Main / 20240621s

Chat Log List - 2024 06 21 - Student Loans - Formatted - Story

BOB You are in the village (no map) in the morning

BOB after sleeping the night with Violette

Vee Barlett: Yo, Tempe. My leg feels knarly. Can ya heal it up a bit so I can sleep better? Or ya use it all earlier?

Vee Barlett: On the... er... other beings we met?

Vee Barlett: glances where Violette's mom might be hiding nearby

Temperance: I think I can do some healing, yes. Wouldn't do for you to be tossing and turning when you rest.

Violette Snipes: Yes it would be horrible for her to be thrashing around all night moaning and crying out

Vee Barlett: turns her snicker into a cough

The date is Ko____se, 26th Ze (Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Morning Crescent

Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

The time is 5:53 AM

Vee Barlett: snores

Vee Barlett: still snoring

Temperance: rubs her eyes and stretches

Temperance: stares blankly off into space while she processes the morning.

Lirtimya: Stretches and sits up

Rothuss Carder: snores

Temperance: Meditate... spells...

Temperance: mumbles to herself blearily

Temperance: sleepily adjusts her posture into a sitting position and begins meditating (and hopefully not falling asleep)

Lirtimya: Goes over her spells, and prepares herself for the day

Levi Reed: still sleeping

Levi Reed: rolls over and accidentally kicks MeLange really hard

BOB SO Lirt has her spells for the day

BOB you are heading uphill again to go back to the Church of the Mists

BOB You should have a conversation after you leave the village for A - what you have that is valuable B - what do you want to potentially trade away and C - did you want to do more training with them before heading downhill again and home

BOB You have the Temple of Orange Sunsets, and the Church of the Mists now who are favorable to you

BOB A - go to the Orphanage->Church of the Mists->Temple of Orange Sunsets (home) which is mostly just clicking things off with one or two encounters in the mountains on the way home

BOB or B - go back to the lake and travel along the shore or find a boat to get down to Osterhold

Rothuss Carder: Vee: "When in doubt, build a boat!"

Vee Barlett: Hey that sounds like me!

BOB a week or so traveling by land I think

BOB CLICK you are at the Church of the Mists

Rothuss Carder: whooooooosh

Vee Barlett: sulks

BOB Did you want to discuss talk barter anything here?

BOB To this point all the story arcs end at the Temple of Orange Sunsets

BOB and also now at the Temple so RP with Temp and Vee (and Levi if he wakes up) about going out to Osterhold and do you want to tell anyone

Vee Barlett: Alright, we gotta sneak off before Jericho comes back from wherever they sent him this time because I ain't wantin' to deal with his shit again anytime soon.

Vee Barlett: Y'all didn't let me go on the river and I had to say bye to a great girl so I need somethin' to cheer me up. AND I didn't get my second date yet with a merman. How lame.

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: So I take it you do not want to tell the er... Priestess that we are leaving?

Vee Barlett: Why?

Vee Barlett: Jericho completed his task. They know we alive. What else they want?

Temperance: Nothing. I'm alright with... "sneaking off", as you say.

Vee Barlett: I ain't part of this Temple and plan to keep it this way. We got our hellos now let's go.

Temperance: Onwards, then.

Vee Barlett: Unless you got priestly things to do. Then do them quick.

Vee Barlett: still grouchy

Temperance: To cheer you up for your... er, heart?

Temperance: No priestly things to do. At least I don't believe so.

Temperance: smiles indulgently at Vee's grouchiness.

Vee Barlett: Good. I gotta say hi to my dads again.

Temperance: Wouldn't want to keep them waiting. Family is important.

Vee Barlett: So is my empty pocket and ringless finger.

Temperance: I have a feeling you will soon gain both.

Temperance: Though I'm not sure where the feeling comes from.

Vee Barlett: As long as it's a magic ring and not some dipshit tryin' to propose to me.

Temperance: I think you would sooner shank them first if they try.

Vee Barlett: nods

Vee Barlett: Gut feelin'? You ain't a fortune tellin' priest, right?

Temperance: Not that I'm aware of, no.

Vee Barlett: Good. Or I'd be mad ya didn't tell me earlier.

Vee Barlett: I did sharpen my knives comin' back.

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: If I knew you were going to get what you wanted I would tell you. No use keeping that to myself.

Vee Barlett: Nah, I already know I get what I want. But I like hearin' what the future could also get me that I ain't considered, ya know?

Vee Barlett: So whatcha think about that lake, Tempe?

Temperance: Ah, the wreck and the rock island, you mean?

Vee Barlett: I dunno. Just... fresh water? It nice, but it ain't the sea.

Temperance: I think the open sea is a tad bit more interesting than the lake. Though the giants helping us was intriguing.

Temperance: I didn't get to see much in the lake besides the urchins.

Vee Barlett: Yeah, too bad ya didn't go underwater. Bet there's lots to see there.

Vee Barlett: Maybe I shoulda followed the merman.

BOB Speaking of which are you leaving anything here in the Temple for banking for future favors?

BOB Or keeping to pay for what ever you want?

BOB So you are back at the Seven Sirens Tavern

BOB the next stop is Levi talking to his sisters and borrowing a boat to go to Osterhold

Temperance: I'm sure the Temple will be around for pretty words and chit-chat.

Vee Barlett: They ain't goin' nowhere. Bet they cookin' up another favor to ask us later anyways.

Temperance: I'm not sure if it necessarily needs to be an interaction now, yes.

Temperance: glances around the tavern idly.

Levi Reed: Vee, where's your sister? She can get us a boat, right?

Vee Barlett: Gloria? I dunno. Maybe she off today? Why would she have a boat?

Levi Reed: I didn't say she HAD one, I said she could GET us one

Levi Reed: She must know people

Vee Barlett: That be you, buddy.

Levi Reed: She's related to you, after all

Levi Reed: I don't have a boat

Vee Barlett: Yer family got plenty.

Levi Reed: Working boats

Levi Reed: That they use for working

Vee Barlett: Stop bein' a wuss and let's get a boat from them.

Vee Barlett: Introduce Mel to them, too. He ain't met them yet.

Vee Barlett: And that ain't fair to him.

Levi Reed: Wait wait wait

Levi Reed: We agreed this wasn't anything serious

MeLange: not fair to me?

Vee Barlett: Nope. Let's go.

MeLange: seems unfair

Levi Reed: Way too soon to meet the family

Temperance: Well, if they're going to use it for working, then they might not be willing to hand it over so easily.

Vee Barlett: He can just meet them as a friend.

Levi Reed: Exactly. They're busy doing work

Vee Barlett: Ya don't know 'til ya ask.

Vee Barlett: And if I gotta ask without ya, well, gonna be worse for ya.

MeLange: Hey, why not?

Levi Reed: Just because my dad is half retired and has a boat that was supposed to be mine lying around, doesn't mean I can just TAKE it

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

MeLange: You could try asking him?

MeLange: maybe?

Vee Barlett: You can take anythin' ya want if ya don't get caught. Duh.

Levi Reed: You steal from your dads?

Vee Barlett: Where ya think I got them good cigarillos?

MeLange: Some things you do, make you a certain type of person

Vee Barlett: Dad's got good taste. He ain't gonna miss a few.

Temperance: smiles indulgently at the direction of the conversation, getting accustomed to it.

Levi Reed: I guarantee he knows you took them

Levi Reed: If he didn't want you to have them, they wouldn't have been where you could find them

Vee Barlett: Maybe he do, maybe he don't but I still got them and that's what matters in the end.

Levi Reed: Ok, but you can't just take a boat from them

Vee Barlett: By that logic, I shouldn't be allowed in the house.

Vee Barlett: 'Cause everythin' in there fair game.

Levi Reed: Or else you'd already have it

Vee Barlett: 'Course I haven't! I gotta have SOME respect fer yer family. I like them.

Levi Reed: mutters something about "second house" that no one quite catches the full sentence of

Levi Reed: I meant you couldn't take a boat from YOUR family

Vee Barlett: Why would I?

Vee Barlett: I need a boat from YOUR family to visit MY family.

Levi Reed: Why wouldn't you? You've talked about nothing but that one boat they have that you want since the day I met you

Levi Reed: MeL, talk some sense into her!

Vee Barlett: This why I'm the brains here. Ain't smart to just take that one.

MeLange: You know, I've come to figure out that Vee really likes boats

Vee Barlett: grins at Mel

Vee Barlett: And Ships. 'specially ships.

Vee Barlett: But we gotta get to Osterhold and it easiest over water so we need to get a boat from Levi's family.

Levi Reed: grumbles about it all being the same, floaty thing on water is a floaty thing on water

MeLange: so she doesn't want to steal her own boat but instead steal your boat Levi?

Vee Barlett: His mom makes good food, Mel. You'd like her.

Levi Reed: Ok but DO we need to get to Osterhold?

Levi Reed: Yeah, pretty much Mel

Vee Barlett: Yeah. We got goods to offload.

MeLange: What if we just asked your parents for the boat? Maybe they need a favor or somethng we could do?

Vee Barlett: Ya ain't allowed to flirt with him, but Dad might be home this time.

MeLange: I'm sure they're reasonable people

Vee Barlett: casually picks her nails with a knife

Levi Reed: I'll offload your... look. Dad might be fine with it, but Lila's basically running the show now, there's no chance she's just going to agree to that

Vee Barlett: His family fine. Just his own father a bit... uptight. But the rest great.

Vee Barlett: Only one way to find out.

Vee Barlett: So. Again. LET'S GO.

MeLange: Well ya never know till ya try Levi

Levi Reed: Vee might have to seduce her

Vee Barlett: Huh? I thought she was more into Mel's type.

Levi Reed: Honestly, I have no idea

MeLange: We could both seduce her

Levi Reed: Yes!

Levi Reed: Yes, do that!

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

MeLange: But Levi you can't watch

Vee Barlett: Levi just wants drama on others.

Levi Reed: EW

Levi Reed: that's my sister, man

Vee Barlett: I hope she beat him up.

MeLange: I know that's why I said you can't watch

Levi Reed: Lila's never brought anyone home. She might not be interested in either of you for all I know

Levi Reed: I DO know that she likes Vee way more than she likes me

Vee Barlett: That's fine, too. Maybe she just wants us to beat you up before she let's us borrow a boat.

MeLange: Sounds like she could use a big brother worth looking up to

Vee Barlett: Lila cool. We bicker, but she holds her own. I like that.

Levi Reed: I'm the youngest

Vee Barlett: Explains so much.

Levi Reed: If she's got a big brother, I've never met him

MeLange: why she needs a big brother

MeLange: All she's had has beena lil Levi

Levi Reed: Are you offering?

Levi Reed: Because good luck with that shit show

MeLange: for while we're there and until we leave? sure

Vee Barlett: This sounds better and better....

Vee Barlett: Maybe we outta stay the night when we get there.

Temperance: That family tree sounds like it's getting more complicated.

MeLange: it does

MeLange: Sounds like fun though

Vee Barlett: So we goin'?

MeLange: all the layers and relationships

Levi Reed: I got no problems asking Dad. He's been dying for me to show an interest in the family boats. But Vee... you gotta be the one who gets Lila on board

Levi Reed: Not literally

Levi Reed: Oh god

Vee Barlett: Oh! Good idea!

Levi Reed: Please don't let her come with us

MeLange: But if Dad gives the ok, he's still like the patriarch, she should still agree to his wishes... no?

Vee Barlett: She ain't allowed to visit my house, but you could keep her company in the city.

Levi Reed: I mean, you'd think that

Levi Reed: But she's the princess

Vee Barlett: Wait. And that keeps you away from my dads.... man, yeah, let's see if Lila wants to come!

Temperance: It's more so who's willing to push and who's willing to bend.

Temperance: If he bends to her will, then she gets to push as far as she pleases.

Joycelyn Pemberton: Walks into the tavern and looks around

MeLange: Princess still gotta answer to the king, if no one else

Vee Barlett: Pffft, says who?

Levi Reed: Not when the king is old and mad at the prince

Joycelyn Pemberton: Spots Temperance and Vee over in the corner

Joycelyn Pemberton: Walks over

MeLange: Just gonna have to man up son!

Joycelyn Pemberton: How are you Ladies doing this evening?

MeLange: pumps his chest

Levi Reed: I did! That's why dad doesn't like me anymore!

MeLange: you know some of that!

Vee Barlett: Huh? Who you?

Temperance: turns towards the new voice.

MeLange: He don't have to like you, but he should RESPECT you

Joycelyn Pemberton: Smiles

Joycelyn Pemberton: You are Vee Barlett, at least that is your current name

Levi Reed: crosses fingers that this new rando is here to offer a boat

Vee Barlett: Mkay. Congrats for knowin' that, I guess?

Joycelyn Pemberton: You are Temperance, we sent you out on missions together

Vee Barlett: Ugh, the Temple? Again??

Temperance: furrows her brows.

BOB Yes Temperance is from the Cathedral in Osterhold

BOB Joycelyn is the person at the Temple of Orange Sunsets that handles security

Temperance: Missions, was it? I suppose, though I don't quite remember if we ever got acquainted.

Joycelyn Pemberton: You do not need to know me to know you do the Temple's missions and you have done well so far

Vee Barlett: takes a sip of her drink to hide her rolling eyes

Levi Reed: Who's this, Tempe?

Joycelyn Pemberton: I am Joyceleyn Pemberton, one of the security people for the Temple

Levi Reed: narrows eyes suspiciously

Levi Reed: And what do you want from us?

Joycelyn Pemberton: and Vee and Temperance are two of our rising operatives

Vee Barlett: Fuck you? Says who?

Joycelyn Pemberton: They have done good work for us

Joycelyn Pemberton: No one said you were grateful or happy to do it

Joycelyn Pemberton: But you have been well paid

Vee Barlett: snorts

Vee Barlett: No one better say I be willin' either

Temperance: Would've been a tricky endeavor for you to get her to engage willingly, for certain.

Joycelyn Pemberton: What I am concerned with is are you healed, are you ready to stay at home and relax for weeks and months? doing nothing here in this tavern?

Levi Reed: Yes, go away

Vee Barlett: Ain't none of yer business.

Joycelyn Pemberton: I have business for you

Vee Barlett: Fuckin' of course ya do.

Temperance: looks a bit hesitant and guarded.

Joycelyn Pemberton: She hands over a small flat box

Vee Barlett: takes a drink and looks at Tempe to take it

Joycelyn Pemberton: There is a key inside of there

Levi Reed: Don't touch it!

Temperance: reaches for the box and freezes.

Levi Reed: No one give her any sign that we're willing to do this!

Temperance: mumbles something about "Pandora's box"

Joycelyn Pemberton: That key will open up a treasure chest

Vee Barlett: Temple got a tight lease on their priest. Ain't sure Tempe has a choice.

Vee Barlett: Huh... Tempe. Temple... what a misfortunate name there.

Joycelyn Pemberton: The Duke of Mizzen left that with the church

Levi Reed: I'm just so tired of doing their dirty work for them

Vee Barlett: Mkay and?

Joycelyn Pemberton: And now he is in trouble

Temperance: looks a bit hesitant, her hand hovering midway towards the box.

Joycelyn Pemberton: That key is your surity to prove you are who you say you are

Joycelyn Pemberton: When you go do a favor for him

Vee Barlett: What kind of trouble and why can't the church handle it themself?

Joycelyn Pemberton: If you prefer I keep the box and go do this, then I will get the rewards

Vee Barlett: Who sent ya?

Joycelyn Pemberton: Pescal thought you would like a chance at this

Vee Barlett: Why?

Levi Reed: gives up on the conversation and downs a beer

Temperance: Rewards, financial gain, perhaps?

Joycelyn Pemberton: Because they want you to learn and grow more than they want me to

Vee Barlett: Why?

Levi Reed: Because we're easier to take advantage of

Vee Barlett: At least Hilde I can kinda understand, but not Pescal.

MeLange: good to learn and grow

Joycelyn Pemberton: Because if I do manage to pull off this favor for the Duke then I will have that influence and I know the levers to pull with that influence to do things

Joycelyn Pemberton: You on the other hand can accomplish things and be more greedy and self centered

Vee Barlett: laughs

Joycelyn Pemberton: and not worry about what other powers you could use it for

Vee Barlett: You don't make a good argument here, tho.

Vee Barlett: If Pescal and the Temple know that, why let a greedy person like me have that power?

Joycelyn Pemberton: I would prefer for you to openly honestly tell me no

Joycelyn Pemberton: So I can go back and say I tried

Joycelyn Pemberton: then I can go do this myself

Vee Barlett: Nah, I'd rather take the key and leave if up in the unknown.

Vee Barlett: Maybe we do it, maybe we don't but then no one does.

Temperance: Doesn't taking it mean we're obligated to this sort of task?

Vee Barlett: But if we did, church givin' us a ship for it this time?

Vee Barlett: Says who? We ain't signin' no legal document.

Joycelyn Pemberton: Holding the box out

Joycelyn Pemberton: I have nothing but a key to offer you

Temperance: exhales softly and reaches out, taking it.

Joycelyn Pemberton: and there is a letter at the Cathedral in Osterhold

Levi Reed: heads up to the bar to get another drink

Joycelyn Pemberton: that goes with this

Levi Reed: Gotta drink the Faith away, you know?

Joycelyn Pemberton: the bastards there did not let us have it

Vee Barlett: Grab me a bottle, Lev!

Vee Barlett: And why is that?

Temperance: I see. The Cathedral from Osterhold, was it?

Joycelyn Pemberton: Gives Temperance the box, a sigh of regret

Levi Reed: Get your own!

Joycelyn Pemberton: Because they do not like me

Vee Barlett: Cathedral don't wanna help the Temple? We the mediator?

Levi Reed: Making deals with the church again

Vee Barlett: Eh, they don't like nobody. Not tryin' to cheer you up, just statin' facts.

Vee Barlett: So what trouble is Duke in?

Vee Barlett: Ya didn't answer that.

Joycelyn Pemberton: I do not know

Joycelyn Pemberton: I have not seen the letter

Vee Barlett: Well least this forces Levi to need to get us to Osterhold.

Joycelyn Pemberton: We had that key from the Duke for a previous favor we did

Vee Barlett: So what he say that ya need it now?

Levi Reed: Very convoluted story

Temperance: What was this previous favor?

Joycelyn Pemberton: That Key plus the letter at Osterhold will let you know what he needs and how to help

Vee Barlett: Just told Cathedral he needs help so they told you?

Joycelyn Pemberton: He told us he sent the letter

Joycelyn Pemberton: the Cathedral did not tell us

Vee Barlett: Y'all got some weird politics.

Joycelyn Pemberton: But the Duke knows that the Key is the surity to prove it is him

Vee Barlett: Where's the chest this key opens?

Joycelyn Pemberton: That stupid bitch deserves to be held over hot coals until she give up her...

Joycelyn Pemberton: Yes

Joycelyn Pemberton: I agree

Vee Barlett: snorts

Joycelyn Pemberton: The Cathedral has too much power

Vee Barlett: If Jericho were around, he'd agree.

Vee Barlett: But keep him busy. He bad luck and ain't sure I'm ready for him to come back yet.

Temperance: observes Joycelyn with a raised brow.

Levi Reed: noticably warms up to Joycelyn a bit

Joycelyn Pemberton: He is working the southern precinct

Vee Barlett: Good. I'll avoid that area.

Levi Reed: I've heard it's real hot there these days

Joycelyn Pemberton: Now that I have given you the key my job is over


Joycelyn Pemberton: BARTENDER RUM LOTS

Vee Barlett: Enjoy yer drink.

Joycelyn Pemberton: She takes the bottle and drinks directly from it

Temperance: exhales softly again, massaging her temples at the whole Temple and Cathedral situation.

Joycelyn Pemberton: So what are you going to do?

Vee Barlett: I ain't decided yet now have I?

Vee Barlett: I got business in the city anyways so maybe see what that letter says, but ain't promisin' nothin'

Joycelyn Pemberton: Damn it I wish I was going, sailing a bit, Mizzen has some amazing food

Vee Barlett: Levi a fan of that church there.

Joycelyn Pemberton: Hic

Joycelyn Pemberton: DRINKS

Vee Barlett: Mel can go visit the library if we go to Mizzen again.

MeLange: Oh that sounds nice

Vee Barlett: I gotta sharpen my knives again if we end up there....

Temperance: The library does sound nice, I agree.

MeLange: We could go there and ask questions

Vee Barlett: See Lev? You can go on a date with Mel. Visit the church, visit the library, eat good food and stuff.

Levi Reed: gross

Joycelyn Pemberton: I bet you are going to have a grand old time

Vee Barlett: Get ourselves back on the sea.

Vee Barlett: sighs longingly

Levi Reed: I have a better idea

Vee Barlett: You been to Mizzen before Joycelyn?

Levi Reed: We go back in the caves

MeLange: Hey Vee, whatever does or doesn't happen, I think it best if it happened naturally, like on its own, like without you nudging all the time? With all respect

MeLange: please don't shank me

Joycelyn Pemberton: It is wonderful

Vee Barlett: Huh? I ain't pushin' nothing. Except Levi. To get us a boat. And if it means usin' you, well, sorry but not sorry.

Levi Reed: She literally doesn't know she's doing it, man

Vee Barlett: Doin' what?

MeLange: So focused on that boat!

Vee Barlett: Boat and sharp knives.

Levi Reed: You know what they say. Boats are a girl's best friend

Vee Barlett: Hey Joycelyn. You into ladies?

Joycelyn Pemberton: Boats are a way to get there

MeLange: aight, I'm willin to do what I can to help get a boat, you just lemme know Vee

Joycelyn Pemberton: Boats are just fancy ways to travel

Levi Reed: Everybody's a traitor tonight

Vee Barlett: Boats are necessary, ships are magestic.

MeLange: Or a ship

Levi Reed: Y'all remember this when you're complaining about whatever church politics we're about to get ourselves in the middle of

MeLange: Does every ship start out as a boat?

MeLange: Obviously not, but cool to think about

Joycelyn Pemberton: Do boats grow into ships?

Vee Barlett: I... huh.... I dunno?

Vee Barlett: looks at her nearly empty bottle of rum and frowns

Joycelyn Pemberton: Hands over her bottle

Vee Barlett: Didn't expect to be philosophical drunk already....

Temperance: I don't believe boats are capable of growing, unless you remodel it into one.

Vee Barlett: takes the bottles and takes a drink

MeLange: piece by piece?

Joycelyn Pemberton: There is an old story about that in the church

Joycelyn Pemberton: the Ship of Thesis

Levi Reed: Look let us have a break from the stories please

MeLange: Thesis?

Joycelyn Pemberton: If you replace each piece of a boat

Levi Reed: We got lucky with Rothuss going to bed early

Vee Barlett: Nah I wanna hear this one.

Joycelyn Pemberton: Does that mean you have a new boat? or the same boat?

Vee Barlett: It 'bout ships.

MeLange: can't start a story n not finish

Vee Barlett: Oh, it a life lesson? Nevermind. I hate those stories.

Joycelyn Pemberton: The idea of Thesis

MeLange laughs with Vee

Levi Reed: grumbles "That's not even a story"

Joycelyn Pemberton: So tell me Levi

Joycelyn Pemberton: Is it the same ship?

Vee Barlett: Ya, Lev. Is it??

MeLange: Yea Levi? is it?

Levi Reed: Who cares, I don't want to get on it either way

Vee Barlett: looks at him and grins

MeLange: smiles at Vee

Joycelyn Pemberton: All the physical pieces that make is a ship are different

Levi Reed: You gotta ask Vee this one

Joycelyn Pemberton: but Vee, the things that make is a SHIP are still there

Levi Reed: Because now you're talking ship souls and stuff

Vee Barlett: If it sails like a ship, it a ship.

Joycelyn Pemberton: So the Ship of Thesis, is is still the same ship?

Vee Barlett: Old boat, new trim.

MeLange: Oh man, this is getting my brain off...

Levi Reed: I turned mine off HOURS ago

Joycelyn Pemberton: Laughs with Levi

Temperance: It's as if you're saying you take a person and change every physical aspect about them and asking if they are still the same person.

Vee Barlett: There be two types of drunk: philosophical and rowdy. 'Pparently this be philosophic.

Vee Barlett: looks at Tempe

MeLange: ohhhh but it's good, like what makes us us? Am I still the same person I was as a baby? A Kid?

Joycelyn Pemberton: Yes Temperance

Vee Barlett: mutters, "'Course you'd like this kinda brain twister."

Joycelyn Pemberton: and see Mel has insights too

Levi Reed: The answer can be yes and no at the same time

Joycelyn Pemberton: Takes a drink

Levi Reed: But again... I don't care about the boat

MeLange: massages his temples

Joycelyn Pemberton: That is where the idea of Thesis came from afterall

Joycelyn Pemberton: Being both right and wrong

Levi Reed: All I want to do is drink and pass out and not have to see my sister

Joycelyn Pemberton: What is wrong with your Sister? is she ill?

Vee Barlett: We gonna see her and not soon enough.

Levi Reed: I should at least get to do 2 out of the 3 things

Levi Reed: She's fine, she just hates me for no reason

MeLange: I always thought if I'd had a sister, or have a sister who knows, that we'd get along, but I guess that's not always the way is it?

Temperance: No one's stopping you from drinking and passing out. There are drinks.

Temperance: And you have a place to sleep.

Levi Reed: I'm working on it!!!

Joycelyn Pemberton: You have Temperance here to see your sister with you to comfort her and you

MeLange: Why does she hate you Levi? Too handsome?

Temperance: I don't believe I'd do well with comforting, but I'll try.

Temperance: I've been told I come off too...mechanical.

Vee Barlett: 'Cause he's a wuss

Joycelyn Pemberton: Should I have investigated Levi? is he actually important?

Levi Reed: Because my dad wants me to take over the family business, because I'm the man. But she's the oldest, so she thinks it's her right

Levi Reed: Nevermind that I told her she could have it

Vee Barlett: snorts

MeLange: Oh yea she's got a good point there

Levi Reed: I don't WANT it

Vee Barlett: Levi? Important how?

MeLange: So why can't she have it?

Levi Reed: I can't control what stupid ideas my dad has about how to pass down the family business

MeLange: seems like she runnin it already n you don't want it

Levi Reed: I KNOW!

Joycelyn Pemberton: Men suck

Vee Barlett: Cheers to that!

Levi Reed: So there's no reason for her to hate me!

Levi Reed: But she does anyway!

Temperance: Traditions can be suffocating.

MeLange: Alright just tell her that you guys just treadin water until your dad dies, all due respect

MeLange: fake it till you make it

Temperance: And misdirected anger equally so.

MeLange: Seems like it shouldn't be much longer

MeLange: if he's old and crazy I mean

MeLange: not that Vee would shank him

Joycelyn Pemberton: Vee would shank him

MeLange: I mean she could yea

Joycelyn Pemberton: that is why we hire her

Vee Barlett: You hire me? Pffft.

Vee Barlett: Bribe me.

Levi Reed: I mean, I make jokes about him being old, but he's not that old

Vee Barlett: I'd offer to take care of him but... eh, I like yer father. He nice to me.

Levi Reed: Hey!

Levi Reed: You leave my dad alone!

Vee Barlett: Yeah, sure. When ya leave mine alone.

Levi Reed: You hurt my dad and I swear I'll sleep with Troy

Temperance: opens her notebook on top of the flat key box and writes, "Families are complicated..."

Vee Barlett: Fuck you. I'll cut all yer parts off if ya even try.

MeLange: See you still love your Dad and don't want him murdered, that's sweet Lev

Levi Reed: Of course I still love my dad

Levi Reed: Lila's the problem man

Levi Reed: I mean, I still don't want her murdered

Vee Barlett: And I said I wouldn't murder him then ya try to threaten me?

Vee Barlett: Better be wearin' a codpiece to bed next few nights, buddy. Just in case.

MeLange: You could try showing you love her Lev? Like a gift? Like a really great gift something she's always wanted but like never knew? You know?

Levi Reed: Uhhhh, and what would that be?

Vee Barlett: Are ya askin' what love is, Lev??

MeLange: So yea that's a good next question? Who know Lila good enough that would know the ultimate gift for her?

Levi Reed: I mean, maybe, but not right now

Vee Barlett: Man, I thought ya didn't know but sad to here ya admit it.

Levi Reed: Asking about the gift

Vee Barlett: Levi's death might be a good gift.

Levi Reed: You can love someone and hate their guts at the same time

Levi Reed: glares at Vee

Vee Barlett: gives him the fingers

Temperance: hums and scribbles down "You can love someone and hate them at the same time" - Levi

Vee Barlett: Maybe don't start a fight with her to start, yeah? 'Cause we gonna go see yer family.

Levi Reed: I never start it!

Levi Reed: My only problem with Lila is that she hates me!

Vee Barlett: Don't continue it, neither.

MeLange: She's your sister Levi, just from all the time you spent with her, all those years growing, not about loving her, but knowing her, what is it that she wants? What is it that would suit her as a character? A person?

Vee Barlett: Well, ya, you easy to hate sometimes.

MeLange: as a gift, not the business obviously ha

Levi Reed: What she really wants is for me to be a woman, so she can still be the princess who inheret the kingdom

Levi Reed: I can't give her that

MeLange: Oh but I guess the business really would be the best gift

Vee Barlett: I mean, maybe? There be spells out there to do that.

Vee Barlett: Or so the stories go.

Levi Reed: Even if I wanted that, pretty sure we can't afford it

MeLange: Well I dunno man I gave it my best shot! Buy some fancy flowers and hope for the best

Vee Barlett: True. I ain't wastin' money on you.

Vee Barlett: Harder to threaten yer bits when ya piss me off, too, if ya changed it on me.

Levi Reed: She likes you, though, Vee

Vee Barlett: Ya. 'Cause I'm cool.

Levi Reed: If we're getting a boat, it's gonna be you that gets it

Vee Barlett: Mel and I got this.

Levi Reed: I mean, I can ask dad

Levi Reed: But you know as well as I do that the real fight is Lila

Vee Barlett: You gotta take lead, man. We'll jump in where we can.

Levi Reed: Maybe we can talk to the twins first

Levi Reed: They can soften her up maybe

Vee Barlett: nods along as she drinks

Vee Barlett: And yer mom.

Levi Reed: Maybe

Temperance: closes her notebook and observes the box in her hand, contemplating whether or not to open it.

Levi Reed: starts to nod off a bit

Vee Barlett: jabs Levi in the ribs, hard.

Levi Reed: accidentally whacks her in the boob

Temperance: glances at Levi nodding off and reaches to nudge him, but Vee beats her to it.

Levi Reed: runs away

Temperance: Er...

Vee Barlett: hopes he falls into the water hole

Vee Barlett: If ya drown, I ain't savin' ya.

Levi Reed: just barely misses the water hole

Temperance: turns her attention back to the box and opens it.

Levi Reed: I'd rather drown than talk to Lila

Vee Barlett: Maybe shoulda gotten them mermaids to drown him for me...

Vee Barlett: Well we goin' one way or another so either get drunker or walk it off dumbass.

Temperance: He fights pretty well most of the time, so probably not. It'd be a hassle to try and ressurect him.

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes and drinks more

Temperance: Besides, I'd need to get him to write his will before he thinks about drowning himself. Good to know what he wants done with his body after death.

Vee Barlett: Can't we forge it?

Levi Reed: Feed it to the fish!!!!

Temperance: nonchalantly observes the contents inside the box.

Vee Barlett: Nah, I'm gonna give it to them monkeys.

Levi Reed: I'll haunt you

Levi Reed: And your dads

Vee Barlett: That's fine. You'll have to chase me underwater.

Levi Reed: I'll whisper sweet ghostly nothings into their ears every night

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

BOB Inside the box Temperance finds a large golden/brass key with the insignia of Mizzen

BOB It seems that the key is made of several pieces

Vee Barlett: 'Cause you think it that easy, huh? They got ways to take care of that.

Levi Reed: I'm hoping they do

Levi Reed: winks

Temperance: raises an eyebrow and turns it around in her hand.

Vee Barlett: grabs the empty bottle and throws it at him

Levi Reed: attempts to duck but just kind of falls over

Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(16)] [d20 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Dagger) [at Levi Reed] [AC: 12 ]

Temperance: Are you hurt, Levi?

Levi Reed: Never been better, Temp!

Vee Barlett: LEVI! Stop makin' a mess!

Vee Barlett: Clean that up before Gloria gets out here!

Levi Reed: I didn't make a mess!

Vee Barlett: I told ya not to run with the bottle in yer hand!

Levi Reed: Unless you're talking about me, not much I can do about me

Temperance: glances up, opens her mouth, and closes it.

Vee Barlett: is full on framing him

Vee Barlett: Clean that shit up or she gonna cut ya off.


Levi Reed: There once was a man named Troy

Levi Reed: Who was cute when he was a boy

Levi Reed: But then he got bigger

Vee Barlett: And louder.

Levi Reed: And as far AS I CAN FIGURE

Vee Barlett: You can't


Levi Reed: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Temperance: exhales and moves to clean whatever mess there is, observing whether Levi is injured from whatever is happening.

Vee Barlett: is too disturbed by that to say anything

BOB Temperance would know, it is fairly obvious that this is made up of several parts as a ceremonial thing but to take it apart will take more skill,

Vee Barlett: Sorry, y'all. I don't know him. Met him off the street.

Vee Barlett: goes back to drinking and ignoring Levi.

Temperance: mumbles to herself, "What in the world is this sex toy anyway" and goes to clean up the mess.

Temperance: Are you hurt, Levi?

Levi Reed: noooooooooooooope, I'm goood Tempe (slurring a little)

Temperance: Well, clearly your functions are slowed down considerably.

Temperance: I suppose drinking numbs pain as well.

Levi Reed: Who needsss fucntins anyway

Temperance: You, silly. You fight with a sword.

Vee Barlett: You don't 'cause you ain't gettin' laid tonight.

Vee Barlett: mutters to herself

Levi Reed: no fightings in here

Temperance: You don't know that, but I hope so.

Levi Reed: we chased thos daragons away already

Levi Reed: no more fightings

Temperance: Those... dragons?

Temperance: looks confused but nods anyway.

Levi Reed: slayed em

Vee Barlett: The wannabe gang members who came in here once awhile ago.

Temperance: Right. Glad we slayed those dragons. Would you like to sit now?

Temperance: Oh, I see.

Levi Reed: yep thems the ones

Temperance: If there's glass on the floor it wouldn't do for people to step on them.

Levi Reed: no glasses

Vee Barlett: Levi needs to clean it up. It's his mess.

Levi Reed: i can see fine

Temperance: I mean, he could try. I don't think he'd do that good of a job.

Temperance: glances back at him.

Temperance: No offense.

Levi Reed: no fence taken

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Vee Barlett: Ain't bother me if he hurt himself.

Temperance: Right, but it'd bother me so it's my problem now.

Temperance: Do they have a broom anywhere?

Levi Reed: i'm fiiiiiiiiiiiine Empeee

Gloria: What are you letting him do now Vee?

Temperance: Right. Are you fine standing or would you like to sit?

Levi Reed: looks at Tempe

Levi Reed: yourrr one of uss now you knows

Raimund Feilhaber: I am wrapping up the kitchen any last requests

Vee Barlett: I ain't lettin' him do nothin'

Vee Barlett: He's makin' a mess himself.

Levi Reed: stuck with us

Temperance: I... yes?

Gloria: You want to clean up after him?

Levi Reed: stucks and stones

Temperance: looks confused as to where this conversation is going.

Vee Barlett: His mess to clean.

Gloria: Looks over at Tempe

Gloria: You need food?

Temperance: Oh, I'd appreciate something to clean up the mess, yes.

Temperance: Vee, would you like some food?

Gloria: Vee can do that

Gloria: You want food?

Vee Barlett: Food is good.

Levi Reed: Gory glory goria. You know me

Vee Barlett: Levi can sweep up his mess.

Gloria: Raimund!!!!! Get our priestess here some food

Levi Reed: I would never mess

Gloria: and some scraps for Vee

Levi Reed: never

Raimund Feilhaber: Gotcha Vee, who is your friend?

Levi Reed: not my favorite bar not once not nevers

Temperance: gently puts the key she was * attempting * to observe back in the box and stores it safely in her pack.

Vee Barlett: Which one? Only one currently a friend here is Mel.

Raimund Feilhaber: Not your priestess?

MeLange: Thanks Vee

MeLange smiles


Vee Barlett: Ehh, I suppose she might be. She carin' about Levi a bit much. That's Tempe.

Raimund Feilhaber: Levi has been here since he was a little boy, never seen this Tempe before

Temperance: Someone around here has to.

Raimund Feilhaber: Are you his girlfriend Tempe?

Temperance: Hello, I go by Temperance. Who might you be?

Temperance: Oh goodness, no.

Vee Barlett: Nah, Levi still don't swing that way.

Raimund Feilhaber: Laughs

Vee Barlett: And Tempe don't swing any way.

Levi Reed: giggles uncontrollably

Vee Barlett: We picked her up in Mizzen on our way back. Some reason she ain't scared away yet.

Raimund Feilhaber: Pauses at that, do you eat Temperance?

Temperance: I do eat, yes, like... most humans, I assume?

Levi Reed: no she's my friend

Temperance: Why do you ask?

Levi Reed: we dont eat frieds ray

Vee Barlett: Don't worry. She sometimes talks weird, but she's 100% human.

Raimund Feilhaber: Shakes his head, Last call for the kitchen if you want something

Vee Barlett: Fish n' chips!

Levi Reed: potatoes any which way you got em

MeLange: Ohh I could go for some fish n chips!

Temperance: Some tea would be nice. I could go for some of those potatoes Levi mentioned.

MeLange: just carbs? really?

Raimund Feilhaber: Four sets of fish and chips coming up

Raimund Feilhaber: Goes in the back

Vee Barlett: One of them ...what they call them? Elongated Island Iced Teas?

Levi Reed: yasss carbs

Joycelyn Pemberton: Screw you guys

Levi Reed: soaks up the whatsits

Vee Barlett: Cheers, Joycelyn!

MeLange: Ha!

Temperance: Elongated... Island Ice.. what?

Vee Barlett: Just a tea full of alcohol. I forget who came up with it. Weird name, but great for drinkin' and forgettin'

Temperance: Preferably not one with alcohol, thank you. I feel as though I need to stay sober tonight.

Joycelyn Pemberton: I am out of here

Temperance: glances back at Joycelyn and furrows her brows.

Joycelyn Pemberton: I gave you your key go to the Cathedral tomorrow

Vee Barlett: Hope yer night improves. Or ya at least drink enough to forget it!

Levi Reed: not yet, is till sees you

Joycelyn Pemberton: Good Luck

Joycelyn Pemberton: I do hope you suceed if he is really in trouble

Vee Barlett: I hope there a fat money chest.

Joycelyn Pemberton: I have no ideas

Temperance: What we do with the key is up to our discretion, but I appreciate you coming all the way here.

Joycelyn Pemberton: have a good night

Temperance: I wish you a good evening as well.

Joycelyn Pemberton: She leaves to go back up to the Temple

Levi Reed: bye joyceeee

MeLange: Good night!

Levi Reed: Great, watchdog is gone. Open that box up Tempe.

Vee Barlett: She already did, Lev.

Levi Reed: But not good enough!

Levi Reed: Open it better!

Vee Barlett: You gotta open yer eyes better.

Levi Reed: Let's take a good look without big sister breathing down our necks

Temperance: I had to put it away because someone was speaking poems and I wanted to pay attention, but alright.

Levi Reed: Check for secret compartments

Temperance: takes out the box again and opens it.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 8]

Vee Barlett: looks over her shoulder

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

BOB There seems to be three pieces, maybe? but Temperance cannot see how to disconnect them

BOB That would take an open locks roll to pull them apart

Temperance: holds the box out to Levi so he can artistically observe it.

Temperance: It seems as though we would need some skill to take this key apart.

BOB Vee can tell that yes this is high quality box/wood, and metal for the key, gold, silver, brass to make it ornamental

Temperance: It's comprised of 3 pieces.

Levi Reed: Hmmm. Lalie might be able to do something with this. She always unlocks stuff for me when I lose my keys

BOB Levi can tell that this box and key are a created set, something to give someone as a gift from the Duke, something to show they have his favor

BOB BUT the key is more than just a ceremonial key

BOB Would need to find out more from someone who knows the Duke? or take it back to his family to find out more?

BOB But there is a letter at the Cathedral that will only be released for someone with this Key apparently

BOB The Key has the Duke's symbols, the letter has the churches symbol

BOB So you need to go to Osterhold first before going to Mizzen

Vee Barlett: Fancy.

Levi Reed: Pretty fancy gift box though

Temperance: From the Duke of Mizzen she said?

Temperance: Must be a reason why it's so... ornamental.

Vee Barlett: Yeah. Not a bad guy to have in yer favor.

Levi Reed: Yeah, especially if you want him to put in a good word for you with Ruffus

Levi Reed: See your old fling again

Temperance: I suppose it isn't a terrible connection to have under your belt.

Temperance: Though I'm not sure who Ruffus is...

Vee Barlett: The reason I'm makin' sure my knives are sharp.

Temperance: pauses to think about that before nodding in understanding.

Levi Reed: So Tempe... what's your connection to Osterhold?

Levi Reed: I thought you were just a lost island puppy looking for adventure

Levi Reed: I mean, I knew you were church folk but I thought you were MIZZEN church folk

Levi Reed: Mizzen church is pretty ok

Vee Barlett: With her need to be lawful? Nah.

Temperance: At the time I met you all, I wasn't the most trusting person out there. I didn't feel any obligation to tell you my life story. So I went with telling you as little as possible and let you make up what you wanted to believe.

Levi Reed: And now?

Temperance: Now? You're still a questionable crew who makes questionable choices. But...well, I suppose I've learned to trust you considerably more than before.

Levi Reed: You have literally held several of our lives in your hand at various points

Vee Barlett: Amazing she didn't end them.

Levi Reed: I'm starting to wonder if she might have

MeLange: yea good job there!

Temperance: You could've just left me to perish at the mouth of the cave with the Shambling Mound.

Levi Reed: If the church had told her to

Temperance: shrugs her shoulders.

Temperance: What matters is that I didn't.

Levi Reed: Yeah, but now I don't know if I should trust you

Temperance: And you chose not to, either.

Temperance: Up to you what you'd like to do.

Vee Barlett: Why wouldn't ya?

Vee Barlett: You trusted Jericho pretty quick and he was from the Temple.

Levi Reed: Because she's secretly been working for the cathedral this whole time?

Levi Reed: Yeah but that idiot didn't lie about it

Temperance: Like I said from the very beginning, I'm not going to try and convince you.

Vee Barlett: Yeah and apparent I am, too? They say shit they want to say to force the narrative.

Vee Barlett: That's what people in power do.

Levi Reed: But you argue with her at least

Vee Barlett: Technically Jericho works for the Cathedral 'cause he works for the Temple. ALL religious types do, yeah? Whether they want to or not.

Vee Barlett: Well she ain't an idiot like you.

Levi Reed: Not Mizzen, man

Vee Barlett: I don't argue with Mel, neither.

MeLange: Oh yea

Vee Barlett: If Cathedral wanted Mizzen to do somethin' for them, they would.

Levi Reed: Nah, I'm saying when the church people come claiming you're one of them, you tell them to fuck off

MeLange: seems kinda rude Levi

Vee Barlett: She ain't done nothin' but let the church remind her of their claims on her.

Vee Barlett: Feel free to tail her when we in Osterhold to make sure she don't spill stuff to the Cathedral.

Levi Reed: Oh, yeah, I guess hiding things about yourself wouldn't seem suspicious to someone like you

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Vee Barlett: Well do whatever ya feel like ya gotta do to now be suspicious about her. Or keep bein' suspicious, but be nicer 'bout it.

MeLange: I feel bad when you guys fight all the time, just sayin'

MeLange: Doesn't feel very united

Levi Reed: This isn't even fighting

Temperance: You don't have to be nice about it if you don't wish to. Whether you are or not won't bother me.

MeLange: but it is also nice to be nice

Temperance: Do whatever you'd like, say whatever you'd like, think whatever you like. You have the freedom to do it.

Vee Barlett: Nice be nice, yeah.

Levi Reed: If I was fighting with Vee, I'd be dead

Vee Barlett: Still could happen.

Levi Reed: Yes

MeLange: You know what I mean, the verbal fighting

Levi Reed: Yes it could

Levi Reed: Nah, we're just friends discussing ideas

MeLange: the hurt feelings instead of hurt bodies

Temperance: Would it be considered torture if I healed you every time you were about to die, even when I know she'd shank you?

Levi Reed: If I was verbally fighting with her, I'd also be dead. Not verbally.

Levi Reed: wow

MeLange: dark

Levi Reed: backs away

MeLange: looks at Tempe

Temperance: Just wanted to know what you wanted, in case the situation ever came up.

Vee Barlett: Huh, not a bad idea, though...

MeLange: good to make these decisions ahead of time

Levi Reed: Just let me die man

Levi Reed: I've lived a good life

Levi Reed: Give Lila my regards

MeLange: nope

Temperance: Good to know.

MeLange: veto

Vee Barlett: Nope. You gotta give them to her yerself. Ya ain't gettin' out of this that easily.

Levi Reed: You WANT me to be tortured?

MeLange: He don't get to make that decision

Temperance: Oh, why, pray tell?

Levi Reed: I gotta rethink this relationship

MeLange: just a little bit of pain

MeLange: but then you get to live

MeLange: and feel fine and have orgasms again

Levi Reed: You ever been shanked by Vee?

Levi Reed: I'm sure it's more than a little bit of pain

MeLange: Well no, cause guess what, I'm nice to people

Vee Barlett: Ain't a good shankin' if ya don't wish ya were about to die.

Levi Reed: See?

MeLange breathes in deeply

Levi Reed: Look, we all have our place you know?

Levi Reed: You're a bright little spot of sunshine. And that's nice

Levi Reed: SOMEONE has to be skeptical

Vee Barlett: That's why he fancies ya.

MeLange: Exactly, and if you die who's gonna be skeptical?

MeLange: besides Vee

Vee Barlett: Ya but gotta make sure yer skeptical of the right thing.

MeLange: and most other people you meet

Vee Barlett: laughs

Levi Reed: Eh, you'll find someone

Vee Barlett: laughs

MeLange: Just suck it up Lev, you gotta live, you gotta talk to your sister, and you gotta do whatever else

Levi Reed: You're a good looking guy, tons of people out there ready to take advantage of a litle ray of sunshine like you

MeLange: and there's no easy out just cause Vee decides to shank somebody

Levi Reed: Remember Beth?

MeLange: Quiet

Vee Barlett: You gotta talk to yer sister, Lev. Stop changin' subjects.

MeLange: And now you tell Temp that you are to be resuscitated

Levi Reed: Absolutely not. I'd rather die than let Vee shank me more than once

Temperance: Ink and quill at the ready whenever you wish it.

Vee Barlett: Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't do a one hit shank on ya.

Vee Barlett: Only do that to people I feel like bein' nice to.

MeLange: You'd just let her win then?

Levi Reed: If Vee is trying to kill me, I probably deserve it

MeLange: Then you live and make it up to her!

MeLange: This is a silly conversation

Vee Barlett: Think Levi hit the depression part of drunk now.

Levi Reed: I'm not drunk

MeLange: well at least this then

Vee Barlett: Philosophical, poems, sluggish, then depression. It matches up.

Levi Reed: I was trying to chase big sis away

MeLange: Please, just don't sign anything right now

MeLange: iI'll take no decision over the wrong decision

Temperance: Relax Melange, I'll heal him. He fights well, and you want him around, clearly.

MeLange: Thanks Temp, I appreciate that

Levi Reed: Under any other circumstances, yes. Please save me

Vee Barlett: And I'll only maim him. For now.

Levi Reed: But if Vee wants me dead, please leave me dead

MeLange: You have this hand for a favor, should you need one

Temperance: Sure, I'll see if I need to use that favor. Does it have an expiry period?

MeLange: I need to be alone for a few

MeLange: walks away from the group

Levi Reed: I've never known Vee to NOT get what she wants, and I really don't want to be alive to watch her try and kill me over and over again


Vee Barlett: grins

Temperance: Well, I've learned that people who care about you don't want you to die.

Temperance: Even if it's against your will. Interesting.

Vee Barlett: And you remindin' him of that possibility probably why he needed to step away.

Levi Reed: Yeaaaaah, well, I haven't actually tried to hook up with her dads yet

Levi Reed: Give it time

Vee Barlett: 'Cause you never will.

Levi Reed: She'll want me dead one day

Temperance: Apologies, I didn't mean any offense.

Vee Barlett: Levi, ya gotta drop this for now, yeah?

Temperance: I didn't think topics of death would be triggering for him.

Levi Reed: He had a rough childhood

Vee Barlett: Hopefully new day, new adventure cheers him up.

Vee Barlett: The twins good ray of sunshine for Mel.

BOB And with that I do think we have a nice ending point. Sleep it off and in the morning see Levi's family

The date is Fin____se, 28th Ze (Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Evening Crescent

Old Moon's phase is Full Moon

The time is 5:53 AM

BOB I will work on things to be ready for next week so that you can get to Osterhold

BOB then after the break pick up at Osterhold and heading out to Mizzen