Main / Aug2407

Aug 24 07 - My Shoes!!!


[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Aug 24 17:36:43 EDT 2007 ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 18:34:56 EDT 2007

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 18:35:56 EDT 2007

mikE is receiving the map Forest 1...

mikE has received the map Forest 1.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Aug 24 18:37:08 EDT 2007

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 18:38:48 EDT 2007

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Base Map.

Client has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 18:41:06 EDT 2007

Client has left the game on Fri Aug 24 18:41:18 EDT 2007

[DM] Ramone moved 4'11".

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 18:59:49 EDT 2007

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Forest 1...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Forest 1.

[Kaz] Hola!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ciao

Kaz is receiving the map Forest 1...

Kaz has received the map Forest 1.

[mikE] ni hao

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[mikE] ohio gozaimas!

[DM] sighs,

[Kaz] How's eveyrone tonight?

[DM] life is good

[Kaz] :)

[DM] Marco is here, earlier than we thought

[DM] so you have firepower now

[Kaz] Yay!

[DM] both Mike and Marco are here at the house

[Kaz] Awesome

[Kaz] Give each other all big hugs from me

[DM] how abotu we say we did

[Kaz] Or pretend you did, I'll never know the difference

[DM] wink

[Kaz] hehe

[DM] you have to leave at 7 your time? so 8 game time?

[Kaz] yes

[DM] ok

[DM] can't make him walk?

[Kaz] I'm leaving at 7 this time, so I don't have to wait when I get there.

[Kaz] I could... it's only 7 miles.

[DM] grins

[DM] he can use the exercise

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Personal Information - Player:: CHANGED: Kaz (null). Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 19/Female (null).

[Kaz] You're not kidding!

[Kaz] *cough* I mean... umm...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ::snicker::

[DM] Christy is getting ready to log in

[DM] so we can start soon

[Kaz] cool

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 19:06:09 EDT 2007

[Kaz] Hiya Christy!

[Arilyn] hey everyone!

[Arilyn] welcome back Marco!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] tankye kindly

[DM] ok

[DM] so Mal & Ramone can roll Initittive

[DM] and I suppose Pepe

[DM] and we can start off

[DM] round 5

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Initiative:(d10+10-+3-2) [3+10-3-2] 8

[mikE] Mal: Initiative:(d10-+2+10) [4-2+10] 12

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[Kaz] Don't forget, Moirra is chanting, so whatever benefits they get from that.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sweet

[DM] yes

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Mirror Image: There's (1d4+1) [4+1] 5 more of me now.

[DM] hiding under the trees

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[mikE] Mal targets Manticore #1. Distance: 203'06"

[mikE] Mal moved 15'05".

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Moirra

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] still chanting

Moirra (Kaz) continues chanting

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

Percival has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 19:12:19 EDT 2007

Arilyn is receiving the map Forest 1...

Arilyn has received the map Forest 1.

[Arilyn] sorry, catching up-one sec-

[Percival] Oh, excellent. BiBo is here!!!!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yep. get the e-mail I sent out?

[Arilyn] were these the ones that need special weapon?

[Percival] Uh, no. I don't check my gmail that much....

[Percival] I check the hourly (or more)...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oh I sent it to the ds list

[DM] no

[DM] to Arilyn

[DM] you are just hiding under the trees

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so I dunno what e-mail addy that gets sent to

[Arilyn] did we try magic on these guys already-I swear I have a void where last weeks memory shoud be

[Percival] they have MR

[DM] too much wine

[Arilyn] could be

Percival is receiving the map Forest 1...

Percival has received the map Forest 1.

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival] Okay, I see we only have Kaz for another 45 mins or so. Let's get goin'...

[DM] so you could leave cover to go attack

[Percival] Right.

[DM] Mal is invis right now

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh, I'm not going for good

[Percival] If they don't attack by end of this round, we'll move east slightly so I'm out of cover.

[Percival] It'll lure them in (hopefully just one at a time).

[Percival] We gotta try & take it out inside a round.

[Arilyn] oh, I can do the invisible thing too. so is the plan to wait for them to sniff us out then?

mikE has edited Mal's effects.

mikE has edited Mal's effects.

[Arilyn] I'll hold action then

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kira

[DM] INIT: 33 GOING: Manticore #2

[DM] Manticore #2 moved 7'05".

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Manticore #1

[DM] Manticore #1 moved 4'10".


[DM] so they still fly

[Percival] Nice movements, Bob.

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[Arilyn] was that a dance of some kind?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone moved 21'09".

[Percival] Percival moved 10'11".

[DM] grins

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's them flying in a circle

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Percival

[Percival] Guarding

[DM] and Ramone is out there with the multiple mirror images now

[Percival] Sorry to jump ahead, there...

[DM] go for it

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[mikE] Mal: Lightning Bolt: (10d6) [(6+1+4+6+5+4+4+5+1+1)] 37 Damage. Upon casting this spell, the wizard releases a powerful stroke of electrical energy that inflicts 1d6 points of damage per level of the spellcaster (maximum damage per level of 10d6) to each creature within its area of effect. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half (round fractions down). The bolt begins at a range and height decided by the caster and streaks outward in a direct line from the casting wizard (for example, if a 40- foot bolt was started at 180 feet from the wizard, the far end of the bolt would reach 220 feet (180 + 40). The lightning bolt may set fire to combustibles, sunder wooden doors, splinter up to a half-foot thickness of stone, and melt metals with a low melting point (lead, gold, copper, silver, bronze). Saving throws must be rolled for objects that withstand the full force of a stroke (see the fireball spell). If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it (i.e., the saving throw fails), the bolt continues. A bolt can breach 1 inch of wood or half an inch of stone per caster level, up to a maximum of 1 foot of wood or half a foot of stone. The lightning bolt's area of effect is chosen by the spellcaster: either a forked bolt 10 feet wide and 40 feet long or a single bolt 5 feet wide and 80 feet long. If a bolt cannot reach its full length, because of an unyielding barrier (such as a stone wall), the lightning bolt rebounds from the barrier toward its caster, ending only when it reaches its full length. For example: An 80-foot-long stroke is begun at a range of 40 feet, but it hits a stone wall at 50 feet. The bolt travels 10 feet, hits the wall, and rebounds for 70 feet back toward its creator (who is only 50 feet from the wall, and so is caught in his own lightning bolt!). The DM might allow reflecting bolts. When this type of lightning bolt strikes a solid surface, the bolt reflects from the surface at an angle equal to the angle of incidence (like light off a mirror). A creature crossed more than once by the bolt must roll a saving throw for every time it is crossed, but it still suffers either full damage (if one saving throw is missed) or half damage (if all saving throws are made).

[Percival] Nice...

[DM] Manticore #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 23 (-19) - Heavily Wounded

[Percival] Ooooh.

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Moirra

[DM] damn

[Percival] ?

[Arilyn] Arilyn no longer targets Manticore #1.

[Arilyn] Arilyn targets Manticore #1. Distance: 203'01"

[DM] debate on teh +1 for chant

[DM] is only a +1 total to damage not to each die

[Percival] Right.

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-1) - Heavily Wounded

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-19) - Massively Wounded

[DM] and that -1 to my save means I failed

[Percival] Kaz, you can stay right there and still give us the effect of your chant if the manticore comes to melee.

[DM] so now we are all correct

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

Moirra (Kaz) leans against the tree trunk and continues to chant breathlessly, unable to move

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[DM] pokes Christy

[Arilyn] okay, I'm gonna move some and guard

[Percival] she's having difficulty with the game engine.

[Arilyn] Arilyn moved 19'06".

[Arilyn] and not having book to look up spells

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kira

[DM] INIT: 33 GOING: Manticore #2

[DM] Manticore #2 targets Ramone. Distance: 190'10"

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(6)] 7. Probably MISSES Ramone (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(18)] -5. PROBABLY HITS Ramone (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(17)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Ramone (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[Percival] Not going to be an issue because he's attacking Ramone...

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(13)] 0. Probably MISSES Ramone (AC FINAL: -2)

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] (1d5) [5] 5

[DM] Manticore #2 moved 9'00".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] (1d5) [2] 2

[Percival] Bibo, please draw him to us so we can engage him in melee. I can't fly up there

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Bite: (13-(d20)) [13-(16)] -3. PROBABLY HITS Ramone (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] he's about to pounce on me apparently

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] (1d3) [2] 2

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(15)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Ramone (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] (1d2) [2] 2

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(9)] 4. Probably MISSES Ramone (AC FINAL: -2)

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and my images go away

[DM] So nothing hit the real ramone

[Percival] Excellent!

[DM] and no more images

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Manticore #1

[DM] Manticore #1 moved 26'10".

[DM] Manticore #1 moved 3'05".

[DM] Manticore #1 targets Mal. Distance: 200'01"

[DM] Manticore #1: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(3)] 10. Probably MISSES Mal (AC FINAL: -5)

[DM] Manticore #1: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(4)] 9. Probably MISSES Mal (AC FINAL: -5)

[DM] Manticore #1: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(13)] 0. Probably MISSES Mal (AC FINAL: -5)

[DM] Manticore #1: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(6)] 7. Probably MISSES Mal (AC FINAL: -5)

[DM] Manticore #1: Attack #1: Bite: (13-(d20)) [13-(13)] 0. Probably MISSES Mal (AC FINAL: -5)

[DM] Manticore #1: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(3)] 10. Probably MISSES Mal (AC FINAL: -5)

[DM] Manticore #1: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(19)] -6. PROBABLY HITS Mal (AC FINAL: -5)!!!

[DM] Manticore #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1] 1 added to: Mal

[mikE] well, there goes my perfect streak

[DM] Mal's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 93 (-1) - Lightly Wounded


[mikE] i would like you all to know that that is the first time mal's taken damage.

[DM] now Mal has to make a save verus breath weapon

[mikE] Mal: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[DM] Mal moved 10'07".

[DM] Manticore #1 moved 7'02".

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-2) - Massively Wounded

[DM] so the Manticore comes crashing out of the sky towards Mal

[DM] swipping and biting

[DM] then crashing to the ground

[DM] Mal rolls out of the way

[DM] and it staggers to the ground

[Mal (mikE)] "Ow! He hurt me! Cleric! Cleric!"


[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

Moirra (Kaz) claps her hands over her ears.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ::climbs up on the manticore's back:: "Giddyap."

[Mal (mikE)] Roll #1: (d100) [90] 90

[DM] wow

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] dex?

[DM] you want to jump up onto the back

[DM] ummm

[DM] you would need to fly and make a dex check at a minimum

[Percival] successful attack and then airborne riding check?

[DM] so Dex check to land

[DM] on its back

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: DEX check: (d20) [12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[DM] as you fly

[DM] then

[Percival] attack at -4?

[DM] are you trying to attack too?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] nope

[DM] or just hold on

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] just getting on it's back

[Percival] I'm saying this is an attack move.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] this'll really piss it off

[Percival] holding damage.

[Percival] zero damage.

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Percival

[DM] ok, so you make it to the back

[DM] Ramone moved 9'01".

[Mal (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mal modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 9 (10). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 5 (6). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 7 (8). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 19 (10). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 6 (7). Combat -

[Percival] Percival moved 7'07".

[Arilyn] ride 'em manticore-boy!

[Percival] Percival moved 18'07".

[Percival] Percival targets Manticore #1. Distance: 200'01"

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [14-(7+3+3+1)+1] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #1 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (14-(d20+3+1+1)+1) [14-(11+3+1+1)+1] -1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #1 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Percival] Percival: Damage v L: Long Sword, +3: (1d12+7+3) [4+7+3] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #1

[Percival] Percival: Damage v L: Longsword, +1: (1d12+7+1) [11+7+1] 19 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #1

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[Arilyn] ::so if Ramone is riding the manticore, should we still try to kill it or wait to see if he can break it?::

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -32 (-33) - Dead

[Arilyn] ::I was going to go help Mal but not needed::

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Moirra

Moirra (Kaz) continues chanting with voice going hoarse

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((oh you can feel free to kill it if you can))

[Mal (mikE)] ((i say we leave him))

[Mal (mikE)] ((let's see what happens. we can always kill it later))

[Arilyn] alright, so I'll fly over invisible and keep an eye on Ramone

[Arilyn] Arilyn moved 23'04".

[Percival] hit it

[Arilyn] Arilyn moved 4'10".

[Arilyn] i can do that too

[Arilyn] hold on-pizza guy lost

[Percival] Let's try to finish this encounter while Kaz is still here

[Percival] I'll get it, CHristy.

[Arilyn] Arilyn targets Manticore #2. Distance: 200'01"

[Kaz] I hope you bought enough pizza for everyone... *cough*

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(6+0+2+1)] 4. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [6+0+2] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #2

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kira

[Mal (mikE)] 'Cleric! I'm BLEEDING!"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] enough for everyone who can eat it from where they are :)

[DM] INIT: 33 GOING: Manticore #2

[Mal (mikE)] 'Ow ow ow ow ow."

Moirra (Kaz) holds her hands tighter over her ears and squeezes her eyes shut.

[Mal (mikE)] ::rolls around on the ground:: "It huuuuurts."

[DM] ok, low intelligence,

[DM] but not sooo stupid to shot himself

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] so it will fly up and away

[DM] Parting shot by Arylin

[Arilyn] do I get just one?

[DM] to attack it before he gets off

[DM] nods,

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(18+0+2+1)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [6+0+2] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #2

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (-8) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] and flys upward

[DM] Manticore #2 moved 14'06".

[DM] Manticore #2 and Ramone moved 44'04".

[DM] Ramone moved 14'09".

[Arilyn] he flying off with Ramone?

[DM] yes

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Giddyap"

[Mal (mikE)] i've gotta say, riding should NOT be wisdom based

[Arilyn] I can fly-I'll follow

[DM] apparently not happy

[DM] ok

[Mal (mikE)] i don't care how smart stephen hawking is, put him on a mechanical bull, he's so not gonna last

[DM] Arilyn moved 53'11".


[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[Arilyn] i can 360 ft per round

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::holds on and taunts the manticore because it's fun::

[DM] he can only go 180

[Arilyn] great so I can keep up

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Percival

[Arilyn] he'll be waiting with the group

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[Mal (mikE)] ::continues to piss and moan::

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Moirra

[DM] they are out of range of the chant now by the way

Moirra (Kaz) opens one eye and realises no one is where they where, then opens both eyes and let's her hands fall from her ears.

Moirra (Kaz) falters in her chant, then cranes her neck around to look for Percival.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Umm... Hello?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Where'd everyone go?

Moirra (Kaz) runs over to the paladin, tripping and crashing into his back.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra moved 14'07".

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn] Arilyn moved 13'10".

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(19+0+2+1)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(19+0+2+1)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [11+0+2] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #2

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [5+0+2] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #2

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kira

[DM] INIT: 33 GOING: Manticore #2

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (-20) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] Manticore #2, Ramone and Arilyn moved 72'04".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::ponders for a moment then shouts over to arylin:: "Hey let it go, maybe it'll take me back to it's lair where there's treasure."

[DM] Manticore #2 targets Arilyn. Distance: 200'01"

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(5)] 8. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(7)] 6. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Bite: (13-(d20)) [13-(11)] 2. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(13)] 0. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(16)] -3. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(10)] 3. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(12)] 1. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Damage v SM: Tail Spikes: (1d6) [4] 4 added to: Arilyn

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 57 (-4) - Lightly Wounded


[Arilyn] "that stings you beast!"

[DM] and he glides down to the ground

[DM] too wounded to fly

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[Percival] ::Ride 'em BiBo!::

[DM] and Ramone needs to make anohter dex check

[DM] to see if he stays on while in the air

[DM] then again when landing

[Percival] I'd like to charge & attack on my turn.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: DEX check: (d20) [17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: DEX check: (d20) [10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::spurs the manticore on:: "What are you? A manticore or a pussycat?"

[Mal (mikE)] but... we want him to get away

[DM] they are actually a bit away Percy

[Mal (mikE)] if he leads us to the lair we find treasure

[Percival] 104"

[DM] will take a round jsut to catch up

[Percival] 104'

[DM] I only moved them to the edge of the map

[DM] not the full moment

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Percival

[Percival] Good job, Priestess! Thank you for your offer of divine help!

[DM] and you would be traipsing through the trees

[Percival] K

[Percival] Just move me as far as I'd be able to move, then.

[DM] Percival moved 55'11".

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[DM] and so the Paladin goes crashign through the forest after the flying party members

[Percival] ::should've been running along. Had to get the kids' pizza. delivery man couldn't find the place..::

[Mal (mikE)] "I can see my own blood!" ::faints::

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Moirra

[Percival] I know you've got to leave, Kaz, but thanks for your help to get as far as we did!

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'll be back))

[Arilyn] bye!

[Arilyn] come back soon!

Moirra (Kaz) gives Mal an agonised glance and runs after the more heavily injured Percival

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Will just be away from Keyboard))

[DM] Moirra moved 42'05".

[Percival] ::mage still has twice as many hit points as the fighter!::

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)) [13-(18+0+2+1)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [12+0+2] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #2

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-14) - Massively Wounded

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kira

[Percival] ::Way to go, Elaris!::

[DM] INIT: 33 GOING: Manticore #2

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(19)] -6. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Claw: (13-(d20)) [13-(7)] 6. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Bite: (13-(d20)) [13-(20)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[Pepe (mikE)] ::starts to fly after the others, pauses, looks back at Mal and considers::

[Percival] ooooooh.

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(7)] 6. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(10)] 3. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[Pepe (mikE)] ::sighs and lands on Mal's chest with a grumble::

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(5)] 8. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Attack #1: Tail Spikes: (13-(d20)) [13-(7)] 6. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] Manticore #2: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1] 1 added to: Arilyn

[DM] Manticore #2: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d8) [3] 3 added to: Arilyn

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 53 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] ROUND: 10

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[Percival] wow.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::shouts in the manticore's ear:: "Is that all you've got? What are you? A womanticore?"

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Percival

[Percival] Percival moved 49'06".

[Percival] Percival targets Ramone. Distance: 12'03"

Beth has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 20:05:08 EDT 2007

[Percival] Percival no longer targets Ramone.

[Percival] Percival targets Manticore #2. Distance: 8'05"

[Arilyn] beth!

[Percival] Percival targets Percival. Distance: 0'00"

[Percival] Percival no longer targets Percival.

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [14-(14+3+3+1)+1] -6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Arilyn] after the woman comment I may target Ramone

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (14-(d20+3+1+1)+1) [14-(7+3+1+1)+1] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Manticore #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Percival] Percival: Damage v L: Long Sword, +3: (1d12+7+3) [9+7+3] 19 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #2

Beth is receiving the map Forest 1...

Beth has received the map Forest 1.

[Percival] Percival: Damage v L: Longsword, +1: (1d12+7+1) [2+7+1] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Manticore #2

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[DM] so Kira can see Mal laying on teh ground

[DM] writhing in agony

[Percival] Next round it will get much worse for the manticore.

[DM] and Pepe near by

[DM (to GM only)] Manticore #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -28 (-29) - Dead

[DM] Combat has finished.

[DM] and that is all

[Percival] woo-hooo!!!!

[Beth] I bandage him... ???

[DM] the rest of the party is out in the forest somewhere

[Percival] ::ROFL::

[DM] all split up

[Arilyn] ::all he needs is a band-aid::

[Beth] and pick up Pepe

[Beth] lol

[Pepe (mikE)] well, what they didn't tell you is he's got all the damage of a papercut

[Pepe (mikE)] he's taken one point of damage

[Percival] Come on, Arilyn & Ramone. Let's go back to the rest of the party-

[Percival] Percival moved 46'01".

[Beth] oh, jeez ::rolls eyes::

[Percival] ::Percival starts off at a trot, knowing the others can fly::

[Percival] Percival moved 14'05".

[DM] direction sense percy?

[Percival] ::to Moirra:: Good job, Priestess. Let's rejoin the party-

[Mal (mikE)] ::cracks one eye open:: "Oh thank heaven. Get the cleric!"

[Mal (mikE)] "I've been injured. The beast got me!"

[Beth] sorry I'm late. they took so much blood for lab work I had to have a transfusion

[Percival] Actually, yes. But we're all of 2 rounds away, so I holler.

[Percival] ::Hollering::

[Percival] Hello!!!!!!!!!

[Percival] Hello!!!!!!!!!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] well... thats special

[Percival] Percival: Direction Sense check: (d20) [14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Arilyn] sounds like a fun day there Beth.

[DM] ok

[Beth] heh

[Percival] Percival moved 33'11".

[Percival] ::Eyes mage's wounds::

[DM] so after a few rounds everyone can gather back together

[DM] Arilyn moved 126'08".

[DM] Ramone moved 127'06".

[Percival] Um, Mal that really is a *flesh* wound.

[DM] Moirra moved 49'01".

[Beth] 2 weeks I'll just be rolling in good times. Should start chemo by then

[Percival] I don't think you could be hurt less and still be hurt.

[Mal (mikE)] "But, but, it's BLEEDING!"

[DM] you hurt my feelings

[Percival] And you are one *very* healthly looking young man.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It's really more of a bruise."

[Mal (mikE)] 'Oh god I'm going to bleed out!"

[Beth] ::chuckles::

[Percival] ::Laughing to myself::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "That's just redness, not blood."

[Mal (mikE)] "I read about this. I'm going to drain away."

[Percival] Is this the first time you've been hit in combat?

[Arilyn] :the blood should have started to clot by now::

[Percival] You did swell, Wizard.

[Arilyn] that was very brave of you Mal.

[Percival] Has anyone bound the wounds?

[Percival] DM, anyone can bind wounds, right?

[DM] yes

[Beth] ::hands the wizard a bandaid::

[DM] kira did it

[Percival] OK.

[Arilyn] we are very glad that you're okay ::as I nurse MY wounds::

[Percival] That's quite a handy field dressing there, Kira.

[Percival] Mal, you're a lucky man to have such attentive friends.

[Mal (mikE)] "I don't know if I can make it."

[Beth] isnt' it? a bit of cloth and cotton with some sticky sap to hold it in place :D

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] ::Pepe sighs and chitters at Ramone::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::chuckles at pepe:: "We'll just have to get him a a few more bar fights then."

[Beth] ::pets Pepe and gives him a piece of fruit

[Beth] brb mother is insisting on plying me with food

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] so the afternoon wears on

[DM] you recover from your fight

[DM] the path is here ahead of you again

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] flying monkeys are next

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] or poppies

[DM] Arilyn, Kira, Pepe, Mal, Ramone, Percival and Moirra moved 113'11".

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn] or trees with apples

Beth is receiving the map forest with stream...

Beth has received the map forest with stream.

[Mal (mikE)] next will be the lollipop assassins from the guild....

[DM] the new map is there for you

[DM] along the path

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] if there's any singing dancing halflings, I'm teleporting home

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map forest with stream...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map forest with stream.

[DM] Time of Day: 01:45 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 8th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 8th, 1259.

mikE is receiving the map forest with stream...

mikE has received the map forest with stream.

[Mal (mikE)] oh noes!

[Mal (mikE)] a river!

Arilyn is receiving the map forest with stream...

Arilyn has received the map forest with stream.

[Mal (mikE)] whatever shal we do?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] make a bridge of witches?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] here's the flying monkeys

[DM] and there on the other side of the river are four monkeys laying on the bank

[DM] apparently asleep or hurt

[Mal (mikE)] they're going to poop on us from on high

[Beth] brb again

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] well, they're not hurt. their icon say unharmed

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn] brb-kid needs me

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok, Pause till we get more back n

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] these must have been the monkeys that were jumping on the bead

Percival is receiving the map forest with stream...

Percival has received the map forest with stream.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] bed

[Beth] back

[Percival] Christy and I are tag-teaming the kids.

[Percival] Percival moved 51'10".

[Percival] Checking out the water's edge

[Percival] Um... Can't tell.

[DM] stream is flowing

[DM] from left to right

[Percival] Would be nice if there was a bridge here...

[DM] on the screen

[DM] and you can see that it is not that deep

[Percival] Can I see the bottom of the stream?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] hola

[DM] likely less than 4 foot

[DM] did you catch up yet Kaz?

Kaz is receiving the map forest with stream...

Kaz has received the map forest with stream.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] not yet

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Mirror Image: There's (1d4+1) [1+1] 2 more of me now.

[DM] go read back

[DM] we can wait

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::flies over the stream::

[Percival] ::show off::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::walks over to the monkeys::

[Percival] Move your little icon, bibo-

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone moved 126'03".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone moved 7'03".

[Percival] Oh, wondrous, fearless mage.

[Percival] Marco, FYI, we've had our hats handed to us by Bob's enemies lately...

[DM] no wings, but they seem to be laid out

[Percival] ::gotta change a diaper::

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] laid out as in sun bathing or bodies laid out to dry or what?

[DM] and Ramone make a save versus spell please

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Magical Spell save: (d20) [17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[DM] laid out as in crashed

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] wow

[DM] good

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] a momentous occasion

[DM] now make another one please

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] his first made save

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] fucker

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Magical Spell save: (d20) [20] 20 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay, I'm here

[DM] ok

[DM] so you feel some sort of mental attack

[DM] as you examine the monkeys

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] do I have any idea as to the direction of this mental attack?

[DM] no

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I'm immune to mental attack by the way

[DM] grins

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::mutters:: "Great.... psychic poppies."

[DM] so Ramone is standing there

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::looks around for anything that might be doing mental attacks::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Observation check: (d20) [8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[DM] and that would be a save verus spell for a fireball please

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Magical Spell save: (d20) [19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[DM] it seems to come from the trees behind you

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::yawns at the fire::

[DM] (10d6) [(5+4+4+2+2+4+3+4+1+6)] 35

[Percival] hot, very hot.

[DM] (4+3+3+1+1+3+3+3+5) [4+3+3+1+1+3+3+3+5] 26

[DM] (26/4) [26/4] 6

[Percival] 10d6 FB? Oh, boy...

[DM] so a total of 6 points of damage

[Percival] So, a -1 on each die of damage?

[DM] actually +2 per die

[DM] so 15

[Percival] And then divided by 4?

[DM] then so only 4

[DM] Ramone's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 65 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[Percival] OK.

[DM] so on the other bank

[DM] you see Ramone engulfed in a fireball

[DM] Arilyn, Kira, Pepe, Mal and Moirra moved 49'07".

[Percival] And some monkeys, too, from the looks of it.

[DM] fireball seems to have missed the monkeys

[Percival] Hmm..

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::turns to the tree:: "Did I steal any of your apples? I don't think so."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Fireball: Take (10d6) [(1+4+3+1+1+4+3+2+3+6)] 28 points of blastiness!

[DM] and the tree starts to burn

[DM] more

[Moirra (Kaz)] EEP!

[DM] adn save verus spell Ramone

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Magical Spell save: (d20) [7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[DM] and HELD

[Percival] DM, making my way across the stream.

[DM] so you see Ramone cast a fireball at the tree

[DM] then he is frozen

[DM] and as you enter the stream

[DM] make a save versus breath weapon

[DM] as the water suddently rises up to try and engulf you

[Percival] Percival: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[DM] and Percy falls face first into the water

[DM] drowning

[DM] goign to init now

[DM] Combat has begun!


[Moirra (Kaz)] Nooo!

[Percival] Percival moved 14'09".

[DM] wait

[Percival] Percival moved 11'09".

[Percival] sorry


[DM] Percy you are SOOOOO lucky

[DM] Mike tell them

[Percival] ?

[Percival] Please, Mike. Tell us.

[Mal (mikE)] i have a medalion of the arctic

[Percival] Yes...

[Mal (mikE)] which gives my companions +1 to saves

[Mal (mikE)] so your nine made it.

[Percival] A-ha.

[Beth] WOOHOO!!!!

[Percival] What's the range on that thing?

[Mal (mikE)] mazeltav. you don't drown

[Mal (mikE)] just says my companions

[Percival] Because whenever you're near, I'll just add that to my character sheet.

[Beth] Yay! Mikey/Mal!!!

[Percival] Most excellent. For better or worse, I'm you're companion...

[Percival] ::ROFL::

[DM] can not believe he pulled that out

[Beth] ::snert::

[DM] god

[Percival] Still, we have a *serious* problem with this water here...

[Percival] ::ROFL::

[DM] so

[DM] end of "round one of attacks" and you have Ramone frozen in a held person

[DM] and the rest of the party on the other side of the stream

[Percival (to GM only)] Character sheet for Percival modified: Temporary Modifiers - Paralysis, Poison or Death Save: (PPDTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null). Rod, Staff or Wand Save: (RSWTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null). Petrification/Polymorph Save: (PPTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null). Breath Weapon Save: (BWTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null). Magical Spell Save: (MSTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null). Fear Save: (FearTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null). Horror Save: (HorrorTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null). Madness Save: (MadnessTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null).

[DM] so now on round next

[DM] the tree next to ramone is burning from his fireball

[DM] so no Init

[Percival] Arilyn can fly and go get him. I'll get her right now.

[DM] but keeping this in rounds

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] so we will say Your Side

[DM] then My Side

[DM] for now

[DM] until there is a clearer distinction

[DM (to Kaz only)] you get a bonus here

[DM (to Kaz only)] you can ignore illusions

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] Is it a cast?

[DM (to Kaz only)] no, but you can make a save versus spell

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] okay. I can do that now, or do I have to wait, since we're in combat?

[DM (to Kaz only)] now

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] Okay, is it vs. magical spell?

[Percival] Arilyn, can you go get Ramone?

[DM (to Kaz only)] yes

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] wait arilyn

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Magical Spell save: (d20) [20] 20 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Percival] Mal, are you well enough to help out Ramone if he needs it?

[Arilyn] can I get him without being held myself?

[Mal (mikE)] "I suppose I could go get him."

[DM (to Kaz only)] you see that the four "monkeys" are actuall four man sized figures with tiger heads that seem to be standing and casting, you can try to communicate that to the others, but they still see monkeys on the bank

[Percival] Don't know the answer to that, Arilyn. Except you *are* an elf, which means you have 90% MR vs. charm-related spells like Hold Person.

[Arilyn] ah.

[Moirra (Kaz)] How strange, I've never seen anything like it before.

[Moirra (Kaz)] What is like a man, but with the head of a tiger?

[Beth] What's that, Moirra?

[Arilyn] i can fly what, Moirra?

[Percival] Mal, do you have the immunity against Hold spells like Arilyn does?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] great....

[Beth] um... oh... I've heard of that somewhere... why? do you see one?

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, I don't usually get bothered by spells in general."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Does anyone know? It's important.

[Percival] Ah.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Four of them, over by Ramone.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] fricken rakshasa

[Percival] Ah...

[Moirra (Kaz)] They're not monkeys!

[Mal (mikE)] "Yes, yes. The Rakshasa."

[Mal (mikE)] "They do bounty hunting I think."

[Mal (mikE)] "Or something."

[Percival] Mal or Arilyn, could you take me over there to kill some Rakshasa, please?

[Beth] so... they could be after our 'quarry' as well?

[Mal (mikE)] "The mokeys?"

[Percival] Thank you Moirra for the insight.

[Mal (mikE)] "I suppose I could kill the monkeys."

[Percival] They are evil and I will kill them.

[Percival] That is, as many as I can.

[Beth] might be a good idea as they won't hesitate to kill us

[DM] ok, so that is your turn

[DM] now my turn

[Mal (mikE)] "Okay, good bye monkeys."

[DM] your turn is tellin gyou

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] anyone got crossbows? preferably with blessed bolts

[Percival] Yes, Mal.

[DM] now my turn

[Percival] Fine, DM.

[DM] and Ramone disapears

[Percival] Oh, that's *not* fine.

[Mal (mikE)] "Four little monkeys, jumping on the bed."

Moirra (Kaz) gasps

[Mal (mikE)] "One fell off and broke his head."

[Percival] Someone take me over there, ASAP, please.

[DM] and now I guess we should roll Initiative

[DM] for everyone

[Mal (mikE)] "Mother called the doctor and the doctor said"

[Percival] Percival: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [3+10-2] 11

[Arilyn] i could throw a fireball in that direction

[DM] REMEMBER you only see four monkeys on the beach

[Mal (mikE)] "No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Initiative:(d10+10) [7+10] 17

[DM] except for Kaz

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Initiative:(d10-+2+10) [4-2+10] 12


[DM] so anything you want to cast at etc has to go through that prism

[Arilyn] what prism? i missed that part

[Percival] Moirra, I will need your help finding the Rakshasa. Just tell me where to swing real hard.

[DM] Monkey: Initiative:(d10+10) [4+10] 14

[DM] Monkey: Initiative:(d10+10) [4+10] 14

[DM] Monkey: Initiative:(d10+10) [2+10] 12

[DM] Monkey: Initiative:(d10+10) [4+10] 14

Moirra (Kaz) gulps and nods at Percival.

[DM] so now you guys roll and then we will click off normally

[DM] I mean that you can not see anythign but four monkeys laying on the beach

[Beth] Kira: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [10+10-2] 18

[DM] so if you are going to attack something,

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Initiative:(d10+10-+0) [6+10-0] 16

[DM] Kaz has to tell you etc

[Percival] Sure, at a -4 or whatever....

[DM] or you can spend a round doing nothing and try to disblieve the illuson

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival


[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival

[Percival] Oh, I want to do that. But I'm not that smart.

[DM] ok

[Percival] What do I have to roll?

[DM] so if you want to make a save verus spell

[DM] to try and disbelieve

[DM] or you can do something else with your round

[Percival] Sure. For 1 round.

[DM] takes one round to try and pierce the veil

[Percival] Then I'm gonna want to get flown over there and just start attacking the bushes.

[Percival] Percival: Magical Spell save: (d20) [14] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Percival] Oh, yeah, boy!

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Monkey

[Mal (mikE)] you should hold action

[DM] save versus spell everyone

[Mal (mikE)] all the cool kids are doing it

[DM] on the other side of the river

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Magic Resistance check:(d100) [7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 90!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Magical Spell save: (d20) [17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Percival] Percival: Magical Spell save: (d20) [16] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Arilyn] is this something that an elf would have a MR for?

[Beth] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Percival] charm-related?

[Percival] 90% MR

[DM] no

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[DM] Percival moved 1'07".

[DM] Arilyn moved 4'04".

[Arilyn] great

[DM] Mal moved 7'10".

[DM] Moirra moved 1'02".

[DM] Kira moved 8'03".

[DM] so those who failed are in the middle of the webs

[DM] those that made it are in teh half strength part of the webs

[DM] on your turn you can try to move out of them

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[Percival] ::That #12 monkey looks an awful lot like a tiger-headed person::

[Arilyn] brb

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival] I forgot what the movement rate through Web is, but it's based on STR.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Aug 24 21:04:52 EDT 2007

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Dimension Door: By means of a dimension door spell, the wizard instantly transfers himself up to 30 yards distance per level of experience. This special form of teleportation allows for no error, and the wizard always arrives at exactly the spot desired--whether by simply visualizing the area (within spell transfer distance, of course) or by stating direction such as, "300 yards straight downward," or, "upward to the northwest, 45 degree angle, 420 yards." If the wizard arrives in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, he remains trapped in the Astral Plane. If distances are stated and the spellcaster arrives with no support below his feet (i.e., in mid-air), falling and damage result unless further magical means are employed. All that the wizard wears or carries, subject to a maximum weight equal to 500 pounds of nonliving matter, or half that amount of living matter, is transferred with the spellcaster. Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires one round.

[DM] if your stength is below 13 you are stuck

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'm screwed :-D ))

[Mal (mikE)] Mal moved 54'11".

[DM] well

[DM] there you go

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[Mal (mikE)] Roll #1: (d100) [35] 35

[Beth] (( me too lol))

[DM] so Kira, Arilyn, Percy and Morira get to save verus spell

[Percival] ::Oh, boy, I know we're close to a personality-changing event horizon here::

[DM] (10d6) [(3+5+6+3+2+6+5+4+6+5)] 45

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Magical Spell save: (d20) [16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Percival] brb

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] rolling for Percy

[DM] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[DM] Arilyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[DM] Percival: Magical Spell save: (d20) [3] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[DM] Moirra: Magical Spell save: (d20) [12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[DM] sorry

[DM] only for percy

[DM] and arilyn

[DM] Kira you can roll your own sorry

[Beth] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [10] 10 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[DM] ok

[DM] so all but Percy made it

[DM] so you only take half damage

[DM] plus the damage from the flaming webs

[DM] (2d4) [(4+4)] 8

[DM] so percy takes 53 points of flaming damage

[DM] and the rest take 31 points of damge

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -5 (-53) - Dying

[Beth] so much for our luck

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-31) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] Kira's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (-31) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] Moirra's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-31) - Massively Wounded

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Arilyn

[DM] ok

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] Are my healing spells Touch? or can cast from a distance?

[DM] so your turn

[Mal (mikE)] wow. sucks to be you guys...

[Mal (mikE)] damn.

Darkla has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 21:09:48 EDT 2007

[DM] yes to Kaz healing it touch only

[DM] Percy is laying on the ground,

[DM] uncouncious

[Moirra (Kaz)] And I can't move to someone and cast it, right?

[DM] right

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 21:10:51 EDT 2007

[DM] you can run over on your turn and bind wounds Kaz

[DM] that will stop him from bleeding

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] maybe

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn] need to catch up-on sec

[Arilyn] ouch

[Percival] Oh, goody.

[Arilyn] okay, caught up.

[DM] so

[Arilyn] Arilyn targets Monkey. Distance: 109'09"

[DM] reemmber you see a monkey laying down

[Arilyn] how do i do the area for fireball?

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] like that?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] target everyone in that circle

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] Do I see the Rakshasa standing in the same place where the monkeys are lying?

[Arilyn] don't want to hit where Ramone last seen

[DM (to Kaz only)] no and you can see ramone standing there still aparently invisible to everyone else

[DM] you would have to just guess

[Arilyn] okay, that's fine then

[DM] that is centered on the monkeys

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ramone fears no fire

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Fireball: I blast for ((8)d6) [(8)(6+5+1+5+1+4+6+1)] 29 of fiery doom!

[Moirra (Kaz)] Be careful!

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Moirra

Moirra (Kaz) runs swiftly over to Percival, falling to her knees beside him and hurriedly binding his wounds to staunch the bleeding.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra moved 25'00".

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Kira

[Percival] ::thanks, Kaz!::

[Arilyn] Moirra, if you can tell us where we need to aim, that would be helpful

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((dying baaaaaad))

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Magical Spell save: (d20) [15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Arilyn] ::you got that right!::

[DM] Ramone's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (-15) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] Kira is up

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ramone is still there! Don't hurt him.

[DM] Percy's wounds are bound

[DM (to Kaz only)] you can see that he got scorched by that fireball

[Arilyn] ::sorry Ramone!::

[Percival] ::and I never had a chance to actually attack the Rakshasa!::

[DM] Ramone's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (8) - Lightly Wounded

[Beth] ok, what do you all suggest?

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] where are the Rakshasa, actually?

[Mal (mikE)] "But Ramone is fine with fire. He told me himself. Blast away!"

[Percival] ::Blessed crossbow bolt!::

[Percival] ::or lots of fire!!::

[DM (to Kaz only)] scattered in the trees on the bank, they look to be plotting

[Arilyn] ::we need some direction::

[Percival] ::The monkeys!!!!::

[Percival] ::One of 'em's a Rakshasa!::

[Beth] am I able to see the monkeys?

[Moirra (Kaz)] The creatures are not where those monkeys appear to be

[DM] you can see the monkeys

[DM] laying on the beach

[Arilyn] was there any apparent effect of the fireball?

[Percival] ::Give directions, then, Kaz::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((you fried Ramone!!))

[Percival] ::You're like a forward observer::

[Percival] ::10 meters to the left of the last blast::

[Beth] so, with Moirra

[Percival] ::10 meters forward of the last blast::

[Beth] 's directions I will shoot something

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] Do you hve them in specific trees?

[DM] you can have Moirra call out what to do on her move and everyone can hold action till after her turn

[Percival] ::or whatever unit of measure you'd like to use::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well...

[Percival] ::Great idea, DM::

[Beth] holding action then

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((you're the last of this round))

[Beth] (well, crap))

[Arilyn] do the monkeys look any worse off after the fireball?

[DM] no

[Percival] Can Beth get a positive modifier for the next round by waiting & doing nothing this round?

[DM] yes a +2 to thit

[DM] for the next attack

[Beth] ok

[Beth] that is what I will do then


[Percival] dying

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Monkey

[DM] and now Percy's wounds are bound

[DM] so not goign to bleed away any more

[Percival] So just "mostly dead"

[Moirra (Kaz)] He's not dead yet!

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[DM] and Moirra make a save verus spell please

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Magical Spell save: (d20) [4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[DM] and everyone else gets a save versus spell to break the illusion now

[DM] and Moirra is now held

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Arilyn] i don't see nothing but those stinkin' monkeys

[DM] is not a sure thing to break it but you get a chance now

[DM] Kira and Mal

[Percival] Bob, did you make spellcraft checks for your characters to determine what Moirra was doing?

[DM] they are just picking on spell casters for now

[Percival] While they were attacking & casting spells at us?

[Beth] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1] 1 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Kaz has edited Moirra's effects.

[Beth] crap

[Moirra (Kaz)] I haven't cast any spells yet, how do they know what I am?

[DM] you tried to heal someone

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Magic Resistance check:(d100) [58] 58 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 90!!

[Beth] brb swapping laundry loads

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I bound his wounds, isn't it different?

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Magical Spell save: (d20) [4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 6!!

[DM] nods

[DM] you did

[Percival] And Mal is obviously the most senior spellcaster.

[DM] but you are dressed as a cleric

[Mal (mikE)] well, damn.

[DM] and Mal is still invis

[DM] he is next grins

[Mal (mikE)] that's pretty crappy.

[Percival] Not to a Rakshasa.

[DM] Arilyn and Kira are in one group

[DM] Mal is in another

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[DM] so we have percy bound but unconcious

[DM] Kira and Arlilyn standign there ready to attack

[Arilyn] so anyone heard from Lorie?

[DM] and Mal who demensioned doored out of the webs

[DM] (yes Lor hopes to be here next week, they got the house last night()

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((held means can't move, not can't talk, right?))

[DM] Mal is debating

[DM] right to Kaz

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: WIS check: (d20) [2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] so now Mal can see through the illusions

Kaz has left the game on Fri Aug 24 21:33:27 EDT 2007

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] she will be back

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 21:34:30 EDT 2007

[DM] Mal (and Moirra who is held) can see one of them move over to the invis Ramone with a knife in his hands

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[Kaz] sorry

Kaz is receiving the map forest with stream...

Kaz has received the map forest with stream.

[Kaz] dmaned phone line

[DM] and this one is going to cast again wall of fog

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn] going flying and invisible

[DM] so Arilyn sees this fog bank blocking the view of the other side

[DM] Arilyn can fly up and over it

[DM] and see there are the monkeys on the bank on the other side

[DM] Arilyn moved 89'10".

[Arilyn] sounds good-don't forget the invisible part

[DM] nods

[Arilyn] is there any kind of check I can make? Observation, alertness?

[Arilyn] i am looking for any sign of disturbance, movement, listening for any noises from Ramone...

[DM] you can spend another round next turn trying to break the illusion

[Arilyn] okay

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Moirra

[DM] but for now you see the same thing

[DM] held

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Kira

[Beth] and now a fog bank so I can't see to hit anyhting..

[Moirra (Kaz)] They're in the trees!

[Beth] suggestions, anyone?

[Mal (mikE)] charlie in the trees!

[Beth] can I see the trees? over the fog bank?

[Mal (mikE)] bend over and kiss it goodbye?

[DM] yes

[DM] but ?

[Beth] welll.... I could magic missile a tree?

[DM] no

[DM] creatures only

[Beth] drat

[Beth] cuz I can't see the critters, apparently

[DM] nope

[DM] you could try to wade across the river

[Beth] yeah, I've seen what happens when that's tried

[Moirra (Kaz)] (Can the rakshasa see through their own fog bank?)

[Beth] and unless invisibility will save me from that I think taht would be a waste

[DM] actually no Kaz

[DM] it is a real fog bank not illusion

[Arilyn] Kira, maybe there's something you can do to help Moirra and Percy

[Arilyn] can you dispel magic?

[Beth] unfortunately, no

[Beth] I checked

[Arilyn] got anything that can heal Percy?

[DM] so you just want to move aroudn teh fog bank then Kira?

[DM] or ?

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Beth] that's what I'm thinking

[Beth] Kira moved 82'00".


[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Monkey

[DM] and ramone dies

[DM] Ramone's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-59) - Dying

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[Percival] Bob, remember that when you play your NPC's, you need to think like them. They aren't going to blow all their spells on someone who just *happens* along, because they would be in a weakened state for the *next* party to *happen along*.

[DM] Ramone's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-10) - Dead

[Beth] RAMONE!!!

[Percival] Even a great white shark is going to run away crying if you punch it in the nose just right. And it can easily rip you in two.

[Kira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((you actually don't see me dead yet))

[DM] nods at Hans, they have used about 1/3 to 1/2 of their spells, most are natural abilitys

[DM] but you ahve a good point

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] um... no clue why I was chatting as kira

[Percival] I'm just saying as a game dynamic.

[Beth] lol

[DM] on the person who moved through here before you did

[DM] how did a girl make it through this

[Percival] You could fireball me again and I'd be dead.

[DM] Mal is thinking

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[Percival] Aren't we more valuable to them *alive*? Or do they just go around lying in wait and killing things indiscriminately?

[Percival] Seems an awful waste of a Rakshasa's power to do that.

[Mal (mikE)] well, they eat us.

[Mal (mikE)] so right now, they're hunting for food.

[DM] Moirra sees the one that cut Ramone's throat, and leaves him on the ground to eat later

[Mal (mikE)] this IS the day's event

[Percival] They could eat some 1st level characters *much* more easily.

[Mal (mikE)] oh, they're killing us off easily enough.

[Percival] Although they're doing pretty well here.

[Mal (mikE)] besides, we're more seasoned.

[DM] Mal and Arilyn are both invis and Arilyn is flying

[DM] Kira is on the opposite bank

[Moirra (Kaz) (to DM only)] is he still standing next to Ramone's body?

[DM (to Kaz only)] yes

[Beth] and I'm going invis

[Beth] invoking my cloak

[DM] ok, so all invis

[DM] they are just waiting now

[DM] stalemae for the moment they know you are there

[DM] you know they are there

[DM] cna not see each other

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Arilyn

[DM] no apparent attacks or new spells

[Moirra (Kaz)] Arilyn! Where Ramone last was, there stands a beast!

[Arilyn] ::okay, the last firball I threw didn't do much but make it easier for them to kill Ramone::

[DM] strike that from Moirra

[DM] she is held

[DM] can not talk

[Percival] thought so

[Moirra (Kaz)] I thought I could talk, just not move.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((sorry))

[Beth] that's waht he said

[Arilyn] i thought that's what he said

[Percival] didn't want to prejudice the DM even though I thought he was wrong earlier when he said "Yes" to Kaz.

[DM] Kaz can see everything that is happening

[Percival] Kaz said "I cannot move but I can talk, right?"

[DM] and can not communicate it

[Arilyn] well, i guess i'm going to work on the disbelieving thing then

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: WIS check: (d20) [2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Arilyn] do I get any pluses this time?

[DM] yes to Arilyn

[Percival] +2, I think

[Arilyn] when do I do that?

[Arilyn] and what kind of check is that?

[Percival] Christy, put it in your temp modifiers. +1 for Mal's artifact and whatever the DM gives you, then make your roll.

[DM] jsut roll

[Moirra (Kaz)] /kira You need to disregard earlier when I called out that they're in the trees. That happened after I was bound.

[DM] and if you get close we worry about it

[Arilyn] is that vs. spell or wisdom or what?

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[DM] versus spell

[Percival] save vs. spell.

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Arilyn] so there

[Percival] "Magical Spell Save" as Klooge reads on Temp Modifiers of Char sheet.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Yay Arilyn!!))

[Percival] ditto

[Arilyn] so what can I see?

[DM] and so

[Percival] Next round...

[Percival] (to Christy)

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Moirra

[Arilyn] i guess I'm done then...

[Moirra (Kaz)] Can't really do anything, can I?

[Percival] Moirra's held and just about to join me...

[DM] you see three rakshasa apparently casting and watching the other bank where you are from the trees and one that is stepping back from ramone's body, which is held upright by a spell but his throat slit gapping wide open

[Percival] being completely dead.

[DM] no to Kaz

[DM] sorry

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Kira

[Beth] so all I can do is try to disbelieve?

[Percival] save vs. spell to disbelieve

[Percival] you get a +1 for Mal's artifact

[DM] ok

[DM] so Kira roll

[Beth] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Percival] and a +? for trying for more than 1 round...

[DM] and good

[DM] and Arilyn you see a pit suddenly appear on the ground there

[DM] adn one of the rakshasa fall inside

[DM (to GM only)] forest with stream: No adjustments made

[DM (to GM only)] Monkey's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 44 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] and that red splot is where the pit is

[Percival (to DM only)] good time for divine intervention, Bubs.

[Arilyn] only one? where are the rest of them?

[Percival (to DM only)] there's got to be *someone* who's happy with us and who's *not* happy with *them*

[Mal (mikE)] i think ramone is now in that pit

[Mal (mikE)] so, who wants to go for a rescue mission?

[Beth] Raises hand

[Percival] Um, once I have, like, a positive HP, I'll go...::

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Pit: a

[Arilyn] well, I would see that wouldn't I? did Ramone fall in the pit too?

[Mal (mikE)] Roll #1: (d100) [87] 87

[DM] you see the raksha fal in but not ramone

[DM] you do not see him at all

[DM] and now Moirra does not see him either

[Beth] and I?

[DM] you see three tiger men along the trees

[DM] apparently getting ready to cast

[DM] but they do nto seem to see you yet

[Beth] I AM invisible

[DM] nods

[DM] three invisible party members,

[DM] 4 illusioned Rakshasha

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:06:01 EDT 2007

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 22:06:39 EDT 2007

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:06:43 EDT 2007

[DM] so any plans Kira?

[DM] you, Arilyn and Mal are the only ones really on your side

[Beth] thinking

[Percival] Christy's having Klooge probs...

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 22:07:51 EDT 2007

[Percival] She's trying to log on right now.

[DM] nods, want to be careful and do this right

[DM] you are evenly matched right now

Arilyn is receiving the map forest with stream...

Arilyn has received the map forest with stream.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Pepe needs to waddle over there and spray those s.o.b.'s))

[Beth] ((pepe can fly over, but I don't the little fella hurt))

[Beth] But... that's not a bad idea...

[Beth] (( I have a royal headache brewing))

[Arilyn] well, I think we're about 1 or 2 spells away from Percy and Moirra being dead too

[Beth] There is nothing I can do

[DM] ok

[Percival] We need to somehow get Ramone and get the wounded and just get out of here, never to return...

[DM] you can go to defend Percy then Kira

[Beth] I can't even get Ramone's body to take home

[Percival] We haven't even begun to hurt them and half our party is out of commission.

[Beth] Kira moved 36'01".

[Arilyn] do what you can for Percy and Moirra. They aren't dead yet

[Mal (mikE)] i hurt one

[Percival] All we've done is make them use up some of their spells.

[Arilyn] can you move them?

[Beth] This one is pretty much impossible

[Mal (mikE)] you all need to pull your weight

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Think I'll go for a walk))

[Beth] I have no weight

[Percival] My armor has weight.

[Beth] I have spells that won't touch them and my best weapon is a +1

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((How come your spells won't touch them?))

[Percival] Rakshasa MR

[DM] have to see them to be able to cast at them

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((ahhhh))

[Beth] and they are much more powerful than I am to boot

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Didn't she make the save to see them?

[DM] I want to let you take your time to handle this

[DM] you can get through this,

[DM] with losses but you can

[Beth] too many losses

[Arilyn] way too many

[Beth] this is no longer funny or fun

[DM] so kira is bacing up to them?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((How many rounds am I bound?))

[Beth] I am protecting Percy

[DM] turns

[DM] many rounds, 10+

[Beth] backing of course


[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Monkey

[Arilyn] so when that spell comes in, it'll get the 3 of you

[Mal (mikE)] if you fly down, grab ramone, we can leave

[DM] those that can see see this one climb out of ht pit

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[Arilyn] mal, it's all you

[Mal (mikE)] or i'll use my teleports to get him. though i might get stuck.

[Mal (mikE)] it's really easier if you do it

[Arilyn] they are going to cast on Percy and Moirra

[Arilyn] and kill them

[Mal (mikE)] all the more reason for me not to waste spells and rounds teleporting

[Mal (mikE)] it'll take me at least 3 rounds to teleport, get him, teleport back.

[Mal (mikE)] and i might go insane after the first one, and be stranded

[Moirra (Kaz)] I thought we couldn't see Ramone any more?

[Arilyn] then teleport the people we can save

[DM] ayrilyn can see ramone

[Moirra (Kaz)] Aha

[Beth] Ramone can be rezzed if we can get him out and home

[Moirra (Kaz)] Good

[Mal (mikE)] so get ramone, christy, and we can get out of here

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn] where are we headed?

[Arilyn] I need to know where to teleport to

[Mal (mikE)] home presumably

[Mal (mikE)] how many teleports do you have?

[DM] roadhaven as the default

[Arilyn] there's no place like home

[Arilyn] just one today

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((was waiting for that))

[Arilyn] me and up to 600 lbs

[Beth] so, you could possibly take Ramone and Percy and perhaps Moirra also?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Arilyn grab Ramone and teleport, Mal grab Percy and teleport, Kira drag me and run someplace safer? Would that work?

[Mal (mikE)] no

[Mal (mikE)] arilyn grab ramone, then fly over and grab kira

[Mal (mikE)] percy is going to be a trip unto himself

[Arilyn] okay, so I guess I'll fly my invisible self down to grab Ramone

[DM] Arilyn moved 29'07".

[Mal (mikE)] then i can teleport with him home, pool back, and teleport kaz and our absent lorie out.

[Arilyn] and be super sneaky about it

[Arilyn] can I get Ramone?

[Beth] and Moirra?

[DM] make a to hit

[DM] d20

[Arilyn] just roll a d20?

[DM] nods

[DM] no one to target

[DM] see what you roll

[Arilyn] Arilyn: (1d20) [2] 2

[DM] not good enough

[DM] you are in the pit with him

[Arilyn] figures

[DM] but you are unable to grab him

[DM] now you get your second attack

[Arilyn] that is ridiculous

[DM] but can not teleport this round

[Arilyn] he's dead

[DM] have to hit AC 10

[Arilyn] he's not resisting

[DM] you mised that

[DM] sorry

[Arilyn] alright, whatever. i'm in the pit. do i do it again next round?

[DM] this round

[DM] you get two attacks

[DM] but you can not teleport and use both attacks

[DM] so you still have a chance to grab him

[Arilyn] Arilyn: (1d20) [9] 9

[DM] just need to roll a 3 or higher

[DM] and there you go

[Arilyn] klooge dice suck

[DM] soft smile

[DM] so you have him

[DM] and on your turn next round can fly or teleport

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Moirra

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Kira

[DM] anything Kira?

[Beth] continuing to stand guard, and should I become visible again? might make it easier to grab me lol

[DM] is a good point

[Beth] I do so then... I'm behind the fog bank so the monkeys shoulodn't be able to see me

[Arilyn] as soon as they see you they will cast

[DM] Monkey targets Arilyn. Distance: 13'00"

[DM] Monkey targets Arilyn. Distance: 16'07"

[DM] Monkey targets Arilyn. Distance: 22'10"

[Beth] cusses

[DM] Monkey targets Arilyn. Distance: 18'07"

[DM] your choice or hit next please

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] cusses? who says cusses?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Beth, apparently :)

[Beth] what do you mean my choice?

[Arilyn] i need more wine

[Beth] I need wine

[Beth] and lots of it

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] there is no room here for whine

[Beth] I'm not whining I'm cussing prolificly

[Mal (mikE)] if arylin can get ramone then i can handle the rest

[Beth] and I still am asking what is meant by 'my choice'

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'd cuss but I can't speak. However, imagine that my eyes are very eloquent.

[Mal (mikE)] he means shit or get off the pot

[Arilyn] well, i've got 4 monkeys about to rain so hurt on me


[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Monkey

test has joined the game on Fri Aug 24 22:38:38 EDT 2007

[DM] Monkey: Attack #1: Hand Crossbow: (13-(d20)) [13-(1)] 12. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[Mal (mikE)] waiting for arylin to do her thing

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] Monkey: Attack #1: Hand Crossbow: (13-(d20)) [13-(8)] 5. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] Monkey: Attack #1: Hand Crossbow: (13-(d20)) [13-(13)] 0. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] Monkey: Attack #1: Hand Crossbow: (13-(d20)) [13-(19)] -6. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM] Monkey: Damage v SM: Hand Crossbow: (1d3) [3] 3 added to: Arilyn

[DM] and save verus poison please Arylin

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Arilyn

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (-3) - Heavily Wounded

[Arilyn] Arilyn: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [3] 3 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[DM] and Arilyn falls over

[Arilyn] can I teleport before I die?

[DM] asleep

[DM] sorry

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Moirra

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Kira


[DM] so Mal on hold action

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Teleport: a

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] Mal moved 87'03".

[Mal (mikE)] Roll #1: (d100) [63] 63

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 12 GOING: Mal

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Teleport: a

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[Mal (mikE)] Mal moved 100'03".

test is receiving the map forest with stream...

test has received the map forest with stream.

[DM] falling damage to Arilyn

[DM] from the sleep bolt

[Mal (mikE)] now we're sol on teleports so lets limp away and find some water

[DM] and now Mal teleports out

[DM] with the two of them

[DM] where to?

[DM] Arilyn moved 99'01".

[Mal (mikE)] bob mentioned using this water could pool over.

[Mal (mikE)] anyone want to risk it?

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Monkey

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Arilyn

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Moirra

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Kira

[DM] so you have the group mostly incapaciated

[DM] Kira and Mal are still able to do things

[Mal (mikE)] i can levitate ramone, throw percy on top of him and let's go

[DM] you have Ramone's dead body

[DM] and Arilyns asleep one

[DM] Percys unconcious body

[DM] and Moirra's held body

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:46:11 EDT 2007

[Arilyn] well, this has been more fun than a barrel of...ahhh I can't even finish that

[DM] chuckles

[test] Maybe Mike can save Arilyn who's trying to save Ramone after saving Percival and Moirra.

[test] .... and whoever else

[DM] grins

[Moirra (Kaz)] heh

[Percival] testing

[Mal (mikE)] whoever test is, i already did that

[DM] so we have that little group

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:47:27 EDT 2007

[Percival] Ah. Percival again. For the rest of the night, at least.

[DM] huddled on the bank

[DM] behind the fong bank

[DM] I think we pause it here

[DM] and hope for beter next week?

[DM] if Lorie or John is here

[DM] they can help you teleport everyone back home

[Arilyn] well, we couln't really hope for worse

[DM] smiles,

[DM] it came down to a stand still

[DM] not bad

Darkla has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:48:38 EDT 2007

[Percival] I can catch up on U.S. Open reruns next Friday night.

[DM] grins

Percival has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:49:18 EDT 2007

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okies

[Arilyn] alright, see you guys next week-

[DM] good game everyone

[DM] lots of good interaction

[Kaz] Good night! Have a good week, guys.

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:50:40 EDT 2007

Percival has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:50:57 EDT 2007

Beth has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:51:05 EDT 2007

[Kaz] Night Bob

[DM] have a fun night

[Kaz] Ugh, time to reboot

[Kaz] That phone call earlier screwed up the whole computer

[DM] sorry

[Kaz] *wavies*

Kaz has left the game on Fri Aug 24 22:51:54 EDT 2007