Main / Apr0811

Apr 08 11 - Elementary

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 08 18:16:27 EDT 2011 ====

[Master] Imari, Indigo, Scarlet, Foriso Fairhand and Branwyn moved 414'01".

[Master] Indigo moved 37'09".

[Master] Imari moved 50'02".

[Master] Branwyn moved 37'02".

[Master] Scarlet moved 25'11".

[Master] Foriso Fairhand moved 19'01".

Guy has joined the game on Fri Apr 08 18:27:10 EDT 2011

Guy is receiving the map City_Center...

[Master] welcome

[Master] I changed the maps to be smaller sections like they are on the site, to make it faster to load

Guy has received the map City_Center.

[Master] at least I hope it helps with the memory issues

[Guy] howdy

[Master] you having a good week?

[Guy] about as much fun as having 4 impacted wisdom teeth

[Master] man that does sound very tempting

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Apr 08 18:31:44 EDT 2011

Kaz is receiving the map City_Center...

Kaz has received the map City_Center.

[Kaz] Hey

[Master] So there is maybe Marco

[Master] depending on if he has power

[Kaz] Okay, I have to go get some stuff so we can do the dinner thing. Back shortly!

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] ok

[Master] I will get drinks then be right back up and we can start when you get back

[Guy] okies

[Master] we have the option of jumping back in time to deal with Toybin if you want

[Master] or just keeping it focused on teh here and now

[Guy] well mikes not here so toybin might live a little longer lol

[Guy] no lisa or mike?

[Master] nope

[Master] both at parties

[Guy] bah

[Master] BARF is where Mike is, the Tampa Ren Fair

[Guy] ok i wouldnt mind being there lol

[Master] is the last of the season

[Master] Miami, here, and then Tampa

[Master] plus Pirate days also

[Master] now everyone travels up north to venues up there

[Master] the 19th I hope to have him over here to watch Game of Thrones

[Master] that looks really good

[Guy] ill have to find out when the ren fair is in st louis

[Master] my new computer is really nice

[Master] Klooge up and running, playing music, and MLB up in a different window

[Master] only 25% CPU

[Guy] nice

[Master] I never did think to ask are you as Cards fan? or a Cubs fan?

[Guy] dbacks

[Master] why them?

[Master] and that feels like de jevu

[Guy] been a dbacks fan since the team first formed

[Guy] i even got to go to thestadium and see them play the giants the first year

[Master] playing Taxman

[Guy] and why deja vu?

[Master] seems appropriate

[Guy] lol

[Guy] thats next week

[Master] because it seems like you told me it was not one of the local teams before

[Master] after you said it

[Guy] lol

[Master] she must be making some kind of dinner

[Guy] i like the cubs but not as much as the dback

[Guy] shes trying to noyt kill cats

[Master] don't you have to kill them if you are going to cook them?

[Master] or are they like lobsters?

[Guy] im not even gonna let that one go any further lol

[Master] grins

[Master] I live in a different state, I can get away with it

[Guy] its not that, that comment could send this topic right into the gutter

[Master] chuckles

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] wb

[Kaz] nice try Bob. I just booked my flight to come kill you.

[Master] grins

[Master] might be cheaper to drive

[Guy] lol

[Master] so do you two want to jump back in time and talk with Toybin? or let that rest until you finish and come back?

[Kaz] not with gas prices where they are.

[Kaz] we're talking about it

[Kaz] I don't really care which we do, though I don't think I'm in the mood to deal with Toybin.

[Kaz] I'd rather figure out a mystery than talk to a brick wall.

[Master] ok

[Kaz] ... make that a Self-righteous brick wall.

[Guy] lol

[Master] he does believe in himself

[Guy] and foriso is perfectly willing to let the paladins test him

[Guy] since he doesnt feel like he did anything wrong

[Master] Kristelle moved 236'06".

[Master] Foriso Fairhand moved 284'05".

[Master] Miranda moved 223'01".

[Kaz] there's a difference between believing in yourself and in believing your feelings are the only correct ones.

[Master] smiles,

[Master] he was learning, he was only with the group for 5 days or so

[Master] but moving on

[Master] what do you need to be caught up on what is happening now Kaz?

[Kaz] I think so. I didn't get a chance to read the thing from last week before game tonight.

[Kaz] And I didn't think of it before that.

[Master] you want to go read that now? is one chunk

[Master] I can copy to here if you want

[Kaz] sure.

[Kaz] yes, please

[Master] I have a problem that I need a set of outside eyes to look at. The Religious Council will not believe any findings put out by the Administrative Council unless we have someone outside of the City Watch look into this.

[Master] We have a madman somewhere in the city. And a queer madness he has too. You wouldn't think there was anyone living at this time of day who had such a hatred of Letizia the First that he would break any image of her that he could see. Which is unusual in itself but then, when the man commits burglary in order to break images which are not his own, that brings it away from the priest and doctor and on to the city watch.

[Master] The first case reported was four days ago. It was at the shop of Morse Hudson, who has a place for the sale of pictures and statues on Kennington Road in the Old City. The assistant had left the front shop for an instant, when he heard a crash, and hurrying in he found a plaster bust of Letizia, which stood with several other works of art upon the counter, lying shivered into fragments. He rushed out into the road, but, although several passers-by declared that they had noticed a man run out of the shop, he could neither see anyone nor could he find any means of identifying the rascal. It seemed to be one of those senseless acts of Hooliganism which occur from time to time, and it was reported to the constable on the beat as such. The plaster cast was not worth more than a couple of silvers, and the whole affair appeared to be too childish for any particular investigation.

[Master] The second case, however, was more serious, and also more singular. It occurred only last night.

[Master] On Kennington Road, and within a fifty yards of Morse Hudson's shop, there lives a well-known medical practitioner, named Dr. Barnicot, who has one of the largest practices upon the the Old City. His residence and principal consulting-room is at Kennington Road but he has a branch surgery and dispensary at Lower Brixton Road in the South End. This Dr. Barnicot is an enthusiastic admirer of Letizia, and his house is full of books, pictures, and relics of the woman. Some little time ago he purchased from Morse Hudson two duplicate plaster casts of the famous head of Letizia by the half-elf sculptor, Devine. One of these he placed in his hall in the house at Kennington Road, and the other on the mantelpiece of the surgery at Lower Brixton. Well, when Dr. Barnicot came down this morning he was astonished to find that his house had been burgled during the night, but that nothing had been taken save the plaster head from the hall. It had been carried out and had been dashed savagely against the garden wall, under which its splintered fragments were discovered.

[Master] This is certainly novel and curious but I have not got to the end yet. Dr. Barnicot was due at his surgery at the fourth bell, and you can imagine his amazement when, on arriving there, he found that the window had been opened in the night, and that the broken pieces of his second bust were strewn all over the room. It had been smashed to bits where it stood. In neither case were there any signs which could give us a clue as to the criminal or lunatic who had done the mischief. Now, you have got the facts of what has happened.

[Master] If you can find this madman and bring them to justice I will have the council pay for one of your group's training needs. I presume you are staying in the city? Where can I reach you in the morning?

[Master] and I will leave out the April Fools part of the Map and the lyrics dealing with the street you are on

[Kaz] whew, done reding.

[Kaz] reading, too.

[Master] sounds fun?

[Kaz] Sounds interesting.

[Master] you have one of Professor Watson's regulars, the Clerk Lestrade

[Master] he accompanied you to your inn to see where you were staying for the night

[Kaz] Is it Professor Watson who gave us the above information?

[Master] yes

[Kaz] Okay. And in the morning, we have two appointments? The group with Lestrade and Foriso with the little pickpocket?

[Master] yes

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (i could ask the thieves about the busts being destroyed)

[Kaz] Okay. Kristelle and Miranda can meet with Lestrade while Foriso does his roguely thing, and then Scarlet can join with Lestrade if Marco is able to log in.

[Master] I have more before morning

[Master] grins

[Kaz] How late was it when we went to the inn?

[Master] Foriso Fairhand XP award: 500. Next level in 27327.

[Master] Kristelle XP award: 500. Next level in 17585.

[Master] time is close, around 7 pm it is late evening,

[Master] dark

[Master] so you are getting back to the town square

[Master] you enter the square, your inn is there at the end, when the crowd around you murmers and parts

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks around carefully

[Master] Make Way for Prince Tapio

[Master] loud voices calling

[Master] and suddenly it is broad daylight around you

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] as right in front of your Inn four large men bring up a sedan chair

[Master] continual light on each finial

Kristelle (Kaz) raises an eyebrow and looks around.

[Master] two young men run in front and layout a large velvet cloth on the ground

[Master] both call out loudly, SANCTUARY CANCTUARY

[Master] as an older man steps down out of the sedan chair and onto the large square of velvet

[Master] everyone in the area bows in respect

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] interesting

[Priest (Master)] You

[Priest (Master)] pointing at your group

[Priest (Master)] show proper respect for Prince Tapio

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] prince tapioca

Kristelle (Kaz) gives the Priest an amused look and gives the prince a bow no deeper than the minimum required by society, while Miranda curtsies.

[Priest (Master)] nods, good,

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) nods his head

[Priest (Master)] please make your self useful and go inside to get out

[Priest (Master)] oh, Lestrade,

[Priest (Master)] sooo good to see you

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bob, that sentence made no sense.))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] go stuff your head in an incense holder

[Priest (Master)] perhaps you can answer a few questions for us then if you are here as the lacky for your master

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] Actually I am very late for an appointment already, I am sorry I have to bid you good evening Prince,

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] a curt nod,

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] but I am sure you are here to speak with these good folk, these are the Dragonslayers

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] and I will see you in the morning I do hope, he says to Kristelle and Foriso

[Master] Clerk Lestrade moved 76'10".

[Master] Prince Tapio moved 10'11".

Prince Tapio (Master) shakes his head

[Prince Tapio (Master)] We will go inside to have some modicum of privacy

[Prince Tapio (Master)] gestures to the two young priests

[Prince Tapio (Master)] and they unroll a red carpet into the Inn

[Prince Tapio (Master)] he picks up a staff that has continual light on the end

[Prince Tapio (Master)] and into the Inn they walk

[Master] leaving you all standing outside

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what a pompous idiot

[Generic Guard (Master)] and one who can kill you with a gesture, you best behave

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) tawns at the threat

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((and yawns too lol))

[Generic Guard (Master)] looks at Kristelle, you might want to control this one, or you will be colateral damage

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks at the guard and narrows his eyes

Kristelle (Kaz) shrugs.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] He does as he does, he's not mine to control.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] that sounds like a threat

[Generic Guard (Master)] sorry for that then, looks Foriso up and down, anyone have dibs on that cloak?

Kristelle (Kaz) snorts, then laughs.

Generic Guard (Master) shrugs, not a threat from me,

[Generic Guard (Master)] but you keep the Prince waiting like this and you will have to pay one way or another

[Kristelle (Kaz)] How are we keeping him waiting? I heard no request to join him.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] any time you think you are man enough to take my cloak you are welcome to try

Generic Guard (Master) laughs

[Generic Guard (Master)] I think I will stay back here then

[Generic Guard (Master)] I have no idea who you are,

[Generic Guard (Master)] but I will be surprised to see you again

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thats right you dont, and ill be around for a while

[Generic Guard (Master)] walks off shaking head and muttering about country folk

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((seriously Bob, was there some mention that we should join the Prince? Did I miss something?))

[Master] Lestrade introduced you adn then the Prince said he was going inside to have get some privacy

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Aaannnnndddd..... that pertains to us how? I'm not trying to be a nudge, I just don't see how that had anythign to do with us.))

[Master] chuckles, rulers of the city happen to show up at the Inn you are staying at

[Master] you can make a good guess that it has something to do with you

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((wow, we're really full of ourselves!!))

[Master] lol

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((sorry, Kristelle doesn't think the world revolves around her or the Dragonslayers, and neither do I, so I didn't make that assumption. Okay, then!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, let's go see what's going on.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((thats ok foriso thinks the world revolves aropund the dragonslayers lol))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I think Foriso just think the world revolves around Foriso.))

Priest (Master) waiting inside the door

Kristelle (Kaz) steps into the inn, followed by Miranda.

[Priest (Master)] The Prince is in the common room

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Thank you.

[Priest (Master)] he escorts you through a door on the left

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) strolls into the inn

[Master] allt he chairs and tables have been quickly pushed to the side

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((We're gonna have a dance!!! WOOT))

[Master] a large red velvet square is out on the floor, with the Prince sitting in a chair at the far side

[Master] one priest on his left side

[Master] the other with you

[Master] the room full lit by continual light

[Priest (Master)] SANCTUARY

Kristelle (Kaz) raises her eyebrow at the priest, then looks at Miranda, who smiles.

[Priest (Master)] and he walks onto the red square

[Priest (Master)] and takes his place on the other side of the Prince

[Priest (Master)] the three of them looking at you

[Master] there is no sign of the bartender, wenches, staff or anyone

[Master] they have all disapeared

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) rolls his eyes at the theatrics

Kristelle (Kaz) Your Highness wished to see us?

[Priest (Master)] coughs, are you claiming sanctuary?

Kristelle (Kaz) gives the Priest a look of surprise.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Sanctuary? From what?

Kristelle (Kaz) frowns, obviously puzzled.

[Priest (Master)] (Miranda would know that lots of people claim sanctuary in any holy place and apparently his velvet square counts as a holy place

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I know about Sanctuary, just not what it has to do with the Dragonslayers.))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] by the gods Im tired of this nonsense, either tell us what you want or let us retire to our rooms so we can sleep.

[Priest (Master)] chokes

Kristelle (Kaz) rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Foriso."

[Prince Tapio (Master)] Am I to understand you are declining the right of sanctuary and you are insulting me as well?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Prince I grew up around this type of ritual I disliked it then and I dislike it now, Im not trying to insult you merely all the rituals that prevent people from talking plainly

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Your Highness, I don't understand about the Sanctuary. Is there a reason we need it that I'm unaware of? Or does it have a special meaning here?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) gives the Prince a half bow

[Prince Tapio (Master)] the law of Sanctuary is woven into the fabric of life here in Loosend

[Prince Tapio (Master)] if you have requested Sanctuary in a holy place you can not be denied

[Prince Tapio (Master)] and unless great injury is done you may not be harmed

Kristelle (Kaz) nods in understanding.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] how ever if you do not request Sanctuary then a person is free to do as they will with you

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] the reverse also holds true your highness

[Prince Tapio (Master)] not at all, not in this city while the Gods rule, the law of Sanctuary will override all others

[Kristelle (Kaz)] So, it is a way for people to feel safe and to be safe while within the city, do I understand that correctly?

[Prince Tapio (Master)] yes, very clearly put

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Thank you for eplaining, Your Highness. Yes, we request Sanctuary.

[Master] (BRB)

[Master] b

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I really hate these stupid rituals

[Prince Tapio (Master)] yet you have sanctuary now

[Prince Tapio (Master)] so I can not squash you like the bug you are

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I can see why that idiot Watson hired you

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at the Prince

[Prince Tapio (Master)] you will make a mess of this investigation, then when it does not get solved he thinks he will be held blameless

[Prince Tapio (Master)] but it will not matter, I will hold him accountable

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] No offense your highness but we are much better on the job than you might think

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Let it go, Foriso.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] you do not even understand Sanctuary, how to you propose to solve an investigation

[Prince Tapio (Master)] do you understand why Watson and the adminstrative council hired you?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We are actually pretty good with puzzles. And, in most places, Sanctuary is not something that is required unless you are actively being pursued.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] and if you are pursuing someone and they claim sanctuary?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] they had better hope they can open their mouth faster than we can close it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] They are safe as long as they remain in the holy place where they claimed Sanctuary.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I fail to see how you will solve this problem

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We might surprise you. Or we might not.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] but that is not your problem, the Council of Churches will prevail

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((brb))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Do you wish us not to solve the problem? Or you merely think we are incapable of doing so?

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I do very much wish this solved

Kristelle (Kaz) nods.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] but I do not think that Watson would have hired someone who can

[Prince Tapio (Master)] this is all a show for him

Kristelle (Kaz) nods in sudden understanding.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] then you know what since you seem to think your blasted council of churches is so infallible then you solve the problem and I for one will sit back and laugh when you come up empty

Kristelle (Kaz) rolls her eyes again. "Shut up, Foriso."

[Prince Tapio (Master)] we are not infallible, only undefeatable

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] No Kristelle Im tired of this popinjay looking down his nose at us and thinking that because we choose to live by our swords that he is better than we are

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I am better than you because I can kill you with a word

[Kristelle (Kaz)] That doesn't make you better, merely stronger.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] if it wasnt for people like us how many of these "people" would evenb have the positions they have right now

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I am in this posistion because I killed those who stood in my way

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Yes, I know someone who wanted to do the same thing.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] you are perfectly right if it wasn't for people like you I would not be here

[Kristelle (Kaz)] He was a Yuan-Ti. An evil creature.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I doubt very much you actually stooped toi soiling your dainty little hands

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I, for one, prefer not to be compared to an evil creature. But that is just me.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And it is besides the point.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] Evil like Good has its place in the world

[Prince Tapio (Master)] you are very provincial

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It does have its place in the world.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You may call us provincial, if you like. I am not insulted.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] You have no idea what proincial truly is.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] you sound like a knight thinking you know right from wrong

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I am also not an idiot.

Kristelle (Kaz) laughs

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We know a knight who thinks he knows right from wrong.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The truth, Prince Tapio, is that the world is coloured in varying shades of grey.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((damn forisos elvish side is comingh out bad toinight lol)

[Prince Tapio (Master)] exactly Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We all know that and accept it.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] and the sooner you see that the longer you will live

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I will not interfeer with your attempts at investigating

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I have already seen that, obviously. My mother taught me as a child, the truth of the world.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thats right you wont

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you will sit back keep your mouth closed and let the real work be done by others

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head slightly.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] that all people like yuou ever do

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Since we don't actually know him, you should probably refrain from making such sweeping remarks, Foriso.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] In any case, I'm sure the Prince realises that any interference his people might do would make Watson cry 'foul'.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It's really in his best interests to let us fail on our own. *turns back to the Prince* Isn't that the way of it, Your Highness?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Muscles he reminds me of my father, the same ego the same pompousness and in some ways the same stupidity

Kristelle (Kaz) shrugs

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Everyone must live their life, Foriso. No matter what I say to you, do I ever really try to force you not to be yourself?

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I do believe that you will do your best, I hear you are working for quite a reward

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I have no clue!! LOL))

[Prince Tapio (Master)] (free training for one person)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Niiiiiiice))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] tell me Prince what are your relations like with Prince Sanjial Skysinger?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We would do our best for even a lesser reward. We do not try harder for more money.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I have not heard of such a person

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] shame you sound so much like him I guess you arent as worldy as you think you are

[Prince Tapio (Master)] they would be an imposter I know all the Princes Dukes and Barons within 500 miles of the city

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Your father the Prince lives quite far from here. I'm not surprised Prince Tapio doesn't know him.

[Priest (Master)] may I your highness?

Prince Tapio (Master) nods

[Kristelle (Kaz)] One simply cannot know every Prince in the world.

Priest (Master) casts a short spell

[Priest (Master)] and a circular window appears in the room,

[Priest (Master)] looking in on Foriso's Father as he is eating dinner at a rustic table

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) spits on the ground at the sight of his father

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Foriso! Not on the floor...

Kristelle (Kaz) sighs.

[Prince Tapio (Master)] I take it this is the person you think I should know

[Prince Tapio (Master)] why would I care about an elf out in the wilderness

Kristelle (Kaz) looks at Prince Sanjial with disdain.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks at the prince with pure hate showing in his eyes

[Prince Tapio (Master)] he is no Prince of the Faith

Kristelle (Kaz) laughs

[Prince Tapio (Master)] (anyone with religion?)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((let me check Miranda))

[Prince Tapio (Master)] brb

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((nope))

[Prince Tapio (Master)] b

Priest (Master) drops his spell

Kristelle (Kaz) looks at Prince Tapio, amused.

[Priest (Master)] Very wel

[Priest (Master)] please step back

[Master] they pick up the roll of carpet again and lead out the door with it

[Master] and the Prince exits to his waiting sedan chair

Kristelle (Kaz) watches them go, then shrugs.

[Master] the room suddenly plunges into darkness

[Master] as the continual light leaves the room

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I hope they drop him on his and break his damn fool neck

[Master] and a long low wistle from behind the bar

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((on his head))

[Master] You are either the bravest or the stupidest person I have ever seen

[Master] or maybe both

Kristelle (Kaz) shrugs.

[Su (Master)] standing up

[Kristelle (Kaz)] He's probably both.

[Su (Master)] shakes her head

[Su (Master)] the CLAPS her hands together


[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I hate people like that

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Clap on, clap off!))

[Su (Master)] and suddenly several people pop out of the shadows and set up the room gagin

[Su (Master)] torches are lit

[Su (Master)] so who are you folk exactly?

[Su (Master)] I get that he is some elven half breed who hates his father and you are Kristelle

[Su (Master)] but beyond that

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head in bemusement.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We are the Dragonslayers Company.

[Su (Master)] Cheers go up in the room

Kristelle (Kaz) looks around, startled.

[Generic Guard (Master)] really!

[Generic Guard (Master)] Dragonslayers Company!

[Generic Guard (Master)] what action are you back from?

[Generic Guard (Master)] were you at the battle of Derlink?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) turns around fast with his sword half drawn

[Generic Guard (Master)] I heard that was a nasty bit of fighting last spring

Kristelle (Kaz) rests her hand on Foriso's shoulder.

[Generic Guard (Master)] DRINKS DRINKS

[Generic Guard (Master)] Dragonslayers

[Generic Guard (Master)] come here and pull up a chair

[Generic Guard (Master)] so what brings you here to the City?

[Generic Guard (Master)] Tell us about Derlink!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Your pardon. We are part of the Dragonslayers Company, detached from the main and given special assignment. ((Bob, I'm not pulling out the words I'm trying to think of, so please don't turn this into a patch of quicksand.))

[Master] several different voices calling out

[Master] (grins, ok)

[Master] OOOOHHHH special detached

[Master] that must mean you are someone special then

[Master] who are you guarding?

Kristelle (Kaz) smiles.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Certainly no more special than any other Dragonslayer, that's for certain.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We've been lately based in the Jistille Estates.

[Gnome (Master)] so how is the pay for the Dragonslayers?

[Gnome (Master)] Jistille Estates? never heard of that place

[Gnome (Master)] it must be horribly out into the wilderness

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It is a few weeks' travel to the (insert direction here).

Kristelle (Kaz) grins.

[Gnome (Master)] (SE)

[Gnome (Master)] (and 11 days just over a week)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I grew up in the wilderness.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] weve already fought 3 dragons

[Gnome (Master)] oooooo

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) chuckles

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Okay, then pretend I said the right thing, will you? lol))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] of course we ran from the first one, and defeated the second one and the third one ran from us

[Gnome (Master)] fought dragons has the sound of LOOK THERE'S A DRAGON, RUN!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Nothing wrong with the wilderness. For one thing, it's not filled with people.

Kristelle (Kaz) grins at Su.

[Gnome (Master)] now killing dragons

[Gnome (Master)] (this is some gnome in the crowd)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] killing dragons is not as easy as it sounds

[Kristelle (Kaz)] They ran from us, nearly dead, and we were happy they did.

[Generic Guard (Master)] but I hear dragons kill easy as it sounds

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Dragons are no picnic.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] that red dragon you would have run from as well

[Generic Guard (Master)] what red dragon?

Kristelle (Kaz) shudders.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] She killed so many. I've never seen a dragon that big before. She was old, very old.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And very, very nasty.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Libellula Saturata

[Generic Guard (Master)] well everyone knows that the Reds,.... oooo

Kristelle (Kaz) shudders again.

[Generic Guard (Master)] the evil girl her self

[Generic Guard (Master)] well that was the battle of the dragon!

[Generic Guard (Master)] Yeah yeah

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah running away was the only thing we could have done at the time

[Kristelle (Kaz)] That was our first day in training, too.

[Generic Guard (Master)] that was down in Drillian last season

[Generic Guard (Master)] she is a might nasty you could say

Kristelle (Kaz) nods at the guard. "I DO say."

[Generic Guard (Master)] I hear she destroyed a whole town before she had her leg wacked off

[Generic Guard (Master)] what I would have given to see that

[Generic Guard (Master)] coughs, well to see it from a good hill a bit of a ways off

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Sergeant Snowfoot shoved us in a cellar and told us to take care of any survivors.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at the guard

[Generic Guard (Master)] (wrong names but good try!)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And no one ever came. I can't imagine how many she killed.

[Generic Guard (Master)]

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Well.... pretend I said the right names. This game is ALL about pretending!!))

[Generic Guard (Master)] Oh I hear she killed over 25 men that day before she was driven off

[Generic Guard (Master)] that was a bit to do for quite a while

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head sadly.

[Generic Guard (Master)] so what brings you to the City?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] she did plenty of damage thats for sure

Kristelle (Kaz) glances over at Miranda, who ducks her head and blushes.

[Su (Master)] Hey Jute, you going to pay and drink or just keep flapping your mouth tonight?

[Master] and general laughter goes up in the bar

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Apr 08 20:42:34 EDT 2011

BiBo!!! is receiving the map City_Center...

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Yay Marco!!))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((hiya marco how was the newest quake?))

BiBo!!! has received the map City_Center.

[BiBo!!!] ((newest quake was fun, sorry I am late, was up late working and ended up sleeping in))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((No sleep for you!!))

[Master] smiles

[Master] Time of Day: 09:00 PM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 4th, 339 SKR.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((you missed foriso going off on a pompous prince lol))

[BiBo!!!] ((I was at work from 10 am til 1am yesterday. exhaustion has a new definition))

[Master] too bad marco was not here to help

[Master] and why so long?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((that's all we needed. Foriso AND Scarlet going off on a pompous prince.))

[BiBo!!!] ((was doing some translation work. boss decided that one week was enough time to translate a 75 page instruction manual and yesterday was the deadline))

[BiBo!!!] ((yeah, when scarlet goes off, it involves literal explosions))

[Master] well I was thinking they could have used help with religion

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((they can still ask her about it later, in their room))

[Master] speaking of which

[Master] you can all retire there

[Master] you only have the one room for all of you

[Master] is about 15 by 15

[BiBo!!!] ((we are retiring? we got that much money?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((big enough to sleep in, even if we have to snuggle a bit.))

[Master] Oh if you get BBC there Marco, tomorrow is a new series called Filthy Cities

[Master] starts with London, then Paris, then New York

[Master] is a historical look at conditions in cities through the ages

[Master] looks very cool

[Master] it is on BBC america here

[BiBo!!!] ((london IS pretty filthy...))

[Master] heh you should see some of the images of medievil times

[Master] but

[Master] you are all in your room upstairs

[Master] you want to brief Marco on what you found out?

[Master] any simple questions to ask?

[BiBo!!!] (( yeah, quick brief ))

Kristelle (Kaz) settles in to the room and starts telling Scarlet about the meeting with Prince Pompousass

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((brb))

[Master] chuckles ok Guy you brief him

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] the prince seemns to think we will fail in our job and hes going to hold watson responsible

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] personally i think the prince is going to wake up one morning with his priests head in his bed and his stupid red rug shoved down his throat

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((sorry))

Kristelle (Kaz) drops her head into her hands and shakes it.

[BiBo!!!] we ever find out why this job couldnt be handled by the guard? the council wants a third party to do it sounds fishy to me

[Kristelle (Kaz)] In any case, he mentioned something about how a different Prince is not a "Prince of the Faith".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] He was very disdainful about it.

[Master] I will give scarlett an intuition check on that

[BiBo!!!] Scarlet: INU check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[BiBo!!!] go me


[Master] the Suomi faith is King, Prince, Duke, etc

[Master] a Prince of the faith is at least 10th level

[Master] or rather can cast 5th level spells

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((So he's not a ROYAL Prince, he's a religious prince.))

[BiBo!!!] he could school us all

[Master] he walks around with his own portable church

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm sure there's still a crowd down in the common room. Do you want to talk to a guard about what's going on with this job we're to do?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Maybe get some information that neither the 'prince' nor the professor will tell us.

[BiBo!!!] I am more concerned as to why they dont want the guard involved

[BiBo!!!] it IS their job to find thieves after all

[Kristelle (Kaz)] This is not a thief.

[BiBo!!!] vandal

[BiBo!!!] whatever

[Kristelle (Kaz)] A thief does not break a bit of statuary and leave without stealing something.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I think we need to find out who else Morse Hudson sold busts to.

[BiBo!!!] yeah, but hes clearly either insane or breaking them to steal something that is hidden inside them. We need to find the other copies of the statue.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((great minds, Marco))

[Master] and the busts are of who?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] liziad or something like that

[BiBo!!!] ((some famous guy who started the town))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Letizia the First))

[Master] female

[Master] Letizia the First - one of the early council members of the city, she was widely scorned for opposing the policy of Sanctuary

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Interesting))

[BiBo!!!] ((not sure that who she was is important here though))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((almost as though they are saying, "Ha ha, you don't want sanctuary so I am killing (breaking) you!"))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((makes me tapioca may be behind it lol)

[Master] and who owned the second and third busts?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i cannot type tonight))

[BiBo!!!] ((probably rich people opposed to sancuary))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((A medical doctor))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((No, one guy owned both of them. Had one in his home and one in his medical office.))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (there were 2 different people so far

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((the thing is, he has all kinds of pictures and statues of her, but only the two busts were ... busted.))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((screw it, going in character with this.))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Now, the first bust belonged to the man who sold these things. A shop full of statuary but only that bust is broken.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The next two were owned by a doctor, a man who collects items depicting Letizia the First, yet only the two busts were broken.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I don't believe it's a madman or non-mad man who dislikes Letizia. I'm not sure it has anythign to do with Letizia, specifically. Just those busts.

[BiBo!!!] "Then we can rule out insane and assume the vandal has a purpose"

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] They weren't just broken, either. They were shattered to splinters.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wonder what they were made of? Not carved stone, not if they were so thoroughly shattered.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] That would take quite a while.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "So we can assume they needed to get something from inside, still need to figure out what it is. They are plaster I though."

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) paces back and forth

Kristelle (Kaz) frowns.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It is worth spending some coin to find out what we can from the guards downstairs, don't you think?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We don't have to offer them coin, just offer to buy some rounds.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "I suppose, though if the council doesnt want them involved, they may not know much."

[Kristelle (Kaz)] But they may know WHY the council doesn't want them involved.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The so-called prince seemed to think it was because Watson expects us to fail and then he will be held blameless.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm wondering if it's actually because Watson thinks outsiders have a better chance of unraveling it.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And perhaps not being intimidated by the Church council...

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "or that he doesnt want the guard finding what is in these busts..."

[Kristelle (Kaz)] That could very well be.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "My biggest concern is that we are being set up here."

[Master] brb nyrma is home

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thats a given the only question is by which faction

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Our employer just seems too suspicious"

[Master] b

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "But we arent going to find out anything here. Lets go find out where the other copies of the bust are so we can try and catch the vandal in the act"

[Master] that will have to wait till morning when Lestrade comes to help you find your way around the city

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and the guards will arrest you as being the vandal

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I doubt we will find Morse Hudson ready to speak this late at night.

[Master] no one even asked him where the streets are that were mentioned let alone where the people live on them

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] sheesh what did we do today?

[Master] this is about 2 hours after the end of last session, grins

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((its still the nioght after leaving the dinner))

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] it is? oh

[Master] between both sessions has been about 4 to 5 hours

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] then lets get some guards drunk or go to bed

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Guards

[Master] Ok so you wander down to the common room

[Su (Master)] is something wrong?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((are the other people still down there?))

[Su (Master)] (there are a couple of people around still yes)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] (( is su a guard or what?))

[Su (Master)] (bartender)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Probably. When isn't something wrong?

Kristelle (Kaz) grins

[Su (Master)] chuckles

[Su (Master)] your group already has everyone talking

[Su (Master)] of course you have a good name so that helps

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "We do? What did we do thats so interesting?"

[Su (Master)] surviving an audience with the Prince without any lighning bolts is a good start

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((the dragonslayers name))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] the prince isnt nearly as tough as he thinks he is

[Su (Master)] shakes her head, I would wager he is a lot tougher than anyone thinks

[Su (Master)] I cannot even guess at how many people he has seriously hurt in the last year

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head sadly.

[Su (Master)] I heard he took on three rivals in the arena

[Su (Master)] all at the same time

[Su (Master)] they used a broom on two of them

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm sure he can be quite nasty, even if Foriso is not convinced.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "They have an arena in town? Fun!"

[Su (Master)] shrugs, he seems a fair go though, don't cross him and he does not come looking for trouble

[Su (Master)] unliek the damn adminstrator council that seems to come up with a new tax every month

[Su (Master)] how can they say they are broke, they have been collecting money hand over fist

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh?

[Su (Master)] but that is the Council for you, always tax this, tax that, you are a good citizen, here have some bread

[Su (Master)] I have been broken into twice in the last month

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] i hope somebody tries tonight in the mood Im in right now there wont be a need for the guard

[Kristelle (Kaz)] What was taken?

[Su (Master)] nothign was taken the first time, I found them sleeping in the common room and kicked them out

[Su (Master)] the second time someone tried to get some of my ale, they broached a small cask, spilled half of it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] What a waste.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Caught both times?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Gave en a good wallup did you?"

[Su (Master)] no, caught the first two

[Su (Master)] gave them a licking

[Su (Master)] little scoundrals

[Su (Master)] the other git I never did lay my hands on they must have slipped out the back before I came upstairs

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "I guess the guards are useless where ever you go eh?"

[Su (Master)] Oh they do the best they can I suppose

[Su (Master)] I can't hardly pay them too much for extra protectoin

[Su (Master)] and those little thieves always seem to find a way to escape

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "If they were any good, you wouldnt have to."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "They should just do their job."

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) goes and sits in a corner of the room and watches everybody and everything

[Su (Master)] I think the watch is doing their job

[Su (Master)] it is hard to catch the little gits when they jump in and out of churches all day long

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((is it common knowledge that we are doing this investigation btw?))

[Su (Master)] to her yes, she was hiding behidn the bar when the Prince was talking with you

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "If they are so useful, why do you suppose the council would hire outsiders to catch vandals?"

[Su (Master)] well I gather you are working for the administrative council

[Su (Master)] and the Prince is part of the Council of Churches

[Su (Master)] they are at odds on almost everything in the city

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Your government at work, folks.

[Su (Master)] (grins)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Speaking of which, you ever hear about these busted busts?"

[Su (Master)] no clue what you are talking about

[Su (Master)] must be something that you were hired for?

[Su (Master)] it is a big city, no way anyone can keep track of everything

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Yes. It's the current source of contention between the councils, apparently.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Fair enough. Was wondering if they were particularly well known or something."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Seems not."

[Su (Master)] chuckles, you landing right between the millstone and the grinder then

[Su (Master)] what busts are you talking about?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Some plaster replicas of a bust to levitivit the first."

Kristelle (Kaz) chuckles. "Letizia the FIrst"

[Su (Master)] Replicas?

[Su (Master)] how would you make a replica of a bust?

[Su (Master)] oh Letizia

[Su (Master)] that old git? who cares about her anymore

[Su (Master)] other than her birthday that is

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "You make a cast, fill it with plaster, not all that hard."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Is it coming up soon?"

[Su (Master)] thinks, no the festival of the founding is in 4 more months

[Su (Master)] fill it with plaster,

[Su (Master)] why not just have a priest create a new one?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Because they want something that looks exactly the same I suppose."

[Su (Master)] likely some artsy fartsy thing

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "I am not much of an art collector myself."

[Su (Master)] only art I care about is what is on the coins you pay with

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Yeah. Still, I dont suppose you might know someone who might be skilled at something like that? Someone who might have been comissioned to make them?"

[Su (Master)] sorry governor

[Su (Master)] no clue on that

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "How about someone who might know where to look?"

[Su (Master)] I suppose if you go over to the old city, lots of rich folk there, they would know

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Thanks, thats helpful."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((I thought there were supposed to be guards down here, they cleared out then?))

[Su (Master)] (just a couple of people drifting out now

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Well its getting late, thanks for the chat. Hope to do it again soon." :: leaves a gold on the bar and goes to bed ::

[Su (Master)] picks up the coin suspiciously

[Su (Master)] weighs it in her hand, looking at Scarlett then back at the group

[Su (Master)] you sure you all will be ok tonight?

[Su (Master)] don't burn my place down ok?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We certainly don't plan to.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((scarlet never makes any promises not to burn anything down))

[Su (Master)] so sleeping the night?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] yep

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 5th, 339 SKR.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] /ME POUND POUND POUND ON THE DOOR

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] WAKE UP

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] WAKE UP

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((brb))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Shut up or die

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] there has been a development

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((wait which door?)

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] (the door to your room upstairs)

Kristelle (Kaz) grabs her sword in hand and eases the door open.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ok never mind lol foriso never left his corner))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Do tell, Lestrade.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] Lady Kristelle, there has been a murder!

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] and it was over another bust of Letizia the First!

Kristelle (Kaz) raises an eyebrow.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Murder, is it?

Kristelle (Kaz) sighs.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] it happened over at an appartment on Pitt Street over on the Street of Scholars

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Without drama, and with detail, please tell us.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] I do not know

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] the watch found it this morning and called me

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] I can running to get you when I heard about the bust

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] I can take you there now

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] or you can meet me there

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] go to the gate to the North End turn right onto wall street go to the end of wall and turn right onto Mapilty way. At the end of Mapilty Pitt Street veers right and Bryant veers left.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] Mr Harker lives in an appartment at the end of the street

Kristelle (Kaz) looks around. "Everyone ready now?"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((was he a chemist?))

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] everyone going?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'll go get Foriso.

[Master] Clerk Lestrade moved 630'03".

[Master] Miranda, Kristelle, Scarlet and Foriso Fairhand moved 503'05".

Kristelle (Kaz) slips out of the room and down to the common room, finding Foriso in his corner.

[Master] Clerk Lestrade moved 194'04".

[Master] Foriso Fairhand moved 75'04".

[Master] Scarlet moved 111'02".

[Master] Kristelle moved 120'03".

[Master] Clerk Lestrade moved 50'05".

[Master] Kristelle, Scarlet, Miranda and Foriso Fairhand moved 70'09".

[Master] Time of Day: 07:15 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 5th, 339 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 07:30 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 5th, 339 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 07:45 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 5th, 339 SKR.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] when you are all gathered around there

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] at the end of Pitt street

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] you find a dead gnome laying on the ground

Kristelle (Kaz) carefully examines the dead gnome.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "This is gnome place to be laying around."

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] groan

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head absently and tries to ignore Scarlet.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Is this Mr. Harker?

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] OH no

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] Mr Harker is the gentleman who discovered the body

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] Mr Harker is inside

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Any clue who this is?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] gnome body important I assume

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] no that is why I called you, it seemed relevent to your investigation

Kristelle (Kaz) shoots Foriso a dirty look, then starts to go through the dead man's belongings and pockets.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Does the gnome have a gname?"

[Master] nothing with a name on it in his pockets

[Master] some string, a bit of stale bread

[Master] the only thing out of the ordinary is a twisted bit of colored yarn

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] you sure its a gnome and not a halfling?

[Master] yellow red and blue all braided together

Kristelle (Kaz) holds up the coloured yarn, squinting at it.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] This mean anything to anyone?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "He liked knitting?"

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] colored yarn?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((it was in his pocket right?"

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] yes

Kristelle (Kaz) takes the braided yarn and looks at Lestrade.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Where will the body be taken?

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] it will be dumped in the river

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "You will burn it first right?"

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] why?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] So he can't be turned into an undead

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Causes the plague if you dont. Not to mention necromancer fodder"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((how was he killed, Bob?))

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] the Plauge? I never thought of that

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] maybe this does not have anything to do with this

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] OH

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] looks in horror at KRistelle

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] you touched him

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] backs away

Kristelle (Kaz) smiles gently.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Gnomes are immune to the grey death, Lestrade.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "They can still be carriers though."

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] (gnome was killed by having his throat slashed, huge pool of blood)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] While that's true, it's still not a concern for me. I've already had it, if you couldn't tell.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((okies))

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] I heard they had an outbrake of the Plague in the South End

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] break

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Grey Death? Here in the city?

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] nods

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] they threw over a dozen bodies into the river in the last week

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, perhaps when our business here is done, we can help take care of the sick.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] tied stones to their feet to make sure they do not come back

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No, they must be burnt.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh, dear.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] you can't just be lighting fires in the city

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] the whole place might go up in flames

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Put it this way, do you want to use water that a plague infected body is sitting in?"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what a shame that would nbe

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] I get my water from a well, not from the river

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You have one dedicated burning area. Do it outside the city if you hve to.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] and the bodies go down stream anyway

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Ad where do you think the well water comes from?"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] A traveler bathes in the water downstream, while traveling to the city. Infected when he gets here, he spread it even more than it is.

Kristelle (Kaz) shakes her head.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] shakes his head, I am not sure about that

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Unbelievable.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] it is just a curse that you get the plague

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] if youa re chosen to die you die

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No, it isn't.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you are an idiot if you thin k that

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Well, even if that were true, do you want to increase your chances of being chosen?"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You people are spreading the plague all over the place, and some of the people you're infecting are coming back to you to spread it some more.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((brb))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, three of us are immune to it, but perhaps, Scarlet, you and the rest should limit your interactions.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Or, at least, be very careful where you go.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] Well is there anything else I can help with this morning? I am expected at the adminsitration offices

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "I plan to. Lets go talk to this Horkon."

[Master (to GM only)] No Name moved 12'03".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Harker.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And yes, let us do that.

[Master] Clerk Lestrade moved 130'11".

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "You are? I supposed you were supposed to be showing us around today?"

[Master] Clerk Lestrade moved 121'09".

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] where do you need me to show you ?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (b)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You need to show us where Hudson's shop is, and the Doctor.

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] Oh very well

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] do you want to do that now?

Kristelle (Kaz) takes a deep breath, summoning all her patience.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Must speak with the man inside first."

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] oh ok,

[Clerk Lestrade (Master)] that was what I thought at first, but then you started talking about the plauge so I thought maybe this was not really connected

Kristelle (Kaz) closes her eyes, then opens them. "Let us talk to Harker now."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Well, everything is connected. We just dont know how strong the connection is."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Yes, lets go talk to Hilton."

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Harker.

Kristelle (Kaz) rolls her eyes at Scarlet.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] where?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Everyone is a comedian.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Hamilton. Whatever."

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Lets go talk to him."

Kristelle (Kaz) motions Lestrade onward.

[Master] you enter the building and on the first floor appartments there is an older man sitting shaking his head

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Mr. Harker?

[Master] "It's an extraordinary thing," said he, that all my life I have been collecting other people's news, and now that a real piece of news has come my own way I am so confused and bothered that I can't put two words together. If I had come in here as a journalist, I should have interviewed myself and had two columns in the evening broadsheet

[Master] yes

[Mr. Harker (Master)] shakes his head

[Mr. Harker (Master)] who are you?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Kristelle of the Dragonslayers Company, hired by the Administration Council.

[Mr. Harker (Master)] perks up

[Mr. Harker (Master)] I have heard of the Dragonslayers

[Mr. Harker (Master)] but the Administration Council? what do they have to do with this?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] they sent you here?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] oh why can't I put my notes together I should be interviewing you not the other way around

[Kristelle (Kaz)] They have hired us to look into an issue and thought this might be connected.

[Mr. Harker (Master)] I must get my self straightened out

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No, this is going the right way.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] How did you come to find the body?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] early this morning

[Mr. Harker (Master)] I thought I heard a noise

Kristelle (Kaz) nods, listening intently.

[Mr. Harker (Master)] I came down to look around

[Mr. Harker (Master)] but I did not find anythign so I thought that it must have been outside

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((wait... so there is just a body? no smashed bust?))

[Mr. Harker (Master)] Then suddenly, about five minutes later, there came a most horrible yell -- the most dreadful sound that ever I heard. It will ring in my ears as long as I live. I sat frozen with horror for a minute or two. Then I seized the poker and went downstairs. When I entered this room I found the window wide open, and I at once observed that the bust was gone from the mantelpiece. Why any burglar should take such a thing passes my understanding, for it was only a plaster cast and of no real value whatever. "You can see for yourself that anyone going out through that open window could reach the front doorstep by taking a long stride. This was clearly what the burglar had done, so I went round and opened the door. Stepping out into the dark, I nearly fell over a dead gnome, who was lying there. I ran back for a light, and there was the poor fellow, a great gash in his throat and the whole place swimming in blood. He lay on his

[Mr. Harker (Master)] back, his knees drawn up, and his mouth horribly open. I shall see him in my dreams

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And the missing bust?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] two doors down the street,

[Mr. Harker (Master)] smashed against the wall

Kristelle (Kaz) frowns.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Where did you get it might I ask?"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Tiptoes, you have eagle eyes. Want to go check it out?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] Harding Brothers on High Street in the City Center

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks to where the bust was smashed

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Bust of... Letizia the First?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] Yes you have it right,

[Mr. Harker (Master)] very good, you must be an admirer

[Mr. Harker (Master)] I bought it for this very room about four months ago

[Mr. Harker (Master)] very cheap over at Harding Brothers

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Do you have any other items depicting Letizia the First?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] no,

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks through the debris very carefully

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And nothing else in the house was touched?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] it is just one of those pieces of art that one must have

[Mr. Harker (Master)] no that is what is strange about it

Kristelle (Kaz) nods.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Harding brothers? Who are they?"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Mr. Harker, you are a journalist? Been places, seen things?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] all around the City, I am a bit of a nosey one, I see things and write up interesting stories

[Mr. Harker (Master)] post a broadsheet once a day

Kristelle (Kaz) nods

[Mr. Harker (Master)] The Harding Brothers is an art shop over in City Center on High Street

Kristelle (Kaz) opens her hand and exposes the braided yarn. "This mean anything to you?"

[Mr. Harker (Master)] looks at the yarn,

[Mr. Harker (Master)] no, I can not say that it does,

[Mr. Harker (Master)] some sort of secret symbol is it?

[Mr. Harker (Master)] some cabal working to undermine the city?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No idea. It was in the dead man's pocket.

[Mr. Harker (Master)] did he have any money?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It could be a keepsake bracelet his daughter braided for him, for all we know.

[Mr. Harker (Master)] I should have checked

[Mr. Harker (Master)] I just was so flustered

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Found only the yarn, some string and some bread, no money?))

[Mr. Harker (Master)] (correct)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((is that right?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((thank you))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No, we found no money on him.

[Mr. Harker (Master)] so he must have been a poor thief then

[Mr. Harker (Master)] (what is Foriso looking for?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (9just looking to see if maybe anything had been in the bust ))

[Master] not that you can see

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((and the thing is completely splintered?))

[Master] yes, totally smashed against the outside wall there

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) picks up part of the rubble and takes it back with him

[Master] chuckles

[Master] I am guessing you feel a bit stymied at this point?

[Master] want to call it a night and regroup next week?

[Master] organize your clues on the In and Out of Character threads

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] harding bros is next

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and foriso needs to get back to his appointment

[Master] he already missed that appointment

[Master] but are you going to be here next week Guy?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yup

[Master] good

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I am off every friday this month

[Master] then we can roleplay that too

[Master] outstanding

[Master] Ok, so we call it a nigth here, then pick up on the site during the week and then follow the clues next session

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Follow the little clues to the coloured eggs...

[Guy] have a good night

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] later

Guy has left the game on Fri Apr 08 22:47:59 EDT 2011

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Foriso for RP of the night

[Master] Marco ?

[Master] RP for the night?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Night guys!!

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] sure

[Master] ok

Kaz has left the game on Fri Apr 08 22:48:53 EDT 2011

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Apr 08 22:49:04 EDT 2011

[Master] Miranda XP award: 50. Next level in 8252.

[Master] Kristelle XP award: 175. Next level in 17410.

[Master] Scarlet XP award: 175. Next level in 1907.

[Master] Foriso Fairhand XP award: 250. Next level in 27077.

XP awarded, Guy RP of night