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Aislinn Rhor

Aislinn went on many adventures herself prior to having her daughter, Victoriana. Aislinn went through the forest one evening. She thought she would get back by the time the sun had set. She had wandered a bit far. The sun set and she had been near a river. She walked along the river, thinking she'd get back to Rivertown, but she wasn't going in the direction of Rivertown. She soon got lost.

Several hours later, Aislinn heard some noise along the river, among the trees. She went to see who was out there. She soon realized that she had come across some orcs. She couldn't speak orc, but she asked if anyone could understand her. One orc was able to speak in W Comm as well. She was relieved.

"Could you take me home? It seems that I've lost my way," she asked. After a while of talking to the orc, she had let him know where she was supposed to be heading and they had been walking in that direction. She had learned his name, Ringkostesh Sousterra. She also learned quickly that many orcs don't interact with humans. There are very few who know W Comm.

A few more hours later, she looked at her surroundings and she was back in Rivertown with the orc walking alongside her. She had returned to her lodgings and invited him in. She was eager to learn as much as she could about different races and how they interacted with others. She was quite young.

After a long conversation, she was getting tired. They had ended up falling asleep. When she woke up, he was gone. She knew he wouldn't be able to stay, as she was warned about orcs, and he even told her that they couldn't co-exist.

Several months later, she found she was expecting a child. Several more months went by, and she birthed a baby girl. This baby didn't look fully human. Aislinn knew then who her father was and named her accordingly. She raised Tori as she felt necessary. That meant her adventures had to stop, since she wouldn't be able to travel with a child.

As the years went by, Tori had asked her many questions. One day, when she felt that Tori would be able to understand, she sat Tori down and explained it to her. Now, it was Tori's turn to go adventuring. She hoped one day, they'll be able to adventure together.