Main / Chapter1TheMeeting

Chapter 1 : The Meeting - Dark Day

Down in the deepest bowels of a dark dungeon, an unholy alliance meets to discuss the future of all mankind. The entrance to this dungeon from the surface was hidden beneath a quaint cottage on the edge of a thick and wild forest. Many an adventurer has entered the dungeon, but none have gone so deep in many generations. Left to themselves, the vile creatures that reside below often fought amongst themselves but recently that hostility has been refocused. This meeting would be the accumulation of these new energies.

The Drow, dark elves that live even deeper into the earth were the first to arrive. They knew the way well as this was one of their main routes to the surface, when they could not travel magically. They could not come to this portion of the dungeon magically for there was, with good reason, a barrier between this area and the rest of the world.

Physically they resembled their distant cousins, the surface elves, except for their dark skins. Where most elves are slow to act, especially in concerns of other races, these drow are here for action and they are all about interfering in the lives of other races, especially humans. That fact made the appearance of the next guest stand out. Besides the way he faded in from nothingness, being a single human among a half dozen drow without a second glance in their direction was eerie. Dressed in simple robes, it was clear he was unarmed. Yet he was so comfortable; one would think he was home; but that advantage was reserved for the host of this meeting. The double doors at the end of the room opened and there stood two of the biggest Ogre Magi that ever lived, but clearly they were no longer alive. The fact that their eyes glowed red could have been a simple magical enhancement, even the extra set of arms could have been added while they were alive, but their translucent skin was an unmistakable sign that they were well beyond what would be called life. They stepped in and parted to reveal their master, a less forbidding figure physically, but he still commanded respect as he floated into the room. It was hard for his guests to look directly at him, his body seemed to vibrate and even the dim light in the room scattered around his frame. His voice was similarly difficult to place from his body; it was as if the voice came from somewhere else.

“Welcome, I appreciate each of your promptness. Timing will be important as our plans move forward; we can get right down to it and let the young lady go first.” A sly grin grew across the face of the head drow, while she was sure she was older the human associate she wondered about the creature who gave her the floor. “We have completed our tests and are ready to proceed. We just need to be assured our efforts are not in vain.”

“In vain?” The dark haired human interjected. “With all due respect, your part of the plan is only truly needed if you wish to be a part of our new world. If your current results are not a good deal better than the last, then your being at this meeting may be in vain.” “Edward, please, I am sure Tryneen will detail their progress” the eerily charming host said, trying to avoid another breakdown between his partners.

“As I was saying” Tryneen continued, “We have corrected my predecessor’s efforts to simply encompass the yellow sun in a perpetual shadow. While that would have been fun to watch the surface slowly wither away, with our new alliance, there is good reason for the surface to remain viable for our partners. Our new effort will not so much block the light but change it to our needs. Our new Dark Light will allow the plants to still survive as well as allow our armies to roam the surface unhindered by the yellow light that is so…distracting.” She glanced over to Edward, to see if he was going to react.

“Sounds like the perfect combination, much like the three of us” Edward started with his report. ”My support continues to grow and once your Dark Light is in place, the fear and confusion will ensure enough distraction for my army to take up position to respond to any uprising. So we are ready, as I am sure you are, my comrade” as he motioned to the head of the table.

“Each of you has done well. As I was preparing to proceed on my own in time, your assistances have greatly shortened the time to act. Tonight, the sun sets on the end of the world we all despise so much, and tomorrow the world will belong to us.”