Main / ArmorSpells

New Spell Path: Armor Spells by Keith

created and played by John Anstett

I am working on what variation of what spell I want to improve upon that will give Keith the best chance of being a benefit to adventure with the DragonSlayers. (At this point he is AC 10 and 28 hit pts)

Invisible Mail would be the simplest choice but I am looking for something a little more powerfull. We have and I like Rainbow Shield but that does nothing for AC or absorbiing hit point damage. There is also an 8th level spell, Iron Body I believe, but down gradding a spell seems harder than improving a lower level.

My current thought is actual an improvment to Wraithform or a varaition of Etheralness. I was going to call it GhostForm but I think Etheral Shield might be better.

The basics (if you can call it that)

The spell envelops the caster or other single man sized creature in a field of Etherness, effectivly putting an etherial barrier between the caster and the world arround him, while he is technicaly not Etherial. Vision is reduced in both direction as well as movment. Only weaponds that efect the etherial plane can effect the recipent. Area effect spells and touch spells (even beneficial ones) do not reach the recipent unless it effect the etherial plane. Spells cast directly on the recipent, which do not pass through, are not effected by the field. Charm Person would not be effected by the field but Magic Missles would be as the caster can not be targeted. Similarly the recipent can not cast spell that start at the caster's finger tips like color spray could not be cast, while AOE spells can be cast from within the field. The recipient can not read or discern detail without other enchancements.

Clearly, this will take some discusion and even if it is finalized, we may not want to use it. It is not Keith's next project or only solution. Just wanted to get it down before X mas. ;)
