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Burst of Building - Out of Character Discussions

I am going to round off all the stuff on the second half of the list to 2,000 gp total. Extending the training out over 6 months instead of 2 months, etc to make things cost less.

So 10,875 in total for the list here leaving 5,132 GP left in the treasury.


Bob -- I need you to help fill out these costs so I can finalize the party pack pages and get what we are taking on this trip together. Also - can never get a grip on Koorin/Llath training so please add whatever they did.

16007 gp to start after building

Lab: 2000 gp
Library: 5000 gp
Miranda Spells: 300 gp
Llathandryll Favors: 1400 gp
QuiFon Chainmail: 75 gp
Chromatic Blade: 100 gp
Branwyn Spells: transferred 3 spells from book to book; learned 6 spells and put in book
Training: Branwyn - 3 nwp, 1 spell, Indigo - mastery, Sarenger - 1 nwp
Vessels - canoes, skiffs, whatever we ended up getting:
Koorin shortsword??:

John, you can have a silver Cetus made but it will not stand up to constant use. Just like any silver weapon there is a chance it is damaged when used in combat unless there is some sort of magic at work.


Miranda will save her slots for a signature spell for another level. But QuiFon does need silver Cetus.

Latest cash report

Church, Tower, Moat, and Drawbridge Costs: 30,606 gp

We originally had 40,413 gp and so minus 30,606 gave us 9807 gp left. However, the Mosskins kicked in 3000 gp and during the extended building period, we earned 3200 gp

The grand total we have left for training or any other expenses is now 16007 gp

I was going to get rid of the items first and then take the rest out of coins and gems so that we have some of both left over. Any objections or better plans? Any items someone really wants to hang on to?

Yes Sarengar got XP for the Burst of Building story arc because he was there contributing to the building process, etc.

We will add in the survival training for you when we lay those out.

I am anticipating two more sessions of training, roleplaying, wrapping things up, etc. Then on March 30th starting the new Era.


ok since i wont be in this friday either, sarengar is going to be training in survival(swamp), and do i get the xp as well or no?

Lisa gets props for some of the highest rolls. Too bad high was not good this time. At least the church is built and fun can begin again John

otters rule piranhas drool!!!!! sarengar still has his canoe so a moat isnt hard to bypass for him and as far as piranha go ill just teach my otter that piranha are good for feeding birds so there :P Guy

I'm sorry about the work thing Guy. That really sucks and we will miss you. Hope this doesn't last very long and you will be back soon.

I looked at the Castle Guide link. Wow! That is really detailed. Considering our finances (see below if you haven't already) and the possible lowering of list costs, this is what I propose. This should let us do it and still have some cash to upgrade the library a bit and do all our training. Let me know what you think.

Medium Round Tower, list price 15,000 gp
Moat, list price 30 gp (Guy's otter shall have a place to play - at least until I buy the piranhas)
Drawbridge, list price 550 gp (Sure ... they offer you a moat dirt cheap and then get you on the drawbridge. Llath and I can get over just fine, but if I want guests I don't have to magically help to get in, I have to have a drawbridge.)

John makes a good point about a tower in relation to Orchard House. Although it would be nice after a long day at the office to be able to sit at the window and look out at our apple trees, it would look a little strange. I am also not sure I want to be building a city or anything like that. So that leaves building it on its own somewhere or we could see if i could build it adjacent to the Jistelle Estates. It would not look out of place there and is not far from Orchard House. However, if we did that, I think I would have to stick with the Court Mage job since I would be building my tower there.

btw - Bran Digo totally cracked me up!


A - that stinks Guy I really think you need to install Klooge at work so you can log in to help, or at least post to the site during the game to help them out

B - John, the idea of building your own structures for the characters is that you are part of the community and want to show that you are supporting them. A mage hiding a building in a building does not quite feel right, a thief building an underground lair under a tavern's cellars on the other hand.....


unfortunately the next few weeks im either working late or closing on fridays so ill be MIA and very irritated on fridays. especially since i had changed my availibility so i wouldnt work past 7 on fridays Guy

Building is part of the grander planning I love. When I had a high level mage, I just added two large stone buildings to the existing keep area. In this case, your home base is just a house. Putting up two stone building may stand out as would a tower. Putting up a large wooden barn looking building with a stone building inside may not be as noticed, as digging a underground would not be (Besides anyone witnessing the construction). If you want security without hiding, how is your relationship and how far is the house from the Estates? Once you start building out in the open, you should plan for the future. I once built towers and based the distance between by how far I could Dimension Door(spell). You should have a detailed map of the outlaying area to plan your future city. Call it Bran Digo


Your options are mostly unlimited. There are restrictions on how small Brawnyn's Lab and such can be (see below) but it can be as large as you want it to be. You can make any other choices of theater or housing or new clean and dry hobbit hole as you wish.

All the details are in the Castle Guide rtf attachment (see below). I think that it is a case of think big, pick what you want and then we work out the pricing. There is also a huge difference in wood versus stone buildings. Some activities burn buildings down much more likely.

Then compare training costs, adding to the library, cost to do spell work, etc.

Then we work out how long things will take and confirm costs.

Once we know what people want we can line up the time line of costs/time spent/encounters during building. It might be that sending Koorin away for multiple trainings precludes her from helping during the building, etc.

Guy will you be in on Friday?

Anyone who does want anything can add it to the list here.



Now we are home, I transferred everything except the potions and scrolls to our Home Base. I added everything up and here is what our financials look like:

Coins: 24,027 gp; 7 sp; 53 cp

Gems: 7,210 gp

Items: 9,176 gp

Grand Total: 40,413 gp

This includes everything we have an appraisal value for except for the spyglass. I changed all the coin denominations to gold pieces for this summary.

Last Friday, Bob said the overall cost for the church would be 15,716 GP and take 503 man weeks to complete.

So thanks to the benevolent windfall of cash from Bob/Ancien and the appraising skills of our new thief, we can comfortably build the church and complete training and still have over 20K in gold to spend. So a lab space of some sort does not seem out of the question.

The question I do have is, are there other building cost options between a medium bldg for 3K and a bldg of some sort that is not 20K? The quotes below are for large towers, are there medium towers for instance that would work? or are those 4 below our only options?

Jump in everyone with thoughts and ideas!


Here is a starting point for everyone Castle Guide in rtf format.

There are two key elements for this story arc.

-1- is building a church to fulfill the favor that Branwyn owes. I am thinking that tying any other possible building to that will help the group out in the long run. That is why I keep talking about Branwyn's wizards tower. There is also still the Orchard house that you are staying at when you are home.

-2- is training to bring everyone up to fully trained unless they want to leave an open slot for some future use.

We will be clicking off several months if not a year or two of time during this story arc. You will likely have enough funds to handle all of the training plus things like improving Branwyn's Library.

I do want to try to handle some of this outside of Friday nights so that we can go quicker there and do the needed rolls and roleplaying during that time.

Some specifics about the building process:

A wizard needs a laboratory to make magical items. The laboratory must have at least 500 square feet of floor space; more is preferable. Basic furnishings and supplies cost 5,000 gp, and the character must spend an additional 500 gp a month to keep the laboratory properly equipped.

In addition to space for Branwyn's Library there should be a secure area for Branwyn's Magical Supplies

More details found at: Creating Magic Items and Libraries.

This gives Branwyn a suitable place to research new spells of what ever level the library has reached and to do basic scroll and potion work. To create other magic items there might need to be other additions, a forge, etc.

A basic Medium Stone building has 800 square feet of space on two levels. Of course there can be lots of mixing and matching between towers round and square and buildings of various sizes. I do have a spreadsheet that makes it easy to compute costs and time in a flash once the various sizes are picked.

The info for the church as discussed before:

This is what your church should be based on - Grand stone buildings are large and impressive things. They stand 45' tall, having three internal levels. The building is usually 80' long by 40' wide, giving each floor 3,200 square feet of surface area. Other shapes and dimensions are possible, but the internal surface area will remain similar.

Base costs (which will change greatly based on several factors but we need a starting point):

Plus as we are adding in things to buy I want to be sure that everyone gets the armor, weapons, misc equipment that they want to stock up on. The goal is at the end of this story arc and Era that we are starting the characters off on a new story just like we did when they first started out. Just at higher level.