Main / CharacterConcept

Paul ElvenStier Character Concept

Paul started as a way around the rules, surprise. I wanted a dual class Fighter/Mage. Nothing really complicated, no kits or other advantage. I just did not have the stats. SO how would an existing character get to that point in his life. Easy, Reincarnation. If a humanoid was multi-class and reincarnated as a human, he would have to be dual class. But at the level I was at, my previous life would have had to be powerful. Then I wanted some unique spells. What better way than to say I was a Drow, and if I was a fighter/mage, I would have had to have been female. And how would I be good, or at least not evil. The Druids. I would have to have a fuzzy memory. Almost everything else about Paul's history was developed after character creation. At first I tried to give hints at his history, but no one seemed to be interested. Soon I was guest DMing just to add to his story and writing stories just to develop his background.

My first line I planned was, My name is Paul, Don't I look like a Paul. I felt it was a simple enough name that the Druids would give me.

Shortly after starting Paul, the group received a larger then normal amount of xp, for non-gaming things and was allowed to "buy" magic items. The intention of BOB was to help equal out the party. While I did try and help the party as a whole with a pool for transportation, my most devious purchase was a book to raise my mage level, which I waited to use until I reached the next level, so I jumped two levels rather quickly.

Around the same time, the party had found Grimlock? and his imp. I spent a little magic and got Protection from Evil? cast with permentcy? on Paul specifically so the Imp could not physically touch me. When the time came, it did not matter as I was more engaged with Grimlock? and I do not think my Protection has really had an effect yet. Even when we fought the demons recently, they never tried to attack me physically. The one Ace up my sleeve is if I ever summon an elemental and lose control it will not be able to attack me physically, like that will ever happen.

--- Rebirth:

This was not planed but seemed inevitable. Paul was resurrected as a 16 human male wizard. Mostly the same, but different enough for a personality adjustment. Just as Paul was not his original name, he feels he needs a new name, not only to hide from his enemies, but to reflect that he is different. I remembered someone from school who I considered smart and not so athletic. Not the over the top geek or nerd, but could fit into a real world category. With my love of patterns, having Khan, Kit, Kazza and Keith, seems to fit well. So Kieth is the new Paul.