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Craigh Tales - Identify - The Owl Feathers

Craigh was on a mission to gather some owl feathers for his next Identify spell. He knew it was going to be a difficult task, but he was determined to find a way to get it done. He knew he had to find someone who was skilled in the art of tracking, so he approached Daphene, the fighter in their group who was aspiring to become a ranger.

"Daphene, I need to gather some owl feathers for my next spell. I need your help. Do you know where we can find some owls around here?" asked Craigh.

"Owls? Of course! I love owls. They're so cute and fluffy. I know just the place where we can find some. Let's go!" said Daphene, excitedly.

The two of them set out to find the owls, and after wandering through the forest for a while, Daphene finally found a good spot where they could set up camp and start their search. She set out some traps and lures to attract the owls, and after a few hours of waiting, they finally caught a few.

Daphene carefully plucked the feathers from the owls, making sure to only take what they needed. She then handed them to Craigh, who carefully stored them away for safekeeping.

"Thanks for your help, Daphene. I couldn't have done it without you," said Craigh, grateful for her assistance.

"No problem! It was fun! We should do this again sometime," replied Daphene, smiling.

As they made their way back to town, Daphene regaled Craigh with stories of her adventures and aspirations to become a ranger. Craigh listened with interest, entertained by her enthusiasm and positive attitude.