Main / Argreep



Outlaw Mage

Picture of Agreep
Agreep in typical dress. Click to see larger.
Picture of Agreep
Agreep dressed to meet strangers.
Picture of Agreep
Agreep in his skivvies, so you can see his race inheritances. Click to see larger.

Download a PDF of all his data, including the above illustrations.

Argreep, better known as Beakface, was born into slavery to a powerful mage. Like any Mongrelman, Beakface firmly believed that one day the man who held him down would get his divine retribution. In the meantime, Beakface stole one of the lesser-valued spellbooks from the mage's library, and began to learn.

One day his master did get whacked. A rival mage took him out, along with all his family. Argreep found himself freed, but starving. By now he knew enough to be modestly useful, so he hired himself out to another mage. He was paid a piffling wage to carry out tasks that he wasn't so sure about, but he didn't ask questions. Well, he should have.

It turned out that his employer was an evil mage with an enemy who was even more evil and ruthless -- the same enemy, in fact, who had dispatched the master. His employer and most of his household were destroyed in a night raid. His employer's right-hand man, though hideously wounded, survived, and firmly believes that Argreep sold them out. He's looking for revenge and has the criminal network to help him get it.

Thus, Beakface is as far into hiding as a Mongrelman can get. Sadly, his ploy to attach himself to an adventuring party for security has backfired, and he's wound up with a party that couldn't keep a low profile in a town full of deaf and blind people. Therefore, although they are all headed for remote places, he still has good reason to keep looking over his shoulder...

His Xorn leg, lack of one eye, and effective 1 charisma render him mostly disabled. Magic is all that can help.
