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Chonny’s Life Story

(Translated from Central Common)

This autobiography is neither for public display nor for personal ego. It is for those who knew me and want to know what has become of me and for those who have met me but did not stay around long enough to even know my name. My name is Chonny Nooncomb and if you think it is an odd name because I am from Halstat, then you are not from there as I am, because it is an odd name there also. I am named for my father, in a sense. He was an overworked mage, not that he was that brilliant, but he was a great scribe. All the senior mages, and a few peer mages, would call him down the hall of guild to which he belonged. His name was John but everyone called him Johnny and after one old and some what crazy mage made the mistake of pronouncing it with a accent, it became Chonny. After years of being paged down the hall, it seemed fitting to name his first born son Chonny from the start. But John wanted better for his son. I was trained by private tutors, no school nor guild for me. I only learned the basics of all schools, after that, it was on to specialties; the schools of action and power. Evocation, Invocation and Alteration spells. I do not think my Alteration teacher was very good, to this day I still find it hard to get but I am very good with Evocation spells. It is the type of magic you have to be tough to cast, not just smart. My toughness comes from my mother. Mother, like Father wanted something better for me, yet different. She wanted me to be able to take care of myself. At an early age, she had me working out physically, not so much with pure strength workouts but on balance and fitness. Once I was old enough she taught me some of the elven secrets that had been passed down. My Mom was not Elven, just Half-Elven, or Partial Elven as we like to say in the family. Apparently her family for the longest time followed a special series of trainings that helped focus one’s self to balance with the world, to find their place in the world and help other find their place. I was to become a Priest of Fate. There are not many worshipers of Fate, many consider it a cult. There is nothing concrete attached to it, no face or lead figure, no ceremonies, religious days or even specific requirement or laws one must follow; many a thief in Halstat has claimed religious freedom as a believer in Fate when caught red-handed. Even in the most open communities, the true worshipers of Fate are merely accepted as they do not generally disturb the peace or challenge the more predominate religions. In the world at large, worshipers are thought of as demented; the priests simply demented leaders. It is not easy becoming a Priest of Fate. In many ways, there is no end to the training. It is more about acceptance of how you must live each day and how to be true to the world and yourself. Most priest from the same religion are similar, certainly most priests of the same god act the same way. They are trained appropriately by the high priest who were the same as they will be someday, a never ending cycle of sameness. A Priest of Fate has a much more daunting path, to be unique but still preach the same as other Priests of Fate. This goal for my mother and to a lesser degree my father, guided them to guide me into the most famous Priests of Fate. My training was well balanced, so much so that when I was ready to leave my parents and find my own place in the world, it was difficult to find work or companions to adventure with. I was a capable fighter, but my refusal to were armor made me too much of a liability for most. As a spell caster, I could do damage but had no utility spells that adventures rely on. Every party wants a good priest, even if they have to listen to the preaching, but no one believed in my particular religion and with out healing, most found it hard to take the holy attitude. Eventually, through the hand of Fate, a situation came up that no respectable adventurer would get involved in, a biter dispute in the outskirts of town that was a sore spot for some important merchants. I convinced a few desperate fighters and a young priestess who needed to prove herself to follow me as I lead my first group into my first taste of greatness, and adventure that would be come to be know as The Twist of Fate?.