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Craigh Tales - The Gem

Craigh wanders the streets of Dryads Lair, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. He makes his way to Traders Quarter, where he sees many merchants selling their wares. As he walks through the crowded streets, he notices a group of shady-looking individuals loitering in an alleyway. One of them catches Craigh's eye, a thin man with a sly grin on his face. The man approaches Craigh and whispers, "Looking for a good time, friend? I know just the place."

Craigh is hesitant, but curious. He decides to follow the man to a small, dimly-lit tavern called The Black Sheep. As they enter, the man introduces himself as Ren and offers Craigh a drink. Ren seems friendly enough, but Craigh can sense that there is something off about him.

As they talk, Craigh learns that Ren is part of a group of thieves operating in Dryads Lair. Ren offers to introduce him to the rest of the group, but Craigh is hesitant to get involved in anything illegal. Ren assures him that they only target wealthy merchants and nobles, and that Craigh could earn a lot of money if he joined them.

Craigh weighs his options and decides to take Ren up on his offer. He meets with the rest of the thieves, including the leader, a grizzled half-elf named Keth. Keth gives Craigh a test to see if he has what it takes to join the group. He tasks Craigh with stealing a valuable gem from a local noble's estate.

Craigh uses his skills of information gathering and planning to scope out the estate and come up with a plan. He decides to sneak in through a window at night while the noble is sleeping, and carefully makes his way through the darkened halls. He finally reaches the room where the gem is kept and deftly picks the lock.

Just as he's about to grab the gem, he hears a noise outside the door. He quickly hides in a nearby wardrobe and waits. A guard enters the room, but doesn't notice Craigh. Once the guard leaves, Craigh grabs the gem and makes his way back out of the estate undetected.

He returns to the thieves' hideout and presents the gem to Keth, who is impressed with Craigh's skill. He welcomes Craigh into the group and offers him more jobs in the future.

Craigh realizes that he may have gotten in over his head, but he's excited by the potential rewards. He continues to work with the thieves while also exploring other parts of Dryads Lair and meeting new people.