Main / Apr2205

Apr 22 05 - Chaos Dungeon

[DM] Time of Day: 05:56 PM. Fri, Apr 22nd, 2005.

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Lorie has joined the game

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] howdy

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[Lorie] HOla

[DM] so it did not take forever that is good

[Lorie] I did the update two hours ago

[Lorie] I was offline for a bit

[Lorie] It took about 25 minutes

[DM] cool

[DM] well not quite so cool but still

[Lorie] hmmfph

[DM] well messing around here,

[DM] will be in and out

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] okies

[DM] Wilson: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d209) [132] 132. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (9) [9] 9!!!

[DM] Wilson: Rod, Staff or Wand save: (d20+13) [4+13] 17. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (+13) [13] 13!!!

[DM] Wilson: WIS check: (d2016) [466] 466. PROBABLY FAILS against (16) [16] 16

[DM] Wilson: WIS check: (d20+16) [13+16] 29. PROBABLY FAILS against (+16) [16] 16

[DM] Wilson: WIS check: (d2016) [1198] 1198. PROBABLY FAILS against (16) [16] 16

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] damn it

[DM] will have to solve that later, need to make a change in the def file

[DM] will be back, Mike just pulled in at the gate

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

BiBo!!! has joined the game

[BiBo!!!] heyo

[BiBo!!!] saves still screwy eh?

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] yeah

[DM] I need to add a new tag to the def file I guess

[DM] will tell him about it later

[BiBo!!!] spiffy

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] Hey Marco.... afk a sec

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] I am working on stuff, will be back in a few, Mike is setting up

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] I'd like to know who decided that marshmallows were a good idea for cereal

mikE has joined the game

[mikE] finally!

[mikE] i've only been here for a half hour

[BiBo!!!] guard or computer problems?

[mikE] between dogs chewing cords and updates it took that long to log on

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] they chewed more cords?

[DM] the dog chew through the power cord for the switch

[BiBo!!!] nice

[DM] oh yeah

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] I am back :)

[DM] so we are almost ready to begin

[BiBo!!!] sweetness

[Lorie] brb

[mikE] she's back.

[mikE] she's gone.

[mikE] can't she make up her mind?

[BiBo!!!] there gonna be a problem gettin the others on with chewed up cords?

[Lorie] yes...

[Lorie] I can make up my mind just fine thank you.

[DM] no

[DM] wireless

[mikE] no. sean always used wireless

[BiBo!!!] she can make it and change it constantly ;)

[DM] sean and jess are here

[DM] we will have them log in and then we can start

[BiBo!!!] I swear, americans can be real assholes. if your kid is acting up badly enough that cops are arresting your kid, I don't care what the age, you shouldn't be able to sue the police arresting your kid. Hell, they shoulda broken out the nightsticks on that jerkass kid.

[DM] which kid?

[DM] lorie?

Fritz has joined the game

[BiBo!!!] some 5 year old girl, she was screamin and tearing up the room and hitting her teachers and principle

[DM] there we go

[DM] ok

[BiBo!!!] cops came and put handcuffs on her

[DM] good

[BiBo!!!] so they're suing the cops

[BiBo!!!] that parent should be throttled

[DM] exactly

[mikE] eh.

[mikE] my opinion is it shouldn't have gotten to the cops

[mikE] teacher should just be allowed to backhand the kid for crap like that

[BiBo!!!] I agree

[BiBo!!!] but since that's not allowed

Note Taker (Fritz) has edited Note Taker's effects.

Moraleodred (Fritz) has edited Moraleodred's effects.

Kit (Fritz) has edited Kit's effects.

[BiBo!!!] cops should be allowed to arrest them

Wilson (Fritz) has edited Wilson's effects.

Kylia Wolfslayer (Fritz) has edited Kylia Wolfslayer's effects.

E. L. Fudge (Fritz) has edited E. L. Fudge's effects.

Mobuto (Fritz) has edited Mobuto's effects.

Alastair (Fritz) has edited Alastair's effects.

Finglass (Fritz) has edited Finglass's effects.

Laila (Fritz) has edited Laila's effects.

Moradred (Fritz) has edited Moradred's effects.

[BiBo!!!] that's their job

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) has edited Ailea Morakenn's effects.

Brad Johnson (Fritz) has edited Brad Johnson's effects.

Sebrina (Fritz) has edited Sebrina's effects.

Patrice (Fritz) has edited Patrice's effects.

Stephon (Fritz) has edited Stephon's effects.

Khan (Fritz) has edited Khan's effects.

Claw (Fritz) has edited Claw's effects.

Longsword (Fritz) has edited Longsword's effects.

Gretchen (Fritz) has edited Gretchen's effects.

Kit (Fritz) has edited Kit's effects.

Paul Elvenstire (Fritz) has edited Paul Elvenstire's effects.

Kazza (Fritz) has edited Kazza's effects.

Hagar (Fritz) has edited Hagar's effects.

[BiBo!!!] the hell?

[mikE] bloody hell!

Jess has joined the game

[DM] was not me

[DM] Fritz?

[mikE] die fritz die!

[Fritz] I dont know what I did

[DM] it is ok

[mikE] something klooge didn't like apparently

[DM] my machine is acting very very screwy today

[DM] will spend the rest of the weekend fixing it

[BiBo!!!] dog's prolly pissed in it or something

[Fritz] I am going to walk the dog brb. Also Mike I got your email and have a good idea for you I think

[DM] windos does not like firefox and mcacfee updates

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok, Lorie Marco, Mike, anything in the dungeon?

[mikE] nope.

[DM] Wilson goign to just click everyone home?

[BiBo!!!] well, anything happen when we assemble the key?

[DM] no,

[DM] you have the key and that is it

[BiBo!!!] and we've seen nowhere to put it

[DM] all sorts of computer problems here tonight,

[DM] you know that it is bad when Mike's computer is the best one here

[DM] and you assume it goes int eh door behind that statue that attacked you

[BiBo!!!] ah

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: shrugs and looks at the rest of the group :: Are you ready to go?

[DM] you were told it was guarding

[BiBo!!!] didn't see a door there

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] well, do we want to break down this door and see what we can do about taking out chaos?

[DM] no

[DM] the current plan is

[DM] go home and then regroup

[DM] then come back to deal with that later

[Fritz] How are we getting back?

[DM] wilson

[Jess] hello

[Fritz] I thought wilson didn't have the amulet?

[BiBo!!!] he does

[DM] he only has the abiity to go back

[BiBo!!!] we didn't have wilson before ;)

[Jess] i'm on sean's computer tonight, which is why i'm purple and sean has even more of an excue to not pay attention

[Fritz] I thought a few weeks ago he said he didn't have the amulet

[Fritz] I guess I was mistaken

[BiBo!!!] a few weeks ago we didn't have wilson cuz he was a round behind, and you know what a stickler bob is

[DM] so

[DM] you assume you know where the door is

[Fritz] We came here from Pauls place and wilson was with us. anyway what ever

[DM] and you will come back to that

[DM] anything else?

[BiBo!!!] okie, well since we're going back and dealing with this later, I guess we go back and deal with this later

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[Fritz] How does mike's character feel about this I just got here

[DM] should we just poof back to roadhaven?

[BiBo!!!] no one really said anything, bob says we're goin back :-P

[DM] I am asking

[DM] if you have somethign you want to to

[DM] do

[DM] you can

[mikE] finglas doesn't care.

[mikE] he wants as little to do with that dungeon at this point as possible.

[DM] my impression was you were goign to get at least Kylia before going downstairs to the chaos lords

[Fritz] What about the gargoyle rom?

[DM] I am ready with anything on this level

[Fritz] We didn't finish it

[DM] Alastair? Laila?

[BiBo!!!] to the gargoyle room!

[Jess] i dont care where we go

[mikE] why the gargoyle room?

[BiBo!!!] because it's not finished?

[BiBo!!!] not sure if there's anything in there worth finishing or not though

[mikE] okay. if you insist.

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

[DM] put yoursleves there

Jess is receiving the map...

Jess has received the map.

[Wilson (Lorie)] Bob I have no view of the map.

[mikE] you download it, lor?

[Wilson (Lorie)] Yes... over 90 minutes ago

[DM] resending to you lorie

[mikE] then you might just have another 15 minutes to go. ;P

[Jess] ok, now that i can see what i'm doing

[DM] Fritz

[DM] uncheck your away from keyboard please

[Fritz] Yes sir?

[DM] that is another new bug

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] shows you away still

[DM] thank you

[DM] should have brought you back automatically

[Fritz] Actually I was still a bit away

[Fritz] Sorry hehehe

[BiBo!!!] ::twiddles his thumbs::

[BiBo!!!] anyone coming?

[DM] far far away

[DM] in a galaxy

[DM] ok

[DM] last call for Dragonslayer?

[DM] Dragonslayer?

[Fritz] Pardon?

[BiBo!!!] ::shouts down the hall and snaps his fingers:: come on people, we don't have all century

[Fritz] To gargoyle room?

[Jess] i'm coming i swear

[mikE] i'm good.

[mikE] i like it here.

[mikE] draw them out to the hall and i'll help you.

[BiBo!!!] door still locked?

[DM] nods

[Jess] we have a key to this one, right?

[BiBo!!!] don't think so, we have keys to the outer four I think

[Laila (Jess)] then how did we get in here?

[BiBo!!!] it wasn't locked the first time

Mobuto (Fritz) is now controlling Mobuto

[BiBo!!!] we took a gem and it got locked

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

[BiBo!!!] so make it unlocked

[Laila (Jess)] sir yes sir

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Maybe try lifting all the gems at the same time

Moraleodred (Fritz) is now controlling Moraleodred

[BiBo!!!] I think one disappeared when we lifted it as I recall

Moradred (Fritz) is now controlling Moradred

[Laila (Jess)] is there another way to open this that we can see?

[DM] no

[Laila (Jess)] hmmm

[BiBo!!!] can she pick it?

[Laila (Jess)] yeah, can i?

[DM] there is no lock for you to pick

[DM] there is just the secret door

[BiBo!!!] can we shove it like the last door that slamed shut?

[DM] the last time you had this issue you needed a great strenght

[BiBo!!!] so, yes?

[DM] sure you can try

[DM] how many strength points?

[BiBo!!!] okie boys, lets push

[BiBo!!!] 15 from me

[Laila (Jess)] 11 from me

[DM] ok, so 26 total opens it

[BiBo!!!] the gem still missing?

[DM] yes

[BiBo!!!] 3 left?

[Laila (Jess)] food!

[DM] 3 gems, four gargoyles

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What do I see when I look in the room bob

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [95] 95

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not a damn thing

[BiBo!!!] got more unseen servants and/or cantrips?

[DM] Sean is checking

[mikE] he says yes.

[Jess] I am back at the keyboard.

[Laila (Jess)] (sean here ... i cast unseen servent)

[DM] mister elf says oh look there is a secret door in the floor

[DM] in the middle between the statues

[BiBo!!!] it locked?

[DM] which the old door or the new one you just found?

[DM] brb

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] the old door we just opened, so I assume it's not locked, I was talkin about the trap door

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] well you would have to walk in to check it

[BiBo!!!] or use the handy dandy unseen servant

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I assume he would have had to do that to find the secret door wouldn't he?

[DM] no, the room is small enough that the ones who can detect secret doors got their rolls

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ahh

[DM] anything?

[BiBo!!!] unseen servant?

[Laila (Jess)] coming

[BiBo!!!] brb, dinner. don't die on me

[BiBo!!!] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[DM] I will take it that Fudge casts the spell

[DM] to move us along

[Laila (Jess)] yeah

[DM] and the door opens

[DM] inside is a small quartz arrow

[DM] just like the others

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Interesting? I thought we had all of them

[mikE] guess we were wrong.

[Laila (Jess)] neato, more prettiess

[Laila (Jess)] add them to the pack'

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Fetch Servant that I can see

[mikE] well, THE key has a crapload of parts.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] wait let me see it. Is it magical Bob?

[DM] no it is not magical, any more than the rest of the parts, remember that almost everything glows faintly

[DM] so

[DM] we are thinking we are thinking

[Mobuto (Fritz)] One of these may be fake

[Laila (Jess)] we are thinking that there is a lot more going on here than we originally thought

[Laila (Jess)] i think you are right, Sir Mobto

[Mobuto (Fritz)] let me look closely at all the key pieces.... no pun intended

[Laila (Jess)] (sorry, i'm typing on a foreign keyboard...foreign to me)

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [46] 46

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What do I discern Booby?

[DM] nothing magically different that you can see

[Mobuto (Fritz)] PPPPBBBBLLLTTTTTssssss

[DM] the unseen servent is holding it in the room for you

[mikE] try and bring it out

[mikE] see what happens.

[DM] want to bring it out? who wants to carry it?

[DM] the other gems?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wait I thought I was looking at all the pieces together

[DM] you have all the pieces there yes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] like lay them on the floor and look at them

[Mobuto (Fritz)] side by side and compare

[DM] ok, was assuming all the previous ones, not this one

[DM] you want to bring this one out of the room ?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes

[DM] ok

[DM] the servent brings it up to you

[DM] hovign in mid air with it

[DM] to your sight it looks identical to the others

[Mobuto (Fritz)] am I comparing it at the same time with all the others?

[DM] yes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] side by side

[DM] yes

[mikE] how many total key pieces do we think there are?

[mikE] and where did we get this information?

[DM] twelve parts, and you have thriteen

[DM] from the conversations with the ghost and the selkie

[Mobuto (Fritz)] That' chaotic

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Let's take this extra piece to the ghost and ask his opinion.

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] lucky 13

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Or even better use the bracelet of stone tell and see what the stones in the area can tell us about this extra key

[BiBo!!!] there a spot to shove the last piece in our key?

[DM] no

[mikE] yeah. have we looked at the door?

[DM] no

[mikE] okay, then why don't we do that?

[Wilson (Lorie)] Can't play now... Paul needs my seat to feed baby... be back later.

Mobuto (Fritz) looks at the DM as he bends over to pick up the pencil he dropped..."I can think of a place to shove it"

[DM] whisltes

[DM] whistles, even

[BiBo!!!] what's the door look like?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hmmmm when did Lorie start turning over the feeding duties to Paul? That is just unnatural!!!

[Laila (Jess)] ll

[Laila (Jess)] lol, i mean

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Trust me I'm a doctor in real life...I know these things

[DM] I am not a doctor I just roleplay one

[Mobuto (Fritz)] OK Bones

[DM] and the door there Al

[mikE] i'm not a real doctor. i just tell the girl next door i am

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What you and Nyrma do in your off time is more than I need to know

[DM] has a Sign of Chaos etched on teh rear wall

[DM] it shows a model of the key

[DM] and how to assemble it

[BiBo!!!] well, since we just lost our ride home, want to try open this thing?

[DM] there is an indentation that the key would fit in

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And how many slots does it require?

[DM] and I do not think you want to do that

[DM] one slot

[BiBo!!!] yeah, well we no longer have a ride home :-P

[DM] the diagram seems to have 12 parts to it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] that was what I meant

[DM] he already said he woudl take you home

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Let's go and ask the Ghost

[DM] I will rule you can go when you want if it is not an emergcy

[mikE] acutally, we do have a ride home

[mikE] we're close by to the tower, right?

[mikE] john has stated for future referrence his pool is centered on roadhaven and we have free access to jump in.

[DM] realtively close by, still several hours overland

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We just have to walk to Pauls place

[mikE] yeah. so a brisk walk and we're home.

[mikE] do we really want to just push forward with this?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Exactly we have just gotten lazy

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No I agree post pone it lets just talk to the ghost about this extra part

[DM] so who is picking up these parts to the key and taki them to the ghost?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Let the servant hold on to the one he has

[BiBo!!!] dunno why we came this far and are stopping this now

[Mobuto (Fritz)] To research and level

[BiBo!!!] heh

[BiBo!!!] okay, then lets just go home

[DM] ok,

[DM] so?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I want to know what the wand is and the statuet

[BiBo!!!] which wand and statuet?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No talk to the ghost

[Mobuto (Fritz)] The ones I am carrying

[BiBo!!!] then go ask the ghost then

[Mobuto (Fritz)] That is what I am trying to do but waiting on Booby

[mikE] where'd you get a wand and statuette?

[mikE] i don't remember those

[DM] waiting for everyone to go there, I have that section up on my map

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You were dead

[mikE] oh. okay.

[DM] After a couple rounds of searching you feel a slight chill in the air. A whispery, forlorn voice cuts through the air: "Who visits me after all these centuries?" The voice comes from a shadowy form sittin gin the velvet chair. The figure appears human. He is draped in robes and wears a conical hat, the wide brim of which hides his features.

[mikE] so apparently he's got alsheimers, too?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hi again

[BiBo!!!] not much shortime memory, death'll do that to ya

[mikE] it's us you stupid old fart!

[mikE] smack smack

[DM] he starts to move his hand up to his brim to reveal his face to you

[DM] then pauses

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I look at his face

[DM] it is hidden

[Laila (Jess)] i'm not there

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Is his voice the same?

[DM] he asks what you have returned for

[DM] yes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] hmmmm. I have the jar you asked for

[DM] thank you

[DM] what is in it?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Oh wait a sec I left it outside with the young lady be right back. COme with me to get it al

[DM] he sighs

[BiBo!!!] so, you're a ghost. what's that like?

Mobuto (Fritz) whispers to Al...I never promised him any Jar...

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I didn't promise you a jar, Who are you?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] show me your face

[DM] I am Draconis

Lorie has left the game

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What agreement did we have

[DM] you can not stand the sight of me, do not wish to cause you harm

[DM] you would bring me poetry books

[BiBo!!!] ::glances at motubo:: lots of undead kill you if you look at them, I wouldn't press the matter

[Mobuto (Fritz)] hmmmm ok....

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am actually protected from gaze attacks

[BiBo!!!] it's not a gaze attack, kinda like a medusa

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He couldn't be any uglier than Finglass so I am not to worried, but better not take chances

Lorie has joined the game

[mikE] bugger

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can you tell us why we have found a 13th part to the key?

[DM] no

[DM] there are 12 parts to the key

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] we have found 13

[BiBo!!!] ((::thinks bob miscounted::))

[DM] I do not know of a thirteenth part

[Mobuto (Fritz)] could you discern if one was a fake?

[DM] (go ahead and think I did not plan this, no problem on my end)

[DM] Draconus shakes his head

[DM] I have not seen all the parts of the key

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can you cast identify ?

[DM] no

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How about legend lore or similiar magic?

[DM] legend lore yes

[DM] but why would I want to cast that for you?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we have too many arrows then ya?

[mikE] because we're the good guys?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So we can trully know which are the correct pieces to the key and better be able to free you from your curse that is why

[DM] he says that if they are identical then why should it matter

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Only 12 pieces are needed to open the door. If magic is involved then it may matter

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's like that last screw that's always extra when you're putting something together

[DM] none of the key peices radiates magic

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] pop it in

[DM] other than the background stuff here

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] either pop it in or lets go back

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Then lets take them all out of here and come back later

[DM] ok

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] heh, okay, so we get home

[DM] ok, so everyone holds hands, sings kumbaya and re-assembles at road haven

[Lorie] Okay I am back

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] bampf

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] just in time :)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Actually we have to jump o a big pool er

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Jess is receiving the map...

Jess has received the map.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yay, home

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: smilles broadly at the open air and lack of statues and dead ghosts ::

[DM] so

[DM] everyone is here

[DM] we are ready to rest a day?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sounds good

[DM] resending to Fritz right now

[Laila (Jess)] yay sleep

Fritz has left the game

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what are you resending to fritz now?

[DM] fritz will be right back

[DM] and he asked if anyone coud restore the lion's level

[DM] and we are advancing to the time that Kylia comes back

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I doubt it

[DM] which is 24 days

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's a 7th level spell ain't it?

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] so we have that much time to do anything before she gets home

[DM] to clean and hide the mess

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::sweeps the rubble under the rug::

Fritz has joined the game

[mikE] okay, then i want to go to wolf's pack and do some research into my bloody amulet

[DM] so noted

[Jess] I am back at the keyboard.

[Laila (Jess)] back

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: low-level clerics contemplate healing the lion, but think better of it for fear of being lunch::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I don't think we have access to restoration, but I'll heal what I can

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] I promise I wont eat any of you. Ailea keeps me well fed

[DM] Moradred's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (35) - Unharmed

[DM] E. L. Fudge's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (10) - Unharmed

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] restoration is 7th level isn't it?

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] yes

[DM] Kit's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 51 (6) - Unharmed

[DM] Moraleodred: No adjustments made

[DM] every one is fully healed, except that level

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and poor kazza

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: low-level clerics shrug and go back into hiding ::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or paul or kit

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I want to cast identify on the wand and statues, also I have an ioun stone that can raise someones casting level up by one if that will give access to 7th level spells.

[mikE] alas poor kazaa. though we didn't really know him that well

[mikE] lor? does kylia need one or two?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] don't think that'll be enough, kylia's what, 12th?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think we need her at 14 to do it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 13 would do it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] how? 7th level spells come at level 14

[Mobuto (Fritz)] nope 14 you are correct

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Wilson (Lorie)] Kylia doesn't have restoration and is only 11th

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] even worse

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I meant if she were 13 the stone would work

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Also i will need some gold to go and buy some books for the ghost as payment for resurecting fin and also some gold to copy some spells for my spell book from the library

[Fritz] If he deleted we are gone gone gone

[DM] there you go

[BiBo!!!] and the world disappears

[DM] adn now we are back to normal

[DM] except for a bit of chat

[DM] all the characters brought back

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] will try that again in a moment when I am less stressed and do not delete the party

Jess is receiving the map...

Jess has received the map.

Hagar (BiBo!!!) has edited Hagar's effects.

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] when are you not stressed around klooge?

[Fritz] Okey doke I think that is a rhetorical question

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[DM] I expect too much out of myself

[DM] need to just relax

[DM] and take it one step at a time

[Fritz] you only need the map once Bibo

[DM] continuign the the identifys

Fritz has left the game

[BiBo!!!] only clicked once

Fritz has joined the game

[DM] you showed him

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] brb bathroom, Marco roll that indentify please

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] k

[BiBo!!!] Roll #1: (d100) [21] 21

[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [6] 6

[Fritz] That wasn't nice

[BiBo!!!] what wasn't nice?

[Fritz] Booting me like that just cause

[mikE] well, i hate to say it, but you kind of smell funny.

[Fritz] A sensitive guy like me could take hurting to things like that

[Fritz] sorry it was the burrito I had for lunch

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] so Kylia is back

[DM] let us get to that conversation

[DM] and catch up with the spells etc.

[DM] afterwards

[DM] to keep everyone more invovled

[Fritz] Did I get to search for my familiar...oh ok

[DM] there is a represenative here to talk to Alastair also

[DM] from the holy horder

[DM] order

[DM] he has a message for you

[BiBo!!!] yes?

[DM] there is an inquiry about the people you are spending time with

[DM] they want you to come in for a discussion

[DM] and your thithes are due

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I will leave first thing in the morning

[DM] so

[Fritz] What is a thithes? You paladins are kinky

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he was a little gay

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Laila, I have business to attend to, stay with the people here, I will return when I can

[Fritz] I guess that is why he was a Horder

[mikE] he should have been called a packer.

[Jess] Yes, master, i'll be here

[Jess] have a safe journey

[Finglass (mikE)] Do you wish company, friend?

[Finglass (mikE)] I would have no troubles accompanying you.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] That is alright, it is temple business. Claw will make sure nothing happens on the way.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: enters the Keep a bit weary ::

[Fritz] Someone needs to introduce me to the great Lady Kylia I have heard so much about

[Laila (Jess)] welcome back, Lady Kylia

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Good afternoon everyone. Wilson, how did things go?

Finglass (mikE) bows to Kylia

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: gulps :: Umm, well, it umm, it went, as well as ..umm, well as could be expected.

[Wilson (Lorie)] Everyone is mostly alive and well.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Greetings kylia, I have a friend who wishes to guard your temple

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: frowns at Alastair :: Dwarf, Halfling or Elf?

Finglass (mikE) laughs quietly

[Finglass (mikE)] None of the above, Lady.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] neither, a door actually

[Door] Hello

[Door] how are you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: A door?

[Door] do you need to close off a passageway?

Laila (Jess) giggles at the door

[Door] do you want to show you have a great

[Door] portal

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] He is a good worker and works for just kobolds a day

[Door] do you need to have the rest of the world stay out of a special place for you

[Door] then I am your door

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns to the door :: Passageway? Hmm... well there is this ... KOLBOLDS?

[Door] I cna be

[Mobuto (Fritz)] A mimic to be precise

[Door] I can be any door you wish

Door changes to stone

[Finglass (mikE)] ::we can wall reign in the cave. =P

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or goblins, whatever bothersome creatures you have in the area

Door changes to oak

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Do you come in house size ?

Door thinks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders pointing at the elf and halfling, but thinks better of it ::

[Door] no, not that big

[Laila (Jess)] ((why is she pointing at me?))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Pity... I think I 've heard of your cousins who live farther down the Trade Route

Finglass (mikE) wispers to Fudge, "Look out, she's pointing at you."

[Door] I have no kin that I know of

[Door] perhaps you are thinking about my distant cousin the trap door?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Someone said annoying creatures... ;o) Halfling, Elf, Dwarf... Kylia is Equal Opportunity ))

[Door] or the door mouse?

[Door] perhaps the door mat?

[Door] all are quiet well known

[Door] quite too

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: Shrugs :: Umm, so let me get this staright. You want to help me block off something from the rest of the world...and I'll only have to feed you goblins or kobolds

[Door] what ever stops by,

[Door] I am not picky

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I thought you could find some suitable work for our friend here

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: Hmm, there is this Pesky Well that seems to think the world is in need of liberation

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You don't eat Minotaurs, right?

[Door] I would be a well cover

[Door] they taste gamey

[Door] but I could if you want

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well eating this Minotaur would against my better judgement given that he's good and all...

Finglass (mikE) smirks silently.

[Door] a sweet suculent halfli woud be excellent

[Door] they are nice and rotund

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And as I understand it, there are lots of goblins and other assorted creatures that tend to frequent the area

[Laila (Jess)] You cant at me!

[Door] that would nice

[Laila (Jess)] *eat

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] All those in favor?

[Laila (Jess)] i'm ok as long as it doesnt eat me

[Door] raisses a pseudopod

[Laila (Jess)] so, aye

Finglass (mikE) shrugs. "If you think it's a good idea."

[Door] aye

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at the rest of the party for input::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sounds good to me

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Shouldn't you ask Reign. I am sure he wouldn't mind but he does have a say

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Now, if the group here goes along with this, there would of course have to be an understanding that you can't eat us. Only fair, I'd say.

[Door] well

[Door] who woudl that exclude?

[Door] dwarves?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Sure... he can have all the say he wants once we decide if we want to put the Door there.

[Door] elves?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] how about you just ask for a password?

[Door] hmmm,

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if they don't give it to you, you can eat them

[Door] and it they do nothave the password I can eat them... excellent

[Door] but not a hard password

[Door] I might not remember it

[Door] and then I might eat the wrong person

[Door] or not eat the right person

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: absently makes a mental note that there are other new faces in the crowd::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] right, how about remember?

[Door] remember what?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] remember is easy to remember

[Door] I can remember things what do you want me to remember?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the password could be remember

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] The password is the word remember. Okay?

[Door] yes, you want me to remember the password

[Door] ok

[Door] good

[Door] what is the password

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Password.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] is

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Remember

[Door] ok

[Door] password

[Door] remember the password

[Door] got it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] heh, good enough

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at the Elf :: Want to try?

[Finglass (mikE)] Belvedere... Listen carefully.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: Okay, so if there are no objections, Alastair, could you escort our friend Mr. Door to see Reign on your way out?

[Door] puts otu a huge ear

[Finglass (mikE)] This is a very tricky password.

[Door] yes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((I meant EL Fudge the Elf :P ))

[Door] tricksy hobbits

[Finglass (mikE)] You must remember the password remember.

[Door] what doees the tricksy hobbits have in its pocketess

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure, I'll take him there

[Finglass (mikE)] So remember, the password IS remember.

[Door] I knwo

[Door] my precious

[Door] remember

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ready to go?

[Door] the passowrd

[Door] got it

[Door] yeap

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: If Reign says no, well then, we've done our part

[Door] lets go

[Finglass (mikE)] so door, what is the password?

[Door] hops on alastaris back

[Door] ahh

[Door] trying to trick me

[Door] you wont' get teh password outof me that easy

[Finglass (mikE)] no. i want to be sure you know the password.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::snicker::

[Door] you think I don't know how you work

[Finglass (mikE)] oh gods... I just hope I never have to go that way.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I go saddle up claw and fly off

[Finglass (mikE)] Good luck.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I think you have just put Reign in a bad way... 8*)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] thanks, it shouldn't be too bad, rather routine

[Finglass (mikE)] If they give you any troube, just tell them your friend will stick an arrow in their fat bottoms.

Finglass (mikE) winks at Alistair

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::snickers and waves: bye everyone

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Bye

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: Farewell...

[Moradred (Fritz)] Bye

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] bye

Mobuto (Fritz) nods goodbye

[Door] waves

[DM] ok

[DM] so back to kylia

Finglass (mikE) fiddles with the amulet on his belt, flicking it with a fingernail a few times.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] So what have you been up to while I was away?

[Laila (Jess)] Lady Kylia, there is so much that it would be hard to explain in one night

[Finglass (mikE)] Getting an agatheon in an amulet

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Judging by the size of that sword, I'd gather that

Finglass (mikE) shrugs

Laila (Jess) giggles

[Finglass (mikE)] You want it Kylia?

[Laila (Jess)] We went adventuring and this sword was there

[Laila (Jess)] it likes me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: No thank you.

[DM] Al can still be here for the conversation if you wish Marco

Finglass (mikE) sighs

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: 0 (10). Temporary Modifiers - Altitude: (ALT) : CHANGED: null (+5).

[BiBo!!!] nah, I'm fine watching

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Perhaps you should send that to your order...

Finglass (mikE) mutters quietly to his amulet.

Mobuto (Fritz) alights on the ground

[DM] lol at Mraco

[DM] marco

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And you young lady? I see the cooler air still hasn't inspired you to put any clothes on?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at Ailea ::

[Laila (Jess)] Finglass came from the dead, too, Lady Kylia

[Finglass (mikE)] I don't know what you are talking about.

[Finglass (mikE)] I never died.

[Laila (Jess)] First he was dead and then he wasnt

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] No I am getting used to it thank you for asking though

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns :: Dead? Finglass... interesting. I thought elves liked being dead.

[Finglass (mikE)] ::i never actually died. we changed time so i didn't.::

[Finglass (mikE)] ::that's what limited wish does::

[Finglass (mikE)] ::according to the text::

[Finglass (mikE)] shrug

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: The acolytes spend too much time staring. I have to ask that you clothe yourself within the walls of the keep

[Finglass (mikE)] I can't say as I remember any dying.

[Laila (Jess)] ::to me, you were dead and then you were back::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Changing time ? ::glares at Wilson ::

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I'll see if I can find any that I can get accostomed to

[Finglass (mikE)] What can I say, Lady? I must be indespensable to the group.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns to Ailea :: I thank you in advance.

Finglass (mikE) smiles charmingly at Kylia

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well, what else... shiny swords, spooky amulets, re-animated elves....

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Actually the ghost did that thanks to the assistance of Mobuto

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Surely that isn't all ...

[Laila (Jess)] dont forget the talking door

[Finglass (mikE)] Chaos Keys.

[Laila (Jess)] and those

[Finglass (mikE)] You might want to take these and put them into your vault.

[Finglass (mikE)] Or some pit.

[Finglass (mikE)] Or the sun, even.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Chaos Keys? Here?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Well we do have to go back and defeat the chaos lords dont we?

[Finglass (mikE)] Do we?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Isn't that what your amulet said?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Defeat Chaos Lords :: glares again at Wilson ::

[Finglass (mikE)] No. It says it wants to destroy the temple.

[Finglass (mikE)] I'll gladly throw it back there so it can do just that.

Wilson shrinks a bit more inside of his robes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wells that talk, amulets that make orders...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Anyone have an ego possessed sword? I think t

[Finglass (mikE)] Make orders, sure. But as to wether I'll follow... That is a different story.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Don't forget ghost of mages under curses that we promised to save

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] hat would just about cover it all

[Finglass (mikE)] Well, there is the sword Paul brought back, mind you.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Promises to ghosts ? :: now considers calling the door back for chow time ::

[Finglass (mikE)] So yes. We covered it all.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] WE promised to save the ghost as payment of bringing you back from the dead remember Finglass

[Finglass (mikE)] Did you? Glad I wasn't there, then.

[Finglass (mikE)] And I do wish you'd stop referring to me as having died. Don't you think I'd remember something like that?

[Laila (Jess)] My sword isnt possessed, but it does make me fly!

[DM] you can fly you can fly you can fly

Laila (Jess) demonstrates

[BiBo!!!] levitate

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: counts bodies :: And where is Kit and Sir Paul?

[Finglass (mikE)] Back home. They stayed at the tower.

[DM] just sprinkle a bit a pixie dust

[DM] and you can fly

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I could go back and see if he would like to undo his wish since you dont have any desire to repay your debt to him Finglass

[Laila (Jess)] Laila: Levitate: my sword makes me fly (DC=(10+2) [10+2] 12)

[DM] to the north star than the to the right

[Wilson (Lorie)] Umm, I did take some notes Lady Kylia..... I kept an accurate account of the whole thing.

[DM] then straight on to night

Laila (Jess) walks across the ceiling

[Finglass (mikE)] But I have no debt. According to you, I was dead. How could I make a deal with him?

Finglass (mikE) smiles.

[Wilson (Lorie)] ... ::whispers :: So you know who to blow up first of course :: smiles hopefully ::

[BiBo!!!] so was the ghost ;)

Finglass (mikE) scowls at Wilson. "Wilson! And here I thought we had become such good friends."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues glaring :: what have you promised this ghost?

[Finglass (mikE)] All those days up to our elbows in books. I take you to libraries, not dungeons, keep in mind.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I guess he could look at it that way as well. I asked him to return you from the dead and in payment the group promised to bring him new books to read and to defeat the lords of chaos so that the curse could be lifted and he could rest in peace

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And what is his alignment pray tell?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] If you feel no obligation as well then so be it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] LG

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What sort of books did you promise him?

[Finglass (mikE)] Well, did you ever agree on a time frame?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Different types, poetry art, stories etc

[Finglass (mikE)] I'd rather have nothing more to do with that dungeon. I'm stuck with too much from it as it is.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] he is bored

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well you were dead and free of the dungeon I am sure he would be willing to go back to that arrangement

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You were also dead and free of the amulet you feel bothered with as well

[Finglass (mikE)] Why don't we just transport the room to a library? I'm sure he wouldn't be bored then.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He can't leave the dungeon remember

[Finglass (mikE)] No. Apparently not even death will free me from this bothersome thing.

[Finglass (mikE)] Is he bound to the room or the dungeon?

[Finglass (mikE)] If it is merely a room I'm sure we can get around that.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Sure, knock down a few walls

[Finglass (mikE)] Oh, I would bet that Paul would love such a learned ghost to be a guest in his library.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am sure we could try again that would free you from your debt. But I guess this is to be expected, I realize that the change I saw in my brother was not precipitated by all the dragonslayers just some of them

[Finglass (mikE)] And the ghost would have tons of books there, yes?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Finglass I believe you are asking the impossible, if not the improbable. Why not simply fulfill your debt and move on

Finglass (mikE) shrugs. "Like I said, I want nothing to do with that dungeon. Maybe if you were a man of faith you might understand my predicament."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns:: I hate to argue semantics, but if was the rest of the group who made the bargain...should it then not be YOU who honors the debt?

Finglass (mikE) sighs once more. "If you all truly wish to venture in there again, I will accompany you, but I have no wish to go back there."

[Laila (Jess)] i made no bargains

[Laila (Jess)] i didnt wish for the dead elf to come back

[Laila (Jess)] i didnt even talk to the ghost

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What ever. I am getting his books and have every intention of going back and clearing the dungeon that is why I dont wish for you to dispose of this key as the elf has incisted...By the way now that you have addressed my let me introduce myself. I am Mobuto, Mage Extrodinaire. I have heard great things about you Lady Kylia and I am glad to have finally met your personage.

[Finglass (mikE)] That's okay. I'll remember your hostile attitude in the future.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns back to Wilson :: How could you let them enter into such a debt if they did not intend to honor it? Have your teachings taught you nothing?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: Well Met Mage...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns :: Surely it was not just one group member who agreed to this bargin?

Wilson opens and closes his mouth

[Finglass (mikE)] Well, Alistair might have been there, but he's left, I would imagine.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Of course If I remember the workings of magic the elf did not have to come back to life if he did not wish to. No Alastiar was there as well

[BiBo!!!] ::was a round behind::

[DM] lol

[Finglass (mikE)] ::damn you you impasive no good lump of flesh!::

Laila (Jess) to Finglass "i am not hostile"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Then honor the debt. Is this the first you made Finglas aware of this debt?

[Finglass (mikE)] ::all you are good for is a thing to hide behind in a fight!::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And wasn't EL Fudge there as well

[BiBo!!!] ::isn't even good for that now because he's many rounds away::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::: OOC Always many rounds when it is convienent

[Finglass (mikE)] ::i think fudge is about two rounds behind at the moment::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] If this ghost ws good and an agreement was made, then it should be honored. At least from where I sit.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No he knew of it from the start

[Laila (Jess)] All i did during the talk with the ghost was take Finglass' body out of the scroll of shelter

[Laila (Jess)] i didnt talk to the ghost, i'm not even entirely sure how Finglass got back

[Laila (Jess)] Sir Mobuto was talking to the ghost

[Finglass (mikE)] I did? This is the first I've heard of any debt and of any ghost.

[Finglass (mikE)] In fact, ::looks pointedly at his belt:: I don't even have any debt or agreement with this amulet!

[DM] you are the bearer

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: Sighs :: Anything else? I'm sure there are more exciting things to discuss than books with Good ghosts?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Right! I thought I was helping a party member, but I would be happy to go back to the ghost and have him cast another spell and revoke the wish he had before if that is your desire Finglass. I have no problem with that.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: simply shakes her head at Wilson and looks down at her boots, which are in need of a good polishing about now::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well there is the fact that there is a great threat from chaos brewing there

Wilson licks his lips in anticipation of defending

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We have been warned to defeat it if that means anything to you

Finglass (mikE) shrugs. "Once again, I really have no idea of your agreement or anything. If you desire my help with something ask, but like I said, I really have no desire to return to that place. As far as I can tell, we have stopped the threat."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Chaos in a well, Chaos in a keep... Chaos keys. I've had it about up to here with Chaos.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Blow the whole keep up... avoid the problem completely. Let the ghost go to rest

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I wish to ask you a question my lady

[Finglass (mikE)] If you are going to blow the whole place up, Kylia, would you take the amulet with you? Please?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] If I may?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and looks at Mobuto :: Please, ask away.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Actually a couple of questions.

[Finglass (mikE)] Didn't you just ask one there? Two?

[BiBo!!!] ::once they get their foot in the door....

[DM] knock knock knock, message for Finglass, one of the accolytes says

[DM] sir finglass?

[Finglass (mikE)] Hmmm? For me?

[DM] hands over a note

[Mobuto (Fritz)] First do you think you had any role in influencing the change in my brother Motubo trust prior to his death. I was quite surprised to sense such changes for the better in him

[DM] there is a ... person ... waiting for out side

Finglass (mikE) looks over his note. "What?"

[DM] I thought it best he wait out there

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Just prior to his death? :: that is ::

[DM] looks over at wilson

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: Trust?

[DM] walks up

[Finglass (mikE)] Excuse me for a moment. ::walks to the front door and out::

[DM] whispers in his ear. a dwarf, a gold colored dwarf

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Perhaps it was all that time he spent with Reign.

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: blinks :: Umm, excuse me Kylia, I'll... umm, well, umm, be right back :: rushes off ::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am not sure that only one person could have affected him so much. He was a bit of a flighty individual if you knew him

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues thinking :: Well there certainly is a lot of goodness here in the keep. Lots of holiness and clerics.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Or perhaps he was that way before he came to us and you didn't see that side of him.

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: slowly approaches the Gold Dwarf :: Good afternoon, can I help you?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] My second question is a bit rhetorical I guess. If one of your party members died and you had it within your means to raise him and you knew it was his wish but you had to make a deal in order to do so would you? Or would you leave your party member dead since he has no say in the deal?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: Glad it's rhetorical... no comment.

Mobuto (Fritz) shrugs

[DM] I never learned to speak rehotical

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 8^)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Finally any idea where I can find a pseudo dragon?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 8^)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] J/K

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: Psuedo dragon... yes. In the pseudo forest to the West.

[DM] actually yes in the druid forests to the east actually (kylia would know)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] SUWHEAT!!!!!

[DM] well she will explain what that entails acatually

[Fritz] As long as we get to keep the left one we are ok!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: You have fun with that... I'll stay here in my nice warm keep

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: saunters back into the keep :: So, lunch anyone?

[Wilson (Lorie)] I think it's ready... :: smiles hopefully ::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Tell me about the dragonslayers and your role in them Lady Kylia

Finglass (mikE) walks back in, a golden eyed, blonde, golden skinned, beardless, rather reptilian looking dwarf in tow.

[Finglass (mikE)] Ah hem... Everyone, allow me to introduce Anterias. My new charge.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: just looks at Mobuto :: Interesting quetions you have...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: throws her hands up :: I'm so glad I returned...

Laila (Jess) gapes at the new dwarf

[Finglass (mikE)] ::as anterias:: Good day, everyone. I do hope I am not coming at a bad time.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I have been trying to understand the roles people have played in my brothers life...Interesting friend you have piced up there Finglass

[Mobuto (Fritz)] picked :: even::

[Finglass (mikE)] You don't know the half of it, Mobuto.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: wishes her eyes shot fire and replies tersely :: So... glad... you...could... come

[Finglass (mikE)] ::anterias:: smiles nervously.

Laila (Jess) It's nice to meet you, Anterias, I'm Laila

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns her glares from Wilson to Finglass ::

Mobuto (Fritz) Thinks he could help her with that...then thinks maybe he shouldn't let her know

[Finglass (mikE)] ::anterias:: Bows to Kylia. Lady Kylia. A lovely keep and lands you have here. I especially like your forest out back.

Laila (Jess) cocks her head and thinks, "Dwarves dont like forests."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders the dwarf and replies curtly :: Thank you.

Mobuto (Fritz) looks at Finglass and Anterias closely but says nothing

Moraleodred (Fritz) wonders if Belvedere was here if he would get to eat the dwarf?

Moradred (Fritz) wonders what gold dwarf tastes like?

[DM] goldfish crackers

[BiBo!!!] ew

[Laila (Jess)] hee hee

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns to Finglass :: So he'll be leaving tomorrow then?

[Finglass (mikE)] he's the snack that smiles back. till you bite his head off

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] hello Anterias. I have never seen your like before, Although you do remind me of someone...

[Finglass (mikE)] He is my charge, Lady Kylia. Mentoring to him is my duty as a priest to my church, and a son to my father.

Finglass (mikE) smiles weakly. "It happens when your father is a high priest."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And you have to do that here?

[Finglass (mikE)] ::Ant:: Lady. I do sincerely doubt many have met one like me. I am rather unique as I'm sure you can tell.

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns and just continues to glare at Wilson ::

Laila (Jess) to Anterias "You dont look like any dwarf i have ever seen. What happened to you?"

[BiBo!!!] antarias looks like a deformed elf

[Laila (Jess)] ((i cant see the icons on this computer, but i'll take your word for it BiBo))

[Finglass (mikE)] Nothing has happened to me. I am a half dwarf.

[Laila (Jess)] What is your other half?

[Moradred (Fritz)] Tasty

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[BiBo!!!] it's all the way on the right edge of the icon bar, also to the right of you on the map

[Finglass (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Broad Blades Group. ADDED: Long Sword (Specialized). ADDED: Shield. ADDED: Two Weapon Fighting (Specialized). Weapons - ADDED: Long Sword, null, 2/3, +4, +10, 1d8, 1d12, null, $thac0, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Shield Bash, null, 1/1, +3, +8, 1d3, 1d3, null, $thac0, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Shield Rush, null, 1/1, +3, +8, 1d3, 1d3, null, $thac0, null, null, null, null. Ability Scores - ADDED: 19. ADDED: +3. ADDED: +8. ADDED: 110. ADDED: 700. ADDED: 17. ADDED: 60. ADDED: 14. ADDED: +1. ADDED: +0. ADDED: -2. ADDED: 16. ADDED: +4. ADDED: 88. ADDED: 100. ADDED: +0. ADDED: 0. ADDED: 13. ADDED: 4. ADDED: 6. ADDED: 7. ADDED: 60. ADDED: +0. ADDED: 9. ADDED: +0. ADDED: +0. ADDED: 20. ADDED: 0. ADDED: 12. ADDED: 4. ADDED: 0. ADDED: +2. Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: 4. ADDED: 3. ADDED: -2. Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Ambidexterity, 1, $D, +0. ADDED: Read Write, 2, $I, +1. ADDED: Alertness, 1, $W, +1. ADDED: Observation, 1, null, null. ADDED: Swimming, 1, $S, +0. ADDED: Trouble Sense, 1, $W, +0. ADDED: null, null, null, null. Saving Throws - ADDED: 9. ADDED: 11. ADDED: 14. ADDED: 16. ADDED: 12. Armor - ADDED: 10. ADDED: -12. ADDED: -2. ADDED: -0. ADDED: -4. ADDED: 0. Personal Information - ADDED: Anterias. ADDED: mikE. ADDED: Fighter. ADDED: Half Dragon/Half Dwarf. ADDED: M. ADDED: LG. ADDED: /Male. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: 3. ADDED: 4000. ADDED: 8000. Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: 3. Combat - ADDED: 36. ADDED: 36. ADDED: 18. ADDED: 18. ADDED: 1. ADDED: (+10+$RA). Misc. Attributes - Class Levels - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: 3. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: Equipment - ADDED: Full Plate Mail, 70 lbs. AC 1. ADDED: Medium Shield, 10 lbs. AC +3 (specialized). ADDED: Long Sword, 4 lbs.. ADDED: null, null.

[Finglass (mikE)] the other half is dragon.

[Moradred (Fritz)] Taste like chicken

[Antarias (mikE)] The othe rhalf is dragon

[Laila (Jess)] there used to be someone with us who was half a dragon.....but she was prettier than you

[Antarias (mikE)] As you say. Though I would be very much interested in meeting another half dragon.

[Laila (Jess)] i dont know what happened to her

Moradred (Fritz) Burp

[Moradred (Fritz)] Like I said...Taste like chicken

Laila (Jess) giggls

Laila (Jess) pets the wolf

Moradred (Fritz) Nuzzles Laila. Rolls on its back exposing its belly

[Finglass (mikE)] So have we come to a decision about the chaos lords while I was out?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns : there will be no eating of clerics in my keep

[Finglass (mikE)] Are we going to go back in, or let it be?

[Moradred (Fritz)] Yezzzm

[Moradred (Fritz)] But it wasn't one of your clerics...I was told they were off limits

[Antarias (mikE)] Um... ::cough:: I am not a cleric, Lady. Merely a man at arms.

Laila (Jess) scratches the wolf's belly

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns :: Great... you don't bless or heal?

Moradred (Fritz) tounge lolls out of mouth as it growls contendly

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh, in that case.. .have lunch

[Antarias (mikE)] And I have been told that you do not appriciate dwarves. But you should know I am only a dwarf by my mother.

[Hagar] loud CRASH as the table is split in half by a dwarf faling out of mid air

Moradred (Fritz) Looks at the dwarf..."YUM"

[Antarias (mikE)] I was raised by Finglas' father and the rest of the elves.


[Hagar] OUCH

[Laila (Jess)] huh?

Moradred (Fritz) jumps up growling

[Hagar] ouch

[Hagar] rolls off the ruins of the table

[Hagar] stands up

[Hagar] looks around

[Laila (Jess)] who are you?

[Moradred (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: 0 (25).

[Hagar] looks at Antaris, you are a strange looking thing

[Hagar] what the hell are you?

[Moradred (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Temporary Modifiers -

[Antarias (mikE)] ::you suck, bibo. totally suck. that's MY dwarf you bastard::

Mobuto (Fritz) flys into the air

[BiBo!!!] ::did nothing::

[Hagar] grunts

[Hagar] pulls spintes out of my beard

[Hagar] looks around

[Hagar] so

[Hagar] where is this place

[Finglass (mikE)] More? Are you mine to guard, too?

[Hagar] looks nice and cozy

[Hagar] who are you ?

[Hagar] elf boy

Mobuto (Fritz) prepares to cast a spell

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: just stands there unbelieving ::

[Finglass (mikE)] I am FInglas. And I am want to picking up dwarves to mentor today.

[Laila (Jess)] You are in the Lady Kylia's keep, i think you just broke her tae

[Laila (Jess)] *table

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) gets into a defensive stance

[Hagar] looks at the funny little thing wavign his hands around

[Hagar] hi there little fellow

[Hagar] you are a cute one aren't you

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Growls

[Hagar] walks over towards the wolf

[Mobuto (Fritz)] you are about to be charcoal...Now who are you?

[Hagar] you are a strong one aren't you boy

[Hagar] looks over at the fremlin

[Hagar] charcoal?

Finglass (mikE) looks up to the sky.

[Hagar] nahh

[Moradred (Fritz)] Snaps at hagar

[Hagar] good boy

[Hagar] lets see those teeth

[Hagar] nice strong bite you have there

[Moradred (Fritz)] Moradred targets Hagar. Distance: 31'08"

[Hagar] someone has been feeding you right

[Finglass (mikE)] Who are you dwarf?

[Hagar] where is your saddle boy?

[Hagar] snears that the elf

Laila (Jess) tugs on Hagar's sleeve

[Hagar] Hagar is the name

[Laila (Jess)] Excuse me sir, who are you and where did you come from?

[Hagar] looks down and pats her on the head

[Hagar] yes little miss?

[Hagar] I am sorry I am all out of mushrooms

[Antarias (mikE)] You're a dwart, aren't you?

[Hagar] perhaps a bit of

Hagar pats his pockets

[Hagar] sorry

[Hagar] seem to be out of many things today

[Hagar] looks over at Antarias

[Hagar] well

Laila (Jess) scowls "I didnt ask for a mushroom, i asked who you are"

[Hagar] you are the observant one aren't you

[Hagar] yes Miss, I am Hagar

[Antarias (mikE)] Well, you're actually the first one I've ever seen.

[Hagar] well then

[Hagar] take a good look then lad

[Hagar] thumps his chest

[Moradred (Fritz)] You are about to be "In My Belly"

[Hagar] ohh you can talk then can you wolfie

[Hagar] good ladd

[Hagar] have you been trained to carry a rider

[Hagar] you look able to carry a fair load

[Hagar] maybe you can hold your own in battle

[Hagar] looks aroound

[Hagar] and so who is the rest of this crew

[Hagar] and where am I?

[Moradred (Fritz)] I have been trained to eat smelly loud mouth obnoxious dwaves that fall on the dinner table

[Hagar] dinner?

[Hagar] don't mind if I do

[Hagar] thank you very much

[Hagar] now

[Laila (Jess)] I told you, you're in the Lady Kylia's keep, ad you just broke her dinner table

[Hagar] where is this dinner

[Hagar] lady Kylia?

[Laila (Jess)] The very angry lady over there

Laila (Jess) points

[Hagar] a take it she is a friendly sort, she must be to have all you people here

[Hagar] to put up with this crowd

[Hagar] looks over to lady kylia

[Hagar] nods how to miss

[Finglass (mikE)] You actually trained him that specifically, girl?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns her glare to the halfling ::

[Hagar] well now

[Hagar] if you are the person in charge maybe you can help me

[Hagar] turns my back to the wolf

[Hagar] i wouild like to try to find a special someone

[Hagar] and she might be around these parts

[Moradred (Fritz)] Who?

[Hagar] looks back at the wold

[Hagar] don't worry boy, we can play later

[Hagar] right now I am talkig with the nice lady

[Hagar] we will go riding later on

[Hagar] turns back

[Hagar] walks over to Lady Kylia

[Moradred (Fritz)] GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

[Hagar] so

[Hagar] I am looks for Sarzec

Laila (Jess) cowers under Kylia's glare

[Hagar] he has a map that I am looking for

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) puts a hand out to hold Moradred back

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm not running a match-making service ... there are more dwarves across the road. Start there. Good day.

[Hagar] or for a friend ofmy Yola

[Hagar] she is someone that might help us find Sarzec

[Hagar] that woudl be mighter nice of you

[Hagar] thank you

[Hagar] I will tell them you said you would help

[Hagar] glad to meet you

[Hagar] starts to walk away

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I said nothing of the kind. You go see the dwarves over there and let them help you.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And you have a good day.

[Hagar] (marco?)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How the heck did you get here?

[Hagar] looks around

[Hagar] not quite sure of that

[Hagar] but then again

[Hagar] not much worse that that red orc lager is it he says with a loud laugh

[Hagar] looks around as I get to teh door

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Why did you come here looking for Sarzec or Yola?

[Hagar] well the rest of you have a good day

[Hagar] lady Kylia and I are off to find Sarzec

[Hagar] goign to just nip out for these other dwarves

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I hope the 2 of you enjoy yourselves

[Hagar] thank you liltle one

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waves at the drawf as he turns to leave ::

[Laila (Jess)] bye

[Hagar] waves good bye

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: heads back towards her area of the church::

[Hagar] goes out the door

[Hagar] walks across the valley

[Moradred (Fritz)] Moradred no longer targets Hagar.

[Moradred (Fritz)] Dont think he would taste like chicken

[Finglass (mikE)] Oh gods... This has been some day.

[Finglass (mikE)] Uh, Wilson, do you think it might be possible for you to help me talk with my father about a few things?

Laila (Jess) starts clearing up bits of broken table

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So Anterias you said your mother was a dwarf?

[Antarias (mikE)] Yes.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Me? Oh, no. I'm in quite enough trouble with Lady Kylia

[Finglass (mikE)] Ah well. I suppose Antarias and I will just have to get to know each other.

Finglass (mikE) smiles at his new companion. "Let's make the best of this, shal we?"

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 15/F (14/F).

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Wonders what the dwarf is going to do when he realizes Kylia didn't follow him

Hagar pokes his head back in the door

[Hagar] hey

[Hagar] you coming ?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Acckk

[Hagar] just realized you might be a little slow

[Hagar] and need some help

[Hagar] maybe you are frail or somethign like that?

[Hagar] humans get that way

[Finglass (mikE)] Wilson? I think I'd like to believe he's talking to you.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I think he is talking to Kylia

[Hagar] looks at wilson, who are you?

[Hagar] oh, I see a servant

[Hagar] good

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] yep

[Hagar] go fetch me some mead

[Hagar] a big one

[Finglass (mikE)] This will not end well. No. Not at all.

[Hagar] and some roast somethig

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Nope nope nope

[Hagar] that would be most appreciated my good man

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: ponders :: The inn is that way Sir...

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I could roast him

[Hagar] your lady kylia will be right back I am sure

[Finglass (mikE)] For once I am in full agreement with you, girl.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] doubt it

[Hagar] looks at the wolf

[Antarias (mikE)] At least I'm not the center of attention any more...

[Hagar] you want to go outside boy?

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: not bloody likley...

[Hagar] come on

[Hagar] lets go for a nice walk

[Hagar] come on boy

[Hagar] picks up a broken piece of furniture

[Hagar] throws it out teh door

[Hagar] FETCH

[Hagar] go get it boy

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] My brother isn't going anywhere with you ....unless you he wishes

[Hagar] are you ok girl?

[Moradred (Fritz)] I am NOT a DOG !!!

[Hagar] you were dead quiet there thought you were a dancer or something

[Hagar] do you dance?

[Hagar] looks over at the wolf

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Can I eat him?

[Hagar] of course you are not a dog

[Hagar] dogs are weak

[Hagar] you are a warrior

Laila (Jess) motions to Mobuto

[Hagar] lets go boy

[Moradred (Fritz)] Moves closer to the Hafling

[Hagar] gestures at the wolf

Laila (Jess) whispers in his ear "Please let Moradred eat him, he's mean"

[Hagar] lets go find these friendly dwarves lady kylia thinkgs so highly of

Antarias (mikE) says in general to nobody in particular, "Are all dwarves like that..?"

[Hagar] and spend some quality time

[Hagar] they will know where Mooshade is

Moradred (Fritz) walks over to the dwarf..stands above him and pees.

[Laila (Jess)] LOL

Moradred (Fritz) walks away

[Hagar] scrubs his face with it

[Hagar] ahhh

[Hagar] that is a great cure for pimples you know

[Hagar] keeps your skin fresh and supple

[Hagar] thank you boy

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Ok now I refuse to eat him

[Hagar] need to do that in a bowl

[Hagar] so none of it goes to waste

[Hagar] looks at the puddle on the ground

[Hagar] oh well

[Hagar] points at the dancer

[Hagar] you can clean that up

Antarias (mikE) shudders.

[Antarias (mikE)] Please tell me they aren't all like that.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] YOu are related

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] He could be your brother or a first cousin even

[Antarias (mikE)] To that thing?? Not likely! I may not be elvish, but I am half draconic.

[Hagar] hmmm

[Hagar] looks him over

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Who knows he could be your father..."Luke I am your father"

[Hagar] so

Laila (Jess) giggles

[Hagar] drinks anyone?

[Hagar] where is that MEAD

[Hagar] BOY!

[Hagar] where is my mead?

[Hagar] looks around for wilson

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] >>>>>points that way

[Finglass (mikE)] I believe it is across the street with the dwarves.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sends an Acolyte out to see if the smelly dwarf is gone ::

[Hagar] I wonder why she keeps him around

[Finglass (mikE)] Tell you what, you go over there, and we'll be there shortly.

[Hagar] not a vey fast servant is he mutter

[Hagar] nods

[Finglass (mikE)] Don't wait for us. We have to walk slowly for the frail humans.

[Hagar] true

[Hagar] they are weaker

[Hagar] almost as weak as those damn elves

[Hagar] looks over at finglass and smirks

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) snickers

[Hagar] then walks way

Finglass (mikE) grips his bow. "just go. Good mead. Go."

[Hagar] walks out the door again

[Finglass (mikE)] And what are you laughing at dancer?

[Hagar] BOOM closed behind him

[Finglass (mikE)] Don't you have some piss to clean?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Hey I never said he was wrong

[Finglass (mikE)] Wilson, lock the door.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Nope I was going to let the weaker elf do it

[BiBo!!!] I'm off to bed folks, see ya'll next week

[Finglass (mikE)] And I think we found a job for that mimic door.

[DM] thanks everyone

BiBo!!! has left the game

[Laila (Jess)] bye

[Finglass (mikE)] Come, Antarias. We have much to discuss.

[DM] pick up here next week, Marco will fill everyone in

[Laila (Jess)] next week it is

Antarias (mikE) nods. Let's go. Quickly.

Jess has left the game

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Do we long on to marco or you?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] yep yep

mikE has left the game

[DM] not sure

[DM] will let you know in email

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ok

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I will do my spells and stuff since I figured out how to do it without messing up the character sheet

[DM] cool

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Just need XP to see if I leveled

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Night all

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Night lorie

Lorie has left the game

Fritz has left the game