Main / Apr0414

Apr 04 14 - Long Live the King

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 04 22:37:35 EDT 2014 ====

Lollygirlie1-26469 has joined the game on Fri Apr 04 22:38:36 EDT 2014

Lollygirlie1-26469 is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

Lollygirlie1-26469 has received the map Town birds eye view.

Tristys has joined the game on Fri Apr 04 22:39:00 EDT 2014

Tristys is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

Tristys has received the map Town birds eye view.

[Master] Hey there

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Sup?

[Master] how are you tonight

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Not too bad...

[Master] the Paris event at the library was a nice success

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Woot!

[Tristys] Howdy

[Master] took longer to cleat it all up

[Tristys] Yay!

[Master] Texting and IMing everyotn to let them know

Tristys is receiving the map Caverns...

Tristys has received the map Caverns.

Tristys is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

Tristys has received the map Town birds eye view.

[Master] So Tonya how are you feeling about this format?

[Master] and Felicity? you are more comfortable now?

Mike has joined the game on Fri Apr 04 22:46:00 EDT 2014

Mike is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

Mike has received the map Town birds eye view.

[Tristys] I'm still poking things, so if I asplode, that's why ;)

[Mike] hey guys

[Master] smile

[Master] How are you Mike

[Master] we have two new audtions here

[Master] Mike is one of our older players, returning to the game after a hiatus

[Mike] feeling pretty hectic.

[Lollygirlie1-26469] I'm with Felicity...poking things is fun!

[Master] just put Imari on the board

[Master] so

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Are we inside or outside?

[Master] Mike what do you know/remember about this current adventure

[Master] right now you are inside the tower

[Mike] we're looking for a shield

Tristys is receiving the map Caverns...

Tristys has received the map Caverns.

[Mike] in a hidden temple

[Mike] and red cloak is looking for it, too

[Lollygirlie1-26469 (to Tristys only)] The horse can talk...

[Master] awesome

[Master] that is a very good summary

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Wait...I thought we were looking for lizardpeople...

[Master] smile

[Mike] they're with red cloak

[Master] yes to Tonya, the lizard men stole all the gear

[Master] along with red cloak

[Mike] who we didn't kill years ago

[Master] and they seem to be on the same mission, to try to find this temple

[Master] Imari moved 46'07".

[Master] Felicity I do not have a character for you to speak with prepped so I will have you use Foto tonight

[Mike] so is this the temple?

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 4'10".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 13'02".

[Master] Wapit moved 1'03".

[Master] Imari moved 10'11".

[Master] Shurkural moved 5'07".

[Master] Indigo moved 8'06".

Tristys is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

Tristys has received the map Town birds eye view.

[Master] no to Mike

[Master] you were here for the Strange Tree

[Master] and the wolves

[Master] werewolves

[Master] after that they went south a bit

[Mike (to GM only)] Character sheet for Imari modified: Spells - CHANGED: Zone of Sweet Air -- Expression: Gas can't enter an area of up to 10' cubes for the next turns. (Gases are kept out of a {$L*10} ft cube for turns.), Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: +5 (+4).

[Master] bought a mule and a cart

[Tristys] A gnome. Lemme go put on my grumpy dude hat. ;)

[Master] some supplies

[Master] left Jilly to work with the locals about reclaiming your waggon and horses that were stolen

[Mike] so we abandoned the shield quest to go hunt werewolves?

[Master] no

[Mike] did we buy any wolfsbane with the supplies?

[Master] you went back to the old mining road

[Master] and no to worlfsbane available but Shur did pick up some things

[Master] but you made it past the werewolves

[Master] then past a crypt

[Master] and then past a hill giant that you paid a toll to

[Mike] temples have crypts

[Mike] we paid a landform?

[Master] yes but non of the markers for the temple are/were near by

[Master] then as you were pushing farther into the hills you suddenly stumbled upon this village

[Mike] so how likely do we think this is the wrong way?

[Master] you think this is the right way

[Master] someone you met in Primsen the town you visited before, told you this was the way

[Master] Tonya let us hear you describe what happened last week here in town

[Master] grins

[Lollygirlie1-26469] There was a chick out in the field, and we questioned her a bit. Then a talking horse led us to the mage's tower. Some people may think the mage has gender identity issues. We're now having tea with the mage.

[Tristys] succint.

[Mike] is it a he or a she or a shemale?

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Presents as femail but referred to as "Lord"

[Lollygirlie1-26469] female...gah

[Lollygirlie1-26469] PS - I'm on pain meds.

[Master] that boundry map I sent you all to show you how close you are

[Master] you are about a day to a day and a half from the supposed location

[Master] not that you know exactly where it is

[Tristys] question for youse guys

[Master] yes


[Mike] okay. what's the tea time topic of the day?

[Tristys] do you normally do some of this via voice chat?

[Master] that page has the hints

[Tristys] at least the non-pc stuff?

[Master] and no to Felicity

[Master] but you can

[Master] I do not stop anyone from it

[Master] I just want the chat logs for the archival side of things

[Master] but peopel who want to talk between each other I am fine with

[Master] I get questions and comments in IM a lot

[Master] there is always that avenue

[Mike] brb

[Master] and with each other obviously

[Master] but feel free to ask questions here

[Master] as you saw the other day there are several ways to do things in klooge and you will get to learn what other's like and what you like by talking about it

[Master] grins Mike will be glad to complain about things

[Master] and back to Tonya's point about Lord Myltar

[Master] She presents as female, acts like a female, looks, etc

[Master] she uses the Title of Lord

[Master] beyond that you only know the extra bits that happened on the site

[Master] from Indigo

[Master] “Ohhhh … I thought you must be a mage because you live in a tower. And then when we saw the talking pony, I figured you had to be. But, was he a regular pony and the mage made him talk or was he a man that the mage turned into a pony?” Indigo asked. “I think it would be better if I was a pony and then a mage let me talk. So if I wanted an apple or a carrot I could just ask for one instead of hoping someone brings me one. It wouldn’t be so good to be a regular person and get turned into a pony though.”

[Master] Lord Myltar looks at Indigo. "Not all mages live in towers do they? So someone else must have to live in the rest of them. Jonny was a regular pony as far as I know. He was part of an adventuring group that was came through town a year or two ago. They were out looking for a hidden temple. They never found anything. At least Jonny never said anything about them finding anything. He came back to town a week or so after they left which is when I found out he could talk. He is willing to help out where people need him to so we allowed him to stay." "Why are you here in such an out of the way place? "

[Master] “Well … we were looking for the lake around here, but then we heard that lizardmen were marauding in the area so we are sort of looking for them too. It’s not good to have lizardmen running around. Major Domo in Primsen had to run some off as well. Is the lake close by?” Indigo asked, thinking they really needed to talk to this pony.

[Master] that is what happened in the last couple of days on the In Character thread


[Master] Sorry Lisa could not make it in tonight to pick up Indigo but you three can continue the conversation and ask questins, etc

[Master] Imari by the way is Mike's character, what everyone would think of as a barbarian, clann sort of person, She is a priestess of Partik, a god of death

[Master] Imari has a trained Hippogriff Artiark

[Master] so first thing you should bring up is the pony

[Mike] back

[Master] so Wapit would see Imari fly in and land, and get a chance to warn her about the pony

[Tristys] aren't gnomes the ones who find horses delicious? or is that goblins?

[Master] Hippogriffs find horses delicious

[Master] goblins might but not gnomes

[Tristys] dammit.

[Master] so Mike understands about the pony?

[Mike] so i guess imari would make sure artiark doesn't eat it

[Master] ok

[Mike] though i bet a talking horse tastes extra good

[Tristys] Does Brother F.'s religion have any prohibitions against talking animals?

[Master] none at all

[Tristys] ...sorry, looking for a delicious pony angle here

[Master] he would likely find this very interesting

[Master] it is not every day that you find a talking pony afterall

[Lollygirlie1-26469] reboot...brb

Lollygirlie1-26469 has left the game on Fri Apr 04 23:09:58 EDT 2014

[Master] you can think of Foto as curious

[Tristys] Fair warning: Brother F. will most likely end up being a priest in the Lorenzo da Ponte tradition ;)

[Tristys] if left in my hands

[Tristys] that's all imma sayin'

[Master] he is actually John's henchman

[Master] when John gets in next week you will be able to check with him about stuff

[Master] foto has been part of the group for a couple of years

[Master] there is potential for you to get a new NPC out of this village if you are creative

[Mike] like a talking horse

[Tristys] You know how King Midas had a golden touch? I have a weird-en touch

[Tristys] Everything I handle gets really, really strange ;)

[Master] among other things Mike

[Master] grins

Lollygirlie1-26469 has joined the game on Fri Apr 04 23:12:11 EDT 2014

Lollygirlie1-26469 is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

[Mike] so has this lord chick given us any real clues to go on with regards to the temple?

Lollygirlie1-26469 has received the map Town birds eye view.

[Master] no one has ventured the topic of the temple yet

[Master] I put in all the conversation so far from Indigo

[Master] and ready when you are

[Mike] okay.

[Lollygirlie1-26469] I'm back!

[Mike] "Do many come through here looking for a temple?"

[Master (to Mike only)] wapit (played by Tonya) just joined you at the previous town two days ago, has a THief brand on his forehead, there are stories on the site about it

[Lord Myltar (Master)] Oh I woudl say once every other year or so

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Did someone mention Wapit?

[Lord Myltar (Master)] mostly adventureers

[Lord Myltar (Master)] (Wapit is there in the room along with Foto)

Tristys is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

Tristys has received the map Town birds eye view.

[Lord Myltar (Master)] Mostly adventurers that think they have the one true map

[Lord Myltar (Master)] that they think they know the key to find which of the temples out there

[Mike] "Apparently there are many one true maps."

Lord Myltar (Master) nods at Imari

[Mike] "Have you seen any evidence of the lizard men we hunt?"

[Tristys] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lord Myltar (Master)] I chased them away yesterday

[Mike] so what's the deal about werewolves? someone mentioned werewolves

[Lord Myltar (Master)] they fled into the woods

[Lord Myltar (Master)] (that was the tree back near the crossroads, after that nothing)

[Mike] "Which direction did they come from? And which did they go?"

[Mike] like, we found and killed one?

[Lord Myltar (Master)] the lizard men came from the same direction you did

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] /clears his throat.

[Lord Myltar (Master)] the crossed the stream and when came closer to town I drove them off

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Yes, we were following them.

[Lord Myltar (Master)] looks at Foto

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Did we clarify the matter of the map?

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Be it the one true map, or not?

[Lord Myltar (Master)] (Mike no to werewolf finding or hunting other than that one night you were in )

[Lord Myltar (Master)] (remember also that you are on a secret mission for the Queen)

[Lord Myltar (Master)] How could there be one true map to a hidden temple

[Lord Myltar (Master)] and that temple still be hidden?

[Lord Myltar (Master)] it just stands to reason that maps like that do not exist

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] That be me question

[Lord Myltar (Master)] but if someone some wants to come through my town as long as they do not cause trouble

[Mike] "What do you do here? Seems an odd place for your people to have a town."

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] It would be most helpful, my lord, if we were to follow those that disturbed you, as they search for the same temple we do.

Lord Myltar (Master) nods at Wapit

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Pssst...Brother Foto...are we sure THIS isn't the temple?

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] If it be a hidden temple, and no maps exist, how can we be knowing we aren't on a wild werewolf chase?

[Lord Myltar (Master)] I chose a place where I could be out of the notice of most of the Kingdom

[Lord Myltar (Master)]

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) (to Master only)] do we know what queen this Lord follows?

[Mike] "May I ask why?"

[Lord Myltar (Master)] for sound clips and such

[Lord Myltar (Master) (to Lollygirlie1-26469 only)] would be the current Queen, although he did not know who she was when you got here

[Lord Myltar (Master)] I think that the Kingdom is falling apart

Lord Myltar (Master) gestures at Indigo, look at this,

[Mike] "I wouldn't know."

[Lord Myltar (Master)] not to offend Sir Indigo

[Lord Myltar (Master)] but if a Queen's Knight comes from a different Kingdom all together

[Lord Myltar (Master)] can it say much for the stability of the Kingdom?

[Lord Myltar (Master)] I want to stay away from those problems, live my life

[Lord Myltar (Master)] protect the people loyal to me

[Lord Myltar (Master)] (from TMO I know everyone is surely depressed at my absence, but it's only one week. I'm sure they can manage to have at least a tiny bit of fun without me if they try hard enough.)

[Lord Myltar (Master)] for your lizard men quest

[Lord Myltar (Master)] I do not know what they are searching for,

[Lord Myltar (Master)] so if you say you are searching for a temple

[Lord Myltar (Master)] and they are also searchign for a temple, that is news to me

Lord Myltar (Master) sips her drink

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) starts playing mumbly peg in the doorway

[Mike] ::nods:: Well I suppose that we should leave your town, then."

[Mike] what time of day is it?

[Lord Myltar (Master)] you are welcome to stay if you wish

[Lord Myltar (Master)] late morning

[Lord Myltar (Master)] (there is a calendar document on your campaign tree that is updated to show the current state of each story arc)

[Lord Myltar (Master)] if you are intent on heading into the hills the old mining road here is the best way

[Lord Myltar (Master)] you can follow it for another couple of days until it reaches the mountains

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Let's go to the mountains.

[Mike] is that the way we were going to go?

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] you'll be forgiving me for having me head in a book whilst we gad about. These new-fangled spells be hurtin' me head.

[Master] Yes you were told to follow the old mining road into the hills that it was the best way to get towards where you are looking for

[Master] there are certain landmarks you are looking for

[Master] which are in the sound clues on that In Character page

[Mike] ok. i say unless we want to ask more, we should go before this creepy out of the way village tries to eat us

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) is already out the door and down the road.

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) looks at Brother Foto

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Did you say "spells"?

[Master] did anyone want to follow up on Indigo's line of thinking/questioning?

[Master] (Foto is a priest so different type of magic than a mage, no books to study etc)

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] It's holy texts.

[Master] (that is excellent)

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] grumbles. Every new god and goddess has its own song and dance and incense to be wavin' about. Still makes me head hurt.

[Mike] not knowing what she was thinking, nope.

[Master] (from earlier in the conversation: Jonny was a regular pony as far as I know. He was part of an adventuring group that was came through town a year or two ago. They were out looking for a hidden temple. They never found anything. At least Jonny never said anything about them finding anything. He came back to town a week or so after they left which is when I found out he could talk. He is willing to help out where people need him to so we allowed him to stay." )

[Mike] right now, all i can think of is how we're in this creepy town in the middle of the mist being lorded over by david bowie and mr ed.

[Master] chuckles

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] snickers.

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) looks at Brother Foto

[Mike] we could talk to the horse on the way out

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] I never went in for that religion stuff. It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.

[Mike] but i get the feeling bowie isn't saying anything or he would have already

[Master] ok

[Master] so wrap up with the late morning break

[Master] you go back down out of the tower

[Master] the path heads out of town to the north on the map as it winds around

[Mike] lets go see jonny i guess

[Master] sending the overhaed to make it easier to see

[Master] I put Shur on the overhead map so you can jump back to it if you want to look at something

[Master] Artiark moved 73'06".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 76'07".

[Master] Imari moved 75'11".

[Master] Wapit moved 69'04".

[Master] Indigo moved 64'02".

[Master] Jonny moved 28'02".

[Master] so Jonny is over there near the tree line

[Master] on the edge of the field, whites of his eyes showing as the hippogriff walks on the other side of the field

[Mike] ::walks between them and to the horse:: "You are the adventurer's horse."

Jonny (Master) stomps a hoof,

[Jonny (Master)] yes

[Jonny (Master)] sort of

[Jonny (Master)] I do not adventure anymore, I live here now

Jonny (Master) edging back a bit

[Mike] "When you did adventure, did your group find a temple?"

[Master] Artiark moved 5'07".

[Master] Imari moved 64'07".

[Master] Jonny moved 3'10".

[Master] Wapit and Brother Fotopoulos moved 58'03".

[Jonny (Master)] I am not sure it was a temple or just a portal to hell

[Jonny (Master)] there were no walls, just a stone floor with engravings on it

[Mike] brb. gotta help mel for a couple

[Jonny (Master)] (Mel is Mike's soon to be wife)

Tristys has left the game on Fri Apr 04 23:46:36 EDT 2014

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Brother Foto has to reboot.

[Jonny (Master)] no worries

Tristys has joined the game on Fri Apr 04 23:47:00 EDT 2014

Tristys is receiving the map Town birds eye view...

Tristys has received the map Town birds eye view.

[Mike] "I see. Did you see a snake head shaped mountain?"

[Tristys] Brother Foto experienced a brief coma and had to be resuscitated.

[Jonny (Master)] A snake head?

[Mike] what were the other landmarks?

[Jonny (Master)] not that I remember

[Mike] "Yes. The temple the lizards are hunting for is near a mountain with a snake head"

[Jonny (Master)] I did not see any lizard men

[Mike] "We heard they came to town, and your lord chased them off."

[Jonny (Master)] it is pretty rare to see any here, yesterday was the first time

[Jonny (Master)] they like to stay where the swamps are closer I think

[Mike] "Did the adventurers do anything at the circles?"

[Jonny (Master)] our priest cast something there

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) hits Brother Foto on the shoulder

[Tristys] I am back at the keyboard.

[Jonny (Master)] it summoned up some I do not know what

[Jonny (Master)] there were rays of magic all around

[Jonny (Master)] one hit me and turned me into a horse

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Aye? We need to find out what that magic, it'll save us having to buy supplies.

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) (to Master only)] I'm pick pocketing Foto

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Wapit: Pick Pockets check:(d100) [1d100=35] 35 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 90!!

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] With that said, I be sorry for your current condition. I know it must be tribulatin' to be a horse.

[Jonny (Master) (to Lollygirlie1-26469 only)] you come up with a small belt pouch with a handful fo copper and silver in it

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] What did this priest look like? Did he carry any holy symbols?

[Jonny (Master)] No one bothers me here

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) (to Master only)] I do it again.

[Jonny (Master)] Our priest?

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Wapit: Pick Pockets check:(d100) [1d100=29] 29 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 90!!

[Jonny (Master)] she was a priest of Aclim

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) (to Master only)] I use my cantrip to create an apple for the talking horse

[Mike] "So as you say, not a temple, but a summoning circle."

[Jonny (Master) (to Lollygirlie1-26469 only)] nothing that time, he is tapped out,

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] And ye be not knowin' what kind of prayer or spell the priest meant to be sayin'?

[Mike] "I do not think the temple we want is back there."

Jonny (Master) looks at Wapit who suddenly has an apple in his hand

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) feeds the apple to the horse

[Jonny (Master)] I think she meant to test the stone slab

Jonny (Master) munch munch

Jonny (Master) munch munch

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) climbs on the horse

Jonny (Master) shies away

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Ye must forgive our Wapit. He be special.

[Jonny (Master)] NO n

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] He means no trouble.

[Jonny (Master)] you do not

[Mike] "You do realize this is a man, not a horse."

[Mike] "You don't just get on him."

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Looks like a horse to me.

[Mike] "He was turned into this form by magic."

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] I think our Wapit wonders if you might be an illusion

Jonny (Master) shakes my head snorting

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Pffft. Magic? That can't happen.

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) creates an apple out of thin aire

[Jonny (Master)] what?

[Jonny (Master)] hmmmm

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] You be claiming that you are a man turned to a horse, but maybe you're what the priest be summining? No offense to ye, of course.

Jonny (Master) mouth hanging open

[Jonny (Master)] Why would she want to summon me?

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) throws the apple into the air and stabs it deftly with a dagger

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Ye could be a demon or suchlike, takin' on an innocent visage to fool us and send us off on a wild good chase.

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] You're a talking you say, yet why couldn't you be a demon?

[Jonny (Master)] well I suppose I thought demons were all huge red monsters

[Jonny (Master)] but I am not telling you where to go

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Demons be crafty, lurin' ye in with things both fascinatin' and strange.

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Ye could be misleading us

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Wait, you were going to tell us where to go? Get on with it, then!

[Jonny (Master)] unless you really want to go find that old temple that killed my friends and changed me

[Jonny (Master)] you asked me about where I went and I was telling you

[Jonny (Master)] you never asked me to tell you where to go

[Jonny (Master)] or/me snorts

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Consider this a request.

[Jonny (Master)] or anything at all

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] /slices apple meaningfully

[Mike] "I'm sorry for these two giving you a hard time."

[Jonny (Master)] you will not hurt me

[Jonny (Master)] Lord Myltar will not take kindly to that

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] Ug...let's just go...

[Mike] ::slices her hand in a negatory gesture at Wapit::

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] Let's hear the horse out

[Mike] "Go ahead. We will catch up."

[Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469)] PFfft.

[Mike] "Now, was there any buildings that youcould see?"

Wapit (Lollygirlie1-26469) plays mumbly peg again

[Jonny (Master)] no, there were no walls, just a large square flat stone floor

[Jonny (Master)] with strange markings on them

[Jonny (Master)] it was two years ago so I do not remember everything perfectly

[Brother Fotopoulos (Tristys)] perks up. Ye remember any of the symbols at all?

[Mike] what do we know about the temple? isn't it by a lake and a snakemountain?

Jonny (Master) shakes his head

[Jonny (Master)] (yes to Mike)

[Master] Do you think this is a good place to pause?

[Master] pick up next week as you are leaving town?

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Yup...sounds good to me!

[Master] if you come up with anything during the week you can do that on the In Character threads

[Master] Tonya and Felicity you can grab me elsewhere for passwords if you want

[Tristys] (Brother Foto is the questioning sort, fwiw)

[Mike] yeah. probably a good idea

[Master] thank you all for being in

[Mike] let the others ask anything they can think of

[Master] feeling good about this now Felicity?

[Tristys] :D

[Master] and Tonya you getting adjusted?

[Lollygirlie1-26469] I think so...

[Tristys] Tonya and me *might_ be a little bit more into role-plaing than you bargained for ;)

[Master] not at all

[Master] will be great

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Darn it. I SHOULD have killed the horse!

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Muahahahaha

[Tristys] NO BAD THIEF

[Master] we have had great nights where it was all roleplaying

[Lollygirlie1-26469] My blade shall drip red!


[Tristys] ahem.

[Master] chuckles there will be chances never fear

[Tristys] as we were saying

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Hokey religions etc etc

[Master] grins

[Mike] remmeber you do rely on those hokey religions for healing

[Tristys] obviously, the thief is a godless heathen

[Mike] unless you want to rest up for a week after one hit in combat

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Not yet, I don't! :)

[Tristys] best be bringing the bandaids, thief

[Lollygirlie1-26469] Anachronism siren!

[Tristys] ...bandages

[Master] there you go

[Master] OK

[Master] have a great night all

[Lollygirlie1-26469] night!

[Tristys] night! thanks for having us

[Master] I will save this and put it up on the site in a moment

[Tristys] oh dear

[Master] looking forward to this

[Mike] night

Mike has left the game on Sat Apr 05 00:08:59 EDT 2014

[Tristys] jackassery immortalized

[Tristys] Night, Bob :)

Lollygirlie1-26469 has left the game on Sat Apr 05 00:09:23 EDT 2014

Tristys has left the game on Sat Apr 05 00:09:32 EDT 2014