Main / Breland


This small island group in the Island Kingdoms consists of one large island with three small ones very close by. The name Breland actually is for the second largest island in the group. The only open village, Londonville, that is for general seafarers is here.

No one is allowed to visit the rest of the islands, upon pain of death by the queen.

Mariners Map of Breland.

The queen rules from the large island which is called Chaguramas by the locals. The queen rules the island with a firm hand. This society is very isolationist and any stranger found on the island will be captured and used in the hunts. Women make up the ruling class and are the only people considered citizens. Any males on the island are kept as slaves. The only men who are allowed to deal with the outside world are eunuchs under the control of the head priestess.

The royal pastime is hunting. With a lack of natural prey captives are used for entertainment.