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Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Wizard Kits

Amazon Sorceress

Note: This kit is taken from the Complete Wizard's Handbook.

Another Amazon kit is available from the Complete Fighter's Handbook.
Another Amazon Priestess kit is available from the Complete Priest's Handbook.
Another Amazon kit is available from the book Skills and Powers

Amazons belong to matriarchal societies that thrive in a world otherwise dominated by males. Women occupy all important positions in Amazon societies-- they are the rulers, artisans, soldiers, and scholars.

Most Amazon societies have existed unchanged for thousands of years, living in relative isolation from the rest of the word, but others have more recent origins. Some were established by disgruntled women who tired of their subservient roles in maledominated cultures and decided to rule themselves, while others were created by deities sympathetic to the plight of women.

Men are second-class citizens in Amazon cultures, occupying positions of menial servitude to their female superiors. In some societies, men are kept as slaves, treated only marginally better than domestic animals. Still others have eliminated men entirely.

Amazons from totally male-free societies make occasional forays into neighboring communities to fraternize with men. Others perpetuate their civilization by being extremely friendly with male adventurers passing through their territory; when the Amazons tire of their company, the adventurers are sent on their way or killed.

An Amazon society may be as small as a single village or large enough to fill an entire continent. Because they are continually under siege from male-dominated civilizations,

Amazons have mastered the art of war. Traditionally, Amazons are superior horsebreeders and riders, excelling with spears, bows, and other weapons that can be wielded from horseback.

A character must be female to be an Amazon. There are no other requirements.

To abandon this kit, the character must renounce her Amazon citizenship, most likely because she has grown to identify more closely with a different culture.

Preferred Schools: Amazons with high Constitution tend to be drawn to the schools of conjuration/summoning and invocation/evocation; both are especially useful on the battlefield. Diviners are also common, as they make excellent administrative advisors and counselors.

Barred Schools: Amazons shun the dark forces associated with the school of necromancy. Because of its perceived uselessness in combat, they also avoid the school of illusion.

Role: Most Amazons are warriors, but the few wizards among them are held in high regard, as is any person who has mastered a difficult art. Amazon Sorceresses typically serve as seers, advisors, counselors, and administrators. Because of their formidable power, Amazon Sorceresses especially invokers and conjurers-- are always welcome on the battlefield.

In male-dominated cultures, the Amazon is regarded as a curiosity at best. She is stared at, whispered about, and sometimes openly ridiculed. Well-meaning women who have accepted subservience as a cultural norm may try to convince the Amazon to change her unnatural ways, while chauvinistic men, seeing her as a threat to their masculinity, may feel compelled to dominate her in any number of ways. Even open-minded citizens will likely be suspicious of a female with such unusual attitudes.

Among her peers in an adventuring party, the Amazon Sorceress will prove to be a courageous fighter and a capable spell caster. Although the other player-characters may harbor some prejudices of their own about the role of females, the DM should discourage any overt discrimination; once she has proven herself in tough situations, the Amazon should be accepted as an equal in all regards.

Secondary Skills: Required: Groom.

Weapon Proficiency: Required: None. Recommended: Spear or long bow. This is contrary to the weapons usually allowed wizards, but is typical for Amazon cultures.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Riding (Land-based), Animal Training.
Recommended: (General) Animal Handling; (Warrior) Animal Lore, Armorer, Bowyer/Fletcher, Hunting, Running, Survival, Tracking.

Equipment: When an Amazon character is first created, she must buy her weapons from among the following choices only: bow (any type), dagger/dirk, javelin, knife, spear. Once she has adventured elsewhere in the world, she may purchase other types of weapons.

Special Benefits: Male opponents who have never encountered the formidable Amazon women tend to underestimate them. Therefore, the first time such a male encounters an Amazon in combat, the Amazon receives a +3 bonus to hit and +3 to damage on her first blow only. These bonuses reflect the fact that the opponent is taken off guard by such an able female.

This bonus is not applicable in every situation. The DM should consider the following guidelines when ruling on the Amazon Sorceress's bonus.
· The bonus does not apply to opponents of 5th level or higher. Such opponents are too seasoned to be surprised in this manner.
· The bonus does not apply to opponents from cultures where females are accepted as equals and female warriors are common.
· The bonus does not apply to opponents who have fighting females as comrades, who have faced fighting women before, or who have seen the Amazon use her bonus on someone else.
· The bonus does not always apply to player characters. The DM might ask a quick, guarded question of the player to learn whether his character would underestimate a female opponent.
Regardless of whether the Amazon's first blow hits or misses her intended victim, the victim will never be subject to the bonus again; the bonus can be used only once per victim. Special Hindrances: The Amazon suffers a -3 reaction roll adjustment from NPCs from male- dominated societies. This reaction adjustment no longer applies once characters come to know and respect her. Likewise, player characters need not respond with hostility toward their Amazon companion unless they want to do so for role-playing purposes.

Wealth Options: The Amazon Sorceress receives the normal (1d4 + 1) x 10 gp as starting money.

Races: Most Amazons are human, but other races are acceptable, with the adjustments that follow.