Main / Aug2208

Aug 22 08 - the Magic of Music

[BOB] I want to apologize to everyone for what happened at the end of the last session. The key encounter obviously went very differently than I expected it would and I did not handle it well. I should have just paused everything for 15 minutes or so until I could collect my notes and post them in a clear fashion.

[BOB] The information is much cleaner and easier to read now on the site, if you visit the Magic of Music story arc page you will find several new links including character stories to help update everyone and fix the inconsistencies that happened last session.

[BOB] I also have several new ideas after returning from GenCon. To make one of them work I would like to ask a few questions. Please don't think too hard on these, I would like you to send an answer to me here in chat as a whisper to the DM only. I will erase the answers when I post this chat log to the web site.

[BOB] I want you to answer these five questions quick, don't spend too much time thinking on it I want to hear reactions. You can tell me your thoughts in more detail later on through the site or email, but right now I want core quick reactions please.

[BOB] What did you like about this story arc? (Orcs with Pointy Ears)?

[BOB] What did you not like about this story arc? (Bigger they are)?

[BOB] Who do you ultimately think is behind the attacks in Trade Wars?

[BOB] What intermediate quest reward would you like to see beyond finding the next step in the mystery? (the training offer was not enticing enough for the group?)

[BOB] Who would play your character (PC) in a movie? (to help with character visualization)

[BOB] I think that these answers will help me create better adventures in the future.


[BOB] and in case you have not heard it before, thank you everyone for being part of this game.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB (to GM only)] To get Base Map #4 moved 18'02".

[BOB (to GM only)] Tapestry moved 26'09".

[BOB (to GM only)] Tapestry moved 28'09".

[BOB (to GM only)] Tapestry moved 2'05".

[BOB] Tapestry moved 6'06".

[BOB] Tapestry moved 5'01".

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] back

[BOB] and it looks ready to start now once everyone gets a chance to read and catch up

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

John has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 18:29:32 EDT 2008

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] Hey there John

[John] who were you talking to?

[BOB] Obviously stuff for you to read here, and you can see that there is new updated parts on the site,

[BOB] and that is to everyone

[BOB] as they log in

[John] ok, I read the site unless you updated more on the last few hours

[John] some our charaters do not know

[John] it's a little wierd

[BOB] yes I did update as of 6 PM

[BOB] and yes but I thought it would be better to have it there, so everyone knows the story so there is less confusion

[John] confusion is part of some adventures

[BOB] yes and it is a key part of this one

[John (to BOB only)] test

[BOB] trying to work it from both the character's knowledge and the Player's knowledge metagaming side of things

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 18:34:52 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[John] shhh he's here

[BOB] and by the way, Kurris did find the flaw in the chat issues, and will fix it for the next release

[BOB] someone else did a video of their session to show exactly what was happening

[mikE] /bob testing

[John] dm

[mikE (to BOB only)] testing

[BOB (to mikE only)] yeap

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 18:38:59 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie :O) has received the map Base Map.

[John] hello Mike

[John] hello Lori

[BOB] Hey Lor

[Lorie :O)] :: waves ::

[mikE] okay. caught up with the chat. aka: answered the questions.

[mikE] oooh. mel came up with a good one i never would have thought of. the actor who played jeff chaucer in a knight's tale

[mikE] cloud from the final fantasy vii movie

[mikE] he's badass.

[John] and you think Fin is a bad ass?

[mikE] and androgenous and kind of whiney

[mikE] hell yeah.

[John] oh that I understand

[mikE] when he can be hasted and shoot 10 lightning arrows/round?

[mikE] when he dropped one of the key fire giants guarding the door in a round with arrows to spare?

[mikE] not to mention his killing streak lately has pushed him up into the badass territory.

[John] I just do not picture that much attitude

[BOB] by the way Corey, GMJames son might stop by the game tonight or Jame's wife,

[Lorie :O)] John - when you think of Kylia who do you think of?

[mikE] beverly crusher!

[John] no

[mikE] =P

[John] Jean Gray

[John] Onatop

[mikE] hey, she heals people.

[John] yea but Bevery is a ditz

[John] she is not tough

[mikE] red sonja

[John] Kylia can kick but with a sword, in your face not from 100 yds away

[John] Red Sonya is too wild, Kyia is a lady

[John] IMHO

[mikE] snerk

[mikE] cough

[mikE] yup

[BOB] Mike did you get the chance to read the new stuff on the site? feel like it explains things better?

[mikE] once, twice, three times a lady

[mikE] nope.

[mikE] i got the last bit from two weeks ago.

[mikE] it made sense to me.

[John] I did not have an issue with the game last session

[mikE] the illusion chick showed up, sleeped the elves, took all the instraments except the hidden magic one, polymorphed the one guy

[John] just not clear if we got all our stuff back

[mikE] is coming back soonish

[John] time is an issue

[mikE] i figure we should just call home here and get the big guns to meet the lady when she comes back.

[John] hey that sound familiar

[mikE] they can also keep the peace between the elves and villagers until the elves can go all cloaky again.

[Lorie :O)] I think we should make like Scandanavians and club her over the head when we see her

[mikE] like a baby seal

[John] i am sure it will be that easy

[mikE] it will with badass finglas there!

[mikE] ::sound heroic theme music here::

[BOB] ok, well key things that are clarified, the lady has the magical recorder that is needed to redo the enchantment

[John] then I can go home

[John] THAT was not clear

[mikE] aaaah. nope.

[BOB] I did this week on the site,

[mikE] but it makes more sense now.

[mikE] okay, so when she comes back, we club her like a thug on a foggy london night.

[John] she was suposed to be back about the time the enchantment wore off

[mikE] man, i went down to the gas station and got an energy drink to try and stay awake the whole night and they had a sale on a new brand that tastes like funky sour citrus drink.

[mikE] right. any moment. call paul!

[mikE] and he can give the action news team assemble battle cry

[BOB] out of curiosity what makes you think she is coming back?

[mikE] okay, the doctor in season 2 of tng sucks.

[mikE] i got that from the elf chick's block o' text

[BOB] ok

[mikE] was that a mix up?


[BOB] has the story of what happened before you showed up

Player has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 19:01:22 EDT 2008

Player is receiving the map Base Map...

Player has received the map Base Map.

[mikE] gangwolf baseclef???

[mikE] oi

[BOB] come on that is a decent name for a Bard

John has left the game on Fri Aug 22 19:03:09 EDT 2008

John has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 19:04:34 EDT 2008

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[mikE] okay, the text says she's coming back here

[mikE] either that, or you really suck at explaining that particular part.

[BOB] nods, you are right Octavia said she was coming back

[Lorie :O)] But...the last line says that she saw a group of explorers

[mikE] so we abmush her when she comes back, and if she doesn't explain everything to us, we feed her to the mimic door.

[Lorie :O)] indicating that she might have been spooked and now will NOT return

[John] she said she was comming back but i doubted it

[mikE] the she in that case in the elf chick seeing us

[John] you guys work it out, I am being paged. Khan places the Paul pager in the party pack if you choose to use it

[mikE] i think we should claim the forest as a DS protectorate and turn it into our puerto rico

[BOB] grins

John has left the game on Fri Aug 22 19:07:24 EDT 2008

[mikE] then we'll have an excuse to attack and take over a small human kingdom when they inevitably try and take over the forest

[BOB] Nyrma laughed

[mikE] which will cause a domino effect of next door neighbors trying to attack our newly aquired lands until we own all of hallstat.

[BOB] ok, we know that Kaz will be very late, beyond that I have not heard from anyone else

[BOB] with John now away for a while it is up to the two of you

[BOB] do you want to wait here in the forest for how long? do you want to go find this wizard?

[BOB] in the hopes he can reverse the enchantments

[Lorie :O)] well ...

[mikE] would he even be alive after this long?

[mikE] he had to be old by the time he figured this magic out, and wasn't that a long time ago?

[BOB] all wizards are old white guys, grins

[Corey] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] well, with just the two of us i think we should flash back to the keeps and make some new DS policy.

[BOB] we can do that too if you both want

[mikE] maybe something that indentures all applying DS'ers to ten years of indentured servitude

[BOB] but I know that John has some things for Paul in that time to

[mikE] or they must forfit their souls/first born to our collection.

[Lorie :O)] Seems a bit harsh no?

[BOB] oh and Mike I have a couple of bottles of GenCon wine

[BOB] or at least Indy wine

[mikE] that sounds fun.

[BOB] is ok stuff

[mikE] next week you'll have to show me.

[BOB] yeah the wine center is up and finished, and stocked with everything we own

[BOB] now I can fill it up

[BOB] grins

[mikE] i'll probably stop by the library tomorrow at some point with mel to talk about the project. hopefully it won't be too much. i don't like to bring my work home on the weekends and i already have some planning to do.

[BOB] no problem with that, I am teaching from 1-3

[Lorie :O)] oooh project

[mikE] we want the library to come to the school and sign up kids for cards if they don't have one.

[mikE] is anything like that possible?

[BOB] easy

[BOB] can get most of it done on Sat,

[mikE] cool. that'll be good.

[mikE] earn me brownie points

[BOB] but then will take a week or two to get through the finished part

[BOB] but I can try to get them to rush it

[BOB] and I will be able to hand deliver them for you

[mikE] well, any time in sept would be good since that's national library month

[BOB] nods

[Lorie :O)] That's funny Mike, I was planning that through Brownies this fall as well

[Lorie :O)] Also want to do an internet safety training

[BOB] Mike I just tripped over your wine rack here on the floor, remember to take that home next week!

[mikE] lol. didn't know it was done last time i was there.

[mikE] that'll be great. i've got a few bottles here sitting on a shelf.

[BOB] did you want to exlore along the track towards that tower?

[BOB] or stay in the forest?

[mikE] well, i'm not convinced that going to the tower is the best course of action.

[mikE] the root problem is this woman.

[BOB] Kelleen did ask you to go find the wizard

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen would vote to stay in the woods

[mikE] and we've got a pretty solid lead on where she'll be in a rough time period.

[mikE] if we are going to the tower, then yes, brad would want the woods as well.

[mikE] he's got that whole sixth woodsy sense of the centaurs

[mikE] nothing can suprise us in here.

[BOB] are you going to talk to the Knight about the forest then?

[BOB] is is only an hour or two to the keep from here

[mikE] well, normally i wouldn't, but since we're light on man power at the moment it might be a good path for us.

[mikE] take the morning to go explain what's up. tell him off about going into the woods, then head back toward the wizard.

[mikE] what'cha think lor?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] Afternoon my good.... err, Sir? is that what you call someone like you?

[mikE] "Better'n Ma'am."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] well you could be a good man, or maybe more? he says trying to jest

[mikE] "I'd have to rip off an arm and beat ya with it for that. Ha ha ha! Just kidding."

[Lorie :O)] Sorry .. that's fine

[mikE] "So, we went into the woods out there."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] you know I ain't seen anyone like you around these parts before

[mikE] "And you probably won't. My kind tend to stick to the big woods."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] yeah not many of those around here, most were burned down years ago

[mikE] "We generally like our peace and don't have much to do with the world of man."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I try to keep the peace around these parts

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] a bit hard on the border sometimes, but we manage

[mikE] "Well, that is good news. Because I have a feeling there will be a whole lot more peace to keep."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I am always on the lookout for a few strong arms

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] if you are looking to hire on

[mikE] "No no, I already have a liege."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] of course I am not sure.... well then there you go

[mikE] "It's on his business that I am here."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] what sort of buisness would that be?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and who is this liege?

[mikE] "I am a representative of the Elven domain of Greenborough and it's lord Finglas Galwythe."

[mikE] "It is over the mountains to the west."

[mikE] "Between Roadhaven and the Protectorate."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] way over the mountains? you mean in the land of the setting sun?

[mikE] "I suppose?"

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] isn't most things red there, from havign the sun beat down on you all the time?

[mikE] "Uh... no."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I know a fair bit of goods go that way

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] but I never see much coming back

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] it all burns up?

[mikE] "Yes, they pass through Roadhaven in the mountain pass."

[mikE] "It gets bought. Probably in Wolfspack."

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 22 19:30:40 EDT 2008

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 19:31:51 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] Fritz just called, said he will be here in an hour or so

[mikE] sorry. my computer randomly went to sleep

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] is ok

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so back to the story

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] all the way over there huh?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] why would you come all this way?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Yes. We are seeking a woman who is causing trouble for the DragonSlayers."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] course it would be easy for you with 4 legs and all

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And we have tracked her to this area."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and who are the Dragonslayers?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "When we arrived in your kingdom we heard screaming and were told a tale of a magically appearing forest and a great blue gryphon eating the town horse."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Our lieges are the leaders of an illustrius adventuring group called the DragonSlayers."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And we have been told that there are people sullying our good name."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I like your young servant here **points to Gretchen** she knows how to serve and be seen and not heard, any chance I could convince you to have her serve here a while?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I doubt it. She is not my servant, but one of the great Lady Kylia's people. She is the Lady of Roadhaven."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::looks at Gretchen:: "Besides, I think she has a sweetie back home."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] where is this Roadhaven you refer to? is it part of the setting sun too?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It is in the mountain pass."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "On the western side of the range."

[Lorie :O)] :: looks at her toes and wishes she could disappear ::

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so it must be very hot there

[Lorie :O)] :: looks at Malachy like he grew a third ear ::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "If you had a map I could show you where we are from. But I also have news for you of the goings on in your own kingdom, M'lord."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] if you talk to Lady Kylia tell her I think she has good taste in her people, I would like to meet her sometime

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::whispers not so quietly to Gretchen:: "All this diplomantin's thirsty business."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] do tell me, what did you find in the north, is the forest for real? and not an illusion covering the bog?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I'm sure Gretchen will pass along the message."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and he CLAPS his hands, and calls for a servant

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The bog was, in fact, an illusion covering up the forest."

[Lorie :O)] :: furrows brows ::

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] tells her to bring a large flagon of ale for his guests

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] how do you know?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] if the bog or the forest is real?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Ah, it's as if you have read my mind. Your hospitality is very great. I'll have to spread the wword about the generous lord here." ::grins and wings at Malachy::

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] can't trust mages

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We went into the forest, and if it's one thing centaurs know, it's woods. We also met two of the denizens of the woods."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] all those chemicals do somethin to the brain I think

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 22 19:39:43 EDT 2008

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] looks at Gretchen

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so is your mistress a kind woman?

[Lorie :O)] :: nods :: to those who she trusts.

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] no floggings?

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 19:41:01 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[Lorie :O)] Life as a Dragonslayer is not always easy. Death has hardened her heart to strangers... and perhaps rightfully so

[Lorie :O)] But she has been good to my family and me

John has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 19:41:31 EDT 2008

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] be'n hard is part of life

[Lorie :O)] Welcomed us...Protected us and kept out strangers who would harm us

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] as any good Lord should do for his ... I guess her ... subjects

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I have heard of wom'in knights

[mikE] back. and welcome back john.

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] just never met any

[Lorie :O)] Kylia is among the greatest Ladies of the lands... and I say that with a humble heart.

[Lorie :O)] I am furious that someone would sully the Dragonslayer name

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] is she a Lady or a knight?

[Lorie :O)] Depending on the circumstance sir, she can be one or both

[Lorie :O)] Few have fought has bravely as she... Her position requires her to have a place as a Lady

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] well I suppose being a lady is a good thing, if you'rin a woman that is

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::laughs::

[Lorie :O)] The Dragonslayers are a rare breed Sir. Some of the finest amongst them

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and who is this Finglass Gawaith

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Some odd ducks, too."

[Lorie :O)] Sir Paul... Sir Khan

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He's an elven priest."

[Lorie :O)] Well... :: pauses and looks at Bradwarden to talk again, looks completely relieved ::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Son of an elven priest. Third generation, actually. Which for elves is a long while."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::pats Gretchen on the shoulder::

[John] the chat jumps even when paused

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] (chat issues will be fixed in the next version, not sure when that update will come)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He joined the DragonSlayers as a young and bold adventurer, and then carved out a kingdom of his own in my woods."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] how long do elves live anyway? they all died out around these parts a while ago

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Let me tell you, glad are the centaurs to have a good elf move in and not someone else."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Hundreds of years. And the elves around these parts didn't die off as much as were killed off, ya realize."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so what do bad elves look like then?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Black skin and white hair."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I've seen some of them when I fought in the Mountains of Copper

[Lorie :O)] :: whispers :: Like everyone else

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You don't say..."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] inky black skinned men?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, not men. Elves."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But yeah, black skin. White hair, purple or red eyes."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Only come out at night."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Live in holes in the ground like dwarves."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] is how I earned my crest, we fought off a band of scaley men like things, that were stealing cattle

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and chased them into a few caves

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Sounds like a great tale."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] saw some dark skinned men skulking about

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You know, you still got some elves around here."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] you don't say?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] where would they be?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I just did."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "In the woods, actually. Them's who we talked to.'

[John] skimmed what I could but I found something if I can intrupt your chat

[John] Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentor, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's own magical lute, which was stared in the hollow of a tree).

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] (and yes we did clarify that Khan has everything including the ring and of course you can interupte)

[John] you cleared up that she did not have the recorder

[John] or lute

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] (Octavia took the magical recorder, and did not take the magical lute)

[John] what does the lute do?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] (you do not know at this point)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it makes flowers fall from the sky like snow.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it is an elf lute after all.

[John] ok, continue

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so who is your other friend here Brad horseman?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] quaffs another mug and calls for another round for all

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "This is Khan. A man of Paul Evenshire, the ruler of the Protectorate."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and this protectorate you speak of is over in the burning lands too?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He's wiser than I and the head of our little expadition."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::nods::

[John] ::shakes head::

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] well which is it?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] Sir Khan?

[John] Khan is fine

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] you live in the burning lands or don't cha?

[John] Our lands do not burn, any more then your lands

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] you have that sun beating down on you all night long

[John] some days are hotter, but our grass is green

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] it must be hot there

[John] no the sun moves though our land as it does yours

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so your liege is a king?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] you are one of his knights?

[John] No I am his assistant, he is not a king, he is a simple man trying to make the world a better place

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::snorts::

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I know that quiet Gretchen here is an excellent servant to Lady/Knight Kylia

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He's a bloody great wizard is what he is."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Khan's got a case of being too modest."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and Brad horseman here is a warrior

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] but you don't look like either of them Sir Khan

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::stamps a hoof:: "Darn right." ::booms a laugh::

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] frowns, don't have much call to be dealing with wizards

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] can't trust em for nothing

[Lorie :O)] :: coughs loudly ::

[John] well.... some you can

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Oh, Paul's a good guy. He's not one of those shifty wizards you find holed up in a tower in the middle of nowhere."

[John] but most are just diffrent

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He's a right man of the people he is."

[John] good wizards and bad wizards, just like good fighters and bad fighters

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] bad fighters don't live long

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] they get killed by those that are better than them

[John] I ment to say evil or bad doers

[John] but the same can be said for wizards

[John] few get to travel as we have, as you have

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] well I am more traveled than most, I ahve seen all the way to the lake of mists

[John] so it is hard for many to understand all the ways of the world

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] adn to Gbor Nor

[John] Good for you

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] my pa was proud of me

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "One day you should come over the mountains and visit."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and I moved the family here to take advantage of the lands my grandpa had cleared

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You could meet the fair Lady Kylia. Maybe win her heart, eh Gretchen?"

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] grins, I am looking for a fair lady

[John] many have tried and left broken harted

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and she could live here where it is much cooler for her

[John] or headed

[Lorie :O)] :: shakes head violently ::

[John] or broken legged

[John] so anyway

[Lorie :O)] :: whispers :: she's snowed in every winter in Roadhaven, how much cooler does she need?

[John] please tell your people not to go into the woods, not to be afraid but to leave it be please

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::laughs at Gretchen's remark::

[John] (he is just a few fries short)

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] that is crazy talk sir Khan

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The elves there are working to return the woods to it's enchanted hidden way. They just want to be left alone."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] with a new forest nearby, why not go there?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] good hunting I am sure

[John] things there will hunt you too

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::snorts:: "Yeah, if you consider your behind good hunting."

[John] We were there

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You know much about wood elves?"

[John] it is for you

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] never have seen an elf before your group showed up

[John] brb

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] points to Ariella

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "First off, they'll know you're there long before you even get a hint of them. First sign you'll see is their arrows sticking out of your rump."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] well I have seen some strange things

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] a horrible creature that kept on coming at us

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "They take their seclusion seriously. Elves live long enough to have personally seen their forests destroyed by your ancestors."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] until we burned it with fire

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] they seen my grand pa?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "This forest is the last elven sanctuary in this part of the world."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "To trespass in it and hunt would be folly."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so they will pay service to me? as the Lord of the land

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Hah! More like the other way around. How long you been here?"

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I have built this keep, and farmed the lands here for almost 5 years now

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "They've lived in those woods for thousands of years."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::archs an eyebrow::

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and if they will not recognize me as Lord, then they are just skulkers, waiting to tresspass and steal from my lands

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I dont' have no problem with elves

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Humans have already trespassed and stolen from them."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] but they have to follow the laws

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "All they want is to be left alone."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] well then you tell them to come talk with me

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You won't even know they're there once they return their enchantment to it's proper place."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and we will work out a way for them to be alone

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, there's a might bit of a problem there. Y'see, they don't want to see or talk to anyone. They almost attacked us when we went in."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and you gave them a good what for I am sure

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But I assure you they have no intention of coming out of the woods."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] raises his mug in a toast

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Everything they need is in the forest. They have no need for anything in your lands."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] but they are in my lands

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::shakes his head:: "Their forest is their land."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] else why would they send you here to talk with me?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Besides, you never used the land anyway. It was a nasty bog."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] true

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And when we're done here it'll be a nasty bog again."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] but if they want to live in a bog that is ok with me

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, that's good. That's all they want."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I have no worries about that, as long as they do their share to their liege

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "They do. Their elven leige."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You wouldn't march into the mountains and tell the dwarves to pay tribute would you?"

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] **he seems to take a while to think about that, debating what the possiblities are **

[John] (so after re reading your clearification, it looks like we just missed Mercedes)

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] tch, no dwarves in these mountains, they live farther east in the Mountains fo Copper

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] (and yes to John)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But you wouldn't go there and ask would ya?"

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] is not my lands

[John] (but the enchantment was suposed to last a month)

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] if there were dwarves in my lands I would

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "That would be folley. Just because you conquered the land doesn't mean it belongs to you."

[John] (according to the Chaos Btch)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The dwarves live in the mountains first, and the elves lived in the forests."

[BOB] that is the implied confusion john, the enchantment needs to be replaced every so often, Octavia said she would be back in a month, but the enchantment has obviously worn off already)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The humans came much later and cut down the forests."

[Lorie :O)] ((BRB...need to speak with Alyssa ))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The elves moved deeper into the woods rather than fight with the humans."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] so if there is no forest, then where do the elves live?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "THey don't want a war, they just want peace and to live in the woods."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] you mean if I cut down that forest they will leave?

[John] Brad, we need to be going

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "No, if you do that they will attack."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] if that is all I need to do then thank you very much Brad Horseman

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "No Khan, we need to settle this. The elves cannot be disturbed or the woods destroyed."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] but if they don't acknowledge me at their liege I can burn down their forest

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and they will leave

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I warn you Malachy, if you raise hand to these woods or elves you will face me in battle."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And you will face my lord's army in battle."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] frowns, I am not looking to fight you

[John] The woods are well protected already

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And I'm not looking to fight you, either."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I just want all in my lands to acknowledge

[John] you wood be wise to leave them be

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The elves will be gone soon enough."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The forest will once again be gone and the bog returned to normal."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I will have to see that

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] can't trust no wizard you know

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But I would advise that for now you leave the woods alone. They are enchanted and would be trouble for any humans who enter."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But we are working to right what the woman wronged."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] and see you prove it , some enchantment by a wizard that makes it dangerous to go in the forest

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] knew I was right

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The lady wizard bard person is evil, to be sure."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] what woman wronged you horseman? how can I helf?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And she worked the magic on your bog."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] **belches**

[John] they are defensive, if you attack they will be offensive

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We're going to find her and get her to fix your lands so they are back to normal."

[Lorie :O)] ((bak -- Alyssa lost her Lego's))

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] looks at Khan, see Brad horsman here knows what to be careful of

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But, until we fix your lands, you need to stay out of the woods."

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] woman and wizards

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] both are tricksy things

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We know the tricks of evil wizards and can fix the problem."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What do you say?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] you deal with the wizards' I have no call to worry

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Exactly. Just stay out of the forest."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::nods sagely::

[BOB] so after more drinking

[BOB] and walking about town

[BOB] how do you want to handle this next?

Corey has left the game on Fri Aug 22 20:20:45 EDT 2008

[Bradwarden (mikE)] has he agreed to stay out of the woods?

[John] I want to head towards the wizard

[Bradwarden (mikE)] have we convinced him it's all dangerous and wizardly?

[BOB] he seems to be understanding of your idea, he did not swear to ti but he seems to be ready to give it tiem

[Bradwarden (mikE)] okay, then i think heading to the wizards tower might be our next best step if we don't think the chick is going to come back here.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] we can do that

Corey has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 20:23:02 EDT 2008

Corey is receiving the map Base Map...

Corey has received the map Base Map.

[John] will they put us up for the night? start in the AM?

[BOB] sure

[Bradwarden (mikE)] don't we have time to get back to the woods and sleep?

[BOB] by the way when you guys log in which base map is it giving you?

Corey is receiving the map McKenna Keep...

Corey has received the map McKenna Keep.

[BOB] you could go to the woods

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'd rather get back to the two elves if we could

[BOB] or you can sleep here at the keep

[BOB] the elf and griffon?

[BOB] who is hungry for horse flesh?

[Lorie :O)] McKenna Keep for me

[Bradwarden (mikE)] eh. he's fed for the night.

[BOB] that was yesterday

[Bradwarden (mikE)] was it?

[BOB] nods

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, he's likely to attack me tomorrow then, too.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] seems this podunk town doesn't have too many horses

[BOB] so sleeping here at the keep

[BOB] and then heading out in teh morning

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but whatever. let's move on.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] sure. let's go

[John] get fress supplies

[John] fresh

[Lorie :O)] Sleep, Supplies yup

[BOB] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Kye {Late Winter} 4th, 1259.

[BOB] ok, so morning breaks


[Bradwarden (mikE)] poor morning.

[BOB] Just so everyone gets the chance this is Corey

[John] (waiting for the moaning to die out)

[John] Hello Corey

[BOB] Corey is GMJames, son, I met him at GenCon

[BOB] he is here to get ideas to learn to run his own campaign

[John] does he know how many draws you have?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and he's getting ideas from YOU? =P

[BOB] so if he has questions I told him he can ask you questions in private

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i think paul should be played by nockolas cage

[BOB] well I am thinking that the Beer Run was prior to Corey

[Lorie :O)] please ask us questions about BOB...we're happy to share LOL

[Bradwarden (mikE)] er, nickolas

[John] I can see that

[Corey] Hi guys

[Corey] Im new and just watching

[Lorie :O)] :: waves :: Evening and Welcome Corey

[Bradwarden (mikE)] hey

[Lorie :O)] We're like Earth in HHGTTG ... Mostly Harmless

[John] just understand this is a slow night

[Corey] Thanks Bob

[BOB] anytime

[Corey] Its ok

[Bradwarden (mikE)] nah, tonight is a good rp night. not slow.

[John] SO East?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] whichever way the wizard is.

[BOB] that would be east, north east actually

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i never consider a night of character interaction slow. slow is when we're actively trying to get to a goal and make no headway. such as spending four hours in the last part of the adventure decided to wander in the woods and find the elves.

[John] just look for the tower right

[Corey] For anyone that would like to know Bob is helping me set up my own adventure, we still have a lot to do though so it may be a while before wwe get the thing up and running

[Bradwarden (mikE)] that was the worst night in a long time for me.

[Lorie :O)] :: nods :: Corey, BOB is a good source to help you get it up and running

[Bradwarden (mikE)] which system are you using?

[BOB] which was partly my fault Mike, hence the appology

[Bradwarden (mikE)] not last week bob, back with the first part. the orcs with pointy ears

[BOB] ahhh

[John] this reminds me of that time

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we spent three hours debating what to do with that stupid orc captive and whether or not to go into the woods.

Gettabootavitta has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 20:36:22 EDT 2008

Gettabootavitta is receiving the map Base Map...

Gettabootavitta has received the map Base Map.

[John] talking to crazy usless npc's

[Bradwarden (mikE)] tonight we've been rp'ing and doing some diplomacy.

[BOB] hey Sir McKenna is a good guy

[John] clueless but good

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, he's useless if you don't care about the elves' welfare.

[John] still useless

[BOB] hey there Fritz

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but if you don't care about that, then you must not care about the game world at large.

[Gettabootavitta] Howdy fokes-

[Bradwarden (mikE)] yo fritz

[Corey] It is very interesting and useful to watch someone else run a game

[Lorie :O)] Evening Fritz

[Gettabootavitta] Yeah, you would *think* this is Fritz...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] wait, isn't that hanz's color?

[Lorie :O)] well the color SCREAMS Christy

[John] I do not see these people threaten a grifin, more likely they would die

[Bradwarden (mikE)] that hansey?

[Gettabootavitta] Bingo, baby

[Bradwarden (mikE)] lol. point for me

[BOB] ahhh, cool

[John] most likly they are too afraid to go in

[Bradwarden (mikE)] or her?

[BOB] sorry about that Hans

[Corey] Sorry off topic bob

[Bradwarden (mikE)] who was right?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] pft. we get thrown off topic by someone logging in. as you can see.

[BOB] nah Hans, christy has a different boota

[Gettabootavitta] heh heh heh...

[John] this is where the game breaks down

[BOB] will she be logging in?

[Gettabootavitta] Don't mind me. I'll do whatever Mike wants.

[John] new poeple log in have to get caught up

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i bet it's christy using hans' computer, thus a strange combination of both only capable through quantum meta physics and marriage.

[John] small talk and repeating

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but i like it if that's the thinking. lol.

[Gettabootavitta] Christy's on the way home right now. We went to different gyms tonight.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] okay, basically, lorie and i were winging it, so went to inform the local knight guy what was in the woods.

[BOB] so when you get the chance to answer those questions at the top of the chat Hans, and you can read up on the new stuff on the site when you get the chance

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we talked to him some. I had a good time anyway, and now we're going off to find the wizard

[BOB] right now we are heading NE to the tower

[Gettabootavitta] Great. NE to the tower. I'm wit ya.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and as for the threatening the gryphon, doesn't a fighter have to be 8th level to get himself a keep?

[BOB] nods to Mike actually at least 9th to attract followers

[Bradwarden (mikE)] gryphons are 8hd. even match there. not to mention all the village people are awake and can be a peasant mob whereas the elves are coughing z's

[John] I read he inherated his grandfathers keep

[John] nothing says he has followers

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but to do that he's got to have the levels.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] he's the lord of the area. all the people we've seen are his followers.

[John] no, anyine can bukd a keep

[John] they are villagers

[BOB] You are HERE moved 125'09".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, i'd assume he's 9th or higher depsite his inbred tendancies toward beint plain stupid.

[BOB] wry grin

[BOB] brb rest room

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and my god, i swear i'm spelling like an anstett anymore

[John] ASS UME all you want

[Bradwarden (mikE)] better to be safe than sorry. pbthththth

[John] you are thinking in character, like the elves need to be protects

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, yeah.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

[Gettabootavitta] The Anstetts "tell" good stories, they can't "spell" good stories...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] lol

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] lol

[John] bows

Gettabootavitta tips hat

[BOB] you are on that map, the keep is near the two rivers there,

[BOB] you can see there the Mountains of Copper are that he was refering to

[Gettabootavitta] That is a cool map. Looks like it's right out of LOTR.

[BOB] south of that forest the Shalhoond lies Gbor Nor, a large inland see

[BOB] sea

[John] finaly I see how far off we though we were

[John] but we landed right where BOB wanted us to be

[BOB] you are on the edge of Hallstatt and Nathoud, you seem to have been crossing back and forth over the border several times

[Bradwarden (mikE)] good thing the mounties didn't find us

[Gettabootavitta] brb

[Gettabootavitta] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] actually, in Nathoud wizards are not liked at all

[BOB] but will let you explore the site for those things

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so are we there yet?

[John] if our characters do not know, it just seems like troubble

[BOB] do you want to be there? click time? or run the encounters?

[BOB] 4-5 days of travel

[John] I may as well crack your passowrd and read the secret files

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if you've got encounters, that's cool. i just don't want to talk about nothing while we could be doing things.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but if it's that far away, i'm afraid we're going to miss our window with the mage chick.

[John] she is not comming back

[Gettabootavitta] I am back at the keyboard.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] don't think so?

[John] she is a lying, conivng , trickster

[BOB] shhhh he still believes in the tooth fairy, santa claus and that the government is here to help you,

[BOB] don't disillusion him now

[John] oh the goverment is here to help you, just not me

[Gettabootavitta] ::chuckles::

[John] let me take eveything you have then threaten to come back and take some more

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, she does want something else. songs, apparently.

[John] and I will leave you polymorped into a fierce winged creature that can tear me to shreads

[Bradwarden (mikE)] the castle we were in, it isn't the one the chick was at, was it?

[John] That was one more issue with the story

[BOB] no to Mike

[Bradwarden (mikE)] pft. the gryphon isn't a threat to her.

[BOB] not a castle at McKenna, just a keep

[John] she played a flute and sang to elves to sleep

[Bradwarden (mikE)] okay.

[John] does she have two mouths?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] you can play the flute and sing.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] he never said at the same time.

[John] clealy

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i mean, will ferrel sang and played jazz flute in anchorman.

[John] so is that considered acapella?

[John] then an instrumental?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] oh, btw, i've been talking ot beth and earl lately.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] he had a backup band.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] they've been on wow in the past week or so. beth's doing good.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] getting stronger. hopefully we'll see her soon here again.

[Lorie :O)] Yup...they are

[BOB] very good, did she get her card fixed?

[John] you know cleaing up this "persons" messes can be a full time job

[Gettabootavitta] Good (about Beth)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] cleaning up her messes will only take as long as it takes to kill her.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] once she's dead she can't make any more.

Christy has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 20:55:41 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[John] how do we find her?

[Lorie :O)] ((Beth is actively looking for a new position currently and working to get stronger ))

[John] how do we kill her?

[John] once we do how do I find you again

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, we're working on finding her. as for killing her i hear putting the pointy end in the other man works well.

[John] and so we are moving east, north east

[Bradwarden (mikE)] as for finding me, if you call out my name, i'll come running.

[BOB] ok, so Christy and Hans can send their input to me as the night goes by, right now the group is nearing the location of the keep

[Gettabootavitta] Yes (to John)

[Lorie :O)] (I think Killing her only makes it worse to clear the Dragonslayers' name))

[BOB] of Kalamalotus' tower at least

[Lorie :O)] ((With her alive we can coerse a confession and reasonably set the record straight ))

[John] we have the elves to do that

[Christy] gonna skim the chat-brb

[John] good luck

Christy has left the game on Fri Aug 22 20:58:30 EDT 2008

[BOB] that was quick you have to admit

[Gettabootavitta] Christy just got the boot. Maybe she should have my name...

Christy has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 20:58:52 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] to clear our name we can just show up and say believe us or burn. that'll work.

[BOB] what base map are you guys getting there? one with characters on it? or just the links?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i've still got the world map

[BOB] nods but when you log in for some reason it is sending out a base map

[Lorie :O)] I have "Overland Lake of Mists"

[Gettabootavitta] me too

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i get that, then it gets overwritten with the new one.

[BOB] nods I sent that to everyone

[BOB] as I see you log in

[BOB] next time will not send

[BOB] so you can tell me what you get

[BOB] ok, we are nearing the hills where the tower is

[BOB] the clearflow river is on your right

[BOB] a smaller nameless river (for now) ison your left

[Hansie] I just want to keep looking at the cool map and listening to the dulcet tones of Bob describing our surroundings...

[BOB] all those names sites on the map are on the site as well

[BOB] dead dwarf bridge, etc

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it's so tolkeinesque

[Hansie (to mikE only)] test

[Hansie (to mikE only)] it's a *complete* rip-off from LOTR...

[Bradwarden (mikE) (to Hansie only)] test

[Hansie (to mikE only)] and I *love* it!

[Bradwarden (mikE) (to Hansie only)] this is a map he's got at his house. not sure where he got it from, but it's about half the pooltable big. we're only seeing a small bit of it now.

[BOB] so how will you cros that river? the clearflow is the larger of the two

[BOB] and so much harder to cross

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we will just say we cross it.

[BOB] this is not terraguard where there are ferries and the like

[BOB] wry grin, sorry you have to find a way across, or travel upstream and down

[BOB] either way works

[Hansie] We chop down *all* the trees in the area if we need to.

[John] can you send us a close up?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] then we will build one. okay, right now we have what? 12-15 levels worth of characters. wooden structure... few hours? a day?

[BOB] sorry no close up of this area

[Hansie] Make a little beaver dam.

[Hansie] We'll use it on the way back, too.

[John] we are close to the dead dwarf bridge?

[BOB] you could make rafts if anyone has some skill

[Hansie] "Someone should put a bridge right *here*" ::pointing to the closest narrowest portion of the river::

[BOB] no John, you are way to the south, where the HERE YOU ARE marker is

[Bradwarden (mikE)] seriously, how many level hours would it take to build a bridge?

[BOB] and you just need to cross that one river that is just above Gretchen

[John] just finished zooming in, took a while

[Bradwarden (mikE)] can't be too many.

[BOB] a bridge is too much, rafts are not

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we build whole towns with our mains.

[BOB] nods, but a bridge is actually more complicated than a normal building

[Bradwarden (mikE)] okay. no obvious ford?

[BOB] none

[BOB] not this close to the connfluence

[John] so we are not yet where HERE YOU ARE is?

[BOB] you are almost there

[Lorie :O)] I would guess no obvjous Chevy or GM either

[Bradwarden (mikE)] then let's build a raft, then use a guide rope to not get dragged away down river.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and guess what? brad actually has ROPE USE!

[BOB] You are HERE moved 50'05".

[BOB] groans at Lor

[John] are we in plains? I thought he was through the woods?

[Taurus (Hansie)] If we don't have raft-building, we'll probably end up having to use another skill we don't have: swimming.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so we can use a guide rope without bob saying it comes undone halfway across.

[BOB] both to John

[BOB] and if no one has boat use then you will have some issus in a storm

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ....

[BOB] but in normal conditions you can make a basic raft to get across

[Taurus (Hansie)] I say we just go around this little arm of the river and then stick to the river while looking for ferries & what-not.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] um, we're not crossing the sea.

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen can Swim or Fly

[BOB] will fall apart after a while

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we're spending a few minutes crossing a river.

[BOB] but for now

[John] Khan can swim

[BOB] Ariella moved 619'07".

[BOB] Glabius moved 174'02".

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 510'08".

[BOB] Khan moved 102'03".

[BOB] Chohen moved 94'09".

[John] Khan has levitate

[Bradwarden (mikE)] then gretchen flies over with one end of the rope

[John] how far across is the river here?

[BOB] ok, so building rafts and floating across?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ties it off

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we tie the other end here

[Bradwarden (mikE)] khan levitates brad

[BOB] I liek the Gretchen idea

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and you all ride him over

[Bradwarden (mikE)] as he pulls himself along with the rope

[BOB] grins, that beats a raft too

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we're across.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] next

[BOB] laughs

[BOB] Gretchen adn Khan ok with that?

[Christy] it is just to painful to read that chat as it jumps around. just let me know if I missed something important

[John] Of course, as long as we take the rope with us

[Christy] and I vote yes to whatever we're voting on

[Bradwarden (mikE)] gretchen can fly back across, untie the end adn we pull it over

[BOB] that will be fixed soon Christy, he knows what is wrong and will fix it for the next version

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so we have our rope and are on the other side.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] not even wet

[Taurus (Hansie)] Sounds good.

[John] just used one spell

[Christy] I actually really like to swim

[John] like the horse man said - next

[BOB] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Kye {Late Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] not bad, i think.

[BOB] About 10 miles northwest of the river junction, you see an awesome sight: Large trees have been blown over and completely uprooted, as if some horrendous power had swatted them out of the ground. No birds sing, no crickets chirp. Even the underbrush seems curiously flattened. Then you see the tower itself, or rather what's left of it. Atop a small hill, blackened shards of stone and brick lie on the ground around a circle of masonry that is all that remains of Kamalotus's home. Whatever caused the devastation around you appears to have originated here.

[Taurus (Hansie)] "The elf woman is not going to be happy about this."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well. Crap."

[John] any nature people tell how long ago this happened?

BOOT has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 21:15:31 EDT 2008

BOOT is receiving the map Base Map...

BOOT has received the map Base Map.

[John] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I think her hopes should not have been completely dependent on this wizard."

[John] Khan: Spellcraft check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[BOB] hey there Fritz

[Taurus (Hansie) (to BOOT only)] Hey, Fritz

[Bradwarden (mikE)] yo fritz

[BOB] what base map do you have?

[John] hello boot man

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if it is indeed fritz

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if not, then get lost

[BOB] one with characters on it? or only links?

[Taurus (Hansie) (to BOOT only)] You missed my earlier chat name of "Gettabootavitta". I think you would have appreciated that...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so let's get up close

[Bradwarden (mikE)] see what happens

[Bradwarden (mikE)] maybe he's still alive?

[BOB] you can see what must be the remains of a door on the western side

[Bradwarden (mikE)] wanna take bets if this was his bad or the chick? two to one odds on the wizard

Taurus (Hansie) cautiously approaching remains

[John] any nature people tell how long ago this happened?

[John] or can I tell with my rolls?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] what's the F?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] floor door?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] fantastic treasure?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] fat lewts?

[BOB] the F is a location on the floor when someone is inside of the keep

[Taurus (Hansie)] I was wondering that too, although the words "fantastic treasure" did not come to mind.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, let's walk around the side where the door is

[Bradwarden (mikE)] Bradwarden moved 50'11".

[BOB] and Mike I converted Chohen to an PC for you to use when Brad cannot fit into areas

[John] Khan moved 55'03".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] lol. okay.

[Taurus (Hansie)] Um, are you saying, Bob, that is the only intact piece of the keep?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] this used to be a wizard's tower

[Bradwarden (mikE)] can he tell how long ago this happened?

[BOB] looks to be about 40 foot across

[John] now it is a wizard's bacement

[BOB] this is true

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it's modern art?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 59'06".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i bet we could sell it as modern art.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it surely makes a bold statement

[John] is there growth near the rubble?

[BOB] no to John

[Taurus (Hansie)] Wait a sec. You're saying that the whole structure is boulders and rubble and there is a perfectly square piece of floor that's untouched?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] jinkies! it's a clue

[BOB] yes to Hans

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'm going near the rubble, my main man.

[John] Khan moved 26'00".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Is the only place to enter at the west?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 29'11".

[Christy] would you like any help searching for traps?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] how tall is the remaining wall?

[BOB] yes, unless you want to climb over the rubble

[John] easiest place to "enter"

[BOB] the tallest parts of the wall are 15 feet tall but most are less than 8 foot tall

[John] Khan moved 9'03".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Yeah, my armor doesn't work so good for mountain-climbing and similar activities.

[John] no roof?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 18'10".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it got blown up

[BOB] no roof

[BOB] looks like there might have been two or three stories here

[Bradwarden (mikE)] can brad get in?

Taurus (Hansie) stepping carefully over the ruins

[John] floor stone or dirt?

[BOB] floor is stone

[BOB] brad can get into that circle yes

[Bradwarden (mikE)] Bradwarden moved 22'06".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 52'11".

[John] calls out, spread out look for floor doors

[John] Khan moved 11'07".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] Bradwarden moved 15'09".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] found one!

[John] is it that obvious?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it's well hidden?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] or something

[BOB] The aboveground ruins contain little but blasted rock and signs of extreme fire and heat. The circular rubble of the tower is 40' in diameter.

[BOB] If the PCs dig through the rubble that bas fallen within the tower, they can find the melted remains of an iron handle affixed to one of the thick flagstones.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] that square of untouched floor must stand out

[John] not untouched, we search we find

[BOB] Time of Day: 04:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Kye {Late Winter} 9th, 1259.

[John] Brad, Taurus, clear that rubble

[John] Ariella, check for hidden dangers

[Lorie :O)] :: walks around the outside for any interesting signs

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What do I look like? A work horse?"

[Christy] Ariella: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [1d100=76] 76 - ROLL FAILED against 70!!

Taurus (Hansie) picking up rocks and carrying them outside

[Christy] everything looks good to me

[John] well... at least 1/2 right

[John] er 1/4

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 12'08".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 23'10".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 42'10".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 72'07".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 106'01".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 127'01".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 152'07".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] okay, so as we clear we find the door, right?

[BOB] yes

[Bradwarden (mikE)] bad hans

[John] we are not cleaningg up, just need to get inside

[Bradwarden (mikE)] okay, can we open it?

[BOB] seems pretty tightly shut

[Bradwarden (mikE)] is that a yes, or a no?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 35'10".

[Christy] is it locked?

[BOB] is a large stone cap

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if i have to interpret it, i'll say yes

[BOB] of a trap door

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Rogue!"

[Taurus (Hansie)] "What can you do about this door?"

[BOB] so you need to find a way to open it, not a simple LIFT operation, not enough leverage

[John] can I levitate it, it is a seperate item

[BOB] (it is a new day, all spells except the levitate are back)

[John] I have another one

[Bradwarden (mikE)] tie a rope, throw it over the wall, pull from outside, gives an upward angle lift.

[BOB] and you could try to levitate it, it does look to be seperate

[Bradwarden (mikE)] good leverage there.

[BOB] that would be an option also

[Bradwarden (mikE)] save the spells till we need them more, i'd say.

[BOB] and Ari did not find any traps

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so if i do that, does it work?

[Taurus (Hansie)] I was hoping she could find some way to open the door.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] can i lift it with horsey strenth?

[BOB] your strength is?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] go go horsey muscles

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, the centaur book says to use common sense when dealing with the horse half.

[Taurus (Hansie)] Ooops.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i can drag 1000lbs. according to it.

[BOB] ok

[BOOT (to BOB only)] do I really need to go and read the web site now?

[BOB] and is ok Fritz, they were openly discussing that earlier

[Christy] with my knowledge of opening doors, do I see any trick to opening this one other than sheer strength?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i think eddie izzard would have made a great mal. if he lost some weight.

[BOB (to BOOT only)] you can later on, I cleaned up and clarified a lot of things there

[BOB] no to Ari

[Bradwarden (mikE)] does the rope work?

[BOB] looks to be a solid piece of stone

[John] how much did Mal weigh?

BOOT is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

BOOT is now controlling Mentor

[BOB] and the rope and leverage should work

[Bradwarden (mikE)] about half of izzard. he was a thin guy. forgot to eat half the time.

[Christy] try to haul that stone, Brad!

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 30'06".

[John] ::on guard::

[BOB] Khan moved 3'05".

[BOB] Ariella moved 85'02".

[John] Khan moved 8'07".

[BOB] Chohen moved 86'10".

[BOB] Gretchen moved 80'00".

[BOB] Glabius moved 15'08".

[BOB] Mentor moved 67'02".

[BOB] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 74'01".

[BOB] where ever people want to be when the stone is rolled away

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i suppose CG would play brad.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Anyone want to fill me in on what is going on so I don't have to read the whole thing I only read the first part obviously

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 6'07".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 11'02".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 14'01".

[BOB] take 5 to work it out, will go get a drink

[John] which way does it open?

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we came to the wizard's tower that made the enchantment

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 7'10".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and it's all blowed up.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] the first hour of the night was lorie paul and i rp'ing with the local lord convincing him not to bother the woods while we are gone.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Paul?

[Christy] brb-gotta get the kids to bed

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Paul Elvenstire?

[John] i was in and out as Khan

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Paul was here?

[John] no

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i meant john

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Oh ok sorry

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so what's down the hole?

[John] we have to be in position of rthe rockes to fly out of the hole at us and kill us all

[John] where do you want to be when you die?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] the rocks can't fall on us if we're on top

[John] you would think

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i hope

[John] I was flying once and got burried

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] shh

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] which way does the Trap open?

[BOB] the door seems to go straight up

[BOB] no hinge on it

[BOB] more like a plug

[John] I am good

[BOB] or a cork in a bottle of wine

[John] Khan moved 12'09".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[John] Khan moved 5'11".

[John] anytime your ready

[BOB] Lorie?

[John] Khan moved 5'05".

[BOB] Fritz?

[BOB] you happy with where your characters are?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Chromatic Orb -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missle -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 3'11".

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 43'00".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Yes sir

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] what is the "F"

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Khan modified: Spells - CHANGED: Spook -- Cast Level: 1 (4), CHANGED: Change Self -- Cast Level: 1 (4), CHANGED: Shield -- Cast Level: 1 (4), CHANGED: Levitate -- Cast Level: 2 (6), CHANGED: Mirror Image -- Cast Level: 2 (4), CHANGED: Blindness -- Cast Level: 2 (4), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Cast Level: 1 (6), CHANGED: Blindness -- Cast Level: 2 (4), CHANGED: Blindness -- Expression: Blindness spell (Target is permanently blinded unless they save vs spell.),

[BOB] the F is the whole in the floor you are about to open up

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Khan modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Blindness -- Expression: Blindness spell (Target is permanently blinded unless they save vs spell.), CHANGED: Levitate -- # Memorized: 2 (0),

[John] Khan casts a spell against : Levitate: "Levitate spell"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] wait a sec I am in direct line of fire

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] that was for the river crossing

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 12'00".

[John] it opens up

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Mentor moved 12'00".

[BOB] ok to John

[John] 360 degree of fire

[John] times 180 in 3 d

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Not sure what is going on but go ahead I will eventually catch up

[BOB] and the plug shudders and then POPS out of the whole under teh weight of Brad pulling on it

[BOB] and the levitate spell

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 9'02".

[BOB] lift the stone reveals a 6'-diameter shaft that descends into blackness. A ladder in good repair is fastened to the wall of the shaft.

[John] i did not cast, Brad said he could do it

[John] I look down

[BOB] ok

[BOB] dark

[John] sorry I walk up and look down

[BOB] grins

[BOB] Khan moved 31'04".

[John] cover my head with my cloak and use infravision

[BOB] is dark, no heat sources

[BOB] cool air

Taurus (Hansie) waiting for some monster to fly out of the blackness, sword at the ready.

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mentor (BOOT)] Would you like me to look Khan? My eyesight is exceptional in the darkness?

[John] how about Taurus first?

[John] So is mine

[Mentor (BOOT)] Even in magical darkness

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I can't see in the dark. Who can see in the dark here?"

[Christy] um, I can.

[John] Apparently Mentor wants to look

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I'd like to find out what's down there. I can't fight what I can't see."

[Mentor (BOOT)] I can see even without the "heat signatures" surface dwellers are used to. I am just trying to help Khan.

[John] ::steps back::

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Mentor, come have a look at this black pit, please."

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 6'07".

[Mentor (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 51'03".

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 24'05".

[Mentor (BOOT)] Mentor moved 51'09".

Mentor (BOOT) looks into the hole

[Christy] Ariella moved 7'06".

[BOB] the shaft goes down at least 20 feet, likely more but no images from down there are visible

[BOB] would have to have a detect magic to see if it is magical darknes or not

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Does anybody have a continual light stone? Or a torch? I'll go down this ladder."

[John] how about a old fasion fire torch, I think there is one in your pack

[Taurus (Hansie)] I don't have fire-building. Anybody got that?

[Mentor (BOOT)]

[John] no thank you, i will be over here

[BOB] you can light it with no check, only need fire building in the middle of combat

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus [1d6]: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4

[Mentor (BOOT)] it is normla darkness I will go down further with my brother and look

[Taurus (Hansie)] Okay.

[Mentor (BOOT)] val goes first then mentor follow

Taurus (Hansie) lighting torch for his turn to go down the ladder.

[Christy] good luck down there!

[BOB] The shaft descends down thirty feet ending in a tunnel that continues of to the west. This corridor is roughly eight feet high and opens into forbidding chamber.

[John] Brad, you can make it

[BOB] no he can't

[John] how tall is he

[Christy] we're all going down there aren't we?

Taurus (Hansie) heading down after the brothers.

[BOB] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 5'02".

[Mentor (BOOT)] I report up what I see

[John] I am feet tall, can I walk in there?

[John] 9'

BOOT is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

BOOT has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] and yes you can walk in there Khan

[BOB] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 3'06".

Hansie is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Hansie has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Mentor (BOOT)] Mentor moved 1'10".

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] guess i'll take the druid

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 7'07".

[Christy] I'm not staying up here if everyone else is going downstairs

Taurus (Hansie) torch held high, peering into lit area.

[Christy] Ariella moved 9'02".

[Mentor (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 1'05".

[BOB] Taurus moved 8'08".

[John] I go down last

[Bradwarden (mikE)] brad's up top

[Mentor (BOOT)] Bob it wont let me set the follow icon

Hansie is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Hansie has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

John is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

John has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] no clue on that Fritz

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius moved 28'08".

Christy is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Christy has received the map Basement of Tower.

Taurus (Hansie) torch in one hand, sword in the other, ready to drop torch and draw 2nd sword.

[Taurus (Hansie) (to BOB only)] get my cleric down there, too, please

[John] ::keeping an eye on torch::

[Lorie :O)] Umm... I can't seem to get the other map

[Lorie :O)] :: ponders ::

[BOB] Mentor moved 4'05".

[BOB] Gretchen moved 2'10".

Hansie is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Hansie has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] you are on teh new map now Lor

[BOB] Khan moved 1'09".

[Lorie :O)] it looks like the same map I had?

[Christy] would you guys like a trap finder?

[BOB] and Khan right near the bottom of the ladder

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Lorie :O) has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Mentor (BOOT)] I can

[Mentor (BOOT)] I can't see the map now for some reason

[BOB] This scene shows a small keep on a mountainside. It has a glowing nimbus around it, and is nestled between two peaks. Above this scene is a sun in eclipse radiating light.

[BOB] A large blue griffon in flight is worked in vivid colors, with eight stars surrounding it.

[BOB] The ceiling of this chamber extends upwards to twenty feet. The north and west walls are hung with large magnificent tapestries. In the southwest corner a few trunks and chests have been pushed together next to a table that holds a crystal ball that seems to have a faintly glowing image in it.

[Christy] Mentor can find traps?

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Ariella, would you be so kind to check for traps in this untrustworthy demolished place?"

[Christy] sure, I'd be happy to look for traps

[Taurus (Hansie)] "This place may not have been trapped in better days, but I think this place's better days are behind it."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] lewt!

[Christy] Ariella: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [1d100=40] 40 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Taurus (Hansie)] All right!

[BOB] Ariella moved 14'11".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 9'02".

[BOB] and Ari says that the entrance is clear

[Mentor (BOOT)] stupid skipping

[Taurus (Hansie)] It does it every once in a while for me.

[Mentor (BOOT)] seems to become a fairly constant thing around 9:00

[BOB] so moving forward?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Yep.

[BOB] Ariella moved 13'04".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 12'10".

[BOB] Chamber moved 14'07".

[BOB] The Basement moved 20'11".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 9'11".

[BOB] you can see those crates adn chests in teh corner there

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Hello!!! Anybody in here?!?"

[BOB] that other large area to the south is a ledge, up about 8 feet, like a roof on a small room perhaps

[BOB] or an area that was not excavated

[Mentor (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 14'09".

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Kamalotus!!! Are you in here?!"

[Christy] sure, let's alert anyone who might be here that we're on our way.

[Mentor (BOOT)] Mentor moved 14'03".

[Taurus (Hansie)] (I'm not the sneaky type)

[Mentor (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 7'03".

[Mentor (BOOT)] Mentor moved 7'05".

[BOB] (Mike you can do what ever you like with Chohen)

[Christy] give those few extra minutes to polish their swords and eady their spells

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 18'08".

Taurus (Hansie) checking out the blue griffon tapestry

[Mentor (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 13'03".

[Mentor (BOOT)] Mentor moved 15'00".

[Christy] Ariella moved 14'03".

[John] I am quite sure that mercedes is long gone

[Mentor (BOOT)] will check for secret doors

[Christy] I'm also on the lookout for secret doors

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Hmm. 8 stars. I wonder why there are precisely 8 stars surrounding this griffon?"

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 10'01".

[John] probably the number of people in the group

[BOB] everyone roll for surprise please

[BOB] a D12

[Lorie :O)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=9] 9

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Hmm. I wonder where this scene is from?"

[BOB] curly brace d12 curly brace

[Bradwarden (mikE)] (d12) [1d12=6] 6

[Christy] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=9] 9

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus [1d12]: (1d12) [1d12=6] 6

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius [1d12]: (1d12) [1d12=10] 10

[Mentor (BOOT)] I get a +2 to my surprise you will have to adjust appropriately

[BOB] nodss

[Mentor (BOOT)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=12] 12

[Mentor (BOOT)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=2] 2

[Mentor (BOOT)] The last one was val he doesn't

[John] d12+4

[Mentor (BOOT)] get the +2

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius [1d12+2]: (1d12+2) [1d12=2] 4

[John] [(d12) +4]

[Taurus (Hansie)] (sorry, just testing to see how you can modify rolls on the fly)

[BOB] curly brackets John

[Lorie :O)] ((BRB))

[John] (1d12+4) [1d12=2] 6

[BOB] ok, so overall only Mentor is surprised

[Lorie :O)] ((BAK))

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #3 moved 5'00".

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3 targets Mentor. Distance: 0'00"

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3 targets Spectre Troll #3. Distance: 0'00"

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3 no longer targets Spectre Troll #3. Distance: 0'00"

[Mentor (BOOT)] LOL

[BOB] Combat has begun!


[Taurus (Hansie)] What is the threshold for surprise?

[Taurus (Hansie)] I LOVE THAT SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen's initiative changed from 0 to 0

[BOB] need be below a 10 to not be surprised

[John (to GM only)] Khan: Initiative: (d10+10+-4) [1d10=9] 15

[Lorie :O)] Roll #1: (d20+10) [1d20=17] 27

[John (to GM only)] Khan: Initiative: (d10+10+-4) [1d10=9] 15

[Mentor (BOOT)] Val'Iant Le Quella: Initiative: (d10+10++1) [1d10=8] 19

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i can't roll anything for chohen

[Christy] Ariella: Initiative: (d10+10++3) [1d10=10] 23

[Bradwarden (mikE)] he has no init or anything

[John (to GM only)] Khan: Initiative: (d10+10+-4) [1d10=2] 8

[John (to GM only)] Khan: Initiative: (d10+10+-4) [1d10=1] 7

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 2. PROBABLY HITS Mentor (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Taurus (Hansie)] Glabius: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[BOB] you can change that Mike

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=6] 6 added to: Mentor

[BOB] Mentor's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-6) - Heavily Wounded

[Mentor (BOOT)] wait bob the initiatives are wrong

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'm so not making an npc sheet

[BOB] I am not on Init yet, I am in the surprise round on Mentor only

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'll just sit out the tower.

[BOB] I will fix it when I get tot hat point Mike

[John] woun't we get to react before mentor's surprise?

[Mentor (BOOT)] but the others aren't surprised

[BOB] Now I can do the rest of them

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Mentor doesn't get to act this round and gets no ac bonus

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #1 moved 7'08".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] wait that is wrong bob

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #2 moved 6'00".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] that isn't how surprise works

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] for a group

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:20:39 EDT 2008

Corey has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:20:39 EDT 2008

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #4 moved 7'01".

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #5 moved 5'05".

Christy has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:20:57 EDT 2008

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #6 moved 18'01".

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:21:04 EDT 2008

[BOB (to GM only)] Spectre Troll #7 moved 35'08".

BOOT has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:21:16 EDT 2008

John has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:21:21 EDT 2008

John2 has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:21:24 EDT 2008

[BOB] waiting for everyone to get back in

Christy has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:21:54 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

ABUSED has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:22:06 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:22:14 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie :O) has received the map Base Map.

[John2] hello?

Corey has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:22:38 EDT 2008

[BOB] yes John

[BOB] not sure if Mike is here or not

[BOB] waiting for everyone to get restablished

[John2] well if no one else can see what is happening

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i never left

John2 is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

John2 has received the map Basement of Tower.

ABUSED is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

ABUSED has received the map Basement of Tower.

[John2] wierd

[John2] Mike caused it

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:24:41 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Base Map...

Hansie has received the map Base Map.

Corey is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Corey has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] nuh uh. it was you and your hate of the rp

[John2] we were getting to combat, I like combat

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Lorie :O) has received the map Basement of Tower.

[John2] I like RP if not with idiot NPC's

[John2] especialy when you feed into them

[BOB] ok, so now that everyone is back in

[BOB] we can look at those Initatives

[John2] more or less

[BOB] they seem wrong

Hansie is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Hansie has received the map Basement of Tower.

[John2] no dies

[John2] mine says 10 +$a

[BOB] ok, and it subtracted from yours, which is right

[John2 (to GM only)] Character sheet for modified: Combat - Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +1d10+$RA+10 (+10+$RA).

[ABUSED] It is suposed to say + ( - $r a )

[John2] what about the 1d10?

[ABUSED] That depends on your size

[BOB] but I want to be sure that everyone is correct

[John2] Khan: Initiative: (d10+10+-4) [1d10=1] 7

[ABUSED] If you are large it is a 20

[BOB] and what is wrong with Chohen

[ABUSED] if you are medium it is a 10

[John2] I thought it was d10 +10

[BOB] yes to john

[Christy] so I think mine is wrong then

[BOB] if you are a M sized you start at 10, add a d10 and subtract your RA from that

[John2] so I ended up mostly the same

[BOB] so Khan is right, 10=1-4

[BOB] 10+1-4

[BOB] and Chohen looks right

[ABUSED (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: +10+(-$RA) (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +10+(-$RA) (+10+$RA).

[BOB] Spectre Troll #2: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[BOB] Spectre Troll #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[BOB] Spectre Troll #7: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[BOB] Spectre Troll #4: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[BOB] Montage: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[ABUSED (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: +10+(-$RA) (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +10+(-$RA) (+10+$RA).

[Christy] i don't know where to find that or how to change it

[Hansie] That's a whole lot of trolls.

[ABUSED] Val'Iant Le Quella: Initiative: (d10+10+(-+1)) [1d10=8] 17

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:32:32 EDT 2008

[BOB] fixed now christy

[BOB] Chohen: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[John2] i can not commit

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:33:14 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

Christy is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Christy has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Christy] Ariella: Initiative: (d10+10-+3) [1d10=5] 12

[BOB] so it looks like everyone is corrected now

[BOB] and we can tick off time

[BOB] but first

[BOB] who has the party pack?

[Christy] looks lots better than 23

[BOB] with the breakable rod?

[ABUSED] john

[BOB] he gave that up earlier tonight

[BOB] put it int eh party pack

[BOB] who is carrying that now?

[BOB] is Khan carrying the party pack?


[Hansie] I guess that would be Taurus.

[Christy] I don't even carry my own stuff

[John] we do not have a single party pack, I woould take it back when I got back

[BOB] ok

[Christy] let alone evyone else's

[BOB] so Khan has the rod

[John] the paul pager

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] "Khan's Rod"

[mikE] think i'm going to call it a night here.

[BOB] I am leaving that on Mentor for now Fritz, to see how this works otu this round, then we will make any adjustments we need to before the next round

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] kk

[BOB] ok Mike, talk to you tomorrow

[mikE] no point to sitting through a combat when i'm upstairs. good luck.

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:37:03 EDT 2008

[Christy] night Mike

[BOB] Lor you ready?

[John] I cannot close my character sheet

[Lorie :O)] :: shrugs :: I guess so


[BOB] INIT: 0 GOING: Gretchen

[Lorie :O)] I thought we WERE NOT rolling INIT now though

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:38:07 EDT 2008

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:38:08 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:38:08 EDT 2008

[John] then there was two?

Christy has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:38:28 EDT 2008

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Woohoo I didn't get booted

[BOB] I did not want everyone to roll before we solved the issues, so we did not take the time to re-roll things

[BOB] Gretchen's is correct

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:39:01 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie :O) has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] can someone please tell me what base map that is being sent to people?

Christy is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Christy has received the map Basement of Tower.

[John] I take it there is not clue why so many boots?

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:39:45 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Base Map...

Hansie has received the map Base Map.

[John] when I came back on before I had the same map I have now,

[John] unless itt changedbefore I opened that window

[BOB] which is John?

[BOB] what map do you have?

[John] bacement 1

[BOB] I show Lorie and Hans with the base map

[Lorie :O)] You show correctly

[BOB] no clue why and no clue which base map

Hansie is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Hansie has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] what is on that map Lorie

[Lorie :O)] Sorry Klooge is taking a really long long time to load

[Lorie :O)] and I have to hear the intro twice before it loads

[Christy] me too

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] 2 different intro's actually with same message

[Lorie :O)] Paul's Protectorate... Raodhaven, Green Borough, Wolfspack, OTher adn all our chracters

[BOB] ok, that is wrong then

[BOB] no clue why you are getting that, it is a totally different adventure

[BOB] iwhat map

[BOB] d

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] well all the old characters are all loading still

[BOB] they are all in the other adventure file

[BOB] in any case

[Lorie :O)] Well I didn't do it

[BOB] I know

[BOB] ok, so Gretchen is up

[BOB] she can scurry up the ladder

[BOB] or attack a spectre troll

[BOB] or?

[Christy] my view keeps witching between my character sheet and the map

[Lorie :O)] Spectre Troll = undead ickies

[John] what do these trolls look like?

[John] did they just apear where they are?

[Lorie :O)] Levell draining fire beggers

[John] they like fire?

[BOB] they appeared like mist

[BOB] up from that crack in the floor

[John] aaaaaaahhhhhhhh

[Christy] eeeekkkk!!

[John] ready, lor run

[BOB] and from behind the tapestries

[Lorie :O)] Yes...I run away

[BOB] and from that other crack

[John] fly climb

[BOB] and from the ceiling

[Lorie :O)] like the level three baby that I am

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Lorie :O) has received the map Kamalotus's tower.


[BOB] Khan moved 1'00".

[John] Khan casts a spell against : Mirror Image: Now you see ((d4+4/3)+1) [1d4=1] 3.333333333333333 Khans for (3*(4)) 3 rounds

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] There are huge donuts on the screen

[BOB] INIT: 11 GOING: Spectre Troll #2

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:47:11 EDT 2008

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:47:12 EDT 2008

[BOB] Spectre Troll #2 moved 5'11".

[BOB] Spectre Troll #2 targets Taurus. Distance: 1'01"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] I can't see a thing bob

[BOB] Spectre Troll #2: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=4] 4 added to: Taurus

[Christy] me no see either

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:47:44 EDT 2008

[BOB] jsut a sec

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:48:08 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Base Map...

Hansie has received the map Base Map.

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Kamalotus's tower...

Lorie :O) has received the map Kamalotus's tower.

[Christy] I can't stay on the map

[BOB] everyone see clearer now?

[Christy] yeah, except for those green blobs on the map

[John] not the whole room, what she said

[BOB] in the middle of the rooms?

[Christy] right where I'm standing

[John] yes

[BOB] how is that?

[John] better

[Christy] ahhh!!! put the blob back there's a spectre there!!

[John] chuckles

[BOB] Spectre Troll #2: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 11. Probably MISSES Taurus (AC FINAL: 1).

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Ariella

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 22 22:51:07 EDT 2008

[BOB] want to work through the full round of combat

[BOB] then we can see where we stand

[John] good luck

[BOB] Christy?

[Christy] Ariella casts a spell against : Armor: a

[BOB] ok

[Christy] umm, oops.

[BOB] or?

[BOB] what did you want to do?

[Christy] I can't seem to stay on the map

[Christy] that's not the spell I wanted

[John] brb

[BOB] what are you trying to do?

[Christy] a different spell-burning hands

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Ariella casts a spell against : Burning Hands: a

[BOB] Ariella targets Spectre Troll #4. Distance: 1'00"

[Christy] yeah, that was the one

[BOB] Ariella casts a spell against Spectre Troll #4: Burning Hands: a

Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED) claps

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 22:55:33 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Base Map...

Hansie has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] no clue why it did nto do the proper damage

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] welcome Back you know how I feel

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] it isn't on the expression

[BOB] hecking now

[Christy] i have no clue how to set that up

Hansie is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Hansie has received the map Basement of Tower.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] 4 d3 + 8

[Christy] and I am done

[BOB] Spectre Troll #4: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] d3 + 8

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] sorry

[BOB] (d3) [1d3=3] 3+8

[BOB] Spectre Troll #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (-11) - Lightly Wounded

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] nice max

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Taurus

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Bad

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] that means they have 44 hit points each

[Christy] i think we should run away

[Hansie] Taurus targets Spectre Troll #4. Distance: 2'04"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] We in BIG trouble with our ranger having left us

[Christy] yeah, we're in big trouble if anyone has left us

[John] two of them blocking the exit

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] There is the Magipoopoo person

[John] Mentor will save us

[BOB] so Taurus?

[Hansie] Taurus: Attack: Long Sword: (15-(d20+2+1+1+2)) [1d20=15] -6. PROBABLY HITS Spectre Troll #4 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Hansie] Taurus: Attack: Long Sword: ((15-(d20+2+1+1+2))+2) [1d20=3] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Spectre Troll #4 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] LOL if he lives long enough

[Hansie] Taurus: Damage v L: Long Sword: ((1d12)+3+1+3) [1d12=1] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Spectre Troll #4

[BOB] Spectre Troll #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (-8) - Moderately Wounded

[Christy] you mean Mentor with his 3HP?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] hmmmm

[BOB] INIT: 12 GOING: Montage

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 22 23:00:39 EDT 2008

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] bob what is that big thing to the south of mentor and Val?

[Montage (BOB)] you will all serve me and join my army!!!

[BOB] Montage moved 17'02".

[BOB] Montage targets Val'Iant Le Quella. Distance: 0'03"

[Montage (BOB)] that is a ledge

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] he is standing on the ledge?

[BOB] Montage: Attack: Touch: (12-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 4. Probably MISSES Val'Iant Le Quella (AC FINAL: -2).

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Because I am occupying this 5 foot space

[Montage (BOB)] he is flying

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] what is he?

[Montage (BOB)] and forget that 5 foot space thing

[Montage (BOB)] these are specters

[Montage (BOB)] evil undead

[John] the elves from (?) sent us

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] what is he?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] a pixie?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] what does he look like?

[Montage (BOB)] a Spector, orginaially human

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Glabius

[Montage (BOB)] is Hans nearby Christy?

[Christy] yeah

[Christy] he is sending G. upstairs

[Christy] fleeing the scene

[Montage (BOB)] ok

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #1

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED) (to John only)] I HATE your brother!!! Did I ever tell you that? I told him last week I wish we had fought the wolves in the mountains and so what does he do? He sends us up against some fucking specters!!!

[BOB] Spectre Troll #1 moved 4'11".

[BOB] Spectre Troll #1 targets Ariella. Distance: 0'02"

[BOB] Spectre Troll #1: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 9. Probably MISSES Ariella (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] INIT: 13 GOING: Spectre Troll #4

[Christy] and just for the record, I don't want to join anyone's army

[BOB] Spectre Troll #4 targets Ariella. Distance: 1'00"

[BOB] Spectre Troll #4: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -7. PROBABLY HITS Ariella (AC FINAL: 2)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[BOB] Spectre Troll #4: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=5] 5 added to: Ariella

[Christy] please don't touch me

[BOB] Ariella's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (-5) - Lightly Wounded

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] To late

[John] he did warn us

[Christy] ick. spectre cooties

[Christy] who warned us?

[BOB] INIT: 16 GOING: Chohen

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Booby

[BOB] Chohen moved 7'07".

[BOB] Chohen moved 12'00".

[Christy] did someone say "psst...spectre's down there..."

[Montage (BOB)] blocking for Khan so he can get out

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Val'Iant Le Quella

[John] BOB posted like we should call the big boys

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED) (to BOB only)] you know I send whisper messages to your brother because I know you can read them

[Montage (BOB) (to ABUSED only)] I know, grins

[John] ::shows no sign of leaving::

[Christy] well Khan better be dialing that Paul pager lickety-split.

[John] next thing I do

[ABUSED] Val'Iant Le Quella targets Spectre Troll #3. Distance: 4'06"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Val'Iant Le Quella: Attack: Harbringer: ((17-(d20+2))-1-1-1-1-1) [1d20=20] -10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Spectre Troll #3 (AC FINAL: 2)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Aug 22 23:09:04 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Base Map...

Hansie has received the map Base Map.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Val'Iant Le Quella: Damage v SM: Harbringer: ((2d4)+4+2+1+1+1) [2d4=3,3] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Spectre Troll #3

[Christy] and everyonw who went upstairs realizes that they left us down here with 7 of these guys right??

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Val'Iant Le Quella: Attack: Harbringer: ((17-(d20+2))-1-1-1-1-1) [1d20=10] 0.0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Spectre Troll #3 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (-15) - Moderately Wounded

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] That is a critical bob double damage

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] oh but it is undead yeah yeah I know

[John] they are mist, they can chase us, unless they do not like sun

[Montage (BOB)] not double damage, you get to roll for another hit

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] I hit

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Val'Iant Le Quella: Damage v SM: Harbringer: ((2d4)+4+2+1+1+1) [2d4=3,2] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Spectre Troll #3

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 23 (-14) - Heavily Wounded

Hansie is receiving the map Basement of Tower...

Hansie has received the map Basement of Tower.

[BOB] INIT: 17 GOING: Spectre Troll #6

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6 targets Chohen. Distance: 3'01"

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 2. PROBABLY HITS Chohen (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[BOB] Spectre Troll #6: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=2] 2 added to: Chohen

[BOB] Chohen's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED) (to BOB only)] the potion of healing that we scavenged in the woods for can I just go ahead and use it next round when I roll my initiative even though you and I never took the time to make them you kept saying we would

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED) (to BOB only)] it is the one out of the players handbook

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED) (to BOB only)] does minimal healing

[BOB] and Chohen is hit and goes woozzy for a moment standing there looking confused

[BOB] and starts to become mist

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #7

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 22 23:14:12 EDT 2008

[BOB] Spectre Troll #7 moved 9'07".

[BOB] Spectre Troll #7 targets Val'Iant Le Quella. Distance: 0'04"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] And Hansie becomes mist

[BOB] Spectre Troll #7: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 8. Probably MISSES Val'Iant Le Quella (AC FINAL: -2).

[BOB] INIT: 18 GOING: Spectre Troll #5

[Christy] he turns into a boot

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5 moved 5'11".

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5 targets Khan. Distance: 1'10"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] LOL

[BOB] Spectre Troll #5: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 9. Probably MISSES Khan (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] (1d4) [1d4=2] 2

[BOB] that was one of hte images, now have two left

[BOB] INIT: 20 GOING: Spectre Troll #3

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3: Attack: Touch: (13-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 1. PROBABLY HITS Mentor (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[BOB] Spectre Troll #3: Damage v SM: Touch: (1d8) [1d8=4] 4 added to: Mentor

[BOB] that was extra sorry

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Wait you already did that

[BOB] ok, done for the round

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] hehehe


[John] BOB #5 missed

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Mentor: Initiative: (d10+10+(-+4)) [1d10=2] 8

[BOB] I know John, it swung at one of the images

[Christy] Ariella: Initiative: (d10+10-+3) [1d10=6] 13

[BOB] wait

[BOB] no re-rolling

[Christy] what are we doing?

[John] i do not loose an immage if he misses

[BOB] no clue why people are rolling dice

[Christy] sorry, didn't mean to do that

[Christy] trying to look at spells

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] I didn't reroll I rolled for my regular initiative my surprise is over

[BOB] ok

[BOB] now

[BOB] John are you goign to break the rod this round?

[BOB] or what?

[Christy] what does breaking the rod do?

[John] hummmmm

[Christy] and...

[John] YES!!

[BOB] explain john

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Summons Paul

[BOB] what actualy happens

[Christy] will it summon him right here right now?

[BOB] Maybe

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Who will be turned into a spectre and destroy us

[Christy] cause that would be helpful

[John] unless he is dead

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Christy] unless Paul is dea?

[Christy] dead

[BOB] ok, so here is what happens

[BOB] in the middle of battle Khan breaks the rod to summon Paul

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Wait was it Khan's turn?

[BOB] now we jump back in time starting next week and play out what has been happening with the other characters

[John] I am next

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] in the round?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] oh ok

[BOB] and get them to this point in time

[John] besides feeling girl

[BOB] and see who is still alive from the main group, what Paul does etc

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] And here I was about to save everyone in the entire group

[Christy] what? I am confused. I guess I need to read to site

[BOB] grins

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] with an amazing act of heroism from Mentor

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] or not

[Christy] we were in the mountains last week with no internet access

[BOB] Christy, what don't you understand?

[BOB] we did not play last week

[John] you still can

[Christy] why can't Paul save us?

[BOB] and might have to Fritz

[BOB] he might not be alive

[Christy] why not?

[Lorie :O)] Okay why would Paul not be alive?

[BOB] we have to play the adventure adn stuff that the other characters are doing during this time frame

[Lorie :O)] clearly there is a chapter missing if he is

[BOB] months have gone by

[John] We did not figure out whatPaul has been doing the last month

[BOB] so we pick up next week with the Main Characters

[BOB] and start from that point

[Lorie :O)] Paul never leaves his keep or his libarary so unless he got impaled by a rogue book... I'm feeling good he's alive

[Christy] okay, it's a meanwhile back at the ranch kind of thing.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Back from when we left in the beginning

[Lorie :O)] :: shakes head ::

[BOB] nods to Christy

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] He died from a paper cut that turned gangrene

[Christy] uh...okay then.

[BOB] I have a plan

[Christy] I will say good night and I am glad I didn't miss anything from last week because then I'd really be confused.

[BOB] there is some good backstory on the site

[Christy] yeah, but what kind of plan is it?

[BOB] if you look at the story arc

[Lorie :O)] WHere?

[John] sure

[BOB] and the forest of rubato page

[Christy] is it a "let's kill eveyone plan" ??

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Of course Mike thinks he should be angry that he couldn't go down the hole when in fact he should be happy

[Lorie :O)] I didn't see anything about the range in your story arc

[John] to kill us all

[BOB] grins

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] We won't be dead JOhn....we will be UN-dead

[John] by theby the time you read this i will be gone

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Big difference there

[Christy] i would really like a "let's give everyone really cool magic items plan"

[Lorie :O)] Christy how many YEARS have we been waiting for that plan?

[BOB] there is that chance too Chrsity

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] just wait

[Christy] I'm still waiting

[Lorie :O)] If the Klooge dice don't like you anymore... you get nada pues nada

John has left the game on Fri Aug 22 23:26:32 EDT 2008

[Christy] klooge dice suck

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] I think he has a plan to make us all Un-Dead

[Lorie :O)] And the dice are STILL UGLY

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Snicker. Night Lor

[Lorie :O)] :: shakes head ::

[Christy] sure, let's all play undead.

[Lorie :O)] Tell your friend Mr. Klooge designer we want pink and purple dice

[Lorie :O)] Ehn

[Christy] pretty sparkly dice

[Lorie :O)] Cannibalizing corpses really isn't for me

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Yea Ike Purple

[Lorie :O)] :: waves :: night all

[BOB] waves

[Christy] night!

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Aug 22 23:27:29 EDT 2008

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Says miss Vampire

[Christy] and I want to be the vampire

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Ok...who is Corey?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Hiya Corey

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Just noticed you

[Christy] bye everyone!

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Don't have my glasses on

[Corey] Hey

Christy has left the game on Fri Aug 22 23:28:13 EDT 2008

[Corey] Bad move

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Been a rough day...

[BOB] Fritz, this is Corey

[BOB] this is GMJames' son

[Corey] Has it Fritz

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] And I was stuck in traffic for 2 hours coming home

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] And then Bob tried to kill me

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Hiya Corey

[Corey] 2 hours man

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Tell me about it

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Will drive a drunk man to drink

[Corey] I hate traffic

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] or is that a sober man?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] I keep forgetting

[Corey] Idk

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] So how was Gen Con Corey?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Did you expect Bob to be such an old goof ball?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] I met Bob well over a decade ago when he was panhandling books on the corner in Miami to pay of his old gambling debts


[BOB] that was working at a Waldenbooks Corey

[Corey] Really

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Ok so I exagerate a bit....

[BOB] yeah, and I think the Beer Run adventure was before Corey was born

[BOB] how old are you Corey?

[Corey] Definetly

[Corey] 16

[BOB] so just about the same time

[BOB] what month is your birthday/

[Corey] January

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] So if I told you his wife makes potions and shrinks heads you wouldn't believe me?

[Corey] No

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] I was born in January...The 18th in fact

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Well she does

[BOB] so you were 5 months old when we started this campaign

[BOB] May of 93

[BOB] grins

[Corey] Just 3 months apart, huh Fritz

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Shortly after Bob was released from Prison by the warden Christy in fact

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] That was the wardens name correct Bob?

[BOB] one can only hope

[BOB] ok, shutting this down

[BOB] you guys have a great night

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Ok..Well take care Corey

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Night Bob

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] Tell your Dad I said Hi

[BOB] will do

[Corey] I will thanks for letting me watch

[Corey] Night Fritz'

[BOB] anytime

[Val'Iant Le Quella (ABUSED)] 8*)

ABUSED has left the game on Fri Aug 22 23:37:22 EDT 2008

Corey has left the game on Fri Aug 22 23:37:26 EDT 2008