Main / Apr1604

Apr 16 04 - Kapirimtiya Adventures

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

Trevor has joined the game.

Mike has joined the game.

[Mike] victory!!!

[Mike] testing

Lior has joined the game.

[Lior] woot!

[DM] so that worked

Lior is now controling Sadoya

[Mike] testing

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

[DM] okmuch better

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] i think i made it

[DM] I can see you

[DM] so

[Mike] can you hear me?

[Mike] or, read me?

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] read yes, hear no

[Mike] good enough. bob's got issues

[Sadoya (Lior)] so what else is new?

[DM] my system seems

[DM] to be having major problems all of a sudden

[DM] cpu just went to 100% then to 1

[Sadoya (Lior)] its probably all that evil you put into it

[DM] it would not even let me

[DM] heh

[DM] well

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

BiBo!!! is now controling Shade

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[Trevor] hmmm

[Trevor] weird

[BiBo!!!] bob's a goober

[BiBo!!!] such a glorbag

[Mike] clorbag

[Mike] or chlorbag

Trevor is now controling reginald

[Sadoya (Lior)] can we go back to english?

[BiBo!!!] nah

[Sadoya (Lior)] if you're gonna insult someone proper, you should at least do it in a way they'd understand

[Sadoya (Lior)] or else the insult is lost, cuz they dont realize they're insulted

[Sadoya (Lior)] for all bob knows, you just called him a really nice guy

[Sadoya (Lior)] just so you guys know, i'm coming home may 5th - 13th

[DM] very cool

[BiBo!!!] spiffy

[DM] will you be here on the 7th then I take it?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i would think

[DM] ok

[DM] seem to have it working now

[DM] I think my machine is just having a fit that is all

[DM] so

[DM] we are now at the point of having

[DM] those three characters outside of the village entrance

[DM] to regroup and talk

[DM] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok everyone, huddle up

[DM] the problem here is

[DM] Reign has the ring of translation

[Sadoya (Lior)] ther'es only four of us and how many of the,?

[DM] no one can understand what these guys are saying

[Sadoya (Lior)] them

[Sadoya (Lior)] i can understand

[Sadoya (Lior)] just not talk back

[DM] oh, right, gotcha

[DM] ok

[DM] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok?

[DM] so now on the side of the road is the continual light rock

[Mike] yay

[DM] now

[Sadoya (Lior)] ahh I'm blind!

[DM] you should have all black

[DM] that is the obscurement

[DM] now I will move teh light rock just a bit to clear some ara

[DM] area

[DM] see how that worked?

[Sadoya (Lior)] so can we just set that up to continually follow us?

[DM] so now someone can pick up that rock

[DM] and put that as thier inventory

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf targets Continual Light Rock #5. Distance: 24'08"

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf no longer targets Continual Light Rock #5.

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf targets Continual Light Rock #5. Distance: 24'08"

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf no longer targets Continual Light Rock #5.

[DM] so

[DM] everyone see how that works

[DM] really simploe

[DM] simple

[DM] anyone?

[DM] did we lose everyone?

[Mike] i'm here

[Sadoya (Lior)] lorie's on her way

[DM] ok

[DM] I put the game up as a public one again

[DM] what do you guys want to do with this so far?

[Mike] kill all the natives?

[Mike] i'd ask for a guide to the temple, but we can't exactly talk with them.

[DM] you read the two text docs at the village gate?

[DM] Barb? Lior?

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah

[Sadoya (Lior)] i read them

[Sadoya (Lior)] does the talking we did with them last time count?

[Sadoya (Lior)] where they said that they would let us in the temple and take some stuff if we did something or other for them

[DM] I keep getting an invalid client protcol error popping up

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's lorie

[Sadoya (Lior)] she's trying to get in and can't

[DM] fritz just called

[DM] he is going to try and log in also

Reign has joined the game.

[DM] ok

[Reign] Howdy

[Sadoya (Lior)] i gave her the ip and she can't log on

[Sadoya (Lior)] its not askign her for a password

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey fritz

[Mike] yay, fritz is here.

[Mike] we can talk to the natives again.

[Mike] i say we agree to get their book and staff for them if we get a guide to the temple.

[Reign] can I load the map now?

[Mike] go for it

[Reign] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok everyone

[DM] I am trying to work with Lorie on logging in

[DM] is everyone here up to date?

[Sadoya (Lior)] mhm

[DM] you have the plan of what you want to ask them

[Reign] no fill me in

[Reign] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mike] well, did you read the history?

[Mike] and my third prior message? that's my idea.

[Mike] on the list of people, there's some text docs, fritz.

[Reign] What text docs?

[Mike] one of them is the elder's speach to us about the tribe's history.

[Mike] histoy of the armecs.

[Mike] look to the left and scroll down.

[Sadoya (Lior)] you can just right click on the two scrolls in front of the gate

[Sadoya (Lior)] and go to view

[Reign] Ok I read them. And yes I agree to help. From what I can make out of the poor english written language.

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's bob

Lorie has joined the game.

[DM] lorie and I are still working on trying to figure out what is wrong with her

[DM] and that seems to have fixed it

[Sadoya (Lior)] she seems to be in

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey lorie

[Mike] hey hey, the gangs all here

[DM] ok

[DM] welcome one and all

[Sadoya (Lior)] well... is sean showing up?

[DM] who knows

[Mike] probably not at this point

[Sadoya (Lior)] woot! its gonna be nearly 70 degrees tomorrow

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's milkshake weather

[DM] ok

[DM] so what is the plan?

[DM] what are you gong to ask the chief?

[DM] now the map is fully clear again

[Sadoya (Lior)] what is it he wants us to do so we can get in the temple and take stuff?

[DM] for those who came in late

[DM] Mike has one of the light rocks on his character for now

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Evening all... I can't seem to find the map

[DM] sending

[DM] so

[DM] the 5 docs everyone read now?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What are Armec Women?

[DM] and you are all agreat?

[DM] you are in a village

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] How do I make this annoying Icon view thing go away so I can see the chat?

[DM] the party has retreated

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I can't read anythign

[DM] preferences

[DM] and your chat is there, arrows to open the window more

[Mike] dock the bar

[Mike] undock the icon bar

[Mike] you can then move it out of the way

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh that is an annoying feature

[BiBo!!!] yeah

[Reign] what is an anoying feature?

[BiBo!!!] looks like our official plan is to say oka

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Those icon things

[BiBo!!!] y

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You cannot totally get rid of them...

[Mike] no, but you can move it out fo the way

[DM] and so the group is moving out?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes, to another part of the screen to annoy me.

[Reign] With a guide yes

[DM] drag it all the way to the bottom

[DM] you would not see it

[Mike] yeah., and when you undock it, the map stays with it

[Mike] it's really craptacular

[DM] it works great for me

[Sadoya (Lior)] i have no problem

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::nods:: Moving it to the bottom ruins the chat window

[DM] so

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay, sorry... so where are we?

[DM] I take it we have a unanimous decision?

[BiBo!!!] villiage

[BiBo!!!] old man says temple over there

[BiBo!!!] with magic

[DM] will pause for everyone to be sure

[BiBo!!!] bring back book and staff and we tell you where it is

[BiBo!!!] plan is, say yes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] are we still far from home?

[DM] yes

[DM] this is the village of the Armecs

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Is there water nearby?

[DM] a well in town

[Reign] No and we are not leaving

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ... a pond, ... a lake?

[Reign] Heal

[Reign] Call down

[Reign] we are almost at the end of our quest oh impatient one

[Mike] yup yup.

[Reign] I know ye seek cooler climes we shall be there soon

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I seek anywhere that's not here.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Right now looking for a paladin's sword sounds fun

[BiBo!!!] that's pretty much always

[Reign] Why do you hate this place so much

[Mike] so if we agree to help them, we can get this done with within a week, i'd guess.

[Reign] I say help them and move on

[BiBo!!!] I can't think of a time we've been anywhere she's liked :-P

[Reign] Her palace maybe

[BiBo!!!] nah, when we're there she wants to be in thedd

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::ponders:: I like Thedd

[BiBo!!!] see?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yup.. I like the LIch.

[Reign] Where is THedd?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] over there

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... so we move thusly as indicates Witchy Pooh to end this adventure

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] to the temple!

[Reign] Time to head out. If we wait any longer Lady Kylia will teleport out if she can find a puddle of spit

[Sadoya (Lior)] yay

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ew

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::ponders where she got the teleport spell and if she can really use it::

[Reign] Never understood magic and doesn't really care what you call it

[DM] ok

[DM] and now

[Sadoya (Lior)] this coming from the guy with so many magic items he glows under a detect magic spell

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::snickers::

[Reign] I only have 3

[Sadoya (Lior)] isn't mithril magical?

[Reign] And I dont understand how they work. I just know they do. I didn't know it was

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm more asking than stating

[DM] sorry about that

[DM] apparently my batteries were dying on my mouse

[Reign] I didn't say I didn't appreciat magic. I just said I didn't understand it

[DM] back up now

[Sadoya (Lior)] you understand it enough to use your items

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so, are we following the yellow brick road yet?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm waiting...

[DM] +

[Sadoya (Lior)] i guess for bob to revive his mouse

[DM] I am up and running

[Reign] Viagra for the mouse what's that called?

[Mike] AAA batteries?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cheese off?

[Sadoya (Lior)] (a joke only lorie will get) viagraton?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ROFL

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep, you're right

[Sadoya (Lior)] maybe bob would get that too, if he's still picking up on some spanish

[Sadoya (Lior)] so yeah...

[Sadoya (Lior)] whenever we're ready

[Mike] yup yup. whenever we're ready...

[Reign] yep whenever

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::wonders if she should break out the detect natural water formation spell:: LOL

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] score, bob crashed his map

[Sadoya (Lior)] uck

[DM] ok

[DM] so this will take a bit

[DM] the hexes are one mile accorss

[Sadoya (Lior)] we're quite spread out then, aren't we?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I dunno, 3 people spanning a mile isn't so spread out :-P

[Trevor] Bob's got issues.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] like that's anything new

[DM] so

[Reign] BAM!

[Trevor] Hey, I was just pointing it out. Old news is still news.

[DM] my system is apparently now going to work nicly tonight

[DM] it just freezes up everyone once in a while

[DM] but

[Trevor] Who polymorphed Reign into Emiral?

[DM] you are all together

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no, news kinada connotes that it's... well... new

[Sadoya (Lior)] shh.. none of your "logic"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yes yes, this whole logic thing insane

[DM] so

[DM] give me a sec and I will type up the notes that all disapeared on me

[DM] the trip through the tunnel was long bu you have finally reached the end

[DM] ahead of you is a sunken valley

[DM] surrounded by high cliff walls

[DM] in the distance to the east you can see teh cone of a volcano towering above the valley

[DM] a large flowering plant pushes up throught eth bare ground a few yards to your right

[DM] on the short brown grass that stretches in front of you lie hundreds of piles of bones

[DM] obviously you have found the Elephant's graveyard

[Sadoya (Lior)] woot!

[DM] in the far distance you can see a lake's glimmer

[DM] it is about 7 miles away

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] is this the only plant in the area?

[DM] small bushes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::perks:: LAKE

[DM] grass

[DM] this is the only large plant

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ... 7 miles ::ponders::

[Reign] It is an illusion of a lake. Not a real lake

[Sadoya (Lior)] is bob trying to get us to ditch our responsibilities?

[Sadoya (Lior)] lets grab the stuff and hop back to roadhaven?

[DM] well

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Resonsiblities? I have 48 followers at home...

[DM] you were told that the temple was near a lake

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I say we burn the plant

[Sadoya (Lior)] there's 48 of them and wilson, they can do well without you

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] there shouldn't be one freaking plant, it must be evil

[Mike] so we see no big pretty temple thing?

[DM] no temple at this distance

[Mike] darn.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] kill the plant!!!

Reign has left the game.

[DM] some vultures circle over head lazily

[Mike] well, i say we check by the lake or volcano.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm gonna walk me here around ina circle

Reign has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] 1 plant and some vultures, not very promising

[Reign] woops

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm avoiding the plant

[Mike] well, it is a graveyard...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] shoot it

[Trevor] The bearer pipes up "Look at the walls on the distance, might we be standing in the bed of what was once a lake?"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] do an herbalism check

[Reign] where did they say the temple was

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Herbalism check: (d20) [16] 16

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (19-2) [19-2] 17!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Herbalism check: (d20) [8] 8

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (19-2) [19-2] 17!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Shade: WIS check: (d20) [4] 4

[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (13) [13] 13!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Shade: WIS check: (d20) [13] 13

[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (13) [13] 13!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] herbalism, wisdom, observation, danger sense, whatever the hell check I need to do I'm doin it on that freaking plant

[Mike] i wanna shoot it with my bow

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] KILL IT!!!

[Sadoya (Lior)] how about fire building?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] IT'S ALIVE!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] MANTRAP PLANT!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] BURN IT!!!

[Mike] whee

Reign has left the game.

[Mike] i do shoot at it

[DM] ok

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::looks at BOB for confirmation::

[Sadoya (Lior)] well, shade's apparently dendrophobic

[DM] you can shoot at it all you want

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Shade is also a big liar

[DM] you are still about 50 yards away

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ((he sent me that privately))

Reign has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::eyes the plant up::

[Reign] Hmmm what happened?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] the plant's a mantrap, kill it

[Reign] I was booted

[Reign] Send me the map again

[DM] sent

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Witchy Pooh, where's the proof?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] um.... look at it, or you can walk up to it and watch it eat you if you like

[DM] jsut roll attacks here

[DM] with no targets

[DM] will be easier on this scale for you to do that

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Long Bow: (13-(d20+0)) [13-(3+0)] 10

[DM] that hits

[DM] sorry

[DM] that misses,

[Sadoya (Lior)] the plant eats you

[Reign] What is he attacking?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(13+3)] -3

[Mike] no, i'm 50 yards away

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] the plant

[Sadoya (Lior)] the plant is actually mr fantasic and can stretch

[Sadoya (Lior)] can you vampiric touch a plant?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sure, I have spectral hands

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] it's alive

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, but its a bloody plant

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] it's still alive

[Sadoya (Lior)] doesn't it need, like... blood?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sap, same thing

[Sadoya (Lior)] whatever

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Damage v SM: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (6d6+0) [(4+4+1+4+1+3)+0] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] so it takes 17 points of damage so far

[Sadoya (Lior)] we are destroying the only thing alive in this entire area

[Sadoya (Lior)] something about that strikes me as bad

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] it's a plant that will eat you

[Mike] nah. it's an evil plant

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What does the plant do?

[DM] the vultures circle over towards you now

[Mike] eats people.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and if it eats things, there has to be something else here for it to eat

[Mike] she said its a man eating plant.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i take a step back from you guys

[Sadoya (Lior)] you're not a man elandar

[Sadoya (Lior)] you're an elf

[Sadoya (Lior)] so what's your beef?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] She who?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh... witchy Pooh

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'm not a man neither, but I'm kicking that tree's but

[DM] waiting for anything else

[DM] the plant twitches a bit

[DM] but otherwise does not move

[Mike] i'll let shade do her thing

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Long Bow: (13-(d20+0)) [13-(19+0)] -6

[DM] that hits

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Damage v L: Long Bow: (1d8+1) [1+1] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] so 19 total points

[Mike] ouch! i rolled a one...

[DM] anyone else with a ranged weapon?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i could do something

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::looks at her hands and shurgs::

[Sadoya (Lior)] but i'm not going to do the local equivalent of tearing down the rainforest

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] rainforests don't try to eat you

[Reign] I am away from the keyboard.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(19+3)] -9

[DM] yes

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Long Bow: (13-(d20+0)) [13-(14+0)] -1

[DM] yes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Damage v SM: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (6d6+0) [(6+4+3+4+5+4)+0] 26 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Long Bow: (13-(d20+0)) [13-(9+0)] 4

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Damage v L: Long Bow: (1d8+1) [1+1] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Damage v L: Long Bow: (1d8+1) [2+1] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mike] 1,1,2... this dice roller BLOWS!!!!!

[DM] ok

[DM] and the plant twitches, reaches out towards you

[DM] a large poof of spores go up

[DM] and it collapses

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] score

[Sadoya (Lior)] i use my cape to cover my face

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::casts Zone of Sweet Air, just in case::

[DM] ok

[DM] so that will take care of it

[DM] rather than look up

[DM] so

[DM] what are you guys going to do?

[DM] miles of bones in front of you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] 7 Miles of bones to the lake?

[Mike] too the lake!

[DM] well the bones go for about 3 miels or so

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] well we have ivory

[Mike] (anyone name that quote?)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] enough to rule the world

[DM] unitll you get to the old fields of the Armecs

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] okay, so we move in the way we always move

[DM] well

[DM] that might be a problem

[DM] ok

[DM] here is another bit of text for you

[DM] all around you like piles of epehant bones

[DM] huge skulls and rib cages

[DM] massivbe leg bones

[DM] and great curving tucks

[DM] some of the bones are crumbling with age

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::looks around:: Elephant graveyard?

[Mike] whee!

[DM] while toher seem to fresh

[DM] your feet crunch on dozens of bone fragments with every steip

[DM] ther only life to be seen here are scavengers

[DM] vulutures overhead

[DM] and some sort of carrion crawler scuttling amoung the bones

[Mike] do i see any red tusks?

[Mike] on a fresher carcas?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] by some kind of carrion crawler, you mean a carrion crawler

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::frowns:: Carrion Crawler.....

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] hope someone has protection from carrion crawlers

[Sadoya (Lior)] what's they?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::shrugs again and holds out her hands::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I know I do ::flies along::

[Reign] Bye all . Have fun

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] bye, leaving?

Reign has left the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay fireball targets

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] take it away kylia

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Vultures and Carrion Crawlerse

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wow... XP bonanza ;)

THE Sebrina (Barb) has left the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::plays bonanza on her flute::

[Sadoya (Lior)] why's everyone leavin'?

[Sadoya (Lior)] is there no love?

[Mike] they're going to see kill bill

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Umm, together?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm going to see punisher tomorrow :)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Barb is in GA and Fritz is in TN

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] eh, it doesn't impress me

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'm way more looking forward to kill bill

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I want to go to the movies, but don't have anyone to go with

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm not

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I feel like a loser going alone

[Sadoya (Lior)] but i'm gonna se it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] So I'll wait for it on DVD

[DM] well

[Sadoya (Lior)] i go to see movies alone all the time

[DM] I just saw Pirates of Carib for teh first time last weekend

[Sadoya (Lior)] but.. i'm a loser, so that's not much consolation

[DM] it was pretty cool

[DM] and so

[Mike] seeing a movie with or by yourself is pretty much the same

[DM] ummm

[Mike] you just like people afterward to talk about it

[DM] no

[DM] the girl is suposed to do things to you during the movie

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah.. i'm kinda with bob on this one

[DM] tmi

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] No, going to the theatre alone is a loser thing... I can't do it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't like to do anything with Girls during moves BOB

[DM] you would look like you are picking up guys

[Sadoya (Lior)] i got used to it after i started watching movies on valentine's day alone

[Sadoya (Lior)] as a present fo rmyself

[Sadoya (Lior)] speaking of which.. you guys seen eternal sunshine yet?

[Trevor] Yep, awesome movie.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Umm... I have Paul, I don't need anymore Men in my life

[Trevor] THAT was a movie you see with a date.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i saw it with a girl, but it was by no means a date

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Nope... didn't see it Lior

[Sadoya (Lior)] that movie made me sad forever

[Sadoya (Lior)] its so special

[Sadoya (Lior)] oh, and speaking of movies.. i'm debuting as an actor this sunday and monday

[Sadoya (Lior)] my friend who's a film major who isn't bibo is making me act in her movie

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] spiffy

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah

[Sadoya (Lior)] its an artsy emo flick... and its gonna be really depressing apparently

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Good luck

[Sadoya (Lior)] all i know about it is that its got something to do with paint

[DM] I thought they shut down all those productins for three months?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::snickers::

[Sadoya (Lior)] that totally went over my head

[Sadoya (Lior)] no clue what you're talking about

[DM] NPR had a story today

[DM] lorie you tell him

[Sadoya (Lior)] they also had a special on tmbg

[Sadoya (Lior)] i heard that during work

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Two Porn starts tested positive for HIV... Industry is shut down))

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] nice

[Sadoya (Lior)] neat

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I found the story... odd and it's making such major news....

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont think i'll be nekkid for this pic... though this weekend is going to be the warmest in months

[DM] well,

[DM] if it involves paint

[DM] and the outdoors

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::covers her eyes and tries not to picture Lior naked ... EVER:;

[Sadoya (Lior)] at least i hope there aren't any nude scenes... cuz i'da liked to be forewarned about that

[DM] wear protective gear

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont know if it invovles the outdoors

[Sadoya (Lior)] you're gonna joke more about this, but we're taping it during the night

[Sadoya (Lior)] we're pulling an all nighter to do this

[Sadoya (Lior)] and its gonna be at her house

[DM] we had a conversatin about vegitarian paint

[Sadoya (Lior)] and her parents are gonna be there

[DM] paint balls that are safe for vegans

[Mike] stupid vegans.

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah.. veggie dyes

[DM] sounds like a cult to me

[Mike] why are paintballs bad?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] vegans need to die painfully

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::blinks:: Lior and you don't know anything about the script.

[Sadoya (Lior)] and be eaten

[Sadoya (Lior)] there is no script

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] choking on brocolli

[Sadoya (Lior)] its a silent movie

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I wouldn't go alone... make sure they have a current photo and contact number

[Sadoya (Lior)] there may be music

[DM] sounds like a wedding to me

[Sadoya (Lior)] nah, she';s a good friend.. she's taken me to concerts

[DM] hmmm

[Sadoya (Lior)] and her parents are really nice... and they really like me for some odd reason

[Mike] is the scrpt "i do?"

[Sadoya (Lior)] no dude.. its silent

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::blinks:: The parents are going to be in the movie too?

[DM] this sounds suspiciously

[Sadoya (Lior)] no

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] This is starting to sound really odd

[DM] how old is this girl?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] don't do it lior don't do it

[Sadoya (Lior)] but we're filming at her house, so they're gonna be there

[DM] is this boston or West Virginia

[Mike] of course, it's emo

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dunno.. 19 or 20

[Sadoya (Lior)] older than me, like most of my friends

[Mike] that or course, is for sounding weird

[Sadoya (Lior)] wow.. i'm gonna say something else now that you're gonna enjoy

[DM] shoot

[Mike] bang

[Sadoya (Lior)] this is the same girl who took my virginity... my rocky horror virginity that is

[DM] interesting

[Sadoya (Lior)] she dressed me up in a skirt and pink sweater

[Sadoya (Lior)] and painted my nails

[DM] a silent RHPS ripoff

[DM] Lorie, how far are you from there?

[Sadoya (Lior)] you can't have a silent rhps anything

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::nods and smiles::

[DM] if he needs help?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Umm... more than 10 hours.

[Sadoya (Lior)] eh.. i'll be dead by then

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well not necessarily.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] She could drain your blood slowly...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] you could live several days like that

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm very frail

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::thnks she's said too much::

[DM] lol

[Sadoya (Lior)] my body is giving out on me now, and there's no direct force acting against it

[DM] you will have to send pictures Lior

[Sadoya (Lior)] well.. hopefully i'll have the movie

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Lior you lived in New York and Israel... and did just fine

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I think your constitution is stronger than you imply

[DM] thinking that she is going to complete some arcane ritual with you

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, but i can weaken it

[DM] she already has your hair and nail clippings

[Sadoya (Lior)] i have pictures of rocky horror

[DM] you are getting weak

[DM] very weak

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well stop guzzling the beer like Bibo and you'll be fine :)

[DM] you will do as I say

[Sadoya (Lior)] i have been sick for the last two weeks

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob, you may be evil, but you can't control me

[DM] Lior's control of Sadoya has been revoked

[DM] what was that?

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's just cheap

[Mike] hahahaha!!!!

Lior is now controling Sadoya

[DM] ok, you can have it back

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What do you expect Lior... he can't get our respect the normal way so he has to steal it ::giggles::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] LOL

[DM] and so

[DM] the basic reason we are kind of paused here

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] In unlreated news... do we need these elephant bones or can I torch the vultures?

[DM] you need to figure out

[Sadoya (Lior)] nah, i'm not afraid of anything happening to me... my neighbor here in the dorms is the italian mafia all by himself.. i'm secure

[DM] how to get accorss

[DM] you have 3 miles of bones

[DM] carrion crawlers for those who try to wak

[DM] walk

[Mike] we walk slowly

[DM] and vultures who attach any who go too high

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::fly fly fly::

[DM] you might pull off flying at low level,

[Sadoya (Lior)] we've got an icarus situation

[DM] but how many and who?

[DM] varenka?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i can't fly that far

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::needs to get something to drink downstairs... BRB

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sadoya (Lior)] or maybe i can

[Sadoya (Lior)] my flying ability confuses me

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you fly at will :-P

[Sadoya (Lior)] can you look it up bibo

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you can fly as far as you want

[Mike] upside down and backwards, too

[Sadoya (Lior)] nah,t here's some qualification i dont understand that my cape comes with

[Mike] wow, lior's like superman

[Mike] bibo says you move 360 feet/round indefinately

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah.. so...

[Sadoya (Lior)] wha's that mean?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so really damn far and really damn fast

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] neat

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] divide that by 5 that's your movement rate

[Mike] over twice as fast as bibo, i think

[Sadoya (Lior)] so its a positive qualification, not a negative one

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yes

[Sadoya (Lior)] neat

[DM] so can Sadoya and Shade carry the rest of teh group then?

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah

[DM] and we can jump to the other side of the bones?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'll grab kylia, if that's ok with her

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sure

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so, fly fly fly

[DM] just make sure it works out weight wise,

Homir (Brian) has joined the game.

[DM] or are you gong to take turns?

[Mike] hey brian

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] reign's really the only one that is an issue

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] so

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey brian

[Homir (Brian)] hi all

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] evening Brian

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so we ferry one person at a time, cept for reign who we double up on

[DM] and

[DM] you get across then

ghulamu (Trevor) wipes his brow.

[DM] and so here is some more text

[DM] while wandering through the old fields you see a building off in the distance

[DM] as you get closer you can se that it stands near the shore of a small lake

[DM] the buldin gis a high structure made of granite

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lookie, temple

[DM] its archituecture and design

[DM] are unlike those of the jungle peoples

[DM] the building is obvisouly very old

[DM] its walls have crumbled ina few places

[DM] the oly entrance is a set of wide gates

[DM] now paritally open

[DM] through which you can see into a courtyard beyond

[DM] ok

[DM] anything else before we shift to that map?

[DM] look at anything

[Sadoya (Lior)] anything in this area of note other than the building?

[Homir (Brian)] am i there now?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I so say we set up a ivory farm

[Mike] sure.

[Mike] sounds good to me.

[ghulamu (Trevor)] Do I get a cut of the ivory?

[DM] yes you came in way back when you just rarely show up

[DM] that was to Brian

[Homir (Brian)] my character icon is greyed out below

[Sadoya (Lior)] and that's how we died

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] amen

[DM] loading teh new one for you now

[Homir (Brian)] we're in BobAfrica, right?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] more or less

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

[DM] ok so does everyone see that?

[Homir (Brian)] yeah...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay obelisk! where's asterisk?

[DM] adn so

[DM] you all read the scroll?

[DM] you all understand that Elandar is lighting the way for you

[Homir (Brian)] i dont think anyone here read asterix

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] me neither

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] but I know who he is

[Homir (Brian)] i say we look at the scroll

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] the scroll is our party pack

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] not really sure why we're having it follow us like that, but that's what it is

[Homir (Brian)] thats all we have?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] it holds stuff

[DM] right now yes

[DM] as we have time and patience we will add in more

[Homir (Brian)] k

[DM] one of the hoped for add ons

Lior has left the game.

[DM] Lorie you still here?

Lior has joined the game.

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

Lorie has left the game.

Lior is now controling Sadoya

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok... so what am i reading now?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] asterix

[DM] near the compass

[DM] there is a text scroll to read

[Sadoya (Lior)] thats the scroll of shelter

[DM] called obobelsks

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I hope not

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob... spell check

[DM] yeah yeah

[Sadoya (Lior)] so its a round building with 15 foot elephant headed obelisks surrounding it

[Sadoya (Lior)] ?

[Sadoya (Lior)] am i understanding that correctly?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] magic?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] writing?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] moving parts?

[DM] as you move closer it will display more

[DM] want to let you see how that works

[Sadoya (Lior)] closer to what?

[DM] it is not a round temple

[DM] I will move

[Sadoya (Lior)] all i see is a compass and an obelisk

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] there, closer

[DM] you might want to set up a marching order and who is following who to make it easier

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'll lead

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sure why nto

[Mike] well, since i have the light, i better not play rear guard anymore

[Sadoya (Lior)] but can i at least know which direction the temple is?

[Sadoya (Lior)] walk behind me

[Mike] k

[Sadoya (Lior)] homir... can you take rear guard?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] over by obelisk, but no asterix

[Homir (Brian)] i guess i'll take up the rear

[DM] like that guys?

[DM] and who wants to carry the party pack?

[Homir (Brian)] ok with me

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's not what i had in mind when i said i'll take the lead

[DM] move to the spot then

[Sadoya (Lior)] that elandar will forrow me and that homir would be the rear guard

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont know where the front is

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] oooh... a scroll full of rocks... me me me

[Mike] lets asume up is front

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont know where we're going

[Mike] we can rotate as necisary.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i just have to wait for the program to stop lagging

[DM] ok,

[DM] so everyone can see this?

[Sadoya (Lior)] some black stuff

[DM] set your self to follow the fig in front of you please

[Sadoya (Lior)] everybody remember who your buddy is

[DM] as long as you have your character that will be good

[DM] I will move you to the right spot, no worries

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf follows Sadoya.

[BiBo!!!] Shade follows Sadoya.

[BiBo!!!] Shade no longer follows Sadoya.

[BiBo!!!] Shade follows Sadoya.

[Homir (Brian)] Homir follows ghulamu.

[Sadoya (Lior)] trevor?

[Trevor] ghulamu follows Shade.

[Trevor] ghulamu no longer follows Shade.

[Trevor] ghulamu follows Shade.

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob?

[Homir (Brian)] are we single file or side by side

[Sadoya (Lior)] snigle file, i guess

[Mike] we are walking snigle file while drinking our potinos

[Sadoya (Lior)] listen bitch

[DM] ok

[DM] so you can see that now?

[DM] the entrance to the temple

[Sadoya (Lior)] is it really this dark outside?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so... any writing? moving bits?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no, bob just wants to speriment with light sources

[DM] I want you

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was gonna say.. cuz i thought there was more than one moon on this planet

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sorry bob, I'm taken

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and you are too, you bad bad man

[DM] just got around to reading that one

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] movoing forward through the collumns

[Mike] we're just testing this light thing, lior

[Sadoya (Lior)] i understand that

[Homir (Brian)] anything written or drawn on the obelisks?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was joking

[Mike] right, missed that...

[DM] the only thing in particular to notice about the obelisks is the elephant heads on top of each one

[DM] ok

[DM] here is the description of the courtyard for you

[DM] the gates leading into the courtyard of the buliding are hanging open

[DM] as you pass through them you can see that the crutyeard is voerd with weeks and rank grasss

[DM] a pair of double doors directly across from teh gates lead into the building

[Sadoya (Lior)] is what?

[DM] cracked statues of readirn gelepehants

[DM] standing in the bowls of two

[DM] [DM] dry marble fountains in the yards

[DM] the courtyard walled have crumbled in two places

[DM] six laege palm trees grow in the far northwest corner

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] bob, look at what you type

[DM] near the trees you can see several large baboonlike apes

[Sadoya (Lior)] so who thinks the statues and the plants are evil?

[Mike] i do i do!

[Sadoya (Lior)] xerxes anyone?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I don't, I think the baboons are

ghulamu (Trevor) backs up.

[DM] ok

[DM] pause

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] kick their red arses

[DM] does everyone see how the light reveal works?

[Mike] yeah

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] not at all

[Sadoya (Lior)] what do you mean?

[DM] and how is the quality of the map for you guys?

[Sadoya (Lior)] quality of map is fine

[Homir (Brian)] works for me

[Sadoya (Lior)] by light reveal.. you mean how you drag elandar's icon around an it shows us more of the map? yeah its like for of war in warcraft

[Sadoya (Lior)] fog

[DM] yeas

[Sadoya (Lior)] or just general map exploration i guess

[DM] the blue is the area that your light does not reveal

[DM] the hallway going down

[DM] with the branches off to the right

[DM] Marco and Mike do not like the blue color

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no, looks like water

[DM] any other choices from you guys

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, that's what i thought

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and if it isn't water, it should be something else

[Homir (Brian)] i thought it was water

[Sadoya (Lior)] try gray

[DM] will do that later on

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] black, gray or red

[Sadoya (Lior)] well.. black would mix with the general blackness of the rest of the map

[DM] I can not change in the midele

[Sadoya (Lior)] and we have a conception that there is something there, we just dont know wha it is

[DM] I used blue out of habit,

[Sadoya (Lior)] and red is too bright, gray is better, it still has the darkness quality to it

[DM] it can be lamost any color

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] anyway, so, baboons?

[DM] so gray or black are the two popular choices

[Mike] kill em?

[Sadoya (Lior)] yes, lets kick some red ass

[DM] no no baboons

[DM] not tonight

[DM] sorry

[Sadoya (Lior)] aww

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] how hard could a baboon be?

[DM] will add those icons back in

[DM] heh

[DM] heh

[DM] heh

[Sadoya (Lior)] around you? not very

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] woooo, magical baboons of DEATH

[DM] well,

[DM] they are babbons that live in a temple

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so they see no evil?

[DM] it hopefully will be at least a little bit of a challenge

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, i'm having odyssey flashbacks

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so they can't see hear or speak of us

[DM] ok

[DM] so at this point

[DM] we are discussing map color and possiblities

[Mike] i'm having jungle book flashbacks

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] amd deliscious uplighting

[DM] I think we are ready to call it a night here?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] with a little breakfast nook

[DM] anyone have anything else to work on?

[Mike] yup yup

[Mike] night all

[Sadoya (Lior)] calling it a night sounds good

Mike has left the game.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm dead tired

[Homir (Brian)] ok, later

[DM] talk to you sson

[Sadoya (Lior)] have a good week everyone

[DM] thanks for stopBrian

Lior has left the game.

[Homir (Brian)] np, i'm leaving in about a month and a half, so i'll try to swing by the house again

[Homir (Brian)] seeya

[DM] on the 5th

[DM] remmeber

[DM] 500th game

[Homir (Brian)] oh sit

[Homir (Brian)] thats right

[Homir (Brian)] ok

[DM] 7th not 5th

[DM] the friday

[Homir (Brian)] ok

BiBo!!! has left the game.

[Homir (Brian)] i'll be there thx

Homir (Brian) has left the game.