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Babbling and Other Fun Stuff

Hey, I had to have a place to babble. Maybe rant a bit, maybe just make completely inappropriate comments or say things that will eventually piss someone off... all the stuff I'm really, really good at.

Okay, so here's my little character "rant". It's not really a rant in that it's not something I'm angry about, just something I deeply feel - if that makes sense.

So, almost everyone in the group has said words to the effect of 'don't worry too much about henchman histories' and 'don't get attached to your henchmen, they'll die pretty quickly'. This bothers me, and I'll tell you why.

I can't play a character without them having an idea about who they are. I haven't written much about Moirra's past, but she's a person to me and if you asked me any questions about her childhood or how she feels regarding various issues, I'd have an answer for you. She exists in my imagination as a whole person.

The same can be said of Rhys. Yeah, yeah, he's only level two, blah blah blah. Meanwhile, his childhood, teen years, and journey to join up with Moirra play like a movie in my mind. He, too, is a person to me. How can I blithely send him off, expecting him to die? How can I expect him to die without me getting upset? Why shouldn't I fight hard for his life?

So when you guys again tell me not to invest too much into my henchman, it's falling on deaf ears. At least now you know not to bother. :D

Moirra's mace. What about it? Well, I dunno. I just thought I'd share a little something about the night she lost it.

The whole back-story I wrote as a short history of Moirra and how Pwyll's Temper came to belong to her isn't very long, but I think that it conveys enough sense of emotion that you could understand how much it (the mace) meant to her, and why.

And then came the greedy dragon and the Elves' chalice. I'm not sure how many people would have wanted to take on the dragon and how many people were prepared to go off on another journey in the quest to find a replacement for the chalice. But Moirra came to life within me, and so I had to do what she would have done (were she a real person). So she gave the damned dragon her mace, her tears, and her emotional pain in exchange for the item that, to be honest, I'm not really sure of its purpose. I guess I kinda know, but I'd have to think about it for a bit to remember. Anyway.

Lorie did a great job. Kylia really came through for Moirra in terms of emotional support (not wanting to participate in what would probably have been an awesome banquet/party simply because one of her team was hurting), and it made me truly feel I belonged with the group. Mike also came through, having the elves gift her with the lifetime loan of an even better (stat-wise) mace. Emotionally, it isn't as precious to Moirra as Pwyll's Temper, but I think that's understandable. It's still precious, and a meaningful gift.

So, just to give you an idea of how much of an emotional sap I am, during that whole part of the roleplay where she gives up her mace, I was actually crying. Scary, huh? Now, tie that back to my previous "rant" about characters being people to me. I bet it makes a lot more sense.

I AM THE QUEEN!!!! The queen of getting sidetracked, that is. Some people are very linear (these are the people who actually accomplish something in life), and some people leave a little room for distractions (yet they also accomplish stuff), and then there are the people who can easily be pulled in every direction at the same time, leaving one thing to follow up on another. I make the third group look like the first group.

So, I'm sure it's a pain in the rear-end when we have to accomplish something (getting to the castle) by a certain time (we've got four days to get there), and then these sweet little woodland creatures come scampering cutely into the camp, worried for their big, two-legger friend. And here's lil ole me, ready to run off with the aforementioned cute little woodland creatures, because... because... um. I'm sure there's a reason I can't keep my thoughts and actions marching in a straight line like good little soldiers. It probably has something to do with *GASP!* smoking pot as a teenager, or insatiable curiosity, or maybe, just mayyyyybe, I was born that way.

Perhaps the question is why do I go off on tangents but why do other people go along with it? Does the group really want to follow Thumper, Chip, and Porky through the woods so we can talk to rocks in a hole? Or do they just not care enough to say 'Step away from the chipmunk, and no one will get hurt.'? Or, heavens forfend, are they JUST LIKE ME?