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Craigh Tales - Identify - The Pearl

As Craigh wandered through the streets of Dryads Lair, he kept an eye out for any signs of a jeweler. Eventually, he came across a small shop with a wooden sign hanging outside that read "Gilded Gemstones." The store looked well-kept and clean, and the window display showcased various pieces of jewelry that sparkled in the sunlight.

Craigh stepped inside, and a bell above the door jingled, announcing his arrival. The shop was small and cozy, with a glass display case along one wall and shelves lined with various gemstones and jewelry on the others. Behind the counter stood a middle-aged woman with a kind smile.

"Hello there, dear," the woman greeted him. "What can I do for you today?"

Craigh approached the counter and replied, "I'm looking for a pearl worth around 100 gold pieces."

The woman nodded and turned to her display case, carefully unlocking it and removing a small wooden box. She opened the box, revealing several pearls of varying sizes and colors.

"Here we are," she said, holding up a medium-sized, lustrous white pearl. "This should suit your needs. It's 100 gold pieces exactly."

Craigh examined the pearl and nodded in approval. "It looks good. Can you tell me anything about it?"

The woman smiled. "This particular pearl comes from the northern seas. It's quite rare and has a lovely iridescence to it. It's also been magically enhanced to improve its natural beauty."

Craigh raised an eyebrow. "Magically enhanced? What do you mean?"

The woman chuckled. "Just a simple spell to bring out the pearl's natural shine. It's quite common for high-quality pearls."

Craigh nodded, satisfied. "I'll take it."

The woman wrapped the pearl in a small velvet pouch and handed it to him. "Thank you for your business. If you ever need anything else, don't hesitate to stop by."

Craigh paid for the pearl and left the store, content with his purchase.