Main / Abjurer

Schools - Mage - Chapter 2


A specialist in the school of Abjuration. Abjurers make their homes anywhere, but prefer small villages to large cities. Because of their kind hearts and generous spirits, abjurers are held in high esteem by society in general. Abjurers commonly earn a living as guides, bodyguards, merchants, and teachers. Of all the wizards, Abjurers seem to have the strongest family ties. Abjurers take comfort in the security of marriage and often choose their mates at an early age; many Abjurers have ten or more offspring. Owing to their mastery of protective forces, Abjurers tend to live to a ripe old age; it's not unusual to find abjurers well into their eighties in adventuring parties.

Allowed Races: Only humans can be abjurers. It's speculated that the natural magical resistance of elves, half-elves, and gnomes prevents them from mastering abjuration spells.

Ability Requirements: A wizard must have strong intuition and exceptional willpower to master abjuration spells as reflected in a high Wisdom score. Specialists in this school must have a minimum Wisdom of 15.

Saving Throw Modifiers: All opponents modify their saving throws by -1 when attempting to save against an abjuration spell cast by an abjurer. An abjurer adds a +1 bonus when saving against abjuration spells.

Bonus Spells and Acquired Powers: An abjurer can memorize an extra spell at each spell level, providing that at least one of the memorized spells is from the school of abjuration; thus, a 1st-level abjurer can memorize two spells. When an abjurer reaches 17th level, he acquires immunity to all forms of hold spells and adds a +1 bonus when saving against poison, paralyzation, and death magic. When an abjurer reaches 20th level, his mastery of magical protective forces has become so powerful that his Armor Class is raised from 10 to 9. He is still forbidden to wear armor.

Oppositional Schools: An abjurer cannot learn spells from the schools of Alteration or Illusion.

Ethos: Concerned with protection, abjurists have a deep reverence for life and are attracted to philosophies stressing compassion and selflessness. Accordingly, most abjurers are of good alignment. Evil-aligned abjurers are often toadies of an intimidating evil warrior or in the service of a more powerful wizard of another school. Abjurers tend to be thoughtful, orderly, gentle-natured, and soft-spoken, going out of their way not to attract attention.