: LAUGHS</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Of course I am! Are you?</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: grins to show he's joking.</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: WOW</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 1 [Giant]: [Translation] IF HE BEATS YOU I GET YOUR NET</font>

<font color="#000000">IF HE BEATS YOU I GET YOUR NET</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2 [Giant]: [Translation] SCREW YOU</font>

<font color="#000000">SCREW YOU</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 2: FINE</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: takes off his shirt and unbuckles his sword belt, taking out dagger and saber, and sets the clothing down on the stump next to him.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): What does taking off the shirt do?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: By the way, my name is Rothuss Carder. Pleased to meet you.</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): make him think he looks cool</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): lol</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: it also won't get blood on it</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): it also won't get blood on it</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: WHAT'S HAPPENIN' OVER THERE??</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: NICE TO MEET YOU ROTHUSS</font>

<font color="#880000">Lirtimya: Will move to a rock that will work as a seat and sits down to watch</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I M BERTE</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Just a small duel, Vee!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Berte, it's been very interesting meeting you. Thank you.</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: bows.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Duel to second blood, by the way, so don't get alarmed!</font>

<font color="#261A10">BOWS</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Rothuss goes first by Inititive</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: He mad? He ain't much a dueler.</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): female giant, or just female icon? doesn't really matter too much, just curious</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): and how tall are jungle giants?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Giant, Jungle 2 is who you are attacking</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: 18 foot tall</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): so, more than triple his height. Going for shin shots then. :)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: grins</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I can honestly say I've never seen eye-to-kneecap with anyone before.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I AM USED TO SEEING THE TOPS OF PEOPLE HEADS</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Sorry I didn't brush my hair this morning.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Ready?</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: strikes an en garde pose</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: CARRY ON</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: tries to utilize quicker reflexes and short-range mobility by aiming for her front leg and then shifting into a lunge to her back leg.</font>

<font color="#1D97CC">Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [ENC: Moderate]</font> [d20-1 = 9]

<font color="#1D97CC">Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Giant, Jungle 2] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 3 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="#660066">Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [ENC: Moderate]</font> [9 = 9]

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: falls back into a defensive posture.</font>

<font color="#CC1D1D">Giant, Jungle 2: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(9)] </font> [d20 = 13]

<font color="#CC1D1D">Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Club) [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 8 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlett: watches and shakes her head</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): what just happened?</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): It seems you got clubbed 395 ft, or misplaced</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: 'The giant GRABS Rothuss and SPINS him over head and then THROWS him out into the lake 400 feet</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): anybody gets clubbed 400 feet from one hit is DED</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: Zero damage unless Rothuss cannot swim</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): he can swim, of course</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So swim back to the duel ;)</font>

<font color="#418C12">Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8]</font> [d20 = 5]

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Did you see where my sword went? I dropped it mid-spin I think.</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): The water around here must be magic, because if we assume that throw lasted 3 seconds he was going 90 mph, that water would have been concrete</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): MAGIC!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Ain't it that right there?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Ah, thank you!</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: picks up his saber from the brush</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): I shouldn't be surprised that mini also does math</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): family genes or something</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: This is true</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: So, do we count that as first blood then?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: OH NO THAT DOES NOT COUNT AT ALL</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I mean, *technically*, there was no blood, but there easily could have been if you'd wanted.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I AM WAITING FOR YOU RNEXT ATTEMPT</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: shrugs.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Okay, I'm game.</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Glad this is a fantasy wrold, water hits like concrete at 25 mph, and you just straight up die on impact at 68 mph</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Definately math</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): lol</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: this time, Rothuss is going to try tumbling to get deep underfoot where he can't be grabbed easily.</font>

<font color="#418C12">Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4]</font> [d20 = 10]

<font color="#000000">GM: NICE</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): We all know science has no place in this world</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): hello?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Waiting for Roth to attack</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): he tumbled - that's his only action this turn, isn't it?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: He gets an attack, she is waiting</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): okay, will do!</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: once underfoot and slightly behind her, he will do a backhand stab at her calf with his main-gauche.</font>

<font color="#CC1D1D">Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [ENC: Moderate]</font> [d20-1 = 18]

<font color="#CC1D1D">Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-gauche) [at Giant, Jungle 2] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 3 ] [AC: 0 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): niceee</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): shocking</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider [Giant]: [Translation] OUCH DAMN IT </font>

<font color="#000000">OUCH DAMN IT </font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: roll damage</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Is it permanent or temporary</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): oh, right. that's a thing... I wasn't expecting to hit either</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): temporary</font>

<font color="#660066">Rothuss Carder: [DAMAGE (M)] Main-gauche [TYPE: slashing, large (1d3=1)]</font> [d3 = 1]

<font color="#660066">Damage [1] -> [to Giant, Jungle 2] [STATUS: Light]</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): really don't want to provoke it into hitting for realsies</font>

<font color="#660066">Giant, Jungle 2: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(9)] </font> [d20 = 1]

<font color="#660066">Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Club) [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 8 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): What's the difference between permanent or temporary in this situation? Does it have to be permanent to draw blood?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: WOW</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So Rothuss gets his next attack</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Okay, gonna get all Rothussly weird here, if you'll allow me.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: of course</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): ooc</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Climb Walls to get up on the giant's back</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): where it can't hit at me</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: go for it</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): weird flirting but okay</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: hah</font>

<font color="#6106D1">Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 65) [FAILURE by 3]</font> [d100 = 68]

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): aww, phooey</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: OH so close</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: gets partway up the giant's back and loses his grip and falls back down.</font>

<font color="#660066">Giant, Jungle 2: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(9)] </font> [d20 = 1]

<font color="#660066">Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Club) [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 8 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): HAHAHAHAHA</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: OH MY GOD</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Double 1s</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): LOL</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Weird Flirting WORKS</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): lmao</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): alright, regular sword now that it is probably ready for the back climb</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: swings the back of his saber hard at the back of the giant's knee.</font>

<font color="#CC1D1D">Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [ENC: Moderate]</font> [d20-1 = 15]

<font color="#CC1D1D">Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Giant, Jungle 2] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 3 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="#660066">User has gone AFK. (JtomTMO)</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): I mean, it works on giants. I don't know that I'd try that stuff on a human lady...</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): niceee</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): lol lemon</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider [Giant]: [Translation] WHAT THE HADES IS HAPPENING </font>

<font color="#000000">WHAT THE HADES IS HAPPENING </font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): did I expect Rothuss to win the duel? not at all so glad vee didn't place bets :P</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): mouse vs cat tactics. A+ on the final in Bard School</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): That was wild</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider [Giant]: [Translation] WHAT ARE YOU </font>

<font color="#000000">WHAT ARE YOU </font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider [Giant]: [Translation] GAAAAAAAHHHHH</font>

<font color="#000000">GAAAAAAAHHHHH</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: FINE YOU WIN</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: moves back over to his shirt and belt and puts down his weapons.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I'm as shocked as you are, to be honest.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU DID</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Mouse vs Cat tactics.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I THREW YOU INTO THE LAKE YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT THE FIELD OF BATTLE</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I feel like you're more of a cat though, Rothuss</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I DID NOT WANT TO HURT YOU NEEDLESSLY</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: And I didn't want to get hurt needlessly. But I also wanted to be friends, and that meant coming back.</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Like that one game on Nintendo that throws out your character with a flash of light</font>

<font color="#000066">Giant, Jungle 1 [Giant]: [Translation] I TOLD YOU NOT TO PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD</font>

<font color="#000000">I TOLD YOU NOT TO PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): Ok THAT'S weird flirting that might work on a human lady</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: FINE FINE FINE</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WHAT DO YOU WANT AS YOUR PRIZE?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: May I talk with my fiends first?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: CERTAINLY</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): fiends???</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Thank you. Come on over, folks. Careful, the trunk is very slippery.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: or bring the canoe around to the shore.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: That's probably a better option.</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): can we move my icon out from underneath the giant now? It's very disconcerting</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): feels like I'm being sat on</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: Grins</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlett: walks over carefully</font>

<font color="#418C12">Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1]</font> [d20 = 14]

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Too late unless Levi wants to do that.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): I bet Rothuss likes being under the giant</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Why don't you just come back over here man?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: You're the graceful tumbler</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Bob never answered the gender question, so I'll withhold answering at this time</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I said She</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): oh, I missed it, sorry</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: No worries</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): "Put me back in, coac h!"</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I mean, you can stay over there if you want, Levi.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I don't really want to risk a tumble in that water man</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Boat.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: You saw what happened after I went back after the ghost monkey</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: uggggggggggghhhhhhh fine</font>

<font color="#880000">Levi Reed: takes the canoe over</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: So, Vee. Any ideas what I should ask for as a prize? The giants are currently harvesting and have claimed the wreck.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): grumbling about manual labor the whole time</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: Rothuss is obviously riding an adrenaline high at the moment</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: pulls his shirt back on and buckles his sword belt back on.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: A better way to explore the shipwreck? Ability to breath water? See underwater? Both?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Ask to explore with them and claim a prize at the end?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I mean, it might just be as simple as permission to visit the giants' camp freely. Or we might already have that, I don't know.</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: calls back over to Berte</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Berte, are we able to come visit your camp while you're here and we're in the area? Or will we need to go through this ritual each time?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I WILL GRANT YOU VISITATION RIGHT WARRIOR</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Thank you!</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: back to Vee</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Okay, so that's taken care of.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Ain't help us explore that wreck, tho....</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlett: tries not to laugh at him being called warrior</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): go defeat your own giant before disparaging mine. :P </font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: So then, permission to accompany them to the wreck and explore with them, or an item or magic to let us explore safer, and/or permission to take one prize from the wreck?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: What was it Violette was wanting to get from the wreck?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Hmm, sure.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Just wanna see the oyster. I wanna know whose ship it is.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: See the oyster, or harvest the oyster?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: See it. Think it bad luck to harvest it.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Maybe harvest some "urchins" tho</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Those urchins don't sound like much of a prize though</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Alright, will see what I can do.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Depends what's inside them.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Berte. My group would like to, if you allow, explore the wreck, see the giant oyster (if there truly is one down there), and perhaps harvest some urchins? Would you or your tribe allow and maybe even assist us in doing so safely? We don't want to establish any sort of claim over the wreck, we're happy to leave it to your group.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: THAT IS A LOT</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Just think of us as annoying tourists, here for a bit, and then soon out of your hair and gone again.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: It is, but I'm not sure what you would allow or can do. Some of it may not be permitted.</font>


<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: ANY OF THEM YOU TAKE YOU CAN KEEP</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: How about urchins and some honest conversation?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I'd like to get to know you better</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: HE IS </font>

<font color="#261A10">POINTS TO ROTH</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Hmm. Well, we kind of already had that before we came over here. We could have just gone under, gotten a few urchins, and left before you found out we were here.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Wow, rude but ok</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: It's important to set boundaries I guess</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: YOU COULD GO UNDER AND NOT COME BACK UP</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WE WILL STAY HERE TODAY AND LET YOU HARVEST YOUR URCHINS</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: That could still happen with your current offer.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Levi let us not aggrivate them, as she said, you are not a fighter</font>

<font color="#880000">Lirtimya: chuckles</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I said ok!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I'm respecting her boundary!</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WE WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH YOUR PROGRESS OR ATTEMPTS</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Any fancy tricks for seeing underwater?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Do you have anything that will make it safer or easier for us? We don't breathe water or see in darkness.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: YOU ARE LIMITED</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Yep!</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WE PICK UP THE WRECK TO CHECK THEN DROP IT BACK DOWN</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: That's .... one way to do it, I guess.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Wow</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: What do you harvest from it?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: URCHINS FOR PEARLS</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: If I was into ladies, I'm pretty sure I'd have a crush on you right now, Berte</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): May I make a int check to see if I know that reeds can be usedd as snorkles?</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: side voice to Vee.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Urchins got pearls?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: yes go for it Jtom</font>

<font color="#418C12">Lirtimya: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 15]</font> [d20 = 1]

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Some of them do apparently.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Huh. Did Not Know</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: PEARLS OR INK FOR SILLY MAGIC PEOPLE</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Yeah... ain't sure they the kind of urchins I know.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: You have no magic people in your group?</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Does that mean I know they can be used for snorkles?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: RUNECASTERS ARE NOT COMMON</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: (to Vee) Well, we can take that offer, or maybe ask permission to go with them and grab a very frew from the wreck when the lift it out. I don't know that they'll go for that one though.</font>

<font color="#880000">Lirtimya: will look to see if there are any reeds growing that can be used</font>

<font color="#418C12">Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 10]</font> [d20 = 6]

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): nice rolling!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Won't know til ya ask.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Very nicely done Lirt finds 1d4 reeds suitable for breathing out of the batch by the lakeshore</font>

<font color="#660066">Lirtimya: </font> [d4 = 3]

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Berte, a question. When you lift up the wreck, are there places in it you can't reach easily, that maybe someone smaller could get to?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Levi would you mind helping me harvest some reeds while these two do their negotiating?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: YES THERE ARE INSIDE BITS AND PIECES THAT ARE HARD TO SEE INTO </font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: What, because my name is Reed?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: You just assume I know about reeds???</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: No, because you can use them to breathe underwater</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: How about we work together? We'll go in and harvest those inner areas, and split just that portion with you 50/50. You harvest everything you can reach for yourselves.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Fiiiine</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: There are three of them over there we can use</font>

<font color="#880000">Levi Reed: follows Lirt</font>

<font color="#880000">Lirtimya: Takes Levi to harvest the reeds</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: THAT SOUNDS LIKE A VERY FAIR DEAL</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: sighs with relief</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WHY ARE YOU OFFERING THAT?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Because you're being very nice by not just throwing us all into the lake, and I want to remain friends with you.</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlett: laughs</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: AND I don't want to drown in a sunken wreck in a lake!</font>

<font color="#261A10">reaches out to shake Rothuss' hand</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: oh boy (under his voice)</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: carefully shakes hands with her.</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: carefully shakes hands with her.</font>

<font color="#261A10">SHAKES FIRMLY BOUNCING ROTHUSS</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Thank you for the help Levi, now three of us can breathe without the potion, as long as you stay near the surface</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I HAVE NOT MET MANY HUMANS WHO ARE AS BRAVE AND SHARP AS YOU ARE WARRIOR</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: nudges Vee with his elbow.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Thank you, Berte. You're very sharp as well.</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlett: resists rolling her eyes while the giant is looking.</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): reeds can grow to full height 6-12 ft, so actually you wouldn't need to stay that close to the surface</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Are you the leader of this camp?</font>

<font color="#000066">Fiolx Bignose [Giant]: [Translation] ARE WE REALLY HELPING THEM BECAUSE YOU LOST TO A PUNY HUMAN?</font>


<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider [Giant]: [Translation] FAIR AND SQUARE HONOR SAYS... SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT</font>


<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Fiolx Bignose [Giant]: [Translation] FINE GIVE ME TIME TO GET DRESSED</font>

<font color="#000000">FINE GIVE ME TIME TO GET DRESSED</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider [Giant]: [Translation] MAKE IT SOON </font>

<font color="#000000">MAKE IT SOON </font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: loosens his shoulder up to make sure it's still in its joint right.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: MY BROTHER IS GETTING DRESSED</font>

<font color="#880000">Lirtimya: Returns to the group with Levi and the reeds and approaches Vee</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: What are those for, Lirtimya?</font>


<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Breathing underwater</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Walk? Or swim?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Do you want us to head out and wait for you, or wait here and go with you?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: IT IS NOT THAT DEEP</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: JUST WADE OUT</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: SOME PADDLING BUT MOSTLY WALKING</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I THINK IT IS NOT MUCH OVER MY HEAD AT THE DEEPEST</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: We'll take the canoe....</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Your kneecap is just about head-height for me.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Would I be allowed to hitch a ride with one of the giants out there? If not, I'll go with our canoe.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I WILL CARRY YOU</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: bows.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Thank you.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WHERE DO YOU COME FROM THAT THEY RAISE SUCH STRONG WARRIORS?</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): I think she's got a crush</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): I mean ... obviously!!! :D </font>

<font color="#261A10">The time is 8:33 AM</font>

<font color="#261A10">The time is 8:33 AM</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): looking up the name of our village...</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlett: snickers to herself</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): isn't in your notes on your sheet?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): ah, yes it is, buried down at the bottom</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): thanks!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Wrong game, the one where TMO remembers everything is the other one ;)</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: A tiny village up in the mountains called Eternal Pearl. Named by incredibly optimistic people many generations ago.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: YOU MEAN THE OUTERLANDS?</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: shrugs.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Possibly?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlett): well that's debatable too....</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I'm not sure where your Outerlands is.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAINS</font>

<font color="#418C12">Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 0]</font> [d20 = 16]

<font color="#000000">GM: Yeap</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: This is The Bowl, you are on the other side of the edge</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Then we would all be outlanders, since I don't think any of us are from the mountains</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: thinks for a moment.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Good point, Lirt! So, yes, I guess we're Outerlanders, unless that's a death sentence, in which case, No, we're not Outerlanders.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: IT MEANS YOU ARE A STRANGE FORIEGN WARROR</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: THAT IS WHY YOU DEFEATED ME</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: I don't think anyone will argue against any of those adjectives.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): lol</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlett: coughs to hide her laugters</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: I WILL ROUSE MY BROTHER AND WE WILL RAISE YOUR WRECK FOR YOU</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Thank you.</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: YOU WILL RIDE WITH ME</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: I may argue warrior, maybe a warrior of words, well, no warrior of sounds, there</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Vee, you all want to head back in the canoe, and I'll wait here?</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: pats Rothuss' head lightly</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): Rothuss sinks six inches into the mud</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlett: Sure. Don't wanna interupt the... warrior ways.</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol Lemon</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: pulls his feet out of the ground one at a time.</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: grins at Vee.</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): purely out of meta-knowledge curiosity - how many HD are these frickin' jungle giants?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So the other three take the canoe back over to the wreck</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: 10-13</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): yeesh</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): what's an HD?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: 1d10</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Oh, by the way, I'm guessing I've worn this out, you can have it back now. *takes off the Plot Armor and gives it back to Bob*</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): it's the monster equivalent of Levels.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: That was all you, </font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): so 10-13th level</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): Ohhhhh ok</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): wow</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: squints to see whether everyone is coming back.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and no way for even ME to play for consecutive auto miss failures</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Mouse Tactics for the win!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: plan</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: For Temperance Vee, Levi, and Lirt are returning .... Rothuss looks to be a captive over on the far shore by the giants</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: furrows her brows, but decides to ask the people coming back what happened.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): lol</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): to the looking like a captive</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Welcome back! Er.. did you all have fun?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: We gave them Rothuss in exchange for the treasure</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlettlol: looks bored and not concerned</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): and not a single Death by Snu Snu joke to be seen anywhere... I am surprised.</font>

<font color="#000066">Violette Snipes: Are you ok?</font>

<font color="#880000">Vee Barlettlol: maybe even disappointed</font>

<font color="#000066">Violette Snipes: That looked like a horrible fight</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: I heard something splash.</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): I love that your name changed to add an lol</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: That was Rothuss</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Bob, I forgot to ask, how long are these reeds?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Giant lady wants to keep him and we said sure</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I think he's her pet now</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: Nah, barely any blood.</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: furrows her brows, looking quite confused.</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: 3d6 inches long for each one</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: ...Right.</font>

<font color="#660066">Lirtimya: </font> [3d6 = 12]

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): ah, 3D6 .. I read that as 3-6 at first</font>

<font color="#660066">Lirtimya: </font> [3d6 = 11]

<font color="#660066">Lirtimya: </font> [3d6 = 10]

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): These are quite short reeds, but will still help</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): I thought there were 4?</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): but add those to your inventory for sure!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: So, no blood, but there was some agreement where Rothuss stays while the wreck is being surveyed?</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: shrugs her shoulders.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: I suppose it's fortunate that there was no blood.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: They comin' to look with us.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Ah, so the giants are assisting with the wreck!</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: perks up a bit at the news.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: YEah think we get Rothuss back eventually, too, unfortunately.</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: laughs lightly.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: I'm sure you'll miss your "pack mule", as you put it.</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Poor, disappointed, Vee...</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): I'm sad that no one believed Levi</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: Ain't sure about that. But ain't much to do but wait.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: They gonna lift the wreck for us to look in.</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Temp almost believed him, since she wasn't actually there : ) </font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlettlol): lol</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: So we don't need that potion then?</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: her eyes grow wide.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Really? That sounds like good quality assistance!</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: looks surprised at the optimistic turn of events.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: We might still if not for this, somethin' else.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: Until I find a permanent way to breath water...</font>

<font color="#880000">Lirtimya: puts the reeds in her pack</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Vee's Dream...</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Then we won't need those for now, but they're good to keep</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlettlol): at least she has oneeeee</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: What did you find, Lirtimya?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: Smart thinkin' mate.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: Reeds, three of them, you can use them as a pipe to the surface so you can breathe</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss has one too. Vee just refuses to recognize its validity</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): Hey Levi has a dream</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Oh, that sounds nice! It'd be useful to keep, for sure.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Lirtimya: If we can grow them they can get much larger, butwe'd need a place to do that first</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: is grinning like a loon the whole way across the lake.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: We will find a place for them, I'm sure.</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: glances at Rothuss floating atop the water surface.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Looks like someone had quite an adventure.</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: waves at the group.</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: waves back good-naturedly.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: He thinks every lady is an adventure</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): he has yet to be proven wrong</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: Ugh.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Ah, were the two giants won over by his... er...</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: frowns as she thinks to herself.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: His skill as a warrior</font>

<font color="#880000">Levi Reed: laughs</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: The lady giant. Ain't sure her brother convinced. He ain't talked to us yet.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Ah! Right- wait, what?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: His skill bein' slippery against somethin' much bigger than him.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: Mouse boy.</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): Mouse Tactics!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: ...Mouse boy, right...</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: The mighty mouse saved the day</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: So how do you want to tackle this?</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: they lift the boat while a few are inside?</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlettlol): ooc</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): I would assume they lift, we clamber about inside. But there are other possibiilitees.</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): too many vowels there.</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Can they lift and bring it up to the rock island thing they're on?</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Or is the island too small</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlettlol): oh ask</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlettlol): as in tempe ask the giants</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Sorry, got distracted by discord</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: smiles</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: turns towards the giants.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Vee Barlettlol: my phone is on DND mode so didn't even know anything was going on</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlettlol): ooc</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Would it be possible to bring the wreck up to this... rocky island? It would save you the trouble of having to lift it up above the surface of the water the whole time while some of us explore.</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): (I forgot Rothuss was riding on their shoulders lol)</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WE CAN LIFT FOR A SHORT TIME</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WE CANNOT LIFT THIS UP OUT OF THE WATER ALL THE WAY</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WE CAN PICK THIS UP FOR A SHORT WHILE</font>

<font color="#000066">Fiolx Bignose [Giant]: [Translation] I WILL DROP THIS ON YOUR FOOT IF YOU MAKE ME DO THIS TOO LONG</font>


<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: You kids have fun in there. I'm not about to get a ship dropped on my head</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider [Giant]: [Translation] I WILL DROP IT ON YOUR HEAD</font>

<font color="#000000">I WILL DROP IT ON YOUR HEAD</font>

<font color="#660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Ah, I understand! We will be as quick as we can, then! Thank you very much for your assistance!</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: bows respectfully.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: I've had enough brain damage already </font>

<font color="#261A10">Levi Reed: Probably</font>

<font color="#000066">Berte Lonerider: WE WILL WARN YOU </font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: pats Berte on the shoulder.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Thanks for the ride, that was amazing.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Temperance: Thank you, that would be much appreciated!</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: drops off her shoulders and into the water.</font>

<font color="#6106D1">Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2]</font> [d20 = 16]

<font color="#000000">GM: about another 30 minutes for me, Bookfest tomorrow</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: and SPLASH and splutter</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: belly flops</font>

<font color="#880000">Temperance: blinks and watches Rothuss splash into the water a second time.</font>

<font color="#261A10">Rothuss Carder: Feh... deeper there than I thought.</font>

<font color="#005500">seyfert (Vee Barlettlol): how long can they do that?</font>

<font color="#660066">'seyfert' disconnected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: ??</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: wades up toward the wreck.</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): did we lose Carissa?</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Yes</font>

<font color="#005500">LemonyLemon (Levi Reed): I think she was wondering how long they can hold the shipwreck up for</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: yeap</font>

<font color="#660066">User has gone AFK. (LemonyLemon)</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: Ok so I say we stop here tonight, sadly not quiet as far as we wanted but much more heroic than we expected</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: I will restart everyting, and tomorrow post chat</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): HEROIC</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: very much so</font>

<font color="#880000">Rothuss Carder: flexes</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hear that TMO you were heroic</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: my computer wants to restart too </font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): I'll post a quick braindump summary before I sleep : ) </font>

<font color="#000000">GM: glad thank you Wendy</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): it's fun when you have plot armor</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: night everyone</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): With an emphasis on HEROIC</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: HAH I do nothing to protect you from yourself</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): plot armor from the UNIVERSE!</font>

<font color="#000000">GM: night everyone</font>

<font color="#005500">Master TMO (Rothuss Carder): gnite</font>

<font color="#005500">JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Someone might wanna let Carissa know we're stopping for the night too</font>

<font color="#005500">wyjyoon (Temperance): Good night!</font>