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Claiming Skull Church - In Character Discussions

9/20/2020 John

Hoffman tries to get Branwyn alone, certainly without any not in the party.

"Pardon me Branwyn, I had hope to talk to you before talking to Pete and Barron, but I understand how somethings can't be helped. I am not sure what might have changed while I was sleeping, thank you again for that, but with all due respect, I thought we had an understanding, last we talked. I had made it clear and you seemed to agree that I was not going to work for you. I understand some things have changed but I feel like waking up to people who think I am working for you really puts me behind my goals and it feels a little like piling on. " he takes a breath to maintain composure

"Maybe you can explain what your goals or reasons are so we can .... confirm how WE are going to proceed."

Branwyn sighed in exasperation. “What exactly did you expect was going to happen? The Kiputytto consider me a saint and I am Countess of Dragon Fen. I was standing right there and they want gold. Of course they would address me. I told them that Skull Church was in your hands and they should speak with you. I will be leaving soon and you will not have to deal with me looking over your shoulder going forward.”

Taking a breath she continued, “My goal. Have I not been clear? My goal is never to have to clean out this church again. Every single time it has been left alone; some kind of evil has come to make a home here. That ends now. One way or another. You wanted this place. I am more than happy that you should have it, as I trust that you, like me, shall not allow it to fall into evil hands again. That is my goal.’

“However, you have been changed by the attacks by the wights and it will not be as easy for you to establish this estate as quickly as we had planned. Thus, I had planned to knight you. In fact, I can do so right now if you wish. This will give you a title and will grant you more respect when you deal with these priests and people you will need to in order to develop and hold this area. Or if you do not wish it, I can leave it as it always is with you. Not a Dragonslayer. Not of Dragon Fen.’

“Pete is working from Black Cloak’s renovation plans and funding promises that Quellcon was to pay. Quellcon is no longer paying the bills. Do you want a lump sum from the group’s coffers to build this area up? In this way, you will have less to speak with me about, or do you wish to make your plans and forward requests for payments to the estate as you go? These are all decisions you must make. It matters not to me which way you decide on any of these things as long as you make them, and as long as evil does not yet again take hold of Skull Church. If you wish payments from Dragon Fen to be ongoing, I do not see how this would be possible if you choose to keep this land and refuse to make it part of Dragon Fen at all. And, if you wish no association with Dragon Fen, we will need to speak of borders and sign agreements of the kind I have set up with Quellcon.”

Irritated at the insinuation she was trying to undermine him, she turned to walk away, but then turns back again. “A piece of advice? People want direction. They need direction. Pete may be a talented architect, but he is a worker, not nobility. Treat him well but with authority, as he is under yours. And that priest? He is not even of Snee’s stature. Again, he deserves respect, as all people do, but if this is your land, he should not be dictating to you.”

"At least we agree on the primary goal of keeping evil away from this place" Hoffman tries to be positive to start.

"I knew the shadow you cast, and when I saw they made you a saint, that took it to a whole new level. If you already have an agreement with Quellcon, I do not see how I have a choice but to consider this part of Dragon Fen." he stares off for a moment as he thinks. "No, I do not see it worth trying to change that, certainly not now."

Hoffman takes another deep breath.

"and that sets up everything beyond it. We are as we were, just instead of me watching over Traveler's Way, I will be watching over whatever this becomes. I certainly don't want you to consider giving me a sum of coins just to give to the church, I would not spend much money on this area, not now. Fixing the moat, and the house and I am good. We will have to see what happens. I will keep this place secure as you take care of what ever you need."

Branwyn frowned. “I made the arrangement with Quellcon to keep them from sending anyone else down here and it secures this land from them. As long as I pay for the ore and no one trespasses on their lands, they should have no objections as to what happens to this land as long as they are not adversely affected. It is far easier for me to make such an arrangement than it would have been for you. There is always a choice. You are wrong to say you do not have one.”

She stiffened a little and continued. “Look. I know you want nothing to do with me or Dragon Fen. Frankly, under these circumstances, I do not want Skull Church to be part of Dragon Fen if you are going to resent every bit of your time here. That was never my intent. So let us not punish either of ourselves, shall we?’

“But work in this area needs to be done. Pete is expecting you to continue renovating the church. You heard them say that Quellcon was acting as patron to the church and providing them with supplies for their services. If you want the church to succeed and not fall into disuse again, yes, coin will need to be spent on the church. How much is up to you. And that is beside the gold needed for sustenance. If you do not at least develop the immediate surrounding areas, food and goods will not easily be generated and you will need help from Dragon Fen beyond acting as church patron.’

“You can have what land you want. Call it whatever you want. Do with it whatever you want. And we will transfer the gold from the group’s holdings to you. But what I do need to know is the extent of the land you wish to claim. If you want independence, you must tell me what you want and I will take the rest. What I don’t want is someone running a section of Dragon Fen that resents me and where I would question his loyalty. It does no one any good, and so that choice has been taken away from you. I never intended to expand Dragon Fen. I was happy with what land we had originally developed. The only reason any of this is happening is Black Cloak. So if you say you want the land from Quellcon to the border of Dragon Fen, then you have my blessing, we can shake hands and call it a day. If you only want a portion of the land available, you need to tell me so I can make my plans. Make your choice Hoffman.”

Hoffman tries to speak in a calming voice. "I appreciate that it is up to me, I hope you appreciate that things have changed and it will take time to make adjustments. I would love to take all you do not want, but at this point they think you are supporting them. Let's just agree to fix the church based on your agreement, the moat and the house. They can feed me like they fed Black Cloak. There is no need to develop any more right away. Quellcon and the church and hopefully everyone will believe this is all under your protection and I will be here and allow them to believe I am doing this all for you. It is not a perfect solution but it solves our mutual goal of keeping the church in good graces. If we need something formal, we can work on that but if you can accept the things I want to do and I can accept the things you have done for now, we should be able to get past all that when the time it right."

Branwyn stares at Hoffman incredulously. “What I have done? What in the world have I done to garner so much disdain from you?” she waves her hand dismissively as if she doesn’t want an answer or does not wish to waste the time hearing one. “But I have just said that you lost the choice of operating under Dragon Fen. I am not going to pretend that you are working under any interests other than your own. And given your attitude, I have no idea why you should wish to pretend either. To be clear, even if you did pretend, it would be for Dragon Fen - not for me. It would be to keep the church safe so Snee, Kenna, Thistle, Talwin, Brer, Skarp and the others do not have to come here to fight masses of undead and whatever evil decides to take root next time. You are unbelievably selfish if you think your apparent hatred of me has no repercussions on the friends you have made here. And I think you are incredibly foolish if you think you can hold this place on your own.'

"But to what you said, I have no agreement with anyone about Skull Church. I told Quellcon I was taking it, but it is easy enough to purchase ore to build up Dragon Fen and inform Quellcon that Skull Church will be overseen by you. The same with Pete and the priest.'

"Dragon Fen will pay to remove the moat and build you a house. You can send a bill for church renovations to me and I shall see to it, but I will not sustain the church long term as a patron, as it will not be part of Dragon Fen. You will have to deal with the priest on that issue. Good luck to you.”

10/16 Spring

From the desk of:

Aunt Snezana Aclimschild
Governor for the Northwest Craniate Wastes
Protectorate of Dragon Fen


Church of Kiputytto
Northwest Craniate Wastes
Protectorate of Dragon Fen

Dear Pete,

I hope this letter ... actually this is really important, so please find the pleasantries at the end.

Last night I dreamed that you had ordered the church windows with the glass golems already, promising that Dragon Fen is good for the payment. I pray this was mere worry and not prophecy. Dragon Fen does not authorize such a purchase.

Please do not order such windows at this time! In fact, any purchases you make must come out of your own pocket unless specifically directed or approved by myself or the principals of the Estate themselves. For instance, the oil we asked you to obtain. Please make no promises on their name without their blessing. This is so important!

I do see your vision for the windows and the golems, and want to work with you to attain them. Dragon Fen is a new estate without much wealth, so they can't simply donate these to you. In fact, Dragon Fen cannot sponsor your church at all. They have a church already to support.

As Governor, I am here to help you get running again much as the craftspeople and businesses of the area. I'm authorized to make small loans and grants. Emphasis on "small".

If my dream is indeed a prophecy and the order is already placed, please move quickly to cancel it before consequences are incurred. Those who craft such things do not like to be trifled with.

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. May your family and friends receive all the blessings possible in a fruitful and pleasant year.

Yours in service,
Snezana Aclimschild

"Messenger, you must get this message to Pete at Skull Church as quickly as may be. Here is some coin for your trouble, and when you return, there is more here to buy you food and drink."

From the desk of:

Aunt Snezana Aclimschild
Governor for the Northwest Craniate Wastes
Protectorate of Dragon Fen


Baron Ulgin
Church of Kiputytto
Northwest Craniate Wastes
Protectorate of Dragon Fen

My dearest Baron Ulgin,

I hope this letter finds you full of health and good spirits. May you and your congregation enjoy every benefit of the liberty of worship without oppression. And the undead.

I have written to Pete to confirm the terms under which Dragon Fen Estate can authorize loans and grants to assist various businesses, craftspeople, and charitable organizations in the Northwest Craniate Wastes to become vital once more. His enthusiasm does the Church great credit. I fear, however, that it may overwhelm him and he may make promises that the Estate cannot keep.

I enclose a copy of the urgent message that I have sent him this night so that you are fully aware. Your help in keeping him focused would be greatly appreciated! It is my deepest hope to see all the enterprises in this area grow and prosper to abundance, and your church is no exception.

May you enjoy peace and prosperity, and nature's bounteous blessings.

Yours in service,
Snezana Aclimschild

P.S.: I've just realized that the blessings you might enjoy most could include a good fever and maybe some boils. If that's the case, I hope you receive the opportunity to enjoy same soonest!

Mine Proposal

Knight Talwin, of Lady Branwyn of Dragon’s Fen Currently Serving in the Interest of Governor Snezana, who thereto is also in service to her Ladyship Branwyn of Dragon’s Fen Date: Purpose of Scroll: Drafting Proposal for Mineral Acquisition

Introductory Remarks: As established, the area needs to find methods in which to turn over income for repayment of services and supplies from Dragon’s Fen and to provide additional funds for reconstructing the area of the Hourglass Protectorate. Mineral Acquisition has been a designated method and therefore given this analysis for conceptual undertaking.

Strengths of Mineral Acquisition: A steady source of refinable materials. Whether Iron, Aluminum, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Various other earthen materials. Gemstones, Obsidian, Marble, etc. Although note, that for precious marble/quartz, a quarry will be more proper. These materials are primarily used in most goods in some form and thus provide a ready source of constant income.

Weaknesses of Mineral Acquisition: The protectorate cannot eat minerals, and also must be able to support feeding of citizens working in any mining, quarry, smelting, refining, and manufacturing processes. As the area is not particularly suitable for crops or reliable food source until the area is better developed, there will need to be a quickly established set of immediate income to offset food costs, and assist with reconstruction of the main Church complex. As we are aware, the complex is supposedly going to provide a steady source of incoming pilgrims and religious authorities. We wish to quickly get it back to it’s true glory in order for religious appeasement and additional donations. Additional weaknesses include a lack of qualified miners, surveyors, and refinery craftsman. While our own people can assist, they cannot run entire operations.

Opportunities of Mineral Acquisition: In addition to providing a ready source of income in simple ores, we can also take the opportunity to refine and even craft specialty goods and provide smelting and/or crafting services for local areas. Provided enough skilled labor, the surrounding areas will end up prizing the manufactured materials within the Protectorate. Furthermore, if any source of gems, previous metals, or even polishable marble is found in the area, we may be able to offset gentrification of the church by providing raw materials in form.

Threats of Mineral Acquisition: Lack of personnel. Qualified smelters, refiners, or craftsman to provide materials, starvation, illness in remote areas, undead, Goblin Raids, all things related to isolation. Proposal

The following hereto recommendations, findings, and estimates are provided for your immediate consideration Governor.

1. Request exploratory mineral experts of any sort to begin combing the boundaries of the protectorate for sources of potential minerals. Emphasis given for Iron, however previous metals and gems highly recommended even if increased expense. Exploratory phase is most important.

2. Upon finding relevant areas, draw up proposals for a basic mine. We can add ways to ensure enhanced production at a later date and as it begins to produce. As time is a factor, we don’t have enough of it, or funds, to make a fancy mine until we show that it is profitable and that a line of credit would be satisfiable in order to ensure continued productivity, and a worthwhile investment.

3. Ore Processing, Smelting Operations will be necessary immediately. We have agreed to procure shipments of Iron from our Neighbor, but will be unable to make use of it until refined, smelter, or shaped into goods that can be sold. This will be a drain on resources almost immediately. As more mining, smelting, and blacksmiths come online, we will be able to redirect some of the recouped costs and profits into paying off lines of credit, expanding operations, and rebuilding efforts of the Protectorate.

4. Assigned Bookkeeper from Dragon’s fen to help manage funds, track spending and income, provide financial advice, and negotiate with creditors and investors.

5. Monitoring Mine Safety Health Administration activities for safety and reduced injuries and accidents that may threaten to overwhelm protectorate services and Dragon’s Fen resources.

6. Mine Guards to assist in repelling Goblin Raids and other dangerous wildlife.

Appendix A Exploratory Personnel and Cost Total: ___

Basic Supplies for Expeditions:

Appendix B Initial Small Mine, and Smelter Setup Cost Total: ___

Appendix C Operating Costs, Equipment, Initial Personnel Investment Bonus for Sign on Cost Total:___

Appendix D: Loan Amortization Schedule and Interest Estimate ____

Appendix E: Estimated Time to Complete Mine Startup? __________ Days before making profit

Nevin to Snee and Branwyn:

Snee, your steward Talwin sent along a plan for mining. (holds out a lengthy scroll) He proposes several ideas that seem to be relevant however he also seems to make things a tad bit more complicated than Branwyn wants them to be. Branwyn has granted you the ability to make choices on how to spend funds allocated to the Protectorate. Do not fear that you will lack in your necessities and Branwyn understands that you will not be able to fully support yourself in the immediate future. If you can direct Talwin's efforts to finding and developing a mine that would be greatly appreciated.

10/29 Spring

My dear Baron Ulgin,

May this letter find you in peace and balance with any ills and afflictions as per your faith. I hope that all goes well.

Last night I dreamed that a devout lord to the east was planning a pilgrimage, but as he described his journey to others, they proclaimed, "Skull Church! Isn't that an evil place?"

I'm afraid the wide world fails to see the glory of your cathedral, and the nefarious deeds of others have conveyed upon it a poor reputation.

Have you considered a rededication ceremony?

So many great notables are affiliated with your cathedral, that it could be renamed in their honor, as well as to your goddess. For instance:

What do you think?

Yours in service,
Snezana Aclimschild

Post Shrine Consecration Party Continued from Chat

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles at Branwyn, "What could possibly go wrong with more religious and holy visitors coming here, right?"

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Snezana (Spring)] well, as long as nobody decides their one true religion has to eradicate the others .....

“Exactly,” Branwyn agreed and sat back in her chair. Her mind was still partially fixated on Old Man Miller and the wording she would use for their next encounter. Threats indeed, she thought. The last person that threatened us was returned to his family as a corpse in the back of their wagon. She wondered how Old Man Miller and Mr. Silver would respond to that. Her eyes drifted across the room and finally noticed two elves she had never seen before. She frowned at first and then became slightly hopeful.

Branwyn started to speak to them directly, but then saw Thistle had not left to rest. She had her leg up on a bench and was poking at her once injured leg as if she did not truly trust that the potion had worked. Branwyn came over to sit next to her and whispered, “Thistle, who are those two elves? No one has introduced them to me. Do they bring news of Shi?”

"Two elves?" asked Thistle, looking up from her leg. She glanced over to where Branwyn had indicated and frown. "Oh, only one of them is an elf. Tiberius told me to check their ears, and the one doesn't have pointy enough ears. But they don't know Shi. I asked, and they were confused, and so I left them alone. I haven't really talked to them. I.. haven't really wanted to talk to anyone lately..."

“I understand. I suppose I should introduce myself and find out who they are,” she said and then rose and approached the two women.

“Good day to you. My name is Branwyn of Dragon Fen. Did you come here for the consecration of the shrine?” she asked, knowing it was doubtful that was the reason, but did not want to try to guess.

"No," replied N'laea, looking up from where she sat and shaking her head. "I was looking for the forest nearby to check its health. We simply ran across this group, but they say there are already elves there. I thought it appropriate for someone to introduce us to them when they have a moment." She glanced behind Branwyn, continuing, "I was told a little gypsy girl here also lived in the forest, but I have yet to meet her."

"You said you didn't know Shi," said Thistle, leaning around Branwyn, frowning.

"I do not," replied N'laea, simply. "If that is the elf in question, though, it would be helpful to meet her."

"She's not here," replied Thistle, frowning more.

"I can wait," replied N'laea, shrugging.

Thistle eyed her, but feeling braver and more talkative with Branwyn there, paused only briefly before, saying, slowly, "You couuuulldddd talk to Kel, but he normally lets his sword do the talking. And when Teb starts talking, he doesn't shut up." N'laea raised her brow, confused, but Thistle kept going. "And you don't look ANYTHING like Shi. Why don't you look like her? And why aren't your friend's ears as pointy? Are you actually elves? Finny didn't look like you, and Kel doesn't look like you, although maybe he looks a bit more like you than Finny, but you definitely don't look like Shi'Nynze."

"We are not all the same," said N'laea, carefully. She glanced at Raelynn. "And not all of us are elves."

"I'm close enough," muttered Raelynn, pouting. She added, more to herself, "And you thought I talked too much."

N'laea smiled slightly, before turning her attention back to Branwyn. "N'laea. That is Raelynn." Looking between the two, she asked, "Do you know when this Shi'Nynze will return? Or would it be better to meet this Kel?"

Branwyn smiled. “It is good to meet you both. I really could not say exactly when Shi'Nynze will be back. If you wish to visit the Valoris Woods, you could come back with us. Thistle here will be returning as well and can track down Kel for you. Kel and Shi'Nynze are guardians of the forest of which you speak. I am sure once you have met Kel, he and Thistle can take you to Acien, the treant, the true guardian of the woods. It is interesting. I have never heard of elves and half elves coming to check on the forests here. Is there some concern?”

The Cloak of Elvenkind
during 20210319c

"Raelynn, may I borrow your cloak?" asked N'laea, hand already out ready for it to be handed over. Raelynn, instead, pulled it closer around her.

"Why? You don't need it," replied Raelynn, clearly reluctant to ever part with it.

N'laea tilted her head slightly, as if it was obvious, as she said, "Perhaps not, but an elf who trips and alerts its enemies is as good as dead. Can you imagine if one failed only to be consumed by something as ridiculous as centipedes? But these are not those. I am scouting an army. It would be welcomed to blend in more."

"I believe in you. You can do this without my cloak," said Raelynn, hesitantly.

N'laea gave her a nod, saying, "If I do not return, I wish you luck on finding your father's clan."

Raelynn looked at her in disbelief before giving an aggravated groan, saying, "You know I haven't had any luck! And you know this is my only clue of where to find him! AND you know I'll have better luck if you help me!"

N'laea gave her a small smile that turned sympathetic, as she said, "I am aware of what that cloak means to you. I am sorry. I'm certain I'll be fine without it."

"You're too practical sometimes," replied Raelynn, frowning. She gave an exaggerated sigh before reluctantly unclasping the cloak, holding it tentatively towards N'laea. "You'll... you'll be really, really careful with it, won't you?"

"I will not let a speck of mud tarnish your father's gift to you," replied N'laea, formally, as she took the cloak gently from Raelynn.

After taking off her own tattered, patched robe and handing it to Raelynn in trade, N'laea carefully wrapped the Cloak of Elvenkind around herself. The silken, magic-infused cloth settled around her, making her nearly invisible to the eye. It was the first time she'd been allowed to try it, and to be honest, it made her a bit jealous that she owned no such thing, but nonetheless grateful for Raelynn letting her borrow it.

"Rillifrane Enaste," said N'laea, with another nod, as she turned to go.

Although Raelynn knew Elvish, she didn't know the dialects well, and so it took her a second to understand the phrase. Realizing it was a formal way of wishing the blessing of one's deity upon another, and that it was likely a chosen way of expressing gratitude specifically to Raelynn due to her priestesshood, she stumbled before replying, "Halani e-enaste!"

Raelynn caught a smile of approval before N'laea disappeared from sight.

Mushroom Mining

The good news, if there was any, was that N'laea didn't have to go far into the mines. The Mist was bad enough, but at least there were trees and grass finding their way through it to remind her of the wide open spaces. The mines were dark, cramped, dust, and altogether unwelcoming. She hated being underground, moreso being underground with the Mist seeping in.

The veins of ore towards the front were depleted and useless to the miners. That's where she focused after being told of their plans to grow mushrooms in the abandoned areas. She knew some about growing mushrooms aboveground, sure, but her knowledge about growing them belowground was limited. As much as she didn't want to admit it, it would have been better to ask a dwarf, but unfortunately there seemed to be only one within a 100-mile radius, and he was... useless for this, to put it bluntly.

N'laea took a look around this section, noting the lack of airflow. She mentioned it to one of the gnomes hanging around her, who made a very brief face, before nodding politely. There was the suggestion of adding some manure, if they could find it, which resulted in yet another face being made, before followed by another nod. Trying to be helpful, she mentioned how it might be worth trying to find a way to add some holes or something to help the air in. She was certain the gnome rolled his eyes at her as if it was obvious.

Although slightly annoyed, she couldn't blame the gnome. It was already stuffy down there, and to add manure now? Having someone who hated the underground telling them what to do? Again, she was glad she wasn't a miner. It wasn't her decision, anyways. That would be up to the others to decide if they were wait until the mine was empty or not, and if they'd approve the modifications or not.

At least this was the last section of the mine she had to check. She was nearly done, and there had been another benefit to coming down here, too. The chattering was starting to make sense, the words becoming ones she thought she understood, the tones and accents, the noise she heard that she realized had a note to it she hadn't heard in the previous days...

An Arboraceous Meeting

"Shi is really cool! I promise! She's definitely the coolest elf I've ever met," said Thistle to the two behind her, talking excitedly as she guided them into the forest.

"Um, how many other elves have you met?" asked Raelynn, nowhere near as comfortable in the forest as the quiet N'laea next to her.

Even being told it was safe, she couldn't stop the slight flinching at the sound of a branch snapping nearby. Thistle had told them all about the wolves in the forest, of her favorite spots, and of the creatures she had seen. While they were grateful Thistle was willing to introduce them to the elves of this forest after months of waiting, Raelynn was still uneasy. How would this elf treat her, and was this forest really that safe?

Thistle paused to count, briefly giving Raelynn reassurance as she believed it to be many since the teenager had to think about it, until her heart dropped, as Thistle eagerly replied, "Four now! Well, not counting you two. And I didn't really get to know Finny THAT well before he left us all angry and stuff. AND I've been mad at Kel forever because he was mean. OH! But Nieven plays really pretty music! Um, I don't understand him half the time he talks, but he's been nice so far! Shi promises he's never insulting me even if sometimes he seems exasperated."

"That's… comforting," replied Raelynn with even less confidence than before.

"This forest looks healthier than expected," prompted N'laea as if to make Raelynn feel better.

Maybe it would have for someone else, but Raelynn couldn't tell what made a forest healthy or not, or how that could even be reassuring. She simply sighed and gave up, listening to Thistle drone on happily about the elves and forest she knew. At least the other elves would know they were close based on how loud the teenager was talking.

They rounded a corner before spotting two elves standing by a tree waiting. N'laea glanced up towards the tree line, aware of a third nearby as well as three wolves hiding that Raelynn was oblivious to, before Thistle yelled out, waving, "OH! There they are! SHI! NE, er NIEVEN!"

N'laea looked back towards the two elves, her eyes narrowing as she felt sudden déjà vu upon spotting the high elf, before she heard another loud exclamation next to her. It was not Thistle, who was running towards the two elves that had nearly deafened her. Instead, to her confusion, it was Raelynn letting out the most excited squealing N'laea had ever heard from the half-elf yet in their time together.

"YOU FOUND HER!" exclaimed Raelynn, forgetting all her earlier apprehension and rushing over to the two waiting elves as N'laea cautiously followed. Raelynn was looking at the other elf… part Sylvan or full?... clapping her hands, delighted. "This is her, right? I told you Lady Goldheart was looking out for you! Oh, I've rarely gotten to see lovers after they leave the temple and succeed in their quest! This is SO EXCITING!"

"What?" asked Thistle, confused, as poor Nieven blushed the deepest red Shi'Nynze had ever spotted on him upon seeing the priestess.

"He came by our temple, oh, I don't know, some time ago, asking for help finding his love! This is her, isn't it?" asked Raelynn, switching her attention back to Nieven. He stared, uncertain, before Shi'Nynze whispered her remarks and question back to him in Elvish, causing him to blush even more before reluctantly nodding. This time it wasn't just Raelynn who squealed with delight.

"I was telling Shi that all those books I read about true love were real! She told me they're all, um, cliché made up stories, or something, but I TOLD her Nieven proves that wrong!" exclaimed Thistle now equally excited.

"Thistle. Volume," said Shi'Nynze with a sigh.

Thistle, only feeling slightly bad for being admonished, exchanged one more thrilled glance with Raelynn, happy to have something in common to talk to the half-elf with later. She plopped down on the ground before glancing back behind her. With a grin, she beckoned towards the trees where one wolf suddenly came running out to sit next to her. Two others showed themselves, but far more on guard, standing nearby. Raelynn, a bit uneasy again, was pulled down when Thistle grabbed her hand, and introduced her to Galad. While they were occupied, Shi'Nynze turned her attention back towards the elf.

"Shi'Nynze, Priestess of Solonor Thelandira," prompted Shi'Nynze in Elvish introduction.

"N'laea, Order of the Oakstaff," replied N'laea, simply. Likely as one was a priestess of another Elven forest god, and the other with Sylvan blood of some degree in him, she saw the slightest recognition from both of them. Not many knew her order or, perhaps, she simply hadn't been around many elves lately to recognize it.

"You keep interesting company," said Shi'Nynze, lightly.

"I can understand you," interrupted Raelynn without looking up from petting Galad.

"So do you," replied N'laea with a nod towards Thistle.

"What are you all saying?" asked Thistle, befuddled by the switch to Elvish.

"Something we have in common." Shi'Nynze shook her head, switching briefly to Common, to say to Thistle, "I can fill you in later, but it is better for Nieven to understand this conversation."

"Why him and not me?" asked Thistle, pouting.

"You have a translator right there, as equally distracted as you," said Shi'Nynze as Ithil had joined in the affection being freely given by the two. "And Nieven may have more... relevant insight than you at the moment."

"Rude," said Thistle before being distracted again by Galad licking her face causing her and Raelynn to laugh. Shi'Nynze shook her head and turned back towards N'laea.

"A follower of Rillifane?" asked N'laea to Nieven, switching back to Elvish, assuming that to be what Shi'Nynze meant.

"A musician," replied Nieven with a simple shrug. "But I have prayed to Him just as often as I have prayed to Hanali and Solonor."

"Solonor?" asked N'laea, confused.

"My mother," said Nieven, almost reluctantly, unsure how this conversation would go. Wood elves were more accepting of him, it seemed, and this one oddly had the company of a half-elf, of all things, so he hoped this specific elf would be less judgemental. Given her simple nod at his reply, he felt that knot of uncertainty unravel into relief. "I, um, have given Rillifane a little space on the other end of the forest."

"You have?" asked N'laea, surprised, glancing at the priestess next to him.

"Rillifane and Solonor have worked together for the benefit of forests before," replied Shi'Nynze with resolve. "And this forest, with this Mist, needs all the help it can get. It is not and cannot be a proper shrine as Nieven is not a priest, and I have a god of my own, but it is something we hope to please Rillifane. Nieven tends to that little space when he can."

"I do not know if I was sent to check these woods as you have pleased Him, or if he simply wishes it to be checked on, but that is a good sign," said N'laea with a small smile. "Perhaps you can show me as we talk?"

Shi'Nynze briefly looked at the preoccupied Thistle and Raelynn, and down at Anor who appeared at her side, before she nodded, saying, "I can only do so much, but I hope Rillifane understands and wishes to give his assistance. Solonor seems willing to accept it."

"You know our disagreements. There will have to be compromises," warned N'laea, carefully. She was given another nod of acknowledgement and a slight glance towards the treeline.

"It is far easier for Nieven and I to agree to those compromises, at least the ones I know need to be made, but I have talked Keldorldrin into accepting them, too. The forest has little to offer for hunters besides the wolves, anyways. Although Keldorldrin may have agreed simply to try to get back on my good side," said Shi'Nynze, her voice lowering greatly on that last sentence. She shook her head, not wanting to bring personal matters up for the moment, as she continued, "You can meet him later. For now, I'll show you the forest, if you'd like?"

"That would be welcomed," said N'laea in agreement, still wearing her smile.

Leaving Raelynn and Thistle to chat and play with the wolves (minus Anor who opted to keep close to Shi), they walked off into the forest. Given its state, the contentment of the wolf pack, and the willingness of the priestess, N'laea wasn't too worried. She expected the worst, but this she could easily work with, and no doubt find a way to please Rillifane, and herself.