Main / Apr0315

Apr 03 15 - Bag of Clouds

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 03 17:07:28 EDT 2015 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 03 18:34:30 EDT 2015 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 03 18:34:57 EDT 2015 ====

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 18:52:25 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] hello sir

[Master] No Mike tonight

[JohnA] any idea on Eric?

[Master] no will text him now

[Master] how was your week?

[Master] what are you doing on Sunday?

[JohnA] Well Matt had his kid last Sunday, week was beter than average but that is not saying much

[Master] I saw pictyures of that

[JohnA] I am working on being to your house Sunday

[Master] nice

[Master] Nyrma is making a turkey

[Master] and Eric said he is planning on making it

[JohnA] interesting

[Master] would it be all four of you on Sunday?

[Master] Jo-ann and Mom are coming over

[JohnA] i will let you know when confirmed

[Master] let Nyrma know, grins

[Master] aqnd Jo-ann I suppose

[Master] We should have at least Lisa or Michael or TMO here to start

[Master] but was there anything that Hoffman wanted to do before getting onto the ship in the morning?

[JohnA] for sure

[JohnA] pack his metal in the scroll

[Master] you did see Lisa's response to your response right?

[JohnA] sure

[JohnA] is it wrong to assume we maybe able to get to the fight tonight?

[Master] yes

[Master] it is the night of the 22nd

[Master] the dragon returns on the 1st

[Master] so 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 still to play out

[Master] of course the 23 and 24 and early morning 25th to get there

[JohnA] tks

[Master] plus on the 28th is the City Council meeting that Branwyn is attending

[Master] we are skipping next week too, so

[JohnA] funny how that works out

[Master] I want to be sure we do what we can

[Master] wry grin, amazing isn't it

[Master] are you going to watch Game of Thrones next week?

[JohnA] no, not on my list

[JohnA] battlecreek is showing promise

[JohnA] Backstrom is ok

[Master] have not watched eithe rof them

[Master] did not add any new show this spring

[JohnA] aftre I actualy found out what IZombie was about, I almost want to watch it

[Master] except perhaps the new Kal Penn show

[Master] have not heard of that one

[JohnA] you know that take a page from Mike's character

[Master] no clue

[JohnA] blonde zombie becomes ME and when she eats brains she gets glimpes of victums murder

[Master] huh

[JohnA] made me wosh I had gotten my "Closure" out there already

[Master] when did that come out?

[JohnA] aparently Zombies are the thing

[JohnA] I think there are a few episodes out there

[Master] the new Tivo one search thing is nice for that

[Master] it just puts all the episodes on a list

[Master] and indicates where they are, on the Tivo, on Amazon, on Netflix, etc

[JohnA] crossover is nice

[Master] what is that?

[JohnA] cross platform searching

[Master] ahh

[JohnA] if they include Hulu you would be set

[Master] they do

[JohnA] does it have your cable on demand?

[Master] no

[Master] because you cannot do that with our cable company and tivo

[JohnA] HBO GO?

[Master] yes

[Master] too

[Master] not that much crosses over from there

[JohnA] Laura wants to bring something for Sunday

[Master] ask jo-ann and Nyrma

[JohnA] so we have four slots for passengers

[Master] yes

[Master] Hugh and Kenna

[Master] makes sense

[JohnA] any chance Mike could fly there?

[Master] yes

TMO has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 19:25:13 EDT 2015

TMO is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

TMO has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] hell sir

[JohnA] hey

[TMO] howdy

[Master] how has your week been?

[Master] oh sent out a new email late this afternoon

[Master] with an updated thac0 section

[Master] and sample of text filled in

[TMO] nonstop. Been sick, working, genealogy, all that stuff

[TMO] I'm looking forward to TableTop Connect

[Master] yeah

[TMO] it looks nice. I downloaded it, but haven't played with it yet

[Master] there are some nice maps going on

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 19:28:26 EDT 2015

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Master] and there are now builds almost every day

[Master] and Hello Lisa

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[JohnA] hi

[Lisa] Hello :)

[TMO] hello

[Master] and yes to TMO on the potential for Tabletop

[Master] I think that there are soem things that will really make life nicer in Chat

[Master] and other things like putting a card out onto the table for people to look at etc.

[TMO] now, just imagine it on a touchtable surface with the players sitting around one large tv-table with notebooks to handle their papers

[Master] yeap

[Master] there is someone experimeting with projectors

[Master] and such also

Eric has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 19:32:07 EDT 2015

Eric is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Lisa] I don't want to be handling any papers

Eric has received the map New Residence first floor.

[JohnA] hey Eric

[Master] hello sir

[Eric] hi everyone

[Eric] hi bob

[Lisa] Hi Eric

[Eric] hi lisa

[Eric] hi john boy

[Lisa] :)

[Lisa] are you home or away somewhere exciting?

[Lisa] like Missouri

[Eric] lol

[Master] chuckles

[Eric] home tonight

[Lisa] good

[Eric] yes it is

[TMO] Missouri was home for a long time

[Eric] ugh

[Eric] the only place that sucks worse that MI

[Eric] I"m only partially here

[Eric] brb

[Lisa] I have a bunch of relatives in St Louis

[Eric] kiddos

[TMO] I lived in Kansas City. Less bad than St Louis

[Master] Cardinals are a better team than the Royals

[Lisa] only times I have been there was when we stayed with family and visited attractions like the Arch and Busch Gardens - never seemed bad but my view was limited

[TMO] speaking to a man who cares not one whit about baseball. ;) And besides, if I have to pick a team, I'll pick my home town team of the Angels.

[Lisa] yuck

[Master] Play Ball

[Master] on Monday

[Lisa] cardinals are my most hated team in baseball since they always beat the dodgers

[Lisa] though I could win a lot of money on those games by betting on them

[Master] the dodgers do not look great so far

[Master] but it will all shake out in June like it always does

[Lisa] oh but they spent so much money

[Lisa] they have to be good, right?

[Lisa] just like the yankees

[JohnA] wink wink

[Lisa] stupid dodgers

[Lisa] we have a love/hate relationship

[Master] the city adn the team?

[Master] or you and the team?

[Lisa] me and the team

[Master] smile

[Master] so did Ilero or Shur have anything to do tonight after dinner?

[Master] Branwyn? Indigo?

[TMO] not that I can think of

[Lisa] not that night

[Master] and John and Lisa have the final two slots to work out

[JohnA] now that we are not fighting a dragon, I am drinking

[Master] Kenna and Hugh plus?????

[JohnA] how does indigo feel about flying?

[Lisa] we should probably load up the party pack

[Lisa] he doesn't like the thought of it

[Lisa] he likes his hairy little feet on the ground

[JohnA] or at least the deck of a ship

[Lisa] but like he said when he explained - if everyone else is too scared to fight the dragon and he is the only one then he will fly

[JohnA] i was just considering asking Mike. Imari about someone riding Antil

[Lisa] afk

[JohnA] Artiark

Michael has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 19:45:47 EDT 2015

Michael is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Michael has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] and Hello Michael

[JohnA] and our newest fresh meet

[JohnA] Welcome Michael

[Michael] Hello, just got outta school

[Michael] Good to see you guys!

[JohnA] middle school?

[JohnA] :)

[Michael] Uh, I'm a senior in college...

[Michael] I wish

[JohnA] cool

[Michael] So... A quick summary of what we are doing?

[Michael] Are we on the road?

[JohnA] Bob finds all kinds, just checking

[Michael] kk

[Michael] thank

[JohnA] planning on traveling

[JohnA] to kill a dragon

[Master] finsihed dinner last night and now doign misc before bed, then in the morning leaving on a ship

[JohnA] leaving our best mage and fighter at home

[Michael] yep yep makes perfect sense

[Master] I thought hoffman was going?

[JohnA] that is the last word

[Master] he is the leading fighter

[Master] Indigo is a close second

[JohnA] you think he can tak on Indigo, I doubt it

[Michael] I'm just trying not to die so yeah.

[Michael] Im weak

[Master] Hugh is support staff right now

[Master] at least for the dragon

[Michael] I like that term thank you bob

[Master] he will be important

[JohnA] i understand you can use a crossbow

[Master] and later on he will grow into being an equal of Hoffman, etc

[Michael] For now on guys. I want to be referred as support staff. Haha. I love that. No sarcasm I promise. Also, yeah light crossbow

[Lisa] back - sorry

[Lisa] that is a Bob and Mike question

[Lisa] Given what Artiark is - can just anyone take him on a trip and have them obey them?

[Master] no

[Lisa] And then there is - will Mike allow his feathered friend to go without Imari

[JohnA] Imari would mostlikely have to go

[Master] well it would be Imari or Galduk on Art

[JohnA] that helps

[JohnA] but does not answer the missong slots

[JohnA] lack of room

[Lisa] If Galdek can ride Artiark and Mike thinks its okay that would allow another spot on the ship

[Master] you could go both Indiog and Hoffman on the ship

[Master] and then Mike would take Art and someone

[JohnA] i like that plan

[TMO] back in a few. have to go get son

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Michael what do you think of that idea?

[JohnA] Hoffman will pack metal axes, extra arrows and chain in scroll of shelter.

[Master] and what on the party pack did you want to take?

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] he will carry club and bone ax

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Do you mean me?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] If yes, I have no preference

[Master] was there anything on the park pack page you thought would be good to take with you?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] No. Everything you gave me permission to get last session I have already packed and ready to go with me

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] The only thing missing is the obsidian that I dont no if I can get on the way out of town

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I leave that to fate

[Master] correct, you might find A obsidian dagger if lucky

[JohnA] oil of armor, potion of heriosim

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Then I would like to find one if possible. And purchase it. Any other obisidan jewelry I will get too if able

[JohnA] scroll protection from Acid

[JohnA] have to ask Brawynn about Bigby's scroll

[Lisa] edit party pack page

[Lisa] barnwyn memorized the hand - if someone reads scroll do we lose the spell?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] correction - branwyn learned the hand

[Master] you can use a scroll to put the spell into a spell book

[Master] that uses up the spell on the scroll

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] wait what? can someone give a crash course on using a scfroll. Is it a one time deal?

[Lisa] yes

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Can you copy it?

[Lisa] unless you are a magic user and learn it

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] So no copy

[Lisa] got a couple days? :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Nah, just curious

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] thank you for telling me

[Lisa] no - it is good to know

[Lisa] it took branwyn 6 days to write 2 pages in her book for teleport

[Lisa] irritated her to no end

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Impressive

[Lisa] but if you think these spells will be the answer - go ahead and read them

[Lisa] I have enough weird spells to keep me happy

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I have no thoughts haha. I don't even know

[Lisa] I shouldn't have been so quick on the no part

[Lisa] other than I play a mage so it is in my nature to want to hoard magic

[Master] this is the chance to ask questions, debate and discuss what is on that party pack page

[Master] what could be worth taking etc

[JohnA] will have to read but just to have handy

[Master] as someone will have to carry it etc.

[Lisa] have joseph make 3 lassos

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Does anyone have any thougts?

[Lisa] fighters take them

[Master] Joseph can do that over night

[Lisa] regular rope with grappling hook

[Lisa] Marisu's crossbow

[Lisa] extra arrows for everyone in scroll

[Eric] (back-ish gonna get a drink...)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Make sure they don't have any metal in them

[JohnA] I alays have thoughts but hard when BOB is listening

[Lisa] eric - what did Tristan leave behind metalwise that he would like?

[Lisa] we are using the room scroll to dump weapons and armor in it


[Lisa] couldn't remember if you brought the morningstar

[Eric] yes I did

[Eric] nothing

[Eric] He is wearing his robe

[Eric] that give him 1

[Lisa] and can't remember who has the shiny armor of you and leatherus

[Eric] to wis

[Lisa] in a fight I'll take some armor over wisdom any day of the week :)

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Leatherus (Eric)] Leatherus has platemail

[Lisa] but it is fitted to his overly muscular bronzed physique?

[Leatherus (Eric)] I think Leatherus alone will cap our metal limit

[Lisa] we have the room scroll

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes he made it personally

[Master] and Leatherus will be the head of the house guard while everyone is gone?

[Leatherus (Eric)] well Leatherus wouldn't really want to leave Tristan there without him

[Lisa] your sheet says studded leather - do you have that and do you want that?

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] only way for leatherus to get there is for Branwynn to teleport him there

[Lisa] she cannot

[Leatherus (Eric)] But he will follow orders if that was what was decideed

[Master] there are no spaces for Leatherus to go

[Lisa] if Indigo stays home he can go

[Leatherus (Eric)] no

[Leatherus (Eric)] Indigo needs to go

[Leatherus (Eric)] that way the dragon is full after eating him

[Master] and as john mentions you could get people there through magic it just will cost many gold pieces

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Hey guys, I'm just catching up on the website. This is a serious question: Do you want me to stay to allow for someone else to go? I am fine with senority and sitting this one out if someone else would like to go. The only think I ask if I don't is that you do a favor for me while there. This is important. If you feel I will be a liability then I want someone else to go. I can do other stuff while you are away. It is not as though this will cripple me if I don't go. I can always go for the next one.

[JohnA] i thought you learned teleoprt?

[Lisa] so confused on that

[Lisa] I learned to teleport

[Lisa] but it doesn't mean I can go anywhere I want

[Master] Michael, Lisa and others have decided that you should be there, both at Hugh and Michael

[Master] it will be a good experience

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] As long as that is what the group wnats. I don't want to cause hard feelings

[Master] and Eric has Tristan there as a lead character as well

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] or irritation

[JohnA] it will be an experience, no one said good

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] there are continually diminishing odds that I can get me or someone there if I have no clue where they are teleporting

[Leatherus (Eric) (to Master only)] is micheal new?

[Master] to both Michael and John

[Lisa] honestly?

[Master (to Eric only)] about a month and a half so far

[Leatherus (Eric) (to Master only)] lol ok new to me then

[JohnA] i understand Lisa, it is one step

[Lisa] it will be an irritation if battle starts and you hide behind a rock while we all take damage and possibly die

[Lisa] but if you are there and in it, then IC it will be good bonding

[Lisa] Our characters have all battled and saved each others necks

[Lisa] if you get in trouble we will do out bestest best to save you

[Lisa] but no one is forcing you to send your character if you really don't want to send it

[Lisa] and you won't get the XP that comes with the battle that wil help improve your skills for the next battle

[Lisa] Bob - aren't you tallying XP for Hugh?

[Master] yes I am

[Leatherus (Eric)] don't worry Bob doesn't really kill players anyway

[Lisa] just my humble opinion

[Master] already earned almost 1,200

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] That's not what I am saying. I don't plan on hiding, but I dont plan of being suicidal either. I will try to help to the best of my ability but I will also try to find others ways of dealing witht the situation if it will help. Is that alright? You are the leaders, but I don't think my abilities lie in the combat area. I am more of an assassin

[Lisa] just Marco's

[Master] I can honestly say that I have never killed a player

[Lisa] LOL

[Leatherus (Eric)] we just kill ourselves?

[Lisa] you've thought about it though

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Bob! Don't say that. It shows weakness!

[Lisa] admit it

[Master] LOL

[Master] Characters on the other hand.....

[Lisa] fair game

[JohnA] dm's don't kill players NPC's kill players

[Leatherus (Eric)] you do a fine job of turning them on their heads though

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Hahahahaha

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I like that one John

[JohnA] characters

[Leatherus (Eric)] I've had a number of sessions where it was "Hey guess what Bob's going to do to Tristan"

[Master] and he is a more interesting character for that

[Lisa] lol

[Leatherus (Eric)] lol

[Leatherus (Eric)] got me there

[JohnA] experiences to say the least

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Hey, Im sorry, I am horrible with memory and learning characters. Have we met Leatherus? I am sorry if I caused offense

[Leatherus (Eric)] lol no i've been stupid busy lately Hugh

[Master] yes to that Michael, Leatherus was with you in the town and the werewolf chase

[Leatherus (Eric)] kinda

[Master] but Eric was only here 1 or 2 of those sessions

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes

[Leatherus (Eric)] i've only been on for 1 session sinice you've been on

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Okay. I'm sorry. I will try to remember. It just takes me some time. Good that you got some time today. Hope to have fun.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] You seem like a pretty chill ugy

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] *Guy

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Cant type worth crap today

[Leatherus (Eric)] man Im STILL learning after... jeez i don't even know how long I've been playing

[Master] Eric started with us in 20132

[Master] 2013

[Leatherus (Eric)] 'wow

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Wow! He's from the future!

[Leatherus (Eric)] time flys

[Leatherus (Eric)] yea

[Master] chuckles

[Leatherus (Eric)] SO WATCH IT

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] We got the doctor in our midst. It will all turon out alirght

[JohnA] as far as planning, does Tristian have any outdoor spells?

[JohnA] sorry not a big who fan

[Leatherus (Eric)] Tristan doesn't have a lot to help with the dragon

[Master] are there any spells that he would need a spell component for

[Leatherus (Eric)] to be blunt

[Master] that Jennivie would know to send along with Indigo for example

[Leatherus (Eric)] he's more set for a large battle trather than a strong foe

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Well while they are in final talks, could I search the market for as much obsidian as I can buy/carry?

[Master] yes to Micahel

[Master] Hugh can go out to the markets, looking in the fancier shops

[JohnA] didn't he have a camping spell

[Lisa] so room scroll: Marisu & Hugh crossbow, plenty of arrows, Indigo & BHoffman's chainmail, Hoffman's axes

[Master] Ilero or Shure could go along if you want

[Lisa] what else?

[JohnA] was it camaflage?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Please let me do so anyone want to join me for a super quick run to walmart?

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes he can do that

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes it gives a bonus to hiding

[Leatherus (Eric)] but I have no clue against a dragon

[Lisa] okay - you plan I sleep

[JohnA] i do not want everyone in the building, but do not want to be seen waiting in ambush

[Lisa] Bob - text me when planning is over please

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] think Tristian is ok with an ambush?

[Master] ok

[JohnA] or do we need to slap it woth a glove

[Master] chuckles

[Leatherus (Eric)] oh no he' s fine with that

[Leatherus (Eric)] his not a paladin

[Master] so anyone going with Hugh?

[Leatherus (Eric)] so he's good with poisons, ambushes, et

[Leatherus (Eric)] c

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Okay, so I will assume I am in the market. I am looking for obsidian blades and arrowshafts but will accept larger uncut parts of jewelry for sharpening.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] *Arrow heads

[JohnA] let leatherus go

[Leatherus (Eric)] ya Leatherus will go

[Leatherus (Eric)] he tends to fend off thieves

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Cool lets go

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] As a side note Bob, does D and D have any stats for a rock based or Glass based weapon?

[Leatherus (Eric)] He's also a smith so he can try and help find decent goods

[Master] yes to Michael

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Cool, that is really useful. We are searching for obsidian because it is sharper then metal and also thankfully is not metal. So it will fly on the airship no pun intended

[Master] and just to be aware you need to be a weaponsmith to fashion something into an arrow head, etc

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Can I do so crudely?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Without being a weapon smith?

[Master] not with obsidian,

[Master] as you said it is very hard

[Master] but

[Master] you are out exploring

[Master] Hugh and Leatherus

[Leatherus (Eric)] Sorry Leatherus is an armorer

[Master] anyone else?

[JohnA] so it is a stone?

[TMO] you have to have the Crude Weaponsmithing skill

[Master] volanic glass John

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Obisidean is Volvanic Glass and is slamost as sharp as diamond

[JohnA] so we need a glass blower?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] if mined properly

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Naw, it breaks really easily, but loses its edge after one or two uses.

[Leatherus (Eric)] good for arrows though

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] which really is inconvenient, but is still really useful even in the modern world!

[TMO] also very fragile

[Leatherus (Eric)] So what is the game plan tonight bob?

[Master] so where did you want to look for a jeweler? DIplomatic Quarter? Trader's Quarter? King';s Common? Northbrook?


[JohnA] shop, plan, take off

[Leatherus (Eric)] (TMO has been doing the most scouting out here)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Traders quarter would have the best bet. If I see any obsidian arrowheads or daggers I will olf course purchase on the spot. Are weapons sold in the city? I am aassuming so?

[Master] so far no one has gone looking to purchase any weapons

[Leatherus (Eric)] i'm still looking for my magic two handed sword on discount bob

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Well, hopeuflly the traders quarter will have weapons. Do you want me to roll for it?

[Master] then again it has only been 14 days so far in the City

[Master] I have it all ready, grins

[JohnA] talk about time flying

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray and Leatherus moved 113'08".

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Then yes. I jope the traders quarter has what I need. We need to go there quickly and effieciently. I do have the information gathering perk and have been in the city for 14 days. I have been looking for equipment for the entire time so have I learned anything about the whereabouts of weapons or obsidian?

[Leatherus (Eric)] (i'm fully armed and amored bob)

[Leatherus (Eric)] (trying to look the part)

[Master] chuckles not you Hugh, you have been in the city less than 24 hours

[Master] you got in this morning

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Oh.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Darn

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Well, I do what I can

[Master] you met the group

[Master] you went out to find a place to live

[Master] then the next day had the Feast

[Master] and now it is that night

[Master] so just over 24 hours I suppose

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I did all that in 24 hnours? Damn I'm good!

[Master] and Leatherus is not armed

[Master] except a dagger

[TMO] no weapons in city

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] It's a utility knife officer!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Help Help I'm being oppressed

[Leatherus (Eric)] (ya

[Master] grins

[Leatherus (Eric)] (forgot)

[Leatherus (Eric)] (that's what I meant)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] So.. We are looking for material for what I can

[Master] so heading over to Overturned Tankard

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] A bar?

[Master] (#7 on the map) for a place to find out where to go

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Arent there shopping stall in the traders quarter?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sorry.

[Master] sure there are a couple hundred

[Master] grins, you want to gamble you can find the right one?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sigh.

[Leatherus (Eric)] Sounds good Hugh

[Leatherus (Eric)] I'll be here in the bar

[Leatherus (Eric)] asking questions

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] KK

[Leatherus (Eric)] you uhhh find those shart lil rocks

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] We have to hurry though [Leatherus (Eric)] sharp

[Bartender (Master)] what can I get you fellows?

[Leatherus (Eric)] Whiskey

[Leatherus (Eric)] double

[Leatherus (Eric)] my friend will have....

[Bartender (Master)] pops up a bottle and pours

[Leatherus (Eric)] a milk?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Inofrmation would be great? If you can help I' have a few spar coins

[Bartender (Master)] you look like you are part of some entrourage

[Bartender (Master)] or a circus

[Leatherus (Eric)] (Hugh can you give me a quick description of your character?)

[Bartender (Master)] what sort of information are you looking for?

[Bartender (Master)] Daisy can help you find what you need if that is what you are looking for

Leatherus (Eric) shoots his double whisky and fingers for another

Bartender (Master) taps the counter for coins first

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Thank you so much. I am new and don't really know to much about the area. I appreciate your time.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I also slide a couple coins to him

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] His drink is on me. Thank you sir.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I go ober to Daisy?

[Leatherus (Eric)] (what does a decent whiskey cost bob?)

[Bartender (Master)] (silvers or higher)

Leatherus (Eric) slaps a gold on the table

[Leatherus (Eric)] Just keep them coming till this is gone

Daisy (Master) warm smile at Hugh

[Daisy (Master)] Hello there honey

[Daisy (Master)] runs her finger down his nose

[Daisy (Master)] what are you lookiing for honey?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Hi sweetheart. I would appreciate some advive. I have a few extra coins I could spare if you could help me out?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I am new and don't know the area too well

Daisy (Master) leans in and whispers in his ear, I could be glad to help you into me

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

JohnA shakes head

[Daisy (Master)] I can get you out of those far too tight pants

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sorry sweetheart you don't swing my way. About Infomration?

[Daisy (Master)] althuogh I do appreicate

Daisy (Master) raises an eyebrow

[Daisy (Master)] Well then

Leatherus (Eric) listens in to this conversation

[Daisy (Master)] let me go get Stephin

[Daisy (Master)] he will be glad to help you out honey

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Haha. Not necessary sweetheart, I am in a hurry. Do you know the market well?

Daisy (Master) wicked grin

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Although when i return, I should like to meet theis Stephin

[Daisy (Master)] I know exactly what you are worth, if that is what I think you want

[Daisy (Master)] what other things are you looking for?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sigh. I think the Bartender must have misunderstood. I am looking for Obsidian. Known as Volcanic glass or even the"black stone" used in jewerly and weapons. I don't know if the market will have any and I thought you mihgt know?

Leatherus (Eric) shoots another drink

[Daisy (Master)] you mean that shiney black rock?

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) calls out to leatherus. Slow down there skipper

[Daisy (Master)] I think there is a jeweler who has some pieces of that

[Daisy (Master)] I never heard of it in weapons

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Thank you. That helps so much! How about fish teeth. They are long narrow and have many ridges. They are incredibly sharp and come from the large fish.

[Daisy (Master)] Fish have teeth?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] They look like bone alomst. Any bone weapons sold in the city?

Leatherus (Eric) eyes Hugh

[Daisy (Master)] not many weaponsmiths

[Daisy (Master)] but I would think you could find something

[Leatherus (Eric)] /staring at him as he pours another and slams it

[Daisy (Master)] you want me to make you an appointment tomorrow?

[Leatherus (Eric)] You got it bossman

[Daisy (Master)] I can get someone who can make you something I am sure

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I am afraid I will be leaving today. But, you are incredbily knowledgable of the city and I appreciate your time. Will two gold pieces be appropriate for your help?

[Leatherus (Eric)] Leatherus: CON check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Leatherus (Eric)] (STILL SOBER)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Hahahaha

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] LOL

[Daisy (Master)] if you need to leave tonight

[Daisy (Master)] I suppose we could see if Opaline has anything

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Who is that ma'am?

[Daisy (Master)] he sells jewelery

[Daisy (Master)] he is off of silverhook

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I would appreicate that. Normally I am not in such a hurry, ubt you know how business it. Could you give me directions to him?

[Daisy (Master)] oh honey I can take you tehre

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sure, that would be helpful. Leatherus are you coming?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Do you want to take a whiskey to go?

Leatherus (Eric) shoots one more

[Daisy (Master)] Yes Leatherus, are you coming with us

[Leatherus (Eric)] yep

[Leatherus (Eric)] LOL

[Daisy (Master)] or are you goign to let me see if I can tempt your friend here

Leatherus (Eric) eyes the lady up and down

[Leatherus (Eric)] You are?

[Daisy (Master)] maybe you are easier to tempt?

[Leatherus (Eric)] (try ropes)

[JohnA] sounds like we may have an open slot or two

[Leatherus (Eric)] Why do you need to walk us there honey

[Leatherus (Eric)] Just tell us where it is

Daisy (Master) laughs lightly

[Daisy (Master)] sure

[Daisy (Master)] go down barter to silverhook, then take the fourth alley on the left and turn on the second alley on the left then go to the door on the right

[Daisy (Master)] got it?

[Daisy (Master)] she girns

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I am writing this down.

[Leatherus (Eric)] i suppose you can come

[Daisy (Master)] I thought so

[Daisy (Master)] come on muscles

[Leatherus (Eric)] But i'm watching you

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Thank you Ma'am

[Daisy (Master)] your friend here needs protection

[Master] Leatherus and Hugh D'Ambray moved 39'07".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 15'04".

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Yes, from the whiles of beautiful women

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray and Leatherus moved 194'02".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray and Leatherus moved 110'02".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray and Leatherus moved 51'01".

[JohnA] hoffman looks at his watch and taps his foot

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray and Leatherus moved 112'02".

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I'm hurryin John. Sorry

Daisy (Master) knocks on a door

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I thought this would be quick

[Daisy (Master)] (no worries Michael, this is quick!)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] That was directed at John.

[JohnA] NO, have fun

[JohnA] I am

[Master] Opaline, Jeweler #3 moved 7'08".

Opaline, Jeweler #3 (Master) opens the door

[Opaline, Jeweler #3 (Master)] Can I help you three?

[Opaline, Jeweler #3 (Master)] Oh hello Daisy

[Opaline, Jeweler #3 (Master)] no I did not get any new rings in

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Yes sir. I am sorry to distrub you, but I am looking for Obsideian. Also known as Volcanic Glass or "black rock" I am in a hurry and believe you are the only man that has it on hand?

[Leatherus (Eric)] Leatherus: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] It is incredibly sharp but also breaks easily and loses it's edge quickly

[Leatherus (Eric)] stands back looking for trouble

[Leatherus (Eric)] (apparently the whiskey is kicking in)

[JohnA] (too many drinks)

[JohnA] did you know they have dnd hero clicks?

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] I have seen it

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] is there somethign in particular you would like?

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] a ring perhaps? or a necklace?

Leatherus (Eric) hiccup

[JohnA] now I know what hoffman wants

[JohnA] bugbear translation guide

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] You will find this repulsive sir being the craftsman that you are, but I actaully will be breaking it into sharp pieces for use as a blade. It is horrendous and despicable to me to do this to beautifl art, but it is a matter of life and death. If you have any large chuncks that have not been refined that would be even better as I can break it into sharp edges.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] We will be fighting a dragon

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Your obsidian could mean life and death to my compatriots

[JohnA] (and you)

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] how big of a piece do you need for that?

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] (and already updated on the site: )

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] may I see the biggest piece you have. A chunk the size of my frineds fist here should be enough to shatter into three large peices

Opaline, Jeweler (Master) blinks and looks Hugh up and down

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] A pendent may be sharpened into an arrowhead

Leatherus (Eric) holds his giant fist out

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Exactly

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] how much do you have to spend sir?

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] a piece that size would be worth several thousand gold pieces

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Name you price and I will tell you if I can pay it

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] I might be able to procur that

Leatherus (Eric) coughs

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] given some time

Lisa has left the game on Fri Apr 03 21:03:29 EDT 2015

[Leatherus (Eric)] Several thousand?

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] you are asking for an esquisite piece afterall

Leatherus (Eric) looks to Hugh

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] rare to find and hard to work with

[Leatherus (Eric)] What the hell is this stuff man

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sigh. I am sorry sir. I appreciat your time but we are leaving today. I will rememver that you can procure this valuable material if that is alright? May I take down your information?

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] why certainly

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] I could have a piece the size to go onto a ring

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] if you do have the funds

Leatherus (Eric) leans into hugh "what the heck is this stuff?"

[Leatherus (Eric)] "you turning diamonds into weapons?"

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I appreiate your willingness to help sir, however, I am afraid that a piece that small will do not damage to a dragon. Though, I do want to ask if your can procure unrefined pieces at a much lower cost then the art pieces you have for sale. I could compensate you for this.

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) to Leatherus. Pretty much.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Obisidan is insanly sharp

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] I can see what I can find for you

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] when are you returning?

Leatherus (Eric) thinks of his huge sword as a diamond blade...

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) A diamond blade that can only be used once or twice and then is dull

[Leatherus (Eric)] wow he reads minds

[JohnA] so what about obsidian club?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I don't know but it should be within a week or two.

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] where are you staying?

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) then club? I can think of several alternatives to obsidian for a club

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] I will send a boy around if I have something interesting for you

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sure!(gives location). Even if you can point me to obsidian that can be used for other then jewelry, if I end up purchasing the material I wiould be willing to provide a small commsision for showing where I can purchase it. If you arrange the purchase I will pay a percentage.

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] I cannot tonight I am sorry

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master)] but I will keep that in mind for you

[Leatherus (Eric) (to Master only)] speaking of sending a "boy" anything ever come back from my messenger i sent before we came here?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] No, no hurry. I understand. I appreicate your help. I will keep you in mind for other jewerty needs as well. I appreciate your help sir.

[Opaline, Jeweler (Master) (to Eric only)] grins he would be here in the city looking for Tristan now and when he returns in triumph we will play that out

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) Looks around, where is Daisy I need to give her a tip for helping us?

[Leatherus (Eric) (to Master only)] lol ok. Just checking!

[Daisy (Master)] why honey

[Daisy (Master)] I did not think you were interested in me

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Haha. Thank you sweetheart. Here are a couple gold pieces. Thank you for your help. Could you show us back to the market? I think it is time for us to depart.

Leatherus (Eric) coughs

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I did everything I could to help my group. I cannot do anything more

[Leatherus (Eric)] wow

[Leatherus (Eric)] did i miss some fun while i was drinking?

[Daisy (Master)] you are really going to fight a dragon?

[Leatherus (Eric)] brb

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Yeah, and I'll be happy to tell you the tale when we get back. Though, that looks doubtful because I cannot find any non metal weapons!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] This dragon cannot be fought with metal

Daisy (Master) walkign with you down the streets

[Daisy (Master)] why would you not want metal?

[Daisy (Master)] I would think that you and your big strong, hard, long sword would be a match for any dragon

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] That my dear, is a secret. Suffice it to say, metal would react badly to this dragon

[Daisy (Master)] I think that I will have to bring Stephin around to see you sooner than I thought

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Well, It isn't the size ma'am. It is how you use it that matters. Haha

[Daisy (Master)] OH that is just what we tell the boys, some of are all about the size

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Aw well you know. Too much of a good thing...

TMO has left the game on Fri Apr 03 21:15:03 EDT 2015

[Daisy (Master)] there is no such thing as too much

[Master] Opaline, Jeweler moved 4'05".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 17'06".

[Master] Leatherus moved 6'08".

[Master] Opaline, Jeweler moved 7'04".

[Master] and back at the Residence for Leatherus

[Master] and to the Cobblers appartment for Hugh

[Master] Hugh will meet them back at the residence at first light

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Okay.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] This sucks. I tried guys. Sorry. Not even a danm knife

[Master] and so Eric and John, any thing more to plan? pack? etc.?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] AFK

[Master] I will text TMO and Lisa to bring them back in

TMO has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 21:17:49 EDT 2015

TMO is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[JohnA] think we did enough planning

TMO has received the map New Residence first floor.

[TMO] (sorry, my internet died for a moment)

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 32'01".

[TMO] our connection has been really crappy lately. need to cal lthe complany

[TMO] and complain about l's in the wrong places

[Master] Time of Day: 06:14 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Ohm {Early Winter} 23rd, 1266 TGR.

[Master] so John the party pack page is corrected?

[Master] before you set sail want to be sure you have everything you wanted to take set there

[TMO] (so who wound up going?)

[JohnA] you want to check thingss on the website?

[JohnA] well maybe we should talk to Brawynn and the Ambasador Captain. How much gems can really help us

[JohnA] can they double the spped?

[JohnA] speed

[Master] you want to ask her at breakfast you can

[JohnA] and it looks like everything we need is in the party pack, just a question what to leave behind

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Back

[Master] so I moved people to the ship who are going

[JohnA] will distribute what we can once we access the layout of the battle

[Master] except for Art and Galduk

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Bob, are those ballistae on the sip?

[Master] yes they are

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] What are they made of?

[Master] wood

[Master] rope

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Really?

[Master] nods

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 21:26:49 EDT 2015

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) I am totally copieing those plans for a non metal ballistae

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] Breakfast talk with Erindale if you want

[Master] or just movign to the ship?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Bob, I have my pack right?

[Master] yes

Hoffman (JohnA)] Mistress Erindale, may I ask you a question

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] KK

[Master] so any discussions at the house? or just move to the ship?

Hoffman (JohnA)] Mistress Erindale, may I ask you a question (at breakfast)

[Master] reason to talk at house is to have Branwyn, and staff available to answer questions, ask, etc

[Master] sure

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Yes Sir Hoffman?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) (to Master only)] Hey Bob, I know we didn't go over this, but for my journal entries just please pick what I thikk is the most obscure language I know for my journal entries. Feel free to make up something. We just never got around to it.

[Lisa] (the party pack is about everything we own!

[Mistress Erindale (Master) (to Michael only)] we will

Hoffman (JohnA)] I understand your ship uses gems for certain things

[Lisa] we moved you know

[Lisa] the top section is for taking on a trip

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] yes Sir Hoffman

Hoffman (JohnA)] (you want to leave some things at home?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] the Tarangini is a sailing ship

[Lisa] (I don't think you need a fancy wooden box for example)

[Lisa] (or gardening books)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] the drive uses gems for power, to accelerate and propulsion

Hoffman (JohnA)] but mostly movments, nothing too magical like force field or magical weaponds

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (oh darn, I guess Tristan will have to put off his gardening lessons till later then)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] force fields exsit?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] looks at Branwyn

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] that would be a powerful magic to use on a ship

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I see lisa, I will move up what we will take)

Hoffman (JohnA)] so how fast could you go if needed to, could you out run a dragon?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] that would be a very risky thing to try but she is a good strong ship

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] If we have to we will try

Hoffman (JohnA)] I will ask Brawynn and Indigo for some extra gems just in case

Hoffman (JohnA)] but how much would you need

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not running away from the dragon

Indigo (Lisa) grabs two honey scones - one to eat now and the other to shove in his pocket

Hoffman (JohnA)] I am thining it will run away from you Indigo

Hoffman (JohnA)] brb

[Indigo (Lisa)] It better not

[Indigo (Lisa)] It would be funny to see a dragon running

[Indigo (Lisa)] They have short legs for such big creatures.

[Leatherus (Eric)] back

[Indigo (Lisa)] You know how the scroll works, right?

[Leatherus (Eric) (to Master only)] sorry the wife is well being herself

Indigo (Lisa) hangs it up on the wall so Hoffman can put everything inside it.

Indigo (Lisa) puts his chaimmail in it

Hoffman (JohnA)] (you guys trust Hoffman way too much)

[Mistress Erindale (Master) (to Eric only)] no worries, just remind her that May 9th you are busy noon to midnight, in exchange for all these interruptions, and no game next week or on may 8th

[Leatherus (Eric) (to Master only)] lol deal

[Indigo (Lisa)] Once we roll this thing back up we can't open it again for 24 hours and in a place where we can hang it again

Indigo (Lisa) puts Marisu's crossbow in it that Branwyn brought downstairs and all the extra arrows

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Leatheris "Anything you think Tristan wants that's metal?"

Hoffman (JohnA)] doest he have a hammer or two for his spell

[Indigo (Lisa)] I dunno

[Leatherus (Eric)] Nah he's been really into that robe you gave him

[Leatherus (Eric)] I was going to make him a nice set of platemail and everything

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Leatherus (Eric)] but i altered this one to fit me

[Indigo (Lisa)] Glad it's going to good use!

[Mistress Erindale (Master)]

[Leatherus (Eric)] hope not that good of use..

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hugh want his cross bow in there?

[Leatherus (Eric)] You know i was thinking of a suit with spikes for you

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I have my crossbow with me.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] But the arrows have metal...?

[Leatherus (Eric)] maypbe it would catch in the throat of all those things that eat you whole

[Indigo (Lisa)] Arrows don't have that much. You should be fine.

Indigo (Lisa) looks up at Leatherus and laughs

Leatherus (Eric) smiles

[Leatherus (Eric)] Tristan has tanken a liking to you lil fella

[Indigo (Lisa)] as long as it wouldn't kill me if I tripped and fell down on it or anything

[Leatherus (Eric)] I feel I should do what i can to keep you with us

[Indigo (Lisa)] Tristan's great!

Leatherus (Eric) looks worried

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes he is

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh I do all right. I feel bad though since I seem to get Tristan in trouble.

[Leatherus (Eric)] Tell me

[Leatherus (Eric)] did he bite off more than he should have?

[Leatherus (Eric)] He's...well

[Leatherus (Eric)] Well i would follow him to my end but... A dragon?

[Indigo (Lisa)] No - it's usually I run out and get half eaten by a tree or something and he needs to pull me out or almost fall off an ice bridge

[Indigo (Lisa)] and he has to come and get me

Leatherus (Eric) laughs

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] that was oddly spedfic

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes he's told me those tales

[Leatherus (Eric)] that's what got me thinking about spikes

[Indigo (Lisa)] But if a dragon just showed up out of nowhere we'd just fight it, right?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Same thing as now.

Hoffman (JohnA)] you are a DragonSlayer

[Indigo (Lisa)] We just have to think like we're walking down the road and a dragon jumps out at us.

[Leatherus (Eric)] Tristan would fight to his death

[Leatherus (Eric)] I'm not sure if I"m ready to...

Hoffman (JohnA)] its death, I hope

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] This just came through my feeds,

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] clip form Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll take care of it. Don't worry.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (huh?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (apparently there will be a movie)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (about what?)

[TMO] (back)

[Leatherus (Eric)] I know....

[Indigo (Lisa)] (wow - had no clue that was so popular)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (OOOO it is a tv series)

[Leatherus (Eric)] I just worry about him

[Leatherus (Eric)] He can be very... basic

[Indigo (Lisa)] (crazy 700 something page book with a ton of footnotes about two magicians)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] well I do hope that we will not encounter any dragon on the way to Domvile and returning to Sir Tristan

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (it is a great great book)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] once we are tehre, he will be in charge

[Leatherus (Eric)] me too mistress

[Indigo (Lisa)] (loved it - but did not think it lent itself to popular appeal - just geeks like us)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and I am sworn to follow his orders to fufill the treaty

[Leatherus (Eric)] But the gods..god.. can have a sick sense of hurmor

[Leatherus (Eric)] Or so I'm told

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] of course if the Tarangini is harmed I will have Sir Tristan's head

Hoffman (JohnA)] the what?

Leatherus (Eric) raises an eybrow

Hoffman (JohnA)] the ship

[Leatherus (Eric)] a ship for a man?

[Leatherus (Eric)] i hope that was a joke Mistress

[Indigo (Lisa)] Nobody's head is coming off except the dragon's maybe

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] his head will hit the ground before she does

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] she is my life

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and I hope you are right Sir Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Let's just go kill a dragon please

[Leatherus (Eric)] Remember Mistress you asked for help

[Leatherus (Eric)] Tristan brought you a peace

Hoffman (JohnA)] ( i updated party pack for review)

Hoffman (JohnA)]

[Leatherus (Eric)] all we need to do is eliminate this dragon and you and the duke will have a peace an you will have your gmes

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] thank you john

[TMO] (I suspect we're overthinking the dragon. if it's young it isn't as tough as we're making it out to be)

[TMO] (could be the Duke doesn't know young from old, of course)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thank you tmo)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I learned interposing hand - means it is off the scroll? - my mistake for not altering)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (yes to Lisa off the scroll)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Miranda wants to know if it is a male dragon)

[Leatherus (Eric)] (True TMO but neither of my charaters have seen a dragon... Let alone fought one)

[Leatherus (Eric)] (semen harvesting?)

[TMO] (and we have a bunch of the younger members along in the group)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] ugh. i don't have a response to that]

Hoffman (JohnA)] (charm male)

[Leatherus (Eric)] ah

[Leatherus (Eric)] that too

Hoffman (JohnA)] just not that lucky

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how come wiki commands on bottom of page don't work for me? was trying to do strikethough)

Hoffman (JohnA)] brb

[Master] which page?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (party pack - tried to cross out spell)

[Master] got it

[Master] took several tries

[Master] was part of a table had to stop that

[Master] then the double dash in front

[Master] but now all set?

[Master] nothing else to push into the scroll before Indigo closes it?

[Master] and you sail out of the harbor just after first light

[Leatherus (Eric)] nope

[Indigo (Lisa)] added spyglass and lassos

Hoffman (JohnA)] what did Hugh need in the scroll

[Leatherus (Eric)] Leatherus wouldn't give up his metal stuff

[Leatherus (Eric)] unless I need to fight for that

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Nothing. Everything I have is with me in m pack

[Master] Leatherus is not going

[Indigo (Lisa)] (they wouldn't fit anyone else most likely)

[Master] so that solves that

[Leatherus (Eric)] wow so easy

[Leatherus (Eric)] sorry been a night

[Master] ok

[JohnA] what about Mikes character

[Master] so you head on down to the docks

[Master] you can take some weapons for him if you wish

[JohnA] k

[Indigo (Lisa)] (mike said Galdek's axes were stone)

[JohnA] cool

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he runs around in a dirty loincloth so no armor)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that comment was not supposed to halt all group conversation)

[JohnA] trying to erase vision

[JohnA] but ready for take off

[JohnA] trays in upright and locks position

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sir! Sir! your bag is not secure under the seat

[TMO] (Peanuts! Gimme my peanuts!)

[Master] Ok

[Master] you sail out of the harbor and south

[TMO] (was just about to write test)

[Master] down the river

[Master] downstream

[Master] anyone can make a wisdom check

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] okay hold on

[Indigo (Lisa)] (preferrabl;y someone who may have some)

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

[JohnA] [Hoffman]]: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[TMO] (you're all being kidnapped and sold into slavery)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Hugh D'Ambray: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] K it ried

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (this is not the smart group)

[JohnA] [Hoffman]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (spring coming in?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] So, do we have free time until we reach our destination?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Can I explore the ship?

[Leatherus (Eric)] "a priest, a priest, my kingdom for a priest"

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Can I wonder around?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bob - where is the ship map?)

[Master] there you go

[Master] should have it now

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thank you)

[Master] Time of Day: 07:56 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Ohm {Early Winter} 23rd, 1266 TGR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hasn't it been long enough that Hoffman would have gotten at least some sleep healing?)

[Master] already did that

[JohnA] just not last night

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he is looking all -7 like he did last night to me)

[Master] [Hoffman]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[JohnA] :)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thank you)

[Master] after sailing along the river for an hour or so

[JohnA] (Thank you)

[Master] you round a bend

[Master] away from the harbor

[Master] and there are no ships on the river

[JohnA] for boating?

[Master] the Captain opens up a small box

[JohnA] forboding

[Master] next to the ships wheel

[Master] and inserts a small ruby

Indigo (Lisa) nudges Hugh "Watch this"

[Master] and the Tarangini starts to lift

[Master] she turns the wheel to port

[Master] heading south

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) "I am...Trust me. I am"

[Master] and the ship starts to rise up into the air

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like magic

[Master] clearing the trees along the bank easily

[Master] and rising gracefully up into the clouds

[Master] soon the ground is far below

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Hugh D'Ambray: INT check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] lost below the clouds

[TMO] (off topic, but mildly amusing, found a piece of circumstantial evidence that I may be related to the man who beat Abraham Lincoln in a rasslin match. ;) )

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I would like to observe, listen, feel the ship. I want to think really really hard about what I observe

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[JohnA] (Sweet TMO)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Memorize

[Master] (oh sure beat a man after he is shot, how hard can that be? )

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Too soon

[Master] lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Lol

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

[Master] new map loading

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] In all seriousness though. As soon as I am out of site of the crew. I am taking notes and diagrams

[Master] yes to Michael, Hugh will take lots of notes

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sorry. Just trying to reinforce the fact haha. I'll stop

[Master] and as you are up in the clouds and starting to turn

[Master] grins

[Master] does everyone see that out there beyond the bow of the ship?

[Master] care to take a guess?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I see a raft and a racing flag)

[JohnA] i see just black

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Me too

JohnA is receiving the map Tarangini...

JohnA has received the map Tarangini.

JohnA is receiving the map Clouds...

JohnA has received the map Clouds.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] should we be on clouds map?

[Master] the ship is on the clouds map the characters are still on the Tarangini map

Spring has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 22:25:58 EDT 2015

Spring is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Master] as the scale is way off

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Sorry, still black

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if I zoom in they have labels)

[Master] and hello Spring!

[JohnA] hello

Spring has received the map Clouds.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (raft says our ship and the checkered flag says pirate ship)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hi spring)

[JohnA] my screen says an error has occured

[Spring] Hi hi hi!

[Spring] Hey, it's John!

[Master] and Spring you should have the Clouds map

JohnA nods

[Master] and Lisa has it right

[Spring] It's coming. Hi everybody!

[Master] Kenna is on the Tarangini , the ship map

[Spring] sorry so late. public transit problem.

[Leatherus (Eric)] I'm really sorry everyone....It's been an ugly household lately

[Leatherus (Eric)] I need to log so I can have a fight

[Leatherus (Eric)] good time for eone

[Master] sorry for that Eric

[Leatherus (Eric)] one

[Leatherus (Eric)] no worries

[Master] we will see you in two weeks

[Master] no game next week remember

[TMO] (take care)

[Indigo (Lisa)] breathe and calm

[Leatherus (Eric)] yes you will

[Spring] :-(

[Leatherus (Eric)] lol

[Leatherus (Eric)] thanks

[JohnA] ttfn

[Indigo (Lisa)] good luck

[Leatherus (Eric)] hi spring

[Indigo (Lisa)] goodnight

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Thanks.

[Master] and glad you made it Spring

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Fodd nihgt!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Good Night Sorry

[Leatherus (Eric)] Sorry all

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that too :) )

[Leatherus (Eric)] See you all in 2 weeks

[Leatherus (Eric)] have a good easter

[Spring] bye eric

[Indigo (Lisa)] you too !

[Leatherus (Eric)] bye

Eric has left the game on Fri Apr 03 22:29:42 EDT 2015

[Spring] that's a sad.

[Master] so to clarify in case you did not figure it out and so Spring is up to speed very fast

[Master] you got out of the harbor, lifted off and started heading up and into the clouds

[Master] as you come out of the clouds and start to level off

[Master] out front of the bow you spot a ship flying a pirate flag

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Figures

[Master] you have a half mile or so still between you

[Master] and time to figure out what you are doing to do

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) grabs bow and notches it

[Indigo (Lisa)] Mistress Erindale must be used to fighting pirates, aren't you?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I want to cargully store my equimpent out fo the way.

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's why you have all these ballista things?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I would prefer to not fight if possible with in experienced people on board Sir Indigo

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but we can prevent them from boarding us

[Indigo (Lisa)] So what do you usually do when you see pirates?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (by the way texted Mike and he is find with Art and Galduk arrangment)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (very good news)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] we are normally able to out maneuver them

Hoffman (JohnA)] (yea)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but that would also mean a long chase perhaps

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] until they give up

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] that would mean we will take more time getting back to Domvile

[Indigo (Lisa)] That sounds good. Do you want to use the spyglass?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] that would be very useful

Hoffman (JohnA)] just let them get into bow range

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] would you or your friends perhaps have any spells that would be of use?

Lisa is receiving the map Tarangini...

Lisa has received the map Tarangini.

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) looks at newest halfling

[Indigo (Lisa)] You have ammunition for these cross bow things?

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) shrugging

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] what would be of use?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i can heal ...

[Indigo (Lisa)] I can take one and we fly fast towards Domville?

Hoffman (JohnA)] certainly you can do more than that

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] perhaps ... thinking furiously

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] there are the balistae in the rack next to them

Hoffman (JohnA)] you gid can not be that limited

[Indigo (Lisa)] (wow! you need to fill out her character sheet! no proficiencies or weapons)

Hoffman (JohnA)] gid god

[Indigo (Lisa)] (before we get to dragon fight please)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] well are we going for fight or for flight?

Hoffman (JohnA)] which ever works for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dragon? fight; pirates? I'm not sure)

Hoffman (JohnA)] I always wanted to get an airship for my friend

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Im fine looting the crap out of pirates

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I say bring it on

Hoffman (JohnA)] can you see what weaponds or crew they have

Indigo (Lisa) looks through spyglass at ship

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] would fog help? perhaps a column of air?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] er, wind?

[Mistress Erindale (Master) (to Lisa only)] looks like humanoid, men? smaller ship than the Tarangini

Hoffman (JohnA)] that sound perfect

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] let me try to remember how it goes ...

[Indigo (Lisa)] The ship looks smaller than ours. Men on board.

[Indigo (Lisa)] They look like men anyway.

Hoffman (JohnA)] if only we could fly overthere and dump out the scroll of shelter and watch them drop like a stone

Indigo (Lisa) looks up at Hoffman "Then what'd happen to all our stuff?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Besides we can't open the scroll until tomorrow.

Hoffman (JohnA)] I guess I did not think that far ahead

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (Michael and Spring that was an adventure years ago a floating castle that had metal appear on it and broke part of it)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] darn, the wind column is only for breakinng falls. i cannot innflict it on someone else

Hoffman (JohnA)] (still may need it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that might be a really useful spell in a couple of days!)

Hoffman (JohnA)] what about lighting my arrow?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how far away are they?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] 1,000 yards or so

Hoffman (JohnA)] probaly need special arrow for that to work

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i could do a fog to obscure, but i do not know what the wind is like this high

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

Hoffman (JohnA)] Mistress Erindale, think you can use fog to get by them?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Under optimum conditions, the maximum range at which a man-sized object can be seen is about 1,500 yards, if it is moving. If the object doesn't move, it usually cannot be seen at this distance. Even if it is moving, all that can be seen is a moving object. The character cannot tell what it is or what it is doing. At 1,000 yards, both moving and stationary man-sized objects can be spotted. General size and shape can be determined, but exact identifications are impossible. It is not likely that creature type can be identified at this range, unless the creature has a very unique shape.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] how large of a fog bank can you create Misstress Kenna?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] we would use it to hide our movement and tack in an unexpected manner

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] 60 feet square

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] no that would not be large enough to hide the Tarangini

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i also just remembered dust devil

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] it might obscure the number of people on desk

[TMO] (put it between your ships)

Hoffman (JohnA)] just to obsure them so they do not see us

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] we are too far from the ground for the dust part but the wind might help

Hoffman (JohnA)] make them job left and we go right

Hoffman (JohnA)] jog?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] thinking thinking thinking (reading reading reading)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] tack Sir Hoffman

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh lightning! how could i forget lightning!

Hoffman (JohnA)] tack what? A pirate with my arrow, I will as soon as i can

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) looks into the clouds

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] you said jog, that would be tacking

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] wind servant, that's a nice one

Hoffman (JohnA)] ah

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] a starboard tack for example

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

Hoffman (JohnA)] i say fly casual

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] if we can board them, i can warp wood. that's all i can tink of

Hoffman (JohnA)] (at what range?)

[TMO] (ballista Kenna to them and have her warp a hole in the bottom of their ship)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (i am sure it is very short, if not touch)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Boring Conversation Anyway...

Hoffman (JohnA)] (tks Michael)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] tks?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] he was afraid no one got the reference

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Oh.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Burn it out of the sky

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I didn't)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Kill it Kill it with Fire!

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (Return of the Jedi, flying the imperial shuttle, flay casual)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (and i am not familiar with that one)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] so ranges for Kenna

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] you have a handful of minutes to figure out what youa re doing

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] you are growing closer

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] wind servant will probably not be useful

Indigo (Lisa) loads one of the ballista things

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] too weak. 1 pound of force for moving regular things, 10 pounds of force on things that fly

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 13'07".

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Well, if we are puting all our eggs in the ballistae backet I want to load up another one

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] lightning range 360 yards

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Misstress Kenna, Sir Indigo

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] do you want to engage them? or are we avoiding combat?

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe they'll see that we're bigger than them and not want to fight us.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh, we have to already have a storm

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 22:53:32 EDT 2015

[Indigo (Lisa)] If it were up to me I think we should keep flying as fast as we can to Domville. But if they do catch up and want to fight us I think we should be ready.

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 22:54:03 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i oncur

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] concur, i mean

JohnA has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's hard to do much this far away. How far do these things shoot?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] perhaps a hundred yards

[JohnA] oh crap

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 22:55:10 EDT 2015

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Well, why doent we man all the ballistae and try outrunning them. If we don't then we open fire and pillage the crap outta them

Indigo (Lisa) looks through spyglass again to see if they look like they're getting closer

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sounds good to me)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] dust devil is weak too, but if we have some powder or something it can drive it into the faces of enemies

[Mistress Erindale (Master) (to Lisa only)] yes they are getting closer about 500 yards out now and indigo thinks there are two priests there waving their arms around, perhaps casting?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what happened to John?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] UH-OH

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (no clue)

[Indigo (Lisa)] They're closer.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] He is having internet trouble

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] At 500 yards, general identifications can be made. Size, shape, color, and creature type are all distinguishable. Individuals still cannot be identified, unless they are distinctively dressed or separated from the rest of the group. Livery and heraldic symbols or banners can be seen if large and bold. Most coats of arms cannot be distinguished at this distance. General actions can be ascertained with confidence.

[Indigo (Lisa)] About 500 yards out now

Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) Load and Man Ballistae

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 22:57:01 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Indigo (Lisa)] It looks like there are priests or something on the ship waving their arms all over the place

JohnA has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like they're casting spells or something.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Two of them.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] What are your orders? Should we open fire?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or maybe they're in trouble and trying to get help and they just happen to be pirates?

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 22:58:04 EDT 2015

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are there pirate priests?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Orders Captain?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe they're mages. I can see pirate mages more than pirate priests.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But Branwyn doesn't go waving around that much.

Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can we go faster?

[TMO] (they're doing the macarena)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] if they have spell casters, I suggest we avoid them

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Okay.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Guys?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But the ballistas are loaded just in case.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] if they get within 60 yards i could curse them

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] on the other hand i could bless you

Indigo (Lisa) heads flips toward Kenna quickly

[Indigo (Lisa)] You curse people?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] or not

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] so we will tack hard to port and then drop down below them. They will not expect us to give up altitude because it is so hard to regain it, I am trusting in your purse Sir Indigo

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] sorry, a momentary disconnect between "can" and "will"

[Indigo (Lisa)] My purse?

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:02:10 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[TMO] (sky pirates? I totally missed that. Through you were still on the river)

JohnA has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I've never seen anyone curse anyone except Red Cloak.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But he was a necromancer and that's what he does.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You curse someone and they fall down and get sick?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (this is what happens when you are essentially reading your available spells out loud)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] So. Yeah.. We were in the process of outrunning them?

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:04:07 EDT 2015

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] closing in rapidly

[Indigo (Lisa)] (could be good spell - I was surprised since none of our other priests do that. I am not opposed - just curious)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sink her

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] the cursing i would be able to do would not make anyone sick

[Indigo (Lisa)] Just hope I have a purse....

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] it would just make them less aggressive and effective

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] What does that even mean?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] ( john is having issues but is not staying in long enough for me to help texted him again)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] ("This spell canbe reversed by the priest to a curse spell that, when cast upon enemycreatures, lowers their morale and attack rolls by -1. ")

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] Wisdom check for Kenna

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you know 1st and 2nd level spells or up to 3rd?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (i don't know if that would be an alignment change thing or not. i would think not)

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:06:18 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo agreed with Erindale's sink and dodge manuever)

JohnA has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he just doesn't know what the purse comment meant)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] um ... trying

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] whoops, i guess a single click would have been enough

[Mistress Erindale (Master) (to Spring only)] you could bless the captain so she has a better chance at her piloting rolls

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] brb restroom then we make our maneuver checks, and see what happens

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ooh you have the lightning blast spell)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what is range on that?)

[TMO] (putting princess to bed. bbs)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (i have lighting at 360 yards but we need an pre-existent storm)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] it's attracting lightning, not creating it

[Indigo (Lisa)] (it doesn't say that on spell description on char sheet - that sucks)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hate magic technicalities)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bob has never made it rain once since I have been playing)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Lightining doesnt need a storm? It only needs negatively charged ions...

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (we'd never have a storm unless it was for the benefit of the bad guys)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] There are lighting strikes in completely clear weather

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] LOL

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] to be sure to be sure

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] there has been wind and rain

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:00 EDT 2015

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and there are clouds

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] PHY 102

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:11 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what's the range on swarm of insects?)

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:26 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:34 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] captain, would you object to my blessing you? it would sharpen your abilities

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:49 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:56 EDT 2015

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:58 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:11:59 EDT 2015

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we are doing the evasive manuevers?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I have to shut down

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] john is just overwhelming us

[Indigo (Lisa)] (has john rebooted his computer?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh dear

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will be right back up

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Okay

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 03 23:13:01 EDT 2015 ====

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:13:21 EDT 2015

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

Lisa is receiving the map Tarangini...

Lisa has received the map Tarangini.

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:13:59 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:14:12 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Michael has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:14:24 EDT 2015

Michael is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:14:25 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:14:28 EDT 2015

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:14:31 EDT 2015

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:14:33 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:14:35 EDT 2015

[Lisa] well that didn't work

[Michael] He is overwhelming two of my servers. Holy *** how is he doing that

[Master] because he is not listening to me

[Master] he needs to restart

[Michael] I need to log off real quick. The program is slowing down my whole system. Just one second

[Master] go and restart

[Master] Lisa I will restart again

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 03 23:16:56 EDT 2015 ====

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:18:12 EDT 2015

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

Lisa is receiving the map Tarangini...

Lisa has received the map Tarangini.

Michael has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:18:51 EDT 2015

Michael is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Master] we will see if anyone else relogs in

Michael has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Michael] Okay. I'm throtteling a couple ports so can anyone hear me?

[Lisa] yup

[Master] yes

[Michael] Cool it worked.

[Master] it is not that

[Lisa] is john rebooting his whole system?

Spring has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:20:45 EDT 2015

Spring is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Master] it is john was reloading and reloading

[Master] no clue

Spring has received the map New Residence first floor.

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:21:14 EDT 2015

JohnA is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Master] one key thing for Spring and Michael

[Master] is to wait till a map loads for you

JohnA has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Master] after that see what happens

[Master] before moving maps, etc

[Master] adn John you are better now

[Lisa] yay

[Michael] Okay. So, the matrix was acrting up but now reality seems to have settled. Where were we in world domingation?

[Spring] ok i have the residence map so far

[JohnA] i have no map and no dice panel

[Master] that is ok john

[Master] you just need to type

[Master] no reason to do anything else right now

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[Indigo (Lisa)] (did yu see where we are? 2 priests on ship casting - closing in on 500 yds)

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[Master] did I tell you to roll any dice ???

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

JohnA has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:24:16 EDT 2015

[Michael] Poor guy. Jeese

[Spring] is it wong I LOLed

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

[Master] so he is done for the night

[Michael] Also, I see the Taragini ship map, but not the priates?

[Master] right

[Master] I am redoign things one piece at a time

[Michael] Okay.

[Master] to stop any problems

[Master] sigh

[Michael] Hopefully John can get his internet runing smoothly

[Master] not tongiht

[Master] so

[Master] you all have the ship map

[Master] so you can see your icons

[Indigo (Lisa)] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] yes

[Master] so Kenna can do the bless spell

[Spring] i have not found me yet

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 3'04".

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 6'03".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we're so small - you have to zoom map)

[Spring] oh okay next to hugh

[Indigo (Lisa)] Kenna Westfoot moved 2'08".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he put you almost under the ballista)

[Michael] I see my character

[Michael] Sorry. Should have said earlier

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the halfling icons are tiny)

[Michael] It's actaully kind of hilarious

[Master] so you understand the planned maneuver to do a starboard tack and drop in altitude

[Michael] Yes

[Master] which means that Indigo is on the wrong side of the ship

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hold on to your hats)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (someone should tell him)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 19'11".

[Michael] Indigo come over to this ballista

[Michael] your on the wrong side

[Master] if you want to fire on the pirates, they will pass on the left and above the ship

Indigo (Lisa) scurries over to the other side

Indigo (Lisa) loads the ballista on that side

[Michael] I thought we were outrunning them and then firing if we had no other choice?

Indigo (Lisa) holds on

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes - but Indigo would prefer to have something already loaded)

[Michael] Also, two member of our group have fallen unconcious? We should move them out of the line of fire

[Master] Mistress Erindale moved 19'11".

[Master] Sailor #6 moved 22'01".

[Master] Mistress Erindale moved 26'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just in case)

[Indigo (Lisa)] [Hoffman]] moved 25'06".

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] captain, may i bless you?

Master nods

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (lets see if i can do this without murdering our captian)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (well, manslaughter ... )

[Spring] Mistress Erindale targets Mistress Erindale. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] smile

[Spring] Mistress Erindale no longer targets Mistress Erindale.

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets Mistress Erindale. Distance: 36'03"

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] ok i targeted her but i cannot get the dice panel to stop disappeaing when i roll over it

[Michael] Thats one for the quote book!

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets Kenna Westfoot. Distance: 0'00"

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot no longer targets Mistress Erindale.

[Master] Lisa, could you assist with how you cast please

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets Mistress Erindale. Distance: 36'03"

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot no longer targets Kenna Westfoot.

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot no longer targets Mistress Erindale.

[Indigo (Lisa)] right click on you icon and then open the dice panel

[Indigo (Lisa)] that is not working?

[Lisa] Kenna Westfoot targets Mistress Erindale. Distance: 36'03"

[Master] I think she is not stopping targeting

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] the string is staying stuck to my cursor

[Indigo (Lisa)] oh

[Indigo (Lisa)] I targeted for you

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i have no idea how to shake it off

[Lisa] Indigo targets Sailor #6. Distance: 32'09"

[Indigo (Lisa)] what you need to do is target and click on your target

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i did that

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] but the string didn't go away

[Indigo (Lisa)] then let your line dfirft to an empty spot, then hit escape key

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Sailor #6.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh

[Lisa] Indigo targets Sailor #6. Distance: 32'09"

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] escape. never would have guessed

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Sailor #6.

[Indigo (Lisa)] meither did I - is weird

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against Mistress Erindale: Bless/Curse: For 6 rounds, attack rolls and saves vs fear receive a +1 bonus.

[Indigo (Lisa)] perfect

Mistress Erindale (Master) mutters to her self and then calls out

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] whee.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] HARD TO STARBOARD!!!!

Indigo (Lisa) holds on to ballista

[Master] Mistress Erindale: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot no longer targets Mistress Erindale.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but with bless?)

[Michael] Oh SNAP!

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and with that bless

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] it is a sucess

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yay!)

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) gripping the rail

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and you dive hard down and to the right as the Pirate ship guessed properly and would have flanked you for a broadside but you dropping below the sheet of flame that spurts out from the people on the pirate ship deck

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] no damage to the Tarangini

[Indigo (Lisa)] Rotten pirates!

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] you have one round with in 50 yards if you want to respond with something

[Michael] What the hell.... Can I fire the ballista?

TMO has joined the game on Fri Apr 03 23:40:41 EDT 2015

TMO is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] you can

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] one round of attack

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] make your normal roll

TMO has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] no on has artillery so that will reduce your chances

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] but lets see what you roll

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I roll -4 for ballista?)

[TMO] every time I step out, you disconnect me. :P

[Michael] Would I rool for Crossbow? OR Dagger?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] crossbow si fine

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (is one pound of force enough to mess up thei somatics?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and indigo can just roll adn I will adjust

[Michael] Hugh D'Ambray: Attack: Light Crossbow: (15-(d20)) [1d20=1] 14

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Crossbow : ((+14-(d20+1))+2) [1d20=14] 1 [MODIFIED (+2)]

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] so Hugh hit AC 1

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] sorry

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] ac 5

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (i can do that much with wind servant. but i need to be able to target them)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we were having issues)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (there is nothing to target is there?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and Indigo hit an ac 4

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] so that is two hits

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] you can each roll a d12 for damage

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=2] 2

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that sucked)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-(

[Michael] uno moment

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo sends a splinter flying off the ship)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and you can cast your wind servant

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and I will make their saves for them

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hugh can roll better)

[Master] Sailor #6: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Michael] Real quick. How to roll a 1d12 in chat

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Wind Servant: I conjure forth a wind servant for (6) 6 rounds.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] curley bracket d12 curley bracket

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dice icon on top - open and then click on d12)

[Michael] Thanks

[Michael] (1d12) [1d12=9] 9

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] grins, see there is always a way to do things

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (not too sure how to send it over to mess up their somatics)

[Michael] Is that good?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (much better than 2!)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (do i roll to hit em with it?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] so you did a total of 11 points of damage to their ship, you sent over the wind servant but they made their save against it

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh phooey)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] however now your ships are drawing away from each other

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] so they are behind you

[Michael] Good. Let's keep going unless they try to follow?

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's fine since they have flame spells

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] at the end of the round they are more than 50 yards away

Michael Load up another round

Michael I do

Indigo (Lisa) yells "Rotten pirates!"

Indigo (Lisa) loads ballista again too

Indigo (Lisa) looks through spyglass at them again

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (scheduling question - are we due to handle a dragon this same in-game day?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] they are sailing off

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh. moot question)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] there is a group of them yelling at each other on the deck but they seem to be letting you go

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (was about to figure out just how much blessing to do )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (2-3 day flight)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bless away - you saved us from fire in the face)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (hee! if they are done with us though, more whee!)

[Master] so you are now sailing back to the north north east

[Master] towards the Cordrawn Hills

[Master] and Domvile

Indigo (Lisa) laughs "They looked like they were mad!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can we see the ground from here in the spyglass?"

[Master] you cannot make out details otehr than hills, rivers, etc

[Indigo (Lisa)] (That was OOC sorry)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so no point in looking for dragon lairs?)

[Master] not yet

[Master] but it is a good idea for when you get closer

[Indigo (Lisa)] (roadside signage - beware of dragon?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-)

[Master] Do you have dragon troubles? Call us for your full house dragon solutions

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] hehehe

[Master] we have a wide range of options for all budgets and kingdoms

[Indigo (Lisa)] yeah - things like that

[TMO] well, we are the "Dragon"slayers

Indigo (Lisa) sinks down to the floor on the ship and digs that honey scone out of his pocket

[Master] so we will call it a night here

[Master] no game next week

[Master] we will continue to fly towards Domvile

[Master] and should arrive there next session

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] alrighty!

[Michael] Awww. Okay. I had a blast tonight. And we seemed to move quickly too. I was impressed.

[Michael] Thanks bob!

[Master] which would be the 25th

[Michael] I'll see you all in two weeks?

[Indigo (Lisa)] so on site the homebodies can run loose in town?

[Spring] yeah that was fun

[Master] yes to LIsa

[Master] and yes to two weeks

[Michael] Awesome. Night guys

[Master] and remember the Bonus Game on May 9th

[Spring] see you later! everyone have a lovely weekend/easter

[Master] noon to midnight

[Spring] yay!

Michael has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:54:45 EDT 2015

[Indigo (Lisa)] goodnight! You too! :)

Spring has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:54:54 EDT 2015

Lisa has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:54:54 EDT 2015

[TMO] cya

[Master] have a great ngith

[TMO] you too

TMO has left the game on Fri Apr 03 23:55:22 EDT 2015

XP awarded