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John Anstett's Bike Log

Entry one 4/5 Not the first ride or even the first ride without training wheels for one of the kids. It was not the first ride outside our complex but it was the first time we rode from our complex out. Michael still has one training wheel, more on that later, but both kids and I rode to Firefighter's park and back, about 2.5 miles. No injuries, no real issue. Michael really was tired, almost not making it there but after a break and step inside the rec center to cool off, the ride home was easy.

Entry two 4/6

After a late night working concessions, I got up wanted to ride to loosen up. Miranda was up for a ride but Michael was not. I like Miranda decide where to go but I was prepared for most anything. She wanted to ride to the park again, which we did with ease, then she wanted a bigger challenge, maybe even ride a big road. We took Rock Island North to Sample and East to Publix. We had a good break to cool down and get more fluids then continued West to the light and South to our complex and home. We figured about 3.5 miles totals.We ride for fun and adventure, so we have not been diligent about using the app so we may be estimating high.

Entry Three 4/12

A long week of working late and kids not having homework done left us until Saturday before we rode again. Michael and Miranda slept in a bit so it was almost noon before we had our bikes on the new bike rack and the three bikes to go to Fern Park . As it turns out, they do not have a bike path but a nice walk was a nice change of pace, over a mile around a nature walk.

Later that day, I took Miranda on a night ride, very short, I think she did not like the dark. So after that warn up I did two interior loops of our complex for a total of 2.5 mile. Not really pushing speed, just to see how I felt after it. Not bad, I forgot how good it was to ride when it was cool.

Entry Four 4/13

After another warm up with Miranda, seeing how she handled wet roads, I kept out for an inside and outside perimeter. With the warm up I am sure it was about 4 miles, again at a good pace but was not pushing too hard. Still think it was great to be out while it was cool.

Entry Five 4/26 The next big ride was by myself on a Saturday evening. Still a little hot, but work a little push. Just about 5 miles in just about 30 min. Longest continuous ride and still under 6 min mile. I think I will have to work on one or the other next time.

Entry Six 4/27 Damn this log, damn the Runkeeper app that call out pace and damn Bob who suggested it ;). Morning ride just had to break one of the records. I knew it was early so I did not want to go for distance. 2.64 miles in 14 minutes for a new pace of 5:30 min for a mile. Maybe I will go for distance in a day later. I did ride again, with Michael. Thought no point to log. With him the speed would show no sign of effort on my part as is true for the distance. But children do have the unique power to surprise and challenge parents. He wanted to ride to the front gate, that was the goal of our early walks. I was not surprised that we made it there in ease but that he wanted to continue. We headed north and I thought and suggested we take the north gate of the complex and try for the outside parimiter, but he declined. He wanted to go onward towards Publix. I suggested we take the back alley, he insisted on staying on path to Sample and then west. It was more nerve racking for me following my son as he rode along, unsteady but determined as the cars sped towards us and past us. A few driveways and we were past The Publix complex, Michael had no intention of stopping but he quickly got tired and I knew the best hope was the short cut at the back end of our complex. The back park we had ridden to previously was just behind the housing complex on Sample and just west of Publix. I had spoken to Miranda about taking it some day. Turned out Michael and I took it first. Without enough prep Michael started down what was a considerable steep decline, especialy for one never on a hill of any sort. I was able to get him to keep control and stop with what may have seem like urgent commands. The rest of the path was harder, even a bit up hill and he had to walk a bit, but we made it to the pavement and on to home with no complaints and almost a total disregard on his part of what he had accomplished. Next weekend we shall have to take a trip as far as the comic book store to equal that trip.

Entry 7 5/2 Off on a Friday, without kids or plans, I started the day with a five mile ride arround the complex. I was not going for speed but just as a wake up ride. I figure this to be the longest day of riding as I expect to do a few more miles once the kids get home, so I will pace myself. We did start to the comicbook store, made it just past the front gate before Miranda's lack of conditioning turned us back. still a long day for me and good for the kids.

Entry 8 5/3 Miranda went with mom and gave us the ok, so Michael and I rode to the local comicbook store. Crossed Sample and Rock Island, walking the bikes but 1.87 miles each way. Technically Michael walls his bike the last half mile back because his but hurt. Waiting to see what Miranda wants to do.

Entry 9 5/10 First productive bike ride to Publix. 2.41 miles round trip, 17:44 travel time. Clearly I can keep a 7 min pace, I will work on extending how long I can keep that pace. If I need to go faster, I can always take a car. Funny thing is the two things I was going to pick up were on sale "2 for" and that was a bit much for the bike. Trip 2 of the day was to Game Stop with Michael (Miranda has had a run of bad luck with injury and illness). 1.88 miles in 30 min is good. I see the trick i to give him a goal. While it was not a challenging physically, it did bring the day up to 6.17 miles so far my longest day confirmed.

Entry 10 So Miranda joined me Friday when I got off work just early enough. It had been a while since she rode a ways so I was glad Michael stayed home. We rode to the front gate and north all the way to GameStop and then Target where we had a little pasta snack and picked up a few things before heading home. traffic was a bit busy, but no real issues, Almost 4 miles round trip was more than I expected from Miranda and with her pace, it was really worth it. A stop at the fountain was also a touching moment to connect.

Entry 11 First long trip with both kids in a few weeks. I tried to get Miranda to stay when we woke her up but when she herd we were going back to the comic book store, she insisted on us waiting. It is hard for Miranda to go as slow as Michael, and hard for her not to be in the lead, but we were getting into a grove and Miranda was a good traffic scout,. A lot of pedestrians were happy to let us by and many seemed amazed by our Thank you's and excused me, but maybe that was just me. Good thing we waited, Michael and I would have been too early, the store was just opened so quiet, we shopped for a bit, picked up a few things and fresh drinks and decided to go to McDonalds for Brunch. It was a longer break than expected but we ate outside to keep to the feeling and started back home with no big deal. we made it back across the two big roads with no issue and we were hitting a grove going south on Roxk Island when Miranda started extending her lead. We caught up at the next driveway and Miranda was off again for a second before her tire went off the sidewalk and she was unable to recover. It was a hard fall, she took it well with no tears but she was clearly in pain with a sore kne, elbow and hand. I thought she might continue but her chain had come off and by the time I had it back on, she was convinced she was done; disappointed but done. Mom came to pick her and the bike up and Michael and I completed our journey home without issue. Miranda will be ok. I think after a good rest, she will ride again soon.

5/18 Entry 12 Just to prove Miranda is fine, she rode with Michael and I to Uncle Bob's house, a full three miles by our calculations. The longest continuous ride for the kids and shattering their daily total. It was a push to get Michael the whole way but after losing his training wheel, the way back was so much more free and just a bit faster. Riding back part way with Bob allowed Miranda to really hit her stride and even got to ride by her next school. After a snack at Wendy's, the ride home was quick and uneventful. I guess direct to the school will be the next new ride.

5/24 Entry 13 Memorial Day weekend we took the bikes to Aunt Margaret's condo in Ft Pierce. The thought was to ride bikes back and forth to the pool. to check out the longer paths, I rode to the nearest store. We confirmed the distance on the way in and in the morning I rode before the kids got up. Even without the ride to and from the pool, I rode 6.5 miles. It was not my best time with the ocean breeze but It was a good start to the day. The rest of the day was just back and forth to the pool, but that was the plan.

6/6 After some time off for travel and work, today was as good as day as any to ride again. I was off work a little early so we rode to the back park and back, after a little bit of kick ball. I let them win as it had been a long day for me.

6/7 I thought the kids would want to ride, so I waited until they work up. Sure enough, they were not ready to ride, so I did a quick trip to Publix and back. Not long after I got back the kids remembered they had a gift card to Wallmart, so after a quick break, it was off again. Miranda even said it was a quick ride, the traffic around the store was a little crazy but no problems for the trio. They want to walk to Best Buy next as riding there would be too quick.

6/11 Best Buy was not too short of a ride for an after work jaunt. We rode back in the dark so it was enough of an adventure. Mike bumped his head in the store but we are still calling it an accident free ride.

6/12 I was home early, just after lunch and the weather looked good though rain was forecast. I convinced the kids to ride by chooing Sam Ash and a stop by Best Buy on the way back. Added in some wings at Winn Dixie and it was a nice little afternoon on the rode.

6/13 It was almost Legend... wait for it... ary. A nice ride to the pool, not the one down the block, the Margate Water Park & pool. Michael Anstett fell twice but jumped up quick enough with no real injury. I though it was a bad sign when the chain fell off but no, right back on and on our way. Right past Firefighter park that was our first adventure and almost all the way to Margate Elementary School. Spent some time in the pool, kids went down the slides a few times and had a little snack cause we had to rest before heading back. A quick trip to Hungry Howie's for lunch and the kids settled in a little too much and had to call Papa for a ride home. It gave me the chance to ride full speed home, not that I beat the rain this time but I did get home before they put the bike rack away, so I call that a win. Kids did not collapse upon getting home but they should be calm the rest of the day.

7/12 It's not like we have not ridden bikes in a month. The kids have been at the beach condo so there have been no epic journey, until today. Nick was up for the weekend and had just yesterday rode 10 miles for the day including 2 or so between Bob's and my house by himself. Final I had a second responsible rider so Miranda would not be slowed down by Michael. From the condo, the four of us started down A1A North, the kids and their grandfather had been to the park a mile up the road, so our goal was to get to the bike bar and grill, Archie's'. At first Michael was in the lead as I advised Nick and Miranda of the plan and let them go ahead. Within minutes, it was clear I did not clarify enough as Nick looked like he was pulling away from Miranda and they both were out of sight shortly after. This is a straight shot so I did not expect them to get lost but I thought I would see them a bit more. Mike and I keep along stead but slow, with me letting too much of my emotions showing to Michael, even he got a little worried for his sister. Sure enough, Miranda and Nick were still on our side of the road, waiting for us when we got there. We crossed together and had a drink (Water and Gatorade) while Michael rested. Michael and I headed back first and it seems like a while before Nick and Miranda got pat us but at least they we closer to each other physically and in spirit. We lost them just as quick but Michael and I were much better prepared, Michael got a little excited when he saw the sign for the condo and we all made it home uneventfully, a decent 4 mile ride for the little ones and a touch of responsibility for the big kid.

7/27 So after a casual ride to the parents house when they were not prepard for company, I continued my ride the way I usually drive home, by continuing west on Atlantic to Riverside north and back east on royal palm. I was prepared to go back to the parents or pick up breakfast, but with no answer and rocking music I made my way back north on rock island and home. Run keeper keeps it as two activities but for me it was the longest single ride with just a minute break, 8.7 miles and still a decent 8.6 mph.