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Chat Log List - 2024 09 21 - Dead Dread Pirates - Formatted - Chat

The group spots the wax wyvern coming out of the shadows

Vee Barlett: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 16]

<font color="#00CC00">Save [16] [Target 14] -> [for Vee Barlett] [SUCCESS]

Inv Zora Polasis: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 5]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [5] [Target 15] -> [for Inv Zora Polasis] [FAILURE]

Levi Reed: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 11]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [11] [Target 14] -> [for Levi Reed] [FAILURE]

Temperance: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 14]

<font color="#00CC00">Save [14] [Target 14] -> [for Temperance] [SUCCESS]

Levi Reed and Zora Polasis’s ability to attack are harder due to their reaction to the magical creature.

Inv Zora Polasis: Zora holds still in the passage until she can move

Levi Reed attacks the Wax Wyvern with his Machete lightly wounding it.

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Vee Barlett: Y'all watch out for the tail! Poisonous if ya eat it, venomous if it sticks ya!

Temperance shoots arrows at the Wax Wyvern with her Shortbow further wounding it.

Vee Barlett tries to attack the Wax Wyvern with her Trident but misses.

Ruffus DeOrange tries to attack the Wax Wyvern with his Rapier but misses.

The Wax Wyvern tries to bite Levi Reed and misses but does hit him with his tail wounding him.

Inv Zora Polasis: waiting until she can get by

Levi Reed tries to attack the Wax Wyvern with his Machete but misses.

Temperance shoots arrows at the Wax Wyvern with her Shortbow but misses.

Vee Barlett attacks the Wax Wyvern with her Trident moderately wounding it.

Inv Zora Polasis: motions to Glimber to stay there

Inv Zora Polasis tries to attack the Wax Wyvern with her Rapier but misses.

Ruffus DeOrange tries to attack the Wax Wyvern with his Rapier but misses.

The Wax Wyvern bites Levi Reed and hits him with his tail moderately wounding him.

Inv Zora Polasis tries to attack the Wax Wyvern with her Rapier but misses.

Inv Zora Polasis: [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 11]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [11] [Target 13] -> [for Inv Zora Polasis] [FAILURE]

Levi Reed: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 4]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [4] [Target 14] -> [for Levi Reed] [FAILURE]

Levi Reed tries to attack the Wax Wyvern with his Machete but misses.

Temperance shoots arrows at the Wax Wyvern with her Shortbow but misses.

Vee Barlett attacks the Wax Wyvern with her Trident critically wounding it.

Ruffus DeOrange attacks the Wax Wyvern with his Rapier killing it.

Vee Barlett: Well the be a pretty stabbin'

Levi Reed: You know, I don't mind this guy so much these days

Vee Barlett: Now... is it even real?

Levi Reed: checks for loot

Temperance: observes the wyvern to see what she can find.

Temperance: or any details that she can identify.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 16]

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

The the Wax Wyvern collapsed into a blob of wax with the magic gone

There is nothing you see in the wax that looks valuable

Vee Barlett: I can't tell if this magic impressive or... just... cheap show tricks, yeah?

Temperance: My that's interesting...

Temperance: So it was just a vessel?

Levi Reed: It hurts more than cheap show tricks

Temperance: That held magic inside it to make it appear realistic?

Vee Barlett: But we gotta be gettin' closer to whoever makes green footprints.

Vee Barlett: Nah, a cheap show trick gone wrong can really mess ya up so it tracks.

Vee Barlett: Ever seen a stage accidentally set on fire from such a thing? Yeah.

Temperance: raises her eyebrows.

Temperance: What kind of shows have you seen?

Temperance: Do stage shows set on fire easily?

Vee Barlett: Eh, lots of travels go through Osterhold. Some tryin' to make a name for themself, and then they make it obvious why they ain't a name yet.

Temperance: has yet to attend a show.

Vee Barlett: And sometimes I don't like them and I get bored so...

Vee Barlett: Anyways we movin' on, yeah?

Temperance: nods lightly and picks up her lantern.

Temperance: No use wasting lamplight.

Vee Barlett: Come on, Glimberer! We movin'!

Inv Zora Polasis: waves Glimber over

Temperance: takes a sip of water and continues to walk.

Vee Barlett: Ya good to take lead, Lev or need a band aid?

Levi Reed: I'm fine

Levi Reed: Just a flesh wound

Temperance: raises an eyebrow.

Vee Barlett: The red blood goes great with yer red skin.

Temperance: I suppose if you're all red it's less noticeable.

Levi Reed: Another door

Vee Barlett: Although guess it a bit less red now and more settled into a... maroon? Rust? I'm gonna call ya Rusty.

Temperance: Do you want some water, er... Glimber?

Temperance: looks to Zora for help.

Temperance: holds out a water canteen.

Glimber Silvernose: Takes the water and sips then hands back to Temp

Vee Barlett: Oh! What if I call ya Poppy like them flowers?

Levi Reed: Whatever you want, Vee

Vee Barlett: I'll think on it.

Temperance: I'll heal your wounds very soon.

Levi Reed: Poppy does have a nice ring to it. And I almost WAS a Pop... y.

Temperance: takes back the water canteen.

Vee Barlett: Poppy it is.

Vee Barlett: But can't call ya Pop or people might think I gained a third dad.

Levi Reed: Yeah we don't need that

Temperance: muffles a laugh and shakes her head.

Levi Reed: Anyway... want to check this door for traps?

Vee Barlett: Or maybe Poplin. Hmm... whatcha all think? Poppy or Poplin for him?

Temperance: Other than its red color, Poppy flowers are supposed to symbolize eternal sleep.

Temperance: Are you a harbinger of death, Levi?

Temperance: shifts to the side to let Zora through.

Levi Reed: Well, I'll BE dead if I ever hit on Vee's dads like I threaten to so... maybe

Inv Zora Polasis: moves up to check the door before opening it

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 26] [d100 = 14]

Vee Barlett: Yar. I never give a second warnin' stab. It's a final stab by then.

Temperance: looks amused by this whole exchange.

Temperance: Never took you merciful enough for a warning stab, Vee.

Vee Barlett: Only some people even get that warnin' stab.

Inv Zora Polasis: I don't see any traps but I hear something

Inv Zora Polasis: Like a whining sound?

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 9] [d100 = 6]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 6]

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: Bet it another prisoner.

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 2]

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]

Vee Barlett: I wonder if Glimmer knows that elf, too? Maybe he was in an adventurin' party.

Vee Barlett: The one from before.

Inv Zora Polasis: The door's unlocked

Inv Zora Polasis: Opens the door but doesn't step inside

Temperance: Perhaps. We do seem to be finding a lot of human-like creatures with pointy ears.

Levi realizes as you are waiting for Zora to give her findings, you left the caves and again are in clean finished off corridors

Levi Reed: looks inside the door but also does not step inside, yet

There are six locked cage-stalls in the northern portion of this room, each one inhabited by a pathetic looking mastiff. Once proud and strong beasts, the dogs are now painfully thin, almost skeletal, from neglect and their eyes reflect despondency. The room reeks of unkempt dogs and animal waste.

Inv Zora Polasis: looks inside room

Levi Reed: Oh no, doggies!

Levi Reed: rushes in to rescue the dogs

Inv Zora Polasis: Ohhh this is awful

Inv Zora Polasis: follows Levi

Vee Barlett: follows after Levi

Vee Barlett: Are the cages locked?

Vee Barlett: grabs some rations to hold out for the pups and to ranger befriend.

Levi Reed: feeds them all some rations

Temperance: follows the others through the door, motioning for Glimber to wait for Zora to come back out.

Temperance: follows the others through the door, motioning for Glimber to wait for Zora to come back out.

Inv Zora Polasis: inspects the cages

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]

Levi Reed: Anyone have anything that could hold water? Like a dish?

Inv Zora Polasis: didn't you get a tankard?

Levi Reed: gives the dogs some water

No locks on the cages

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 9]

Yes these are normal dogs, very hungry, anxious, have been left alone too long,

They are gobbling up everything you give them

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 11]

The kennels are not locked, just a latch to close, so they were well taken care of before

You can guess that they were/are trained

Vee Barlett: opens a cage

Levi Reed: opens the rest of the cages

They stay inside the kennels, eating

Inv Zora Polasis: backs up, a little cautious

Vee Barlett: pets them as they eat

There are leashes and chains hanging on the wall

Vee Barlett: Just wanna be friends, yeah?

Temperance: watches the others being friendly with the dogs while keeping an eye out.

Levi Reed: starts leashing the dogs

Mastiffs 1: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 9]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [9] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 1] [FAILURE]

Mastiffs 1: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 15]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [15] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 1] [FAILURE]

Mastiffs 1: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 20]

<font color="#00CC00">Save [20] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 1] [SUCCESS]

Mastiffs 1: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 15]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [15] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 1] [FAILURE]

Mastiffs 1: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 7]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [7] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 1] [FAILURE]

Mastiffs 1: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 18]

<font color="#00CC00">Save [18] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 1] [SUCCESS]

So #3 resisted

and #6 resisted

Vee Barlett: We can leash that one for now.

Temperance: continues to stay at the doorway, keeping an eye out for anything.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 3]

Temperance: as she observes the situation with the dogs.

Mastiffs 6: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 5]

<font color="#FF9A01">Save [5] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 6] [FAILURE]

Mastiffs 3: [SAVE] vs. Rod [d20 = 19]

<font color="#00CC00">Save [19] [Target 16] -> [for Mastiffs 3] [SUCCESS]

Vee Barlett: Alright, y'all come along. Except we might gotta leash ya, Bitey.

Temperance: muffles a laugh.

So you have five mastiffs that are calm and friendly, that does not mean obedient

Temperance: You've already named them? That was fast.

Vee Barlett: Well yeah. Ya see how he was nippy and ain't wanna be friendly? Too weak to be mean, but would be if he could be.

Vee Barlett: tries to leash the friendliest to see how it reacts

Temperance: nods lightly.

Temperance: Not that you need it, but be careful. They seem calm now, but who knows how they'll react when they feel provoked. It's quite an enclosed space.

The others seem content to follow along with their previous training limited to walking on a leash

Levi Reed: Alright, we're heading back to the water so they can get a drink

Vee Barlett: Well Bitey is free so we just... see if he follows.

Vee Barlett: They all too weak to do much but maybe we can find them a way out.

Levi Reed: I'd guess they already know a way out

Levi Reed: They know these caves better than we do, I'm sure

Vee Barlett: Yar. But if they gotta swim, they might not make it. We can see their cues as we go.

Levi Reed: hands Tempe a torch

Temperance: receives the torch and holds it up.

Temperance: That's... another hallway?

Temperance: briefly eyes the hallway next to her.

Levi Reed: Yeah, we'll get back to that

Temperance: nods as she scooches away to let the dogs and her friends through.

Levi Reed: Rufus, carry this torch

Inv Zora Polasis: Thanks Ruffus

Inv Zora Polasis: takes torch

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Temperance: looks around for anything while waiting for her friends and their dog companions.

Levi Reed: walks back to the water

Vee Barlett: Can ya walk all of them, Levi?

Levi Reed: Yeah, they seem pretty chill right now

Vee Barlett: Everyone on a bit squishy so one of us should have free hands until we can get someone else to help walk 'em...

Levi Reed: unleashes the dogs and puts more rations on the ground

Vee Barlett: Wait why we goin' backwards, Levi?

Levi Reed: The dogs need water, and the water is here

Vee Barlett: Have the dogs wait here then we keep goin' 'cause that fake Wyvern were definitely guardin' more than dogs.

Temperance: Are they just going to stay here on their own?

Temperance: They seem trained, but...

Inv Zora Polasis: and not eat the skiff?

Levi Reed: That's up to them. I'm not leaving them on their own if that isn't what they choose to do. Might be more dangerous here, we don't know

Vee Barlett: What is yer plan 'cause I don't think ya got one.

Inv Zora Polasis: The dogs make decisions?

Levi Reed: Let them go

Vee Barlett: Ok. Let them go then we continue down that cave.

Levi Reed: If they follow us, cool. If they decide to get out of the cave, then goodbye and good luck

Vee Barlett: gestures for Levi to unleash them then.

Vee Barlett: Then let's go.

Vee Barlett: gestures for Levi to take lead again.

Levi Reed: Sounds good

Temperance: I'll try to speak to them. Maybe they'll tell me what they would like to do.

Vee Barlett: And who be in their cage 'cause I think their previous owner dead based on their condition.

Temperance: nods lightly.

Levi Reed: Yeah, let them know we want to help them if we can

Temperance: attempts to remember how to look non-threatening to possibly domesticated dogs.

Rothuss Carder: Maybe if you tried panting a little bit?

Temperance: looks up at Rothuss with a puzzled look on her face.

Vee Barlett: Ignore 'em.

Temperance: Maybe later... if all else fails.

Temperance: takes a seat so that she appears smaller.

Temperance casts Speak With Animals so she can speak with the dogs.

Temperance : [Translation] Hello, my name is Temperance. My friends and I have brought you here to help you and assist you in any way we can.

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] Good, thirsty, hungry

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] Master has not smelled us

Temperance : [Translation] We can always get you more food. We have brought you here to see if the water is fresh enough to drink.

Temperance : [Translation] What do you mean master has not smelled you?

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] Water is good

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] Master not visit

Temperance : [Translation] Ah, I see. I'm certain he did not do so on purpose. He must be caught up somewhere. Do you remember what he looks like? Anything about him that we can use to help you all find him?

Levi Reed: They understanding you ok?

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] He is through moving walls

Temperance: nods distractedly at Levi with a small smile.

Levi Reed: Don't be afraid to dumb it down if you have to. I know you like your big words but I don't know if dogs have those

Temperance: I think they are receptive thus far.

Temperance : [Translation] He moves through walls?

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] Moving walls you did

Levi Reed: Ask them if they know their way out

Temperance : [Translation] Ah, I see. Does he usually keep you in those... er, rooms? Or does he take you out to see the grass and sun and birds and... all that?

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] Mud plants chase frogs

Temperance: nods lightly.

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] Through moving walls

Temperance: They said something about mud plants and chasing frogs.... I am trying to figure out if they have been taken outside before.

Temperance: They said their master moves through walls, but I'm not sure if it's just him opening doors or actually moving through walls.

Vee Barlett: Interestin'...

Temperance : [Translation] Do you remember how to get to those things? Where the mud, the plants, and frogs are?

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] smell the way

Temperance : [Translation] You have the freedom to go where you wish, of course, but if you help us get there, we can help you find what you need.

Temperance : [Translation] Marvelous.

Temperance: They said they can smell the way to where the mud and frogs and plants are. I'm hoping they can take us outside of these caves...

Levi Reed: Well, we don't necessarily want to leave yet

Temperance: Well, at least we know they know the way out.

Vee Barlett: They know what the wyvern was guardin'?

Temperance: If that's what the mud and the plants and the frogs means, of course.

Levi Reed: Let them know they can choose what they want to do, but if they stay with me after we get out of here, I'll take them to my family and they'll be well treated and have lots of room to run around and not be caged up or have to fight again

Temperance : [Translation] Have you met any other creatures besides your master?

Temperance : [Translation] Big scary creatures?

<font color="#000000">Big scary creatures?

Temperance: I have let them know that they have the freedom to choose what they want to do.

Temperance: nods lightly.

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] big scaley sharp lizards

Rothuss Carder: I'm glad there wasn't anyone in our village that could do this. I don't want to know what goats have to say.

Temperance : [Translation] Big scaley sharp lizards with wings? Or just big scaley sharp lizards that walk on the ground?

Vee Barlett: Maybe we gotta visit yer village soon then.

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] On the ground

Temperance: It looks like they've seen the lizards, but not the wyvern.

Vee Barlett: what about invaders in this cavern or anyone who has gone by recently?

Rothuss Carder: Let's not go visit. There's nothing interesting there.

Vee Barlett: Embarrassin' stories about you, I bet. You have so many from just the short time I've known ya so must be a treasure trove.

Temperance : [Translation] Hmm... any other animals or people you've seen besides your master? We found some people, I'm not sure if they were your master's friends or just strangers.

Temperance : [Translation] We need to make sure we watch out for people that want to hurt you or my friends.

Mastiffs 1 : [Translation] weird smelling things Master keeps

Temperance : [Translation] I see. Thank you, we will keep that in mind.

Temperance: gives the dogs a gentle pat.

Temperance: From the looks of it, their “Master,” whoever that may be, keeps them here, but takes them out occasionally. They say he can move through walls, but said “like you move through walls.” Which I'm assuming means we can open doors to come into the room. I've asked if they've seen any animal or person other than their master, but they only answered that their “master” carried weird smelling things.

Temperance: It is... tricky. To understand the minds of animals.

Temperance: Interesting, but tricky.

Inv Zora Polasis: I can imagine

Vee Barlett: Yar, it do be.

Vee Barlett: Unless they hungry.

Temperance: They are quite hungry. I assured them they could get food, and that they had the freedom to do as they wished.

Levi Reed: Alright, let's head back down where the dogs came from, yeah?

Vee Barlett: Yar.

Vee Barlett: I hate standin' still.

Temperance: nods as she stands and brushes her clothes for dust.

Rothuss Carder: Nice job, Temperance.

Temperance: nods lightly as she grins.

Temperance: Less silly and more effective than acting like a dog, isn't it?

Rothuss Carder: You say that like it's a good thing. Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun.

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: Whatever you say, dear comedian.

The others are still eating and drinking, but looking back and forth as you leave

Temperance: looks back at the mastiff following her.

It is in the middle of the pack with you

Vee Barlett: gives a short whistle to see if it encourages them to follow

Temperance: Er... I was fine talking to him, but I'm... not quite sure about him following me...

Three of them do, the others are still eating

Vee Barlett: Yer fine. Just keep them safe. Dogs like packs. Take it as a compliment.

Temperance: I've never taken care of one before... but alright. I will do my best.

Temperance: gently pets the dog following her.

Levi Reed: They're low maintenance, just need food and water

Levi Reed: And then we can give them to my family if they come home with us. They'll take good care of them. Lot of good animal doctors in the area there, because of all the farms

Temperance: nods lightly.

Temperance: Sounds like a plan. I'm sure it will be good for them.

Levi Reed: It's a good thing their owner is dead, or I'd kill him myself

Temperance: I want to think that this wasn't done intentionally, but if it was I wouldn't have stopped you.

Levi Reed: Leaving them neglected probably wasn't, but training them to fight was

Levi Reed: Dogs are meant for guarding and warning, not for attacking

Temperance: moves to light a torch.

Temperance: I do agree with those sentiments. These creatures cannot consent for their fate. It isn't right that they are subjected to those things at the whim of someone else.

Levi Reed: The ones that train them to fight for them are either jerks or cowards.

Temperance: nods in agreement.

Temperance: hands Zora a torch to light.

The three in the back pause at the door where they had found the dogs as to go in

but it is closed

Levi Reed: Wait, Zora, did we close that door when we left?

Inv Zora Polasis: I didn't

Temperance: Strange.

Inv Zora Polasis: opens dog door to check

These are thick heavy oaken bound doors

Inv Zora Polasis: looks in mastiff room

Inv Zora Polasis: Great! Now the dogs ran in

The three of them trot in

Inv Zora Polasis: Nothing bad is in here

Temperance: Whistle them back out, like Vee did?

Levi Reed: whistles to get them back out

Inv Zora Polasis: Come on puppies?

So two of them come right to Zora

But #6 likes it at home

Inv Zora Polasis: Good boys and girls!

Levi Reed: Put some rations down for them!

Levi Reed: Outside the room!

Inv Zora Polasis: I'm feeding two with my rations

Inv Zora Polasis: sighs

Temperance: hands the dog behind her some of her rations.

Inv Zora Polasis: drops a bit of food behind her as she walks up the hall

Temperance: So... two different ways to go.

Rothuss Carder: tries to help Zora

Two of them are following Zora, #6 is back home and happy

Rothuss Carder: looks for a rock on the ground to block the door open with.

Levi Reed: Ok, that's fine then

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 7]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 13]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Spelunking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 7) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 8]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 16]

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 15]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

The passageway south looks to open into a room after about ten feet

the other corridor continues west

Levi Reed: Looks like a room this way... and more hallway this way

Levi Reed: Any preferences?

Temperance: Hm... the one heading south has some wax on the floor.

Rothuss Carder: idly skips a pace or two as he follows the group down the dark passage.

Hundreds, if not actually thousands of 2-inch diameter holes have been drilled into all the walls of this room. A smashed boulder, cracked open and broken as easily as one would an egg, lies crumbled against the base of the stoney western wall.

Levi Reed: Well this is weird

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

Temperance: nods in agreement.

Inv Zora Polasis: Not liking holes in walls

Inv Zora Polasis: or a trap with spikes coming out of them

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [FAILURE by 50] [d100 = 90]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Lirtimya: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 11]

Levi walks in and Temperance hears a soft CLICK

Inv Zora Polasis: I don't see any traps at the doorway but it feels like a trap

Temperance: I hear something clicking.

Temperance: Did we trigger a trap?

Inv Zora Polasis: backs up

and out of the side shoots a sling stone at Levi

Temperance: backs up as much as she can to make room.

Temperance: flinches a bit.

Temperance: What in the world...

Zora checked for traps, and could not find any even though she expected to. So Levi took a step into the room, and CLICK that Temp heard and now the effects of it

A sling stone SHOOTS out from a hole in the wall, it expands quickly into a large boulder

and that SLAMS into Levi

and now another large boulder lays in pieces on the floor just past Levi

shattered apart

Inv Zora Polasis: pulls Levi back from the room

Rothuss Carder: Are you okay?

Levi Reed: Fine, fine, never been better

Temperance: You don't look fine.

Temperance: While red on red is less noticeable, nobody can be fine after they get hit with a giant boulder.

Levi Reed: That large boulder was the size of a small boulder

Temperance: Still a boulder.

The mastiff sniffs and licks at Levi

Inv Zora Polasis: frustrated at missing the trap she tries again

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 19] [d100 = 21]

Rothuss Carder: Can we see if there's anything in the room worth looking at?

Inv Zora Polasis: It's past this room that I am thinking about

Temperance casts Orison three times on Levi Reed

Inv Zora Polasis: smacks herself on the head

Inv Zora Polasis: there is a plate here on the floor

Inv Zora Polasis: just past the doorway

Temperance: A plate on the floor?

Levi Reed: Thanks Tempe. I was fine but I feel much better than fine now

Levi Reed: stops wobbling

Inv Zora Polasis: Yes Levi stepped on it and it triggered the trap

Inv Zora Polasis: I was looking at the wall. I am so very sorry Levi

Inv Zora Polasis: I knew something was wrong

Temperance: I'm glad you feel better. It's my job after all.

Inv Zora Polasis: But ... maybe ...

Inv Zora Polasis: Maybe it turns it on and off

In any case Zora has figured out how to disarm this room trap

Rothuss Carder: I wonder how many little boulders it has available?

Levi Reed: Well there's a lot of holes and only two boulders on the floor so...

Rothuss Carder: And if we could get some of them. I wonder what they'd do if hurled from a regular sling.

Temperance: They seemed a lot bigger than “little boulders.” They grew in size as they were projected.

Rothuss Carder: Exactly!

Inv Zora Polasis: More magic

Inv Zora Polasis: This caster is powerful

Temperance: Indeed.

Inv Zora Polasis: These are not simple little spells

Levi Reed: Are they powerful, or are they taking advantage of magic that was here before they moved in?

Temperance: Lirt are you familiar with spells like that?

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 37] [d100 = 3]

Temperance: holds the torch high so Zora can see.

Zora understands this so well she can now build one herself if she wants

Inv Zora Polasis: Now that I look at it, it's very simple

Inv Zora Polasis: hastily disables the trap

Lirtimya: I am aware of spells that can make things larger, however I don't know if it's able to do something like this, I don’t know if it needs words or not to cast

But she understands how stepping on one of a few scattered plates will trigger random holes to fire

Temperance: I see. Well, it was worth a shot. We can worry about it later.

Inv Zora Polasis: Stepping on these plates will trigger holes to fire but you won't know which ones

Inv Zora Polasis: Very tricky

Temperance: No stepping on plates.

Inv Zora Polasis: The magic is incredible since a caster can enlarge something on demand but attached to a trap where they are not actively casting? That’s even more magic

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

Temperance: Looks like someone used to live here.

Temperance: Another hallway and more doors?

They look clean, used, unlike the previous set where the mummy was that was all dusty

Lirtimya: Why such an elaborate trap for living quarters?

Inv Zora Polasis: For a mage?

Inv Zora Polasis: Maybe their library is in their quarters

Temperance: Maybe they were afraid of outside threats?

Temperance: To an extreme, perhaps...

Inv Zora Polasis: I have no idea ...

Temperance: Whatever the case, it looks rather clean. Someone might've been here recently?

Temperance: There's not a lot of dust around.

Rothuss Carder: Dungeons got housecleaning?

Door on the east or west

Inv Zora Polasis: checks west door

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 14] [d100 = 26]

No trap and unlocked

Inv Zora Polasis: opens west door

A stove, wash basin, bread oven, and a preparation counter fill the room. The kitchen is well-stocked with good quality wares. Through an alcove to the west, characters see a large grist stone used for grinding grain into flour. An inert wax figure, generally humanoid in shape and size, stands beside a bar protruding from the grist stone and which obviously is used for turning the wheel.

Inv Zora Polasis: A kitchen with ... a wax figure?

Levi Reed: More wax?

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 13]

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): man sized wax figure?

Temperance: Like a mannequin, or a doll of some sort.

Inv Zora Polasis: Who is this person doing all this?

Inv Zora Polasis: This is insane

Temperance: It's very elaborate, and a lot of work for some purpose, for certain.

Temperance: I thought we were chasing some pirate, but this...

Levi Reed: So much work. It seems like if you had this powerful of magic, that you could find easier ways to make a good living

Rothuss Carder: looks around for any wax drippings he can scavenge.

Rothuss Carder: looks around for any wax drippings he can scavenge.

Some wax that looks like it got scraped off of the mannequin

Rothuss Carder: scrapes together as much of the wax scraps as he can find and forms it into a pile.

Inv Zora Polasis: grabs some more food for the dogs and gives it to Temperance and Levi

Inv Zora Polasis: So we don't have to use our rations

Temperance: receives the food with a smile and waves the dog over.

Temperance: Thank you Zora. I'm sure he will appreciate it.

Temperance: holds it out for the dog to eat.

Inv Zora Polasis: I'll go check the other door while you look here

Rothuss Carder: Temperance, can I borrow your torch?

Temperance: Er... I can relight one and hand it to you!

Temperance: relights the torch and passes it over.

Rothuss Carder: chuckles.

Rothuss Carder: Thanks.

Inv Zora Polasis: lights a torch

Temperance: makes a mental note to grab more torches after this cave adventure.

Inv Zora Polasis: looks at the east door

This large bedroom is clean, well-ordered, and almost sterile in appearance. The luxuriant, four-poster bed, shrouded with silk drapes and covered with satin sheets, clearly hasn’t been slept in for quite some time. Against one wall are a desk and cabinet, while along another is a bar and an extensive wine rack.

Inv Zora Polasis: Bedroom!

Temperance: follows Zora into the room.

Rothuss Carder: lights the wax pile with the torch to see what color it burns.

For Rothuss the wax just melts, nothing special, with no wick to burn it just melts into a blob from the heat

Rothuss Carder: rocks back on his feet.

Rothuss Carder: Dang, thought I had a good idea there. Wax coulda made burning green footprints left behind.

Inv Zora Polasis: checks the desk for traps

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [FAILURE by 49] [d100 = 89]

Inv Zora Polasis: This is maybe a guest bedroom?

Inv Zora Polasis: Doesn't look like it's been used lately

Temperance: It's quite fancy.

Temperance: motions dog to wait outside as she walks further inside.

For Zora she does not find any traps on the desk

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Temperance: observes the desk to see anything out of the ordinary.

Temperance: or anything noticeable.

The cabinet has a variety of miniature wax figures and scented candles, all with impressive craftsmanship

Temperance: Oh wow, that's a lot of wax figures and.... uh candles.

Inv Zora Polasis: looks through desk

there is a small collection of books, history of candle making, geography, etc.

10 books in total

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Temperance: Whoever kept all these things must've loved candles. And wax.

Temperance: They're made and carved quite well.

Temperance: helps Zora look through the desk.

On top of the desk are several sheets of parchment for writing with display very crude attempt at spelling and drawing

Inv Zora Polasis: Not a mage's room

Temperance: Not much of a writer, huh...

and a journal where the entries stop a couple of months ago

Temperance: [SKILL] Reading-Writing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 16]

Inv Zora Polasis: The writing on this parchment isn't very good

Lirtimya: Do you want me to give it a try?

Temperance: picks up the sheets of parchment and journal.

Inv Zora Polasis: You can look. It's all misspelled and not very neat

Temperance: Yes, Lirt, we could use some help with the reading!

Inv Zora Polasis: I can't see you writing like this

Temperance: Handwriting is... hard to read.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Lirtimya: Will go into the room to help

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 2]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Reading/Writing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 10]

Lirt picks up the papers, and looks at them

then looks through the journal

and points out to Temp and Zora

“These are two different people's writing”

The journal is clear precise professional descriptions

The papers are childish, learning, scribbles

Temperance: Interesting....

Inv Zora Polasis: So the craftsperson may have a child

Temperance: That wax figure next door. Do you think it can move and learn?

Inv Zora Polasis: This doesn't seem like the magic user's room

Inv Zora Polasis: takes a bottle of wine

Lirtimya: Do you think something turned these people into wax?

Inv Zora Polasis: puts it in her pack

Temperance: I'm not entirely sure...

Inv Zora Polasis: This looks expensive

Temperance: But with what we've been through, anything sounds probable.

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Inv Zora Polasis: Bottle's dusty

Inv Zora Polasis: looks at the bar

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

Bottles of rum

Inv Zora Polasis: It's a bar

Temperance: takes out one of the candles from the desk before going to see what Zora is looking at.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Inv Zora Polasis: Levi would probably like this

Temperance: nods in agreement.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 5]

Inv Zora Polasis: takes a bottle from the bar for Levi

Temperance: Do you think we could use candles? Rothuss was lighting some wax on fire earlier.

Lirt notices that one of the bottles on the bar is labeled in a magical script

Lirtimya: Will take that bottle

Temperance: A magical bottle in a guest bedroom that isn't used by a mage...

Inv Zora Polasis: A gift for the craftsperson?

Temperance: Yes, that seems to be the likely scenario.

Inv Zora Polasis: This room just doesn't seem magical enough to me

Inv Zora Polasis: for a priest or a mage

The journal has the name of Lazio Sharpe

Temperance: I believe your judgment. There should've been more hints or resources for a mage or a priest if they resided here.

Inv Zora Polasis: The journal probably has more information

Inv Zora Polasis: When we have a steady source of light ...

Lirtimya: If they did die here, then their spell book would be here somewhere, and, we'd probably see more magical texts than just this bottle

Temperance: nods lightly.

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

% Inv Zora Polasis: Hmmmm

Lirtimya: What is it?

Inv Zora Polasis: That wall opposite the doorway is the only wall that doesn't have something on it

Inv Zora Polasis: goes over to the wall and starts knocking on it

Inv Zora Polasis: listening

Temperance: Do you think it could be hollow?


Lirtimya: It would seem so

Inv Zora Polasis: Look at this

Temperance: raises her eyebrows and approaches.

Inv Zora Polasis: opens door and goes in

Temperance: Quite a narrow space here.

Lirtimya: Follows Zora

Temperance: Do you see anything Zora?

The secret door leads into a narrow tunnel.

Temperance: follows her in cautiously to let Lirt inside as well.

Inv Zora Polasis: There's a narrow tunnel

Inv Zora Polasis: We have to follow it and see

Temperance: I'm alright with that.

Temperance: Are you ok, Lirt?

Inv Zora Polasis: Very narrow

Lirtimya: I will follow to the best of my ability

Inv Zora Polasis: slides through turning to the side

Temperance: keeps moving so she can keep Zora in line of sight and give Lirt room to move.

Glimber and the Mastiff are anxiously at the secret door waiting

Lirtimya: Will follow the two into the crevice

Inv Zora Polasis: It keeps going

Temperance: motions the dog and Glimber to wait until they return with a smile.

Inv Zora Polasis: Looks like it's opening up

Temperance: Approaches the entrance, but does not enter the open space just yet.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Temperance: Lirt, I think it would be best if you backed up a little...

Inv Zora Polasis: Stirges!

Temperance: slowly tries to back away to asses the situation.

Temperance: You heard her.

When Zora moved forward a bit the passageway opens up into a much bigger room, with the torch light from Temp Zora can spot two very large treasure chests

Far too big to get through that passageway

AND then with a rush of wings Stirges drop from the ceiling to attack, obviously extremely hungry

Inv Zora Polasis: STIRGES!

Inv Zora Polasis: runs forward into the room and then attacks one

Zora Polasis tries to attack Stirge 1 with her Rapier but misses.

Stirge 4 bites Temperance and starts to drain her blood, lightly wounding her.

Temperance: Oof!

Stirge 5 tries to bite Zora Polasis but misses.

Temperance: These godforsaken mosquitoes...

Temperance: runs further across into the room before stabbing.

Temperance: away from the other stirges.

Temperance stabs Stirge 4 with her Dagger killing it.

Stirge 3 bites Temperance and starts to drain her blood.

Stirge 1 tries to bite Zora Polasis but misses.

Lirtimya stabs Stirge 2 with her Dagger moderately wounding it.

Stirge 6 bites Zora Polasis and starts to drain her blood.

Stirge 2 bites Lirtimya and starts to drain her blood, lightly wounding her.

Stirge 6 continues to drain Zora Polasis making her heavily wounded.

Inv Zora Polasis stabs Stirge 6 with her Dagger killing it.

Stirge 5 bites Temperance and starts to drain her blood.

The two Stirges attached and draining Temperance’s blood makes her moderately wounded.

Temperance stabs Stirge 3 with her Dagger moderately wounding it.

Stirge 1 bites Zora Polasis and starts to drain her blood.

Stirge 2 continues to drain Lirtimya making her heavily wounded.

Lirtimya casts Burning Hands at Stirge 2 killing it.

Now Rothuss is there in the passageway

Inv Zora Polasis stabs Stirge 1 with her Dagger killing it.

The two Stirges attached and draining Temperance’s blood makes her heavily wounded.

Temperance tries to stab Stirge 3 with her Dagger but misses.

Lirtimya stabs Stirge 5 with her Dagger heavily wounding it.

Rothuss is there entering the cave and the dog and gnome followed him in

Rothuss can see the two stirges sucking on Temp

Rothuss Carder: Why do you always find trouble when I'm not with you?

Temperance: We find trouble whether you are here or not, Rothuss.

Rothuss Carder: looks around, then lunges forward and grapples Stirge 3 off of Temperance. Ripping it out of her, hen then throws it to the ground.

Temperance: winces.

Inv Zora Polasis stabs Stirge 5 with her Dagger killing it.

Temperance stabs Stirge 3, which was on the floor, with her Dagger killing it.

Temperance: winces as she finishes off the last one.

Inv Zora Polasis: sinks to the floor

Inv Zora Polasis: Ugh!

Temperance: Rest in pieces, you godforsaken creatures.

Inv Zora Polasis: I think I have something that might help save some spells

Inv Zora Polasis: takes the happy potion out of her pack

The dog licks Temp

Temperance: We explored the bedroom and found a hidden door that lead to this passageway. We followed it down and got here.

Glimber checks on Zora

Inv Zora Polasis: nods and smiles at Glimber

Inv Zora Polasis: I'm okay ...

Rothuss Carder: tries to help patch up wounds, but isn't medic trained.

Inv Zora Polasis: hands Tempe the potion she marked with a happy face last night

Temperance: gives the dog a gentle pat and stands up to receive the potion.

Temperance: This looks positive. You said you tested it last night?

Inv Zora Polasis: Vee tasted that one

Rothuss Carder: Eww. Vee-spit.

Inv Zora Polasis: It won't hurt you. It will be good

Temperance: chuckles lightly.

Temperance: No worries, I trust you. And I suppose I'm trusting Vee-spit too.

Temperance: opens the cork and takes a sip, leaving half.

Rothuss Carder: Don't worry - we'll watch your for grumpy infections.

Temperance: laughs again.

Inv Zora Polasis: The whole thing Temperance

Inv Zora Polasis: You want the full effect

Temperance: Oh, apologies.

Temperance: drinks the rest.

Inv Zora Polasis: no halfsies

Inv Zora Polasis: smiles

Temperance: grins.

Temperance: No halfsies.

Inv Zora Polasis: you are badly hurt. You need all it can give you

Inv Zora Polasis: Well we're all badly hurt but well

Inv Zora Polasis: laughs

Temperance: Not too bad, thanks to you guys. I'll make sure to heal you in no time.

Temperance: It makes me feel better, definitely. Thank you for the potion.

Melange joins you there in the cave

Ruffus is guarding the outside door to the bedroom

Rothuss Carder: Hey bud. That was a bit of a tight squeeze for you to get here, wasn't it?

MeLange: it was!

MeLange: pants a little

Two large chests in this room, they must have been built in this room? There is no way they could fit down that passageway

The time is 10:18 AM

The date is Ko____de, 8th Sin (Late Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Last Quarter

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 3]

Lirtimya: Rothuss, you like opening big chests full of loot right?

Temperance casts Orison spells on Lirtimya and Zora to bring them to full health and gives some to Rothuss and herself as well.

Inv Zora Polasis: Thank you Temperance

Lirtimya: Well there are two big chests right there

Temperance: smiles lightly.

MeLange giggles

Temperance: Not a problem, just doing my job.

Inv Zora Polasis: We should check for traps

Lirtimya: Yes, thank you, they did a number on me

Inv Zora Polasis: goes to first chest and checks it

Temperance: They were quite irritating, indeed.

Rothuss Carder: starts to say something, then clamps his mouth shut and says nothing.

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [FAILURE by 26] [d100 = 66]

Temperance: raises an eyebrow, but shrugs her shoulders.

Inv Zora Polasis: No traps on the first chest.

Rothuss Carder: Shall I, while you check the other one?

Inv Zora Polasis: Please

Rothuss Carder: unlocks 1, then carefully lifts the lid, ready to duck or dodge.

Inv Zora Polasis: checks chest 2

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 12] [d100 = 28]

Inv Zora Polasis: There's a trap on this second chest

Rothuss Carder: drops the lid of 1 suddenly.

dramatic pause

nothing happens when Rothuss opens up number 1

Inv Zora Polasis: Let me see if I can disable the trap while Rothuss looks in the other one

Rothuss Carder: uses the tip of his main-gauche to lift the lid of 1

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 17] [d100 = 23]

Zora can tell there is some sort of gas trap that will burst out to hit who ever is opening the chest

Zora goes into the lock and SNIPS the wire that released the gas

Inv Zora Polasis: MeLange the trap is disabled. Do you want to look in chest 2?

MeLange: yea sure

MeLange: goes to check out chest number 2

MeLange: hmmm

MeLange: couple flaks o liquid

Rothuss Carder : Lots of coins in here. Looks heavy.

MeLange: and some gold I guess

MeLange: hard to say, looks like a lot though

Temperance: Maybe Lirt can take a look at those flasks?

MeLange: yea good idea

Lirtimya: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 11]

Lirtimya: Takes a look at the liquids in the flasks

Lirt has no idea on the one

Rothuss Carder : stirs through the coins to see if there's anything underneath.

The other two look like they are the same and very similar to the one that Temp just drank

Temperance: What do you think, Lirt?

Lirtimya: These two here look like the one you drank that healed you Tempe, but this one I'm not sure

Lirtimya: groups them accordingly

Temperance: Hm...

Inv Zora Polasis: if you stick a finger in and taste you can tell if it's the same

Temperance: If we try a drop of the other one, maybe we can find out what effects it'll have.

Inv Zora Polasis: that's what we did last night

Temperance: Yes.

Inv Zora Polasis: just a couple drops

Lirtimya: You could also poison yourself

everything is loose

in both chests

Roth can imagine that it is on purpose to help deter anyone from taking too much at once

Rothuss Carder : This is gonna be hard to get back to the boat if Vee wants it.

Inv Zora Polasis: But if you couldn’t have gotten the chests through that narrow passage maybe there is another way out of here

Inv Zora Polasis: Or maybe they cast a shrinking spell to get the chests here

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 1]

Zora thinks that with all this here, maybe this is the mage's bedroom, and with the secret door, what other secret panels could there be in the bedroom now that she has seen this

Inv Zora Polasis: But there may be more secret passages in that bedroom!

Temperance: Hm... I do have a spell that could shrink it...

Temperance: but we could look for another passage first?

Inv Zora Polasis: takes the 3 potions for testing

Rothuss Carder : Lirt, you rest in here for a bit. We can go check the other rooms.

Temperance: nods.

Temperance: It is a well-deserved one. She burned one of those stirges at the risk of burning herself, after all.

Inv Zora Polasis: wine racks that open up maybe?

Rothuss Carder : steps aside to follow Zora to the room she wants to check out.

Inv Zora Polasis: a bar that swings open?

Temperance: moves to check out this wine rack one more time.

Inv Zora Polasis: I was thinking someplace in here first

Inv Zora Polasis: I wasn't seeing anything when I checked before but maybe fresh eyes

Rothuss Carder : Oh, misunderstood, sorry. What am I looking for?

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Temperance: rubs her eyes.

Inv Zora Polasis: Looks at Rothuss and MeLange

Inv Zora Polasis: secret hiding places or passages

Temperance: No matter how many times I look at it it looks like something Levi would like. Maybe my eyes aren't working.

Inv Zora Polasis: looks under bed

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 12]

Inv Zora Polasis: Dust under the bed

Rothuss Carder : So, you think maybe there's another door here? Like, if I pull the right wine bottle, it'll open a door?

Inv Zora Polasis: Maybe!

Rothuss Carder : starts lifting up wine bottles and putting them back down.

Inv Zora Polasis: it didn't like the bottle I took

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 4]

The group checks and re-checks everything in the bedroom looking for secret panels or compartments.

Inv Zora Polasis: raps on the cabinet with the wax figurines


Rothuss Carder : Think they'd mind if we take a drink of one of these?

Rothuss Carder : has stopped checking the wine rack to look at a random bottle.

Inv Zora Polasis: I took a bottle of wine

Temperance: This room looks like it hasn't been used a while, so...

Temperance: And that too.

Inv Zora Polasis: tries the bar

Inv Zora Polasis: [d12 = 1]

MeLange: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]

Inv Zora Polasis: There are no places for spell books

MeLange: Huh, you'd think those would be the most precious?

The desk had all the writing materials, papers, the journal etc.

But there are no drawers in the desk

MeLange: you know most people don't put their most precious things right up front, just sayin'

Inv Zora Polasis: so inside the desk with no drawers?

MeLange: And contrary to popular belief, librarians are people too, the one I knew did the same, kept her most precious books outside the obvious areas

Rothuss Carder : Does the top lift off?

Rothuss Carder : Oh, would a librarian be strong enough to lift the top of a desk?

Temperance: goes over to the desk.

Temperance: Well, one way to find out...

MeLange: I could try

Rothuss Carder : You'd be the librarian they call when they want to move whole shelves instead of just a book or two.

Temperance: laughs lightly.

MeLange: hey, there's a lot of books out there

MeLange chuckles

Inv Zora Polasis: there might be a latch hidden

Temperance: looks under and over the desk again.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Temperance: There's something at the front of the desk. A slide...

Rothuss Carder : What happens if you pull it?

There is a slide under the desk that goes right to left, back and forth

like a latch

Temperance: One way to find out, unless Zora wants to check for traps.

Temperance: hovers her hand over the slide.

Rothuss Carder : Probably a good idea. In case it's another gas trap.

Temperance: slides the latch to the left.

it moves easily

Rothuss Carder : gets ready to pull her out of the way of a gas bottle

Temperance: slides it to the right.

it moves easily

Temperance: slides it back.

It goes back and forth easily

Rothuss Carder : Nothing happening?

Temperance: It moves very easily.

nothing explodes if that is what you are asking

Temperance: tries to open the top of the desk while sliding the latch back.

does not lift up

Rothuss Carder : Any of the fronts?

Temperance: moves the latch in a variety of directions, trying the same thing.

Temperance: Hm...

sliding to the left

and the top of the desk opens up

Temperance: There we go.

all the papers sliding off back down the top as it rises

inside are two large books, with magical writing on them

Temperance: Lirt might want to take a look at these when she wakes.

Temperance: grabs the two books and the documents that slid off the top of the desk.

Temperance: Thank you for making sure nothing popped out to murder me.

Temperance: grins lightly.

Rothuss Carder : bows.

Temperance: But oh my, these books are quite heavy...

Rothuss Carder : Of course.

Rothuss Carder : Here, Mel and I will each take one for now.

Temperance: We can also ask Orange if he's less encumbered. You're carrying a lot of things, Rothuss.

Temperance: And you need mobility if you're going to stab things.

MeLange: ok

Rothuss Carder : I can set it down if I need to.

Temperance: Alright, thank you again.

Temperance: hands Melange and Rothuss each a book.

MeLange: checks out the book with one hand

MeLange: hmmm, good weight to it

MeLange: sniffs the book

MeLange: hmm, smells old

Temperance: rummages through her rations to get something for the three dogs to eat.

MeLange: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

He sniffs the book and smells like wax, but that has to be wrong, that would not be, you cannot have candles that close to a book like this

MeLange: who would keep candles so close to a book like this?!

Temperance: furrows her brows.

Temperance: What do you mean?

MeLange: I mean, it reeks of wax right?

Rothuss Carder : Oh, probably someone like me.

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Rothuss Carder : [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]

Roth and Temp both make the connection to the..... wax wyvern or the wax humanish figure in the kitchen

Temperance: There's a lot of wax figurines in here. We ran into a wax wyvern that melted as soon as we “killed it,” and the human wax figurine in the kitchen... well...

Rothuss Carder : Yeah. You think the wizard created them?

MeLange: huh, well that's interesting

Rothuss Carder : Or the wizard is one of them?

Temperance: Perhaps. We did hypothesize that a mage or a priest could've been involved. The wax wyvern seemed to have been animated by magic.

Temperance: It melted as soon as we did away with it.

Rothuss Carder : So, the wizard can change the size of things, right? The boulder. And there's a cabinet of little wax figures there. And two full size wax figures out there. So....?

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 16]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 10]

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 19]

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]

Temperance: I'm not sure. This whole thing is very complex. With what the footprints and the complex spellcasting....

Temperance: proceeds to feed the 3 doggos who have been travelling with them.

Temperance: If you have a torch Levi, would you mind squeezing in front of me?

Temperance: continues walking towards the two doors.

Temperance: Two doors...

Rothuss Carder : Left side.

Temperance: leans her ear on the one closest to her.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 5]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 3]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

No sounds

Rothuss Carder : Want me to listen at it?

Temperance: There are no sounds on this one as far as I can tell, but yes, a second ear would be great.

Rothuss Carder : squeezes up front

Temperance: scooches the doggo over for Rothuss to get through.

Rothuss Carder : [TOWER] [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 20) [FAILURE by 19] [d100 = 39]

Temperance: Do you hear anything?

Temperance: Maybe Zora should check for traps...

Nothing on the other side of that room

Temperance: Zora, do you want to check for traps? If not I'm gonna open it.

Inv Zora Polasis: I can

Inv Zora Polasis: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 40) [FAILURE by 22] [d100 = 62]

Inv Zora Polasis: checks the door

Inv Zora Polasis: Nothing I can see

Temperance: Alright, well...

Temperance: opens the door.

This room is a spacious and well-furnished dining hall. A fine oak table with 6 chairs stands alongside a massive window offering a beautiful view into a jungle glade with a placid pool fed by a gurgling waterfall. The room also contains two comfortable upholstered chairs beside a fireplace, a thick and soft carpet, and fine artwork hanging from the walls.

Temperance: A fancy room...

Rothuss Carder : follows into the room.

Temperance: With a waterfall and a fireplace.

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: Whoa, this is fancy

Levi Reed: looks out the window

Rothuss Carder : This person likes their comfort.

MeLange: wow nice room!

Rothuss Carder : How'd they get all this stuff down here?

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 15]

Levi Reed: Man, if it wasn't all full of traps, I might want to move in here

MeLange: You could definitely host a whole family in here, multiple children

Temperance: looks around for anything unusual but gets distracted.

Rothuss Carder : You think maybe they're still here somewhere? Might not be too happy with us if they are.

Temperance: We did just trespass, technically...

Levi Reed: SOMEONE is here, but not the original owners

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]

That is not a window, that is an illusion, if it was a window you could see your reflection in it, there would be light, etc.

Temperance: That's... not a window.

MeLange: coool

Temperance: It's an illusion. If it was a normal window you would be able to see your reflection, and there would be light.

Rothuss Carder : goes over to the window and touches it.

Rothuss touches stone

Levi Reed: That is both impressive and disappointing at the same time

Temperance: There's almost always magic in each of the caverns and rooms we've been.

Temperance: Now why they would put an illusion of a window...

Inv Zora Polasis: dips a finger in the pool to taste the water

Levi Reed: Well, let's move on to the next one then

Rothuss Carder : Do we want to look for more treasure here?

There is no pool for Zora to touch, it is just an illusion

Levi Reed: Because living in a cave gets depressing, sometimes you want to see the sun and green growing things

Temperance: Hm... why live in a cave in the first place?

Temperance: If it makes you depressed?

Levi Reed: Easy to trap

Levi Reed: Harder to find

Temperance: I'm guessing the pool is an illusion too, then.

Inv Zora Polasis: yes

Inv Zora Polasis: no water here

Rothuss Carder : walks into the pool.

Inv Zora Polasis: I was going to refill my waterskin

Inv Zora Polasis: laughs

Temperance: Shame, that would've been useful.

Temperance: walks towards the waterfall / pool

CLUNK as she walks into a wall

Temperance: Oof.

Levi Reed: Why didn't you refill it at the lake?

Rothuss Carder : Anything back there?

There is the art on the walls

Inv Zora Polasis: It wasn't empty then

Temperance: There's only a wall here.

Levi Reed: Oh

Temperance: checks the wall for any hidden doors.

Inv Zora Polasis: I drank some after the stirges tried to bleed me dry

Levi Reed: checks behind the pictures

Rothuss Carder : checks to see what furniture, if any, is real in here.

Everything in the room is real

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 15]

Temperance: does not find anything unusual about the wall and walks away.

So you have the door on the opposite side of the hallway

Rothuss Carder : listens at it

Temperance: Explore the other room? Unless we want to check the art on the walls a bit further...

Rothuss Carder : [TOWER] [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 20) [SUCCESS by 0] [d100 = 20]

Temperance: I'm not sure if Levi found anything interesting.

Rothuss says yes he hears something from that other room

Rothuss Carder : backs away from the door and into the other room with the others and quietly shuts the door a bit.

Temperance: raises an eyebrow.

Rothuss Carder : So, I heard something in the room across the hall...

Temperance: What sort of noise was it?

Temperance: Yelling? Talking? Things falling?

a faint wind

and or chanting

Rothuss Carder : So.. do we want to skip it, or introduce ourselves?

Temperance: presses her lips together.

Inv Zora Polasis: we can't come this far and skip it

Temperance: If there's chanting it might be someone spellcasting or of the sort.

Temperance: But sure, this might be what we're looking for.

Rothuss Carder : I can lead as a distraction, and you two can follow me in.

Levi Reed: [TOWER] [SKILL] Ranger: Hide in Shadows [PERCENT:Ranger: Hide in Shadows] (vs. Target 31) [FAILURE by 18] [d100 = 49]

Levi Reed: [TOWER] [SKILL] Ranger: Move Silently [PERCENT:Ranger: Move Silently] (vs. Target 40) [SUCCESS by 26] [d100 = 14]

This room is a large, vaulted chamber with scaffolding running along the perimeter and bisecting the room down the middle 10 feet above the ground. Two large vats occupy much of the room. They are suspended over large fire pits, one of which is glowing hot with fiery coals. A light wind, magical in origin, pushes all smoke upwards into ducts in the ceiling that vent it out into the open air. The breeze does little to alleviate the heat that hangs heavily in the room.

There is a human in a hooded cloak up above on the scaffolding

He carries a crooked staff topped by a withered ghoul hand


Rothuss Carder : We're here for the order of candles we placed.

Levi Reed: What are YOU doing?

Wax Lazio Sharpe: Yooouuu Shouuuld Leeeaveee

Levi Reed: Why?

Inv Zora Polasis: looks for a way to climb the scaffolding behind the wizard

Wax Lazio Sharpe: I AAAAAMMm Woorkking

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Zora can see ladders at either end of the two vats

Up onto the scaffolding

One is by Rothuss and the other is at the far end of the room

Levi Reed: What are you working on?


Levi Reed: Cool! What is it?

Temperance: holds the door as discreetly as possible.

Inv Zora Polasis: hugs the wall and tries to get to the ladder that is behind the wax wizard

Rothuss Carder : moves to climb a ladder

Wax Lazio Sharpe: Points his staff at Rothuss....

Temperance: gives Glimber and the dog a gentle pat and gets ready to cast.


Rothuss Carder : Coming to inspect your work, of course. Making sure you're making the candles we asked for

Temperance casts Silence 15' Radius at Wax Lazio Sharpe.

Wax Lazio Sharpe: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 10]

Save [10] [Target 14] [for Wax Lazio Sharpe] [vs Temperance] [TARGET-FAILED]

Wax Lazio Sharpe: (HAIUEOUEORIUEROIUERER) that you cannot hear

Wax Lazio Sharpe uses his Wand of Paralysation on Rothuss Carder

Rothuss Carder : [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 5]

Save [5] [Target 12] -> [for Rothuss Carder ] [vs Wax Lazio Sharpe] [TARGET-FAILED]

Levi Reed: Well.

Temperance: peeks into the room.

Levi Reed shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with his Shortbow lightly wounding him.

Inv Zora Polasis: climbs ladder as quietly as she can

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 30] [d100 = 40]

Inv Zora Polasis: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 5) [SUCCESS by 0] [d100 = 5]

So Zora makes it up to the catwalk scaffolding not quiet but he does not see her

Zora Polasis attacks Wax Lazio Sharpe with her Rapier wounding him.

She manages to keep her balance and does not fall from the scaffolding.

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Wax Lazio Sharpe: AAAAAAAGGGGGGG (silently like in the films with sub titles)

Temperance tries to shoot Wax Lazio Sharpe with her Shortbow but misses.

MeLange: goes up the ladder to attack the wax creature

He keeps his balance and does not fall.

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 5]

Wax Lazio Sharpe repeatedly punches Zora Polasis moderately wounding her.

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]

Zora get PUNCHED PUNCHED PUNCHED gets knocked backwards and almost falls into the vat of boiling wax but grabs onto the scaffolding and manages to stay up

MeLange: whoa Zora that was close!

Levi Reed: Knock this guy over!

Levi Reed shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with his Shortbow moderately wounding him.

Levi Reed: I can kill him better down here!

Zora Polasis tries to attack Wax Lazio Sharpe with her Rapier but misses.

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]


Temperance: both brows shoot up in alarm.

Zora takes 3 points of damage as she falls into the vat of wax

Levi Reed: Rufus, save her!

Temperance: goes over quickly to try and see if she can pull Zora out of the wax.

Temperance shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with her Shortbow wounding him.

MeLange: uses the buckler to try to push the wax thingy but misses.

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 6]

MeLange stays on his feet.

Wax Lazio Sharpe uses his Wand of Paralysation on MeLange.

MeLange: [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 7]

Save [7] [Target 11] -> [for MeLange] [vs Wax Lazio Sharpe] [TARGET-FAILED]

Ruffus DeOrange: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 4) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 7]

and Ruffus is in the doorway

So Rothuss and Melange are paralyzed

Zora is in the vat of boiling wax

and the bad guy is up on the scaffolding on his own

Levi Reed shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with his Shortbow heavily wounding him.

Inv Zora Polasis: tries to get out of the vat

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Strength [-2] (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 14] [d20+2 = 22]

Levi Reed: Rufus! Get Zora out of that vat (points to the one she's in) or we're all going to die, and then that creature will go after Vee and kill her, too!

Inv Zora Polasis: prays to the gods to sustain her

Temperance: climbs the ladder a bit to get leverage and tries to pull Zora out of the vat.

Temperance: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 9]

Temperance: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 18]

Glimber Silvernose: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 18]

Temp tries to grab onto Zora and manages to snag Zora’s wrist sticking up from the wax, then Temp slowly topples into the vat herself as Glimber makes a quick grab at her but does not make it in time

Wax Lazio Sharpe punches the paralyzed MeLange sending him over the scaffolding and into the other vat of boiling wax.


Ruffus DeOrange: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 4) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 13]

Inv Zora Polasis: Get Tempe

Ruffus DeOrange tries to grab Temperance from the vat of boiling wax but misses.

Levi Reed shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with his Shortbow wounding him.

Zora is holding her breath

Inv Zora Polasis: tries to get out of the vat again

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Strength [-4] (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 13] [d20+4 = 21]

Temperance tries to pull herself out of the vat of boiling wax.

Temperance: [CHECK] Strength [-2] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20+2 = 6]

Temp is on the edge of the vat hanging on by her self, she lost Zora but she is at the edge

Temperance: coughs and curses herself for losing Zora.

Wax Lazio Sharpe uses his Wand of Paralysation on Ruffus DeOrange.

Ruffus DeOrange: [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 6]

Save [6] [Target 20] -> [for Ruffus DeOrange] [vs Wax Lazio Sharpe] [TARGET-FAILED]

Levi Reed: Come down here and fight like a man! A wax man, but a man!

Glimber Silvernose: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 17]

Levi Reed shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with his Shortbow critically wounding him.

Inv Zora Polasis: tries to get out of the vat again

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Strength [-4] (vs. Target 8) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20+4 = 7]

Takes a DEEP breath and gets to restart her holding breath

after she breaks the surface

Temperance pulls herself out of the vat of boiling wax.

Temperance: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 6]

Wax Lazio Sharpe uses his Wand of Paralysation on Levi Reed.

Levi Reed: [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 17]

Save [17] [Target 11] -> [for Levi Reed] [vs Wax Lazio Sharpe] [TARGET-SAVED]

Glimber Silvernose: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 7]

Glimber Silvernose: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Glimber Silvernose: GRABS at Zora

and falls in holding her

Inv Zora Polasis: nooooooooooo!!!!!

Temperance: Glimber wait—

Temperance: wipes the wax from her face.

Levi Reed shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with his Shortbow wounding him.

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 12]

she made it back to the top and edge with Glimbler

Glimber grabbed her last round

so she is at the edge of the vat

Zora reaches out and then the heat overcomes and she passes out

Temperance tries to grab Inv Zora Polasis but misses.

MeLange starts giving up

MeLange no longer struggles against the paralyzation

MeLange Visions of his past burst before him

MeLange sees the cold winter storm, the rushing of the river, the splashes of feet on water. The sunshine, the beach, the trees

Wax Lazio Sharpe uses his Wand of Paralysation on Temperance.

Temperance: [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 12]

Save [12] [Target 9] -> [for Temperance] [vs Wax Lazio Sharpe] [TARGET-SAVED]

Glimber Silvernose: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 7]

Glimber YANKS Zora's body up out of the wax

Levi Reed: Save my baby!

Levi Reed shoots arrows at Wax Lazio Sharpe with his Shortbow killing him.

Temp and Levi run over and pull Mel out of the wax

MeLange the visions fade, the light goes bright

MeLange Levi's face appears out of the sunshine

MeLange smiling and confused

MeLange Vee behind him, a smile on her face

Temperance casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Inv Zora Polasis bringing her back from near death to walking wounded.

The time is 10:38 AM

The date is Ko____de, 8th Sin (Late Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Levi Reed: You know what... I know it's still early, but I feel like we could all use some sleep. That was a rough one

Inv Zora Polasis: take the staff

Inv Zora Polasis: points at it

Inv Zora Polasis: don't let it sit there for anyone to pick up

Temperance: wipes the wax off hers and Zora's face with a napkin.

Temperance: and takes the staff.

Levi Reed: loots the body and looks for anything else to loot

MeLange: Hey Temp, I like your staff

Temperance: I like it better on me too.

Temperance: grins.

Temperance: stabs the wax man with the staff in a moment of frustration.

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 3]

Levi can see that the one vat he was working on has a figure that sort of maybe looks like a lizard man

Then everyone huddles into the nice relaxing main room with the pretty view

MeLange: oh man I hated being paralyzed!

Temperance: I'm sure that was traumatizing.

MeLange: Yea probably!

Inv Zora Polasis: crawls over to a wall and pulls her pack out in front of her

MeLange: Best not to think about it though sheesh

MeLange: starts doing jumping jacks

Temperance: I'm sorry that the spell did not help prevent the casting. I was sure it would...

MeLange: I'm gonna move my body like crazy

Temperance: looks frustrated at herself.

Inv Zora Polasis: Don't be

Inv Zora Polasis: We didn't know he had the staff

MeLange starts running in place

Inv Zora Polasis: Couldn't have controlled that

MeLange: We good Tempe, I know you did your best

Temperance: That's true.

Temperance: smiles lightly again.

Inv Zora Polasis: pulls out the potions Lirt said looked like the healing one

Temperance: Best to think about the fact that we all survived, and how interesting of a story this will be years later.

MeLange starts dancing a bit

MeLange: true true

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: Cool dance, Melange.

Inv Zora Polasis: Tempe are you sure you don't want to taste a drop of these and see if they are the same as the healing one you took?

Levi Reed: So the masterpiece... was a lizard man?

Temperance: I don't mind tasting them again!

Temperance: smiles lightly.

Temperance: A lizard man...?

Levi Reed: Yeah there was some kind of lizard man thing in the vat

Temperance: tries to process multiple conversations at once.

Inv Zora Polasis: just a drop or two and if its the same it could be more healing potions

Inv Zora Polasis: Sorry I am worried about the health

Inv Zora Polasis: I'll be quiet

Temperance: Oh dear... that sounds concerning. I hope it won't continue into creation now that the... wax man is gone.

Inv Zora Polasis: takes the bottle of rum out of her pack next

Temperance: No worries Zora, I don't mind trying it out.

Inv Zora Polasis: thank you Glimber

Inv Zora Polasis: puts a hand on her heart

Inv Zora Polasis: opens rum bottle and takes a swig

Glimber Silvernose : [Translation] Happy you are safe

Temperance: approaches Glimber as well and smiles.

Temperance: I appreciate you trying to help pull me away from the vat.

Glimber Silvernose: Looks up at Temp

Temperance: Even though I'm not sure you can understand me... and I know you probably did it for Zora, but still. I appreciated it.

Glimber Silvernose: Smiles and pats her on the leg

Temperance: brightens at the interaction.

Glimber Silvernose : [Translation] Good to help family

Inv Zora Polasis: offers bottle to Glimber and then waves her hand around the room

Glimber Silvernose: Takes a small sip and then passes the bottle along

Temperance: walks towards the dogs to give them some food before coming back and settling down.

Temperance: Let me see what these potions do...

Temperance: grins lightly as she picks up one flask.

Temperance: sticks a finger gently into the first flask to get a taste.

Temperance: licks her finger.

feels like the last potion that Temp drank

Temperance: nods lightly.

Temperance: I think it tastes similar to the one I drank before.

Temperance: Alright, well.... what's the word Levi would use?

Temperance: “Bottoms up?”

Temperance: takes the whole potion in one go

Temperance: That makes me feel a little better!

Temperance: takes the other flask and dips her finger in it to try.

Tastes similar

Temperance: takes a swig of the flask.

Temperance: Those potions are really effective.

Temperance: smiles brightly.

Temperance: I feel loads better already, thank you Zora.

Temperance: Any more potions for me to try?

Temperance: smiles lightly.

Levi Reed: gives Tempe the “flask of liquid”

Inv Zora Polasis: You never know when those potions will come in handy

Inv Zora Polasis: is the rum somewhere?

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 19]

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 12]

Temperance: accepts the “flask of liquid” and tries to look at it before opening and putting a finger inside to taste it.

Temperance: licks her finger to taste it.

Temperance: It tastes similar to the two I drank.

Temperance: Someone else can take this one! I think it's another healing potion.

Inv Zora Polasis: grabs rum bottle back

Inv Zora Polasis: We did all this and no Firebeard and no Admiral

Inv Zora Polasis: They are still missing

Inv Zora Polasis: takes a drink

Temperance: hands Melange the potion.

MeLange: hey thanks!

Temperance: Drink this and see if Levi wants to dance with you?

Temperance: grins lightly.

MeLange: sure thing

MeLange drinks potion

Temperance: How does it feel?

Zora and Glimber go to the kitchen while the rest of the group goes to check the last doors.

Inv Zora Polasis: See you soon!

Levi Reed: We'll be right back, I hope

Inv Zora Polasis: Let's find something to eat

Temperance: Enjoy some good food while you wait!

MeLange: See ya!

Inv Zora Polasis: Don't make us come find you

Inv Zora Polasis: laughs

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: We won't!

Temperance: calls as she walks down the hall.

Mastiffs 1: Whines at the door

Levi Reed: listens at the door

Temperance: furrows her brows as she glances at the dog.

Temperance: He seems to be sensing something amiss here...

Levi Reed: opens the door

Located next to a murky black pool of standing water are three crudely-constructed platforms arranged in a semi-circle and raised 12 feet above the boggy ground. Each has a domed shelter of branches and draped moss. Suspected from the over-arching branches of a tree is a wicker cage imprisoning a bedraggled, emaciated and thoroughly bound human. Even from a distance, several lizard men can be seen moving about the encampment. Nets of foodstuffs and other supplies concealed amongst the branches of trees, to keep them away from the swamp fauna. A large, single-horned rhinoceros-like dinosaur grazes amidst the encampment.

AND that is our end for the night