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Paul ElvenStier In his own words

Ok, let me explain, as a sign of good faith. As your a fellow DragonSlayer, I know you will keep this within the party.

I was once a powerful female drow fighter/mage obsessed with personal power. At the height of my obsession and power, I had a rival who wanted me out of the way. In order to have one I could truly trust, I decided to mate with a Gold Dragon and raise the offspring as my personal bodyguard. As it turns out, I was a better mother then Drow and ending up wanting a better life for Kit then the dangerous life I had planed. Near the end of my life there, I prepared for my eventual demise by making a deal with the devil of sorts, a Druid on the surface. When I was killed, or rather allowed myself to be killed, my plan was put in place. Most of my memories were wiped, I was reincarnated as human and teleported to the surface where the Druids started my new life in motion.

As I expected, Kit was sent to find me. Shortly after that, as part of my deal with the Druid, I was asked for the DragonSlayers to go and destroy one of my old projects. While they were gone, Kit performed what was meant to be a Drow ritual to kill me one more time and finally wipe my memory. She was still loyal to me and though she had to kill me as well as Khan for being in the way, she did not complete the ritual but returned to the Underdark to finish her task and tell my formal rival she had completed her task. It was hard for Kit to resolve herself to the rest of the DragonSlayers and Lady Kylia will never forgive her, but Kit and I are together again and we are making a difference and enjoying our new life.

My past will always haunt me, but it is behind me and we go forward as all past debit have been settled.

I have been reborn again.I am younger than I ever remember being and certainly more frail. It feels like the burden of two life times have been lifted. Now I can pursue the craft of magic without the burden of defending myself or my past. I will certainly have to rethink my spells in order to defend myself. This is truly a new life, and I need a new name. Keith feels right. I think I shall keep a new log too. Keith's Log