Main / Aug1905

Aug 19 05 - Spider Lady Dungeon

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Aug 19 16:30:58 EDT 2005 ====

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 16:31:03 EDT 2005

JohnA is receiving the map...

JohnA has received the map.

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null. ADDED: Cube of Frost Resistance, null, 1, 1.

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: , , , .

JohnA is now controlling Paul Elvenstire

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Scroll of Improved Spider Climb (92%) -- Expression: {1d100[1-92="I'm Spiderman";93-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul]) (null),

[JohnA] Scroll of Shelter: Scroll of Improved Spider Climb (92%): {1d100[1-92="I'm Spiderman";93-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul])

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Scroll of Improved Spider Climb (92%) -- Expression: {1d100[1-92="I'm Spiderman";93-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul]} ({1d100[1-92="I'm Spiderman";93-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul])),

[JohnA] Scroll of Shelter: Parse Error: kLoOgeWerks.iI: missing quotations in result map

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Scroll of Improved Spider Climb (92%) -- Expression: {1d100[1-92="I'm Spiderman";93-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul"]} ({1d100[1-92="I'm Spiderman";93-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul]}),

[JohnA] Scroll of Shelter: Scroll of Improved Spider Climb (92%): (1d100) [91] 91 -- I'm Spiderman

[JohnA] Scroll of Shelter: Scroll of Improved Spider Climb (92%): (1d100) [36] 36 -- I'm Spiderman

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Scroll of Improved Spider Climb (92%) -- Inventory/Charges: 4 (0),

[DM] There you go John

[DM] Items at home that should work for you now

[JohnA] tks, kids need attention

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: TEST, You close your eyes, point the wand and {1d100[1-10=”Slow -creature pointed at for one turn”;11-18=”Deludes -wielder for one round into believing the wand functions as indicated by a second die roll”;19-25=”Gust of wind, -double force of spell”;26-30=”Stinking cloud at 30-foot range”;31-33=”Heavy rain falls for one round in 60-foot radius of wand wielder”;34-36=”Summon {1d4[1=”rhino”;2=” elephant”;3-4=”mouse”]}”;37-46=”Lightning bolt (70' x 5') as wand”;47-49=”Stream of 600 large butterflies pour forth and flutter around for two rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder)”;50-53=”Enlarge target if within 60 feet of wand”;54-58=”Darkness in a 30-foot diameter hemisphere at 30 feet center distance from wand.”;59-62=”Grass grows in area of 160 square feet before the wand, or grass existing there grows to 10 times normal size”;63-65=”Vanish any nonliving object of up to 1,000 pounds mass and up to 30 cubic feet in size (object is ethereal)”;66-69=”Diminish wand wielder to 1/12 height”;70-79=”Fireball as wand”;80-84=”Invisibility covers wand wielder”;85-87=”Leaves grow from target if within 60 feet of wand”;88-90=”{10d4} gems of 1 gp base value shoot forth in a 30-foot-long stream, each causing one point of damage to any creature in path -- roll {5d4} for number of hits”;91-97=”Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40-by 30-foot area in front of wand—creatures therein blinded for {1d6} rounds”;98-00=”Flesh to stone (or reverse if target is stone) if target is within 60 feet”]}, 52, 1. Misc. Attributes -

[JohnA] Items at home: Parse Error: kLoOgeWerks.iI: invalid label assignment

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items -

[JohnA] Items at home: Parse Error: kLoOgeWerks.iI: invalid label assignment

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items -

[JohnA] Items at home: Parse Error: unmatched bracket

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items -

[JohnA] Items at home: Parse Error: kLoOgeWerks.iI: invalid label assignment

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items -

[JohnA] Items at home: TEST2: (1d8) [5] 5 -- Your to hit and damage is down by 4

[JohnA] Items at home: TEST2: (1d8) [6] 6 -- You are blind

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items -

[JohnA] Items at home: Parse Error: kLoOgeWerks.iI: invalid label assignment

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: TEST, You close your eyes, point the wand and {1d100[1-10=”Slow -creature pointed at for one turn”;11-18=”Deludes -wielder for one round into believing the wand functions as indicated by a second die roll”;19-25=”Gust of wind, -double force of spell”;26-30=”Stinking cloud at 30-foot range”;31-33=”Heavy rain falls for one round in 60-foot radius of wand wielder”;34-36=”Summon 1d4(1=”rhino”;2=” elephant”;3-4=”mouse”)”;37-46=”Lightning bolt (70' x 5') as wand”;47-49=”Stream of 600 large butterflies pour forth and flutter around for two rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder)”;50-53=”Enlarge target if within 60 feet of wand”;54-58=”Darkness in a 30-foot diameter hemisphere at 30 feet center distance from wand.”;59-62=”Grass grows in area of 160 square feet before the wand, or grass existing there grows to 10 times normal size”;63-65=”Vanish any nonliving object of up to 1,000 pounds mass and up to 30 cubic feet in size (object is ethereal)”;66-69=”Diminish wand wielder to 1/12 height”;70-79=”Fireball as wand”;80-84=”Invisibility covers wand wielder”;85-87=”Leaves grow from target if within 60 feet of wand”;88-90=”(10d4) gems of 1 gp base value shoot forth in a 30-foot-long stream, each causing one point of damage to any creature in path -- roll (5d4) for number of hits”;91-97=”Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40-by 30-foot area in front of wand—creatures therein blinded for (1d6) rounds”;98-100=”Flesh to stone (or reverse if target is stone) if target is within 60”]}, 47, 1. DELETED: TEST2, {1d8[1-3="A random stat goes down by 3";4-5="Your to hit and damage is down by 4";6="You are blind";7="You lose a hitpoint per hour.";8="You are in a Temporal Stasis."]} , 32, 1.

JohnA has left the game on Fri Aug 19 17:25:38 EDT 2005

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 17:49:36 EDT 2005

[JohnA] hello

[DM] yes?

[JohnA] just checking

[DM] ok,

[DM] Mike is here

[DM] just put the spegetti sauce on the stove

[DM] will wait till more are here to start the pasta

[DM] but dinner will be less of an issue tonight

[JohnA] mike just pooped

[JohnA] brb

[DM] he is trying his new Mac, wink

JohnA is receiving the map...

JohnA has received the map.

[JohnA] ok now the scroll of shelter is broken and the home pack works

[JohnA] it's ok now?

[JohnA] that was strange

[DM] ok,

[DM] should both be the same now

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Misc. Attributes -

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Scroll of Minor Globe of Invunerablity (95%) -- Expression: {1d100[1-95="Lesser Magic does not harm me";96-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul"]} (null),

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Potion of Human Control -- Expression: (null),

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 18:09:52 EDT 2005

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

[JohnA] Hey Mike B

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 18:15:21 EDT 2005

[mikE] who's mike b?

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[JohnA] you, my son is Mike A

[BiBo!!!] ::waves::

[JohnA] sorry mike mike

[mikE] i am THE mike. all others are immitations

[JohnA] Hey BiBo

[BiBo!!!] so, what we doin tonight?

[BiBo!!!] anything?

has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 18:17:34 EDT 2005

[JohnA] NAA

[BiBo!!!] ::waves:: heya fritz

[mikE] well, I do believe we are going to visit fin's family

[!] Hello

[JohnA] hello?

[Fritz] How is everyone

[DM] doing well

[DM] fast loading map for everyone tonight

[Fritz] No password tonight?

[DM] no

[DM] dice is fixed, minor new bug on Items,

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Scroll of Door of Death (Dragon), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Elemental Swarm (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Permancy Prayer (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Word of Recall (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Silver Toung (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Starry Eyes (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Part Water (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Thorn Wrack (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Mulch (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Weather Stasis (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Moonbeam (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Telemathaumargy (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Frisky Chest (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Dream Vision (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Cure Scurvy (priest), , 1, 1. ADDED: , , , . ADDED: , , , . ADDED: , , , . ADDED: , , , . ADDED: Scroll of Bear Hug (Priest), , 1, 1.

[DM] but should not affect anything

[DM] John and Fritz have been working on the party items

[DM] so will let you two and mike work on that now

[DM] along with Marco to try to complete the party pack

Fritz is now controlling Mobuto

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Weapons - ADDED: Claw, null, null, --, null, null, null, d2, null, null, $THAC0, null, null, null, null. Ability Scores - Weapon Proficiencies - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Spells - Wealth - Saving Throws - Armor - Notes - CHANGED: Party Pack -- : 1 Mace of Wounding black chainmail Ring of removal necklace of protection from magic missles with 14 pearls Bracers of Stone Tell (1 Mace of Wounding black chainmail Ring of removal). Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Wand of Force -- Inventory/Charges: 50 (49), Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Combat - Misc. Attributes - Sound File: - Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - Skills/Detections (d20 based) - Carrying Capacity - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null. Custom Expressions - DELETED: null, null. ADDED: null, null. Temporary Modifiers - Class Levels - Equipment -

Robert has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 18:26:54 EDT 2005

[DM] welcome Robert

[DM] of course the one night I cook, and make a big pot of Spegettii,

[Robert] howdy

[DM] only Mike and Marco are at the table

[Robert] yeah, I don't think I'm going to be there tonight

[DM] Jess, Rob, Robert, John, all mysteriously decide not to show up

[Robert] but I'll log in from here

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes -


[DM] not a problem welcome aboard, they are working on the party pack

[DM] and go to the notes tab of your characters and update your wills, etc

[Fritz] So what is going on with the party pack?

[BiBo!!!] ::shrugs:: I've no clue, apparently it's being fixed

[DM] I am going to be up and down

[BiBo!!!] or something

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] no what i show as in the scroll of shelter is in there for others to update

[BiBo!!!] the only part of the party pack I've seen particularly is the spell list, and even then it was while skimming through looking for a specific spell

[JohnA] yes I did not work on the mudane items, a buch is at home, I am working on that now

[Robert] hwo do you play the sound file under the misc. attributes?

[JohnA] I am not working on the library

[BiBo!!!] ::shrugs:: that's a mystery

[Robert] ok then... how do I play any sound file?

[mikE] sound files are the debil

[BiBo!!!] I hear winamp works well :)

[Robert] ha.. you're funny

[Fritz] I don't see the scroll of shelter anywhere

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Fritz] oh wow where did all this stuff come from?

Robert is testing the macro function

[Robert] cool... that worked

[JohnA] What Fritzs the party pack?

[Robert] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Heads

[Fritz] yea all these items in the party pack

[JohnA] That what we have had for a while, I do not know if anyone knew to use them

[Fritz] Did not know these items were even around where did you get the list from.

[JohnA] This is the list I had and pasted on when I left the game

[Robert] all right.. I have to run... I'll be back on after 8 or so

Robert has left the game on Fri Aug 19 18:40:03 EDT 2005

[JohnA] A while ago (years) Lori had everything

[JohnA] then I took over the items and she took care of the money

[JohnA] this is long before Klooge

[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Claw modified: Sound File: - ADDED: C:\klooge\sounds\combat_start.ogg.wav.

[JohnA] a couple of the scrolls are from Almarin

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Consumable Magic Items -

[JohnA] I just finished the list of scrolls at home, no expressions, just a list

[BiBo!!!] what's a potion of wizardry do?

[JohnA] not sure, if I remember it raises your level like Heroism

[JohnA] temporlary

[JohnA] Paul learned the formula, if you want to make more

[JohnA] If Paul had money, he would be making potions and scrolls

[Fritz] Waht level do you have to be to make potions and scrolls?

[JohnA] 9th for scrolls, I think potions too

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes -

[BiBo!!!] unless you're an alchemist or geometer :)

[Fritz] Cool so Mobuto can help as well making some. I gather the formulae are in the library? Is there a lab as well there?

[JohnA] the DS have a lab, Bob told me each mage had to discove the formlua for themselves, but I have a list of the formulas I have

[JohnA] If you have the potion it only takes a week and no cost

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Scroll of Cure Minor Wounds -- Expression: "You are healed for {-d10+1} hit points" ("You are healed for {1d10+1} hit points"), CHANGED: Scroll of Serious Wounds -- Expression: "You are healed of {-2(d8+1)} hit points" ("You are healed of {2d8+1} hit points"),

[BiBo!!!] if you have the potion and a recipie I'd think it'd take like nothing

[Fritz] Why should each mage have to discover the formula that doesn't make sense to me?

[JohnA] Ask BOBBY

[Fritz] Made some changes on the scroll. Ok. So I am going to be the one to continue to keep this current is that correct?

[JohnA] he has not been forth comming on actual ingredien requirement

[JohnA] he wants us to work on that

[JohnA] Well in Klooge anyone can keep track of it

[JohnA] so if we get something when you are not here we can just add it

[BiBo!!!] BOB: yes every mage needs his own version of a potion recipe

[BiBo!!!] it is one of those things

[Fritz] Ok but otherwise I will keep track of it because I was doing so in the past.

[BiBo!!!] just like a spell could take up 2 pages for you and 6 pages for john

[JohnA] you mean Paul

[Fritz] Explain why please it doesn't make sense?

[BiBo!!!] back to the food, ready to start

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 19:00:52 EDT 2005

[JohnA] hey LORI!

[Lorie] Evening all

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - Magic Item Summary - DELETED: null, null, null. ADDED: Necklace of Protection from Magic Missles with 14 pearls, , . ADDED: Ring of Removal, , . ADDED: Bracers of Stone Tell, , . ADDED: Mace of Wounding, null, null. Equipment - ADDED: Black human sized chain mail , .

[Fritz] Evening Lorie

[Fritz] Let me load your new character sheet Lorie

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 5 (4). Weapon Proficiencies - Weapons - Ability Scores - Weapon Proficiencies - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Spells - CHANGED: Combine -- Expression: "There is no ""I"" in priest. What, there is? Oh, well let's work together anyhow."Using this spell, three to five priests combine their abilities so that one of them casts spells and turns undead at an enhanced level. The highest-level priest (or one of them, if two or more are tied for highest) stands alone, while the others join hands in a surrounding circle. The central priest casts the combine spell. He temporarily gains one level for each priest in the circle, up to a maximum gain of four levels. The level increase affects turning undead and spell details that vary with the caster's level. Note that the central priest gains no additional spells and that the group is limited to his currently memorized spells. The encircling priests must concentrate on maintaining the combine effect. They lose all Armor Class bonuses for shield and Dexterity. If any of them has his concentration broken, the combine spell ends immediately. If the combine spell is broken while the central priest is in the act of casting a spell, that spell is ruined just as if the caster were disturbed. Spells cast in combination have the full enhanced effect, even if the combine is broken before the duration of the enhanced spell ends. Note that the combination is not broken if only the central caster is disturbed. ("There is no ""I"" in priest. What, there is? Oh, well let's work together anyhow."), CHANGED: Detect Evil -- Expression: What's that I smell? Could it be EEEVILLL? This spell discovers emanations of evil, or of good in the case of the reverse spell, from any creature, object, or area. Character alignment, however, is revealed only under unusual circumstances: characters who are strongly aligned, who do not stray from their faith, and who are of at least 9th level might radiate good or evil if intent upon appropriate actions. Powerful monsters, such as rakshasas or ki-rin, send forth emanations of evil or good, even if polymorphed. Aligned undead radiate evil, for it is this power and negative force that enable them to continue existing. An evilly cursed object or unholy water radiates evil, but a hidden trap or an unintelligent viper does not. The degree of evil (dim, faint, moderate, strong, or overwhelming) and possibly its general nature (expectant, malignant, gloating, etc.) can be noted. If the evil is overwhelming, the priest has a 10% chance per level of detecting its general bent (lawful, neutral, or chaotic). The duration of a detect evil (or detect good) spell is one turn plus five rounds per level of the priest. Thus, a 1st-level priest can cast a spell with a 15-round duration, a 2nd-level priest can cast a spell with a 20-round duration, etc. The spell has a path of detection 10 feet wide in the direction the priest is facing. The priest must concentrate--stop, have quiet, and intently seek to detect the aura--for at least one round to receive a reading. (What's that I smell? Could it be EEEVILLL?), CHANGED: Firelight -- Expression: This variant of the spell log of everburning changes one small fire no larger than a campfire into firelight. The flame ceases to produce smoke and becomes much cooler; within 1 turn of the spell’s casting, the fire cools enough to be handled or touched barehanded without causing harm. The firelight is resistant to gusts of wind or poor burning conditions (pouring rain, lack of air, and so on), but complete immersion in water, vacuum, or magical darkness extinguishes the flame immediately. Firelight burns brighter and steadier than a normal flame, and a torch enchanted with this spell sheds light in a 30-foot radius instead of the normal 15-foot radius. The fuel source lasts throughout the duration of the spell. Unlike log of everburning, this spell is not at all useful for staying warm since firelight produces very little heat. Firelight inflicts 1d2 points of damage per caster level if cast on creatures of living or elemental fire, but has no other effect on these monsters. The material component is a mix of resins and incense, thrown into the flame to be affected. (null), CHANGED: Journey's Orison -- Expression: Using this spell, the caster can bless an individual about to emhark upon a long trip, or can bless an object that is being transported a long distance. The caster lays hands on the individual or object, intones the spell, and states the destination of the journey. For the duration of the trip to a specific site-which must be reachable in a number of weeks’ travel equal to the level of the caster-the blessed person receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws caused by natural mishaps, and a +I bonus the to reaction rolls of any fellow wanderer, A blessed object gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws as well. (null), CHANGED: Know Direction -- Expression: Know direction allows the caster to instantly know the direction of north. The spell is effective in any environment, whether underwater, underground, or in darkness (including magical darkness). The material component is a small scrap of a parchment map that is at least 100 years old. (null), CHANGED: Light -- Expression: This spell causes a luminous glow within 20 feet of the spell's center. The area of light thus caused is equal in brightness to torchlight. Objects in darkness beyond this sphere can be seen, at best, as vague and shadowy shapes. The spell is centered on a point selected by the caster, and he must have a line of sight or unobstructed path to that point when the spell is cast. Light can spring from air, rock, metal, wood, or almost any similar substance. The effect is immobile unless it is specifically centered on a movable object or mobile creature. If this spell is cast upon a creature, any applicable magic resistance and saving throws must be rolled. Successful resistance negates the spell, while a successful saving throw indicates that the spell is centered immediately behind the creature, rather than upon the creature itself. A light spell centered on the visual organs of a creature blinds it, reducing its attack and saving throw rolls by 4 and worsening its Armor Class by 4. The caster can extinguish the light at any time by uttering a single word. Light spells are not cumulative--multiple castings do not provide a brighter light. (null), CHANGED: Log of Everburning -- Expression: This spell increases the amount of time that a wooden object will burn before being consumed. Wood that is enchanted in this manner burns brightly without being consumed for the duration of the spell. When the spell ends, the wooden object crumbles to ash. This spell does not cause the wood to catch fire; it must be ignited normally. While it burns, the wood gives off twice the normal amount of heat; thus, a single log can make a cozy fire. The affected wood radiates magic. The priest may enchant up to 1 cubic foot of wood per level of experience. The spell is effective on torches. (null), CHANGED: Magical Stone -- Expression: By using this spell, the priest can temporarily enchant up to three small pebbles, no larger than sling bullets. The magical stones can then be hurled or slung at an opponent. If hurled, they can be thrown up to 30 yards, and all three can be thrown in one round. The character using them must roll normally to hit, although the magic of the stones enables any character to be proficient with them. The stones are considered +1 weapons for determining if a creature can be struck (those struck only by magical weapons, for instance), although they do not have an attack or damage bonus. Each stone that hits inflicts 1d4 points of damage (2d4 points against undead). The magic in each stone lasts only for half an hour, or until used. (null), CHANGED: Morale -- Expression: This spell can be used in two distinct ways. The first is appropriate for battlefield use. The priest can cast this spell on any unit within 240 yards in an uninterrupted line of sight. The casting time for this use is one turn and the material component is a gem of at least 100 gp value which is consumed during the casting. At the conclusion of this use of the spell, the target unit's morale is modified by 1, either positively or negatively, as the caster desires. This modification remains in effect for 1d4+2 turns. The second and more powerful use of the spell requires lengthy preparations. Casting must take place inside or within 100 yards of a place of worship dedicated to the casting priest's deity. Both the priest and the unit to be affected must be present. The casting time for this use is 5 turns. The material component is the priest's holy symbol. At the conclusion of this use of the spell, the unit's morale is raised by 3 (maximum of 19). This morale increase lasts until the next sunset. Only priests of 10th level or higher can cast this version of the spell. (null), CHANGED: Protection from Chaos -- Expression: Resembling the spell protection from evil, this abjuration wards the creature touched from the attacks of minions of chaos. Chaotic creatures suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls against the spell recipient, and the subject gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells or other attacks employed by chaotic creatures. Attempts to possess, dominate, or exercise other forms of mental control against the recipient are automatically blocked by this spell. Protection from chaos also wards the recipient against contact with extraplanar creatures of chaotic origin, including tanar’ri, slaad, and eladrin. Unlike protection from evil, this spell does not necessarily guard against summoned or conjured creatures unless the creatures in question are chaotic in alignment. However, protection from chaos does protect the recipient from creatures influenced by confusion and chaos spells and effects. The natural or bodily attacks of such creatures automatically fail, as long as the recipient does not use the spell’s power to trap, pin, or drive back the chaotic creatures in question. The spell ends if the recipient makes a melee attack against creatures that are prevented from attacking him by this spell. (null), CHANGED: Purify Food & Drink -- Expression: When cast, this spell makes spoiled, rotten, poisonous, or otherwise contaminated food and water pure and suitable for eating and drinking. Up to 1 cubic foot of food and drink per level can be thus made suitable for consumption. This spell does not prevent subsequent natural decay or spoilage. Unholy water and similar food and drink of significance is spoiled by purify food and drink, but the spell has no effect on creatures of any type nor upon magical potions. (null), CHANGED: Remove Fear -- Expression: The priest casting this spell instills courage in the spell recipient, raising the creature's saving throw rolls against magical fear attacks by +4 for one turn. If the recipient has recently (that day) failed a saving throw against such an attack, the spell immediately grants another saving throw, with a +4 bonus to the die roll. For every four levels of the caster, one creature can be affected by the spell (one creature at levels 1 through 4, two creatures at levels 5 through 8, etc.). The reverse of the spell, cause fear, causes one creature to flee in panic at maximum movement speed away from the caster for 1d4 rounds. A successful saving throw against the reversed effect negates it, and any Wisdom adjustment also applies. Of course, cause fear can be automatically countered by remove fear and vice versa. (null), CHANGED: Ring of Hands -- Expression: This is a cooperative magic spell. It requires a minimum of two priests and can accommodate a maximum of ten. Each priest must cast ring of hands on the same round. At the end of the casting, the priests involved join hands, thus completing the spell. If any priest breaks the circle, the spell immediately ceases. The priests may not move from their locations but are free to speak. They may not cast spells requiring a somatic or material component while the ring is formed. The ring of hands forms a protective barrier around the priests and everything within their circle. For each priest, assume a five-foot circumference of the circle; thus, three priests would create a circle of 15-foot circumference. For easy calculation, assume that for each priest, the circle can accommodate four persons. The barrier functions as a protection from evil spell. Attacks by evil creatures suffer a -1 penalty for every priest forming the circle. Saving throws made by the priests or anyone in the circle against attacks from such creatures receive a +1 bonus for every priest in the circle. Attempts at mental control over protected creatures are blocked. Extraplanar and conjured creatures are unable to touch the priests and those within the circle, although melee attacks against such creatures by those within the ring break the barrier. Because the priests casting the spell cannot move and must hold hands, they do not receive any Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class. Furthermore, opponents gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against the priests, since there is little they can do to avoid a blow. Creatures within the ring are free to act as they wish. Melee attacks by those within the ring are limited to piercing weapons and suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls since the priests intervene. (null), CHANGED: Shillelagh -- Expression: This spell enables the caster to change his own oak cudgel or unshod staff into a magical weapon that gains a +1 bonus to its attack roll and inflicts 2d4 points of damage on opponents up to man size, and 1d4+1 points of damage on larger opponents. The spell inflicts no damage to the staff or cudgel. The caster must wield the shillelagh, of course. (null), CHANGED: Speak with Astral Traveler -- Expression: When a priest casts the 7th-level astral spell, he leaves his physical body in suspended animation while his astral body travels. By touching the comatose body and casting speak with astral traveler, a priest can mentally communicate with the projected individual. Although communication is mental, it takes the same amount of time as a normal, verbal dialogue. The spell ends abruptly when its duration expires. (null), CHANGED: Strength of Stone -- Expression: This spell grants supernatural strength to the recipient by raising his Strength score by 1d4 points or to a minimum of 16, whichever is higher. Each 10% of exceptional Strength counts as 1 point, so a character with a Strength of 17 could be raised as high as an 18/30, but no higher. Both the priest and the recipient must be in contact with solid stone or earth when the spell is cast—standing on the ground will do nicely, but flying or swimming will not. The spell lasts for 3 rounds plus 1 round per caster level or until the subject loses contact with the earth. Obviously, this can happen in a number of ways, including being picked up or grappled by a larger creature, being knocked through the air by an impact or explosion, or even being magically moved in some fashion. The material components are a chip of granite and a hair from a giant. (null), CHANGED: Sunscorch -- Expression: This spell creates a brilliant ray of scorching heat that slants down from the sky to strike one target of the caster’s choice. The victim is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the ray—a successful save indicates that it missed altogether. Any creature struck by the ray sustains 1d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per caster level. Undead creatures and monsters vulnerable to bright light sustain 1d6 points of damage, plus 2 points per caster level. In addition to sustaining damage, living victims are also blinded for 1d4 rounds by the spell. The sun must be in the sky when sunscorch is cast, or the spell fails entirely. It cannot be cast underground, indoors, or in hours of darkness, although routine overcasts do not hinder the sunscorch. (null), CHANGED: Weighty Chest -- Expression: This spell enables the caster to enchant a chest, book, package, or any other nonliving object no larger than a 5'x5'x5' cube. When the enchanted object is touched by anyone other than the caster, the apparent weight of the object increases, becoming 2-5 (1d4+1) times the weight of the person or persons touching it. This condition makes the object extremely difficult to move for anyone but the caster. The caster can move the object normally throughout the duration of the spell. (null), CHANGED: Wind Column -- Expression: A priest with access to this spell need not fear most routine falls, since the casting of the wind column creates a pillar of strong winds to slow his descent. The spell is most effective in areas or regions where a strong breeze is available, such as the heights of a mountain or the mast of a ship at sea. In areas of dead, calm air, it is much more difficult to muster the windpower necessary to arrest the caster’s fall. The caster’s rate of descent (and risk of damage) varies with the strength of the prevailing winds, as shown below. If the wind is very strong, the caster can even choose to gain altitude instead of falling, although he can rise no higher than 5 feet per level above his original height before the wind column loses cohesiveness and he starts to fall again. However, a priest could use this to leap out a castle window and allow the winds to bear him to the roof of the tower, if the conditions are right. Wind Falling Damage Strength Rate Sustained Very strong ±2 ft./sec. (120 ft./rd.) None Strong 4 ft./sec. (240 ft./rd.) None Moderate 8 ft./sec. (480 ft./rd.) 1 per 10 ft.1 Light 16 ft./sec. (960 ft./rd.) 1d2 per 10 ft.2 None 32 ft./sec. (2000 ft./rd.) 1d3 per 10 ft.3 1 Maximum of 8 points 2 Maximum of 10d2 3 Maximum of 12d3 If you prefer to use the combat round scale from Player’s Option: Combat & Tactics , rounds are approximately one-tenth as long, and movement per round is reduced accordingly. For example, in moderate winds, the caster will fall about 48 feet per round in the Combat & Tactics scale. (null), CHANGED: Wall of Fog -- Expression: By casting this spell, the wizard creates a billowing wall of misty vapors in any area within the spell range. The wall of fog obscures all sight, normal and infravision, beyond 2 feet. The caster may create less vapor if he wishes. The wall must be a roughly cubic or rectangular mass, at least 10 feet across in its smallest dimension. The misty vapors persist for three or more rounds. Their duration can be halved by a moderate wind, and they can be blown away by a strong wind. (null), CHANGED: Fireball -- Expression: Feel the fiery wrath of Gobinhinu :10. Range: 10 yds. + 10 yds./level. Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius (Feel the fiery wrath of Gobinhinu {10d6}), CHANGED: Thunderstaff -- Expression: Upon completion of this spell, the wizard raps his staff on the ground and produces a thundering cone of force 5' wide at the apex, 20' wide at the base, and 40' long. All creatures wholly or partially within this cone must roll a successful saving throw or be stunned for 1d3 rounds. Stunned creatures are unable to think coherently or act during this time and are deafened for 1d3+1 rounds. Additionally, those who fail the save are hurled 4d4+4 feet by the wave of force, suffering 1 point of damage per two feet thrown. Intervening surfaces (walls, doors, etc.) may restrict this distance, but damage remains the same (4d4+4). If the save is successful, the victim is not stunned, but is deafened for 1d3+1 rounds and is hurled only half the distance. Giant-sized or larger creatures who succeed at their saving throws are deafened but are not thrown, suffer no loss of hit points, and are not stunned. If the saving throw is failed, such creatures are hurled 2d4+2 feet, suffer one point of damage per two feet thrown, and are deafened and stunned. The cone of force is considered to have a Strength of 19 for purposes of opening locked, barred, or magically held doors. This spell can move objects weighing up to 640 pounds a maximum distance of 4d4+4 feet. Fragile items must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be destroyed. (null), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Expression: The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it. (null), CHANGED: Cone of Cold -- Expression: When this spell is cast, it causes a cone-shaped area of extreme cold, originating at the wizard's hand and extending outward in a cone 5 feet long and 1 foot in diameter per level of the caster. It drains heat and causes 1d4+1 points of damage per level of experience of the wizard. For example, a 10th-level wizard would cast a cone of cold 10 feet in diameter and 50 feet long, causing 10d4+10 points of damage. (null), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: This spell creates a wall of granite rock that merges into adjoining rock surfaces. It is typically employed to close passages, portals, and breaches against opponents. The wall of stone is 0.25 inch thick and up to 20 square feet per level of experience of the wizard casting the spell. Thus, a 12th-level wizard can create a wall of stone 3 inches thick and up to 240 square feet in surface area (a 12-foot-wide and 20-foot-high wall, for example, to completely close a 10-foot x 16-foot passage). The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation (see the wall of iron spell); however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp. For this use, if the span is more than 20 feet, the wall must be arched and buttressed. This requirement reduces the area of effect by half. Thus, a 20th-level caster can create a span with a surface area of 200 square feet. The wall can be crudely shaped to allow crenelations, battlements, and so forth by likewise reducing the area. The stone is permanent unless destroyed by a dispel magic or disintegrate spell, or by normal means such as breaking or chipping. (null), CHANGED: Astral Awareness -- Expression: This divination attunes the caster’s perceptions to the silver void of the Astral Plane or the misty grayness of the Ethereal Plane. While the spell is in effect, the caster automatically notes the approach of all kinds of astral or ethereal phenomena, including shifting conduits, the psychic wind, ether cyclones, demiplanes and debris, color pools, and curtains of vaporous color. The character has a 90% chance to detect a color pool from its invisible side and a 5% chance per level to determine which plane a curtain or pool leads to simply by studying its color. In addition to his awareness of physical phenomena, the caster gains a +2 bonus to surprise checks against astral or ethereal monsters. He also has a 5% chance per level to detect the threat of creatures whose gaze extends into the Ethereal (basilisks, for instance) before he enters the range of the monster’s gaze weapon. (null), CHANGED: Aura of Comfort -- Expression: When this spell is cast, a faintly shimmering aura surrounds the recipient. The aura insulates the recipient from the effects of nonmagical heat and cold in a range of -20 F. to 140 F. Any time a traveler encounters temperatures in this range, he maintains a comfortable temperature of 70 F., regardless of prevailing weather conditions. Additionally, the spell acts as a shield against rain, snow, and hail, which are blocked by the aura. If a recipient encounters a temperature above or below the stated range, the temperature within the aura is altered by an equal number of degrees. For example, a recipient who encounters a temperature of 150 will actually experience a temperature of 80°F. All physical objects other than rain, snow, and hail can pass through the aura. The recipient can cast spells normally while the aura of comfort is in effect. The spell offers no protection against magically generated weather, such as that caused by weather summoning and ice storm. It does not protect against fire, nor does it shield against fire- or cold-based attacks. (null), CHANGED: Calm Chaos -- Expression: This spell temporarily calms a chaotic situation involving a group of people. The situation may involve any range of emotions from violence (as in a barroom brawl) to joy and merrymaking (as in a festival or carnival). Unlike the emotion spell, calm chaos does not cause a change in the emotions of affected creatures--anger, fear, or intense joy remain in each individual. The emotion is simply restrained rather than released. Thus, an angry character intent on attacking someone will still feel the desire to do so, but he will withhold his action as long as the spell remains in effect. Creatures to be affected are allowed a saving throw vs. spell at a -4 penalty to avoid the effects. If more creatures are present than can be affected, creatures nearest the caster are affected first. After casting the spell, the priest makes a Charisma check. If successful, all characters affected by the spell are compelled to stop what they are doing. They are filled with the sensation that something important is about to occur. At this time, the priest or a character of his choosing must gain the attention of the affected creatures by giving a speech, performing for the crowd, or casting spells with intriguing visual effects (such as dancing lights). The attention of the crowd is then held for as long as the distraction continues. A character could filibuster and maintain control over the affected characters for hours or days. Two conditions will cause the group to resume its original actions. In the first, the method of entertaining the crowd ceases for one round--the speech ends or the spell expires. If this action is not replaced with another distraction within one round, the crowd is freed of the spell. In the second condition, if an event occurs that is more immediate than the distraction, the crowd will divert its attention to that event. Thus, if the spell were used to stop a barroom brawl and the building caught fire or was attacked, the crowd's attention would be diverted and the individuals could act freely. Creatures whose attention is held by the spell cannot be instructed to attack or perform any action. Such creatures will ignore suggestions of this nature. Depending on the nature of the request, the DM may deem that the suggestion causes a distraction that ends the spell. (null), CHANGED: Create Holy Symbol -- Expression: When the words of this spell are uttered, a holy symbol appropriate to the priest's deity appears out of thin air. The item appears in the priest's hands. It may be used as a component for spells or for any other purpose for which the priest would normally use his holy symbol (such as turning undead). He may also opt to give it to a lower level priest of the same deity. The holy symbol is a permanent object. (null), CHANGED: Emotion Perception -- Expression: This spell allows the caster to sense the emotional state and the level of determination of one or more military units. The priest must have an uninterrupted line of sight to the entire target unit. When this spell is cast, the priest instantly learns the current morale rating and morale status of the target unit. The DM describes morale using the appropriate term; for example, steady, elite, etc. (null), CHANGED: Enthrall -- Expression: A priest using this spell can enthrall an audience that can fully understand his language. Those in the area of effect must successfully save vs. spell or give the caster their undivided attention, totally ignoring their surroundings. Those of a race or religion unfriendly to the caster's have a +4 bonus to the roll. Any Wisdom adjustment also applies. Creatures with 4 or more levels or Hit Dice, or with a Wisdom of 16 or better, are unaffected. To cast the spell, the caster must speak without interruption for a full round. Thereafter, the enchantment lasts as long as the priest speaks, to a maximum of one hour. Those enthralled take no action while the priest speaks, and for 1d3 rounds thereafter while they discuss the matter. Those entering the area of effect must also successfully save vs. spell or become enthralled. Those not enthralled are 50% likely every turn to hoot and jeer in unison. If there is excessive jeering, the rest are allowed a new saving throw. The speech ends (but the 1d3 round delay still applies) if the priest is successfully attacked or performs any action other than speaking. If the audience is attacked, the spell ends and the audience reacts immediately, rolling a reaction check with respect to the source of the interruption, at a penalty of -10. Note: When handling a large number of saving throws for similar creatures, the DM can assume an average to save time; for example, a crowd of 20 men with a base saving throw of 16 (25% success chance) will have 15 men enthralled and five not. (null), CHANGED: Ethereal Barrier -- Expression: The ethereal barrier is a defense against the passage of extradimensional creatures, including characters or monsters that are phased, ethereal, or travelling via dimension door or shadow walk. The priest creates an imperceptible barrier of 10 square feet per level that may be arranged in any fashion the priest desires. For example, a 3rd-level character can ward six 10-foot by 10-foot surfaces, which would be sufficient to guard a 10-foot by 10-foot by 10-foot room (four walls, a ceiling, and a floor need to be protected.) Note that some monsters may be capable of abandoning their ethereal approach in order to simply enter the barred area on their own feet—the ethereal barrier only bars their passage as long as they are traveling in the Border Ethereal. Also, while this spell can’t be worn down by any form of attack, it does not bar teleportation, gates, or the passage of astral creatures. Ethereal barrier may be cast as cooperative magic by several priests working together. As long as all involved characters can cast the spell, the areas of effect of each priest are added together. Total the levels of all priests involved and multiply by two to find the number of 10-foot by 10-foot squares that may be warded. For example, four 6th-level casters (24 total levels) can ward 48 10-foot by 10-foot squares. The duration is determined by the highest level priest involved, plus 1 turn for each additional priest. In the previous example, this would be 6 turns plus 3 turns for three additional priests for a total of 9 turns. This spell is also suitable for focus magic (see the spell focus in the Tome of Magic ). The material component is a special compound of rare earths and lead worth at least 10 gp per application. One application is required for each 10-foot by 10-foot square to be warded. (null), CHANGED: Fire Trap -- Expression: When a priest casts a find traps spell, all traps--concealed normally or magically--of magical or mechanical nature become apparent to him. Note that this spell is directional, and the caster must face the desired direction in order to determine if a trap is laid in that particular direction. A trap is any device or magical ward that meets three criteria: it can inflict a sudden or unexpected result, the spellcaster would view the result as undesirable or harmful, and the harmful or undesirable result was specifically intended as such by the creator. Thus, traps include alarms, glyphs, and similar spells or devices. The caster learns the general nature of the trap (magical or mechanical) but not its exact effect, nor how to disarm it. Close examination will, however, enable the caster to sense what intended actions might trigger it. Note that the caster's divination is limited to his knowledge of what might be unexpected and harmful. The spell cannot predict actions of creatures (hence, a concealed murder hole or ambush is not a trap), nor are natural hazards considered traps (a cavern that floods during a rain, a wall weakened by age, a naturally poisonous plant, etc.). If the DM is using specific glyphs or sigils to identify magical wards (see the 3rd-level spell glyph of warding), this spell shows the form of the glyph or mark. The spell does not detect traps that have been disarmed or are otherwise inactive. (null), CHANGED: Frisky Chest -- Expression: With this spell, the caster can enchant a chest, book, or any other nonliving object no larger than a 10'x10'x10' cube. When any creature other than the caster comes within three feet of the enchanted object, it instantly sprouts appendages and moves away from the creature as quickly as possible. The enchanted object continues to move until it is at least 10 feet away from the nearest creatures in the area. After the enchanted object has moved a satisfactory distance from the nearest creature, the appendages disappear. When a creature again comes within three feet of the enchanted object, the enchanted object sprouts appendages and flees. This process continues until the enchantment is negated (through a dispel magic or similar spell) or the enchanted object is subdued or destroyed. The enchanted object can sprout feet (MV 24), wings (Fl 24, maneuverability class B), or fins (Sw 24), whichever is most advantageous. Thus, a book on a shelf might sprout wings and fly away, while a table might gallop around a room. The enchanted object can freely and instantly trade appendages as necessary. The enchanted object will move only through open spaces. It will not crash through windows, shatter a closed door, or dig through the earth. It cannot attack or take any actions other than movement. If surrounded or cornered, the enchanted object moves in random directions until it is restrained or destroyed. The enchantment ends if the caster voluntarily negates it, if the enchanted object is destroyed (the object has the same vulnerabilities as it has in its normal state), or if the enchanted object is restrained for 2-5 (1d4+1) consecutive rounds. Restraint means that the object is prevented from fleeing; if a creature is able to grapple, lift, or sit on the object, it is considered restrained. A creature capable of lifting the object in its normal state is considered strong enough to restrain it (for instance, a person capable of lifting a 50-pound box is also capable of restraining such a box enchanted by frisky chest). The object may also be restrained by tossing a net or heavy blanket over it or by surrounding it with several characters. (null), CHANGED: Lighten Load -- Expression: This spell reduces the weight of equipment, supplies, and other objects by 50%. Weapons, supplies, and even disabled characters can all be made more portable by use of a lighten load spell. This spell affects one pile of objects whose volume is equivalent to a 10-foot cube; after the spell has been cast, the affected objects can be divided among several characters or mounts. The spell has no effect on magical items. An object affected by lighten load can be used normally; the spell has no effect on an object's mass, texture, size, strength, or other physical features. (null), CHANGED: Music of the Spheres -- Expression: With this spell, the priest creates tones and harmonies of such unearthly beauty and complexity that they entrance the listener, making it difficult for the listener to attack or otherwise harm the priest. The listener receives a normal saving throw against this effect. Failure means that the listener is entranced and is unable to attack the priest for the duration of the spell. In addition, the music makes the subject gullible and more susceptible to charm magics such as charm person, suggestion , and hypnotism. While the music spell is in effect, the subject saves against charm spells with a -3 penalty. This spell does not protect other characters in company with the priest; listeners who have fallen prey to the music are free to attack anyone else. The spell effect ends instantly if the priest takes any hostile action against a creature under the influence of the spell. Music of the spheres can affect one creature per three levels of the priest (one subject at 3rd level, two at 6th level, etc.). Subjects must be within a 20-foot-diameter circle. Potential victims must have Intelligence of at least 1 (necessary to understand the concept of music) and must be able to hear the music (i.e., they cannot be deaf and there can be nothing obstructing the victim's ears). This also means that the level of background noise must be low enough for the music to be audible. The DM should assume that the music is the same volume as an average human's normal speaking voice. If the potential subject could not hear speech at the appropriate range under prevailing conditions, the spell cannot affect that subject. The spell would be virtually useless in the midst of a full-scale battle or during a hurricane. The material component comprises a set of three small bows made from fine silver, each costing 100 gp. The lengths of the bows must be in the ratio of 1 to 4 to 9. The priest strokes these bows together in an intricate sequence while casting the spell. The bows are not consumed in the casting. (null), CHANGED: Mystic Transfer -- Expression: This spell is one of the few cooperative spells that requires one priest to cast the transfer spell, but another priest to use its effect. On one round, a priest (or priests) casts the mystic transfer. The spell is then active for the remaining nine rounds of the turn. Mystic transfer allows a priest to receive spells from another priest of the same ethos. Any priest of the same religion can cast a spell and transfer it to a second priest within that spell's maximum range. The spell does not take effect; instead, it is channelled through the mystic transfer into the receiving priest. This priest must immediately cast the spell or pass it to another priest cloaked in a mystic transfer within the spell's range. Any number of transfers can be made in the same round, provided each new recipient is within spell range of the previous recipient. If the spell is not transferred, the spell takes effect. For example, a 3rd-level priest casts a mystic transfer. On the following round, a 10th-level priest "passes" a flame strike to the 3rd-level priest. The two priests could be 60 yards apart (the maximum range of the flame strike). The 3rd-level priest could then use the flame strike to attack any target within 60 yards, or could pass the spell on to another priest who has an active mystic transfer. The spell passed by the mystic transfer has the range, area of effect, damage, and other effects equal to the level of the original caster. In the example above, the flame strike would function as if cast by a 10th-level priest. The mystic transfer does not require concentration. However, on any round in which a priest is receiving and/or transferring a spell, the caster cannot take any other significant action. A priest can receive spells only from priests who worship the same deity and who specifically target spells to him. Area effect spells may be passed. A priest can never use mystic transfer to pluck an opponent's spells out of the air. (null), CHANGED: Obscurment -- Expression: This spell causes a misty vapor to arise around the caster. It persists in this locale for four rounds per caster level and reduces the visibility ranges of all types of vision (including infravision) to 2d4 feet. The ground area affected by the spell is a square progression based on the caster's level: a 10-foot x 10-foot area at 1st level, a 20-foot x 20-foot area at 2nd level, a 30-foot x 30-foot area at 3rd level, and so on. The height of the vapor is restricted to 10 feet, although the cloud will otherwise expand to fill confined spaces. A strong wind (such as from the 3rd-level wizard spell gust of wind) can cut the duration of an obscurement spell by 75%. This spell does not function under water. (null), CHANGED: Pass Without Notice -- Expression: A priest makes use of this spell to avoid confrontations with brigands or other hostile individuals while traveling. The spell allows the caster to go unnoticed by any human, demihuman, or humanoid in the immediate area (up to 40 feet). While not rendered invisible, the caster can walk nast such an individual without beinq perceived. For the spell to succeed, the priest must main tain a steady slow pace and cannot make an! ning and engaging in melee m impossible. Also, the priest cannot make any sound louder than a whisper, so while passing wirhour notice, the priest can cast no other spell. For every three levels of experience, the priest can include an additional person under the effects of the spell, but all those tn be affected must link hands for the duration of the spell. Any who release their grip from the others are immediately revealed. (null), CHANGED: Produce Flame -- Expression: A bright flame, equal in brightness to a torch, springs forth from the caster's palm when he casts a produce flame spell. The flame does not harm the caster, but it is hot and it causes the combustion of flammable materials (paper, cloth, dry wood, oil, etc.). The caster is capable of hurling the magical flame as a missile, with a range of 40 yards (considered short range). The flame flashes on impact, igniting combustibles within a 3-foot diameter of its center of impact, and then it goes out. A creature struck by the flame suffers 1d4+1 points of damage and, if combustion occurs, must spend a round extinguishing the fire or suffer additional damage assigned by the DM until the fire is extinguished. A miss is resolved as a grenadelike missile. If any duration remains to the spell, another flame immediately appears in the caster's hand. The caster can hurl a maximum of one flame per level, but no more than one flame per round. The caster can snuff out magical flame any time he desires, but fire caused by the flame cannot be so extinguished. This spell does not function under water. (null), CHANGED: Rally -- Expression: This spell allows the subject unit to make an immediate rally check. It allows the check during the Magic Phase, rather than forcing the unit to wait for the Rally Phase in the BATTLESYSTEM™ rules. If the priest casting the spell is of 12th level or higher, the subject unit receives a +1 bonus to its rally check die roll. The priest must have an uninterrupted line of sight to the unit. (null), CHANGED: Resist Acid & Corrosion -- Expression: This spell provides a subject with a better resistance to acid, corrosives, and caustic substances of all kinds. Mild corrosives cannot harm the subject at all, although they can still damage his gear. More intense acids and corrosives (black dragon breath, Melf’s acid arrow, and the natural attacks of various puddings, oozes, slimes, and jellies) inflict only half the normal damage on the protected character. If the attack requires a saving throw, the subject gains a +3 bonus, sustaining half damage with a failed save or one-quarter damage with a successful saving throw. (null), CHANGED: Resist Fire & Cold -- Expression: When this spell is placed upon a creature by a priest, the creature's body is toughened to withstand heat or cold, as chosen by the caster. The spell grants the creature complete immunity to mild conditions (standing naked in the snow or reaching into an ordinary fire to pluck out a note). The recipient can somewhat resist intense heat or cold (whether natural or magical in origin), such as red-hot charcoal, a large amount of burning oil, flaming swords, fire storms, fireballs, meteor swarms, red dragon's breath, frostbrand swords, ice storms, wands of frost, or white dragon's breath. In all of these cases, the temperature affects the creature to some extent. The recipient of the spell gains a bonus of +3 to saving throws against such attack forms and all damage sustained is reduced by 50%; therefore, if the saving throw is failed, the creature sustains one-half damage, and if the saving throw is successful, the creature sustains only one-quarter damage. Resistance to fire lasts for one round for each experience level of the priest placing the spell. (null), CHANGED: Santify -- Expression: This cooperative spell allows the priests to create a beneficial atmosphere within a specified area. Companions of similar alignment to the casters will feel fortified and encouraged while in the sanctified area. The spell can be cast by a single priest or a group of priests. After casting sanctify, the affected area is imbued with the deity's majesty. For followers of that deity, the area radiates a holy aura. These followers gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against all fear- and charm-based powers (a +2 to morale for BATTLESYSTEM™ rules units). Persons of the same alignment as the caster but of different faiths gain a +1 to saving throws (+1 in BATTLESYSTEM rules). The effect applies only as long as the characters remain in the sanctified area. Creatures intent on harming the priest or his followers suffer a -1 on saving throws vs. fear and charm (-1 to morale for BATTLESYSTEM rules units) when on sanctified ground. Undead creatures within the area are easier to turn; any priest standing on sanctified ground turns undead as if he were one level higher. Although this spell can be cast by a single priest, it is most effective when cast by several priests at once. The duration of the spell is equal to one round per level of the caster. When several priests cast the spell, the level of the most powerful priest is used, with two rounds added for every contributing priest. Thus, one 8th-level and three 6th-level priests would give the spell a duration of 14 rounds (8+2+2+2). Sanctify is often used in conjunction with focus to protect the grounds of a temple or encourage men defending a castle. The material components are the priest's holy symbol and a handful of dirt from the grounds of an existing temple of the same faith. The reverse of this spell, defile, functions in an identical manner with respect to saving throws for charm and fear. However, priests standing on defiled ground who attempt to turn undead do so at one level lower than their current level. (null), CHANGED: Soften Earth & Stone -- Expression: When this spell is cast, all natural, undressed earth or stone in the area of effect is softened. Wet earth becomes thick mud; dry earth becomes loose sand or dirt; and stone becomes soft clay, easily molded or chopped. The priest affects a 10-foot square area to a depth of 1 to 4 feet, depending on the toughness or resilience of the ground at that spot (DM option). Magical or enchanted stone cannot be affected by this spell, nor can dressed or worked stone. Creatures attempting to move through an area softened into mud are reduced to a move of 10 feet per round. Any creatures caught within the mud when the spell takes effect must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or lose the ability to move, attack, or cast spells for 1d2 rounds as they flounder about in the muck. Loose dirt is not as troublesome as mud, and creatures are only reduced to half their normal movement rate, with no chance of being caught for a round or two. However, it is impossible to run, sprint, or charge over either surface. Stone softened into clay does not hinder movement, but it does allow characters to cut, shape, or excavate areas they may not have been able to affect before. For example, a party of PCs trying to break out of a cavern might use this spell to soften a wall. While soften earth and stone does not affect dressed or worked stone, vertical surfaces such as cliff faces or cavern ceilings can be affected. Usually, this causes a moderate collapse or landslide as the loosened material peels away from the face or roof and falls. A moderate amount of structural damage can be inflicted to man-made structures by softening the ground beneath a wall or tower, causing it to settle. However, most well-built structures will only be damaged by this spell, not destroyed. The material component is a bit of slip (wet clay) from the wheel of a master potter. (null), CHANGED: Spring -- Expression: The druid can use this spell to create a temporary spring of water with a flow rate of 2 to 12 gallons a minute, depending on the relative dryness of the region. I f the DM determines that underground water exists within range, it is detected and drawn to the surface at the spot chosen unless its path is blocked hy solid rock. The appearance ofthe water is delayed one round for every 10 feet it must travel. In arid country, the spring may last for as little as 1 hour and flow at a lower rate. (null), CHANGED: Watery Fist -- Expression: This spell conjures a coherent pseudopod of water from any suitable body of water at least 5 feet across and 2 feet deep (for streams) or 10 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep (for ponds or pools). The pseudopod can stretch up to 10 feet plus 1 foot per caster level from its source, so a 3rd-level priest could command watery fist to strike at a creature hovering thirteen feet above a lake or standing on the shore 13 feet from the water. The pseudopod obeys the priest’s mental commands, although the priest must concentrate each round in order to maintain control of the watery member. The pseudopod is incapable of fine manipulation, but it can be used to make bludgeoning or constricting attacks. When used to strike at opponents, it attacks with the caster’s THAC0 and inflicts damage as shown below. The priest may add his magical attack adjustment (from his Wisdom score) to his THAC0, but Strength-based adjustments or special weapon skills don’t help the priest to control watery fist. The pseudopod may be able to make rear or flank attacks if the priest can direct it into the proper position. If used to encircle and constrict, the pseudopod must first make an attack roll as described above, inflicting damage based on the priest’s level. However, in following rounds, the pseudopod automatically strikes its grappled target for constricting damage, +1 point per round of constricting. In other words, in the first round the victim sustains listed damage, in the second round he sustains listed damage +1, in the third he sustains listed damage +2, and so on. The pseudopod holds its target with an effective Strength equal to the priest’s Wisdom score. Caster Striking Constricting Level Damage Damage 1–4 1d6 1d3 5–8 1d10 1d6 9–12 1d12 1d8 13+ 2d8 1d10 Watery fist can be released by the priest any time he cares to stop concentrating on maintaining it. The pseudopod immediately resumes its normal state, possibly drenching a grappled creature or extinguishing a small fire if the caster wishes. The pseudopod is AC 6 and has 15 hp plus 1 hp per caster level, but it can only be damaged by magical weapons, fire, or cold; all other attacks simply pass through the water. Transmute water to dust, part water, lower water, and Otiluke’s freezing sphere all destroy watery fist on contact. The material component is a vial full of blessed water or a sprig of mistletoe that is thrown onto the body of water from which the fist will be summoned. (null), CHANGED: Withdraw -- Expression: By means of a withdraw spell, the priest in effect alters the flow of time with regard to himself. While but one round of time passes for those not affected by the spell, the priest is able to spend two rounds, plus one round per level, in contemplation. Thus, a 5th-level priest can withdraw for seven rounds to cogitate on some matter while one round passes for all others. (The DM should allow the player one minute of real time per round withdrawn to ponder some problem or question. No discussion with other players is permitted.) Note that while affected by the withdraw spell, the caster can use only the following spells: any divination spell or any curing or healing spell, the latter on himself only. The casting of any of these spells in different fashion (for example, a cure light wounds spell bestowed upon a companion) negates the withdraw spell. Similarly, the withdrawn caster cannot walk or run, become invisible, or engage in actions other than thinking, reading, and the like. He can be affected by the actions of others, losing any Dexterity or shield bonus. Any successful attack upon the caster breaks the spell. (null), CHANGED: Zone of Truth -- Expression: Lying would not be in your best interest... now tell the truth!This spell prevents creatures within the area of effect (or those who enter it) from speaking any deliberate and knowing lies. Creatures are allowed a saving throw to avoid the effects; those who fail the save are affected fully. Affected characters are aware of this enchantment; therefore, they may avoid answering questions to which they would normally respond with a lie or they may be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth. When a character leaves the area, he is free to speak as he chooses. The spell affects a square whose sides are five feet long per level of the caster; thus, a 4th-level priest could affect a 20 foot by 20 foot square. (Lying would not be in your best interest... now tell the truth!), CHANGED: Adaptation -- Expression: This spell can be cast in two different ways. The first, appropriate for battlefield use, has a range of 180 yards, a casting time of one turn, and duration of 1d4+2 turns. During this period, the affected unit can fight in one specific type of terrain (specified by the caster) as if it were the favored terrain (per BATTLESYSTEM™ rules) for that unit. While this spell is in effect, the unit gains no benefit when fighting in their actual favored terrain; the magically-enforced favored terrain takes precedence. The priest can cancel the spell before the duration expires if desired. The material component is a pinch of clay dust. The second effect requires preparation in advance. The priest and unit must be within 100 yards of a place of worship dedicated to the casting priest's deity. The casting time is 5 turns. At the conclusion of the casting, the unit gains the benefit described above, with two main differences. First, the unit does not lose the benefit of fighting in its own actual favored terrain (the unit effectively has two favored terrains). Second, the spell endures until the next sunset. Only priests of 12th level and higher can cast this variation. (null), CHANGED: Astral Window -- Expression: When this spell is cast, a "window" appears in the air before the priest, through which he (and any others present) can see into the Astral plane. The astral window ranges in size from one square foot up to a 10'x10' square, at the caster's choosing. The window is not mobile, and if the priest moves more than 5 yards away from it, it immediately vanishes and the spell ends. By stating a subject's name, the priest may view a specific creature or object in the window. More than one subject may be viewed during the spell's duration. Each time a new subject is chosen, the window becomes streaked with grey as the Astral plane flies past. This continues for 1d4 rounds, until the window finally focuses upon the chosen subject. If the person is not in the Astral plane, the window instead chooses a random location. The window operates from both sides; creatures in the Astral plane can see the priest as easily as he can see them. Verbal communication is not possible, however. Normally, creatures cannot pass through the window. If an attempt is made, there is a base 5% chance of success. This is modified by +1% per level or Hit Dice of the individual. In order to pass through, the creature or object must be small enough to fit through the window; otherwise, only a portion of the subject may reach through (such as a monster's arm or searching tongue). By casting the astral window spell, a character who subsequently casts the 7th-level astral spell may choose to arrive in the Astral plane at the place shown in the window. (null), CHANGED: Caltrops -- Expression: This spell allows a priest to plant a section of ground with magically created caltrops. The spell can create two kinds of caltrops: infantry and cavalry. The first are of small size and are designed to harm foot soldiers. The latter are larger and cause serious damage to cavalry or units composed of size L or larger creatures. Cavalry caltrops are so large that size M or smaller creatures can easily step around them. This prevents damage to infantry units. Each time a unit moves into a planted area, the unit suffers an attack of AD=4 (for infantry caltrops) or AD=6 (for cavalry caltrops). Units charging through a planted area suffer double damage. If a unit ends its movement in a caltrop-sown region, it suffers another attack when it moves out of the area. This spell can create a rectangular field of infantry caltrops up to 160 square yards in area (e.g., 4 yards x 40 yards, 2 yards x 80 yards, etc.), or a field of cavalry caltrops up to 90 square yards in area (e.g., 3 yards x 30 yards, 2 yards x 45 yards, etc.). Ordinary caltrops make no distinction between friend or foe; all creatures entering a caltrop-sown area suffer the same consequences. The same is true of magical caltrops, with one exception: the casting priest can terminate the spell at any time, causing the caltrops to vanish and leaving the terrain clear. Unlike normal caltrops, a region sown with magical caltrops cannot be "swept" clear; the magical caltrops remain in place until the spell terminates. (null), CHANGED: Create Campsite -- Expression: "Let us bunker for the evening. ""My unseen friends, help us prepare our site for the night.""" With this spell, the caster generates a squadron of tiny invisible servants who create a campsite for the caster and his companions. The caster indicates the desired area for the campsite (an area of 50-foot radius or less) and the number of persons the campsite is to accommodate (a number of persons equal to three times the level of the caster). The servants clear the area of debris, set up tents and bedrolls, start a campfire, fetch water, and prepare a bland meal. The campsite is so skillfully prepared that it blends with the surrounding terrain, reducing the chance that the camp could be noticed by 50%. Campfires, loud noises, and other activities can negate this. The entire process takes 4-16 (4d4) rounds to complete. The servants make camp with the gear and equipment provided for them; otherwise, the servants will improvise with materials available in the immediate area (50 yards of the designated campsite). For instance, if the party has no tents or beds, the servants will construct crude but comfortable beds of weeds and grass and temporary shelters of leaves and branches. If no materials are available, such as in the desert or similarly barren terrain, the servants will do their best to make the party as comfortable as possible within the environmental limitations. The servants cannot fight for the party, deliver messages, or take any other actions other than creating the campsite. The material components are a piece of string, a bit of wood, and a drop of water. The reverse, break camp, causes the invisible servants to strike a campsite (an area of 50-foot radius or less). The servants extinguish fires, dispose of debris, and pack gear for a number of people equal to three times the level of the caster. The entire process takes 4-16 (4d4) rounds to complete. When completed, all traces of the campsite are eliminated. The material components are the same as those for create campsite. ("Let us bunker for the evening. ""My unseen friends, help us prepare our site for the night."""), CHANGED: Dictate -- Expression: Originally developed by the Harmonium faction of the Outer Planes, this useful spell has come into more widespread use in recent years. While the spell is available as a 2nd-level enchantment for members of the Harmonium, the general version is not quite as efficient and is considered a 3rd-level spell. The dictate spell is an improved version of command, affecting up to 6 creatures in a 20-foot cube. The caster is not limited to a single word and can issue an order of no more than a dozen words in length. All the specified targets who fail their saving throws must attempt to obey the caster’s instructions. For example, a priest could issue a dictate such as “Stay here until I return,” “Throw down your weapons,” or “Seize that elf!” The subjects will continue to obey nonimmediate orders for up to one round per experience level of the caster. Subjects who cannot understand the caster are not affected, so characters who do not understand the caster’s language are immune to this spell. In addition, the order must create an immediate and obvious course of action for the subject; a dictate to “Die!” or “Feel sorry for him!” would simply cause the subject to stand still in confusion for one round. Poorly worded or confusing commands grant the subjects a +1 to +4 bonus on their saving throws at the DM’s discretion. Similarly, if after the subject fails his saving throw he is given an obviously self-destructive dictate, the subject simply loses his next round as he fights off the compulsion. (null), CHANGED: Effacious Monster Ward -- Expression: "By my words, let no enemies enter our path" This spell prevents monsters of 2 or fewer Hit Dice from entering the area of effect. Such creatures are allowed a saving throw; success indicates that they avoid the spell's effects and are able to enter the area of effect. The spell affects a cubic area whose sides equal the caster's level times 10 feet (for example, a 9th-level caster could affect an area equal to a 90' x 90'x 90' cube). Monsters within the area of effect when the spell is cast are not affected; however, when they leave the area of effect, they cannot return. Monsters outside the area of effect can hurl rocks, spears, and other missile weapons at targets inside and can also cast spells into the warded area. ("By my words, let no enemies enter our path"), CHANGED: Emotion Control -- Expression: This spell can be cast in one of two ways: in a manner that affects the priest, or in a manner that affects a subject other than the priest. The first method affects only the priest and allows him to shield his true emotions from magical examination. Thus, it can block wizard spells such as ESP or priest spells such as emotion read. While emotion control is in effect, anyone using one of these spells will sense the emotion designated by the priest rather than his true emotions. When the priest casts emotion control, he designates the false emotion he wishes to be revealed. This use of emotion control also gives the priest a +2 bonus to saving throws against the following spells: spook, taunt, irritation, know alignment, scare, emotion, fear, and phantasmal killer. When any of these spells are cast on the priest, he is immediately aware of the attempt, although he does not learn the source of the spell. If another character casts emotion read, ESP, or a similar spell on the priest, the priest must make a saving throw vs. spells with a +1 bonus for each 5 levels of the priest. If the priest successfully saves, the other spellcaster reads the false emotion; if the priest fails the saving throw, the spellcaster reads the priest's true emotion. The second use of this spell allows the priest to create a single emotional reaction in the subject(s) (similar to the wizard spell emotion). Some typical emotions follow, but the DM may allow other similar effects. Courage: The subject becomes berserk, gaining +1 to attack rolls and +3 to damage, and temporarily gaining 4 hit points (damage against the subject is deducted from these temporary points first). The subject need never check morale, and receives a +5 bonus to saving throws against the various forms of fear. Courage counters (and is countered by) fear. Fear: The subject flees from the priest for the duration of the spell, even if this takes him out of spell range. Fear counters (and is countered by) courage. Friendship: The subject reacts positively to any encounter; in game terms, any result of a roll on the Encounter Reactions table (Table 59 in the DMG) is moved one column to the left. Thus, a threatening PC becomes cautious, an indifferent PC becomes friendly, etc. Friendship counters (and is countered by) hate. Happiness: The subject experiences feelings of warmth, well-being, and confidence, modifying all reaction rolls by +3. The subject is unlikely to attack unless provoked. Happiness counters (and is countered by) sadness. Hate: The subject reacts negatively to any encounter; in game terms, any result of a roll on the Encounter Reactions table is moved one column to the right (i.e., a friendly PC becomes indifferent, a cautious PC becomes threatening, etc.). Hate counters (and is countered by) friendship. Hope: The subject's morale is improved by +2. His saving throw rolls, attack, and damage rolls are all improved by +1 while this emotion is in effect. Hope counters (and is countered by) hopelessness. Hopelessness: The subject's morale suffers a -10 penalty. In addition, in the round in which the emotion is initially established, all subjects must immediately make a morale check. Hopelessness counters (and is countered by) hope. Sadness: The subject feels uncontrollably glum and is prone to fits of morose introspection. All attack rolls suffer a -1 penalty and initiative rolls suffer a +1 penalty. The subject's chance of being surprised is increased by -2. Sadness counters (and is countered by) happiness. All subjects of the second version, even willing targets, must save vs. spell to resist the emotion. In addition to all other modifiers, the saving throw is modified by -1 for every three levels of the priest casting the spell. (null), CHANGED: Flame Walk -- Expression: By means of this spell, the caster empowers one or more creatures to withstand nonmagical fires of temperatures up to 2,000 F. (enabling them to walk upon molten lava). It also confers a +2 bonus to saving throws against magical fire and reduces damage from such fires by one-half, even if the saving throw is failed. For every experience level above the minimum required to cast the spell (5th), the priest can affect an additional creature. This spell is not cumulative with resist fire spells or similar protections. The material components of the spell are the priest's holy symbol and at least 500 gp of powdered ruby per affected creature. (null), CHANGED: Fortify -- Level: 4 (3), CHANGED: Fortify -- Cast Level: 4 (3), CHANGED: Fortify -- Expression: This is a simple cooperative magic spell. Only one priest can cast the spell, but like mystic transfer, another priest is required for the spell to have any effect. Through this spell, the priest improves the quality of another priest's healing spells. For the fortify spell to work, it must be cast simultaneously with a cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, or cure critical wounds. The priest casting fortify must lay his hand on the priest attempting the cure. When both spells are cast, additional energy flows through the second priest and into the creature being healed. Fortify automatically causes the cure spell to function at maximum effect. Thus, a cure serious wounds would automatically heal 17 points of damage and a cure critical wounds would heal 27 points of damage. (null), CHANGED: Invisibility Purge -- Expression: Peek-a-boo! I see you... Be seen!All invisible creatures who enter an area enchanted with invisibility purge instantly become visible. Invisibility -related spells do not take effect within the boundaries of the enchanted area, and magical devices such as potions of invisibility do not function. Creatures with the natural ability to become invisible are unable to use this ability within the area of effect. Invisible objects carried into the warded area also become visible. Invisible creatures or persons within the area of effect when invisibility purge is cast remain invisible; however, if such creatures exit the area of effect and later re-enter, they instantly become visible. Such creatures also lose any natural ability to turn invisible as long as they remain within the area of effect. A creature who consumes a potion of invisibility outside the warded area becomes invisible normally, but becomes visible when he enters the area of effect; if the duration of the potion of invisibility has not yet expired when he exits the area of effect, he becomes invisible again outside the area. Creatures who are invisible in their natural state or have no visible form (such as invisible stalkers) are not affected by this spell. The material components are the priest's holy symbol and a silver mirror no more than three inches in diameter. The invisibility purge can be cast as a cooperative magic spell. The potency of this spell can be increased if several priests cast it at the same time. The duration of the spell is then equal to one turn per level of the most powerful priest, plus one turn for every contributing priest. Each priest also increases the area of effect by one 10'x 10' square (these areas must be contiguous). Thus, a 9th-level priest and two 5th-level priests could create a 30'x 10' invisibility purge area having a duration of 11 turns. (Peek-a-boo! I see you... Be seen!), CHANGED: Repair Injury -- Expression: Let what was broke now be fixed. Repair injury is intended for use in campaigns featuring the critical hit or critical strike rules. This spell addresses one specific injury or wound (see Chapter 8 ). It can be used to knit a broken bone, alleviate the swelling and pain of a sprain or a twist, or repair soft-tissue damage such as an injured eye, ear, or a severed tendon. If used as a simple curing spell, repair injury restores 1d10+1 hit points to the injured character, but if used to address the effects of a specific injury, repair injury automatically removes one grazed, struck, injured, or broken condition, and alleviates any combat, movement, or maximum hit point penalties associated with the injury in question. The spell does not restore any lost hit points to the victim, other than the 1d10+1 that are incidental to the working of the spell. Beran, a fighter with 44 hit points, is struck by an ogre’s club. The blow inflicts 12 points of damage, but Beran also suffers a broken hip. This injury will reduce him to a maximum of 25% of his normal total, so Beran’s current hit points drop from 32 to 11 after the battle ends. In addition, he is not capable of moving or attacking due to the effects of the injury. When the smoke clears, Talmos the priest comes to Beran’s aid. Using repair injury, he knits Beran’s broken hip. The spell cures 6 hit points in the process. Beran no longer suffers the movement or attack penalties for a broken hip and has 17 hit points to his credit. With time or additional healing, he can regain his normal total of 44. Repair injury is also helpful in dealing with wounds that fall in the crushed, shattered, or destroyed category. This spell reduces the severity of the injury to the broken level, which means it heals as if it were 20d6 lost hit points. Only one repair injury can be used on any given wound, so a character with a shattered knee could still require a lot of time to recover after an application of this spell. Severed limbs, destroyed eyes or ears, and ability score losses caused by injuries cannot be healed by this spell. Repair injury is the equivalent of cure serious wounds for the purpose of slowing or stopping bleeding. (Let what was broke now be fixed), CHANGED: RIgid Thinking -- Expression: Rigid thinking can be cast only upon a creature with Intelligence of 3 or greater. The creature is allowed a saving throw to avoid the effects. The creature affected by rigid thinking is in capable of performing any action other than the activity he is involved in when the spell takes effect. The creature's mind simply cannot decide on another course of action--it becomes frozen into a single thought and cannot change even if new circumstances would suggest otherwise. Thus, a warrior fighting a kobold will ignore the arrival of a beholder, and a thief picking a lock will pay no heed to the arrival of three guards. The affected creature does not mechanically repeat the action; he is not an automaton. He will not continue to fire his bow at a dragon if he runs out of arrows, but will choose another means of attacking the dragon to the exclusion of all other activities. A spellcaster in the process of casting a spell when rigid thinking takes effect will not attempt to repeat the spell (unless the spell has been memorized more than once). The spellcaster will, however, devote his attention to the target of that spell until his goal is met (e.g., if the caster were attacking a creature, he would continue to direct attacks at that creature; if the caster were trying to open a door, he would continue to work on the door until it opens). The spell expires when the creature accomplishes his goal (i.e., the kobold is killed or the lock is opened) or when the duration of the spell has ended. (null), CHANGED: Squeaking Floors -- Expression: A surface affected by squeaking floors squeaks loudly when any creature larger than a normal rat (larger than one-half cubic foot or weighing more than three pounds) steps on it or touches it. The spell affects a square whose sides equal the caster's level times 10 feet (a 9th-level priest could affect a square whose sides are 90 feet long). The squeaks can be heard in a 100-foot radius, regardless of interposing barriers such as walls and doors. The squeaks occur regardless of the surface, whether wood, stone, dirt, or any other solid material. Listeners automatically know the direction of the sounds. Characters who successfully move silently reduce the radius of the noise to 50 feet. Those able to fly or otherwise avoid direct contact with the affected surface will not activate the squeaking floor. (null), CHANGED: Strength of One -- Expression: By casting this spell on a group of lawful creatures, the priest imbues each creature with a Strength bonus equal to that of the strongest creature in the group. To be affected by the spell, all creatures must touch the hand of the priest at the time of casting. Only human, demihuman, and humanoid creatures of man-size or smaller may be affected. The characters can be a mixed group of Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Lawful Evil alignments. The spell will not take effect if any creature of Neutral or Chaotic alignment is included in the group. Prior to casting, one creature is designated the keystone. There may never be more than one keystone in a group, even if another creature has equal strength. Upon completion of the spell, all affected characters gain a bonus to damage equal to the keystone's bonus to damage from Strength. Any magical bonuses belonging to the keystone are not added; only the keystone's natural strength is conferred on the group. This bonus supersedes any bonus a character might normally receive. Thus, a warrior with 16 Strength (a +1 bonus to damage) who benefits from this spell with a keystone who has Strength 18/07 (a damage bonus of +3) gains a total bonus of +3 to damage (not +4 to damage). The keystone receives no bonus. Affected creatures gain no improvements to THAC0, bend bars/lift gates, or other functions of Strength. The spell ends if the keystone is killed before the duration expires. The bonus and duration are not affected if a member of the group is killed within the duration of the spell. (null), CHANGED: Thief's Lament -- Expression: A thief entering an area enchanted with thief's lament suffers a great reduction in his thieving skills. The thief is allowed a saving throw to resist the effects of the spell; failure indicates that he suffers the full effects of the lament. All attempts to pick pockets, open locks, find/remove traps, move silently, detect noise, climb walls, and hide in shadows are reduced by 25% (although a skill cannot be reduced below 5%, presuming the character has at least a score of 5% in any skill). The spell affects a cube whose sides equal the caster's level times five feet (a 10th-level caster could affect a cube whose sides equal 50 feet). (null), CHANGED: Unearthly Choir -- Expression: This cooperative spell requires at least three priests casting the spell simultaneously. At the time of casting, the priests must be within 10 feet of each other. Upon completion of the spell, the priests sing a single, dissonant chord. The result of the spell depends on the number of voices in the choir. Trio. In this form, the spell projects a cone of sonic force 120 feet long and 40 feet wide at the base. All creatures within the area of effect must save vs. spells or suffer 2d4 points of damage. Those who successfully save suffer only 1d4 points. Undead suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throws. Quartet. With four voices, the spell has the same area of effect as described above. However, all those who fail their saving throw suffer 2d4 points of damage and are deafened for one round. Those who successfully save suffer half damage and are not deafened. Undead creatures are not allowed a saving throw. Quintet. Five singers produce a chord of major power. All within the area of effect suffer 3d4 points of damage (saving throw for half damage). Undead are not allowed a saving throw. All creatures are deafened for one round. Furthermore, pottery, glassware, crystal, and similar breakable goods must save vs. fall or be shattered. Ensemble. An ensemble of singers consists of six to ten priests. In this case, the area of effect increases to a cone 180 feet long and 60 feet wide at the base. All creatures within this area suffer 1d4 points of damage per priest and are deafened for 1d4 rounds. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces the damage and duration of deafness by half. Undead creatures of 3 hit dice or less are immediately destroyed. All other undead suffer normal damage, but are not allowed a saving throw. Glass, pottery, crystal, bone, and all wooden items that are the strength of a door or less (chests, tables, chairs, etc.) must save vs. crushing blow or be shattered. Choir. The most powerful group, a choir, requires eleven or more priests. In this case, the area of effect expands to a cone 300 feet long and 100 feet wide at the base. All within the area of effect suffer 1d6 points of damage per priest to a maximum of 20d6. A saving throw vs. spells reduces the damage to half. Those who fail to save are deafened for 1d10 rounds; those who succeed are deafened only 1d6 rounds. Undead creatures of 5 hit dice or less are immediately destroyed. Undead with more hit dice are not allowed a saving throw. Structures within the area of effect are damaged as if they suffered a direct hit from a catapult (one hit per four priests in the choir). Doors, chests, and other breakable items are instantly shattered. (null), CHANGED: Adamantite Mace -- Expression: By means of this spell, the priest transmutes his own cudgel, mace, or staff into an enchanted weapon of adamantite. The adamntire mace gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls and can strike creatures hit by +4 weapons or less. As an incarnation of elemental earth, the mace inflicts up to twice the damage (roll damage dice twice) against creatures of elemental air and magical avians, such as griffons, perytons, pegasi, and winged baatezu or tanar’ri. The adamantite mace retains its special properties for one round per level of the caster. The material component is a special powder made from a diamond worth 100 gp, sprinkled over the weapon. (null), CHANGED: Addition -- Expression: The philosophy of the Sphere of Numbers holds that the structure of reality--the "equation of the moment"--can be analyzed and modified by someone with sufficient knowledge and power. The addition spell allows a priest to add a new mathematical term to the equation of the moment. This effectively allows a new object or even a living creature to be brought into existence temporarily. The effect of this spell varies depending on the level of the caster. At 10th level or lower, addition can create a single, inanimate object weighing up to 10 pounds. The spell gives the priest only rudimentary control over the creation process, so the object cannot be complex. The object must be described in a single word or short phrase (e.g., "a water pitcher" or "a block of stone"). The caster has no control over elements such as shape or color; thus, the water pitcher might be short, squat, and blue, or tall, slender, and red. Objects created with this spell cannot be of any greater mechanical complexity or technological level than a crossbow. If the priest tries to create an object that breaks this prohibition, the spell fails and nothing is created. Thus, if the priest tried to create "a pistol," assuming he had heard the word somewhere, the spell would fail. Objects cannot contain any information in an abstract form such as writing or diagrams. If the priest tries to create an object that breaks this prohibition, there are two possible results: the spell may fail, or the object may be created without the information. Thus, if the priest were to attempt to create "a spellbook," the result would be either a book similar to a spellbook with blank pages, or nothing at all. The object appears at whatever location the caster wills, as long as it is within spell range. The object cannot appear in the same space occupied by another object or creature, or within a hollow object (for example, the priest cannot create an object blocking the trachea of an enemy). The object created by addition remains in existence for 1 turn per level of the caster. During this time, it obeys all the laws of physics as if it were a "real" object. The object cannot be disbelieved and spells such as true seeing cannot distinguish it from a naturally-occurring object. Priests of 11th to 15th level can create a single inanimate object of up to 20 pounds in mass or two identical objects, each of up to five pounds in mass. The object(s) so created remains in existence for two hours (12 turns) per level of the caster. Priests of 16th to 19th level can create a single inanimate object of up to 50 pounds in mass or up to 10 identical objects, each of up to five pounds in mass. The object(s) is permanent unless destroyed. Since these objects are not magical constructs, but real additions to the "equation of the moment," dispel magic has no effect on them. Alternatively, the caster can create a single normal (nonmonstrous) living creature of up to 20 pounds in weight. The creature, once created, behaves as a normal member of its species; the caster has no control over its actions. This creature remains in existence for 5 rounds per level of the caster. Priests of 20th level and above can create a single inanimate object of up to 100 pounds in mass or up to 10 identical objects, each of up to 10 pounds in mass. The object(s) are permanent. Alternatively, the caster can create a single normal (nonmonstrous) living creature of up to 100 pounds in weight and up to 2 hit dice. The creature, once created, behaves as a normal member of its species; the caster has no control over its actions. This creature remains in existence for 2 turns per level of the caster. The material component is a small table of numerological formulae inscribed on an ivory plaque, plus a length of silken cord. During the casting, the priest ties the cord into a complex knot. As the magical energy is discharged, the cord vanishes in a flash of light. The plaque is not consumed in the casting. (null), CHANGED: Blessed Warmth -- Expression: When this spell is cast, a narrow shaft of light shines down upon the priest, making him immune to the effects of natural cold (such as a blizzard) and granting him a +3 bonus to saving throws vs. magical cold (such as a white dragon's breath weapon). For each level of the priest above 7th, an additional beam of light may be created to protect another creature, who must be standing within 3' of the priest. Thus, a 10th-level priest could protect four other creatures in a 3' radius. (null), CHANGED: Censure -- Expression: To enact this spell, the priest must touch the subject creature with his holy symbol. If a successful attack roll shows the priest has done so, the priest then, by word and gesture, “casts nut” the creature, which is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw fails, the creature is marked by the spell. The mark is visible tn the casting priest and all followers of the same faith. Priests of the same alignment who worship other deities cannot see the mark, but instinctively react to a censured creature with fear, hatred, and aversion and do not trust nor willingly aid it. Those of the caster’s faith refuse tn aid or even approach the censured creature. ignoring it if it attempts to deal with them and driving it away if it tries to enter a building, a home, or even a territory controlled by one who can see the mark Members of the caster’s faith strike at the marked creature if necessary to drive it away from places they control; they feel compelled to do so if the creature does not quickly leave after less violent means of persuasion are tried first. To those of the caster’s faith, the mark shines clearly through clothing and disguises, including magic such as alter self and shapeshifting, and even invisibility. However, the mark is invisible to the one bearing it-who may not even know of its existence if it was bestowed in a battle or while the creature was asleep or unconscious. Worshipers can thus readily spy upon and follow those marked as enemies even in crowds or busy city streets. The mark is revealed by detect magic or a similar spell and can readily he removed by means of a dispel magic spell. Priests are warned that misuse of such a spell brings about swift divine disfavor. (null), CHANGED: Circle of Privacy -- Expression: This spell helps to discourage predators and trespassers from disturbing a campsite. The caster sprinkles salt in a circle enclosing an area up to 50 feet in diameter. For the duration of the spell, all sounds and scents generated within the circle are muted, making the area less noticeable to those outside the circle. Therefore, the group's chance of encounter is reduced by 50% for the duration of the spell. The spell provides no protection against infravision or other forms of magical detection. (null), CHANGED: Cloak of Bravery -- Expression: The cloak of bravery spell can be cast upon any willing creature. The protected individual gains a bonus to his saving throw against any form of fear encountered (but not awe--an ability of some lesser and greater powers). When cast, the spell can affect one to four creatures (caster's choice). If only one is affected, the saving throw bonus is +4. If two are affected, the bonus is +3, and so forth, until four creatures are protected by a +1 bonus. The magic of the cloak of bravery spell works only once and then the spell ends, whether or not the creature's saving throw is successful. The spell ends after eight hours if no saving throw is required before then. The reverse of this spell, cloak of fear, empowers a single creature touched to radiate a personal aura of fear, at will, out to a 3-foot radius. All other characters and creatures within this aura must roll successful saving throws vs. spell or run away in panic for 2d8 rounds. Affected individuals may or may not drop items, at the DM's option. The spell has no effect upon undead of any sort. The effect can be used only once, and the spell expires after eight hours if not brought down sooner. Members of the recipient's party are not immune to the effects of the spell. (null), CHANGED: Cure Serious Wounds -- Expression: Let your wounds be cured {-2(d8+1)} (Let your wounds be cured {2d8+1}), CHANGED: Focus -- Expression: This spell creates the necessary conditions for devotional energy to be used. For faith magic to work, the priest must create a focus to harness the necessary devotional energy. This spell creates that focus. A focus cannot function without a source of devotional energy. The focus gathers devotional energy and reshapes it in order to amplify other spells cast by the priest (or priests). The same energy keeps the focus in existence. If the spell is cast and there is no immediate source of devotional energy within 100 feet, the focus immediately fails. Once created, most foci cannot be moved. This condition and the need for a constant supply of devotional energy tends to limit the use of foci to temples, churches, monasteries, shrines, and seminaries--permanent structures where followers of the religion gather on a regular basis. Sometimes a focus is created for a special gathering such as a holy day, conclave, grand wedding, or yearly festival. Not all foci are identical. The particular form of the focus depends on the power and nature of the spell being amplified. All foci can be seen by detect magic. There are three basic types of foci: site, item, and living. Site foci are connected to a place, whether a room, building, field, or forest. Once cast, the foci cannot be moved. It causes no disturbance in the surroundings; it is invisible and intangible. Item foci are centered on a single object. Customarily, this object is large and immovable, such as an altar, but it is possible for the focus to be as small as is practical. The item can be as elaborate or plain as desired, but should have some significance to the religion. Living foci are the rarest of all types. In this case, the focus is created on a living plant, animal, or person. Detect charm reveals the person is somehow enchanted, although not under the influence of a typical charm spell. The type of focus created (site, item, or living) depends on the religion and nature of the spell amplified. These choices are listed in Table 3: Focused Spell Effects. Casting the focus spell is a long and complicated process, accompanied by many ceremonies and rituals. During the day spent casting the spell, the priest will need the assistance of at least two other priests of the same faith. These aides need not memorize the spell (or even be capable of casting it). Their duty is to provide the extra hands and voices needed at specific points of the casting. A large number of worshipers must also be present since the focus requires their energy. Not surprisingly, the casting of this spell is often incorporated into important holy festivals or special occasions. The duration of the focus is one year. If the devotional energy falls below a minimum level, the spell ends sooner. A focus requires the devotional energy of at least 100 devout worshipers. Lay monks (those dedicated to the religion but not priests) count as two worshipers, while priests (of any level) count as ten. A focus could be maintained by a congregation of 100, a monastery of fifty, or a seminary of as few as 10 priests (or any combination of the above). The focus must receive this energy for at least 10 hours out of every day. If these conditions are not met, the focus weakens. The area of effect of the amplified spell decreases by 20% each day until it fades away completely. Once the focus is created, the priest or priests have 1 turn in which to cast the desired spell upon the focus. A focus can amplify only one spell, and each item, creature, or place can receive only one focus. Spells that can be cast upon a focus are listed on Table 3. Table 3: Focused Spell Effects Possible Focus Spell Type Anti-animal shell S/I/L Anti-plant shell S/I/L Bless S/I Control temperature, 10' radius S* Control winds S/I* Cure disease I/L Cure blindness or deafness I/L Detect poison S/I Detect lie I Detect magic I Dispel evil S/I Endure cold/endure heat S* Know alignment I/L Negative plane protection S/I Protection from evil S/I Protection from lightning S Protections from fire S Purify food and drink I Remove fear S/I/L Remove curse I Repel insects S/I Resist fire/resist cold S Speak with animals S/I/L Tongues S/I True seeing S * The caster must state a desired range (temperature, wind strength, etc.) within the spell's normal limitations at the time it is cast. Once the spell is cast, the normal duration and area of effect for that spell are ignored. The focus begins to increase these factors of the spell's power. After one day, the amplified spell reaches its full area of effect. Thereafter, it remains over that area until the focus fails. The area affected by the focus (and its amplified spell) depends on the level of the caster. The spell expands in a radius from the focus, 20 feet per level of the caster, although it can deliberately be created smaller. Within that area of effect, the amplified spell exerts its normal effect. A 13th-level priest could create a focus up to 260 feet in diameter. The material components are many, including special vestments, incense, oils, waters, and other equipment the DM deems appropriate. The cost of these materials is never less than 1,000 gp plus 100 gp per level of spell being amplified. These items are given up as offerings to the deity (perhaps to be distributed to the poor), and new ones must be obtained each time the spell is cast. (null), DELETED: Forify, 4, 4, null, --, 1, null, null. CHANGED: Free Action -- Expression: This spell enables the creature touched to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that impedes movement (such as web or slow spells) or while under water. It even negates or prevents the effects of paralysis and hold spells. Under water, the individual moves at normal (surface) speed and inflicts full damage, even with such cutting weapons as axes and swords and with such smashing weapons as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The free action spell does not, however, allow water breathing without further appropriate magic. (null), CHANGED: Imbue with Spell Ability -- Expression: By the use of this spell, the priest can transfer a limited number and selection of his currently memorized spells, and the ability to cast them, to another person. Only nonspellcasters (including rangers under 8th level and paladins under 9th level) can receive this bestowal; the imbue with spell ability enchantment does not function for those belonging to spellcasting classes, for unintelligent monsters, nor for any individual with less than 1 full Hit Die. In addition, the person thus imbued must have a Wisdom score of 9 or higher. Only priest spells of an informational or defensive nature or a cure light wounds spell can be transferred. Transferring any other spell type negates the entire attempt, including any allowable spells that were chosen. Higher level persons can receive more than one spell at the priest's option: Level of Recipient Spells Imbued 1 One 1st-level spell 3 Two 1st-level spells 5+ Two 1st- and one 2nd-level spells The transferred spell's variable characteristics (range, duration, area of effect, etc.) function according to the level of the priest originally imbuing the spell. A priest who casts imbue with spell ability upon another character loses the number of 1st- and 2nd-level spells he has imbued until the recipient uses the transferred spells or is slain. For example, a 7th-level priest with five 1st- and four 2nd-level spells imbues a 10th-level fighter with a cure light wounds spell and a slow poison spell. The cleric now can have only four 1st-level spells memorized until the cure is cast and only three 2nd-level spells until the slow poison is cast, or until the fighter is killed. In the meantime, the priest remains responsible to his ethos for the use to which the spell is put. (null), CHANGED: Join with Astral Travler -- Expression: When a priest casts the 7th-level astral spell, he leaves his physical body in suspended animation while his astral body travels. By touching the comatose body and casting join with astral traveler, a priest can cause his own astral body to leave his physical body in suspended animation. His astral body then travels along the silver cord of the originally projected priest. The caster joins the projected priest as if he were part of the original casting of the astral spell; i.e., his own silver cord is connected to the priest's silver cord, and he is dependent upon the originally projected priest. A priest who casts the 7th-level astral spell can project as many as seven other creatures along with himself. However, priests casting join with astral traveler are an exception to this limit. Any number of priests may join another priest in the Astral plane by use of this spell. (null), CHANGED: Lower Water -- Expression: The lower water spell causes water or similar fluid in the area of effect to sink away to a minimum depth of 1 inch. The depth can be lowered by up to 2 feet for every experience level of the priest. The water is lowered within a square area whose sides are 10 feet long per caster level. Thus, an 8th-level priest affects a volume up to 16 feet x 80 feet x 80 feet, a 9th-level caster affects a volume up to 18 feet x 90 feet x 90 feet, and so on. In extremely large and deep bodies of water, such as deep ocean, the spell creates a whirlpool that sweeps ships and similar craft downward, putting them at risk and rendering them unable to leave by normal movement for the duration of the spell. When cast on water elementals and other water-based creatures, this spell acts as a slow spell: The creature moves at half speed and makes half its usual number of attacks each round. The spell has no effect on other creatures. Its reverse, raise water, causes water or similar fluids to return to their highest natural level: spring flood, high tide, etc. This can make fords impassable, float grounded ships, and may even sweep away bridges at the DM's option. It negates lower water and vice versa. (null), CHANGED: Recitation -- Expression: By reciting a sacred passage or declmtion, the priest invokes his deity’s blessing upon himself and his allies, while causing confusion and weakness among his enemies. All creatures within the area of effect at the instant of the spell’s completion are affected. Allies of the priest gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws, or a +3 bonus if they are of the same faith (not just alignment) as the caster. Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. After the recitation, the priest is free to take further actions during the spell’s duration as he sees fit-he need not concentrate to maintain the spell. As a result, it is possible for the priest to cast a prayer spell, which increases the bonuses and penalties provided to +3 and -3 respectively. If another priest is using chant at the same time, then the bonuses and penalties given by it are also allwed to add to the total. (null), CHANGED: Repel Insects -- Expression: Eww...bugs! Be gone already. When this spell is cast, the priest creates an invisible barrier to all sorts of insects, and normal insects do not approach within 10 feet of the caster while the spell is in effect. Giant insects with Hit Dice less than 1/3 of the caster's experience level are also repelled (for example, 2 Hit Dice for 7th- to 9th-level casters, 3 Hit Dice at 10th through 12th level, etc.). Insects with more Hit Dice can enter the protected area if the insect is especially aggressive and, in addition, rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell. Those that do sustain 1d6 points of damage from passing through the magical barrier. Note that the spell does not in any way affect arachnids, myriapods, and similar creatures--it affects only true insects. (Eww...bugs! Be gone already), CHANGED: Spell Immunity -- Expression: By means of this spell, the priest renders a creature touched immune to the effects of a specified spell of 4th level or lower. It protects against spells, spell-like effects of magical items, and innate spell-like abilities of creatures. It does not protect against breath weapons or gaze attacks of any type. The spell has several additional limitations. First, the caster must have directly experienced the effect of the specified spell. For example, if the caster has been attacked by a fireball spell at some time, he can use the spell immunity spell to provide protection from a fireball. Second, the spell cannot affect a creature already magically protected by a potion, protective spell, ring, or other device. Third, only a particular spell can be protected against, not a certain sphere of spells or a group of spells that are similar in effect; thus, a creature given immunity to the lightning bolt spell is still vulnerable to a shocking grasp spell. The material component for spell immunity is the same as that for the spell to be protected against. (null), CHANGED: Tree Steed -- Expression: Hi-Ho Maple!This spell enchants a log, plank, or similar piece of wood to become a temporary steed. The log or plank must be at least one foot wide, three inches thick, and three to ten feet long. Any type of wood is suitable. When the spell is cast, the log sprouts four wooden, horselike legs. The tree steed may be ridden like a normal horse and may be used to carry equipment. The tree steed can carry up to 600 pounds of riders and gear before breaking. If the tree steed breaks under the weight of the riders or gear, the enchantment instantly ends and the tree steed again becomes a normal (although broken) log or plank. The tree steed obeys all of the caster's verbal commands to move, slow, speed up, stop, and turn. It has a movement rate of 12 on land. It can move in the water (Sw 6), floating on the surface and paddling with its legs. The tree steed must remain within 10 yards of the caster in order to move; if the distance between the tree steed and the caster exceeds 10 yards, the tree steed stops until the caster is again within range. The tree steed will not fight for the caster and is incapable of any action other than movement. The tree steed does not become fatigued and does not eat. It has all the vulnerabilities of normal wood, including fire, and can be damaged by both magical and physical attacks. It has AC 8 and 20 hit points. (Hi-Ho Maple!), CHANGED: Uplift -- Expression: Uplift bestows increased spellcasting ability on one priest, including additional spells per level and use of spells beyond the caster's normal level. This cooperative spell requires two priests who must spend the day casting this spell. During the casting, the priests must decide which additional spells (of all levels) are desired. Upon completion of the casting, the priests touch palms, and the priest of higher level receives a charge of magical energy. This charge temporarily boosts the level of the priest for spellcasting purposes. The amount of increase is one level per five levels of the lower level caster (fractions rounded up). If both priests are of equal level, the casters must decide who benefits from the spell. The spell grants the priest the spellcasting ability of the new level. It does not improve hit points, attack rolls, or other abilities. If the increase allows more spells per level, the additional spells are instantly placed in the character's memory. A priest is also enabled to cast spells normally beyond his level. Range, duration, area of effect, and other variables are all based on the character's temporary level. The increased effect lasts only 1 turn. At the end of the turn, all additional spells are lost and the character reverts to his normal level. As an example, consider a party with a fallen comrade. The two priests in the party are 7th and 8th level, both unable to cast raise dead. After a night's rest, each priest adds uplift to his memorized spells. After casting the spell, the 8th-level priest suddenly gains the casting abilities of a 10th-level priest, including the ability to cast raise dead. At the end of one turn, the priest's abilities revert to 8th-level. Casting this spell is an arduous task, causing a severe drain on the priests. When the spell expires, the uplifted character suffers 2d6 points of damage from mental exhaustion. This damage cannot be healed by any means until the character has had at least eight hours of rest. (null), CHANGED: Windborne -- Expression: This spell provides a priest of Elemental Air with the ability to conjure a powerful column of wind that can bear his weight, permitting him to fly or glide for long distances. If used from a high place such as a mountainside or tower, the caster can glide a maximum horizontal distance of 20 feet per foot of initial altitude-for example, if the priest used this spell and launched himself from a hilltop 800 feet high, be could glide a maximum distance of 16,000 feet, or ahout 3 miles. If windborne is cast hy a priest on level ground, the initial gust cames him aloft to a maximum altitude of 10 feetper caster level. From that point, he can then glide 10 feet per foot of initial altitude. For example, a 7th-level priest would ascend to an altitude of 70 feet and thus be able to glide for a total horizontal distance of 700 feet. He can choose to glide for a much shorter distance, hut never less than his initial altitude. While gliding, the priest moves at a rate of 15 (or ahout 450 feet) with a maneuverability class of D. Each round, he drops between 20 and 40 feet. He can choose to descend at a much more rapid pace, dropping up to 200 feet per round, without risk of a damaging impact upon landing. The caster doesn’t gain a mastery ofAerial Combat With this spell and suffers a -2 penalty to his attack rolls and Armor Class if he becomes involved in combat while gliding. (null), CHANGED: Air Walk -- Expression: This will be much nicer than the rough ground. This spell enables a creature, which can be as big as the largest giant, to tread upon air as if it were walking on solid ground. Moving upward is similar to walking up a hill. A maximum upward angle of 45 degrees is possible at one-half the creature's movement rate, as is a maximum downward angle of 45 degrees at the normal movement rate. An air-walking creature is in control of its movement, except when a strong wind is blowing. In this case, the creature gains or loses 10 feet of movement for every 10 miles per hour of wind velocity. The creature can, at the DM's option, be subject to additional penalties in exceptionally strong or turbulent winds, such as loss of control of movement or suffering physical damage. The spell can be placed upon a trained mount, so it can be ridden through the air. Of course, a mount not accustomed to such movement would certainly need careful and lengthy training, the details for which are up to the DM. (This will be much nicer than the rough ground), DELETED: |Animate Flame, 5, 5, null, --, 1, null, null. CHANGED: Anti-Plant Shell -- Expression: The anti-plant shell spell creates an invisible, mobile barrier that keeps all creatures within the shell protected from attacking plants or vegetable creatures such as shambling mounds or treants. Any attempt to force the barrier against such creatures shatters the barrier immediately. The spell lasts for one turn for each experience level of the caster. (null), CHANGED: Blessed Abundance -- Expression: This spell allows a priest to duplicate a specified amount of animal or vegetable matter. Magical items and minerals (including rocks, metals, and gemstones) cannot be duplicated. Although organic materials (such as food or living plants) can be duplicated, living creatures cannot be copied by this spell. The caster can create 1 cubic foot of material per his experience level. The material to be duplicated must be equal to or less than 1 cubic foot in size or volume. For example, a 9th-level priest can create up to 9 cubic feet of animal or vegetable matter. Using a loaf of bread 1 cubic foot in size, he can produce nine such loaves; using a bucket of apples totaling 1 cubic foot in volume, he can create nine such buckets. (null), CHANGED: Clear Path -- Expression: Let that which is obstructing be moved.This spell clears away weeds, stones, and other debris in a 10-foot-wide path extending 10 feet in front of the caster. The caster can create a continuous path for the duration of the spell, clearing a 10-foot-square ahead of him as long as he continues to move forward. The spell affects jungles, forests, rocky ground, and snow. The result of the cleared path is that movement costs are reduced by half. This is reflected in a reduction of the penalty against movement in rough terrain. (See Table 74 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for terrain costs for movement.) For example, if clear path is used in heavy jungle, the movement cost is reduced from 8 to 4. In no case can clear path reduce movement cost below 1. Clear path has no effect on rivers, lakes, or other bodies of water, nor does it affect quicksand, lava, or similar natural obstacles. It also has no effect on magically-created terrain or manmade barricades. A priest using the clear path spell can be tracked easily. Tracking proficiency is not required. The material components are a knife blade and a straw from a broom. The reverse, clutter path, causes weeds, small stones, and similar debris to litter a 10-foot path extending 10 feet behind the caster. This hides a trail, making tracking more difficult. The caster can create a continuous path for the duration of the spell. The chance to successfully track on a cluttered path is reduced by 50%. (Let that which is obstructing be moved), CHANGED: Cloud of Purification -- Expression: This spell creates a billowy cloud of magical vapors that moves in the direction of the prevailing wind at a rate of 20 feet per round. A strong wind (greater than 15 miles per hour) breaks it up in 4 rounds, and a greater wind (25 MPH or more) prevents the use of the spell. Thick vegetation disperses the cloud in 2 rounds. The cloud of purification transmutes organic filth, garbage, and vermin (mice, rats, rot grubs, and so on) into an equal quantity of pure water. For example, a nest of rot grubs caught in the cloud would "melt," becoming small puddles of clean water. If the spell is cast over a body of water, the cloud merges with a portion of the water equal to its own size, transmuting any filth, microbes, small fish, or other "impurities" into clean water. The cloud's vapors are heavier than air, so they sink to the lowest level of the land (even down holes in the ground). Thus, this spell is perfect for cleansing a sewer or well. (null), CHANGED: Control Winds -- Expression: By means of a control winds spell, the caster is able to alter wind force in the area of effect. For every three levels of experience, the caster can increase or decrease wind force by one level of strength. Wind strengths are as follows: Wind Force Miles Per Hour Light Breeze 2-7 Moderate Breeze 8-18 Strong Breeze 19-31 Gale 32-54 Storm 55-72 Hurricane 73-176 Winds in excess of 19 miles per hour drive small flying creatures--those eagle-sized and under--from the skies, severely affect missile accuracy, and make sailing difficult. Winds in excess of 32 miles per hour drive even man-sized flying creatures from the skies and cause minor ship damage. Winds in excess of 55 miles per hour drive all flying creatures from the skies, uproot small trees, knock down wooden structures, tear off roofs, and endanger ships. Winds in excess of 73 miles per hour are of hurricane force. An "eye" of 40-foot radius, in which the wind is calm, exists around the caster. Note that while the spell can be used underground, if the spell is cast in an area smaller than the area of effect, the eye shrinks 1 foot for every foot of confinement. For example, if the area of effect is a 360-foot area, the eye shrinks by 10 feet to a 30-foot radius; a space under 320 feet in a radius would eliminate the eye and subject the spellcaster to the effects of the wind. Once the spell is cast, the wind force increases or decreases by 3 miles per hour per round until the maximum or minimum speed is attained. The caster, with one round of complete concentration, can stabilize the wind at its current strength, or set it to increase or decrease. However, the rate of the change cannot be altered. The spell remains in force for one turn for each level of experience of the caster. When the spell is exhausted, the force of the wind wanes or waxes at the same rate, until it reaches the level it was at before the spell took effect. Another caster can use a control winds spell to counter the effects of a like spell up to the limits of his own ability. (null), CHANGED: Cure Critical Wounds -- Expression: Let these wounds be healed! {-3(d8+3)} (Let these wounds be healed! {3d8+3}), CHANGED: Dispel Evil -- Expression: Evil will be purged from this space. The priest using this spell causes a summoned creature of evil nature, an evil creature from another plane, or a creature summoned by an evil caster, to return to its own plane or place when the caster successfully strikes it in melee combat. Examples of such creatures are aerial servants, djinn, efreet, elementals, and invisible stalkers. An evil enchantment (such as a charm spell cast by an evil creature) that is subject to a normal dispel magic spell can be automatically dispelled by the dispel evil spell. This spell lasts for a maximum of one round for each experience level of the caster, or until expended. While the spell is in effect, all creatures that could be affected by it fight with a -7 penalty to their attack rolls when engaging the spellcaster. (Evil will be purged from this space), CHANGED: Easy March -- Expression: This spell enables a number of creatures equal to the caster's level to force march for a number of days equal to the caster's level. Creatures affected by easy march can travel 2 ½ times their normal movement rate without any risk of fatigue; thus, they are not required to make a Constitution check at the end of the day. All creatures affected by this spell suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls for the duration of the spell; this modifier is not cumulative (that is, a party experiencing its second day of easy march suffers only a -1 penalty). The modifier cannot be negated by resting. Easy march has no effect on modifiers to movement due to terrain, fatigue, weather, or other normal factors. (Refer to Chapter 14 of the Player's Handbook for more about force marching.) (null), CHANGED: Flame Strike -- Expression: "Hold still, this will only hurt until the burns heal! {6d8}"Range: 60 yds. Area of Effect: 5 ft. radius x 30 ft. column ("Hold still, this will only hurt until the burns heal! {6d8}"), CHANGED: IMpregnable Mind -- Expression: This spell guards the spell recipient against magical or psionic attacks that affect the mind. This includes beguiling, charm, domination, feeblemind, hold, and similar effects, as well as most telepathic psionic powers and attacks. Against magical influences, impregnable mind grants a +4 bonus to saving thmws: if the attack normally allows no saving throw, the spell recipient can attempt one at no modrier, Against telepathic psionics, the spell inflicts a -6 penalty to the attacking psionicist’s power checks, making it more likely that a psionic attack or telepathic contact will fail. Impregnable mind offers no protection against nontelepathic psionics, such as a telekinetic thrashing or other psionics that affect the body. (null), CHANGED: Insect Plague -- Expression: You like bugs? Here have a few hundred dozen! When this spell is cast by the priest, a horde of creeping, hopping, and flying insects gather and swarm in a thick cloud. In an environment free of normal insects, the spell fails. The insects obscure vision, limiting it to 10 feet. Spellcasting within the cloud is impossible. Creatures in the insect plague, regardless of Armor Class, sustain 1 point of damage for each round they remain within, due to the bites and stings of the insects. Invisibility is no protection. All creatures with 2 or fewer Hit Dice will automatically move at their fastest possible speed in a random direction until they are more than 240 yards away from the insects. Creatures with fewer than 5 Hit Dice must check morale; failure means they run as described above. Heavy smoke drives off insects within its bounds. Fire also drives insects away. For example, a wall of fire in a ring shape keeps a subsequently cast insect plague outside its confines, but a fireball spell simply clears insects from its blast area for one round. A single torch is ineffective against this vast horde of insects. Lightning, cold, or ice are likewise ineffective, while a strong wind that covers the entire plague area disperses the insects and ends the spell. The plague lasts two rounds for each level of the caster, and thereafter the insects disperse. The insects swarm in an area that centers around a summoning point determined by the spellcaster. The point can be up to 120 yards away from the priest. The insect plague does not move thereafter for as long as it lasts. Note that the spell can be countered by a dispel magic spell. (You like bugs? Here have a few hundred dozen!), CHANGED: Meld -- Expression: This cooperative spell requires only one priest to cast it, but can be cast only on another priest of the same faith. The recipient of the spell must voluntarily surrender himself to the spell. The recipient becomes a host for the caster. While the recipient does not lose his own persona or ability to act, the host can be dominated by the caster at any time. For the most part, this domination is complete. For the duration of the spell, the caster is essentially detached from his own body. He can neither move nor act on his own. His mind is connected to the host's. He sees, hears, smells, tastes, and otherwise senses everything the host does. He can telepathically communicate with the host. Once the spell is completed, there is no limit to the range over which it can function. However, both the caster and host must remain on the same plane. Since the spell relies on telepathic communication, thin lead sheeting will effectively block the connection. When desired, the caster can dominate the host. When this happens, the host's own mind is pushed to the background and the caster's personality dominates. The host's personality, memories, proficiencies, and spells are temporarily replaced by those of the caster. While occupying the host, the caster can cast any spell he himself has memorized, provided that the necessary components are on hand. These spells function exactly as if the priest had cast them from his own body. The caster can return control to the host at any time, restoring the character's abilities and personality without harm. The spell is not without limitations and risks. The domination must be voluntary. If the host resists the casting of the spell, it automatically fails. Once the spell is in effect, the host can attempt to resist the domination. He is then allowed a saving throw. If successful, the spell immediately ends. Whenever the host suffers damage, the caster must make a saving throw vs. death to maintain the spell. If the save is failed, a wave of pain is transmitted to the priest, causing 1d6 points of damage and canceling the spell. If the host should die, the caster must make a system shock roll with the risk of suffering instant death. The material component is a chalice worth no less than 1,000 gp. This chalice must be given as a gift to the host (who cannot return it to the donor for any reason). (null), CHANGED: Moonbeam -- Expression: By means of this spell, the caster is able to cause a beam of soft, pale light to strike down from overhead and illuminate whatever area he is pointing at. The light is exactly the same as moonlight, so that colors other than shades of black, gray, or white are vague. The spellcaster can easily make the moonbeam move to any area that he can see and point to. This makes the spell an effective way to spotlight something, an opponent, for example. While the moonbeam spell does not eliminate all shadows, a creature centered in a moonbeam is most certainly visible. The reflected light from this spell enables dim visual perception 10 yards beyond the area of effect, but it does not shed a telltale glow that would negate surprise. The light does not adversely affect infravision. The caster can dim the beam to near darkness if desired. The beam has, in addition, all the properties of true moonlight and can induce a lycanthropic change (of a creature in the beam), unless the DM rules otherwise. (null), CHANGED: Plane Shift -- Expression: When the plane shift spell is cast, the priest moves himself or some other creature to another plane of existence. The recipient of the spell remains in the new plane until sent forth by some like means. If several persons link hands in a circle, up to eight can be affected by the plane shift at the same time. The material component of this spell is a small, forked metal rod. The size and metal type dictates to which plane of existence, including sub-planes and alternate dimensions, the spell sends the affected creatures. The DM will determine specifics regarding how and what planes are reached. An unwilling victim must be touched (successful attack roll) to be sent. In addition, the creature is also allowed a saving throw. If the saving throw is successful, the effect of the spell is negated. Note that pinpoint accuracy is rarely achieved; arriving at a random distance from an intended destination is common. (null), CHANGED: Quest -- Expression: The quest spell enables the priest to require the affected creature to perform a service and return to the priest with proof that the deed was accomplished. The quest can, for example, require that the creature locate and return some important or valuable object, rescue a notable person, release some creature, capture a stronghold, slay a person, deliver some item, and so forth. If the quest is not properly followed, due to disregard, delay, or perversion, the creature affected by the spell loses 1 from its saving throw rolls for each day of such action. This penalty is not removed until the quest is properly pursued or the priest cancels it. There are certain circumstances that will temporarily suspend a quest, and others that will discharge or cancel it. The DM will give you appropriate information as the need to know arises. If cast upon an unwilling subject, the victim is allowed a saving throw. However, if the person quested agrees to a task--even if the agreement is gained by force or trickery--no saving throw is allowed. If a quest is just and deserved, a creature of the priest's religion cannot avoid it, and any creature of the priest's alignment saves with a -4 penalty to the saving throw. A quest cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed by a priest of the same religion or of higher level than the caster. Some artifacts and relics might negate the spell, as can direct intervention by a deity. Likewise, an unjust or undeserved quest grants bonuses to saving throws, or might even automatically fail. (null), CHANGED: Rainbow -- Expression: To cast this spell, the priest must be in sight of a rainbow, or have a special component (see below). The rainbow spell has two applications, and the priest can choose the desired one at the time of casting. These applications are as follows: Bow: The spell creates a shimmering, multi-layered short composite bow of rainbow hues. It is light and easy to pull, so that any character can use it without penalty for non-proficiency. It is magical: Each of its shimmering missiles is the equivalent of a +2 weapon, including attack and damage bonuses. Magic resistance can negate the effect of any missile fired from the bow. The bow fires seven missiles before disappearing. It can be fired up to four times per round. Each time a missile is fired, one hue leaves the bow, corresponding to the color of arrow that is released. Each color of arrow has the ability to cause double damage to certain creatures, as follows: Red--fire dwellers/users and fire elementals Orange--creatures or constructs of clay, sand, earth, stone or similar materials, and earth elementals Yellow--vegetable opponents (including fungus creatures, shambling mounds, treants, etc.) Green--aquatic creatures, electricity-using creatures, and air elementals Indigo--acid-using or poison-using creatures Violet--metallic or regenerating creatures When the bow is drawn, an arrow of the appropriate color magically appears, nocked and ready. If no color is requested, or a color that has already been used is asked for, then the next arrow (in the order of the spectrum) appears. Bridge: The caster causes the rainbow to form a seven-hued bridge up to 3 feet wide per level of the caster. It must be at least 20 feet long and can be as long as 120 yards, according to the caster's desire. It lasts as long as the spell's duration or until ordered out of existence by the caster. The components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a vial of holy water. If no rainbow is in the vicinity, the caster can substitute a diamond of not less than 1,000 gp value, specially prepared with bless and prayer spells while in sight of a rainbow. The holy water and diamond disappear when the spell is cast. (null), CHANGED: Spike Stones -- Expression: The spike stones spell causes rock to shape itself into long, sharp points that tend to blend into the background. It is effective on both natural rock and worked stone. The spike stones serve to impede progress through an area and to inflict damage. If an area is carefully observed, each observer is 25% likely to notice the sharp points of rock. Otherwise, those entering the spell's area of effect suffer 1d4 points of damage per round. The success of each attack is determined as if the caster of the spell were actually engaging in combat. Those entering the area are subject to attack immediately upon setting foot in the area and for each round spent in the area thereafter. The initial step enables the individual to become aware of some problem only if the initial attack succeeds; otherwise movement continues and the spike stones remain unnoticed until damage occurs. Charging or running victims suffer two attacks per round. Those falling into pits affected by spike stones suffer six such attacks for every 10 feet fallen, each attack having a +2 bonus to the attack roll. In addition, the damage inflicted by each attack increases by +2 for every 10 feet fallen. Finally, the creatures also suffer normal falling damage. (null), CHANGED: Transmute Rock to Mud -- Expression: "If it's solid, we can make it mushy...if it's mushy we can make it solid!"This spell turns natural rock of any sort into an equal volume of mud. If it is cast upon a rock, for example, the rock affected collapses into mud. Magical or enchanted stone is not affected by the spell. The depth of the mud created cannot exceed 10 feet. Creatures unable to levitate, fly, or otherwise free themselves from the mud sink at the rate of 1/3 of their height per round and eventually suffocate, save for lightweight creatures that could normally pass across such ground. Brush thrown atop the mud can support creatures able to climb on top of it, with the amount required decided by the DM. Creatures large enough to walk on the bottom can move through the area at a rate of 10 feet per round. The mud remains until a successful dispel magic or transmute mud to rock spell restores its substance--but not necessarily its form. Evaporation turns the mud to normal dirt at a rate of 1d6 days per 10 cubic feet. The exact time depends on exposure to the sun, wind, and normal drainage. The reverse, transmute mud to rock, hardens normal mud or quicksand into soft stone (sandstone or similar mineral) permanently unless magically changed. Creatures in the mud are allowed a saving throw to escape before the area is hardened to stone. Dry sand is unaffected. ("If it's solid, we can make it mushy...if it's mushy we can make it solid!"), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Cast Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Expression: The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it. (Let's see them get through this!), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- # Memorized: 3 (--), CHANGED: Animate Object -- Expression: This powerful spell enables the priest casting it to imbue inanimate objects with mobility and a semblance of life. The animated object, or objects, then attacks whomever or whatever the priest first designates. The animated object can be of any nonmagical material whatsoever[md]wood, metal, stone, fabric, leather, ceramic, glass, etc. Attempting to animate an object in someone's possession grants that person a saving throw to prevent the spell's effect. The speed of movement of the object depends on its means of propulsion and its weight. A large wooden table would be rather heavy, but its legs would give it speed. A rug could only slither along. A jar would roll. Thus a large stone pedestal would rock forward at 10 feet per round, a stone statue would move at 40 feet per round, a wooden statue 80 feet per round, an ivory stool of light weight would move at 120 feet per round. Slithering movement is about 10 feet to 20 feet per round; rolling is 30 feet to 60 feet per round. The damage caused by the attack of an animated object depends on its form and composition. Light, supple objects can only obscure vision, obstruct movement, bind, trip, smother, etc. Light, hard objects can fall upon or otherwise strike for 1d2 points of damage or possibly obstruct and trip, as do light, supple objects. Hard, medium-weight objects can crush or strike for 2d4 points of damage, while larger and heavier objects may inflict 3d4, 4d4, or even 5d4 points of damage. The frequency of attack of animated objects depends on their method of locomotion, appendages, and method of attack. This varies from as seldom as once every five melee rounds to as frequently as once per round. The Armor Class of the object per round. The Armor Class of the object animated is basically a function of material and movement ability. Damage depends on the type of weapon is effective against fabric, leather, wood, and like substances. Heavy smashing and crushing weapons are useful against wood, stone, and metal objects. Your DM will determine all of these factors, as well as how much damage the animated object can sustain before being destroyed. The priest can animate one cubic foot of material for each experience level he has attained. Thus, a 14th-level priest could animate one or more objects whose solid volume did not exceed 14 cubic feet[md]a large statue, two rugs, three chairs, or a dozen average crocks. (null), CHANGED: Anti-animal Shell -- Expression: By casting this spell, the caster brings into being a hemispherical force field that prevents the entrance of any sort of living creature that is wholly or partially animal (not magical or extraplanar). Thus a sprite, a giant, or a chimera would be kept out, but undead or conjured creatures could pass through the shell of force, as could such monsters as aerial servants, imps, quasits, golems, elementals, etc. The anti-animal shell functions normally against crossbreeds, such as cambions, and lasts for one turn for each level of experience the caster has attained. Forcing the barrier against creatures strains and ultimately collapses the field. (null), CHANGED: Blade Barrier -- Expression: The priest employs this spell to set up a wall of circling, razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash around a central point, creating an immobile barrier. Any creature attempting to pass through the blade barrier suffers 8d8 points of damage. The plane of rotation of the blades can be horizontal, vertical, or in between. Creatures within the area of the barrier when it is invoked are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. If this is successful, the blades are avoided and no damage is suffered; the creature escapes the area of the blade barrier by the shortest possible route. The barrier remains for three rounds for every experience level of the priest casting it. The barrier can cover an area from as small as 5 feet square to as large as 60 feet square. (null), CHANGED: Conjure Fire Elemental -- Expression: "By the power of my deity Gobinhinu, I call upon the spirit of fire"Upon casting a conjure fire elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the elemental plane of Fire, and a fire elemental is summoned to the vicinity of the spellcaster. It is 65% likely that a 12 Hit Dice elemental appears, 20% likely that a 16 Hit Dice elemental appears, 9% likely that two to four salamanders appear, 4% likely that an efreeti appears, and 2% likely that a huge fire elemental of 21 to 24 Hit Dice appears. The caster need not fear that the elemental force summoned will turn on him, so concentration upon the activities of the fire elemental (or other creatures summoned) or protection from the creature is not necessary. The elemental summoned helps the caster however possible, including attacking the caster's opponents. The fire elemental or other creature summoned remains for a maximum of one turn per level of the caster, or until it is slain, sent back by a dispel magic spell, the reverse of this spell, dismiss fire elemental, or similar magic. ("By the power of my deity Gobinhinu, I call upon the spirit of fire"), CHANGED: Fire Seeds -- Expression: The fire seeds spell creates special missiles or timed incendiaries that burn with great heat. The spell can be cast to create either fire seed missiles or fire seed incendiaries, as chosen when the spell is cast. Fire seed missiles: This casting turns up to four acorns into special grenadelike missiles that can be hurled up to 40 yards. An attack roll is required to strike the intended target, and proficiency penalties are considered. Each acorn bursts upon striking any hard surface, causing 2d8 points of damage and igniting any combustible materials within a 10-foot diameter of the point of impact. If a successful saving throw vs. spell is made, a creature within the burst area receives only one-half damage, but a creature struck directly suffers full damage (i.e., no saving throw). Fire seed incendiaries: This casting turns up to eight holly berries into special incendiaries. The holly berries are most often placed, being too light to make effective missiles. They can be tossed only up to 6 feet away. They burst into flame if the caster is within 40 yards and speaks a word of command. The berries instantly ignite, causing 1d8 points of damage to any creature and igniting any combustible within a 5-foot-diameter burst area. Creatures within the area that successfully save vs. spell suffer half damage. All fire seeds lose their power after a duration equal to one turn per experience level of the caster--e.g., the seeds of a 13th-level caster remain potent for a maximum of 13 turns after their creation. (null), CHANGED: Forbiddance -- Expression: This spell can be used to secure a consecrated area (see the Dungeon Master Guide). The spell seals the area from teleportation, plane shifting, and ethereal penetration. At the option of the caster, the ward can be locked by a password, in which case it can be entered only by those speaking the proper words. Otherwise, the effect on those entering the enchanted area is based on their alignment, relative to the caster's. The most severe penalty is used. Alignment identical: No effect. If password locked, cannot enter area unless password is known (no saving throw). Alignment different with respect to law and chaos: Save vs. spell to enter the area; if failed, suffer 2d6 points of damage. If password locked, cannot enter unless password is known. Alignment different with respect to good and evil: Save vs. spell to enter this area; if failed, suffer 4d6 points of damage. If word locked, cannot enter unless password is known. The attempt does cause damage if the save is failed. Once a saving throw is failed, an intruder cannot enter the forbidden area until the spell ceases. The ward cannot be dispelled by a caster of lesser level than the one who established it. Intruders who enter by rolling successful saving throws feel uneasy and tense, despite their success. In addition to the priest's holy symbol, components include holy water and rare incenses worth at least 1,000 gp per 60-foot cube. If a password lock is desired, this also requires the burning of rare incenses worth at least 5,000 gp per 60-foot cube. (null), CHANGED: Heal -- Expression: Let the healing power be cast upon you. The very potent heal spell enables the priest to wipe away disease and injury in the creature who receives the benefits of the spell. It completely cures all diseases or blindness of the recipient and heals all points of damage suffered due to wounds or injury. It dispels a feeblemind spell. It cures those mental disorders caused by spells or injury to the brain. Naturally, the effects can be negated by later wounds, injuries, and diseases. (Let the healing power be cast upon you), CHANGED: Heroes' Feast -- Expression: Let us sit at this great table and share a great feast to heal our wounds and fortify our spiritsThis spell enables the priest to bring forth a great feast that serves as many creatures as the priest has levels of experience. The spell creates a magnificent table, chairs, service, and all the necessary food and drink. The feast takes one full hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until after this hour is over. Those partaking of the feast are cured of all diseases, are immune to poison for 12 hours, and are healed of 1d4+4 points of damage after imbibing the nectarlike beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosialike food that is consumed is equal to a bless spell that lasts for 12 hours. Also, during this same period, the people who consumed the feast are immune to fear, hopelessness, and panic. If the feast is interrupted for any reason, the spell is ruined and all effects of the spell are negated. The material components of the spell are the priest's holy symbol and specially fermented honey taken from the cells of bee larvae destined for royal status. (Let us sit at this great table and share a great feast to heal our wounds and fortify our spirits), CHANGED: Monster Mount -- Expression: This spell compels one or more living creatures to serve as mounts for the caster and his companions. The spell affects up to 10 Hit Dice or levels of creatures with Intelligence of 4 or lower. Creatures used as mounts must be of suitable size to carry at least one rider; smaller creatures can be used as pack animals.Each intended mount receives a saving throw vs. spell. Creatures failing their rolls become docile and obedient, allowing riders to mount them, and moving at the speed and direction indicated by the caster. To maintain the enchantment, the caster must remain within 10 yards of one of the affected creatures, and each affected creature must remain within 10 yards of another. The affected creatures will do nothing for the caster other than carrying riders and gear; they will not fight (although they will fight to defend themselves), nor will they intentionally endanger themselves. Any overtly hostile act by the caster or a rider against any mount breaks the enchantment for all the mounts.Range: 30 yards Duration: hours. Area of Effect: 20-foot radius circle (null), CHANGED: Part Water -- Expression: By employing a part water spell, the priest is able to cause water or similar liquid to move apart, thus forming a trough. The depth and length of the trough created by the spell depends on the level of the priest. A trough 3 feet deep per caster level, by 30 yards wide, by 20 yards long per level is created. Thus at 12th level, the priest would part water 36 feet deep by 30 yards wide by 240 yards long. The trough remains as long as the spell lasts or until the priest who cast it opts to end its effects. Existing currents appear to flow through the parted water, although swimming creatures and physical objects such as boats do not enter the rift without strenuous and deliberate effort. If cast underwater, this spell creates an air cylinder of appropriate length and diameter. If cast directly on a water elemental or other water-based creature, the creature suffers 48 points of damage and must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or flee in panic for 3d4 rounds. (null), CHANGED: Sol's Searing Orb -- Expression: This spell must be cast upon a topaz gemstone worth at least 500 gp. The stone glows with an inner light. The gem must be immediately thrown at an opponent, for it quickly becomes too hot to hold. (The acts of casting and throwing occur in the same round.) It is not possible for the priest to give the stone to another character to throw.The priest must roll normally to hit; he gains a +3 bonus to his attack roll and suffers no penalty for nonweapon proficiency. In addition, the glowing gem is considered a +3 weapon for determining whether a creature can be struck. There is no damage bonus, however. When it hits, the gem bursts with a brilliant, searing flash that causes {6d6} points of fire damage to the target and blinds him for {d6} rounds. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If successful, only half damage is sustained and the target is not blinded. Undead creatures suffer {12d6} points of damage and are blinded for {2d6} rounds (if applicable) if their save is failed. They receive {6d6} points of damage and are blinded for {1d6} rounds if the save is successful. If the gem misses its target, it explodes immediately, causing {3d6} points of damage (or {6d6} against undead) to all creatures within a 3' radius. It blinds them for {1d3} rounds ({1d6} rounds vs. undead). All victims are allowed a saving throw vs. spell, with success indicating half damage and no blindness. The DM should use the rules for grenade-like missiles found in the Dungeon Master Guide for determining where the stone hits. (null), CHANGED: Spiritual Wrath -- Expression: This powerful cooperative spell is rarely invoked since it requires the concerted effort of six or more high-level priests.To cast the spell, six or more priests must be within a 15-foot radius. Each priest must cast spiritual wrath at the same time. Before beginning the spell, the priests must decide upon the area of effect. The spell causes 10d6+1d6 points of damage per priest casting the spell.Range: 300 yards (null), CHANGED: Stone Tell -- Expression: Duration: 1 turn, Area of Effect: 1 cu. yd. When the priest casts a stone tell spell upon an area, the very stones speak and relate to the caster who or what has touched them as well as revealing what is covered, concealed, or simply behind them. The stones relate complete descriptions, if asked. Note that a stone's perspective, perception, and knowledge may hinder this divination. Such details, if any, are decided by the DM. (null), CHANGED: The Great Circle -- Expression: The great circle is a powerful cooperative spell that can be used only by four or more priests, each casting the spell simultaneously. Because of the nature of this spell and its casting time, it is often used to cleanse grounds in preparation for the construction of a temple or sanctuary. When casting the great circle, the priests stand in a circle of no more than 20-foot diameter. Each faces inward; when the spell is completed, each priest faces outward, directing the energy of the spell. When the casting is complete, the spell takes the form of a radiant halo of golden light 20 feet above the ground. This halo quickly expands in a shimmering wave. It can pass through objects, with small arcs of the halo disappearing momentarily and reappearing on the far side. As the halo moves, it generates a high-pitched hum that varies in pitch, almost like a chorus. The halo moves slowly at first, but builds speed, reaching its maximum range at the end of one round. The radius of the golden halo is dependent on the number of priests casting the spell. Each priest adds 60 feet to the radius. Thus, four priests could generate a halo that extends 240 feet in all directions from the circle of priests. Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of priests who may contribute to this spell, but the need for the priests to be within a 20-foot diameter circle sets a practical limit of 20 casters. The halo is pure energy tapped from the Positive Material plane. It causes harm to undead and evil beings within the area of effect. Undead creatures of 8 or fewer hit dice are instantly destroyed and are not allowed a saving throw to avoid the effect. More powerful undead suffer 1d8 points of damage per caster. A successful saving throw vs. death magic reduces this damage to half. Creatures of evil alignment suffer 1d6 points of damage per caster (a saving throw is allowed for half-damage). The reverse of this spell, the black circle, creates a ring of shimmering black energy. Paladins and priests of good alignment suffer 1d10 points of damage per priest in the circle. All other good creatures suffer 1d4 points of damage per caster. Affected creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. death magic to reduce the damage to one-half. (null), CHANGED: Transmute Water to Dust -- Expression: If it's wet we can make it dry... if it's dry we can make it wet. When this spell is cast, the subject area instantly undergoes a change from liquid to powdery dust. Note that if the water is already muddy, the area of effect is doubled, while if wet mud is present, the area of effect is quadrupled. If water remains in contact with the transmuted dust, the former quickly permeates the latter, turning the dust into silty mud. If there is not a sufficient quantity of water to cause that effect, it simply soaks or dampens the dust accordingly. Only the liquid actually in the area of effect at the moment of spellcasting is affected. Potions that contain water as a component part are rendered useless. Living creatures are unaffected, except for those native to the elemental plane of Water. Such creatures must roll a successful saving throws vs. death or be slain. However, only one such creature can be affected by any single casting of this spell, regardless of the creature's size or the size of the spell's area of effect. The reverse of this spell is simply a very high-powered create water spell that requires a pinch of normal dust as an additional material component. For either usage of the spell, other components required are diamond dust of at least 500 gp value, a bit of sea shell, and the caster's holy symbol. (If it's wet we can make it dry... if it's dry we can make it wet), CHANGED: Wall of Thorns -- Expression: I wouldn't try to pass through this unless your skin is metal.The wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a person's finger. Any creature breaking through (or crashing into) the wall of thorns suffers 8 points of damage, plus an additional amount of damage equal to the creature's AC. Negative ACs subtract from the base 8 points of damage, but no adjustment is made for Dexterity. Any creature within the area of effect of the spell when it is cast, crashes into the wall of thorns and must break through to move. The damage is based on each 10-foot thickness of the barrier. If the wall of thorns is chopped at, it takes at least four turns to cut a path through a 10-foot thickness. Normal fire cannot harm the barrier, but magical fires burn away the barrier in two turns, creating a wall of fire effect while doing so (see wall of fire spell). In this case, the cool side of the wall is that closest to the caster of the thorn wall. The nearest edge of the wall of thorns appears up to 80 yards distant from the caster, as he desires. The spell's duration is one turn for each level of experience of the caster, and it covers one 10-foot cube per level of the caster in whatever shape the caster desires. Thus a 14th-level caster could create a wall of thorns up to 70 feet long by 20 feet high (or deep) by 10 feet deep (or high), a 10-foot-high by 10-foot-wide by 140-foot-long wall to block a dungeon passage, or any other sort of shape that suited his needs. The caster can also create a wall of 5-foot thickness, which inflicts half damage but can be doubled in one of the other dimensions. Note that those with the ability to pass through overgrown areas are not hindered by this barrier. The caster can dismiss the barrier on command. (I wouldn't try to pass through this unless your skin is metal), CHANGED: Weather Summoning -- Expression: By this spell, the caster calls forth weather appropriate to the climate and season of the area he is in. Thus, in spring a tornado, thunderstorm, sleet storm, or hot weather could be summoned. In summer a torrential rain, heat wave, hail storm, etc., can be called for. In autumn, hot or cold weather, fog, sleet, etc., could be summoned. Winter enables great cold, blizzard, or thaw conditions to be summoned. Hurricane-force winds can be summoned near coastal regions in the later winter or early spring. The summoned weather is not under the control of the caster. It might last but a single turn, in the case of a tornado, or for hours or even days in other cases. The area of effect likewise varies from about 1 square mile to 100 square miles. Note that several casters can act in concert to greatly affect weather, controlling winds, and working jointly to summon very extreme weather conditions. Within four turns after the spell is cast, the trend of the weather to come is apparent--e.g., clearing skies, gusts of warm or hot air, a chill breeze, overcast skies, etc. Summoned weather arrives 1d12+5 turns after the spell is cast. Note that the new weather condition cannot be changed by the caster once it has been summoned. Once the weather is fully summoned, it cannot be dispelled. If the summoning is successfully dispelled before it has been completed, the weather slowly reverts to its original condition. (null), CHANGED: Whirlwind -- Expression: This spell creates a powerful cyclone of raging wind that moves as directed by the priest. The whirlwind can move hy zigzagging along the ground or over water at a movement rate of 6. The whirlwind always moves after all other creatures have moved, and many creatures can avoid it simply by keeping their distance. If the cyclone exceeds the spell’s range, it moves in a random, uncontrolled fashion for ld3 rounds- possibly endangering the caster or his allies-and then dissipates. Any creature of size L (large) or smaller that comes in contact with the whirlwind must make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon or suffer 2d8 points of damage. Size M (man-sized) or smaller creatures that fail their first saving throw must attempt a second one, or be picked np bodily by the whirlwind and held suspended in its powerful winds, suffering Id8 points of damage each round with no save allowed. The caster may direct the cyclone to eject any carried creatures whenever he wishes, depositing the hapless souls wherever the whirlwind happens to he when they are released. Maintaining the whirlwind requires the caster’s full attention, and he cannot cast other spells or make any attacks while directing the spell’s course. Ifhis concentration fails for some reason, he cannot simply cancel the spell. Instead, the spell becomes uncontrolled as described above and dissipates after Id3 rounds. In truly desperate circumstances, priests of Elemental Air have been known to deliberately o v e m their companions in order to carry them out of the path of some certain doom. Few care to repeat the experience. (null), ADDED: Animate Flame, 5, 5, While using this spell, the priest can command a flame to leave its source of fuel and move at his direction. The flame is magically preserved at the intensity it possessed when animated and does not weaken or fail even if it has nothing to burn. The priest can animate any natural fire within range, hut magical fires (including breath weapons) can he animated only on a roll of 11 or higher on ld20, adjusted by 1 per level or Hit Dice difference between the caster and the originator of the magical flame. For example, a 9thlevel priest can animate aflaming sphere cast by a 4th-level wizard on a Id20 roll of 6 or better. To animate instantaneous effects such as a red dragon’s breath or ajireball, the priest must botb beat his opponent’s initiative in the round of casting and successfully take control of the flame. Under the priest’s direction, an animated flame can move at a rate of 12, although it cannot cross water or wet or muddy ground. If the priest directs the flame to leave the spell’s range, the spell ends and the flame stops, burning whatever it may be resting on. Animated flame attacks with a THACO of 10 and may he able to strike several creatures in the same round, depending on its size (see table). Creatures within the fire’s diameter are hit without an attack roll for the listed damage. Very hot or unusually cold fires may inflict damage (at the DM’s discretion) as if category larger or smaller. In addition to attacking the caster’s enemies, the fue ignites combustibles. An animated fire can easily torch a small town, given time to move from building to building. The animatedflame spell can be dispelled. It can he quenched by contact with a significant volume of water, ice, cold, earth, or dirt, just as a normal fire can he drowned or smothered. The priest can animate a single fire of up to 1 foot in diameter per level of experience. Pan of a natural fire can he controlled, but magical fires cannot be divided-only a very high-level priest can deflect the breath weapon of a red dragon!, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: Wall of Fire, 5, 5, Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it., --, 1, null, null. Wealth - Saving Throws - Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -9 (+0). DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: -0 (-10). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: -2 (-3). Notes - CHANGED: Party Pack Info -- : 1 Scroll of Shelter in a Bone Tube 1 Scoll of Priest Spells (unknown at this time) 1 Scroll of Enchanted Weapon 1 Scroll of Clairvoyance (1 Scroll of Shelter in a Bone Tube 1 Scoll of Priest Spells (unknown at this time) 1 Scroll of Enchanted Weapon 1 Scroll of Clairvoyan). Consumable Magic Items - Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - Combat - Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 60.0 (0.0). Skills/Detections (d20 based) - Custom Expressions - Class Levels - Equipment - DELETED: null, null. ADDED: null, null.

AppleSean has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 19:04:34 EDT 2005

[Fritz] Lorie can you tell me what kind of armor you have?

[JohnA] Fritz wouldn't it be better to put the necklase under consumable?

[Lorie] Check the email I sent you Fritz/ It's all in there

[Fritz] Ooops sorry will do so now.

AppleSean is receiving the map...

AppleSean has received the map.

[Fritz] It is just forgot to remove it from that part of the list

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Magic Item Summary - DELETED: Necklace of Protection from Magic Missles with 14 pearls, , .

[Fritz] I had it listed twice

[Fritz] brb

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[JohnA] So Lori, what's for dinner there?

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] I didn't get it Lorie

[JohnA] Mike, Bobo you near?

[JohnA] sorry Bibo

[Lorie] I'm not having dinner...

[Lorie] I sent it to your drFritz email

[JohnA] typical, the kids go out and I have no one to talk to

[Lorie] about 4 hours ago

[Lorie] I know the feeling

[Fritz] ? That one

[Fritz] Or the drfitzlemoine

[BiBo!!!] sure, I'm here

[Lorie] drfritzlemoine

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Scroll of Sunray (priest) -- Expression: (null), Magic Item Summary - Equipment -

[Fritz] Ok I can only get that one at the office.

[Lorie] ok resent to other account

[JohnA] there are some scroll I want to point out

[Fritz] Great thanks

[Lorie] why you want to take them for studying?

[Fritz] brb

[JohnA] One called SunRay which woild be very useful agaist Undead, esp Vampires

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] E. L. Fudge: Debugging Klooge: (1d100) [93] 93 -- buggy!

[JohnA] HA!

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] You laugh like you don't want them for studying...

[JohnA] wel Lori, some I have learned and added to the library

[Lorie] :: smirks ::

[JohnA] the SunRay is a priest spell

[JohnA] I'll replace the scroll if I get money

[JohnA] I want not for myself

[Lorie] I know.

[Lorie] It's a level Elemental sun spell...very nice

[JohnA] but if Paul dies, I'd like to have some scrolls from a 13th level mage

[Lorie] I would hope Paul doesn't die...but he does hang around us

[JohnA] well as long as you can recover the body I should be safe

[JohnA] BOB there?

[BiBo!!!] yeah, but we dunno if we can do that

[BiBo!!!] he's busy cursing about something

[BiBo!!!] he spilt pisgetti all over the table or something

[JohnA] I have a plan to cast Contigency that if I die Deep Frees is cast upon me

[JohnA] so I am preserved

[BiBo!!!] you know what would be a better idea?

[BiBo!!!] have yourself teleported back to your home :)

[JohnA] go ahead smarty pants

[JohnA] but if you can resurest me there?

[BiBo!!!] well, if we know to look for you there we can

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] or if the is a block up

[JohnA] The trick with the Deep Freese is I need to give someone a scroll of Dispel MAgic. If I make the scroll will it automaticly dispell my own magic?

[DM] no

[DM] if you cast it

[BiBo!!!] but it'll cast at 12th level :)

[BiBo!!!] which mean's 50/50 to dispel it

[JohnA] yea, still thinking what is best

[JohnA] death is not all I have to worry about

[DM] exactly

[JohnA] So we all happy with the Follower procedure?

[DM] so I see that almost done but not quite?

[DM] I do like it now that there is an upper limit of achieving 4th level,

[DM] taking three game years plus that risk to reach it suits me

[JohnA] without actual adventuring

[JohnA] We can continue forever if you want

[DM] yes, doing the math in a background kind of way

[DM] talking about that here live,

[JohnA] but of course

[JohnA] let me know what you decide

[DM] john do you want to be on the phone for this?

[JohnA] no it's ok

[JohnA] I've done enough alrady

[DM] ok

[DM] and anythign on the party pack you have to finish now?

[JohnA] well, I have a few items that I think were givin to individual

[JohnA] a few more armor and weaponds

[mikE] oh, hi lor

[mikE] so, we ded yet?

[Lorie] Oh, hi mike

[Lorie] Unfortunately you are all still alive ;)

[mikE] sorry. havn't been at the computer for an hour. been bob's do boy

[mikE] good thing is, i know all the weaknesses now. muahahahahahaha

[Lorie] great...

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Faithful Balance -- Atk Adj: +6 (+3), CHANGED: Faithful Balance -- Damage Adj: +11 (+4), Ability Scores - Weight Allowance:: CHANGED: 85 (335). Attack Adjust: (ATK) : CHANGED: +3 (+3 (+3 from sword)). Damage Adjust: (DMG) : CHANGED: +7 (+6 (+4 from sword)). Max Press:: CHANGED: 640 (480). Bend Bars/Lift Gate:: CHANGED: 50% (40%). CON: (C) : CHANGED: 15 (13). Hit Point Adjust: (HPADJ) : CHANGED: +0 (+1). Max Spell Level:: CHANGED: 8th (7th). Add'l Languages:: CHANGED: 3 (4). Bonus Spells:: CHANGED: 2,2,1,1 (4th). Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -10 (-9). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: -3 (-2). Notes - CHANGED: Party Pack Info -- : 1 Scroll of Shelter in a Bone Tube 1 Scoll of Priest Spells (unknown at this time) 1 Scroll of Enchanted Weapon 1 Scroll of Clairvoyance STR 18/00 S 17 M 19 DEX 13 A 12 B 11 CON 15 H 16 F 14 INT 14 R 15 K 13 WIS 17 I 18 W 16 CHR 13 L 14 A 12 As for armor, now that I am a spell caster, I do not use true armor. I have a Base AC 0 Medallion and -3 from my Girdle of Priestly Warding. (1 Scroll of Shelter in a Bone Tube 1 Scoll of Priest Spells (unknown at this time) 1 Scroll of Enchanted Weapon 1 Scroll of Clairvoyance). Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Medallion Base AC 0 , , . ADDED: Girdle of Priestly Warding., , .

[Lorie] you can start by offing the goblins currently residing in thedd. They are keeping me from an appointment

[JohnA] the goblins are not the issue

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] There you go Lorie all done except some minor stuff on your spells. I will fix them as you cast them

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - Magic Item Summary - Equipment -

[Lorie] great thank you.

[Lorie] I don't want to waste spells on Goblins.

[Lorie] :: yawns :: they are beneath me

[JohnA] Just one, it won;t be wasted

[Lorie] So then... shall we finish this already?

[Lorie] Shriveled up hands are rather annoying no?

[DM] sorry Lor

[mikE] hey, i'm god's do boy. they're all beheath me, too.

[mikE] if only by association.

[DM] do the math/spells here and we will comploete

[mikE] and i wouldn't know. i don't even have a hand to be shrivelled.

[Lorie] We're still waiting on Math? You're joking right...

[Lorie] He's at first level by now

[Lorie] :: frowns ::

[JohnA] Wilson is 7th, we use combine to raise his casting ablity to 11

[mikE] we've done the math.

[mikE] bob's in agreement.

[JohnA] Wilson then casts uplift on Kylia, raising her to ..... OK

[Lorie] Then why are we doing it again?

[mikE] i think it's just up to you saying it's done.

[DM] smiles at lor

[DM] I said I understand the concept, I wanted to make sure everyone know the actualy actions

[DM] to double check us

[Lorie] No smiling... I'm rather puzzled why I'm being tortured over this. I've told Mike, I told John, I told Bob... who else do I need to inform?

[Lorie] do I need to send it in triplicate?

[Lorie] perhaps via Courrier?

[Lorie] :: sighs :: I'll be back

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] I know a good messanger

[Fritz] Bob if you combine or uplift someone the spell says I believe they can only cast what they currently have memorized so how can she cast a spell she doesn't know? Also you have said that if a person goes up a level they have to train to cast that new spell level, how is she going to train?

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] :: looks at Fritz :: Read the spell Uplift please Fritz.

[DM] this is what I have been saying no one watns to type it out in this room so that everyoen understands it

[DM] simple easy

[Lorie] Priests handbook, page 676

[DM] type it and it woudl have been done 20 minutes ago

[JohnA] Mike posted on line for all to see

[Lorie] Tome of Magic p86

[DM] and there has been disagreement,

[Lorie] Or refer to the email that Mike transmitted.

[mikE] so wilson gets boosted by combining with 4 other clerics

[mikE] he's now 11th

[mikE] that will allow him to uplift +3 levels

[Lorie] and I quote... "If the increase allows more spells per level, the additional spells are instantly placed in the subject's memory. A priest is also enabled to cast spells normally beyond his or her level"

[Lorie] Please let me know what's unclear for you Fritz from this and I can try and clarify

[AppleSean] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] the combine is the first spell and that lasts for

[Fritz] I just read the spell.

[BiBo!!!] combine lasts as long as the priests chant

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Combine---allows a cleric to cast a spell he/she already knows at a higher level.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Uplift allows a cleric to cast a spell that is beyond his/her level

[Lorie] You hadn't read the spell Fritz when you made your earlier comment ? I'm not sure where your objection is coming from and I'd like to address it

[mikE] wilson and four clerics gather with kylia. the four clerics use combine on wilson. each adding a level to his 7. that makes him 11th. as 11th level, wilson will be able to uplift +3 levels. so after a 12 hour prayer, kylis gets uplifted to 14th level. she has specifically prayed for regenerate. after 12 hours, she casts regen on fin.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Wilson is the recipient of the combine, bringing him up to 11.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] At which point,he can then cast Uplift with Kylia.

[mikE] uplift lasts 1 turn

[mikE] she then takes 2d6 damage

[Fritz] No I was thinking of combine

[Fritz] combine you don't get the extra level spell

[Fritz] Just needed a clarification

[Lorie] Any other questions? Objections? I'd like to kill some spyder fiends in 18 or so hours ...

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] This flea bitten cur of a mongrel's bitch wants to go outside. BRB! (Taking the dog out for a walk)

[DM] so

[DM] Lorie casts

[BiBo!!!] so, how long's it take for his hand to come back?

[mikE] turns

[mikE] it's a roll

[Lorie] hold on....

[Lorie] how long since it shriveled up now bob?

[JohnA] what hand, we don't need no stinking hand

[mikE] well, we wouldn't if you didn't lose the spare you found way back when

[JohnA] 1 day to cast the spell

[DM] less than 24 horus

[mikE] but noooooo...

[Lorie] Okay...1 turn

[Lorie] casting time is 3 rounds

[mikE] you were all lke, "we gotta put it in the sun."

[Lorie] I have the spell in front of me

[Lorie] hand comes back in 1 turn

[Lorie] sorry sorry...1 round.

[BiBo!!!] yeah, and took MY sword to do it with I might add....

[mikE] what a bastard

[Lorie] Priest compendium p 485 for those of you following along uin your prayer book

[JohnA] Mike wait till Chonny comes back, he took the hand

[DM] grins

[JohnA] he will return with your sword tooo

[DM] lol

[BiBo!!!] I thought that was ka lel

[mikE] and all he did was lose a pc. what a greedy bugger

[JohnA] no Chonny was the mage who thought he was a priest

[JohnA] La lel was the power mage

[BiBo!!!] howd he die?

[Lorie] :: yawns :: I'm off took take a nap. Don't put your hand where it's not wanted any more young cleric.

[mikE] well la de da da

[JohnA] Green Dragon I think

[BiBo!!!] gotcha

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[Finglass (mikE)] I thank you, Lady Kylia

[BiBo!!!] glad I was in a puddle at the time

[JohnA] Thedd died in Thedd to a Beholder disngration ray

[DM] so we have a new hand

[DM] who si going off to fin's house

[Finglass (mikE)] I would still be happy to introduce you to my family.

[Fritz] Bob while this is going on can I be at the library copying spells?

[DM] and what else is happening before or after that

[Finglass (mikE)] More so, now that my father won't have to fix my mistake

[DM] it was only 24 hours

[DM] so far

[DM] came back from the dungeon and started casting these spells

[DM] have not moved beyond that yet

[Fritz] Bob I can copy spells pretty quickly now

[Fritz] Doesn't take a long time :)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, does finglass owe a favor to kylia now? she gonna be handing him an orb with glowing orbs inside telling him to stay off the beaten path?

[DM] copying a spell you already know takes 1-2 days

[JohnA] unless you have the copy spell

[JohnA] knowing is half the battle

[JohnA] well most of the battle

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] copy can be used for magical writing?

[Fritz] Copy can also be used to copy spells from a new spell book into the caster's spell book, assuming the caster's spell book is of sufficient size to contain the new spells. The caster must first roll to see if he can learn the new spells; if so, he can cast copy to instantly copy them into his spell book. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.

[Fritz] Yeppers

[Finglass (mikE)] g i joe!!!

[Fritz] Hehehehehe that is what I was going to do

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, that settles that

[JohnA] but learning takes time

[JohnA] I thought

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Nope where did that come from?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, go go photocopying mobto

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not in the rules

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And I will be waiting for a visitor

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm going to go study in the library

[Lorie] Rules are at the DM's discretion. Page one of the DMG

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] come get me when we're leaving

[DM] the rule for checking to know the spell is it takes one turn

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So it takes 1 turn

[DM] after that you can copy it ,

[DM] but you do have to have Read Magic memorized to be able to read teh spell

[DM] so copy will work to do the work

[DM] but you can only copy how ever many copy/read magics you have in memory

[DM] the only time you do not need Read Magic is when you wrote the spell out your self, by hand

[JohnA] was there a final answer on the followers?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I can do 4 of each then bob, so 4 spells, total 8 first level spells

[DM] ok, before you do that though

[DM] you need to know how many pages are free in your book

[AppleSean] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] Fritz you can have a total of 100 pages in this first book

[JohnA] BOB was there a final answer with the followers?

[DM] no

[DM] almost but not quite

[DM] sorry John

[mikE] do followers need to be done on fridays?

[DM] there is one minor issue with the system

[DM] no

[mikE] i thought we were doing followers on the lists

[DM] exaclty

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes -

[DM] but the problem John is that the way that system is after a decade or so all yoru followers would esentially be 4th level

[JohnA] no one posts on the list

[DM] we are not quite done yet, but close

[Lorie] I thought you settled this earlier Bob.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] I am responding to questions peple bring up

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Taking care of the dog be back in a bit

[DM] if you want to do someting else bring it up

[mikE] okay, then let's go

[mikE] into the pool

[mikE] kylia going?

[mikE] paul going?

[mikE] i know alistair is

[JohnA] yes

[mikE] fudge?

[AppleSean] I am back at the keyboard.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Yeah, I'll go into the pool.

[DM] ok

[DM] so Mike describe it for them

[DM] I am guessing that only Paul?

[DM] only Fudge?

[mikE] kylia is going

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I already said I was going

[DM] kylia only

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] So Fin, are you going to mention the hand?

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes - CHANGED: Alastair -- : Alastair, I find this hard to discuss as my teaching in the Mages Guild at Semphar is that we are to trust no one but other guild members and even then we have a great deal of secrecy to protect ourselves. That is why no one has ever seen my face or knows much about my magic or myself. I want you to know this is not done out of ill towards anyone it is just our ways. Something happened to me when we were in the Abyss and I have been dealing with it for quite awhile trying to understand what the gods plans in my life have been and why this has happened. I sharing this information with you as you are the only one (Outside of Ailea and Reign) I feel I can trust. I will inform them soon of this as well. You are to be the first to know of something either Aweful or Spectacular that has happened to me. Realize that this is extremely hard for me to do, open myself up to another person like this. I feel that since you are a Palidin and from the way you have acted I think I can trust you. I have to ask you though to please keep this a secret and tell no one, unless it is of the gravest need to reveal my secret. He removes his robe and mask to show Alastair his true form. I was changed from the serious and stern Fremlin called Mobuto, into more jovial Quasit if you can believe that? There is no way to reverse this that I have been able to discern. Not only did my form changed but I have developed the powers and abilities of the quasit as well. I feel that I am still Good at heart, yet I feel more so that Law and Order are burdens to the society at large. Other than that I have no other changes. I have been doing some research into my condition, and I know that should my mortal form here be trully destroyed I will be automatically reborn in the Abyss. What changes that may entail I know not at this time. I do know that until that first true death occurs I am still a creature of the Prime Material Plane. Afterwards I won't be. If I do cease to exist here I would like for you to try and find my real body at the border of the Abyss where we first entered it. I will make my way to that spot. You should be able to bring my new body back to the Prime Material Plane but I will be unable to do so on my own. Alastiar This is a grave happening indeed. If there is any way to reverse this condition I will help, or if a reverse is not possible I could pledge to save your soul from the abyss should your corruption be irreversable. However, removing you from the abyss would probably require the aid of either paul or kylia, as I do not have the ability to plane shift on my own. I am not sure how I would be able to enlist their aid without telling them something of your condition. It will be a long time before I will be able to weild the magics required to go there alone, much less come back. (Alastair, I find this hard to discuss as my teaching in the Mages Guild at Semphar is that we are to trust no one but other guild members and even then we have a great deal of secrecy to protect ourselves. That is why no one has ever seen my face or knows much about my magic or myself. I want you to know this is not done out of ill towards anyone it is just our ways. Something happened to me when we were in the Abyss and I have been dealing with it for quite awhile trying to understand what the gods plans in my life have been and why this has happened. I sharing this information with you as you are the only one (Outside of Ailea and Reign) I feel I can trust. I will inform them soon of this as well. You are to be the first to know of something either Aweful or Spectacular that has happened to me. Realize that this is extremely hard for me to do, open myself up to another person like this. I feel that since you are a Palidin and from the way you have acted I think I can trust you. I have to ask you though to please keep this a secret and tell no one, unless it is of the gravest need to reveal my secret. He removes his robe and mask to show Alastair his true form. I was changed from the serious and stern Fremlin called Mobuto, into more jovial Quasit if you can believe that? There is no way to reverse this that I have been able to discern. Not only did my form changed but I have developed the powers and abilities of the quasit as well. I feel that I am still Good at heart, yet I feel more so that Law and Order are burdens to the society at large. Other than that I have no other changes. I have been doing some research into my condition, and I know that should my mortal form here be trully destroyed I will be automatically reborn in the Abyss. What changes that may entail I know not at this time. I do know that until that first true death occurs I am still a creature of the Prime Material Plane. Afterwards I won't be. If I do cease to exist here I would like for you to try and find my real body at the border of the Abyss where we first entered it. I will make my way to that spot. You should be able to bring my new body back to the Prime Material Plane but I will be unable to do so on my own. ).

[mikE] fin will more or less direct you to scry at the main entrance to the city

[mikE] he doesn't want to just poof into the middle of the square.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] you can hold my crystal

[mikE] poof in just outside, then walk in like normal people

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] pfff, normal people

[Finglass (mikE)] Thank you, Paul. ::concentrates on home::

[DM] there is no place like

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] click click click

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so is this place trees? mountains? tents?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] warm?

[DM] high hills

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] dude

[DM] cold winter still there

[DM] it is south of here, but still lots of snow

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] look the hills are waving

[DM] the hills protect the valley where the village is

[DM] but the village is mostly trees, etc.

[DM] some stone buildings for the smithy and forges

[DM] the gates of the village are open

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I follow Fin

Robert has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 20:12:34 EDT 2005

[DM] and the village does have people walking about

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] lead the way

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I want to make Fin look important

[DM] ok, so Robert, Varn is in the elven village with them?

[Robert] sure... why not

Robert is now controlling Varn

[DM] so you walk in how?

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] hello?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, what, you're gonna carry fin on a pillowed dias carried by 4 burly followers of yours?

Robert is receiving the map...

Robert has received the map.

[Finglass (mikE)] ::Walks through the gates, not hesitating at all, and proceeds to walk to the temple::

[DM] people following along behind?

[DM] as you enter the gates

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] absolutly

[DM] one of the guards stops you

[DM] no weapons allowed in side

[DM] Finglass you have been among the barbarians too long

[Finglass (mikE)] ::do i know him?::

Finglass (mikE) chuckles

[Varn (Robert)] pssst... which city is this?

[Finglass (mikE)] It is true.

[Finglass (mikE)] And that is why I came home again.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] (to Varn) the one with the elves.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Not an issue, here is my sword

Finglass (mikE) takes off his weapons without a fight

[Varn (Robert)] ahh.. I see... thanks Fudge

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Always happy to help.

[Finglass (mikE)] Here you are. Will you bring them to my father at the temple? He will watch over them.

[DM] the guard waits to collect the rest of the weapns

[Varn (Robert)] I suppose I should take off my sword, eh?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] my blade is a holy artifact, I would most rather not leave it in the hands of another

[Varn (Robert)] well, here you go my good man!

[DM] then you can sit in the snow

[Finglass (mikE)] My bow is also a holy artifact.

[DM] take Varn's weapons

[DM] ties a red ribbon on Varn's wrist

[Finglass (mikE)] You know that. He will take them to the temple where they will be stored in safety.

[DM] you are under the guard's protection

[DM] if you harm another it is as if we harmed them and the same if someone harms you

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I teleport and leave the sword with claw

[Lorie] :: eyes the guard and then Finglass and reluctantly hands over her sword to the guard ::

[DM] ties a red ribbon around your wrist as well

[DM] No spell casting my lady

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::shows that he is unarmed::

Finglass (mikE) smiles graciously.

[Finglass (mikE)] I forgot about this. Forgive me for the embarissment.

[Finglass (mikE)] My father is in the city, yes?

[DM] the guard nods

[DM] he is

[Finglass (mikE)] I didn't send ahead, because it's actually quicker for us just to come

[Finglass (mikE)] ::nods:: Thank you. Shal we?

[DM] that is a good thing

[DM] he will be pleased to see you

[DM] I am not sure everyone will be so gracious

[Finglass (mikE)] I know.

[DM] he lets you pass after he has collected everyone's weapons

[Finglass (mikE)] ::so i proceed to the temple::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Items at home modified: Weapons - ADDED: , , , --, , , , , , , , , , , . ADDED: , , , --, , , , , , , , , , , . ADDED: , , , --, , , , , , , , , , , .

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::follows::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::follows too::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::still::

[DM] the town is small

[Lorie] :: looks at the guard :: You'll not touch me ... ribbon or no. I'm not a prisoner and I'll thank you to not treat me as such. :: gives him a stern look::

[DM] not much moves

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Any non elves?

[DM] none

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure, us

[DM] after you reach the temple

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] duuuuuuuua

[DM] you come to the doors

Mike has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 20:23:47 EDT 2005

[DM] the priest out front bows to finglass

[DM] welcome home

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] EL check for traps, just kidding

[DM] the priest

[DM] (hello Mike, how are you)

[Finglass (mikE)] Thank you.

[DM] (and who are you smile)

[Finglass (mikE)] It is good to be home.

[DM] the priest at the door looks at your companions

[DM] are these yoru sworn companions?

[Varn (Robert)] we all look at him

[DM] are they here to worship?

[Finglass (mikE)] :"nods:: They are my companions.

[DM] are you home to stay

[DM] or are you here just to visit today

[DM] how long will you be staying this time?

[Finglass (mikE)] No. I am just visiting.

[Finglass (mikE)] That depends on my friends and father.

[Finglass (mikE)] I wouldn't mind staying a few quick years, but they are all human.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Hey Mike from Boston! How are you?

[Finglass (mikE)] I will probably be back in a few decades after they are finished adventuring.

[DM] well I do think that your father will want to see you

[Finglass (mikE)] No? Is something the matter?

[DM] but perhaps you will want a private audiece?

Mike has left the game on Fri Aug 19 20:27:23 EDT 2005

[Lorie] :: blinks at the tree :: Umm, Hi new Mike

[Finglass (mikE)] Yes. I do wish to see him. If you would let him know I am home.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Guess I scared him off...

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Sorry about that Bob...

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Fin, maybe we should wait here for a moment?

[DM] he nods

[Finglass (mikE)] ::nods::

[DM] and goes inside

[Finglass (mikE)] ::you all know he's the high priest, yes?::

[Finglass (mikE)] :: i do believe i've mentioned this on the lists::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::we won't have to convert will we?::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ci', I can help him break the habbit if you want ;)

Mike has joined the game on Fri Aug 19 20:29:17 EDT 2005

[Finglass (mikE)] ::nah. just fake it::

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Greetings and Salutations, Mike from Boston.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Etiquette check: (d20) [8] 8. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17+0) [17+0] 17!!!

[Varn (Robert)] Shut up Sean!.. you're going to scare him away again

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] so Al knows to not mention Orcs or burning trees in his precence

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Oh!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sean, how many times do I have to tell you? don't put viruses into the strangers' computers until we know why they're here

E. L. Fudge (AppleSean) shuts up.

[DM] sotp that

[Lorie] :: pushes Robert out in front :: Show him some leg. give him a reason to stay :: ducks and hides ::

[DM] shakes my head

[Finglass (mikE)] ::stop scaring the straights::

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Okay ...okay ...I'll stop with the virii

[DM] Welcome Mike, who ever you are,

[Varn (Robert)] leg?.... does he look hungry?

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Spells - ADDED: Protection from Fiends, 5, 5, The spell creates a globe of absolute protection, centered on and mobile with the creature touched. The spell protects those within from any attack by creatures from the Lower Planes. These include baatezu, tanar’ri, yugoloths, gehreleths, night hags, and similar creatures. Their magic resistance is not a factor, nor can they dispel the protection by any means. Unlike most other protection spells, protected individuals can launch attacks against creatures that are hedged out. Forcing the protection against a trapped fiend still ends the protection immediately. Otherwise, the effect of the spell varies with the caster’s level. At 9th level, the protection cannot be penetrated by creatures with fewer Hit Dice than the caster’s level. At 12th level, the protection cannot be penetrated by creatures of less than demipower status. , 0, 1, , . ADDED: Teleport, 5, 5, , 0, 1, , . ADDED: Leomunds Hidden Lodge, 5, 5, , 0, 1, , . ADDED: Control Undead, 5, 5, , 0, 1, , .

[DM] and so the group just waits out front foteh temple?

[DM] and the priest comes back

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] until we're told otherwise

[Finglass (mikE)] ::well, i'm waiting, too:;

[Varn (Robert)] is there a brothel?

[DM] bows to Finglass

[Finglass (mikE)] No.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] somehow I doubt it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] though it would be a hot one if there were

[DM] No need for a brothel Elves believe in free love

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Check the kitchen, I think they have plenty of broth there.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] at least amoung other elves anyway

[Varn (Robert)] woohooo!

[DM] so the priest comes back and bows to Finglass

[DM] yoru father will see you in two hours

[Lorie] :: makes face :: Don't tell Varn it's free ... :: sighs ::

[DM] he will meet with you

[Finglass (mikE)] ::nods::

[DM] in his residence

[DM] rather than the church

[Finglass (mikE)] I will return then.

[Varn (Robert)] psst... for Varn, it's always free... ;)

[Finglass (mikE)] Ah. I will await there, then.

[DM] perhaps you will want to visit with family?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he is a viking

[Finglass (mikE)] Thank you. ::bows::

[DM] bows back

Mike has left the game on Fri Aug 19 20:35:07 EDT 2005

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] wiking even

[Finglass (mikE)] Come visit my house, friends.

[Finglass (mikE)] I will speak with my father when he comes home.

[DM] and at the front door,

[Finglass (mikE)] I do believe my mother was wanting to meet you, Alistair

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] she won't be asking me if you've been eating well will she?

[Varn (Robert)] sooo Fin... do you have any cute sisters?

[Varn (Robert)] or ugly ones even?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'd hate to have to lie about that

[DM] yoru mother stands looking you over

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] hands tugs at hr braid

[Finglass (mikE)] You don't want to know my sister.

[DM] Son

[Finglass (mikE)] I can only pray she is not at home.

[DM] and frowns when she hears you say that

[Finglass (mikE)] Hello, mother.

[DM] your sister is out picking berries

[DM] she will return in a little while

[Lorie] BRB

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] ::mutters:: poison ones, probably... ::then smiles at his mother::

[Finglass (mikE)] Mother, I would like to introduce you to some of my new companions.

[DM] who are your little friends?

[Varn (Robert)] Hi Fin's mom!

[Finglass (mikE)] This is Alistair, the Lord Paul, the Lady Kylia, and Varn.

[Varn (Robert)] (bigsmile) -1

[Varn (Robert)] oops... (big smile)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] indeed, greetings ma'am

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] :: nods in greeting to Finglass' mother ::

[DM] she looks you over

[DM] you all look so young

[Varn (Robert)] Lovely home you have here

[DM] are you sure your parents know you are out?

[DM] she says with a smile

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Ha!

[Varn (Robert)] We should say the same for you... I can't believe you have a child Finglas' age

[DM] ok

[DM] so you walk in

[DM] and

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (is someone scrying on me)

[Finglass (mikE)] ::everybody make a save verses fear::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (yes, it's me)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Paul Elvenstire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [7] 7. PROBABLY FAILS against (8) [8] 8

[Finglass (mikE)] ::oooh. sucks to be you.::

[Sarah] ok,

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((::casts clairvoyance::))

[Sarah] walks up to you

[Sarah] FINNY

[Varn (Robert)] Varn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [14] 14. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (12) [12] 12!!!

[Varn (Robert)] yay I actually saved!!!

[Sarah] I am so glad you made it home

[Sarah] (Sarah is Finglasses ex girlfriend)

[Sarah] then she goes

[Sarah] because she always wanted to do this.. WHAMP a hard smack to the face

[Finglass (mikE)] ::and all at the table laugh::

[Sarah] WHAM

[Finglass (mikE)] ::winces::

[Sarah] To embarass me in front our families! whap! [20:40] sweetserenespirit: The town! [20:40] sweetserenespirit: you abandon your station, your family, me! for what! [20:41] sweetserenespirit: To go around galavanting with this.. vermin! [20:41] sweetserenespirit: The shame your family has endured [20:41] sweetserenespirit: the unanswered questions!

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Magical Spell save: (d20) [17] 17. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (11) [11] 11!!!

[Varn (Robert)] [nelson voice]ha ha

[Sarah] stands there with her hands on her hips

[Lorie] :: looks at Finglass and glares :: You should have prepared us for that

[Sarah] SNARLING at you

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] Yes. Nice to see you too, dear...

[Finglass (mikE)] I should have prepared myself for that...

[Finglass (mikE)] ::rubs his cheek::

[Lorie] :: looks at Sarah and tries not to laugh ::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, does this mean the guards will be arresting her?

[Finglass (mikE)] Sorry, Sarah.

[Finglass (mikE)] But you know my reasons.

[Sarah] Do not dear me you coward!

[Finglass (mikE)] And again, I have not abandoned my post. I still serve my god. You chose to stay here.

[Sarah] Due you know how humilated I have been because of your thoughtless reasons, fuming

[Finglass (mikE)] You knew I was coming home in a few decades at the least.

[Khan (JohnA)] so were early?

[Lorie] :: frowns about the no casting policy as the elf prattles on shrilly ::

[Finglass (mikE)] ::KHAN CAME???::

[Varn (Robert)] [ooc] am i the only one imagining BOB talking in a high-pitched voice?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (he's not here)

[Sarah] We could have a life here.. a family and give it all up to hang around a group of ill bred vagabonds!

[Finglass (mikE)] ::i thought we agreed on him staying home::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (she means you varn)

[Finglass (mikE)] Sarah, we are still young. I am hardly ready for a family yet.

[Varn (Robert)] thank you Paul...

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, nice to meet you too ma'am

[Varn (Robert)] I saw how she hits, I'll take the insult

[Finglass (mikE)] And actually, most of these people here are minor nobles.

[Finglass (mikE)] I havn't stooped to the gutters. Just humans.

[Lorie] :: glares at Sarah :: ((Is anyone else weirded out by the fact that this is MIKE's IC girrlfiend and not Marco's???))

[Sarah] Of course I stayed (insert name here) our God would never call you to tramp around with such unsavory characters

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I used to be an elf!

[Finglass (mikE)] Not now, Paul.

[Sarah] (I got better)

[Lorie] :: mutters :: I wouldn't be an elf if you paid me if I had to have so few manners as this one.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] But he got worse.

[Finglass (mikE)] We can talk about that at home.

[Varn (Robert)] maybe we should wait outside

[Sarah] turns to Paul and glares

[Sarah] turns to them, glaring.. and the past tense means what exactly?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::turns to the mother:: so is there a place that we might be able to sit down and chat for a while while the love birds go on with their lover's spat?

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Oh, don't mind me ... I'm the quiet one of the group.

[Finglass (mikE)] No. If she wishes to cause a scene, she may step outside.

[Finglass (mikE)] I may not live here, but it is still my home, and you are my guests.

[Sarah] mother smiles and says come right in they will be a while

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] of that I have no doubt, I fear my legs might not last the wait for the arguement to end

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] um, ah......

[Sarah] turns to Finglass

Varn (Robert) follows Fin's mom

[Sarah] you have no home here..

[Lorie] If only they'd lift that spell casting ban. I'd shut her up straight away

[Sarah] You have abanoned your people the same way you abanoned your family and me..

[Finglass (mikE)] ::simply shrugs to Sarah::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (( suddenly hears "finglass's mom has got it going on!" in super stereo in his head))

[Lorie] :: follows along ::

[Varn (Robert)] :D

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (do I se anything diffrent with my eyes of true seeing?)

[Sarah] the rest of the group goes inside

[Sarah] no john, angry female elf

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] is she cute?

[Sarah] (yes_

[Sarah] Who are you.. looks over you curiously.. What have you become?

[Varn (Robert)] hey, that's my line

[Finglass (mikE)] My family gave me their blessings, the church gave me it's blessing. You are the only one stuck living in the past.

[Sarah] you are not the finlass I knew

[Sarah] I respected

[Sarah] I loved

[Sarah] You've allowed yourself to be changed.. hardened.. used

[Finglass (mikE)] I have grown up. You are obviously still young. Living sheltered at home.

[Varn (Robert)] ((chained, hardened, and used... I like this girl's mind))

[Finglass (mikE)] My duty to the temple has aged me, and my travels have allowed me to see more than you probably ever will living here.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, what may I call you ma'am? Mrs Galwythe?

[Varn (Robert)] ((d'oh! chANGed..))

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] and help save the world, don't forget that

[Finglass (mikE)] ::proudly displays his "i got used by kylia" shirt =P::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] twice

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

[Sarah] His mother nods and smiles

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Where is my shirt

[Sarah] you can call me that

[Sarah] she hands out cookies made of leaves and berries

[Sarah] : looks at him wordlessly, shaking my head softly

Varn (Robert) thanks Fin's mom

[Sarah] so why are you here?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::takes a bite of the cookie and hopes it tastes good as a cookie made of leaves doesn't sound like the tastiest of cookies in the world::

[Finglass (mikE)] Now, if we are done, I have guests. We can talk later tonight if you wish.

[Sarah] did he really want to see Sarah that badly?

[Lorie] :: slips Paul a shirt too ::

[Sarah] I know that he is glad that his sister Elowyth is not home right now

[Sarah] the two of them might tear him in two

[Sarah] I do hope the tempe will be enough to keep you happy and fulfilled in your life because sadly that's all you have

[Varn (Robert)] that would not be good

[Sarah] that last was from Sarah and not mom

[Varn (Robert)] ((what's Arizona got to do with this?))

[Finglass (mikE)] If you must know, I have actually met a rather enchanting young woman in my travels.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, he came to speak with his father. He was hurt in previous adventurings and I suppose the experience made him wish to see you all again, if even for a short time.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (DONT TELL HIS MOM!)

[DM] v

[DM] and now you will not come back for a while I bet

[Finglass (mikE)] ::good job, dork!::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] stubbed his toe, ya that's it

[Sarah] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sarah] You speak down about the path I have taken in this life.. I did what I was charged to do by our god. You have let this tempe consume you.. you look like a beggar

[Sarah] I hope for your benefit that you come to your senses quickly, looks at finglass one last time, a soft smile before turning to walk away

[Finglass (mikE)] ::man, should have invited kit to meet the ex::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] she is only 1/2 elf, I doubt that woould go over well

[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs in relief as she leaves, then continues inside to see his mother::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] of course home sickness happens to even those affected with the deepest of wanderlust

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::follows::

[DM] (ok, was that better than a normal BOB NPC?)

[Finglass (mikE)] ::goes to his mother and hugs her warmly::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Lovely place you have here

[Varn (Robert)] it's getting there

[DM] the family sits down

[DM] group, sorry

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] doesn't count cuz you had lex controlling her, but she was about as bitchy as we expect from a bob npc none the less

[DM] she looks at Finglass, and asks quietly

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] though if his mom is offering me cookies, it must mean she's super evil

[DM] so what have you been doing with your time?

[DM] where have you been

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (don't mention the abyss, don't mention the abyss)

[Finglass (mikE)] Well...

Finglass (mikE) chuckles

[Finglass (mikE)] We actually just went on a rather interesting jaunt

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] We've had some rather hot times

[Finglass (mikE)] We have been visiting some caves,

[DM] shudders, why udnersground

[DM] what is wrong

[Finglass (mikE)] Alistair and I have ventured to the mountains and forests

[DM] looks over at Paul

[Finglass (mikE)] We've helped some people and fought slavers and bandits.

[DM] you said you used to be an elf?

[DM] are you here to be fixed?

[Finglass (mikE)] ::winces slightly::

[DM] and looks over at Kylia

[DM] you seem like a nice person, what have you been doing with my son

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Well no, my punishment is to live as a human, only good deads will turn me back

[DM] do you think he is safe ?

[Finglass (mikE)] ::cue that 70's porn music::

[DM] what good deeds are you doing ?

[Lorie] Doing with your son? Adventuring Ma'am

[Lorie] I have a keep to run... a temple to keep going.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] stopping chaos and evil from running rampat

[DM] you look like chaos incarnate here

[DM] looking over your group

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I see your point

[Lorie] :: looks at his mother and tilts her head ::

[Finglass (mikE)] Yes, I suppose we do look ecclectic here.

[DM] I am surprised that Antarrias has not straghtened you all out yet

[Finglass (mikE)] I'll probably be the scandal of the decade.

[DM] he always tried to run things here at home

[DM] didn't you dear

[DM] smiles tightly at him

[Antarias (mikE)] Yes ma'am.

[Antarias (mikE)] I have been serving and protecting Finglass as best I can. ::bows slightly to her::

[DM] so then

[DM] tell me Antarias

[DM] you woudl not lie to your mother

[DM] what is wrong with Finglass

[DM] why is he here

[DM] what happened

[Antarias (mikE)] ::glances at Finglass::

[DM] how was he injured

[DM] looks over the group

[DM] Alastair I do know about your honor

[DM] do I need to ask you to swear by it before answering?

[Antarias (mikE)] His um, ::coughs and smiles appologetically to Fin:: lost his hand yesterday.

[DM] looks at the group

[DM] lost a hand

[Antarias (mikE)] But as you can see, it got better.

[DM] looks around

[DM] and just how did this happen?>

[Antarias (mikE)] The good Lady Kylia healed him.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::points awkwardly at finglassses hand and nods::

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Spells -

[DM] and what unholy pact did you swear to get it back

[Lorie] :: blinks at his Mother ::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it was a rather holy pact actually

[DM] she looks at Kylia

[Finglass (mikE)] ::glares at Anterias behind his mother's back::

[DM] my son

[DM] is mortally wounded

[Finglass (mikE)] Nothing of the sort, mother.

[DM] and you brought him back?

[Finglass (mikE)] Kylia is a goodly cleric, and that is part of the reason I brought her to meet father.

[Lorie] It was only a hand injury Ma'am. Not fatal at all. He was still firing his bow.

[DM] good

[Lorie] I merely returned his hand to it's previous state

[Lorie] I had a lot of assistance from the group and my other charges

[DM] I am glad to see that he did not forget all his training

[DM] is there anything I can do to repay you for helping my son?

[DM] I KNOW he is in your debt

[Finglass (mikE)] Mother... I'm not an acolyte anymore.

[DM] I am sure he will be doing everythign in his power to help you

[Lorie] :: ponders offering him back to her but thinks better of it :: No. It's my duty as a cleric. No repayment is necessary.

[Lorie] He would have done the same if the roles were reversed I'm sure.

[Finglass (mikE)] I lost it protecting my companions.

[DM] looks at Finglass

[DM] you can now cast regenerate?

[Finglass (mikE)] And they returned me to health.

[DM] you would do that for her?

[DM] you care for her that much?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((I believe the going rate for regeneration is 20,000 gp))

[Finglass (mikE)] No, I cannot. But I would do what was necissary to help her.

[Finglass (mikE)] She is not my lover, mother.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] HE helped me

[DM] why not

[Finglass (mikE)] I have actually found a nice elven girl.

[Lorie] :: blinks :: why not?

[DM] a nice eleven girl

[Finglass (mikE)] ::winces::

[DM] (lol) that was soo damn funny Lorie)

[Lorie] Yes... I nice eleven girl and her sister twelve

[Lorie] :: ducks ::

[DM] whre is this nice elven girl?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((really wishes npc's would cast regeneration as their duty of being a cleric))

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Hold on! I thought you didn't like elves Kylia ...

[Finglass (mikE)] She is in the Lord Paul's lands.

[Finglass (mikE)] Acting as steward.

[DM] then why is she not here with you

[DM] that would have saved so much with Sarah

[Lorie] ((I don't like elves... I just like them more than dwarves or halfings :: giggles and ducks :: ))

[DM] she has pined away fro you

[Finglass (mikE)] If you wish, I can bring her home to visit as well later.

[DM] has been waiting for you to come

[Finglass (mikE)] ::sighs::

[Finglass (mikE)] She must grow up sometime.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((I thought it was gnomes you didnt like instead of halflings))

[Finglass (mikE)] We had our thing as children.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (the list she likes is shorter)

[Finglass (mikE)] My path diverged from hers as father's has done with yours. She couldn't accept that.

[Lorie] ((Oh I just DETEST gnomes completely...but halflings all need to be in a box ))

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((you mean she has a whole list?))

[Finglass (mikE)] ::a list of one::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (not long)

[DM] your father is a very important person

[Lorie] (( I just have a scroll and randomly add to it ... depends on my mood ))

[DM] I understand his work

[DM] and what is needed of him

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((lots of whiteout on that scroll?))

[DM] you and sarah could try again you know

[Finglass (mikE)] She would not come with me.

[Lorie] ((Vanishing ink :: giggles :: ))

[DM] she is quite the accomplished swords person now

[DM] she has completed her training

[Finglass (mikE)] Oh?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Fin, she is welcome to join us if you wish

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I could tke her under my wing

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Spells - ADDED: Thunder Staff, 4, 4, Upon completion of this spell, the wizard raps his staff on the ground and produces a thundering cone of force 5' wide at the apex, 20' wide at the base, and 40' long. All creatures wholly or partially within this cone must roll a successful saving throw or be stunned for {d3} rounds. Stunned creatures are unable to think coherently or act during this time and are deafened for {1d3+1} rounds. Additionally, those who fail the save are hurled {4(d4+4)} feet by the wave of force, suffering 1 point of damage per two feet thrown. Intervening surfaces (walls, doors, etc.) may restrict this distance, but damage remains the same (4d4+4). If the save is successful, the victim is not stunned, but is deafened for {1d3+1} rounds and is hurled only half the distance. Giant-sized or larger creatures who succeed at their saving throws are deafened but are not thrown, suffer no loss of hit points, and are not stunned. If the saving throw is failed, such creatures are hurled {2(d4+2)} feet, suffer one point of damage per two feet thrown, and are deafened and stunned. The cone of force is considered to have a Strength of 19 for purposes of opening locked, barred, or magically held doors. This spell can move objects weighing up to 640 pounds a maximum distance of {4(d4+4)} feet. Fragile items must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be destroyed. , 0, 1, , .

[Finglass (mikE)] That is nice of you to say so, Paul, but... I doubt she would accept.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think she might just to spite you finglass

[DM] mother looks over at the quiet elf in the corner

[Lorie] :: Looks at Paul with the thought of her in the party ::

[DM] why are you so quiet

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] to come or to come with me?

[Finglass (mikE)] She is probably better here, acting in defece of home.

[DM] what makes you follow along with this group?

[DM] what do you see in them that makes you put up with this?

[Finglass (mikE)] That is what my dearest sister would do.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] The pay is good and we get excellent health insurance.

[DM] are you in their debt?

[DM] I see that health is a good thing

[DM] what did you loose?

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] No, I'm not in their debt.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] If anything, they're in mine.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Spells -

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] My talents are used to ensure the safety of the group

[DM] so turns to Alistair,

[DM] on yoru honor, is your group on the path of righteounous?

[DM] grrr

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::takes step back::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sometimes

[DM] and is everyeone here worthy?

[DM] at that Father walks in

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] of righteousness?

[DM] your mother rises

[Finglass (mikE)] ::stands immediately and bows to his father:: Father.

Varn (Robert) rises

[DM] looks over the group

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::follows ettiquette::

[Antarias (mikE)] ::also bows::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::neals::

[Varn (Robert)] ::bows::

[Lorie] :: stands and nods ::

[DM] he nods to the group

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::nods and stands::

[DM] and then sits down in the chair

[Varn (Robert)] ::takes his seat::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::sits somewhere on the floor::

[Lorie] :: once he sits, re-takes her seat ::

[DM] looks over the group, welcome to our hojme

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::continues to follow ettiquette::

[DM] welcome home son

[DM] what brings you home?

[Lorie] :: nods at him ::

[Finglass (mikE)] I missed being home.

[DM] mother stirs

[Finglass (mikE)] I wanted to visit and introduce you to my friends.

[DM] tightens her mouth

[Finglass (mikE)] I thought that they were worthy of seeing where I come from.

[DM] frowns just a bit

[DM] your father nods

[DM] is that all?

[DM] you wanted to travel all this way to visit and say hello?

[Finglass (mikE)] It was not out of our way, actually...

[Finglass (mikE)] The lady Kylia and Lord Paul have usefull artifacts.

[DM] frowns

[DM] why would you be travelling in this area?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (fin, you know we need a body of water to get home, right?)

[Finglass (mikE)] ::there's water. it's a forest.::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] more importantly it's a city

[Finglass (mikE)] We weren't, father.

[Finglass (mikE)] But we teleported in to visit.

[DM] so

[DM] you could have come home at any moment you chose,

[DM] and you chose not to come home

[DM] nods

[Finglass (mikE)] In the past few years.

[Finglass (mikE)] And we've been a bit busy since then.

[DM] I suppose you will be needing something from the temple

[DM] that is why you came?

[DM] to borrow what?

[Finglass (mikE)] No father. I only came to visit.

[Lorie] :: tries not to frown or make faces at his tone ::

[DM] he seems skeptical

[Finglass (mikE)] And to let my companions see where I came from.

[DM] that is a worthy reason

[DM] he stands, up

[Finglass (mikE)] The lady Kylia has any holy powers we need.

[DM] very well,

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] It is an honer to met Finglass' parents

[DM] we will speak again at dinner

[Lorie] ((You overstate my abilities... really...))

[DM] and he walks out

[Finglass (mikE)] ::stands and bows::

[Finglass (mikE)] Has something happened, mother?

[DM] mother looks over you group

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::nodds::

[DM] he is very worried

[Lorie] :: tries to stand and bow but doesnn't have time ))

[Finglass (mikE)] He is more distant than when I left.

[DM] there have been dark clouds over the mountain

[Finglass (mikE)] Does he know what it is?

[Finglass (mikE)] Has the demon returned?

[DM] the ariel elves have not visited in over a year

[Finglass (mikE)] That is unusual.

[DM] I am sure your father will contact you if he thinks there is something that you can do

[DM] you go off and show our friends the village

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Together we can do more!

[Finglass (mikE)] Very well. I will wait for him to come to me.

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Robert] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] Come, friends. Let me show you my home.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::nodds::

[Finglass (mikE)] You have seen the temple and my home.

[Finglass (mikE)] This is our tavern.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] and they were lovley

[Finglass (mikE)] ::points up into the tree::

[Finglass (mikE)] ::at a railingless platform 40' or so up::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] so we climb? No casting huh

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oy, death waiting to happen

[Finglass (mikE)] I would be careful what you drink. We usually only drink quite potent stuff.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm surprised this area isn't crawling with the spirits of the drunken dead

[Finglass (mikE)] ::points to a particularly nice tree/building across the town "square"::

[Finglass (mikE)] That is the boyer

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] We do not get drunk like the lesser races.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Could I leave for a moment, I'll be right back

[Finglass (mikE)] ::nods::

[Finglass (mikE)] ::go deal with the children::

[Finglass (mikE)] Where you are looking for is at the edge of town that way.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] steps outside village, takes off ring, casts fly, replaces ring and returns to group

[Finglass (mikE)] The smithy is the stone buiolding that way.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] is there a library?

[Finglass (mikE)] As you can see, we have a small city here. We don't have any trade, so there isn't too much to see, I suppose.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] ::yess. 10th level magic

[DM] people have them at home

[DM] but no public

[DM] he te

[DM] not

[Finglass (mikE)] ::i typed it first, bob

[DM] ok

[DM] so the tour raps up

[Finglass (mikE)] No. No library like Wolfspack

[DM] and you go back home?

[Robert] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I float arround impressing the locals

[DM] and what to you want to tell your father?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] suppose so

[Finglass (mikE)] Paul, perhaps you would like to land? I'm getting enough stares as it is.

[Finglass (mikE)] ::we're at dinner now::?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Lands on porch

[Finglass (mikE)] Father, mother has mentioned the clouds over the mountains.

[Finglass (mikE)] And the avariel have not visited for over a year.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::he nods::

[DM] nods

[Finglass (mikE)] Do you know what is going on there?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::is psychic::

[DM] you are out in the world you do not worry about your home anymore

[DM] you have other conerns now

[DM] you have the weight of the elven nations on your shoulders

[DM] you must represent us to the other races

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] this is still a part of the world

[Finglass (mikE)] Father, as I have told others, this is still my home.

[DM] you are kind to think so

[DM] but we are not truely part of your world

[DM] we where here

[DM] before the orc kingdoms

[Finglass (mikE)] And you are my family. If there is something amiss, I see it as my duty to be here before anywhere else.

[DM] and we will be here after the human kingdoms are dust

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Finglass links us together

[DM] I will find you if I feel a need for you

[Finglass (mikE)] ::frowns::

[Finglass (mikE)] Yes, father.

[Finglass (mikE)] Lady Kylia, we have no plans at the moment, do we?

[DM] (Robert you do know those are all goign out to everyone you know that right?)

[Varn (Robert)] It's not me... I'm trying to figure out how they are doing it

[Lorie] Just some spyder fiends I'd like to dispatch of

[DM] very well

[Finglass (mikE)] Father, Mother, summon me if you need me.

[Finglass (mikE)] You know that I will leave my adventuring if need be for you.

[Varn (Robert)] ((who is playing the sounds? and how are you doing it?))

[DM] Just foudn out that it is Marco messing with things

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((it's a script in script manager))

[DM] he let us go along thinking it was Robert

[DM] now

[DM] back to

[Varn (Robert)] thanks Marco... :D

[DM] anyone with anything for Finglasses day?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((makes a random sound button ;) ))

[DM] or do you just want to blibp back now

[DM] evil foreboding at home

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] bliping back's fine

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or blibping as it were

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean)] Shake, shake, shake... Don't count on it.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Fin do you want to persue on our own?

[Varn (Robert)] I see...

[Finglass (mikE)] If I am needed, they will call.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] no desirew to show up dad?

[Finglass (mikE)] My father has told me my duty is to view the world for him.

[Finglass (mikE)] He is not only my father, but my senior in the church.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] OK, So where is the lake?

[Finglass (mikE)] You heard the way he worded what he said. It was more a command than a request.

[Finglass (mikE)] There is one not far outside of town.

[Finglass (mikE)] Perhaps we will come back when we have finished things at home.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Things are not finished

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] thngs are never finished

[Robert] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] Your home.

[Finglass (mikE)] and finished enough.

[Finglass (mikE)] I will return when I am able.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (random dungens never end)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Thedd lives forever

[Finglass (mikE)] ::oh, you know things will get bad enough at the mountain soon::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((sings "This is the dungeon that never ends!"))

[DM] smiles

[Finglass (mikE)] ::besides, i've been hearing about taking these things on since i joined up::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((sings "It just goes on and on my friends!"))

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ok, do we have research on spider fiends?

[Lorie] need more water, brb

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((sings "Some people, started delving it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue delving it forever just because....!"))

[Finglass (mikE)] ::not really::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] bah, it's not like we ever pay attention to research anyway

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] besides, you've killed a balor, what's a few spyder fiends? just throw up protection from evil and we're golden :)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] got that

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Robert] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok,

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] used to know alot about spider feids, kind of lost part of my memory

[Finglass (mikE)] okay, if i get pfe, i can shoot all day.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] eh, they're fiends, use protection from evil an they cant touch you :)

[Finglass (mikE)] paul can make it permanent.

[Finglass (mikE)] alistair's got it permanent

[Finglass (mikE)] does lorie?

[Lorie] I have protection from evil

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I have it perment, but I can't cast it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] can you use the ring to hold a spell someone else casts on you?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or do you have to be the one who cast it?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I think I have to cast why?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] cuz if you can, someone could cast protection from evil 10' radius on you and you could hold it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] then you'd have several people protected

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] well the issue becomes you can't fight them and keep it up

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you can't fight them melee

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you can use spells and ranged

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] don't they have resistance?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so what if they do? you keep casting eventually it gets through

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] hello

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::waves:: you have any ideas for spyder fiend extermination?

[Finglass (mikE)] hire john candy

[DM] perhaps how will you get in, who will be going, might be a good place to start

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, we have a key

[DM] um

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] as for who goes in, that'd be everyone with ranged attacks I guess

[DM] Kylia has a key

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] which is pretty much everyone

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] like I said, we have a key

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I have learned protection from fiends, I assume that spell would help

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that'd be nifty too

[Lorie] I'm more concerned about the poison

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I'd certainly like to learn that

[mikE] as spiders does that vermin barrier work?

[DM] if you want to take a couple of days to learn spells, etc. that is your choice

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We could have Kylia cast her banquet spell before we go and that would make us immune to poison for 12 hours

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think they have to be under 2 hd

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ooooh, that'd be nice

[Lorie] that's not a's an ability

[Lorie] but I can also cast Heroes' Feast

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] doesn't matter so long as you can do it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes heroes feast that is what i was talking about

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] they cast spells themselves yes?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] teach protection from fiends to paul and have him use the ring

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] protection from fiends would work better

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Let us sit at this great table and share a great feast to heal our wounds and fortify our spiritsThis spell enables the priest to bring forth a great feast that serves as many creatures as the priest has levels of experience. The spell creates a magnificent table, chairs, service, and all the necessary food and drink. The feast takes one full hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until after this hour is over. Those partaking of the feast are cured of all diseases, are immune to poison for 12 hours, and are healed of 1d4+4 points of damage after imbibing the nectarlike beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosialike food that is consumed is equal to a bless spell that lasts for 12 hours. Also, during this same period, the people who consumed the feast are immune to fear, hopelessness, and panic. If the feast is interrupted for any reason, the spell is ruined and all effects of the spell are negated. The material components of the spell are the priest's holy symbol and specially fermented honey taken from the cells of bee larvae destined for royal status.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] at 12th level of casting, it can't be penetrated by any power of less than demigod status

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] can't I have both?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] only one spell can be in the ring of holding

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if we're being attacked by demigods, then we have other issues

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] yes but I can have both going

[mikE] nah. he was easy

[mikE] total pushover

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if you can cast both, yes but the protection from fieds would work better than protection from evil

[mikE] so we can keep them out of melee

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I was refer to Minor gloe of Invunerable

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I made a couple scrolls

[mikE] with magic missles you all can keep them from casting

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] if they fair their resistance

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I would rather see fin do a quick shot

[Mobuto (Fritz)] we could cast lower resistance

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think there'll be too many to lower their resistences unless you have a mass effect version of it

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] certainly might help

[Mobuto (Fritz)] It will at least help if we had 3 of those

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] though it'd be good to have in case there is a more powerful one

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We could get 3 of them

[DM] phone brb

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think saving it for the leader would be the best thing to do

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I also have a spell Imunity to Spider Venom, FYI

[Lorie] nice

[mikE] just remember i only have so many magic arrows

[mikE] you know they need magic weapons and the like to hit

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Hypnotism -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Haste -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Thunder Staff -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Protection from Fiends -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Slay Living -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You have a magic sword

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And I gave you alot of magic arrows

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or iron arrows

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::cough cough::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Cold iron yes

[mikE] i have 3 neutralize poisons

[mikE] iron arrows is good.

[mikE] i don't want to move in to melee so i keep the prot evil

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] learn protection from fiends

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] paul

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] yes sir , starts reading

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I would ask Kylia's permision to take Kit if it's ok

[Lorie] :: frowns :: Is she going to try and kill me?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Alastair the potion of heroism would help you out alot in melee wouldn't it?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] not at all, she only want to repay her debt

[Lorie] Then I don't see why not.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] If we have the 10' radius version up, melee people could run out and attack and run back into the protection to heal as long as the shell isn't forced onto the spyder fiends

[Lorie] what about the webs? I'm concerned about those as well

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Don't have the 10 foot version.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Would have to research it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sigh

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What webs?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] spyder fiends make webs

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I mean what do their webs do

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] as they are spiders

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Anything special like acid damage or just hold?

[Lorie] Special Glitterdust, hold for a week, etc.

[Lorie] The venom is rather nasty from what I have read as well...

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Then have scroll of free action and or have Kylia make sure she has that available for all of us ahead of time

[Lorie] We had a scroll of Free Action in the Party Pack. Is it still there?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] yes

[Lorie] Great

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We of course need to take out whatever we want from the pack the day before

[Lorie] I think we are going to need to make some choices about spells to use and spells that are nice.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Do they cast spells?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] don't we have rings of free action floating about somewhere

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Reign does

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think all fiends do to some extent

[Lorie] Yes... depending on what kind between 7 and 12th level from what I read

[mikE] reign isn't in the party anymore

[mikE] dont' forget that they gate

[Lorie] sorry sorry 4-12th level

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Would a wand of negation prevent a gate from opening?

[Lorie] Yes...varying degrees of gating in more of their kind

[Lorie] Possibly... Negative Plane protection may or may not work.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] don't think so

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Negative plane wont work

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] hey, the more they gate in the more we get to kill :)

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] was that a no to the gate Paul

[Lorie] and depending on what kind, there can be multiple at once and invisible to the eye

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] yea, negation is some what limited

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] though it is entirely possible that they might be unable to gate with the doors shut

[Lorie] Most that I read about can detect vibration so there will probably not be the chance for surprise

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] because if they could pull things in from other planes, they could probably leave as they wished and for some reason they've been unable to

[Lorie] and their webs can be nearly invisible... I think I read something about infravision being able to see some webs.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] which makes me think the floor disrupts those sorts of magics

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] at least as long as the doors are shut

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wand of negation only works against items

[mikE] and we're breaking that seal

[Lorie] I think Bob told me these doors have been closed nealry 50 years or more

[DM] decades

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think that if it's a door, it can be closed just as easily as it's opened

[DM] at least 50 years, and maybe more than 100

[DM] doors are 25 feet tall and 25 feet wide, large chains wrapped over them,

[DM] padlock on the chains

[DM] cahins are about 3" thick, so they will be very heavy

[mikE] is anyone opposed to taking a few days to do research on the fiends?

[DM] mounted into the stone on either side

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm opposed to it if it means that next week we decide not to do this

[DM] the chamver is an octogon and there are four sets of these doors on opposite sides of the room

[DM] beyond the doors you have no clue what is there

[DM] all detections fail

[DM] all teleport, pool viewing, etc.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I agree with Marco

[DM] next week we are fighting spider fiends, no quesitons asked

[DM] you will open the doors and then do something,

[DM] then you can do what ever you want from there

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Have we had a full moon yet bob? What day is it?

[DM] it was day 4 of month 11 when you were with Fin's village

[Lorie] Well... OOC I'd like to make some scrolls for the journey or potions.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I suggest the 3 mages have a scroll of minor globe of invulnerability

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] What level spell is Protection from Fiend?

[DM] and the full moon for the smaller moon is on the 5th

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 5th

[DM] 9th

[DM] sorry

[DM] then again on the 21st

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok well if we wait until the 10th then I can have my staff recharged fully

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Roll #1: (d100) [85] 85

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] that should be good for learnig a spell

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] alright, I say we click off like 2 weeks to have time for any last minute research/preparedness

[DM] adn then the othe will be full again on the st

[DM] 1st

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Depends on what your knowlege level is

[DM] before clicking of time I would know what you are doing step through it one part at a tme

[Mobuto (Fritz)] as to whether or not 85 is good enough and if you specialize there is a -15% to your roll if it is outside your area of specialty

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I know

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] i made it

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I do not specialise, I can know every spell

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] is that enough time to get some large number of cold iron arrows (or any other sort of missile weapons) and do research on spyder fiends in general and/or as they may pertain to this area specifically?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Do you have that spell handy for me to copy

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Do you know if they see invisible or not?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Who me? (fritz)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they may

[DM] first off the cold iron arrows need to come from somewhere, where are you looking for them? wolfspack?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] most likely

[DM] and how many is a large number

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] though kylia has a forge

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] presumably blacksmiths there

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or something

[DM] cold iron is never forged iron

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Difference between "detect" invisible and "see" invisible

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no, but where there's a forge there's people that know how to work metal

[DM] nods, he can make some

[DM] but the number is limited,

[Lorie] :: coughs :: Like mine?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] the arrows they make are magical right?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No non magica

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No non magical

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Kylia?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's okay, between them and ordering from wolfspack we should be okay

[DM] yes Lorie, pointed in your person

[DM] you can get (2d10) [(9+3)] 12

[DM] arrows

[Lorie] I have a forge..and a professional forger drwarf

[DM] between the two

[Lorie] He's a bit artsy though so they might be pretty

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's okay, so long as they're functional

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] could prolly get some made from the dwarves across the way too

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I have a cold iron dagger still

[DM] so a dozen arrow heads

[DM] Paul might have Kazza ask

[DM] he is goign to set up an agreement with them to take 3 people down into teh mine shafts

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Gaze reflection -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Improved Spider Climb -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Lance of disruption -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Deep Freeze -- # Memorized: 2 (3), CHANGED: Mirror Image -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Tounges -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Shield -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Imunity to Spider Venom -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Clairvoyance -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Intruptable Light -- # Memorized: 1 (0), Notes -

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Sure np

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What do you say to giving each of the mages a minor globe of invulnerabilty scroll?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and the research? would 2 weeks be enough to get general info on spyder fiends as well as how they pertain specifically to this dungeon from wolfspack?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Give Kylia the sunray scroll

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] for sure, This Protect from Fiends should be cast on at least on priest

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I would save that for Thedd's undead

[DM] you would get some info in two weeks,

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] would me using my research prof get us more?

[DM] if you do the research it will

[DM] but you have to be there, not hire them to do it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I can ask some "people" I know and get the info on the spider fiends without difficulty

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] thats fine, I dont' have anything specific to be doing in this time anyway

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Will only take me about an hour or so

[mikE] Finglass: Bowyer/Fletcher check: (d20) [12] 12. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17-1) [17-1] 16!!!

[Lorie] Okay all... I am going to check out. Have a great night

Lorie has left the game on Fri Aug 19 22:46:05 EDT 2005

[DM] ok

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I should be able to get you all the info you need

[mikE] Finglass: Bowyer/Fletcher check: (d20) [13] 13. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17-1) [17-1] 16!!!

[DM] Lorie, be sure to contriube on the list so we can start right away next week

[mikE] Finglass: Bowyer/Fletcher check: (d20) [5] 5. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17-1) [17-1] 16!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Bowyer/Fletcher check: (d20) [7] 7. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17-1) [17-1] 16!!!

[mikE (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d20) [7] 7, Roll #2: (d20) [16] 16, Roll #3: (d20) [7] 7, Roll #4: (d20) [13] 13, Roll #5: (d20) [10] 10, Roll #6: (d20) [20] 20, Roll #7: (d20) [8] 8, Roll #8: (d20) [15] 15, Roll #9: (d20) [3] 3, Roll #10: (d20) [19] 19, Roll #11: (d20) [3] 3, Roll #12: (d20) [2] 2

[Mobuto (Fritz)] WEll unless there is a significant objection I am going to take one of the scrolls of minor globe of invulnerability and I suggest the other 2 mages do so as well

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I'll see you all on line

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] TTFN

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sounds good to me

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and I'll take one

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] absolutly

[DM] ok, so at the beginning of the night next week

[DM] we will deal with opening the doors

[Varn (Robert)] I think I'm calling it a night also... see you all soon...

[DM] moving the chains

[DM] and then attacking

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Any problem to me having the necklace of protection?

Robert has left the game on Fri Aug 19 22:48:49 EDT 2005

[DM] I will put an email out with teh info on Spider fiends you know

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Cloud Kill -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Shadow Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 0 (1), ADDED: Protection from Fiends, 5, 5, "Nothing Can hit me now", 3, 1, , .

JohnA has left the game on Fri Aug 19 22:49:05 EDT 2005

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Also if you want to have the rod of resurection handy I will need to go and get it from Ailea

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yeah, it might help

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Scroll of Shelter: Scroll of Minor Globe of Invunerablity (95%): (1d100) [89] 89 -- Lesser Magic does not harm me

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Scroll of Shelter: Scroll of Minor Globe of Invunerablity (95%): (1d100) [61] 61 -- Lesser Magic does not harm me

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Just removing them from the count

[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Scroll of minor globe of invulnerability, spells of levels 3 and under cant hurt me so nya!, 1, 1.

[E. L. Fudge (AppleSean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Custom Expressions - DELETED: Debugging Klooge, {1d100[<=99="buggy!"; >99="ship it!"]}. DELETED: null, {1d100[<=99="buggy 2"; >99="ship it also"]}. DELETED: Java Debugging, null.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so lets see, stoneskin, protection from evil, blur, displacement, minor globe of invulnerability, yeah I'm a magical bastion of defense

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or will be

[DM] anything else you need an immediate answer on ?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not really

[DM] we will start next week with the effects right on the sheets.

[DM] everything ready to go

[DM] and let the battle begin

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Scroll of Shelter modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: Necklace of Protection from Magic Missles with 14 pearls, , 14, 1.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Necklace of Protection from Magic Missles with 14 pearls, One magic missle spell defended against, 14, 1. ADDED: Scroll of Minor Globe of Invunerablity (95%), {1d100[1-95="Lesser Magic does not harm me";96-100="The scroll did not work, blame Paul"]}, 1, 1.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I don't know if I will be home from the hospital or not by then. If not good luck

[DM] good luck to you

[DM] hope the knee is better after that

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] hey fritz, if you have the time, could you add minor globe of invulnerability, blur and displacement to the list of effects?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sure

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] coolness

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I can do protection from fiends as well.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: STAFF OF THE MAGIUS -- Inventory/Charges: 20 (16),

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yeah, that'd be nice

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Weapons - ADDED: Claw, null, null, --, null, null, null, d2, null, null, $THAC0, null, null, null, null. Ability Scores - Weapon Proficiencies - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Spells - CHANGED: Thunder Staff -- Expression: Upon completion of this spell, the wizard raps his staff on the ground and produces a thundering cone of force 5' wide at the apex, 20' wide at the base, and 40' long. those who fail the save are hurled {4(d4+4)} feet by the wave of force, suffering 1 point of damage per two feet thrown. Intervening surfaces (walls, doors, etc.) may restrict this distance, but damage remains the same (4d4+4). All creatures wholly or partially within this cone must roll a successful saving throw or be stunned for {d3} rounds. Stunned creatures are unable to think coherently or act during this time and are deafened for {1d3+1} rounds. If the save is successful, the victim is not stunned, but is deafened for {1d3+1} rounds and is hurled only half the distance. Giant-sized or larger creatures who succeed at their saving throws are deafened but are not thrown, suffer no loss of hit points, and are not stunned. If the saving throw is failed, such creatures are hurled {2(d4+2)} feet, suffer one point of damage per two feet thrown, and are deafened and stunned. The cone of force is considered to have a Strength of 19 for purposes of opening locked, barred, or magically held doors. This spell can move objects weighing up to 640 pounds a maximum distance of {4(d4+4)} feet. Fragile items must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be destroyed. (Upon completion of this spell, the wizard raps his staff on the ground and produces a thundering cone of force 5' wide at the apex, 20' wide at the base, and 40' long. those who fail the save are hurled {4(d4+4)} feet by the wave of force, suffering 1 point of damage per two feet thrown. Intervening surfaces (walls, doors, etc.) may restrict this distance, but damage remains the same (4d4+4). All creatures wholly or partially within this cone must roll a successful saving throw or be stunned for {d3} rounds. Stunned creatures are unable to think coherently or act during this time and are deafened for {1d3+1} rounds. If the save is successful, the victim is not stunned, but is deafened for {1d3+1} rounds and is hurled only half the distance. Giant-sized or larger creatures who succeed at their saving throws are deafened but are not thrown, suffer no loss of hit points, and are not stunned. If the saving throw is failed, such creatures are hurled {2(d4+2)} feet, suffer one point of damage per two feet thrown, and are deafened and stunned. The cone of force is considered to have a Strength of 19 for purposes of opening locked, barred, or magically held doors. This spell can move objects weighing up to 640 pounds a maximum distance of {4(d4+4)} feet. Fragile items must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be destroyed. ), CHANGED: Thunder Staff -- Sound: null (), CHANGED: Thunder Staff -- Effect: null (). CHANGED: Shadow Magic -- Sound: null (), CHANGED: Shadow Magic -- Effect: null (). CHANGED: Leomunds Hidden Lodge -- Sound: null (), CHANGED: Leomunds Hidden Lodge -- Effect: null (). CHANGED: Protection from Fiends -- Expression: The spell creates a globe of absolute protection, centered on and mobile with the creature touched. The spell protects those within from any attack by creatures from the Lower Planes. These include baatezu, tanar’ri, yugoloths, gehreleths, night hags, and similar creatures. Their magic resistance is not a factor, nor can they dispel the protection by any means. Unlike most other protection spells, protected individuals can launch attacks against creatures that are hedged out. Forcing the protection against a trapped fiend still ends the protection immediately. Otherwise, the effect of the spell varies with the caster’s level. At 9th level, the protection cannot be penetrated by creatures with fewer Hit Dice than the caster’s level. At 12th level, the protection cannot be penetrated by creatures of less than demipower status. ( The spell creates a globe of absolute protection, centered on and mobile with the creature touched. The spell protects those within from any attack by creatures from the Lower Planes. These include baatezu, tanar’ri, yugoloths, gehreleths, night hags, and similar creatures. Their magic resistance is not a factor, nor can they dispel the protection by any means. Unlike most other protection spells, protected individuals can launch attacks against creatures that are hedged out. Forcing the protection against a trapped fiend still ends the protection immediately. Otherwise, the effect of the spell varies with the caster’s level. At 9th level, the protection cannot be penetrated by creatures with fewer Hit Dice than the caster’s level. At 12th level, the protection cannot be penetrated by creatures of less than demipower status. ), CHANGED: Protection from Fiends -- Sound: null (), CHANGED: Protection from Fiends -- Effect: null (). CHANGED: Teleport -- Expression: When this spell is used, the wizard instantly transports himself, along with a certain amount of additional weight that is on or being touched by the spellcaster, to a well-known destination. Distance is not a factor, but interplanar travel is not possible by means of a teleport spell. The spellcaster is able to teleport a maximum weight of 250 pounds, plus an additional 150 pounds for each level of experience above the 10th (a 13th-level wizard can teleport up to 700 pounds). If the destination area is very familiar to the wizard (he has a clear mental picture due to previous proximity to and study of the area), it is unlikely that there is any error in arriving, although the caster has no control over his facing upon arrival. Lesser known areas (those seen only magically or from a distance) increase the probability of error. Unfamiliar areas present considerable peril (see table). Probability of Teleporting: Destination Is: High On Target Low Very familiar 01-02 03-99 00 Studied carefully 01-04 05-98 99-00 Seen casually 01-08 09-96 97-00 Viewed once 01-16 17-92 93-00 Never seen 01-32 33-84 85-00 Teleporting high means the wizard arrives 10 feet above the ground for every 1% he is below the lowest "On Target" probability; this could be as high as 320 feet if the destination area was never seen. Any low result means the instant death of the wizard if the area into which he teleports is solid. A wizard cannot teleport to an area of empty space--a substantial surface must be there, whether a wooden floor, a stone floor, natural ground, etc. Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible. (When this spell is used, the wizard instantly transports himself, along with a certain amount of additional weight that is on or being touched by the spellcaster, to a well-known destination. Distance is not a factor, but interplanar travel is not possible by means of a teleport spell. The spellcaster is able to teleport a maximum weight of 250 pounds, plus an additional 150 pounds for each level of experience above the 10th (a 13th-level wizard can teleport up to 700 pounds). If the destination area is very familiar to the wizard (he has a clear mental picture due to previous proximity to and study of the area), it is unlikely that there is any error in arriving, although the caster has no control over his facing upon arrival. Lesser known areas (those seen only magically or from a distance) increase the probability of error. Unfamiliar areas present considerable peril (see table). Probability of Teleporting: Destination Is: High On Target Low Very familiar 01-02 03-99 00 Studied carefully 01-04 05-98 99-00 Seen casually 01-08 09-96 97-00 Viewed once 01-16 17-92 93-00 Never seen 01-32 33-84 85-00 Teleporting high means the wizard arrives 10 feet above the ground for every 1% he is below the lowest "On Target" probability; this could be as high as 320 feet if the destination area was never seen. Any low result means the instant death of the wizard if the area into which he teleports is solid. A wizard cannot teleport to an area of empty space--a substantial surface must be there, whether a wooden floor, a stone floor, natural ground, etc. Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible. ), CHANGED: Teleport -- Sound: null (), CHANGED: Teleport -- Effect: null (). Wealth - Saving Throws - Armor - Notes - Consumable Magic Items - Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Combat - Misc. Attributes - Sound File: - Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - Skills/Detections (d20 based) - Carrying Capacity - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null. Custom Expressions - DELETED: null, null. ADDED: null, null. Temporary Modifiers - Class Levels - Equipment -

[mikE] night

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 19 22:56:25 EDT 2005

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] night everyone

AppleSean has left the game on Fri Aug 19 22:56:35 EDT 2005

[DM] night fritz, thanks for the help

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I didn't do anything

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Aug 19 22:57:11 EDT 2005

Fritz has left the game on Fri Aug 19 22:57:27 EDT 2005

[DM] 's control of Mobuto has been revoked.