Main / Aug1007

Aug 10 07 - Taxes are Evil & My Shoes!!!

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Beth has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 18:52:21 EDT 2007

[Beth] oh, this has to be a first lol

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] back

[DM] smiles

[DM] Kaz will be late, picking up hubby from work

[DM] Christy will be late, out with the kids

[Beth] k

[DM] Mike will be late out to dinner with girlfriend

[DM] Hans is in Alaska

[Beth] I did as much fair as i was able to

[DM] so wll be on but late

[Beth] lol

[Beth] and I'm early for the first time in I don't know how long lol

[DM] so I am setting up here

[DM] everyoe will be online only

[Beth] k

[Beth] I'm going to get something to eat and drink :)

[Beth] although I'm not sure my legs will let me out of my chair now lol

Percival has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 18:59:47 EDT 2007

[DM] welcome Percy!

[Percival] Howdy. I'm still at the AFB right now-

[Percival] We'll be picking up and leaving shortly.

[DM] thansk for looking in

[Percival] I heard Kaz will be with us. That's great.

[DM] Kaz worked on her character but seems to have lost the changes

[DM] has a fun idea

[Percival] Oh.

[DM] she is goign to be a healer extrodinare

[DM] picked some fun things, and can cure just about anythong

[DM] off to change brb

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Percival is receiving the map Base Map...

Percival has received the map Base Map.

[Beth] hey, Hans!

Beth is receiving the map Base Map...

Beth has received the map Base Map.

[Percival] Hi, Beth!

[Beth] boy they've got you all over the country, don't they?

[Percival] Yup.

[Percival] Funny thing is, I'm doing very very little.

[Beth] ::grins:: and they skipped right over the top of me lol

[Beth] lol

[Percival] I'm holding their hands right now, dealing with very minor issues.

[Beth] I hate that.. it's boring

[Beth] lol

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] back

[Percival] Exactly.

[DM] I have to put in the XP for everyone from the Taxes are Evil

[Percival] They flew me up here to do about 8 hours of work over the course of 10 days. That's what it seems like, anyway.

[Beth] jeez...

[Percival] We've had a lot of really nice meals courtesy of the Air Force. Anchorage has a lot of good food (heavy tourism spot).

[Beth] so I've heard

[Percival] But the *service* is almost laughable. Almost nothing. It's horribly poor...

[Beth] if they'd dropped you in Portland, I'd have come had coffee with you lol

[Percival] My joke is that they've taken a bunch of homeless people and put them in server's jobs. And that's not that far from the truth.

[Percival] I love coffee & I hear that area has really good coffee (or is that Seattle?)

[Beth] up there? yeah, my ex sis in law was up there for a bit and worked in one of the restaurants for a season

[Percival] Is Portland like Seattle at all?

[Beth] Portland is actually kind of a coffee mecca now

[Beth] well... yes and no

[Beth] it's green, and bigger

[Percival] Ahhh.

[Beth] and it's a bit better organized

[Beth] Seattle is sorta confusing, but Portland doesn't have the market place like Seattle

[Percival] You don't remember what restaurant she worked in, do you? I've been to almost all of 'em.

[Beth] although Portland's Saturday Market is fabulous

[Beth] it was one down by the docks

[Beth] they got most of the cruise line tourists

[Percival] Club Paris, Orso, Glacier Brewhouse, Humpie's, Phyllis'

[DM] I liked Anchorage when we were there

[Percival] You've been here, Bob? When was that?

[Beth] I have no clue now, it was about 2-3 years ago

[Percival] Simon & Seafort's is really good, too.

[DM] like in 04?

[Beth] I think that's when Shelley was there

[Percival] Maybe it was the Snow Goose?

[Beth] lol, she went up there with blue hair, but I think she bleached it out for the job

[Percival] Hah hah hah!

[Beth] yeah,... electric blue

[Percival] Bob, we're going to hang out here at the hospital a little longer to get some feedback from the docs & nurses. So if I skip out, that's what's happening.

[Beth] ::sighs:: that's my Shell... ::grins::

[DM] not a problem

[DM] Enya's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 57 (48) - Unharmed

[DM] Sweetums's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (46) - Unharmed

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (8) - Unharmed

[DM] Ramone's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 69 (8) - Unharmed

[DM] Varn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 111 (0) - Unharmed

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 71 (8) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (4) - Unharmed

[DM] Kit's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 95 (8) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Moirra: No adjustments made

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 67 (0) - Unharmed

[DM] Mal's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 94 (0) - Unharmed

[DM] Pepe's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (0) - Unharmed

[DM] Kira's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 61 (8) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 75 (4) - Unharmed

[DM] Kit's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 96 (1) - Unharmed

[DM] Kira's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 67 (6) - Unharmed

[DM] ok

[DM] so everyone is fully healed and has the XP reset

[Beth] is it a new day and time to rememorize spells?

[DM] yes

[Beth] k

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 8th, 1259.

[DM] I do have a new adventure set

[DM] not totlaly completed

[DM] but have the idea and the basic things done

[DM] want to take our time tonight on character sheets, etc

[DM] and then intro for Kaz

[DM] and then start the adventure

[DM] most people wll be in around 8 pm

[DM] so when Hans gets back will be just fine

[DM] if you want to look at your sheets to be sure they are set

[Beth] ok

[DM] or if you have any questions just ask

[Beth] how many spells can I have memorized? I forgot

[DM] should be on your ability scores

[Beth] not on there that I can see...

[DM] will check for you next

[Beth] nothing listed for max spells or /level

[DM] you have to commit please Beth

[DM] I know you have trouble with that

[Beth (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kira modified: Spells - CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Choke -- # Memorized: 0 (1), Personal Information - Combat -

[DM] but you have to trust me this time

[DM] wink

[Beth] heh smart as

[Beth] ::grins::

[Beth] I have no problem with commitment. I'm commited to remaining single :D

[DM] lol

[DM] ok, you are set now

[DM] if you look at your abilties it will show max spell level, max spells per level and the chance to learn each spell

[Beth] ok, so that is 7 spells per level?

[DM] on your spell section at the top

[DM] is a listing of how many of each spell level you can memorize each day

[DM] you can have a max of 7 1st level spells and can memorize 4 per day

[Beth] ah, ok... so I can learn 4 lvl 1, 3 lvl 2 and 1 lvl 3?

[DM] Memorize 4 3 1

[DM] Learn 7 7 7

[Beth] memorize, yes

[Beth] ok, so, I can learn more than I have listed here

[DM] yes

[DM] but can not 'unlearn' any either

[Beth] ok

[DM] so you have 6 1st level spells right now

[DM] etc

[Beth] right, I could learn 1 more of those, 4 more lvl 2's and 6 more lvl 3's

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 19:34:07 EDT 2007

[DM] yes to Beth

[DM] and welcome Christy

[Arilyn] hey there!

[DM] your XP is awarded

[Beth] Hi, Christy!

[DM] Moirra: Resurrection Survival check: (d100) [94] 94 - ROLL FAILED against 92!!

[DM] ok, so that is out of the way

[Beth] wow...

[Beth] that is a suck roll...

[DM] bows thank you

[Arilyn] okay, just got caught up. gotta feed the crew, back in a flash

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] take your time Chrsity

[Beth] ::shakes head:: only you, Bob would be proud of a roll like that lol ::grins::

[Beth] Kaz is on her way in

[DM] smiles good

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 19:41:08 EDT 2007

[Kaz] Hi everyone :)

[DM] welcome Kaz

[Beth] Hi, Kaz!

[DM] I just hit commit for your sheet

[DM] so you can look at it now

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] Thanks Mom!

[DM] added in some XP for your roleplay last week

[DM] and things are set for you to advance now

[DM] still have to roll a few things

[DM] simple easy night tonight with character sheets, and such

[DM] then will introduce Moirra more fully

[DM] then the new adventure

[DM] ok, so any questions Beth?

[Beth] just trying to decide on my 4th lvl 1 spell... ::sighs::

[DM] grins

[Kaz] Decisions, decisions.

[DM] you can double up on some you know

[Beth] yeah, I hate trying to predict what the group might need most

[Beth] r

[Beth] I did for magic missile

[Beth] I have 2 of those and read magic,

[DM] read magic is needed to read spell books, scrolls, magical traps (after they are detected)

[DM] so is an iffy one

[Beth] just need to decide between detect magic, featherfall which I don't think I'd need, and phantasmal force, and unseen servant

[DM] detect would be my choice over read magic

[Beth] well, I do deal with traps...

[DM] adn i like phantasmal force a lot

[Beth] ah, ok

[DM] and of course unseen servant is handy

[Beth] k... that was the one I was thinking of

[DM] to go fetch that key over there on the other side of the bridge for me

[DM] etc

[DM] lots of creative use to both spells

[Beth] ::sighs:: you just are no real help, are you?

[Beth] btw, I'm on pain pills tonight, so... if I seem a bit spacier than usual... :D

[DM] how could we tell?

[Beth] I DID say than USUAL

[Beth] smart ass

[Beth (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kira modified: Ability Scores - Spells - CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Phantasmal Force -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn] ok, we all have full tummies now

[DM] wonderful

Arilyn is receiving the map Base Map...

Arilyn has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Mace, Footman's, 1. Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Alertness, General, , 1, $wi, +1. ADDED: Botany, Priest; Wizard, , 1, $kn, -1. ADDED: Calligraphy, Craft, , 2, $ai, -1. ADDED: Cooking, Craft, , 1, $re, +0. ADDED: Foraging, General, , 1, $re, -2. ADDED: Healing, Priest, , 2, $wi, -2. ADDED: Herbalism, Priest; Wizard, , 2, $kn, -2. ADDED: Hiding, General, , 2, $re, -1. ADDED: Medicinal Cooking, Priest, Healthy Cooking, 2, $wi, -2. ADDED: Religion, Priest; Wizard, , 1, $wi, +0. ADDED: Seamstress/tailor, Craft, , 1, $ai, -1. ADDED: Spirit Lore, Priest; Wizard, , 2, $ap, -4. ADDED: Swimming, General, , 1, $st, +0. ADDED: Veterinary Healing, Craft, , 1, $wi, -3. Notes - Class Skills - ADDED: Priest ability - Access to All, 3/5, . ADDED: Priest ability - Access to Healing, 5/10, . ADDED: Priest ability - Access to Protection, 5/10, . ADDED: Priest ability - Expert healer, 10, . ADDED: Priest ability - Lay on hands, 10, . ADDED: Priest ability - Purify water, 5, .

[DM] so Kaz you get a grand total of 14 slots to spend

[DM] and yes that saved that time Kaz

[Kaz] okies

[Kaz] I have to run and pick up Guy

[DM] when you get back will give you specifics

[Kaz] okay

[Kaz] back shortly

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Beth] Bob, question... :)

[DM] is Arilyn's sheet fully done Christy?

[DM] and yes?

[Arilyn] umm, I don't know.

[Beth] on the xp and levels which do I look at for how much I need to level?

[Arilyn] probably not

[DM] you are working your way up as a mage right now

[Beth] soooo

[DM] so all the xp shoudl be goign that way

[DM] ahh I see what you mean

[DM] ok

[Beth] ok

[DM] so we have to take half of what I just gave you to you thief side

[DM] and add it to your mage side

[Beth] which is which?

[DM] the first one is thief

[DM] the seond os mage

[Beth] I'm guessing... right, ok

[Beth] so, I've got a looooong way to go to level on the mage side

[DM] but

[DM] you just made level in thief

[DM] by 250 points

[Beth] ::grins::

[Arilyn] yay Beth!

[DM] puttingin the new goal now

[DM] but you do not have the new skills yet

[Beth] but, 70k to go to lvl 6 mage?

[Beth] ah, ok

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 20:03:20 EDT 2007

[Beth] and where, when and how do I get my new skills?

[Arilyn] Mike!

[Beth] and thanks, Christy! :D

[Beth] Hi, Mikey!

[DM] grrr

[DM] marco changed it on us Beth

[mikE] hey lizzie

[Beth] so, I'm now lvl 8 and lvl 8 thief..

[DM] he put your mage first

[Beth] oh?

[Beth] lol

[DM] and theif second I believe

[DM] checking for you now

[Beth] so, I'm lvl 7 and my mage level goes up? lol, I'm confused

[DM] so am I

[DM] as I have to go back and try to reconstruct now

[Beth] that's scary

[DM] give me a moment

[Beth] take two.... please lol

[mikE] so i guess i didn't miss much?

[Beth] heh, nope :)

[DM] youmissed the whole adventer disapearing

[Arilyn] ah, no. not much at all

[DM] adn Kaz's character not working

[DM] and now tryignto figure otu just how much XP Kira really has

[Beth] ::grins:: not much at all, see?

[mikE] awesome

[DM] ok, for tonight you are a 7th level thief and a 6th level wizard

[mikE] i think she should be a 5th level druid and a 8th level fighter

[DM] which means you have one more slot for 3rd level spells

[DM] and that is updated now for you on the sheet Beth

[Beth] ok

[DM] we will need to double check before the end of this adventure

[DM] abotu that

[DM] you will not go down in either

[Beth] right...

[DM] but you might not be advancing in one or the other

[Beth] ok

[DM] I was saying both at once, but the item description says only one side

[Beth] well, all we can do is ask Marco... unless you ahve a way to check past sheet stats

[DM] so both sides right now need the 70,000 for the next level

[Beth] ok

[DM] I do have that ability but woudl have to shut down klooge to check and do not want to

[Beth] ah, ok.. so after tonight's game then

[DM] so that is where you stand

[Beth] alright

[DM] can memorize one more spell

[DM] Kaz is goign to finish when she gets back

[Beth (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kira modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 2 (1). Spells - CHANGED: Lance of Disruption -- # Memorized: 2 (1), Personal Information - Class Levels -

[DM] checking Arylin now

[Beth] ok, then I'm done for now :)

[DM] and the same problem there

[DM] she is multi classed

[Arilyn] i really haven't done anything since the first night and I don't know if I even did it right then

[DM] so I gave the XP to only one side

[DM] will correct that now for you

[DM] Mike if you could check your sheet? and percy's?

[mikE] for what?

[DM] for completeness

[DM] I gave out XP earlier

[Arilyn] my stats are still showing the modifier from the wraith or whatever it was

[mikE] well, our sheets are single classed so they should be fine

[Arilyn] wasn't that supposed to be temporary?

[mikE] he's got no spells either

[DM] yes to arilyn will fix that also

[Arilyn] thank you

[mikE] my last xp is from july 14th bob

[mikE] i don't think you gave me anything last week or this week

[DM] no it shows me the stuff from today

[DM] it is all in one long line there on your notes

[DM] it shows the 14,000 you just got tonight

[mikE] may 11th...?

[DM] end of that line

[DM] paragraph

[mikE] you're calendar is completely messed up

[DM] taxes are evil

[DM] yeah yeah the formating sucks but the numbers are right

[DM] and now Arilyn is up to snuff

[Percival] Ok. I'll see you guys once I log in from the hotel-

[Arilyn] hi!

[Percival] Hi there, yourself-

[DM] ok, fixing somethign else on arilyns sheet I just saw with her dex

[Arilyn] please, fix away

[Percival] See you in a little while-

Percival has left the game on Fri Aug 10 20:23:51 EDT 2007

[Arilyn] okay

[Arilyn] Hans had told me to split my stats when I did the sheet but I never did it because I didn't have the book

[Arilyn] so there may be goofs all over the place

[DM] ok, your dex bonus is -1 not -3

[Arilyn] that could be from the splitting/not splitting

[DM] made the additions to the attibute scores

[DM] ok, I see you did not actually split them but you want to have teh better ac than the aim correct?

[Arilyn] yep

[DM] ok fixed to that way now

[DM] and fixed your intelligence

[DM] so that you might have an open slot or two now

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] Sorry, I'm back

[DM] wb

[Kaz] Of all the people in Illinois who drive like maniac, I get behind the ONE PERSON who wants to do 20.

[DM] chuckles

[Kaz] I'm just lucky like that :)

[DM] so your slots Kaz

[Kaz] ko

[Beth] heh, see Murphy's appended laws of traffic

[DM] you get 4 intelligence 4 weapon and 6 non-weapon slots

[DM] for a grand total of 14

[DM] you spend one on mace

[DM] of the weapon ones

[DM] you can also spend one on two handed style

[DM] which allows you to do more damage when you use two hands on the weapon

[DM] or you can use that slot instead on more non-weapon skills

[Kaz] okay

[DM] so you have 13 still to spend after the mace

[DM] and if you want to be able to read

[DM] then 12 left after that

[DM] will go grab a drink

[Kaz] okay, I'll figure it

[DM] beth christy and mike can give you suggestions on which to pick

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Arilyn] herbalism is good for a healer

[Kaz] I've got herbalism and healing

[Kaz] Botany is on my wish list, too

[mikE] sage knowlege plants

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] I see alertness so far

[DM] did you add more yet?

[Kaz] that was already there

[DM] ok

[DM] you do not need to take that

[Kaz] I added Sage Knowledge plants

[DM] might have just been a practice thing

[Kaz] take what?

[DM] when you hit committ will check it

[Kaz] okay

[DM] alertness costs one slot

[DM] but it is very useful

[Kaz] Is foraging going to be useful or a waste?

[DM (to GM only)] Moria #1 moved 2'02".

[Arilyn] BRB-kids are getting in the shower so I must go stop the flood

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Aug 10 20:43:46 EDT 2007

[DM] I think that foraging will not be very useful

[Kaz] Okay

[DM] as you can summon food with a spell

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 20:44:08 EDT 2007

Arilyn is receiving the map Base Map...

Arilyn has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] Although it could also be useful for finding plants useful for healing

[DM] nods

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] But I could go on the assumption that wouldn't really be necessary

[Beth] herbalism should include teh ability to find the plants that you want

[Beth] it should be inclusive with the skill

[Kaz] I think it's more the ability to identify the plants that you need

[Kaz] But it should be good enough.

[Beth] dunno if it's considered so in game, but in RL it is necessary6

[DM] it normally is

[DM] I can see the point of having both

[DM] but there are other skills I would take first

[Beth] part of the schooling includes location and identification

[DM] Mike any other suggestions?>

[Kaz] Well... Herbalism PLUS Botany PLUS Sage Knowledge Plants...

[Beth] if I were to actually take the classes it's part of the curriculum

[Kaz] I should be able to find a freaking rose bush in the desert.

[DM] you just need Botany

[DM] not sage knowledge

[Kaz] okay

[DM] that is overkill

[Beth] yep

[DM] again very nice to have

[Beth] lol

[DM] but you would be an expert on all plant materials

[DM] at teh cost of somethign else

[Kaz] Well, but... HOW expert do I really need to be.

[DM] where as botany will help you with all plants in this area

[Beth] with botany she should be able to identify the cell structure if there was technology available for it lol

[DM] sage knowledge will give you even the underdark fungus and oriental mushrooms

[Kaz] Hrm

[DM] you would be very very much the top of the line expert

[Kaz] I don't need that

[DM] people woudl come to you to get help with potions and such

[Beth] heh... Kaz... this is Bob's game...

[Beth] don't ask how expert you need to be... ANYthing could come up

[Kaz] lol

[Beth] I'd take Sage over botany, personally

[Beth] if they cost the same

[Kaz] there's a one slot difference

[Kaz] botany is "cheaper"

[Beth] ah... for only 2 extra plants?

[Beth] or plant types?

[DM] those were just examples

[Kaz] *ponder*

[DM] sage knowledge is wider knowledge

[Beth] ok, I will shut up now lol

[DM] botany is deeper knowledge in a specific area

[Beth] hhmmm... I still think sage

[Kaz] lol

[Kaz] I'll let you two duke it out.

[DM] you want reading, healing, herbalsim

[Beth] lol

[DM] alterness

[DM] or observation

[DM] most likly observatoin

[Kaz] Observation over alertness?

[DM] alterness tells you "someone is watching me" observation tells you "hey why is that door slightly ajar"

[Kaz] hrm

[DM] you could take both

[Kaz] observation

[DM] most fighters do

[Beth] ok, my take on the botany vs sage is that as a healer a wider knowledge base is better than a scholar's deeper knowledge base...

[Kaz] I'm not a fighter :)

[Kaz] I think observation is better for a healer.

[Beth] I would agree with that... because you are looking at symptoms usually

[Kaz] exactly what I was thinking

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Alertness, General, , 1, $wi, +1. DELETED: Calligraphy, Craft, , 2, $ai, -1. DELETED: Cooking, Craft, , 1, $re, +0. DELETED: Foraging, General, , 1, $re, -2. DELETED: Hiding, General, , 2, $re, -1. DELETED: Spirit Lore, Priest; Wizard, , 2, $ap, -4. ADDED: Reading/writing, General, , 1, $kn, +1. ADDED: Observation, General, , 1, $re, +0.

[DM] let me look at your sheet now

[Kaz] I hit commit, go for it.

[DM] you are still editing it says

[Kaz] try now

[Kaz] I'm still not done, obviously. More paring needs to happen.

Percival has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 20:56:21 EDT 2007

[DM] can not take medicinal cooking

[DM] so that saves you 2 slots to spend on other things

[Kaz] not?

[Kaz] okay

[Percival] getting caught up on chat...

[DM] I deleted it

[DM] and committed

[Kaz] Hi :)

[DM] now you can add back one or two more

[Kaz] thanks Bob

[Beth] wb, Hans :)

[Kaz] What I've got there now should add up to 10

[DM] that skill is only: after you take healthy cooking, which ou can only take after you have healing and herbalism

[DM] oh and you have to be a halfing also

[Kaz] Yeah

[Kaz] what's up with that....

[Beth] LOL

[Kaz] :-/

[DM] ok,

[DM] so

[Kaz] Religion... is that just for my own, or for knowledge of other local religions?

[DM] all religions

[Kaz] Do I need it for my own?

[DM] no

Percival is receiving the map Base Map...

Percival has received the map Base Map.

[DM] so we have everyone in Roadhaven

[DM] you are working with this new cleric you met at the end of your taxes adventure

[DM] talking to her

[Percival] Yes, so where do we stand on the issue of the taxes & the tax evader?

[DM] you were sucessful in returning with your loot

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] he is dead

[Percival] k

[DM] Druid Sensor moved 111'00".

[DM] Druid Sensor moved 10'01".

[Percival] So, this cleric is the same one we rescued from the dungeon?

[Kira (Beth)] ::to Moirra:: Are you up to answering some questions?

[Druid Sensor] I thank you for your service to Hallstatt

[mikE] is the druid sensor going off?

[mikE] are there any druids around?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I can try

[Percival] You are very welcomed.

Kira (Beth) bows to druid sensor "is our business finished?"

[Percival] ::what is a druid sensor?::

[mikE] it senses druids

[Percival] ::I'm picturing a floating globe::

[Kira (Beth)] "to your satisfaction?

[mikE] we hate them so much we invested in a detector

[Druid Sensor] (she is the representative from Hallstatt)

[Percival] ::k::

[Percival] We are very interested in maintaining our friendly relations with Hallstatt.

[Percival] We are committed to that.

[Druid Sensor] she smiles and nods

[Druid Sensor] then I will return home

[Druid Sensor] and bid you farewell

[Kira (Beth)] "Should you need us in the future, we are at your service"

[Percival] Go in peace.

[mikE] and serve the lord

[Wilson] walks into the common room where you are

[Percival] Wilson! Greetings!

[Wilson] the Lady Kylia is feeling a bit stressed and is retired for today

[Kira (Beth)] Greetings, Wilson!

[Wilson] but I thought that perhaps you might want to help her with something?

[Wilson] and

[Wilson] coughs

Kira (Beth) nods "I thought as much"

[Wilson] who is this woman?

[Percival] ::I think Beth and I might be on a particular wavelength tonight::

[Wilson] pointing to Moirra

Moirra (Kaz) blushes

[Kira (Beth)] ::lol, indeed::

[Percival] This is Moirra, a healer we rescured while at....

[Wilson] should I be working on bracing the Lady for new recruits?

[Percival] ::that place where we were::

[Kira (Beth)] She is a cleric who survived the Wizard we just collected taxes from

[Wilson] ahh

[Wilson] so I will not have to worry Lady Kylia about her then

[Wilson] no offense please Priestest Moirra

[Kira (Beth)] yes, Wilson, I believe that might be necessary, tho I've not asked her what her plans are

[Wilson] we woudl welcome you

Moirra (Kaz) nods and smiles

[Moirra (Kaz)] No offense.

[Percival] Nicely done, Wilson...

[Moirra (Kaz)] Thank you for your welcome.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Religion, Priest; Wizard, , 1, $wi, +0. ADDED: Sage Knowledge, Wizard; Priest, , 2, $kn, -2.

[Wilson] I am sure the others will tell you abotu Lady Kylia's aversion to new members joining her group

[Kira (Beth)] ::to Moirra:: what are your plans now?

[mikE] man, wilson's a pushover. does kylia know about how welcoming he is?

[mikE] or is he just looking for a new girlfriend?

[Kira (Beth)] ::snicker::

[Moirra (Kaz)] I... plans?

Wilson coughs

[Moirra (Kaz)] Being alive is plan enough. I have no other at the moment.

[Kira (Beth)] Where would you go from here?

[Percival] We could definitely use a healer in the party.

[Kira (Beth)] Is it your wish to remain with us? or travel on?

[Wilson] Priestestes of Diancecht are not meant for marriage

Moirra (Kaz) stares at Wilson.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Marriage?

[Percival] ::not understanding::

[mikE] which pantheon is she from now?

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles:: enough, Mal. Moirra, Mal was having a bit of fun

[Wilson] Sir Malagorn is referring to an incident last year

[Wilson] of a young lady who came here

[Wilson] in pursuit of my hand in marriage

[Kira (Beth)] Wilson! You old dog, you!

[mikE] sir malagorn isn't talking

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh.. oh, well. You needn't worry about any pursuit from me.

Wilson coughs

[Moirra (Kaz)] No offense, I am sure you are worthy enough of any lady...

[mikE] i swear i explain this to someone different every week. i actually use the chat as picture and quotation marks when i'm in character.

Moirra (Kaz) blushes.

[Percival] ::I guess we all have our conventions of player vs. character chatting::

[Kaz] I actually remembered that you had said that.

[mikE] well, for the record everyone, bibo and i both do it this way.

[Percival] ::When we're busy into gaming, maybe it's a good idea to minimize extraneous chat altogether. When we're waiting for people to log in, then it's not so important.::

[Kira (Beth)] don't expect me to always remember that. I'm lucky to remember much of anything longer than 5 minutes unless it was 5 years ago

[Wilson] looks aroudn at the group

[Percival] ::there is a certain degree of player questions that we'll always have because we're all remote and we need clarification on things.::

[Kira (Beth)] and I hope you all will be patient with me over the next few months, as that will probably get worse before it gets better. I aplogize now for it

[Wilson] there is a visitor here that wanted to talk with the Dragonslayers

[Wilson] I told her she would not be welcome

[Percival] Why would she not be welcome, Wilson?

[Wilson] but then she changed one of the accolytes into a newt

[Wilson] and insisted that she speak with the group

[Wilson] so I thought perhaps

[Percival] Please, let us give her an audience now...

[Wilson] but i would let you finish here with Moirra

[Wilson] so she is not subjected to any more

[Wilson] are you feeling all right?

[Moirra (Kaz)] I am feeling quite like myself again.

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 21:20:20 EDT 2007

[Percival] Moirra, I cannot speak for the whole party, but I would like to see you join with us. We could use your skills if you are willing. The adventurer's life is tough, though, I'll tell you.

[Moirra (Kaz)] And I would like to thank you, gracious Paladin.

[Wilson] HEY!!!

[Kira (Beth)] Moirra? We could use another healer in the group. It's usually pretty interesting around here, to say the least

[Percival] ::YEAH!!!!!!::

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[Kira (Beth)] LORIE!!!!!

[Percival] ::Glad to see you, Lorie!::

[Kira (Beth)] YYAAYYYYY!!!

[mikE] wooo! it's lorie

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, I - it is true I have no plan, save to care for those who are sick or injured.

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waves ::

[Arilyn] back and caught up. Lorie!!!

[Percival] There will be plenty of sick and injured if you follow us.

[Arilyn] so glad to see you!

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[Kira (Beth)] Final decision is with our leader, Lady Kylia

Moirra (Kaz) grins at Percival.

[Wilson] she does not want to be disturbed right now

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Thanks.

[Wilson] she is feeling rather

[Wilson] looks around at footsteps

[Kira (Beth)] Yes, Wilson...

[Percival] ????

[Wilson] I could have sworn I heard someone walking outside the door

[Percival] ::raising eyebrows::

[Arilyn] ohhh, intrigue

[Wilson] but she will be praying this time of day

[Kira (Beth)] ah, I heard something too

[Kira (Beth)] Perhaps you should check that...

[Wilson] (lor did you get caught up on the last part of the chat room?)

[Kira (Beth)] We can admit Moirra pending final decision from Lady Kylia... a sort of probationary period if you will

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((I'm scrolling but please go ahead ))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waves at Kaz ::

[Kaz] Hi!!! :)

Moria knocks on the door to the common room

[Moria] /opens the door

[Percival] Well, this is a team effort. We are the Dragonslayers, not just the Dragonslayer.

[Moria] WILSON!!!

[Kira (Beth)] Indeed, and our leader is Lady Kylia

[Moria] I told you no more stalling

[mikE] bob, this week can you send me a list of the spells from the spellbook? don't want to forget

[Moria] I know all about your little tricks

[Kira (Beth)] ?????

[Moria] (which spell book?)

[Kira (Beth)] Wilson, who is this?

[Moria] WILSON

[Wilson] this is my unwanted visitor

Kira (Beth) rises and walks to where Wilson is standing

[Percival] I think you may be attributing a little more authority to Lady Kylia than she would be willing to accept, Kira.

[Wilson] Druid Sensor moved 24'03".

[Wilson] Wilson moved 7'02".

[Wilson] Moria moved 6'02".

[Wilson] Wilson moved 1'01".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: steps out of the church and begins to walk around Roadhaven

[Kira (Beth)] you weren't hiere for my induction into the Dragonslayers, Percival ::laughs::

[Moria] I have a job for you Wilson she says with a sneer

[Moria] and you know you are just stalling

[Percival] ::I don't understand what's going on with the Wilson-Moirra thing right now::

[Moria] now did you introduce me to your little friends yet?

[mikE] we found some spellbooks in the bedroom last week.

[mikE] from the necromancer. you did say spellbooks and journals from in there

[Kaz] It's Wilson and Moria right now

[Percival] ::Oh, there's a Moria and a Moirra? What are the odds of that?::

[Moria] (ahh yes Mike, will check)

[Kira (Beth)] ::Moria, not Moirra, Percy::

[Kaz] Moirra's trying to fade into the furniture. :)

[Kira (Beth)] LOL

[Moria] so who are your little friends Wilson?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: talks to the farmers and acolytes ::

Wilson groans

[Wilson] turns to the group

[Percival] Moria, we are here.

[Wilson] I am sorry

Kira (Beth) looks a question at Wilson

[Percival] What can we help you with?

[Wilson] this is Moria

[Wilson] she wants to hire the Dragonslayers

[Percival] I am Percival.

[Kira (Beth)] For?

[Wilson] she is my step mother

[Percival] ::looking expectantly::

Wilson grimaces

[Percival] Okay...

Kira (Beth) stifles a chuckle and tries to keep a straight face

[Percival] It's okay, Wilson.

Moirra (Kaz) doesn't think Wilson sounds very happy.

[Wilson] she promised to change the acolyte back soon

Kira (Beth) jauntily to Moria "And I'm his little friend, Kira"

[Moria] not until you promise to do this for me Wilson

[Percival] What can we do for you, Moira?

[Moria] I know you and your tricks

[Moria] I want to hear you promise that you and your friends will do this for me

Kira (Beth) bites lip to keep from laughing

[Percival] Wilson is a trusted advisor to the Dragonslayers.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues making her rounds and wanders over towards the Inn

[Percival] ::right?::

[Kira (Beth)] What is it you want us to do?

[Moria] (yes)

[Moria] (wilson is Kylia's top lietuenant, etc)

[Percival] Any friend or family of his is welcome here.

Kira (Beth) raises an eyebrow at Wilson

[Percival] And we would use our resources to help them...

Wilson shakes his head

[Wilson] No

[Wilson] actualy

Wilson sighs

[Moria] Hear that Wilson

[Moria] they said that they would help

Kira (Beth) nudges Wilson with an elbow "Out with it, Wilson"

[Moria] that they will be glad to

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sneaks up behind the group and listens quietly ::

Kira (Beth) smiles "please"

[Moria] I knew you had friends

[Moria] I knew you were not telling me the truth about who you were spending time with

[Percival] We are Wilson's friends and we are willing to help in whatever way necessary.

[Moria] you could not be that busy

[Moria] you think you can just ignore me

Moria waves a little bag

[Moria] bag squirms

[Arilyn] ::she sure sounds like a peach::

[Kira (Beth)] Actually he is VERY busy, but that's beside the point

[Percival] Please turn the acolyte back into a person.

[Moria] why?

[Kira (Beth)] why not?

[Moria] are you swearing on your holy word you will help me?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: steps out :: Excuse me...

Moirra (Kaz) clears her throat softly.

[Moria] that you will do this?

[Moirra (Kaz)] He did ask nicely.

Kira (Beth) moves aside for Kylia

[Mal (mikE)] "I bet I can turn her into a newt."

Moria looks around

[Percival] Yes, Moira, even if noone else will.

[Moria] Oh here she is

[Moria] and Wilson

[Moria] you told me she did not want to see me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I probably don't want to see you

[Percival] ::Looks to Lady Kylia::

[Moria] at least your friends have better manners tan you do

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I generally don't want to see most people or things

[Percival] ::Looks to Moira::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] are you a gold dragon of some sort?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] owner of lots and lots of spiders?

Moria laughs

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] the reincarnations of someone that used to know me

[Moria] no, I live in the tower down the pass

[Percival] ::Paladin tries to refrain from laughing::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] tower? :: shakes head :: which part

[Moria] when Wilson tried to move away

[Moria] and hide from me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What have you done with Wilson?

[Moria] I had to move my old creaky bones up here to the cold waste lands

Moirra (Kaz) shoots Wilson a look of pure sympathy

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waits for the response ::

[Percival] And we feel your pain, Moira. What can we do for you?

[Percival] How can we help you?

[Moria] I did not change Wilson

[Arilyn] "now why on earth would he want to move away from his dear old mum?"

[Percival] What do I need to say to have you change the acolyte back to a person?

[Moria] I made one of those silly accolytes that was running around

[Moria] I made him a newt

Kira (Beth) bites tongue

[Moria] he will get better

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You... did.... what? In my keep?

[Percival] ::trying to be diplomatic::

[Arilyn] "uh-oh"

Wilson steps up

[Wilson] please Lady Kylia

[Percival] Wait...

Kira (Beth) steps back

[Wilson] she is not

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Who... in the realms do you perceive yourself to be ?

[Wilson] quite

[Mal (mikE)] "I bet I could make him better."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Don't please me Wilson... I don't take kindly to disrespect

[Wilson] she means no disrespect to you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I bet I could make her better too

[Percival] Okay.

[Percival] What's done is *done*.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] She has disrepected all the Dragonslayers and the Paladin stood there and did nothing

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] nice to see

[Percival] Let's move forward.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sniffs :: Holy warrior

[Percival] ::paladin wasn't around::

[Percival] ::just met her now::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Then ignore last statments with apologies :O) ))

[Percival] ::and the first thing I asked was for her to change the guy/gal back::

[Arilyn] "well, in all fairness to the paladin, we just got here. The newt thing had already happened"

[Mal (mikE)] "We should give her a good trial before we kick her out."

[Wilson] yes

[Wilson] she is rather

[Wilson] abrupt sometimes

[Mal (mikE)] "Weigh her against a duck."

[Percival] Let's move forward.

[Moria] of course I float

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't care if you fly

[Moria] only on my broom

Kira (Beth) feels for Wilson as his step mother reminds her of her own

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What do you want and make it fast

[Moria] I want Wilson here to promise to fix this for me

[Moria] then I will go back home

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wilson isn't promising anything

[Wilson] I said that I could not

[Wilson] thank you Lady Kylia

[Arilyn] "well Moria, your chances of getting help can only get better if you change the guy back"

Kira (Beth) blurts out "And fix WHAT???"

[Moria] I will when you are done

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I will not help

[Mal (mikE)] "She's a witch!"

[Moria] I want you to go after a girl

[Mal (mikE)] "We should burn her!"

[Kira (Beth)] you've STILL not said what you want done

[Moria] who stole a pair of shoes from my sister

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] If they couldn't get me to marry a man what makes you think I'd want a girl

[Moria] I want you to bring me those shoes

Moirra (Kaz) gasps

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Shoes

[Mal (mikE)] "Although I've also heard of small rural villages up in the mountains building bridges out of them. I guess they don't have many trees up there.

[Kira (Beth)] oh, gods... were they ruby slippers?

[Arilyn] "was it the wicked witch of the east by any chance?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] You harmed an innocent for a pair of SHOES?

Percival has left the game on Fri Aug 10 21:43:19 EDT 2007

[Moria] what innocent

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Shoes

[Moirra (Kaz)] The NEWT!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] a girl with shoes

[Moria] he will get better

[Kira (Beth)] got a bucket of water handy?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ye olde Neiman Marcus has buckets of shoes

Kira (Beth) looks around the room

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, he will get better. You'll fix him.

[Moria] I need you to go through the forest she escaped into

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] right fine cobble he is

[Mal (mikE)] "Newts are innocent?"

Percival has joined the game on Fri Aug 10 21:44:07 EDT 2007

[Moria] and get those shoes back for me

[Mal (mikE)] "I always thought they were kinda suspicious what with all the wiggling around."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((wb Hans))

[Percival] ::thx::

[Moria] Wilson here is always going on about how great and powerful the Lady Kylia is

[Moria] if she can not even find a pair of shoes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ahhh how cute, trying to bait me

[Percival] I will get those shoes back for you.

[Moria] she must be nothign but an old fraud

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: yawn ::

[Moirra (Kaz)] What is so important about a pair of shoes?

[Moria] They were my sisters

[Moria] and I want them back

[Moirra (Kaz)] They are shoes.

[Percival] Please change the acolyte back.

[Arilyn] ::why, I do believe she's even greated than the wizard of Oz::

[Kira (Beth)] So?

[Mal (mikE)] "We can make her new ones, too."

[Moria] she should not have stolen them the little thief

[Moirra (Kaz)] That acolyte has a life and a family.

[Kira (Beth)] HEY!

[Moria] and I want them back

[Kira (Beth)] thievery is an honest profession in some parts of the world I'll have you know

[Arilyn] "so how'd this girl get the shoes?" ::come on, Bob, say it, say it...::

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[Kira (Beth)] ::giggles:: oh, please

[Moria] lol

[Percival] ::this should be good::

[Arilyn] :::please, please, please:::

Kira (Beth) listens with anticipation

[Percival] ::Ditto to Christy::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: read the book ::

[Arilyn] :::are we off to see the WIZARD???:::

[Moria] (sorry just laughing so hard here)

[Kira (Beth)] nah, the wizard is dead... we just found him

[Percival] because because because because because

[Moria] my sister had an accident

[Kira (Beth)] AND???

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((He dies in the book ... communist fraud he is ))

[Moria] and this little thief stole her shoes

[Arilyn] "what kind of accident?"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] is she green?

[Moirra (Kaz)] So why don't YOU get them back!

[Moria] and ran away into the forest

[Moirra (Kaz)] If you are so great and wonderful.

[Moria] there is a keep on a lake there

[Moria] and I want you to go get those shoes back from her for me

[Arilyn] ::come on, come on...::

[Percival] Did a house fall on her or something?

[Kira (Beth)] WHAT kind of an accident???

[Mal (mikE)] "Does she still wet her bed? That's an embarissing accident

[Moria] growls, she was crushed

[Kira (Beth)] BY WHAT???

[Percival] ::heh he heh heh::

Moirra (Kaz) mutters "trying to be so impressive, turning innocent people into newts... can't get back a stupid pair of shoes"

[Mal (mikE)] "Was she doing a boulder balancing act? Slip up there and you could get crushed."

[Percival] ::I haven't laughed so hard since *last* Friday::

Kira (Beth) bounces with anticipation "WHAT CRUSHED HER???"

[Moria] I heard the Shiny Tin Man here say he would find those shoes for me

[Arilyn] ::the kids think I'm nuts because I'm laughing so hard::

[Kira (Beth)] ::chokes::

[Mal (mikE)] "I once saw this guy who was juggling boulders around. It was rather impressive."

[Moria] it was on the side of a hill

[Kira (Beth)] and what color of shoes are they?

[Arilyn] "uh-huh..and???"

[Moria] and that little thief must have caused a mudslide or something

[Moria] and the whole house came tumbling down

[Moria] and

[Kira (Beth)] and and and???

[Percival] ::rofl::

[Mal (mikE)] "He dropped one and crushed a little kid watching him."

Moria a single tear drips down

[Moria] and she stole my sister's shoes and ran away

Moirra (Kaz) rolls her eyes.

Kira (Beth) still looking for a bucket of water

[Arilyn] ::whispers to Percival::"Evil?"

[Moria] (yes)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hmm...if she was anything like you...I can't imagine why

[Percival] ::I'm imagining Bob throwing up his hands in his typical fashion while he's saying these words::

[Kira (Beth)] did the girl have a dog?

[Mal (mikE)] "I told the mother he shouldn't have been watching a hill giant juggle if he didn't want to be crushed."

Moirra (Kaz) scans the floor, trying to find the poor newt to keep it safe

[Mal (mikE)] "Why are we talking about shoes again?"

[Moria] I do not know if she has a dog or not

[Mal (mikE)] "I saw this one sage who made boat shoes."

[Percival] ::Paladin closes his eyes and waves hand gently in the direction of Moira::

[Kira (Beth)] what color are the shoes?

[Moria] shakes the bag with the newt in it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Change back the newt

[Percival] ::surreptitiously::

[Moria] they are red slippers

[Mal (mikE)] "He swore he could walk on water with them. He made them like little boats for his feet."

[Moria] magical slippers

Kira (Beth) nods

[Mal (mikE) (to DM only)] can i pollymorph other through the bag?

[Arilyn] ::and there it is::

[Moria] No, I will not change him back

Moirra (Kaz) pulls herself up to her full (not really impressive) height

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Then I will not find your shoes

[Moirra (Kaz)] I bet you CAN'T change him back.

Kira (Beth) still looking for a bucket of water

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and I'll ask the rest of the Dragonslayers to not assist either

[Moirra (Kaz)] You can't even find your own sister's shoes.

[Moirra (Kaz)] You're just a big bully!

[Moirra (Kaz)] And not even a smart one.

[Arilyn] ::oh please, oh please, oh please...can we really go off to see the wizard??::

[Kira (Beth)] ((I'm dying here LOL))

[Percival] Moira, we had a deal. You change the newt and I find your slippers.

[Moria] very well

[Arilyn] ::this is great!::

[Percival] I am a Paladin.

[Mal (mikE) (to DM only)] yes? no?

Moria casts

[Moria (to mikE only)] no

[Arilyn] ::but Bob, you should have named her Elvira::

[Moria] and the newt falls out of the bag

[Percival] Very interesting stories, by the way, Mal.

[Moria] and polymorphs back into a man

[Moria] he stands up

[Moria] looks around startled

[Percival] Very well, let's go find this....

[Moria] and bows in thanks to Lady Kylia

[Percival] Dorothy?...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Don't thank me...

[Moria] how would I know the dirty little thieves name

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Thank the Paladin

[Mal (mikE)] "And I was going to have Pepe spray her."

[Percival] No, that's fine, Mal.

[Moria] Wilson knows where I live

[Percival] Moria, what forest and what direction?

[Moria] and where the forest starts

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: Pepe is good about sharing his feelings ... usually good judge of character

[Percival] Okay. Great.

[Moria] he will help you find the shoes I am sure

[Mal (mikE)] "I can still have her spayed. I mean sprayed."

[Arilyn] ::have we seen any flying monkies around?::

[Mal (mikE)] "We could probably spay her too if you want."

Moria turns and walks to the door

[Percival] Good day, Moria. ::motioning to the exit::

[Percival] Wilson!

[Moirra (Kaz)] What a mean woman.

[Wilson] the door closes

[Percival] I need to know more about this peculiar relationship.

[Wilson] there is a laughter and WHOOSH away on a broom

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[Arilyn] "she's like a ray of sunshine isn't she?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] I don't know when I've met anyone quite so Wicked before.

[Wilson] looks at the group

[Percival] ::oh, boy::

[Wilson] I am very sorry

[Percival] ::From the East, too.::

[Wilson] actually she lives to the south,

[Percival] ::or is it the west?::

[Wilson] but the forst she is talking about is to the East

[Arilyn] ::Bob, that physically hurt because I laughed so hard::

[Kira (Beth)] right the sister was from the east

[DM] Bows, thank you very much

[Percival] ::heh heh heh heh!!!!!::

[Percival] ::oh, boy::

[Percival] ::Bob, I was *so* unprepared for this::

[DM] heh, I was too only three days ago

[Kira (Beth)] ((heh, Percy... always be prepared ::grins::))

[DM] so you get the gist of this adventure

[DM] I am calling it MY SHOES!!!!!

[Arilyn] is there a yellow brick road?

[Arilyn] can I can dibs on the shoes?

[DM] no, not going quite that far with it

[Percival] you're killing me!!!!!!!!!111

[Kira (Beth)] heheh

[Kaz] Tee hee hee

[DM] so now you have to talk to Klyia

[DM] about Moirra

[Percival] Okay, we are here to help Wilson's family. No matter how, uh, distasteful they may be.

[Arilyn] brb-gotta get kids to bed

[Wilson] thank you Sir Percival

[Percival] They get, uh, preference.

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Wilson] but you have no idea how unpleasent my family can be

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles:: well, you are here to help them anyway

[Percival] We don't live in a perfect world where perfect people do perfect things all the time.

[Percival] That's why they need the Dragonslayers!

[Mal (mikE)] "I"m perfect."

[Percival] Right.... Mal....

Moirra (Kaz) sits on the floor and whispers "Hi Pepe!"

Kira (Beth) tosses some apple pieces to Moirra for Pepe

[Percival] Okay, so who's in? An adventure is an adventure. And this one's for *family*.

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters at Moirra::

Moirra (Kaz) smiles a thanks and holds one out to see if Pepe will come and take it

[Wilson] If Lady Kylia wants I will go with the group

[Wilson] so she does not have to

[Percival] ::looking around to group::

[Kira (Beth)] lol, might have wanted to ask that before you commited to it

[Pepe (mikE)] ((can she speak with animals?))

[Kaz] She only wishes

[Percival] Well, she hasn't asked us to do anything *evil*, so what's the harm?

[Wilson] although I will admit to wanting to stay here

[Wilson] and far away from her or her sister

[Percival] Wilson, you don't need to go with us. It's dangerous out there...

[Kira (Beth)] are you sure about that? we don't know why the girl would steal the shoes

[Kira (Beth)] what's HER side to the story?

[Wilson] she is a witch

[Wilson] but she rarely lies

[Percival] I don't know that she *stole* the shoes. She just happened upon them as the owner was unavailable for comment.

[Percival] Buried beneath a house

[Moirra (Kaz)] If I may just say....

Moirra (Kaz) blushes

[Percival] An odd set of circumstances, I must say.

[Moirra (Kaz)] The poor take the shoes of the dead all the time.

[Kira (Beth)] so if she is the innocent possessor of a pair of shoes and doesn't want to give them up how are you going to get them back?

[Percival] But definitely the beginning of a good story.

[Moirra (Kaz)] If those shoes are less worn than their own.

[Percival] Well, let's go find out.

[Percival] Now, please.

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

Kira (Beth) looks to Lady Kylia

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

Moirra (Kaz) places the apple pieces on the floor and looks at the little skunk.

[Percival] Moira *didI* change the acolyte back as she promised.

[Kira (Beth)] and YOU promised to go get the shoes :)

[Percival] And we said we wouldn't help her *until* she did that, right?

[Percival] So let's go do it.

[Percival] I said if noone else goes, I will.

[Percival] And I'm willing to do that, if noone else wants to.

Moirra (Kaz) stands up.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I may not be a Dragonslayer, but I will go with you if no one else will.

[Percival] I'm *compelled* to do that if noone else will.

[Percival] Thank you, Moirra.

Moirra (Kaz) blushes and tries to fade into the background.

[Percival] But you check your schedule and see if there's anything else compelling you that competes with this adventure.

[Percival] ::laying on the charm as only someone with 17 Charisma can do::

[Percival] You ask yourself.

[DM] Knowing the territory a bit, you know that to the south the moutains get higher but there are some large valleys, that are totally land locked

[Percival] What would you rather be doing?

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] you know of no habitations out that way

[Arilyn] "I'll go with you"

[DM] so what ever keep she was refering to woudl be unknown

[Percival] ::so let's either do it or reconvene next week to talk about it some more::

[Percival] Thanks, Arilyn

[DM] but most of the valleys do have woods in them

[Arilyn] ::I say we do it::

[Percival] ::most excellent::

[Arilyn] ::PLEASE!!!::

[Kira (Beth)] Lady Kylia?

[Percival] ::the girl needs to kick some butt!::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes?

[Arilyn] "and anyway, Percy said we'd find the shoes. He didn't say we'd give them to her"

[Kira (Beth)] What's your opinion on all of this?

[Percival] I'll see you all in the morning. I recommend you pray about it and join me as we undertake a fantastic adventure!

[Percival] ::Goes to room to pray::

[Arilyn] "is it night-time already?"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well... He's honor bound to this quest

[DM] it is morning the next day

[DM] the calendar is correct

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I like her less than I like most people... trust her less than the lich in Thedd

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] that's saying something

[Kira (Beth)] agreed

[Percival] ::shows us fully armored and ready to go in the center of the keep, or wherever we normally congregate::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] But I won't abandon Percy

[Arilyn] "we need to get that Paladin a time keeper of some sort"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] it's not the way

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't have to like things and I generally don't, but we support one another

Kira (Beth) smiles

[Percival] ::*shows up*, not shows us::

[Percival] ::yeay to Lorie! *Exactly*::

[Percival] ::Genau, auf deutsch::

[Kira (Beth)] Then I am with you all

[Percival] ::Lorie's just roleplaying the reluctant leader and the, uh, sometimes anti-social::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ;: smiles <--- understood what Hans said in German HOORAY! ::

[Percival] ::chuckles::

Percival is receiving the map Base Map...

Percival has received the map Base Map.

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] for the rest of tonight

[Percival] ::man, I laugh *so* much in this game!::

[DM] there is any investigating you watn to do

[Percival] ::man, I laugh *so* much in this game!:: [DM] and then travel to the house of the sister

[DM] to start tracking from there

[Percival] Yep.

[Percival] ::Do we have *tracking*?::

[Arilyn] "so let's suit up and go. Mal, do you know anything about magical ruby slippers?"

[Percival] Yes, Mal?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] <--- Direction Sense

[Percival] ::Yeay to Lorie!::

[DM] tracking to find someone as they go through the forest

[Percival] ::Yep::

[DM] direction sense will tell you which way north is, stop you rom being lost

[Mal (mikE)] "Nope."

[Percival] You mean, there isn't a book *somewhere* that talks about ruby slippers?

[Kira (Beth)] (well, we can use observation?)

[Percival] You do know what's in all the books don't you?

[DM] no to kira

[Percival] ::thought so, but that's fine: at least we won't get lost::

[DM] Kylia does have followers

[Percival] ::and we know that we're actually going *East*::

[DM] who might have tracking

[Kira (Beth)] wouldn't observation let you notice a scrap of fabric on a branch, or other less obvious clues?

[Percival] ::I'm thinkging if we actually start walking around in the woods, some kind of adventure might actually happen::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Gretchen has tracking for sure

[DM] in a specific area yes, but not to piece them together to follow

[Percival] ::please::

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] k

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] lol, sounds like we definitely need Gretchen, cuz the thief is better at hiding tracks than finding them

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival] Gretchen, let's away!

[DM] Lor? is that what you want to do?

[DM] just a sec

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Arilyn] ::let's get our stuff together and go!::

[Percival] ::yes to Arilyn::

[Mal (mikE)] i'm gonna log out here a bit early. i won't be on next week because it's my friend's bachelor party.

[Mal (mikE)] night all

[Percival] night, Mike!

[Arilyn] ::a yellow brick road would be nice::

[Percival] Good job!

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 10 22:24:18 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth) (to DM only)] remind me sometime that I would like to create and roll up Kira's gajin half sister

[Percival] ::much better than last week::

[Percival] k

[Percival] Let's go, DM.

[Arilyn] ::can we go, can we go, huh? please?::

[Percival] if you're ready

[Kira (Beth)] I'll go get my pack

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

Kira (Beth) leaves to pack necessaries for the journey

[Percival] Kaz is back.

[Moirra (Kaz)] (sorry, I'm back)

[Percival] ::we've had all night to make preparations::

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[Kira (Beth)] (it's morning and we just decided to do this, I thought)

[DM] so you want to wait a day? or just go now?

[Percival] Whatever you want, man.

[DM] and who all is going,

[DM] Gretchen moved 20'08".

Moirra (Kaz) looks at what is left of her gear

[DM] Mal moved 42'05".

[DM] Gretchen moved 9'06".

[DM] Pepe moved 39'08".

[DM] Percival moved 57'08".

[DM] Arilyn moved 57'04".

[DM] Moirra moved 48'03".

[Arilyn] can we just sya that we get our stuff together and go?

[DM] Kira moved 36'05".

[Kira (Beth)] And Moirra needs geared up

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 20'02".

[DM] nods

[Percival] Then she gets geared up and we leave.

[Percival] Or we could just do this next week.

[DM] we will have Moirra all set

[DM] Kira, Moirra, Gretchen, Kylia Wolfslayer, Percival, Arilyn, Pepe and Mal moved 140'10".

[Kira (Beth)] (just mentioned it for continuity)

[DM] so you all head out

[Percival] k

[DM] and make it to the end of the valley where her sister lived

[DM] there is a game trail you can follow

[Kira (Beth)] and we find a house with feet sticking out from under it?

[DM] but it seems that who ever would normally come here

[DM] would be flying

[Arilyn] are there little people?

[Percival] are we all on the map?

[DM] yes on the base map

[DM] and no sign of anyone yet

[DM] nor the house

[Percival] Let's follow the game trail, then.

[DM] you go through the pool to as close to the house as you can find

[DM] you seem to be south and east of Roadhaven

[Kira (Beth)] I would imagine Gretchen would need to lead as she is the tracker

[DM] but out in the unexplored moutains

[DM] you know that up in the high desert

[DM] somewhere in these moutains

[Percival] Sure.

[DM] live the rare Yellow dragons

[Percival] Excellent, although I don't know what a yellow dragon is.

[DM] in the high desert

Kira (Beth) looks up in the sky

[Arilyn] oohh, yellow. uh, are they bad?

[DM] yes

[Percival] yes

[Percival] gold, silver, platinum: good

[DM] you are not sure how close to that area you are

[Percival] everything else: bad

[DM] just making sure you know becasue it is somethign Kylia would know and tell you

[Moirra (Kaz)] (bronze and copper good, too)

[Percival] Well, let's go.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Chromatic dragon = BAD; Metallic dragon = good

[Percival] right.

Moirra (Kaz) silently follows behind Percival

[Percival] Well, let's go.

[Arilyn] shiny dragons =good

[Kira (Beth)] (good to know)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] There have been rumours of yellow dragons inthe deserts for years

[Kira (Beth)] how big are they?

[Percival] ::at least I will never be accused of being a "know everything" paladin::

[DM] so slowly moving up the trail

[DM] you do eventually come to a house perched on a small hill

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Big

[DM] it looks like there is a huge earthen chunk taken out of the hill

Kira (Beth) sighs "figures"

[DM] from a distance it looks like there is smoke coming out of the chimeny

[DM] so likely inhabited

[Kira (Beth)] Might that be the mudslide?

[Percival] ::let's go check it out::

[Percival] ::don't need a tracker for this::

[Percival] ::walking up the hill or whatever::

[DM] so you can approach the house but will be seen

[DM] as you come forward

[Percival] I'm not the sneaking type.


Kira (Beth) stays in whatever shadow can be found

[Nicola] a voice calls out from the house

[Percival] I am Percival. I am not sneaking.



[Arilyn] ::she looks just like Moria::

[Percival] We are seeking someone who may have a pair of slippers that may not be theirs.

[Nicola] leave me alone

[Percival] We mean you no harm.

[Nicola] the door cracks open just a bit

[Percival] I am a paladin. You have no worries from me.

[Nicola] an old woman crawls out on her knees

[Nicola] what are you doing here

[Percival] ::Shiny armor, shiny smile::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh, dear.

[Nicola] you want to come make fun of me

[Percival] No, my dear.

[Nicola] to torment me liek that little thief

[Percival] No.

[Percival] ::puts hands up::

[Arilyn] "no we really don't"

[Percival] We have healers, madam.

[Percival] ::turns to Moirra::

[Percival] Is there anything *you* can do?

[Nicola] stay away from me she shrieks

[Nicola] who ar eyou

[Nicola] why are you here

Moirra (Kaz) walks slowly toward the old woman

[Arilyn] ::i'm confused. is this the sister?::

[Moirra (Kaz)] I am Moirra. If you are hurt, I will do anything I can to help you.

[Nicola] (apparently)

[Percival] ::is there anything a 4th level spell could do to help her?:

[Kira (Beth)] (and here's where the story diverges ::grin::

[Arilyn] ::okay, so not dead?::

[Percival] ::that's fine. it was an awesome lead-in::

[Nicola] she branishes a wand at Moirra

[Nicola] stay back

[Percival] No, no.

[Nicola] I don't want your pity

Moirra (Kaz) stops walking

[Percival] Wait.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have no pity for you.

[Percival] ::paladin walks up to her::

[Nicola] OH so I am nothign then to you!!!


[Percival] I am a *paladin*.

[Percival] It is my *duty* to help those in need.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I didn't say you are nothing.

[Kira (Beth)] ((gods, she's a jewish mother))

[Nicola] why are you here

[Percival] If you have no need, we will be on our way after we investigate this house.

[Moirra (Kaz)] (LMAO)

[Kira (Beth)] (or my ex- mother in law))

[Percival] We are here to help

[Percival] I am here to help

[Arilyn] "why so disagreeable? Perhaps you should greet visitors with more warmth. You never know when someone may be here to help"

[Nicola] (we are from the government and we are here to help)

[Kira (Beth)] ((pack your bags, we're going on one hell of a manipulative guilt trip ::grins::))

[Percival] We are in search of a house that fell on a woman who lost her slippers.

[Percival] Her magical slippers.

[Nicola] yes

[Percival] Moira sent us.

[Nicola] that little thief stole my slippers

[Percival] Okay.

[Nicola] Moria was goign to have her no good son try to help

[Nicola] but he never does anythign right

[Percival] We are here on behalf of Wilson.

[Percival] Which way did she go?

[Nicola] the thief?

[Percival] yes.

[Nicola] she went into the woods

[Nicola] she must be hiding in the castle

[Percival] Do you have any other information for us? Identifying information?"

[Nicola] such as?

[Percival] There's a castle that way?

[Percival] Description of the thief?

[Nicola] a little girl

[Nicola] about 4 foot tall maybe a little more

[Percival] How tall? What color hair? What was she wearing?

[Nicola] she snuck up on me

[Percival] How old?

[Nicola] and stole my slippers after the house fell on me

[Nicola] she was dressed in a blue dress

[Arilyn] ::was there a good witch involved?::

[Percival] Well, we will get those slippers and return them for you. That's the plan, I believe.

[DM] so

[DM] we seem to be at a good pause point

[Percival] sure.

[DM] there was no other witch involved by the way

[Percival] ....

[DM] anything you would like to clear up?

[DM] next week start on teh forest path?

[Percival] Just want Kaz to get her spells.

[DM] towards the castle

[Kira (Beth)] how did she survive the house falling on her?

[DM] nods will fix that during the week

[Percival] And we'll go in the direction of the "castle"

[Percival] She's crippled...

[Percival] And it probably hurt... A lot...

[Kira (Beth)] what is wrong with her feet?

[Kira (Beth)] are they missing?

[DM] so everyone likes this hook for the adventure?

[Moirra (Kaz)] She's so nasty, I wouldn't heal her with spells.

[DM] you did not see her feet

[Percival] Yep, DM>

[Kira (Beth)] are they horribly deformed?

[Arilyn] yes, yes

[Moirra (Kaz)] If her bones were broken, I'd set them manually.

[DM] she was crawling on her knees

[Percival] She may not be able to *wear* slippers anymore.

[Moirra (Kaz)] MUAHAHA

[Kira (Beth)] I know... I want to know what is wrong with her feet

[Percival] Details, details...

[Percival] ::yawns::

[Kira (Beth)] perhaps the slippers allowed her to walk

[Arilyn] i like pretty shoes

[Moirra (Kaz)] That was my thought

[Percival] Wow, you really put a lot of thought into this...

[Kira (Beth)] lol

[Percival] We could get her a magical wheelchair...

[Percival] Thanks, Bob. Man, that was funny.

[Kira (Beth)] lol, I believe yoiu promised to return her shoes to her ::grins::

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Personal Information - Height/Weight:: CHANGED: 5'6"/124 (null).

[Percival] Yes to Beth.

[Kira (Beth)] don't think a magical wheelchair qualifies lol

[Kaz] Yes, it was very funny

[Kira (Beth)] Terrific!

[Arilyn] but Moria wants them doesn't she?

[Kira (Beth)] ah, and there lies the rub...

[Percival] I think Moira wants them for her sister.

[Kira (Beth)] who gets them? the original owner or Moria?

[Kaz] I don't know about that

[Percival] That's how I'm interpreting it. She may have thought sister was dead.

[Kira (Beth)] I don't trust her

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okies... have a great night all

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :D

[Kaz] She said... "I want you to get them back for me"

[Kira (Beth)] Night, Lor!

[Kaz] Night!

[Percival] Bye, Lorie!

[Arilyn] night Lorie!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: hugs ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: wave :: be back soon

Lorie has left the game on Fri Aug 10 22:53:44 EDT 2007

[Percival] I'm glad she could make it tonight!

[Kira (Beth)] :) me too!

[Kira (Beth)] ok, good night all

[Percival] My plan is to return them to Nicola and report back to Moira to tell her.

[Percival] Good night, Beth!

[Kaz] Night, Beth!

Beth has left the game on Fri Aug 10 22:55:08 EDT 2007

[Arilyn] night

[Kaz] Good plan.

[Percival] And if Moira has a problem with that, we'll deal with it then.

[DM] we will see everyone next week I do hope

[Kaz] I'll brush up on possible ways to use herbs to turn you back to human from newt.

[Arilyn] i'll bring he water

[Percival] See you next week!

[Percival] The acolyte was turned back to human

[Arilyn] bye everyone!

[Kaz] Yeah, I meant percival.

[Kaz] Night!

[Percival] Uh. Okay!

[Percival] Good night, Bob-

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Aug 10 22:56:26 EDT 2007

[Kaz] You know, when Moria flips out because she didn't get the shoes :)

[Kaz] So...

[DM] ok

[Kaz] Good night :)

[Percival] Hah hah hah!

[DM] slowly adding spells to Moirra for you now

[Kaz] ok

[DM] one thing you watn to do is roll for Hit points

[DM] grins

[Kaz] Yeah, that would be helpful.

[DM] 7 d 8

[DM] plus 8

[Kaz] (7d8) [(8+4+1+4+4+2+3)] 26

[Kaz] wow

[Kaz] that was pretty crappy

[Kaz] lol

[DM] ok, so 34 Hit Points

[Percival] So was mine, Kaz. That's why you have 7th level fighter with only 58 HP.

[Kaz] Wow, sheesh!

[Kaz] I shoulda rolled one at a time!

[Kaz] Thank goodness for armour...

[Kaz] 58 hp... that's terrible. :(

[Percival] tell me about it!

[Percival] All right, I'm on the phone w/Christy. See you next week!

[Kaz] Good night!

Percival has left the game on Fri Aug 10 23:00:23 EDT 2007

[DM] this will take a while Kaz, if you want to hang around you are welcome

[Kaz] okay

[DM] you can look at your character sheet

[DM] you just cannot edit it

[Kaz] I'm looking at mine and I'm looking at Kylia's and eventually everyone else's, just to see.

[DM] ok, done

[DM] all the spells you knwo are there

[DM] unlike a wizard

[DM] you do not have to memorize spells

[DM] you can just "cast on the fly"

[DM] and pick a spell to cast when you want

[DM] up to that many per day

[DM] you get 5 first level

[DM] 5 second levle

[DM] 4 third level

[DM] and 2 fourth level

[Kaz] I don't have to pray for my spells, then?

[DM] yes you do

[DM] you pray in the mornings for the slots

[Kaz] okay

[DM] then you cast out of them as you wish

[DM] is an advantage priests have over mages

[Kaz] Works the same as a druid, then.

[Kaz] Divine spells.

[DM] nods

[Kaz] what does the "expression" mean?

[DM] when you cast a spell that is what the game effect is

[DM] you target someone

[Kaz] okay

[DM] then cast healing on them

[DM] and it adds hitpoints to them

[Kaz] It prints in the window, then.

[DM] or does damage etc

[DM] yes

[Kaz] ok

[DM] now I need you to roll soem percentage dice please

[DM] you will roll 6 times

[DM] you want low numbers

[Kaz] how do I roll a percenage die.. is it considered at d100?

[DM] yes

[Kaz] (1d100) [95] 95

[Kaz] *flop* NOW I get high numbers.

[DM] grins, 5 more times

[Kaz] (1d100) [99] 99

[Kaz] OMG

[DM] lol

[Kaz] (1d100) [79] 79

[Kaz] good lord.

[Kaz] (1d100) [68] 68

[Kaz] (1d100) [13] 13

[Kaz] YAY!

[Kaz] (1d100) [84] 84

[Kaz] cripes

[DM] ok, so one more magic item on top of your ring

[DM] roll a d20

[Kaz] *cries*

[Kaz] (1d20) [10] 10

[DM] roll again that does not fit a cleric

[Kaz] (1d20) [20] 20

[DM] ok then

[DM] +2 mace

[Kaz] wonderful

[Kaz] the one thing I hope not to use... LMAO

[Kaz] I'm cursed...CURSED, I TELL YOU!

[DM] and that is added in now

[DM] to your weapons list

[DM] Moirra: Attack #1: Footman's Mace: (16-(d20+2)) [16-(4+2)] 10

[DM] Moirra: Damage v SM: Footman's Mace: (1d6+1+2+2) [6+1+2+2] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] not bad damage actually

[Kaz] *head in hands*

[Kaz] lol

[DM] you can write up a name and story and such

[DM] put it in your notes

[DM] write it in word pad if you like

[DM] then copy and past it in next time you log in

[DM] you can also save a copy of your character sheet there

[DM] if you like

[Kaz] That's what I'm working on. I mean, Moirra's history, and the mace's history will tie in.

[Kaz] Oh?

[DM] nods

[DM] edit

[DM] and save

[DM] and you can save it locally

[DM] to look at

[Kaz] it will save all the pages?

[DM] and even load that sheet into the game next time if you make changes outside of the game

[DM] yes

[DM] it saves the whole thing

[Kaz] awesome

[DM] you need def file there to open it

[DM] so yo ucan not do that tonight

[Kaz] ok

[DM] but you will be able to soon enough

[Kaz] okay

[DM] trying to send that file now

[DM] save that in your Def file folder inside of klooge

[DM] the Klooge folder has several folders inside

[DM] you need that to go in teh Def file

[DM] ok, all set here now?

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Magical Abilities - ADDED: 1st level , 5, 0. ADDED: 2nd level, 5, 0. ADDED: 3rd level, 4, 0. ADDED: 4th level , 2, 0. Weapons - DELETED: Mace, Footman's, 1. ADDED: Footman's Mace, 0.00, , --, , $atk+2, $dmg+2, 1d6+1+2, 1d6+2, 1d10, $thac0, , , . Spells - DELETED: Botany, Priest; Wizard, , 1, $kn, -1. DELETED: Healing, Priest, , 2, $wi, -2. DELETED: Herbalism, Priest; Wizard, , 2, $kn, -2. DELETED: Seamstress/tailor, Craft, , 1, $ai, -1. DELETED: Swimming, General, , 1, $st, +0. DELETED: Veterinary Healing, Craft, , 1, $wi, -3. DELETED: Reading/writing, General, , 1, $kn, +1. DELETED: Observation, General, , 1, $re, +0. DELETED: Sage Knowledge, Wizard; Priest, , 2, $kn, -2. ADDED: Bless/Curse, 1, 1, For 6 rounds, attack rolls and saves vs fear receive a +1 bonus., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Combine, 1, 1, 3 to 5 priests combine their efforts so that one can cast and turn undead at a higher level., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Detect Magic - Priest, 1, 1, For 1 turn, I can detect magic in a 10'x30' path., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Orison, 1, 1, I can create minor effects., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Purify Food and Drink, 1, 1, Spoiled food and water is made pure again., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Chant, 2, 2, For as long as I chant, friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Mystic Transfer, 2, 2, A priest can send me a spell to cast., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Sanctify, 2, 2, All friendlies within the area get a +1 to fear/charm spells and undead are turned at 1 level higher., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Dispel Magic - Priest, 3, 3, I dispel {11-(1d20)+$L} level magic., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Remove Curse - Priest, 3, 3, I remove a curse., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Focus, 4, 4, Using the prayers of a bunch of faithful I maintain a spell for up to a year., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Tongues - Priest, 4, 4, I can speak {$L/3} additional languages for 1 turn., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Uplift, 4, 4, I increase the casting level of a priest, allowing him to cast spells beyond normal ability., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Cure Light Wounds, 1, 1, You're healed {-1d8} points., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Cure Moderate Wounds, 2, 2, You're healed {-1d10-1} points., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Slow Poison, 2, 2, Poison doesn't take further effect for the next hours., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Cure Blindness or Deafness, 3, 3, Blindness or deafness is cured!, --, 1, , , . ADDED: Cure Disease, 3, 3, Disease is cured., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Hold Poison, 3, 3, Poison doesn't take further effect for the next days., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Repair Injury, 3, 3, You're healed {-1d10-1} points., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Cure Serious Wounds, 4, 4, You're healed {-2d8-1} points., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Fortify - Healing, 4, 4, The next healing spell cast does maximum healing., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Neutralize Poison, 4, 4, Poison is neutralized., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Cure Critical Wounds, 5, 5, You're healed {-3d8-3} points., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Animal Friendship, 1, 1, I convince an animal that I want to be friends., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Calm Animals, 1, 1, {2d4+$L} hit dice worth of animals are calmed for {10+$L} rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Invisibility to Animals, 1, 1, Up to target creatures are invisible to animals for {10+$L} rounds or until they attack., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Locate Animals or Plants, 1, 1, For rounds I can detect a specific type of plant or animal in a 20' path in front of me up to {100+(20*$L)} yards distant., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Charm Person or Mammal, 2, 2, A mammal who fails a save is charmed for a duration based on intelligence., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Messenger, 2, 2, I tie a message to a bird who delivers it for me., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Snake Charm, 2, 2, I hypnotise snakes for a duration based on how pissed off they are., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Speak with Animals, 2, 2, I can speak with animals for {2*$L} rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Control Animal, 3, 3, I force an animal to do my bidding for rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Hold Animal, 3, 3, 1-4 animals who fail their saves are frozen for {$L*2} rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Summon Insects, 3, 3, For rounds a swarm of {1d100[1-30="crawling insects";31-100="flying insects"]} attacks the victim., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Animal Summoning I, 4, 4, Up to 8 animals of 4 hit dice or less within a 1 mile radius come to my aid., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Call Woodland Beings, 4, 4, I call to local woodland beings to aid me., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Giant Insect, 4, 4, I permanently increase the size of insects to giant variety., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Repel Insects, 4, 4, Normal insects as well as giant ones of {$L/3} hit dice or less are repelled from approaching me for turns., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Light - Priest, 1, 1, I create a 20' radius globe of light which lights the way for {6+$L} turns., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Create Holy Symbol, 2, 2, I conjure forth an appropriate holy symbol to my faith., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Continual Light - Priest, 3, 3, A permanent, 60' radius globe of light is created., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Create Food and Water, 3, 3, I create cubic feet of food and water., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Analyze Balance, 1, 1, I detect how far from neutral alignment an area or person is., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Detect Evil - Priest, 1, 1, For {10+($L*5)} rounds, I can detect evil in a 10'x360' path in front of me, though I must concentrate for a round to do it. If the evil is overwhelming, I have a {$L*10}% chance of knowing what kind of evil it is., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Detect Poison, 1, 1, I hold up a sheet of vellum. If it is placed in front of poison within the next {10+$L} rounds, it will turn black. There is a % chance that I can detect the exact type of poison., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Augury, 2, 2, I ask a question about a future task and recieve a reply with {70+$L}% certainty., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Detect Charm, 2, 2, For 1 turn I can detect if one creature per round is under some sort of influence, be it charm or possession or whatnot. I also have a {5*$L}% chance of knowing what that influence is., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Find Traps, 2, 2, For 3 turns I can detect traps in a 10'x90' path in front of me., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Detect Spirits, 3, 3, For {1+$L} turns I can detect any spirits in a 10'x60' path in front of me., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Extradimensional Detection, 3, 3, For rounds, I can detect any extradimensional spaces in a 10'x60' path in front of me., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Locate Object - Priest, 3, 3, For 8 hours, I can detect the direction to an item of my choosing as long as it is within {60+($L*10)} yards., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Speak with Dead, 3, 3, I may speak with the recently deceased and ask a few questions., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Detect Lie, 4, 4, For the next rounds, I know any falsehoods of which you speak. Though I do receive a save vs spell, adjusted by the caster's Wisdom., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Divination, 4, 4, I divine information about a future task or goal with {60+$L}% chance of success., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Omniscient Eye, 4, 4, For the next {10+$L} rounds, I can see through any normal or magical darkness, mist or fog out to 60 feet and have a chance of seeing through illusions and invisibility as well., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Entangle, 1, 1, For 1 turn, a 40' cube of bushes and weeds entangles all in the area., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Locate Animals or Plants, 1, 1, For rounds I can detect a specific type of plant or animal in a 20' path in front of me up to {100+(20*$L)} yards distant., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Pass without Trace, 1, 1, For turns, I leave no tracks or scent., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Shillelagh, 1, 1, For {4+$L} rounds, my staff becomes a magical one., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Barkskin, 2, 2, For {$L+4} rounds, my skin is stiff as bark, providing an AC of {6-($L/4)}., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Detect Snares and Pits, 2, 2, for {$L*4} rounds, I can detect snares and pits in a 10'x40' path in front of me., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Goodberry, 2, 2, I turn {2d4} fresh berries into magical berries that keep me fed and heal 1 point of damage each. They stay good for {$L+1} days., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Trip, 2, 2, For turns, a long object up to 10' long trips anyone who crosses it., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Warp Wood, 2, 2, I bend wood out of shape., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Plant Growth - Priest, 3, 3, I either make plants grow out of control to restrict movement or cause crops to yield more fruit., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Slow Rot, 3, 3, Fruits, vegetables and grains remain ripe for weeks., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Snare, 3, 3, I create a magical snare which is 90% undetectable without magical aid. It sticks around until something gets caught., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Spike Growth, 3, 3, For {3d4+$L} turns the area is laden with hidden, wooden caltrops., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Tree, 3, 3, I turn into a tree for up to {6+$L} turns., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Hallucinatory Forest, 4, 4, I create a permanent, illusionary forest., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Hold Plant, 4, 4, Up to {1d4} plants or plantlike monsters are held for rounds unless they make a save vs spell., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Plant Door, 4, 4, I can either step into or pass through trees, making a path up to {$L*4} feet wide, {$L*8} feet high, and feet long., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Speak with Plants, 4, 4, I can talk to intelligent plants or ask nonintelligent ones to do things for me for rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Sticks to Snakes, 4, 4, For {$L*2} rounds, {1d4+$L} sticks turn into snakes., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Endure Cold/Endure Heat, 1, 1, For {9*$L} turns, I'm immune to natural extremes of heat or cold. Though magical extremes cause this spell to fail., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Protection from Evil - Priest, 1, 1, For {$L*3} rounds, I am protected from evil attacks and summoned creatures., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Ring of Hands, 1, 1, For {2d10} rounds, between 2 and 10 priests create a circle of protection which acts like a protection from evil spell., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Sanctuary, 1, 1, For {2+$L} rounds, people can't attack me unless they save vs spell., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Resist Acid and Corrosion, 2, 2, For rounds, I am immune to normal acids and recieve a +3 to saves against more potent ones as well as halving the damage caused by them., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Resist Fire/Resist Cold, 2, 2, I'm immune to normal hot or cold conditions for rounds. In addition, magical hot or cold conditions reduce their damage by half and I receive a +1 to saves., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Withdraw, 2, 2, I withdraw from time for {2+$L} rounds, allowing me to think, cast detections or heal myself., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Line of Protection, 3, 3, I create a field of energy that deals damage to those who pass through it. It may be stationary or anchored by 2 or more priests. In any case, it lasts rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Magical Vestment, 3, 3, My vestiments grant me an AC of {5-(($L-5)/3)} for the next rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Negative Plane Protection, 3, 3, I am protected from negative energy for turns or until I'm actually struck by a negative attack, whichever comes first., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Protection from Evil, 10' Radius - Priest, 3, 3, For {$L*3} rounds, both myself and everyone in a 10' radius are protected from evil attacks and summoned creatures., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Remove Paralysis, 3, 3, {1d4} creatures in a 20' cube are cured of paralysis., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Spell Immunity, 4, 4, For turns, the touched creature is immune to a specific spell., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Know Age, 1, 1, I know the age of a creature or object., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Know Time, 1, 1, I know what time it is., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Hesitation, 2, 2, Up to {2d4} HD worth of creatures suffer a +4 penalty to their initiative for rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Nap, 2, 2, I sleep a full night's worth of sleep in one hour., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Accelerate Healing, 3, 3, For the next {1d4} days, I gain twice as much hit points from resting., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Choose Future, 3, 3, My next attack, initiative or saving throw roll can be rolled twice, and I take the best one., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Unfailing Premonition, 3, 3, I sense danger for the next {($L*2)+10} rounds. In combat I get a +2 to ac, though there's a 25% chance that I lose my action for the round., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Age Plant, 4, 4, A plant grows older by up to {$L*10} years., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Body Clock, 4, 4, I rest better, and hold my breath longer for hours., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Know Direction, 1, 1, I know which way is north., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Aura of Comfort, 2, 2, I'm protected from harsh weather for hours., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Lighten Load, 2, 2, The weight of the stuff I'm carrying is 50% less for hours., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Create Campsite, 3, 3, Tiny invisible servants run about and setup a campsite for me in a 50' radius area or less., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Helping Hand, 3, 3, For hours, a disembodied hand goes off to fetch help., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Know Customs, 3, 3, I know the customs of the local area as believed by the target of this spell., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Circle of Privacy, 4, 4, Chances for random encounters at our camp are reduced by 50% for hours., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Tree Steed, 4, 4, I turn a large piece of wood into a steed I can ride., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Anti-vermin Barrier, 1, 1, For hours, vermin are repelled from an area consisting of a ft cube., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Weighty Chest, 1, 1, For days, an item is enchanted so as to grow {1d4+1} times the weight of someone trying to lift it., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Ethereal Barrier, 2, 2, I ward off an area from ethereal travel for turns., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Frisky Chest, 2, 2, Target item permanently flees from anyone trying to grab it., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Zone of Truth, 2, 2, for rounds, people can't lie in a {5*$L} ft square., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Efficacious Monster Ward, 3, 3, Creatures of 2 HD or less are prevented from entering an area of a {$L*10} ft cube for rounds., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Invisibility Purge, 3, 3, Invisibility in a 10' square is impossible for turns., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Squeaking Floors, 3, 3, For hours, the floor squeaks loudly when someone steps on it., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Thief's Lament, 3, 3, For hours, thief skills in the area are reduced by 25%, --, 1, , , . ADDED: Zone of Sweet Air, 3, 3, Gases are kept out of a {$L*10} ft cube for turns. , --, 1, , , . ADDED: Fire Purge, 4, 4, I protect an area from burning for turns., --, 1, , , . ADDED: Weather Stasis, 4, 4, Current weather conditions stay the same for hours., --, 1, , , . Combat - ADDED: 34. ADDED: 34. ADDED: 16. ADDED: +10. Class Levels -

[Kaz] yes

[DM] grins

[Kaz] Sheesh

[Kaz] Only the non-fighting person would get the magical weapon. Gotta love it.

[DM] you have a ton of spells

[Kaz] I don't have much luck with dice, hehe. But I love rolling them anyway!!!

[DM] so you will be able to look through some to read it

[Kaz] yes

[DM] not all will work when you are not connected

[Kaz] okay

[Kaz] Will have to figure out what I want to do about armour.

[DM] have a great night goign to save and shut this down

[DM] will check that for you this week

[Kaz] okay

[Kaz] Good night!!

[DM] night

Kaz has left the game on Fri Aug 10 23:29:28 EDT 2007