Main / AnagakokMC

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Wizard Kits


The Anagakok is a wizard from a primitive society that occupies one of the world's most extreme climates. Primarily concerned with survival, the Anagakok uses his magical skills to help his fellow tribesmen locate food, plan for dangerous shifts in the weather, and protect them from hostile creatures and rival tribes who are in competition for the same limited resources. An Anagakok also brings good fortune to his tribe; many believe he is possessed by a guardian spirit (though there is no actual evidence of this).

The Anagakok is known by a variety of names which depend on his society of origin; other names for an Anagakok include Magian, Phylacterist, Veronican, Scarabor, and Obeahist.

Although an Anagakok can originate from any number of hostile environments, two are considered in this discussion. The first is the Anagakok from a climate where the temperature never rises above 0 degrees F., whom we call the Frigid Climate Anagakok. The second is the Anagakok from a climate where the temperature never falls below 100 degrees F., whom we call the Torrid Climate Anagakok.

To be an Anagakok, a wizard must have a Constitution of at least 13. Female Anagakok are as common as males.

Though an Anagakok can renounce his heritage and sever ties with his society, he cannot renounce this kit; the traits of an Anagakok are inborn and permanent.

Preferred Schools: The preferred schools of the Anagakok are abjuration, alteration, enchantment/charm, invocation/evocation, and greater divination.

Barred Schools: Anagakok are barred from the schools of illusion and necromancy because of their spells' relative uselessness for surviving in hostile environments.

Role: The Anagakok is serious-minded, even-tempered, and soft-spoken. Though unfamiliar with societies and cultures other than his own, he adapts quickly and is fascinated by technology in all its forms.

In a campaign, an Anagakok tends to assume responsibility for the safety of his companions; their security is always foremost in his mind. Though the Anagakok are not natural leaders (such roles are usually reserved for the strongest warriors in their tribes) they are superb and fearless combatants, quick to volunteer for the most dangerous missions.

Secondary Skills: Required (choose one of the following, based on the Anagakok's background): Fisher, Forester, Hunter, Navigator, Trapper/Furrier.

Weapon Proficiency: Required (choose one of the following, based on the Anagakok's background): Bow (any), dagger, harpoon, javelin, knife, sling, trident.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Endurance, Survival, Weather Sense.
Recommended: (General) Direction Sense, Fire-building, Riding (Land-based), Rope Use, Swimming; (Wizard) Astrology; (Warrior, all cost single slots) Animal Lore, Hunting, Mountaineering, Running, Set Snares.

Equipment: A beginning Anagakok can buy weapons only from those listed in the Weapon Proficiency entry above. He can buy only equipment that would normally be available in his home society; the DM has the right to veto any initial purchase.

An Anagakok must spend all his initial money. Any money not spent is lost.

Special Benefits: An Anagakok can find food in even the most barren of environments. In a 24-hour period, an Anagakok can find enough food to feed himself and a number of people equal to his level (for instance, a 4th-level Anagakok can find enough food to feed himself and four others every day).

Once per week, an Anagakok can cast a special good fortune spell on himself and a number of people equal to his level; the effect of good fortune lasts for a number of turns equal to his level (for instance, a 4th-level Anagakok can cast good fortune on himself and four others, and the effect lasts for four turns). All opponents have a -1 penalty on their chance to hit when attacking those under the effect of good fortune. This ability is innate; an Anagakok is not required to memorize good fortune, nor does it count against his daily spell limit. To cast the spell, an Anagakok must merely concentrate for 1 round and point to the subjects to be affected; no verbal or material components are required.

Additionally, an Anagakok has natural immunities to environmental extremes based on his background. A Frigid Climate Anagakok suffers no penalties, damage, or other restrictions in environments of extreme cold. A Torrid Climate Anagakok suffers no penalties, damage, or other restrictions in environments of extreme heat. These immunities apply to natural conditions only; for instance, a Frigid Climate Anagakok suffers normal damage from cone of cold and other cold-based spells, while a Torrid Climate Anagakok suffers normal damage from fireball and other heat-based spells.

Special Hindrances: Exposure to harsh climates gives the Anagakok an unusual appearance, such as a tough, leathery skin for the Torrid Climate Anagakok, and a head-to-toe covering of short, coarse hair for the Frigid Climate Anagakok. Because of his appearance and strange manner, an Anagakok suffers a -2 reaction penalty from all NPCs unfamiliar with the Anagakok's culture.

Just as their backgrounds provide them with natural immunities to certain environmental extremes, all Anagakok suffer penalties when exposed to environments radically different from those in which they were born. A Frigid Climate Anagakok suffers a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, Ability Checks, and saving throws in environments with temperatures above 100 degrees F. A Torrid Climate Anagakok suffers a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, Ability Checks, and saving throws in environments with temperatures below 0 degrees F.

Wealth Options: A beginning Anagakok receives only (1d4 +1) x 8 gp as starting money.

Races: No restrictions.

Notes: Players and DMs are encouraged to invent their own types of Anagakok from other extreme environments. An Anagakok who lives in the bottom of an active volcano, in the depths of the ocean, or on an island continually battered by hurricane winds are all possibilities. Use the examples above to develop appropriate bonuses and penalties for each type of Anagakok based on his background.