Main / CurrentPoliticalRumors

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Current Political Rumors

This page is a place to collect (start) various rumors and suspicions about the political situation in various lands.

Drillian - Political Rumors

15-4-342 SKR Queen Willimina Mosskin takes the throne and within days tensions grow between some of the Estates. Rumors quickly start that she is a Vampire or a therianthrope.

Estates that quickly aligned them selves with the new Queen included the Vilmar Estates, Drake and Eustace Estates. Estates that while not in open defiance to the Queen have been strongest in their displeasure are the Bolpel family who feel they should have been chosen for the Royal Consort and the Quelkin Estates.

The Anastacia Report Main.20180427:

[Marisu]]/Ara (TMO (Ara)) smiles. "Sir Androp told me of my mother's fate, but could tell me nothing about my father or sister."
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I know your mother died, she died under my blade
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Your sister was not recovered
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] your father was a were I am not certain if he lives and hunts still or not
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] the Doeskin family rests in your hands
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I am not aware of any others who still swear to the Queen
** Marisu goes to change clothes. Shur follows into the hallway
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Her father ..... he went very dark after I killed his wife
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] They are the reason for the werewolf problem
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] he tried to lose a pair of werewolves upon me
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] they bit him instead
Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Ilero to make sure he hears this
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] then they changed three more of the guard
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] in the end the Doeskins were a dozen werewolves strong
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and my cousins chose to change and become were to fight them
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] nothing could stop them
[Branwyn (Lisa)] So is that why some of the Eustace retainers became weres? To match them?
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] nods
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] after the Doeskin weres attacked two of our villages
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] there was not enough silver to make a difference
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and the dammed Brotherhood stood by and watched
[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] They never lifted a finger against the weres


Aug 18 2017 - The Androp Report

[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The Kingdom is safe for the most part
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] the swamphold is in open rebellion
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] some of the other houses have chosen to be silent
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] after the defeats of the first rebels
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The Queen lost 7 ships with all her own troops in the first months of the war
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] the north and east are strongholds for her
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] the southestern portion however
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] There are those who seek the temple of the Shield
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] to confirm or deny the QUeen's story
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] it was rumored that Libellula Saturata was tempted to the battle field but none of the rebels could meet her price
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The Brotherhood has been a thorn
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] they refuse to take sides
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] COunt Drake has ensured the QUeen can travel to and from the Royal Estates
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] but the QUeen has not been able to get any of her troops to secure a passage through the swamps to keep an open roadway
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] of course Vilmar has held steady to the southeast
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] there have been rumors of vampire lords letting their minions have a free reign with anyone who enters their territory
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] Blackwater has supplied several companies of men
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] Carnak has sent troops to the Queen in honor of old friendships
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] the deeper into The Mist the more uncertain the lay of the land is
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The swamp hold remains strong
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] the legions of bullywugs and lizardmen protect them
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] by artifice or treaty
[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the Doeskins?
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] They and the Mosskins were two of the northern familes that split
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The Queen was not generous
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] It is said that the Doeskins will always be happy to hunt deer from now on
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The Queen sent a squad of Therinthropes to infiltrate the Doeskin family
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] Countess Marisu Doeskin is one of the few that can be said to be pure
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] or at least un associated with the rebels
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] the Queen used them as an example of those who would turn against her
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] and gave them as a present to ... [We never heard the rest of this]
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] If you do decide to go home, I think if you go to the Queen and submit to her testing that you might be
Androp Ilkep (Master) shakes his head
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] I cannot say for certain and I do not want to give you false hope
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] I can tell you that your mother submitted
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] that she refused to be tested
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] that she refused to swear fealty to the Queen
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] and she was executed
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The Queen has taken great pains to prove that she is human and is the leader of the Kingdom
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] those that refuse to accept that
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] have suffered
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The Queen has spent some say foolishly efforts on protecting her families estates
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] the Bolpels attacked the Royal Estates and caused damage
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] but no one has yet to sucessful breach the defensses of the Jistille Estates
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] There is a ranger in the swamps that is rumored to be a ghost protecting the waterways [Kristelle?]
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] The lizardmen have not ventured near
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] a band of mercenaries showed up also to protect the family estates
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] no one knows who paid them
[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the Dragonslayers?
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] they have so far declined all offers
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] there are perhaps 20 different mercenary companies scattered throughout the Kingdom
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] on both sides
Androp Ilkep (Master) hands over a scroll [making Indigo]
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] Admiral Indigo
Androp Ilkep (Master) hands a scroll to Ilero
[Androp Ilkep (Master)] You are also the Captain of the Scouts

Estates/Families FOR the Queen

Estates/Families Against the Queen