Main / Apr2409

Apr 24 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 24 18:24:51 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Death] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 18:33:28 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Maze area 1...

Death] has received the map Maze area 1.

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 18:52:20 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Maze area 1...

Fritz] has received the map Maze area 1.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Howdy Fritz

[Death] hey there fritz

[Fritz] Hiya guys

[Death] you are such a pussy.

[Death] what's a little brush fire?

[Fritz] LOL why?

[Fritz] That didn't stop me from coming over

[Death] i wouldn't let something like that stop me

[BOB] chuckles

[Fritz] Wife changed her mind also. But still thinking for future. Also did Bob tell you now that I have a real home you guys are invited over too. I have 3 bedrooms

[Death] he mentioned, yup.

[BOB] HAH, Mike told me in response to that "I am not married, I am not trying to stay away from Mel"

[Fritz] OUCH

[Death] lol

[BOB] so Kaz is getting organized after a long hard day

[BOB] so let me grab a drink and we can get started

[Death] so i say we take this time of guy's abscence to build a cage around him, and if he won't give up the sword, we just turn him, with the sword, back over to the drow.

[BOB] but the two of you should start to work out the alternatives to the sword it is true

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Death] we could give them kylia. i'm sure they'd have a use for her

[BOB] Guy will likely not be here next week

[BOB] is the current verdict

[Death] so.... we're stuck.

[BOB] the two of you need to be creative

[Death] i vote we never ever allow anyone to claim a plot item again.

[BOB] look at what you have in the party pack and in your personal possessions

[Death] i'm not giving my stuff up. we went on a quest just for that item. we got in knowing we were giving it away.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Well I am mixed in my sentiment. On one hand I think it is unfair to put us in this kind of predicament with a player, on the other hand I think it is a cool plot twist. BRb

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] ok

[Fritz] I guess I need to know more about Guy's characters relationship with the sword

[BOB] well the problem is you won't

[BOB] other than what you already know

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I don't know anything. I personally wasn't there

[Death] he likes the swrod now

[BOB] off to get the door for food

[Death] their bff's

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Other than it's wish properties and alignment what else does it do?

[Death] shrug

[Death] stab stuff?

[Death] obviously a bonus or two.

[Death] this is why i didn't want anyone to even touch it. once you talk to the prisoner they stop being an item and start being a person.

[Death] it's like naming the turkey before thanksgiving.

[Death] i'm just heartless, so i'll still cut it's head off, but no one else seems to like that idea. they're all for tofurkey.

[Death] i thought kaz was coming. well, i guess we get 500 xp.

[Death] it's a new record on xp gained in the year!

[Fritz] Well first thing to consider is do we stick to our deal and look at it only as an item we agreed to deliver to it's owner? Or do we renig on our deal just because Guy's character likes the sword? What would we do if it was tied to you or Lorie, or John or myself? Would that make a difference?

[Fritz] What if it was tied to Kaz, or Beth, or Vicki?

[Death] but it doesn't belong to us exactly.

[Fritz] As a character I would roleplay it out as - we made a deal. we stick to our agreement. Only if the agreement would trully hurt someone who was good or deserving would I not go through with it, even then I may still stick to the contract, as that is what I am...a contract killer.

[Death] well, it origionally didn't. i guess it got adopted

[Death] right, fin isn't thrilled with trading a CG sword, but character wise, he wants to end this muddying of his name

[Death] as for the contract side, fin would break it on a whim. he's only really true to himself being chaotic and all

[Death] on the player side of things, we knew this was coming. we got the sword to trade it away.

[Fritz] As Fritz I am loyal to Guy and want him to have the sword, as Rave I am debted to the Dragonslayers and feel anything needs to be done to first solve thier problem. Liam is a secondary addition to the group only as he wasn't first part of the people who were injured by the raids done in their name.

[Death] it's not even a good sword.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Death] we could charm him.

[BOB] One issue is you will have to have something of equal value at a minimum to give to the drow

[Death] or have the drow charm him. heh

[BOB] She is expecting that sword

[Fritz] True.

[BOB] you could convince her with a collection of other magic items perhaps, or something you get creative with

[Death] in that case we're already in the hole considering we used a wish

[Death] i get creative in bed.

[Fritz] I don't know what the "value" of the sword is actually so deciding what to trade would be an issue

[Death] let's show her a really good time

[Death] it's either the wishes she wants or it's personal. because as a weapon, it's not spectacular, really.

[BOB] intelligent sword with two wishes

[Death] cough one

[Death] cough

[Death] we didn't do it.

[BOB] chuckles

[Death] it was the gnolls

[Death] just like with the ring

[Death] stupid gnolls

[BOB] nods, you just have to have a plan

[Death] we kill her.

[BOB] divination is limited here

[Death] i distract her, rave slits her throat, ant is the lookout.

[Death] then we can dump her off a bridge soprano's style

[BOB] remember this is the leader of a group of Drow that took over this place during/after a duergar city was wiped out

[Fritz] Well cheating as a person it is a pretty nice sword actually

[Death] you know the stats on it?

[Fritz] Well I am cheating so yea

[Death] if it's just intelligent and plus one or two we can do beter

[Death] what's it do?

[Fritz] +2. detect evil and magic in 10' radius, good alignment, speaks common and gold dragon, special purpose to kill evil wizards, fear spell against any mage hit

[BOB] nods

[BOB] that is correct

[Fritz] I told you I was cheating

[BOB] grins

[Fritz] I never cheat unless I tell you I am cheating...Isn't good to know I am an honest cheater?

[Death] not too bad.

[Death] but at our level... not exceptionally great, either.

[Fritz] Going to the web site to see what else we have to trade

[Death] detecting magic at will is nice i suppose.

[Fritz] Mentor does that as well as see invisible, see in magic darkness

[Death] yeah. see? not so great. let's give it away. lol

[Death] if we were still baby adventurers it would be priceless, but not so much now.

[BOB] so the secondary issue is what to give Liam for giving up the sword

[BOB] if you can not come up with something to give the Drow

[Death] have kylia make him some shiney swords

[Death] take him to the well

[Fritz] What is the fastest way to get to the treasure vaults?

[Death] ours?

[BOB] from here?

[Fritz] You should make a link bob

[Fritz] yea

[BOB] it is

[Death] planeshift

[Death] but then we walk back... again...

[BOB] the party pack is a direct link off of the adventures page

[Death] bugger that crap.

[BOB] and it is on the Main Map as a direct link here also

[BOB] it is only 2 clicks away from any page on teh website

[Fritz] If we did need to "repay" Liam (don't know the issue on how he got the sword or if there was a deal made between him and the sword to use the wish), but I would suggest the Lizard polearm and the djinni ring would be a good trade off.


[BOB] those are the chat files for when he got it

[BOB] if you want to read his talks with the sword

[Fritz] we could give her the brazier of fire is an awesome item that John never uses

[Death] haha. there we go.

[Fritz] That would be a very fair exchange


[BOB] and in the bottom third of that log is where he becames friends with the sword

[BOB] quotes

[BOB] Jorkki says, we shall do great things together (voice in your head)

[BOB] Jorkki says that he is sworn to defeat evil, and now that the naga is dead you can go out to the rest of the world

[BOB] no but umm Jorkki would you be willing to allow me to use a wish to return us to our true forms?

[BOB] Jorkki says are you sure that is teh best way to fight evil?

[BOB] [Finglas (Death)] "See amulet. You should be more like Jorkki."

Death] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 19:39:51 EDT 2009

Death] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 19:41:07 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Maze area 1...

Death] has received the map Maze area 1.

[Death] and i am back

[Death] stupid computer

[Death] why don't we try giving those items to the drow.

[Death] i'd like to get somewhere tonight if we can.

[BOB] tonight you wll be at the gates of the town no worries there Mike

[BOB] if you two can work out the solutiions

[BOB] without the sword

[BOB] you can skip the one encounter

[BOB] and you are not going to mess with the lake you are going to toss the gems right?

[Death] sure.

[BOB] but you need to have a plan in place tonight

[Death] seriously, i want to kill someone. i hate bob npc's so much tonight

[BOB] because next week first thing is the gates

[BOB] and Guy will not be here tonight or next week

[Fritz] I didn't read anything impressive in my perusal of that night to make me think there is a binding contract between the 2

[BOB] but without guy here to give up the sword

[BOB] you need other options

[Fritz] I say we do one of 3 things...1) give her the sword, 2) give her the brazier of fire elemental that Paul never uses, 3). Kill the entire drow clan and take over the city ourselves

[BOB] # 3 is not possible without every body here, and getting really lucky

[BOB] #1 is not possible without Guy here

[Death] see, i like that third one.

[BOB] #2 is back home, so that entails Kylia being here to Gate you home

[Death] i've been saying that since day one.

[Fritz] Hey....Rave Really Lucky Starfire

[Death] so basically, we're screwed because we have no one here.

[Death] unless we give up our personal items, we can't move forward.

[BOB] even if someone else was here, what personal itmes would you ask them to give up?

[BOB] you can see their sheets

[Fritz] WEll there is a 4th option...I could go and assasinate her and make it look like someone else did it

[BOB] if you are not going to have the sword you need options

[Death] yes, i also said that one.

[Death] let's do her a favor

[Death] i'm sure she wants someone dead

[Death] rave is a contract killer

[BOB] while the big crazy combat is very colorful way without everyone here you woudl just eventually die from fatigue

[Death] this could be a match made in hell

[Death] total party kill!

[Death] you'd have to say that if we die, the round behinders would also eventually succumb to fatigue

[Death] and we restart in an illithid campaign!


Death] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 19:51:04 EDT 2009

[Fritz] Naaa we don't have to fight non stop....we could fight, slink off...come back fight know...guerrilla stil

Death] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 19:51:15 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Maze area 1...

Death] has received the map Maze area 1.

[Fritz] stile

[Fritz] style

[Fritz] I have a silver dagger I would be willing to give her...would she take that in fair trade?

[BOB] doubt it

[Death] except we need a place to hide for guerilla. doesn't work so well in a small island city

[Death] yeah. right.

[BOB] and the asymetriacal warfare idea only works if you know the terrain

[BOB] Kaz will be in in a moment or three

[Fritz] Not really....Both Paul and I can make passage ways as Umberhulks and create places we can hide.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 19:53:01 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Maze area 1...

Kaz] has received the map Maze area 1.

[Fritz] Kaz since you are here roll a saving throw against Death Magic...

[Fritz] You are the last one left alive

[Death] i think we should at least move forward and talk with her.

[Death] see if there's any alternatives

[Fritz] I agree

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 29250.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 147498.

[Fritz] Yo Buggy Boo Boo...Lead the way...Hey hey!!! Where's the Picinic basket!!!!

[BOB] I think you need a better plan first sorry, I know it is a pain

[Death] what plan? we have no one here?

[BOB] but you need something to give her?

[Death] i'm NOT giving up my stuff.

[Death] if rave wants to give his up, up to him. but fin and ant won't

[Death] they got something to give her already.

[Death] anything in the PP with us, go ahead. we're not using it, which is why it's there.

[Fritz] A better plan than what? We would have to leave here...come back via the short route....Just another 8 days to the entire journey...

[BOB] if that is what you want to do you can Fritz

[BOB] but I don';t think Mike particulally wanted to walk back

[BOB] and without Kylia here you have no way to Gate anyway

[Death] we can't even leave here fritz

[Death] unless we walk.

[Death] and there's no point because lorie will be here next week and can get us out the fast way.

[Death] so any plan that needs us to go back can just wait for next week.

[Death] in the city we can get in trouble i suppose

[Fritz] The only "item" that we currently have with us that is worth trading for the sword is the Ring of Djinni Summoning. If the party wants to give an item THAT powerful away go ahead...We aren't using it.

[Death] go drink and enter in gladitorial death matches or something


[BOB] if it is in the PP then you can go for that

[BOB] you still need to get there

[Death] then let's go

[BOB] and the explorations will be extremely limited

[Fritz] Yea I made sure we brought that

[Death] i thought you said we were there and across the lake with the gem throw away

[BOB] you can be if you think that is your plan

[BOB] now that Kaz is here, give her a chance to catch up

[BOB] and I will push you forward to that point

[BOB] but what if the drow does not like that?

[Fritz] If I can go to the market and look around THAT would be AWESOME

[BOB] chuckles, there is no market

[BOB] fortified outpost in the underdark, think castle more than town

[Fritz] Honestly Bob as a player that would be REALLY STUPID...If I could I would take the ring...I just don't want to be THAT powerful

[Fritz] Then lead us to the town...

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] Let Kaz catch up

[Death] fin or ant can take it, too. fin only wears one ring, ant none

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] It is one of the most powerful rings in the game if used properly.

[BOB] ] Drok moved 31'03".

[Death] oh, i know it's a great ring

[Fritz] But if we are going to exchange something that has to be it

Fritz] is receiving the map khazefryn...

Fritz] has received the map khazefryn.

[BOB] ] Bugbear Guide moved 46'01".

[BOB] brb

[Death] yeah. it's not as useful as fin's weapons he's using.

[Death] i'd give away his frostbrand i guess

[Death] but that's nowhere near a fair trade

[Fritz] No would be better for Liam to use the frostbrand than to keep Jorkki

[Fritz] The frostbrand is a much more powerful item given our access to the well

[Death] lol. that's where i got the thing in the first place

[Fritz] Unless the ability to have 1 portable wish isn

[Fritz] isn't considered an awesome thing

[Death] ant has a sword of the planes lying around, too

[Fritz] But then again I have access to the same thing so not sure it is all that useful

[Fritz] Not with us though

[BOB] b

[Kaz] hi guys, sorry about that

[Death] yeah. he carries it with him.

[Death] why not? he's an ox after all.

[Fritz] Oh I didn't know Mike

[Death] never know when we'll end up in the outer planes or astral

[BOB] welcome back Kaz

[Fritz] NP Kaz

[Death] it was his first sword, then he got the nightblade which is way better

[Fritz] yea Mobuto bought him that sword in Sigil

[BOB] So Kaz all caught up on the chat?

[BOB] guess that is a no

[BOB] will let her skim

[Fritz] brb

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Death] cue crickets

[BOB] giant cave crickets jump out of the shadows and start to preach about how to be a good little boy

[Death] kick 'em in the nards

[Kaz] okay, caught up

[Kaz] sorry

[BOB] is ok

[BOB] so you understand what the plan is?

[BOB] try not to start a war

[Kaz] There doesn't actually seem to be a plan.


[Kaz] Oh, that.

[BOB] lol


[Kaz] LOL

[BOB] ok

[Death] that's about as much of a plan as we ever have.

[Death] what's the problem?

[Death] when we do plan we waste literally a whole game session planning, then we never follow the stupid thing

[Death] so i refuse to plan.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Death] sean and i have worked wonders off the cuff. i'll keep going with that

[Kaz] okie dokies

[BOB] with only the three of you could could do better with following a plan

[Fritz] Kaz I have a question

[Kaz] okay Fritz

[Fritz] What would Guy think is a better option for him and/or his character?

[Death] a) turn over sword or b) go with sword to the drow as a prisoner again?

[Fritz] To give away Jorkki so we can finish the quest? To take in it's place Mikes frostbrand

[Fritz] To keep Jorkki and give the frost brand

[Fritz] or to give a super powerful item as the djinni ring?

[Kaz] Well, I can say that Liam is not going to turn a good-aligned, intelligent sword over to evil creatures.

[Death] then he must be sacrifised.

[Kaz] I can't really speak for Guy on this, aside from telling you that.

[Death] or however you spell that. i have typing at bob's

[Death] i swear i get worse here

[Kaz] lol

[Death] bring out the volcano!

[BOB] lol

[Death] i bet he's possessed. let's force the sword from him for his own good!

[Kaz] If Ant and Fin truly feeel they need to sacrifice a good person who is trying to keep a good intelligence away from evil, then that's what they have to do.

[Kaz] And if you need to make it okay with yourself by deciding he's possessed, then that's what you have to do.

[Fritz] Well a philosophical question is ....just because the sword is intelligent, does that make it sentient?

[Death] oh, i don't have to "make" it okay with me. it'd just be fun.

[Death] depends. which answer gets it to the drow and us to the prisoner?

[Fritz] In otherwords is it a "living thing" with a soul or spirit that we need to consider or just an item with alot of RAM?

[Kaz] If something has a conscience, isn't it sentient?

[BOB] how to create an intelligent item is on the site, but it requires a living soul to be infused in the item,

[Fritz] The conscience is a program of CG thinking...

[Death] so.. in essence all intelligent items are evil...

[Death] because a living soul is imprisoned in them...

[BOB] no, being forced into it would be evil, willing joining in, would be good

[Death] which means... the sword... is... EVIL!

[BOB] you can imprison your welf in the item when making it if you like

[Fritz] Oh if that is the case Bob then that is different. Do we as PC's know that it is an infusion of a once living being?

[BOB] self

[Death] it's EVIIIIIIL

[BOB] no to Fritz

[BOB] none of you are high enough level to do that

[Death] we need to get rid of it!

[Fritz] To have knowledge of it's "living" nature?

[BOB] right, to know the ultimate secret of how to create that

[BOB] but you can go with the idea that it does have a soul

[BOB] no problem with that

[Death] sigh... this has gotten rediculously complicated.

[Death] let's go talk to her.

[Fritz] Ok if we as PC's feel or know that it has a soul or spirit, then I would agree in principle with Liam...Although I also always stick to the letter of my contracts and don't judge.

[Death] maybe we can do her a favor.

[Death] kill a rival

[Death] something like that

[Fritz] The sword was doing her a favor...the rival would be Liam now

[Death] if we did it, it wouldn't point to her at all. just a bunch of stupid lightworlders

[Fritz] Of course it might try and kill her if she touches it...the question is why would an evil drow mage or cleric want a good sword?

[Fritz] Or do we care? We took the contract without considering the possible implications

[Kaz] I think that's a VERY good question, and I'm surprised none of you thought of it sooner.

[Death] oh, i did.

[Death] i just didn't care.

[Kaz] Yeah, but you don't care anyway.

[Death] she wants to torture it

[Kaz] See?

[Fritz] Mike mentioned that the first time she asked for it

[Death] she knows the soul in it maybe

[Death] it killed her father

[Death] ect.

[Death] it really was just a means to an end.

[Fritz] If Finglas doesn't give a shit about the ramifications of giving a good item to an evil person, then maybe an alignment check should be made...LOL...woops he loses a few more levels do to alignment shift....doh

[Death] we will need to give something else up, but short of giving her something uber powerful, or walk back home, the sword is it.

[Death] nah, it's all good.

[Death] see, we as a group do a LOT of good. beat down a TON of evil shit

[Death] but we are being hampered by this plot against us

[Death] so this is a means to the end, which is the greater good.

[Fritz] Nope it isn't the sum of your deeds but each individual one that matters in this game

[Death] see, very chaotic good.

[Death] if you read the alignment, that's very in line thinking.

[Fritz] Of course Bob is the final adjudicator in this matter

[Death] cg marches to the beat of it's own drum for what they believe is the greater good.

[Fritz] Ok so Kaz as Moirra do you want to comply with the deal of the Dragonslayers and give her the sword, or do you want to side in favor of Liam's emotional feelings toward the item in question?

[BOB] so Kaz are you in agreement about giving away the Djinni ring?

[Kaz] I dunno anything about the Djinni ring

[Fritz] I say go back for the brazier....

[BOB] you can not do that this week Fritz

[BOB] have to wait for Lorie to be here to Gate you

[BOB] then walk all the way back in

[Fritz] It is one of the most powerful rings in the game. It summons a djinnit to do your bidding. As long as you don't let it get killed it can do almost anything for you

[Death] yeah. it'd be way worse to give her that.

[Fritz] 1)...bob that is kinda stupid as it wastes an entire night as you know she can do it and it doesn't cause problems.

[Kaz] Moirra would be against separating Liam and the sword. And djinni aren't evil, are they? So she wouldn't want to subject a djinni to the whims of a drow.

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 20:36:17 EDT 2009

[BOB] it is a tasked Djinni, so they resent anyone who summons them good or evil

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 20:36:42 EDT 2009

Death] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 20:36:44 EDT 2009

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 20:36:48 EDT 2009

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 20:37:13 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Death] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 20:37:21 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Death] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Fritz] is receiving the map khazefryn...

Fritz] has received the map khazefryn.

[Fritz] REad the ring and djinni description and you get a different perspective Bob

[Fritz] It doesn't mind if treated well

[Death] it doesn't really matter about it's alignment as much as what she will do with it.

[Death] could moirra deal with the guilt of all the hurt and harm that ring would do in her hands?

[Fritz] And will actually go above and beyond to help him

[Death] a sword is just a sword.

[Kaz] I did say that she would be against giving that ring to the drow

[Death] it will kill people as well as any other sword. the djinni can do it lots better

[Death] then we're stuck

[Death] this whole last month has been for nothing

[Fritz] I suggest Bob let's us go back home and get the stupid brazier and bring it back...rather than wasting the entire night

[Kaz] Liam is not actually a Dragonslayer yet, is he?

[BOB] I can not let you use Kylia

[Fritz] We kinda decided to make things easier that once you join the party you are one...that saves alot of unneeded loyalty questions

[Fritz] Why not bob?

[BOB] because we have never done that

[Death] we'd pay you for her services.

[Death] we'll be gentle and follow all the rules

[BOB] and I did say back a month and a half ago, to make this plan BEFORE you left

[BOB] and you said you would make it up on the way

[Fritz] So we are wasting our time then tonight....

[BOB] so you are at that point now

[Kaz] okay, I've got it.

[BOB] no

[BOB] you just need to figure otu what you have and make the best out of that

[Fritz] WEll we could otherwise give her ALOT of stuff...

[Kaz] Moirra gives her mace back to Finglas, gives her other items to the party pack, and exchanges herself for whathisface

[Kaz] there, done.

[BOB] the sword was in exchange to talk with Mealenger

[BOB] not to have him

[Fritz] Wow...well I wouldn't allow that...but good try

[Kaz] Well, there you go. Interrogate him well.

[Death] i thought you were against sacrifice! if not, let's do it in a more interresting way.

[Fritz] I say give her alot of items...

[Kaz] Moirra doesn't answer to Rave, or, when the chips fall, to anyone except her God.

[Death] i'm sure we have some bondage straps around here somewhere...

[Death] ball gag, chains, ect.

[Fritz] that's "god" but I won't nit pick

[Kaz] lol Mike

[Kaz] I said what I meant

[Death] i want to make a new priestly order that only believes in God

[Fritz] And I can stop you from doing anything at anytime "I" wish...but I am not talking as Rave per say

[Fritz] heheheh...totally change the world!!!

[BOB] so you are going to go with the idea of giving her several items in the hope of making up for the lack of the sword

[Fritz] Yes

[Fritz] I think that is the plan

[Kaz] but not the Djinni ring

[Fritz] Correct or the frostbrand

[Fritz] It is worth noting, however, that a good master will typically encourage a djinni to additional effort and higher performance, while a demanding and cruel master encourages the opposite.

[Fritz] That is a quote bob from the monster manual

[BOB] nods to Fritz

[Death] we can give her two swords right now

[BOB] you just need a game plan then we start

[Fritz] The djinni will faithfully obey and serve the wearer of the ring, but if the servant of the ring is ever killed, the ring becomes nonmagical and worthless. See the MONSTROUS MANUAL accessory for details of a djinni's abilities.

[Death] frostbrand and planes

[Kaz] of course WE could use the Djinni ring to just GET Meleager.

[Death] but i don't think she wants a weapon, she wants THAT sword

[Fritz] Let's see what happens...And I think you should keep the frostbrand Mike

[Fritz] Who is going to do the negotiating?

[Death] shrug. fin i guess.

[Death] though even when he's reasonable npc's never are

[Death] they're about as yielding as a tripple layer brick wall backed by nine inch steel plating

[Fritz] OK..I will sit on your shoulder and Kibbitz in your ear invisibly if you don't mind...Is that ok with you Kazz?

[Kaz] you're asking me if I mind you sitting on Fin's shoulder?

[Kaz] or Moirra's shoulder?

[Fritz] His shoulder and giving my opinion on the negotiations...Or will the drow respond only to a woman...If that is the case then it should either be Moirra or RAve disguised as a woman

[Death] she talked to fin plenty fine last time

[Kaz] if it has to be a woman, then it should be Rave disguised. I don't think Moirra would negotiate well with her.

[Fritz] WAit I could give Fin a potion to make him into a woman as well.

[Kaz] or that

[Fritz] your call Mike

[Kaz] do we get to wolf whistle and comment on his/her legs?

[Fritz] Yep we do

[Death] fin will go talk to her just as he is

[Kaz] Okay, do we get to wolf whistle anyway?

[Kaz] :D

[Death] if you want

[Death] he is quite the sexy man

[Fritz] Chicken....You do it when no one is looking why should it matter if we watch? We all know you like to dress in women's underwear

[Death] who wears underwear?

[Fritz] LOL

[Fritz] OK. Time to get in character

[Death] focus.

[BOB] ok, you are all on the map

[Death] breathe in

[Death] breathe out

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Let's get this done

[Death] become one with the bug

[BOB] chuckles

[Death] this shit just got real

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ::Snicker::

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 148'01".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 184'11".

[Drok (BOB)] Halt

[Finglas (Death)] ::shows token::

[Drok (BOB)] takes it

[Drok (BOB)] reachign through the gate

[Drok (BOB)] looks at it

[Drok (BOB)] bites it

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglas (Death)] i swear to god, i will shoot him bob

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((hope he breaks a tooth))

[Finglas (Death)] i've had a crappy week at school. i will kill him dead

[Drok (BOB)] you fooled me last time

[Finglas (Death)] to hell with the consequences

[Drok (BOB)] Drok not fooled again

[Finglas (Death)] "No fooling. From your mistress."

[Finglas (Death)] "And I paid you as we agreed last time."

[Finglas (Death)] "So let us through now."

[Drok (BOB)] squints, where is coins?

[Finglas (Death)] "Your mistress said we don't need to pay this time."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Ventriloquism proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Finglas (Death)] "Open up."

[Drok (BOB)] I will cal her for you

[Finglas (Death)] "Good."

[Drok (BOB)] you wait here

[Finglas (Death)] "FIne."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] You were there when she gave it to us you dumb shit...Open the door...

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Bad vent roll so it sounds like it cam from where I am.))

[Lydia (BOB)] well done Drok

[Lydia (BOB)] you can take their weapons and then let them in

[Finglas (Death)] "Why are we handing over our weapons to you?"

[Finglas (Death)] "We didn't have to last time."

[Lydia (BOB)] because you will behave this time, and you have a present for me

[Lydia (BOB)] there should not be any need for guards

[Finglas (Death)] "Yes, we will behave this time."

[Finglas (Death)] "I cannot turn over my bow. It is a holy weapon of my church."

[Finglas (Death)] "As is the lady's hammer."

[Lydia (BOB)] then unstring it

[Finglas (Death)] "Very well."

[Finglas (Death)] "I really do not wish to fight."

[Lydia (BOB)] very good

[Lydia (BOB)] I do not wish that either

[Finglas (Death)] "It would be foolish in an entire city."

[Finglas (Death)] "I just wish to get our dealings done and leave."

[Finglas (Death)] too bad we can't have the entire party turn over their weapons. even the round behinders. lol

[Lydia (BOB)] Meleager is doing much better now,

[Lydia (BOB)] if you wish to speak with him simply put down your weapons and come this way

[Finglas (Death)] "That is good, I suppose. To be honest I hope you kill him after we talk to him."

[Lydia (BOB)] (does everyone disarm?)

[Finglas (Death)] "No offence, but how do we know our weapons will be here when we return?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (NOPE)

[Finglas (Death)] "Can't we just peace tie them?"

[Lydia (BOB)] I am only sparing you the indignity of having an armed guard over you

[Finglas (Death)] "I am fine with an armed guard."

[Lydia (BOB)] if you give p your weapons you can move about with fewer restraints

[Finglas (Death)] "Because I have no intention of starting trouble."

[Finglas (Death)] "I don't want to move around, just to the prison and home."

[Lydia (BOB)] she holds out her hands, and slowly turns around, showing she is not armed

[Lydia (BOB)] very well

[Finglas (Death)] "I don't worry about you attacking us. I worry about my weapons being here when I return."

[Lydia (BOB)] very well then tie your weapons off and I will have a guard escort you to his quarters

[Finglas (Death)] "I dare say with my magic, and my brothers muscles we could defeat you in combat with no weapons. But I cannot entrust two holy items to non believers."

[Finglas (Death)] "Very well." ::does so::

[Lydia (BOB)] as soon as I have my sword

[Finglas (Death)] ::points::

[Finglas (Death)] "There it is."

[Finglas (Death)] "He's been possessed by it though."

[Finglas (Death)] "Was talking about refusing to give it up, when we knew why we were getting it."

[Finglas (Death)] "Do you have a way to remove it's burden from his mind?"

[Lydia (BOB)] (esentialy not here, so not able to interact precisely like that but will go with part of it)

[Lydia (BOB)] I do not care that it is a burden on his mind, I required the sword

[Lydia (BOB)] are you giving me him and the sword?

[Finglas (Death)] "If you want a weapon, we are prepared to give you two in it's place."

[Lydia (BOB)] he barely survied the last time he was here, what makes you think he will survive a second time?

[Lydia (BOB)] and what two weapons would you think equal that sword?

[Finglas (Death)] "I assume nothing of his sruvival in a place like this."

[Finglas (Death)] "A frostbrand and sword of the planes."

[Finglas (Death)] "Two magical swords that can be of great power against certain enemies of the drow, and in places you might go."

[Lydia (BOB)] but not ht eflexiblilty of my desired item

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((I would gasp out loud if it were possible at this moment)

[Finglas (Death)] "What flexibility do you seek?"

[Lydia (BOB)] a sword is only a weapon,

[Lydia (BOB)] the other possibiliites are what makes it tempting

[Finglas (Death)] "I thought you would think that way, but some of my companions thought you lesser than that. I knew you were not."

[Finglas (Death)] "You want the wish it stores."

[Lydia (BOB)] two wishes, but yes

[Finglas (Death)] "Two?"

[Lydia (BOB)] there were three

[Lydia (BOB)] but my apprentice used one

[Finglas (Death)] "There were, yes, but two of the gems have gone dark."

[Finglas (Death)] "The gnolls in the cave were also using the wishing ring they found. Squandering wishes."

[Lydia (BOB)] well then somone else must be punished as well

[Lydia (BOB)] I did not think the ring survived

[Finglas (Death)] "All of them were punished with death, so was their false god who had the sword."

[Lydia (BOB)] good

[Finglas (Death)] "I did not after the gnolls got their hands on it."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Slaughter House 500))

[Finglas (Death)] "We found it on one of their bodies, devoid of wishes."

[Lydia (BOB)] I did give up all claim on the other treasure, so you should have found at least something worth while for your self

[Lydia (BOB)] but what of my sword

[Lydia (BOB)] are you giving me the sword and the human with it?

[Lydia (BOB)] or other options? I am not tempted by two magical swords

[Lydia (BOB)] I require more than weapons

[Finglas (Death)] "Is there some service you need done? Something that you wouldn't want to be linked to you?"

[Lydia (BOB)] I am intriqued by teh Frost Brand

[Finglas (Death)] "We travel lightly, hard to bring too many magic items with you as you go."

[Lydia (BOB)] if I am right in my speculation I think you will perform another service for me soon enough if you help out Meleager

[Finglas (Death)] "Oh? Then it seems you are already getting something out of this."

[Lydia (BOB)] of course

[Finglas (Death)] ::smiles::

[Lydia (BOB)] but I want to get what I asked for

[Lydia (BOB)] I was rather polite with my request

[Finglas (Death)] "You want a wish."

[Lydia (BOB)] no

[Finglas (Death)] "You were indeed."

[Lydia (BOB)] I want possiblities

[Lydia (BOB)] I want flexiblity

[Finglas (Death)] "I am not trying to cheat you."

[Lydia (BOB)] when I go to war I want the options to win

[Finglas (Death)] "I am just trying to find an alternate."

[Finglas (Death)] ::nods::

[Finglas (Death)] "Who do you plan on going to war with?"

[Lydia (BOB)] anyone who stands in my way

[Finglas (Death)] "Other drow? Or denizens here?"

[Finglas (Death)] "Do you have priestesses in your house?"

[Lydia (BOB)] of course

[Lydia (BOB)] frowns, what sort of fool would ask such a thing

[Finglas (Death)] "I can teach them a spell of great healing possibilities."

[Lydia (BOB)] perhaps you are not worthy

[Lydia (BOB)] healing? or pain?

[Finglas (Death)] "Both if using correctly."

[Finglas (Death)] "I can teach your priestesses to make healing spells to distribute to all your soldiers before any fight your house goes into."

[Finglas (Death)] "If used right, it will effectively double your souldiers' life."

[Finglas (Death)] "Not that the loss of them is so much to you, I am sure, but you must admit, it could be useful."

[Lydia (BOB)] you think like a cautious male, worried about losing, rather than taking and winning

[Lydia (BOB)] what else have you to offer?

[Finglas (Death)] "Well, I could teach you some tricks in the bedroom, but I doubt you would be interested in those."

[Finglas (Death)] "As I said, we travel light. I could give you the location of a great outlet of silk trade to the light world. Very lucrative."

[Finglas (Death)] "You'd just have to take it from the drow who control it at the moment."

[Lydia (BOB)] the distance would be too great

[Lydia (BOB)] looking at the rest of the group,

[Lydia (BOB)] you have nothing to offer besides two weapons?

[Finglas (Death)] "I personally will not give more up. Other than coin, which is as nothing in a trade like this."

[Lydia (BOB)] there is not enough coins to make it worth while

[Finglas (Death)] "My companions are their own persons. You can ask them."

[Fritz] (whispers "potion of human control")

[Finglas (Death)] "We have a few odds and ends stashed away. Let's see... Potion of human control..."

[Finglas (Death)] "Magical armors..."

[Lydia (BOB)] potions go bad

[Finglas (Death)] "Yes. Some random scrolls..."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (whispers "magical armorl")

[Lydia (BOB)] raised eyebrow

[Lydia (BOB)] you came all this way and this is all you have to offer? two swords and some potions?

[Finglas (Death)] "And my very handsome companions for the night."

[Finglas (Death)] "Not to mention the fact that we are doing you a favor already."

[Finglas (Death)] anyone else willing to part with items?

[Finglas (Death)] anything you don't need or we can't replace?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Not sure I really have anything to part with))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (whispers "magical armor, Scroll of Sequestor/Illusion,ring of protection,potion of wizardry")

[Finglas (Death)] ::lists that crap off::

[Finglas (Death)] "Self writing velum. Great for spies."

[Lydia (BOB)] she ponders

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (whispers "magical armor, Scroll of Sequestor/Illusion,ring of protection,potion of wizardry,word of recall")

[Finglas (Death)] some as of yet unidentified potions potions and scrolls. Could be anything on those. Found them down here on our travels."

[Lydia (BOB)] very well

[Lydia (BOB)] those items plus your two swords

[Finglas (Death)] "All of them? For one talk?"

[Lydia (BOB)] you may have free access to Meleager and entry to and from Khazefryn,

[Fritz] Clarify what items please bob

[Lydia (BOB)] and a token for you return if you chose to

[Lydia (BOB)] Magical armor, scrool of sequestor, ring of protection potion of human control, potion of wizardry, word of recall, sellf writing velum frost brand sword and sword of planes

[Finglas (Death)] can't we just kill her?

[Fritz] Both suits of magic armor or just one?

[Lydia (BOB)] just one

[Fritz] Kaz and I both suggested it.

[Finglas (Death)] i've had that frostbrand since my FIRST ds session. the anniversary game

[Fritz] I told you not to offer the frostbrand....

[Finglas (Death)] you want to offer the ring instead?

[Finglas (Death)] could probably just give her that alone

[Fritz] No way to powerful

[Finglas (Death)] that's got all kinds of options built into it.

[Finglas (Death)] "The two swords were one option. Not part of a greater one."

[Finglas (Death)] "To be honest, you are getting the better deal no matter what you get since we are getting words on our end."

[Lydia (BOB)] but you thrive on words

[Lydia (BOB)] you depend on them

[Lydia (BOB)] you need them

[Finglas (Death)] "Not hardly. They make our lives easier."

[Finglas (Death)] "As soon as you make our lives more trouble than his words do, you lose out on all your options."

[Lydia (BOB)] very well which of the two swords do you wish to keep?

[Finglas (Death)] "We can turn and go. The trouble he has caused for us has been handles by our underlings. He's not that important. Merely an annoyance we decided to deal with during the cold winter months."

[Finglas (Death)] "The frostbrand was an old member's sword. I will give you the sword of the planes."

[Finglas (Death)] "And the other items."

[BOB] ] Lydia moved 196'01".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 204'09".

[BOB] ] Kua Toa Guard moved 179'04".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 2'04".

[BOB] ] Bugbear Guide, Antarias, Rave Starfire and Moirra moved 270'08".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 20'00".

[BOB] ] Bugbear Guide moved 23'10".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 45'02".

[BOB] Moirra targets Kua Toa Guard. Distance: 2'02"

[BOB] Moirra no longer targets Kua Toa Guard.

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 32'02".

[Lydia (BOB)] she leads you through the gate and across the floating discs

[Lydia (BOB)] then over around one island and onto another

[Lydia (BOB)] there is a large cave with a fungi garden

[Lydia (BOB)] there are several hook horrors tending to the plants

[Lydia (BOB)] and a human male sitting on the edge watching you approach

[Meleager (BOB)] welcome back

[Meleager (BOB)] I am glad you were able to satisfy Lydia's requests

[Finglas (Death)] "Yes. Now, we want answers from you if you would."

[Meleager (BOB)] well I will give yu some, but i will require assurances for others

[Finglas (Death)] "What assurances?"

Moirra (Kaz)] thinks Meleager looks much ... happier ... than previously.

[Meleager (BOB)] ask what you wish

[Meleager (BOB)] and we shall see

[Meleager (BOB)] you have traveled quite a ways to see me

[Fritz] Is Meleager male or female?

[Meleager (BOB)] Male

[Fritz] Looks like a female drow...

[Meleager (BOB)] Male older human dark skinned

[Finglas (Death)] "Yes we have. You know who we are?"

[Meleager (BOB)] yes you are the remaining members of the Dragonslayers

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Can I disbelive the illusion Bob?

[Meleager (BOB)] sure

[Finglas (Death)] "Why are you interested in us?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[Finglas (Death)] "I don't know you. I wonder why you have gone to such legnths to sully our name."

[Meleager (BOB) (to Fritz only)] he looks just like a human male, etc.

[Meleager (BOB)] I did what I was told to do

[Finglas (Death)] "By who?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA).

[Meleager (BOB)] that I can not say

[Meleager (BOB)] without many more assurances

[Finglas (Death)] "What?"

[Meleager (BOB)] I will tell yu all you need to know

[Meleager (BOB)] if you can prove your selves capable of handling the knowledge

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Whisper...I can make him tell us everything))

[Meleager (BOB)] I do not wish to being any.... weight down on my own head

[Finglas (Death)] ::Holds up a finger::

[Meleager (BOB)] for allowing you to find

[Finglas (Death)] "What would assure you?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] What I wish to know is if you are the man we were originally shown, the "tortured prisoner".

[Moirra (Kaz)] And if so, how is it you have gone to honoured guest?

[Meleager (BOB)] proof you are powerful enough to handle my masters

[Meleager (BOB)] smiles at Moirra I am not an honoured guest

[Meleager (BOB)] I am a political exchange token

[Finglas (Death)] "We have killed the four gods of chaos if that is what you mean by handle."

[Finglas (Death)] "Though no one seems to believe that."

[Meleager (BOB)] if my worth expires then I will not be much longer

[Finglas (Death)] "We have killed an army of illithids, several beholders, dragons, a foray into hell and back..."

[Meleager (BOB)] all worthy deeds,

[Finglas (Death)] "Or by deal with do you mean make deals?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Shhh don't mention the Beholders...they were pussies))

[Meleager (BOB)] if in fact you actually succeeded in them

[Finglas (Death)] "I am confident we can destroy any enemy that attacks us."

[Finglas (Death)] "If we had a truth grid I would tell you the same thing."

[Meleager (BOB)] but what if they do not attack?

[Meleager (BOB)] what if they only exist

[Finglas (Death)] "They have pissed me off." ::smiles::

[Finglas (Death)] "They have already attacked us."

[Finglas (Death)] "They have attacked my name. I live for a very long time. My name is important to me."

[Meleager (BOB)] he picks up a flail that is laying on the ground near by,

[Meleager (BOB)] taps it in his hand

[Meleager (BOB)] my name has not meant anything to me

[Meleager (BOB)] until recently

[Meleager (BOB)] two years ago

[Meleager (BOB)] a young shaman

[Meleager (BOB)] he stops

[Meleager (BOB)] but that time is gone

[Meleager (BOB)] do you realy truely wish to find out who my master's are?

[Finglas (Death)] "If they are the ones behind the attacks on our name, yes."

[Meleager (BOB)] if I tell you, they will kill me just for revealing the fact

[Meleager (BOB)] I need to know you can defeat

[Meleager (BOB)] he holds up the flail for you to see

[Meleager (BOB)] It is a foot long rod of gold wrapped around in spiraling bands of lapis lazuli. One end of the flail is small bulb of turquoise, the other end radiates out with three thin six inch bars of silver that are tipped with turquoise.

[Meleager (BOB)] this is an ancient artifact of the Maetho empire

[Finglas (Death)] "Okay."

[Meleager (BOB)] as long as I have remained here in the Underdark, I have been immune to its effects

[Meleager (BOB)] if I give it to one of you, you will have to learn of its powers and find a way to destroy it

[Fritz] Is that pronounced May thoe or Ma E thoe?

[Finglas (Death)] "Do you not know what is required to destroy it?"

[Meleager (BOB)] (mane thoe)

[Meleager (BOB)] no

[Meleager (BOB)] I do know that you have tortured dreams

[Meleager (BOB)] be tempted to go to some distant place

[Meleager (BOB)] that you will have to solve the mystery of that place

[Finglas (Death)] "I see. And how did you come to have this?"

[Meleager (BOB)] if you can destroy this flail then I will know you are powerful enough to handle my master

[Meleager (BOB)] we found it in the possession of an adventuring group and we took it off of thier dead bodies

[Finglas (Death)] "And it was given to you?"

[Meleager (BOB)] I took it

[Finglas (Death)] "THen you were under it's bad dreams?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((whispers..."who is we"?))

[Finglas (Death)] "Now you stay down here to avoid bad dreams?"

[Meleager (BOB)] here many things are blocked, I am free, able to relax

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 9'06" (1.8 squares).

[Finglas (Death)] "So you are here for more than just avoidance of the flail?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Whispers...ask him if it was the flail that made him look so tortured before?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] I am now on your shoulder

[Meleager (BOB)] I would like revenge on my master for the loss of ...

[Finglas (Death)] "What was it that made you look so tortured before?"

[Finglas (Death)] "Loss of what?"

[Meleager (BOB)] I will not say too much

[Moirra (Kaz)] You have already begun your sentence, you might as well finish it.

[Meleager (BOB)] I can not trust your skills until you can prove it with deeds

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] what powers do you know for a fact the flail has?

[Finglas (Death)] "Who was the we you talked of?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] What do you know of the Maentho empire? Where did they hail from? What powers or skills were they known for?

[Meleager (BOB)] my adventuring group

[Meleager (BOB)] my master and my companions

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] ((I am trying to stay hidden in case I am needed to do stuff))

[Finglas (Death)] "And who were your companions, if not your masters?"

[Meleager (BOB)] I will not reveal that yet

[Meleager (BOB)] do you want to take the challenge of the flail?

[Meleager (BOB)] I will swear an oath on what ever you feel is fit

[Moirra (Kaz)] You ask us for much, yet reveal nothing. Deeds, you wish? Did you go about sullying the Dragonslayer name without first learning of them?

[Finglas (Death)] "I still have more to know. Tell me all you know of this."

[Meleager (BOB)] of the flail? I know that no one seems to be effected the same, but once you take it up you will not give it up voluntarily, at least not in the surface world, I would not be able to give it up here without Mistress Lydia's interventions

[Meleager (BOB)] I knew of the dragonslayers first hand

[Meleager (BOB)] beyond that I will not say more

[Finglas (Death)] "Then you know of our deeds."

[Finglas (Death)] "You just wish to use us to rid you of an unwanted burden."

[Meleager (BOB)] I wish to use you to rid my self of several burdens, this flail being one of them

[Finglas (Death)] "This item possesses you, and you expect us to just blithely take it and help you?"

[Meleager (BOB)] my master is another

[Finglas (Death)] "You ask much and give nothing."

[Meleager (BOB)] you wish my master's downfall

[Meleager (BOB)] I give you that

[Finglas (Death)] "No, you don't."

[Meleager (BOB)] if you give me this

[Finglas (Death)] "You give us a name at best."

[Finglas (Death)] "Then we will have to cause their downfall ourselves."

[Meleager (BOB)] and the secret behind it

[Meleager (BOB)] you will not even begin to understand unless I help you

[Finglas (Death)] "You are a weak man, hiding here from your own mistakes in life, held prisoner here as a pawn in someone else's scheme."

[Meleager (BOB)] even a pawn can capture the king

[Finglas (Death)] "Only on a chessboard. Know your true value and stop overestimating yourself."

[Finglas (Death)] "We can always kill you and get the information out of you that way. Death doesn't stop us from getting information, you know."

[Finglas (Death)] "We do know of a priestess of Hel. They can make the dead tell them anything. Wouldn't that be easier for us?"

[Meleager (BOB)] Lydia will protect me from that as long as I remain here in Khazefryn

[Meleager (BOB)] I know you are reluctant to take this burden

[Meleager (BOB)] that only shows you are a cautious person

[Finglas (Death)] "It keeps us alive."

[Meleager (BOB)] but do you value you and yours good name more than the danger the flail presents?

[Finglas (Death)] "Honestly, i question these endeavors at all. No one knows our name anywhere it seems, or gives us any respect regardless."

[Finglas (Death)] "I wonder if your masters are really worth the hastle."

[Meleager (BOB)] then why did you seek me in the first place?

[Finglas (Death)] "Agreeing to this requires another trip here..."

[Meleager (BOB)] I think you protest too much

[Finglas (Death)] "No, the others do. I'm wondering the same thing at this point."

[Meleager (BOB)] is a trip here that much of a burden to you? then you will not survive the attempt at my master and you should go home now

[Finglas (Death)] "Why did we seek you out? Can you really be of that muchhelp to us? You tell us to prove ourselves without any proof you can do what you say... Where is our incentive?"

[Meleager (BOB)] retire to your hearth and live out your days

[Finglas (Death)] "It's not a burden, do not think me weak. It is annoying. I have better things to do."

[Finglas (Death)] "It's like tearing out a wall of your house to get at a mouse. You can, but in the end is it worth the effort?"

[Finglas (Death)] ::looks to moirra::

[Finglas (Death)] "What do you think quiet mouse?"

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Meleager (BOB)] holds out the flail to Moirra and Finglas, "will you take up this challenge to finally clear you and your friend's names? "

[Finglas (Death)] "Did you know Octavia?"

[Meleager (BOB)] she was a fine girl

[Meleager (BOB)] very good voice

[Meleager (BOB)] nice body

Moirra (Kaz)] shrugs at Finglas.

[Meleager (BOB)] clever mind

[Finglas (Death)] "Not so much anymore... How did you get orders to her from down here?"

[Meleager (BOB)] I was pleased to kill her master to make her my own

[Meleager (BOB)] I was not always down here

[Meleager (BOB)] when the pain became too much I searched for a place to stay

[Finglas (Death)] "You were when she told us of you."

Death] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 22:16:55 EDT 2009

Death] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 22:17:08 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Death] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Sorry just got a call from a friend...her 10 yo daughter is trying to commit suicide. I had to try and help))

[Meleager (BOB)] (go will fill you in later)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Give me a sec to catch up))

[Death] "So you carried this for so long, suffered so much, and you know nothing of it?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] I would like to know what you know of the Maetho Empire.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Its peoples, everything.

[Meleager (BOB)] The Manetho Empire stretched from the Island Kingdoms to the A-ling Shan in the east

[Meleager (BOB)]

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Okay Bob, not for nothing, but that's the third different spelling I've seen for it. I TRIED looking for it on the site when you first said it. Surprise! No Maetho Empire.))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh))

[Meleager (BOB)] Manetho is the way it is spelled sorry if I missed it earlier

[Death] it's bob, what do you expect?

[Death] well, do we want any more non information from him?

[Death] in the end, if we want to progress, i'll have to accept the thing

[Death] but while we're here we can bang our head against the wall for fun

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((moves to the side abit...transforms into a human female...and appears))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 7'11" (1.5 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 17'02" (3.4 squares).

[Meleager (BOB)] Does not have to be Fin, he also offered it to Moirra

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I don't think we can afford problems with Finglas. Moirra is probably the least powerful, she can take it. Or we can wait til next week, and someone else can take it.))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Polymorph Self: The caster can change shape into any creature from the size of a wren to a hippopotamus.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] usually empires are named after people...what do you know of this Manetho?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh and hello my name is Carmella

[Meleager (BOB)]

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] You have been under the influence of this flail for awhile now...what powers do you know it possesses?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It says nothing about Manetho the person bob...just a mentoin of the people...

[Death (to Kaz only)] Moirra, I don't think I like the idea of you taking this.

[Meleager (BOB)] There is no one person, Manetho is one of the Pharoah's dynastys

[Meleager (BOB)] but it is far out side anything any of you have ever traveled or researched

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So this Manetho could have been a pharoah?

[Meleager (BOB)] yes

[Meleager (BOB)] but considering the Empire colapsed several centuries ago

[Meleager (BOB)] and it was old at that point

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] You said you freed Octavia from her previous "Master" who was he?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] YOu still ignore my question about the powers of the flail...

[Meleager (BOB)] Celsus was Octavia's master

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I have nightmares now just thinking of someone of my party possessing it...give us more

[Meleager (BOB)] and I have said that it affects different people different ways

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Pulls out the portable hole, Lays it on the ground and tosses to Lydia the items promissed to her))...Here drop the flail in here...we shall go and get some more information before we handle it personally...

[Death (to BOB only)] amulet, can you help me avoid it's mind affects since you're already hitching a ride up there?

[Meleager (BOB) (to Death only)] i can help muffle the pain

[Death] "Rave, that was stupid."

[Death] "You, Melaeger, take it out of there."

[Meleager (BOB)] looks at the hole, no, I will not just toss it in there, someone needs to control it

[Death] "No one else touches it until we finish here."

[Death] "If we must do this, I will do it."

[Death] "I have certain protections against it. It will hurt me the least."

Moirra (Kaz)] nods her understanding to Finglas

[Carmella] WEll if that is your wish Finglas then know this...I Carmella promise that if you turn against the party in any honor of who you were and the freedom you have wished, despite the protections of your brother-Antarias- and with respect to him...I will kill you without hesitation in defense of the others.

[Death] "Besides, if something goes wrong, I know my siblings will go to the ends of the earth to bring me back just to annoy me."

[Death] "Bug, say that again, and I will kill you before being possessed."

[Death] "You will never touch me without my consent. My brother can handle me."

[Carmella] I welcome you to try elf boy...anytime.

[Death] "Stop posturing. Now, anything else you will tell us before we leave?"

[Death] "You feel like actually telling us anything useful?"

Carmella] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 22:37:48 EDT 2009

[Meleager (BOB)] puts the flail in Finglas' hand

[Meleager (BOB)] a slight tingle

[Meleager (BOB)] and then a look of peace comes over Melenger

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Umm... did Finglas actually open his hand for it?))

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 22:38:35 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map khazefryn...

Fritz] has received the map khazefryn.

[Death] "Hah. Protected down here my rear end. You just were released of a burden. Already you lie to us. I don't know why we keep jumping through others' hoops like trained dogs."

[Meleager (BOB)] I have faith that you will avenge my sweet Alia's death

[Death] "And who is Alia?"

[Death] "How did she die?"

[Death] "And is that what this is all about? Nothing to do with your masters?"

[Meleager (BOB)] she died because of her association with the Dragonslayers

[Meleager (BOB)] she was a young shamman that I encountered when I was traveling teh lands of my youth

[Death] "What does that have to do with us?"

[Meleager (BOB)] she was special to me and was taken away only because my master found out of her previous association with the Dragonslayers

[Meleager (BOB)] I know now that there is a chance she will be avenged

[Meleager (BOB)] if you can solve the problem of the Flail

[Meleager (BOB)] then I know you are strong enough to attempt to defeat them

[Carmella] (Her name was Ailea Morakenn

[Carmella] ((Her name was Ailea Morakenn))

[Death] "You are raking us over the coals for her?"


[Death] "That stupid mage did it to her. Go bother him."

[Death] "We never even claimed him as our own."

[Death] "If he's still alive I'll kill him."

[Death] "Then I might make the trip back down here for you."

[Death] "This is the biggest, most petty pain in the ass... Humans are so stupid."

[Death] "My father was right to keep secluded. Elven kind is better to itself."

[Carmella] Who is this "Ailea" person you are talking about Finglas?

[Death] "A stupid girl who followed a stupider mage and who apparently died for her bad choices."


Carmella] shrugs

[Meleager (BOB)] standing up

[Meleager (BOB)] fists clenched

[Death] "Unfortunate, she wasn't a bad person, just stupid to follow first the mage, then this idiot."

[Meleager (BOB)] she was a good prson

[Death] "Sit down and shut up worthless meat sack."

[Meleager (BOB)] roars and launches him self at Finglas

[BOB] Meleager targets Finglas. Distance: 19'03"

[Death] "If there's one thing that pisses me off more than anything else is paying for other people's mistakes."

[Carmella] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Ring of Telekinesis: Range 320 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 800 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 320 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 800 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 32 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[BOB] Meleager targets Antarias. Distance: 2'07"

[BOB] ] Meleager moved 11'05".

Death] is receiving the map khazefryn...

Death] has received the map khazefryn.

[Carmella] Rave Starfire targets Antarias. Distance: 12'05"

[Carmella] Rave Starfire no longer targets Antarias.

[Death] ::sighs::

[Carmella] Rave Starfire targets Meleager. Distance: 8'01"

[Death] "See? You can't even get to me. Stop trying before you hurt youself."

[Carmella] I try and stop Meleagar.

[Death] "Love blind childishness. Thank you Rave."

[Meleager (BOB)] Lydia looks on at the group

[Death] ::walks up to Melaegar:: "You think you're mad because of some girl's death? You would do all this just for her? Just think of how angry you are making me."

[Meleager (BOB)] I am willing to betray my master because he killed the woman I loved

[Death] "You fear your masters? You'd be much, much wiser to fear me."

[Carmella] Meleagar...I understand your annoyance at this "elf", but he holds the flail at this moment. I know not what it does...But there has been one trajedy already in your life...I would hate for you to accidently kill Finglas and have to take up the flail again...

[Carmella] Consider this a "favor"...

[Death] "So tell me the truth boy, did your masters really want to do this to us, or are you doing it to get us involved to strike at your masters for you?"

[Meleager (BOB)] come back when you have proven you have destroyed the flail and I will bare my soul to you, and perhaps spill your blood

[Meleager (BOB)] but until then

[BOB] Meleager no longer targets Antarias.

[BOB] ] Meleager moved 39'05".

[BOB] he walks off into the garden

[Carmella] Rave Starfire no longer targets Meleager.

[Moirra (Kaz)] What a worthless coward.

[BOB] fists clenched

[Death] "Lydia..."

[Death] "Please tell me what you know of this."

[Death] "I am curious to know why you have involved yourself in these matters."

[Lydia (BOB)] he is a tortured soul, he his a mail and they are always losing their hearts without care for where they leave them

[Lydia (BOB)] I was pleased to help him rid him self of the flail, I am not interested in any powers that a desert king would want

[Carmella] Moirra I don't think he is a coward...I think he is just looking to ensure the revenge of the death of a loved one...It takes alot of courage sometimes to turn to someone else to seek revenge...remember that is my profession. some are cowards...some only want to guarentee results

[Death] "So what have you gotten out of this?"

[Lydia (BOB)] gestures as the gear to the side, I have these baubles, I have learned much from you and your friends

[Carmella] Those that come to me ... well they want guarentees...that is my expertese.

[Death] "No, Moirra has the right of it. If he wasn't a coward he would make himself strong enough to do what he wants to do. He is weak to rely on others."

[Death] "So you are not in league with him or his masters? Just providing a service?"

[Lydia (BOB)] I have been pleased to offer him refuge here, the price has been well worth it

[Death] "Pity. I'd much rather deal further with you for the secrets behild all this than him."

[Lydia (BOB)] if I knew them, I would not tell you until I knew the proper price for them

[Death] ::chuckles::

[Lydia (BOB)] I will do you a favor if you can pay for it

[Lydia (BOB)] I can ensure he stays here

[Lydia (BOB)] an ddoes not wander

[Death] "And what would that cost us?"

[Lydia (BOB)] what is it worth to you? and for how long do you need him to stay?

[Death] "What we told him was true, if he wanders off and dies we can still reach him. We can find him anywhere he goes, too."

[Death] "Rave, do you think we need to forcably keep him here?"

[Death] "Or can we find him when we're done?"

[Carmella (to Kaz only)] ((Turns to Moirra)) Some have an over inflated idea of their own self worth and importance...therefore they think all others as below themselves...

Moirra (Kaz)] raises an eyebrow at Carmella and shrugs slightly.

[Death] "Though I'm tempted to pay her to keep him here in the more traditional idea of drow hospitality after all this crap."

[Carmella] ((quizically looks at Finglas))...You forget...Rave is no longer here...But I have the means to find him and bring him to me at anytime should he ever be foolish enough to leave the underdark. Althoug to keep him alive I would suggest that he be kept here for his own safety

[Carmella] ((Pulls out a lock of hair that looks amazingly like Meleagar's own hair))

[Death] ::smiles::

[Death] "I don't wish to pay for him again. Let him wander as he will. He is smart enough not to get himself killed before his quest is done."

[Death] "Lydia, tell him that if he can stave off stupidity long enough, we will return here when we are done with the task he is too weak to do himself."

[Death] "I look forward to seeing you again. Now, I suppose we will fill up our supplies and take our leave."

[Lydia (BOB)] I will keep him here for 6 full months, after that I will see what suits me best

[Lydia (BOB)] I will be glad to see you supplies


[BOB] so

[Carmella] Yes that would be good.

[BOB] fill up on supplies

[Carmella] Any Drow weapons or armor?

[BOB] no

[Death] dude, they melt in sunlight...

[BOB] but you are all outside of the city in one piece at least

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((kinda like chocolate))

[BOB] and are near the edge of the lake

[BOB] grins

[BOB] so that next week if you have Lorie or John here they might be able to get you home quickly

[Carmella] Dude there are ways around EVERY thing if you know how....That is why Bob won't let me have any...Muhahahahahhahahaa

[Death] lol

[Death] eh, even if they had stuff though it'd be of normal quality.

[Death] even though lorie doesn't like to do it, we CAN make our own normal magic shit

[Carmella] True Dat...

[BOB] ok, so I will update the site tonight and tommorrow

[Carmella] I will remove the stuff we gave Lydia from the Portable Hole list.

[BOB] night guys

[Death] night

Death] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 23:10:48 EDT 2009

[Carmella] Night all...Hey mike is there a time limit on getting your levels back or just have to do it before you level naturally?

[Carmella] Night Night Kaz

[Kaz] night guys

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 23:12:42 EDT 2009

[Carmella (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: Character Info,

[DM] Roll: (10d6) [(6+6+5+6+5+4+4+3+5+3)] 47

Zadore's Poison Sheath: Each time a blade is drawn from this sheath it is automatically coated with 1d6 different poisons. So virulent are Zadore's poisons that no saving throw is allowed. One slice of a blade enclosed by this sheath (fortunately there is only one), results in sudden death for any creature struck by it except planar creatures who do get a saving throw, but at -4.

Sacred Bundle: The Sacred Bundle bestows the following benefits upon the owner: +2 on all saving throws, the character is only suprised on a natural roll of one, unarmored AC becomes 2, and one point of damage is subtracted from each die of damage done to the character. A sacred bundle never benefits anyone but the character who made it

Makki (Medicine Bundle): +1 on all saving throws and proficiency/ability checks, Further the character can call upon the totem spirit in the event that the save or check fails. If this option is selected, the die roll for the saving throw or check is ignored and the character is assumed to have successfully overcome the hazard. Whatever caused the character to attempt the saving throw or ability check will destroy the makki,however, forcing the character to fashion a new one if he wishes to regain his +1 to saving throws and ability checks bonus.

Kit Ar Dex Race 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pick Pockets +5 +20 +5 15 20 5 10 10 5

Open Locks +20 -10 10 20 15 15 10 5 5 10 10 5

Find/remove traps +5 +5 5 5 10 10 15 5 5 5 10 15

Move Silently +10 +10 +5 10 5 5 5 10 10 5 15 5

Detect Noise +5 15 15 5 5

Hide Shadows +5 +15 +10 5 5 15

. DELETED: XP Awards,

==== Tue Jun 10 15:57:12 EDT 2008 ====

15th Aniverssary Game - 5000 (Tue Jun 10 15:53:46 EDT 2008)

Story / Roleplaying - 500 (Tue Jun 10 15:56:15 EDT 2008)

==== Wed Nov 26 12:46:30 EST 2008 ====

Magic of Music Story Award - 10000 (Wed Nov 26 12:40:17 EST 2008)

Roleplaying Award - 500 (Wed Nov 26 12:43:11 EST 2008)

Magic of Music XP Bonus - 5000 (Wed Nov 26 12:46:21 EST 2008)==== Fri Nov 28 18:49:17 EST 2008 ====

Trouble with Trillochs - 4000 (Wed Nov 26 12:49:42 EST 2008)

==== Tue Dec 30 15:32:16 EST 2008 ====

End of year award - 2500 (Tue Dec 30 15:32:16 EST 2008)==== Fri Mar 06 19:13:46 EST 2009 ====

First part of Deep Dark Dangerous - 2000 (Fri Mar 06 19:13:46 EST 2009)

==== Fri Mar 06 19:15:25 EST 2009 ====

To Bite the Moon - 750 (Fri Mar 06 19:15:25 EST 2009) ==== Fri Apr 24 19:54:09 EDT 2009 ==== None - 500 (Fri Apr 24 19:54:09 EDT 2009) . DELETED: ventrillo notes,

Download Ventrilo CLIENT for your Operating System. Then you set the host to (deleted personal information - Kaz)

(can't think of anything else now.) . DELETED: Game notes,

Xulltyrr name of drow prisoner

. DELETED: Body parts,

Multiple Hair samples of Xulltyrr

Multiple tissue samples from the entire party.

Xulltyrr one dagger

troglodyte skin and body parts

Purple worm parts and pieces

All beholder eyes, and a central eye as well as other beholder parts x 2

Goblin parts . Equipment - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@1d7dd3c (10). Bard: (BAL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@fdacd5 (null). Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@5e0197 (null). Druid: (DL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@1ba9d37 (null). Warrior: (WARL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@a79106 (null). Paladin: (PL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@122286e (null). Ranger: (RL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@18c5bac (null). Thief: (RGL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@1d6aa35 (10). Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: [Ljava.lang.Object;@40bb0a (8).

Carmella] has left the game on Fri Apr 24 23:15:24 EDT 2009