Main / Apr1808

Apr 18 08

[DM] ROUND: 17

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 18 17:54:50 EDT 2008 ====

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Apr 18 17:56:47 EDT 2008

[Vicki] hi

[Vicki] Victoriana moved 32'08".

[Vicki] Victoriana moved 32'08".

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

mikE has joined the game on Fri Apr 18 18:05:45 EDT 2008

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] hi Mike

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] back

[DM] working on a few things still

[DM] but at least at teh screen now

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] I'm back

[Vicki] I forgot to put myself as away when I went to eat though

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] grins

[DM] is ok

[DM] until 7

[DM] then it becomes important

[Vicki] ok... well, I'll be multitasking for a while anyway

[DM] nods

[DM] we wait for Lorie, Hans, Christy

[DM] John should not be here

[DM] and Marco will not

[DM] have not heard from Kaz

[Vicki] shall I call her?

[DM] nah I will

[Vicki] sometimes she forgets what day of the week it is

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Apr 18 18:46:28 EDT 2008

Lorie is receiving the map Main Temple Area...

Lorie has received the map Main Temple Area.

[Vicki] Hi Lorie

[Lorie] hello

[DM] hey Lor, brb on the phone

[Lorie] okay

[DM] ok

[DM] back

[DM] Lorie will send a few maps your way to preload them for you

[DM] ok, so you are cycled through all the potential maps I beleive now

[DM] talked to Kaz

[DM] she will not be here

[DM] so we are waiting on Hans and Christy it looks like

[Vicki] aww

[Lorie] ok

[Vicki] We could really use Moirra now

[DM] is there anything in particular that Kylia thinks you should do?

[Lorie] Well...

[DM] as talked about in teh emails, etc.?

[DM] this is the time to do it

[DM] just the three of you

[Lorie] we're a bit far down the road for what Kylia things

[Lorie] thinks

[DM] true

[DM] but you do get to put your foot down once in a while

[DM] and we can work on the site things until the rest come back

[Lorie] where' s Mike then?

[mikE] i'm at home

[Lorie] oh but you're at the keyboard I thought you were AFK

[DM] he is testing his nueral implants

[DM] so you have that pentagram there

[mikE] i wish. then i could play wow at school in my mind

[DM] Percy, Tori, and Paul are on the new map

[DM] you already play in your sleep

[DM] Lorie the map is ok with that change?

[Lorie] there was a change?

[Lorie] looks fine

[DM] the red blob is a drawn object

[mikE] lorie's been getting annoyed with how little i play now

[DM] to remove some of hte dead things

[DM] and anoyed with how played where?

[DM] in WoW?

[mikE] well, i thought we all agreed we should explore the temple

[mikE] but we're down a thief.

[Vicki] You mean Kira?

[mikE] he's apparently too busy going to a sakura festival.

[Vicki] oh...

[Lorie] they have festivals over there like we have tailgate parties

[Lorie] it's the festival of festivals...

[Vicki] what are we going to do here?

mikE has left the game on Fri Apr 18 19:15:34 EDT 2008

mikE has joined the game on Fri Apr 18 19:16:10 EDT 2008

[DM] ok, just tlaked to Beth

[DM] she is doing better, last treatment is today

[mikE] so she's still alive?

[Vicki] yay...

[mikE] i thought her last treatment was last month

[DM] and she should be here in two weeks or so

[DM] her test said she was in remission last month

[Vicki] she won't be able to make it tonight?

[DM] but she is now totlaly finished with the chemo

[mikE] tell her to kick the habit and get back online.

[DM] she said she misses everyone

[DM] and she will be back as soon as she can

[DM] so the three of you

[DM] scraping the silver out of the pentagram?

[DM] Marco asked me to have somone do that

[mikE] not until we loot the temple

[Vicki] I'm the only one near the pentagram at this point

[Lorie] I kill him where he stands

[Lorie] and I don't blink twice about it

Vicki snickers

[Lorie] No alignment change would be necessary

[DM] chuckles

[Vicki] so what are we going to do?

[mikE] bah. you're no fun

[mikE] stand around until more people show up.

[Lorie] oh...but that would be fun

[mikE] wait for our round behinders to go into a barbarian rage

[Vicki] giggles

[Lorie] Honestly with three of us in the pit of not so goodness

[Lorie] I'm not really sure how much we can tackle

[DM] well while we wait

[Vicki] ok...

[DM] you could work on ......

[DM] grins

[Vicki] work on? planning? plotting?

[Vicki] website?

[mikE] emptying my beer reserves?

[DM] Mike and Lorie coudl register on the image sharing sectin

[Vicki] dinner?

[mikE] why, that's a lovely idea bob. you're a genius

[DM] how is Mel by the way?

[mikE] breathing

[DM] good

[DM] hope she gets her new cool pegleg

[DM] ok, so Lor

[DM] what/how can I help you get organized

[Lorie] with what?

[DM] stuff for the site?

[Lorie] oh

[DM] Wilson's page? Roadhaven information?

[Lorie] yeah... I don't know

[Lorie] I left it at my desk at work

[DM] ok

[Lorie] I've been organizing things there

[Lorie] of course

[DM] fun

[Vicki] oops

[Lorie] :: shrugs ::

[Lorie] whatever


[DM] so go there

[DM] and register

[DM] and then I can activate it right now for you

[DM] so you can upload pics of KID or ACD if you like

[Lorie] Oh... :)

[DM] or the maps you have scanned in etc

[Lorie] Registered

[DM] jsut got the email

[DM] and confirmed

[DM] so you can now do just about anythign on the site

Vicki has left the game on Fri Apr 18 19:34:15 EDT 2008

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] I will take the time to fix that theme on that section

[DM] so it matches the rest of the site eventually

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Apr 18 19:34:56 EDT 2008

[Vicki] sorry about that

Vicki is receiving the map Rear Temple Area...

Vicki has received the map Rear Temple Area.

[DM] no word from christy or Hans yet

[DM] I did leave a message on their machine

[Lorie] okay

[mikE] i hope someone shows up. i'm here to help kill things tonight.

[DM] well you can go forward with that plan

[DM] the three of you make a decent killing team

[DM] I know you want a thief

[DM] but they are only 2-15 rounds ahead of you

[Vicki] but what of this pentagram? How do we know it won't kill us?

[DM] you have to figure that out

[mikE] we do nothing with it

[Vicki] and let it kill us?

[mikE] it's just going to sit there unless someone does something with it.

[mikE] either tampering or doing a ritual.

[mikE] we've already walked past it

[Vicki] and if it's activated by someone walking acrossed it?

[Vicki] we're not past it

[DM] no one has walked oer it or past it yet

[DM] the other side has obviously

[mikE] end of last week hans looked behind the curtain.

[DM] he is on that map

[DM] if you click on Percy

[Vicki] it's all right in front of us

[DM] you will see where he is

[Vicki] Paul and Tori are also on that map

[Vicki] and how do we know that the other side didn't tamper with it?

[DM] you know they came out from behind this curtain

[DM] and two rounds later they were dead

[DM] and a couple of rounds after that

[DM] you walked through the curtain

[Vicki] so those of us behind the curtain could already be in trouble?

[DM] you can always be in trouble

[DM] but nothing has happened yet

[Vicki] giggles

[DM] you know that those are the only doors into the rest of the temple

[DM] at least that you have found

[Vicki] do we want to go through the rest of the temple?

[DM] you are supposed to make sure the cult is taken care of

[Vicki] ok... can we at least blip back to get some rest?

[DM] if someone can teleport

[DM] adn then of course you are giving them the time to rest and recover them selves

[DM] to plan and get help

[Vicki] ok... scratch that idea then

[DM] you have only been here for 16 minutes so far

[DM] each round is about 1 minute

[Vicki] ok, so we're not suffering aside from these blows we take

[DM] right

[Vicki] ok, I'm running out of ideas, anyone else have something?

[DM] Guardian Fire #2 #22 moved 1'04".

[mikE] wait, wait, or go in without any help and die.

[Vicki] Tori's not wanting to die within the next 2 minutes or rounds

[mikE] i'm not going to go in with just us. if you want to go ahead, i'll log so my charaters are safe a round behind.

[DM] I cna understand that Mike

[DM] then we shoudl be working on something else for hte game

[DM] adding to the site

[DM] or working on the various files

[DM] etc.

[Vicki] well, so far, all I know how to do with the site is edit

[DM] that is all you need to do

[DM] did you write up anything about Tori yet?

[mikE] sorry bob, but i'm not in the mood to muck about online. that's why i'm not at your house.

[Vicki] no, I kind of need help with that

[DM] you are doing a nice job of combing over John's pages

[Vicki] that's no easy task... it take 2 or 3 times to make sure I get it all.

[mikE] i thought the group needed me here tonight to help or i'd be out at the pub getting rid or the week's stress.

[DM] I do not know about anything from H & C

[DM] but it would only be them to add to your group

[DM] so you would have the two more fighters

[mikE] with john and bibo out i thought the group would be too light if i didn't show up.

[DM] good of you to try Mike

[Vicki] Mike, does that mean we would also need Percival and Arilyn?

[mikE] yes

[Lorie] So... I'm going to be honest

[Lorie] We what we have... not sure waht we can honestly do

[DM] do you want to spend a round investigating anything?

[DM] or healing

[mikE] i'll be back

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] We're so spread out BOB that it would take an entire round to get everyone huddled together to hear

[Lorie] heal

[Vicki] If Bob lets me, I can move back to the other map

[DM] this is true

[DM] and you can Tori, but that starts a round

[DM] so you want to wait till everyoen is sure what to do

[Vicki] true

Vicki is receiving the map Main Temple Area...

Vicki has received the map Main Temple Area.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] and as Hans said last week, Percy could give a little boost

[Vicki] aww, heck Bob, wouldn't it be easier to get everyone on the other side of the statue?

[DM] sure you can take the round to move and do that if you all want

[DM] you can do just about anything you want

[DM] the issue is as you are moving

[DM] the other side gets to move too

[Vicki] so as long as we don't move, they stay put

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] right

[DM] your time is frozen so theirs is

[mikE] so long as we don't do anything the game isn't going forward.

[DM] correct

[Vicki] the only thing flying by would be real time

[Vicki] ok... well as long as we're at a stand still, I'll be afk for a few moments... need to run a quick errand to the convient store here

[DM] ok

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] ok am back

[DM] ok

[DM] still waiting on Christy and Hans

[Vicki] I see

[Vicki] I still need ideas

[Lorie] for what?

[Vicki] I can't remember what I was going to do with Tori's story or if I was going to do a story

[Lorie] Oh

[Lorie] well... that's really your call

[DM] not sure on that Vicki, you can do just about anything you like

[DM] John has one way, Mike has another

[DM] Lorie and Marco both post in character

[Lorie] I usually like to be inspired to write

[Lorie] I'm that type of writer

[Lorie] Mike and Marco are better at sponaneous writing

[Vicki] I'm the type that can write something spontaneously if I've got a general idea of what I need to do

[Lorie] going to be AFK a few moments

[Vicki] ok

[Lorie] there isn't a guideline

[Vicki] that's why I'm stuck 9 times out of 10

[Lorie] write what you like and as long as it's not erotic Harry Potter fanfic, it's probably okay

[Lorie] sorry ...that was a bad LiveJOurnal joke

[DM] grins

[Lorie] the banned over 100 people last year for "child porn" that in reality was Harry Potter fanfic

[Lorie] it was a huge scandal

[DM] was about to go see what storys you were writing

[Vicki] it's ok... my thoughts went elsewhere at that moment

[Lorie] you wouldn't catch me near the fanfic community with a 100 foot pole ...those people creep me out

[Vicki] giggles

[Lorie] I don't look and Harry and Severus and see a "special Sparkle"

[Lorie] And I'm not overly fond of furries either for the record

[DM] lol

[mikE] i love furries. they are great to mock mercilessly.

[Lorie] I'm still trying to get my head around what the heck cosplay is and why there are tea house with people dressed up as maids in Japan

[Lorie] THey came to Pittsburgh for their annual convention

[mikE] ooooh.

[mikE] i can't wait to go there! heehee

[mikE] lorie, the french maid is a classic sexy costume. what's not to get?

[Lorie] one of my co-workers' parents was staying in a hotel where they were (they didn't know ahead of time) a

[mikE] and cosplay is awesome. mel wants to make her own stuff off of some games she plays

[Lorie] They were in the lobby when some of the "furries" requested access to a "litterbox"

[Lorie] Ewwwwww

[Lorie] I really don't get it... you wear a costume and serve tea?

[Lorie] I have a teapot, tea, and a stove.

[Lorie] I can do that in my jammies just fine

[mikE] but cute asian chicks in skimpy clothes serve it

[Lorie] uh huh

[Lorie] so

Vicki snickers and chokes on her food

[Lorie] sorry

[Lorie] still fail to see the appeal

[Vicki] wouldn't you have to be a male to see the appeal?

[Lorie] :: shrugs ::

[Lorie] possibly

[Lorie] According to Marco these places are EVERYWHERE

[Lorie] THey can't be that interesting

[DM] no clue either actually

[DM] not that I have been in one

[DM] think they were not popular when I was there

[DM] or I just tuned it out

[mikE] what i don't get is starbucks.

[Lorie] no appeal there either

[DM] nope

[mikE] i mean, at least the other places have hot chicks at your beck and call.

[mikE] starbucks is just snooty highschoolers.

[Lorie] One of the consultants I work with gave me a 15 dollar gift card because there is one in our building

[DM] if it was a wine tasting store

[DM] I might go

[Lorie] what am I going to do with that

[DM] but hard to imagine

[Lorie] if there was a wine store in my building that would be fantastic

[Lorie] I wouldn't get a lot of work done... but I'd be gathering additional knowledge

[DM] you could work for them

[DM] you left perfume and such

[DM] for this

[DM] you can go into wine

[DM] import export

[Lorie] Don't remind me

[Lorie] Someone was talkiing about where they should go for vacation in the islands

[DM] all the language stuff still works

[Lorie] I rattled off four or five islands and they were like... how do you know?

[Lorie] LOL

[DM] chuckles

Percy has joined the game on Fri Apr 18 20:38:26 EDT 2008

[DM] there we GO!!!!

[Vicki] hi Hans

[Lorie] Evening Hans

[DM] and a quick run through of the maps for you Hans

[Percy] Howdy!

Vicki is receiving the map Rear Temple Area...

Vicki has received the map Rear Temple Area.

[DM] so is Christy far behind Hans?

[DM] or goign into the rest of the temple without for now

[Percy] Christy's sick. I took yesterday off so she could sleep *all day long*.

[DM] oh man

[DM] sorry for that

[Percy] Me, too. Trust me.

[Vicki] handling 2 kids yourself?

[Percy] So we got a small group tonight.

[Percy] I got 4 kids.

[Vicki] oh...

[Percy] But, yeah, during the day we have 2 at home and 2 in school...

[DM] so the three fighters and teh cleric

[DM] ready to chase down the corridors of the temple?

[DM] Percy will have to shrink down to man sized to fit through things easily

[DM] the maps are scaled right

[DM] for the width of hallways, doors etc

[DM] so you cna stay big for now

[Percy] Right. Can you help me shrink down? Or you can tell me how to do it.

[DM] when you want to will do that

[DM] but you click Edit

[DM] or on your sheet

[DM] change your icon size back to 2.5

[DM] for man sized

[DM] and your iniative goes back to +10

[DM] which actually was not changed on the sheet

[DM] I just added to it in the Int order

[DM] so when that time comes will put it back for you to your normal

[DM] but

[DM] till then

[DM] what do you four want to do

[DM] you have all the man power you would normally have

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Percival modified: Misc. Attributes - Icon Size:: CHANGED: 2.5 (7.5).

[DM] just mising some of the magic/healing right now

[Vicki] wow... percy shrunk quickly

[DM] and Init is fixed nwo too for you

[Percy] Was that in temp modifiers, DM?

[DM] no

[Percy] I just want to know for next time.

[DM] on the DM side of things

[Percy] Ah...

[DM] becasue combat had already started

[DM] otherwise

[DM] you could change it there in Temp Mods

[Percy] Well, good, DM. The less work I have to do the better...

[DM] so Tori and Percy

[DM] back through the curtain to get them? or just call back to them?

[DM] or ?

[DM] before we move and start the clock ticking again

[DM] what ever your plan is

[Vicki] call back to them? that hopefully doesn't take a round to do?

[Percy] I don't want to adventure without the rest of our party, honestly. 3 fighters and a cleric is pretty good, but might not be good enough for Bob's scenario here.

[DM] I think you should go forward

[DM] you know there are no more fire giants

[Percy] Of course you do, Bob. You want to kill us.

[DM] as teh place is too small for them

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[Vicki] hmm...

[Vicki] and what would John do in this scenario? go the other way?

[Percy] We need find/remove traps before we go anywhere. Mike, do any of your chars have that?

[DM] that will take 10 rounds to do

[Vicki] 10 rounds?

[Percy] Are we chasing somebody that I don't know of?

[DM] you do know that a Fire Priest went running in to warn the others

[mikE] no one here can

[Percy] What others? As far as we know, the temple is cleared. There can't be any more giants *this* way. ::pointing north::

[DM] but there are more Fire Priests, would be the thought

[DM] as you have only seen 7 of them so far

[DM] in a multi story temple

[Vicki] so we need to go up too?

[DM] yes there is a second story up there

[Percy] My char is not a genius but he's not stupid, either. He's seen a whole lot of traps in every adventuring episode. It would be absolutely foolhardy to go into a building (or wherever) without find/remove traps...

[Vicki] ok... well my opinion is this, we go ahead and do what we can do with the groups we have...

[Percy] We could just all roll new chars if you want to do that...

[Percy] I don't want to do that.

[Vicki] I don't recall any of us checking traps when we arrived

[DM] you could guess that they did not have time to set new traps

[DM] if you are chasing right after them

[Vicki] I still question the pentagram

[Percy] Well I can go with that, then, DM. Against my better judgement.

[DM] not pushing anyone

[DM] just making sure you know they are in the saem time constraints you are in

[Vicki] other than that, who's to say the ones in other parts aren't setting that up?

[DM] if they want to set a trap

[Lorie] what is to question about it?

[DM] takes 10 rounds

[Vicki] ok... I understand now

[Percy] They could just run *around* the traps if they know where they are. And we would just step right into it.

[DM] this is true

[Percy] Because we don't know it's there.

[Vicki] and we've already went into this by 16 rounds

[DM] what is the question again about the pentegram Vicki?

[Percy] Doesn't matter. We always check for traps wherever we go because we are high enough level to know that.

[Vicki] if they've had time to set a trap on this thing

[Percy] Even if our chars were all first level, our players would still know better.

[DM] no time to set anything new about it

[DM] not arguing that point Hans

[DM] is how you want to play it out

[DM] carefully movign forward slowly

[Percy] I recommend we wait until next week.

[DM] or chasing

[Percy] No big whoop.

[DM] and if you do wait

[DM] what will change next week?

[DM] Kaz and Christy

[Vicki] nothing?

[DM] are likely to be here

[Percy] Maybe we'll have a rogue or a priest with find/remove traps.

[DM] but that is all

[Vicki] what of Marco?

[DM] no clue

[Percy] Wait a min. My henchman might have it. Hold on, let me check.

[Percy] Ah. You killed my henchman, Bob!

[Vicki] oops

[Percy] I had stats & everything.

[DM] what?

[DM] nothing should have changed

[Percy] Glabius and Taurus. I rolled for them.

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 11'11".

[DM] Glabius moved 10'07".

[DM] Taurus moved 36'09".

[Percy] I'm sorry. Taurus is good.

[DM] ok

[Percy] Maybe I never updated Glabius.

[DM] I think that is the issue

[DM] ok

[DM] Kylia have anyting to help ease those fears?

[DM] Antarias with any dwarven abilities?

[Lorie] what about fear?

[Lorie] I fear that we're going nowhere fast tonight

[Percy] Bob, I want a deity that has find/remove traps. I don't have access to approved deities in your game-

[Percy] Lawful Good, too.

[DM] and Norse

[mikE] why do you need a diety for find/remove traps?

[mikE] just make a rogue henchman.

[DM] Frigga, Siff or Frey are your best options Hans

[DM] or Heimdall

[DM] if she had a good strencht too

[Percy] OK.

[DM] strength, not stench

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] Hans did say back on the first night that his two henchmen were 1 round behind for this

[DM] so he can pull a rabbit out of his butt with this I suppose

[DM] wry grin

[DM] soon as he is back

[Vicki] ok

[DM] does anyone have anything to say about the pentegram? other than just walk across it?

[Lorie] I'm not going near it

[Vicki] fly?

[Lorie] anywhere near it

[DM] only way into the temple is through that area somehow

[mikE] how about around it?

[Vicki] we must to get to those doors

[Vicki] not enough space?

[DM] you can see on the map how it is

mikE is receiving the map Main Temple Area...

mikE has received the map Main Temple Area.

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] looks like we got about a foot on each side at the narrowest part to the wall from the outside of the pentagram... is this correct Bob?

[DM] yes

[DM] so not enough room to walk

[Vicki] ok

[Percy (to DM only)] so I just want divination, necromancy and abjuration spheres for Glabius.

[DM (to Percy only)] that will be much harder will check

[Percy (to DM only)] do any of those deities have all 3?

[DM (to Percy only)] abjuration is a wizard thing anyway, so that is out

[Vicki] is it just me or is percy smaller than tori?

[Percy (to DM only)] prot evil, anyone?

[Percy (to DM only)] they're all the same spheres, bud.

[DM (to Percy only)] Siff or Frey have both Protection Sphere and Divination Sphere

[Percy (to DM only)] note, I only have the 2nd edition PHB...

[DM (to Percy only)] but no Necromantic

[Percy (to DM only)] okay. I wasn't looking at the sphere, I was looking at the school. Shows how much I know about priests!!!!

[Percy (to DM only)] or *remember* about priests.

[Percy (to DM only)] Okay, I want healing, protection and divination spheres. Help me out.

[DM (to Percy only)] an interesting choice could be Hel

[Percy (to DM only)] I don't know why the priest stuff has to be so confusing-

[DM (to Percy only)] would give you necro, healing and div

[mikE] i don't have any ideas. i'm not going to just barrel ahead tis time and sacrifice my characters to move th eparty forward anymore.

[DM] no one is asking you to Mike

[Percy] I'm with Mike-

[mikE] we're all just sitting here doing nothing.

[Percy] We're doing what we can.

[DM] I am trying to help Hans with his henchman

[Percy] Which is, obviously, nothing.

[Percy] Well I guess that's something, DM.

[Percy] Needful, too.

[DM] if you give up the idea of the protection sphere, you can get div healing and necro

[DM] plus more

[Percy] I've been meaning to do this for a while but I missed your planning gaming session.

[Percy] I can do that, DM.

[DM] so Hel is the goddess name

[Percy] What alignment is that?

[DM] all priests have to be women

[DM] grins,

[Percy] I could do that.

[Percy] Right?

[DM] any alignment

[Percy] I'm not a sexist paladin, that I know of.

[DM] the evil ones use their powers for the acquisition of personal power

[DM] the good ones work on placating the goddess for the good fo the the village

[Percy] The village?

[Percy] How would I figure that one out?

[DM] your group

[Percy] Great.

[DM] she is there to help protect your group

[Percy] Sounds good.

[DM] and you will like the power at 5th level

[DM] immunity to disease and poison

[DM] so when you get there

[DM] so that is a go for that Hans?

[DM] we can say she is there one round behind

[DM] youc an flesh out things in a moment for her

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Glabius modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 12 (10). STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 12 (10). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 12 (10). INT: (I) : CHANGED: 14 (10). WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 17 (10). Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 17 (10). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 17 (10). CHR: (CH) : CHANGED: 14 (10). Leadership: (LD) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Appearance: (AP) : CHANGED: 16 (10). Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Glabius (null). Player:: CHANGED: Hans (null). Class:: CHANGED: Cleric (null). Race:: CHANGED: Human (null). Size:: CHANGED: M (null). Alignment:: CHANGED: LG (null). Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 25/Female (null). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 3 (1).

[DM] and will put them both on the map back there?

[Percy] Yes.

[Percy] Sounds good, DM.

[Percy] They're both 3rd level.

[Percy] At least.

[DM] and there you go

[DM] they are both 3rd level

[Percy] (don't know if they've increased since I started adventuring. Do we split XP with our henchmen?)

[DM] only if they actively participate

[DM] then they get XP

[Percy] I want them inactively participating. In the back where they can't get hurt ever.

[Percy] Something like that.

[DM] well they can be like this now

[Percy] Fine.

[DM] but when one round behind they are not doing anything

[DM] now they will

[DM] so what is the plan now

[Percy] Okay, folks, I will only have "Find Traps", not "Remove Traps", FYI.

[DM] for round 17 what do you want to do

[Percy] I'd like to wait for my henchmen to catch up.

[Vicki] ok, at least we can know they're there

[Percy] And then we'll have Find Traps.

[Percy] Glabius: (1d8) [3] 3

[DM] where do you want to cast it ?

[DM] and after you do

[Percy] Glabius: (1d8) [2] 2

[DM] what are you going to do about it?

[Lorie] Okay gang

[DM] this is why there is no point in waiting for next week

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Glabius modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 13 (null).

[Percy] I'm casting Find Traps. It lasts for

[DM] unless you think Christy or Kaz will think of a better plan

[Lorie] I am done for the night

[Lorie] I'm exhausted and... well, this has been a slow night and that's not helping

[Percy] 3 turns

[Percy] Sorry, Lorie!

[Lorie] Hope everyone has a great evening and that Christy feels better soon

[Percy] We'll miss you!

[Percy] Thanks-

[Lorie] NOpe... no apology necessary

[Lorie] these things happen

[Vicki] ok

[Vicki] good night lorie

[Lorie] if we were in a situation where we could solo or something like that

[Lorie] I would tough it out

[Lorie] but that pentagram is looming and we're going to need a few more hp with us

[Lorie] :: waves :: night

[Percy] You're right. I was recommending waiting til next week myself!

[Percy] ::waves back::

[DM] waves

Lorie has left the game on Fri Apr 18 21:38:10 EDT 2008

[Percy] Yeah, that changes things a bit.

[Vicki] so now we're without a healer

[Percy] I have a 3rd level priest. Doesn't quite take the place of a 14th level priest in any way shape or form.

[Percy] Umm... Any housekeeping that needs to be done by any players? I've got Glabius. Any ideas? Mike?

[Percy] Vicki?

[Percy] Anyway, Bob. Find traps lasts for 3 turns and will identify any traps in the direction which I am facing.

[DM] nods

[Vicki] I have no idea what to do now

[Vicki] I have nothing that needs worked on at this point besides come up with a wiki story for tori

[Percy] It won't remove the trap, but it can alert us to the danger in which case we would stop and wait for a professional to join us.

[DM] your only professional is Ramone

[DM] and what profession we will leave to the imagination

[Vicki] our only problem is if there is a trap on the pentagram, we're a tad screwed in here

Percy is receiving the map Main Temple Area...

Percy has received the map Main Temple Area.

Percy is receiving the map Rear Temple Area...

Percy has received the map Rear Temple Area.

[Percy] Percival moved 8'04".

[Percy] "You are in need of healing, Victoriana."

[mikE] not that it matters because a trap on the pentagram will be a magical one

[mikE] so we're screwed anyway.

[Vicki] "That is true, Sir Percival."

[Percy] Percival targets Victoriana. Distance: 3'05"

[DM] wait

[DM] no healing

[Percy] ::bowing head::

[Percy] uh, what?

[DM] until the time starts clicking

[DM] if you are doing things

[Percy] K

[DM] the other side gets to do things

[DM] everyone is frozen right now

[Percy] I'd like to use one round to lay hands on Victoriana.

[Percy] Maybe we should wait until next week, guys.

[DM] at this point is up to you three

[Percy] It's almost 10PM. I could spend this time with my kids. Then next week, hopefully we'll have a priest or a rogue that can handle traps. And then we could continue.

[DM] ok

[Percy] Vicki might not know how easily Bob destroys characters.

mikE has left the game on Fri Apr 18 21:47:28 EDT 2008

[DM] Mike does not want to move forward right now

[Percy] That will take experience.

[DM] and there he goes

[Percy] Right.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Victoriana (Vicki)] well then....

[Percy] Well, Bob, I honestly don't want to do too much with my henchman. I just want to have it available on nights like this where we need to supplement the abilities of the party.

[Vicki] this wouldn't work out well now...

[DM] nods

[DM] understand hans

[DM] they are one round behind until a point like this

[DM] then they come to the front for the rest of the way

[DM] and earn some XP when they do so

[Percy] These henchmen are not meant to replace party members!

[Percy] Right-o, Bobster.

[Vicki (to GM only)] Character sheet for Victoriana modified: Notes -

[Percy] When they get a few more HP, I won't be so scared for 'em.

[DM] I would say they are meant to be part fo the group

[DM] just not leading members

[DM] meant for supporting roles

[Percy] Exactly.

[DM] I was reading the site

[DM] Khan has been a part of the group for 25 years now as a henchman

[Percy] That's right!

[Percy] John has quite a collection, I would say.

[DM] Mike adn Lorie and John all have a decent ammount of followers

[DM] and henchmen

[Percy] Well, I vote for myself as Roleplayer of the Night. I need the XP.

[Percy] Does Vicki get extra XP for being early or anything?

[DM] grins

[DM] yes

[DM] Vicki Mike and Lorie were here before 7

[Percy] If there are only 3 players at 7PM, they get extra XP, right?

[Vicki] vicki's almost always early unless she's late

[DM] ok, so you two can log out

[DM] i will save the chat etc

[DM] and we will see you next week

[Percy] Thanks, Bob. Will the site have the chat?

[Vicki] ok... good night Bob and Hans

[DM] fairly soon yes

[Percy] I'll brush up on my cleric stuff.

[Percy] Thanks-

[DM] takes me a couple of moments to put up

Vicki has left the game on Fri Apr 18 21:54:15 EDT 2008

Percy has left the game on Fri Apr 18 21:54:18 EDT 2008