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Craigh Tales - Identify - The Casting

Craigh entered the empty room in their quarters, with Daphene following close behind. He set the Rope of Binding on the table and pulled out his spell components. Daphene watched with wide-eyed interest as he arranged the pearl, the owl feathers, and the incense in the proper positions.

"Can I watch the ritual?" Daphene asked.

"Of course," Craigh replied with a smile. "It's not a secret or anything."

Craigh began the incantation, his voice low and steady. The pearl glowed brightly as he held it over the rope, and the feathers rustled in a sudden gust of wind. The room was filled with a soft golden light as he completed the spell. As the spell took hold, the elven craftsmanship of the rope was made clear. Intricate patterns and weaving had been incorporated into the design, no doubt adding to its effectiveness. As he delved deeper, the command word revealed itself to him: "Golwenorn."

After a few moments, the light faded, and Craigh picked up the Rope of Binding. He looked it over carefully, examining the elven runes and symbols woven into the fibers.

"I've got it," he said with a grin. "The rope is definitely of elven make. And the command word is 'Golwenorn.'"

Daphene looked impressed. "Wow, that was amazing," she said. "I had no idea magic could be so... magical."

Craigh chuckled. "It can be, at times. But it's also a lot of hard work, and study, and practice."

Daphene nodded, still looking fascinated. "Well, I'm glad I got to see it. Maybe someday I'll learn a few spells myself."

Craigh smiled. "You never know. Anything's possible."

As they left the room, Daphene looked back at the Rope of Binding, now seeming even more impressive and mysterious than before.