Main / DF-SoggyHollow

Soggy Hollow

Soggy Hollow is a town in Dragon Fen filed with a few farms, many citizens, and numerous stories. Perhaps due to its closer location to the unfathomable Valoris Wood, or fueled by the visions from The Mist, or maybe due to those who have found a home that tolerates their eccentric nature, many myths and stories have already seemed to sprung up at Soggy Hollow. There are those who claim to have spotted an odd creature that looked to be a mix of beaver and badger, a questionable sighting naturally followed by a questioning of what to call it. There is the local resident missing legs yet claiming to have once been a centaur. Yet more residents claim to have seen ghosts casually strolling through town, a claim that seems far more likely than anything else one might hear while visiting. Whatever the reason for the peculiarity of Soggy Hollow, the residents, though strange, are welcoming, and the farms are productive and profitable.

Buildings associated with Soggy Hollow