Main / BattleOfHastiltonHill

Battle of Hastilton Hill - Third Drillian Civil War - Drillian - History

The Battle of Hastilton Hill took place in the Craniate Wastes on Koeaptre through Fineaptre 187 (17 through 19-8-187) SKR.

Hastilton Hill was a small hamlet of farmers in the far northwestern portion of the Craniate Wastes. They raised crops in support of the Suomi church a couple of miles away.

During the Third Drillian Civil War the hamlet became a battle ground between the Royal Forces of Queen Eustace and the Rebel forces of the Mosskin Estates. On the Queen's side units of horsemen drafted from the Bolpel Estates in conjunction with mercenary units including Shardik's Forlorn Hope. Holy Mother Humlibart, the Princess of Kiputytto, the high priest at Skull Church rescued all of the people from the hamlet and brought them back to Skull Church to take shelter in the crypts below the church. Holy Mother Humlibart then brought in many of the people from the hamlet of Maki that lay upon Farmers Turn to protect them as well.

The first day of the battle consisted of the rebel forces laying in wait in Maki for the royal mounted forces to advance.