Main / DL-Tumbledown


The stone ring on the top of this mound was generally just accepted by the locals who were never very inclined to investigate. About fifteen years ago {in 1259 TGR} a group from the city became intrigued by the fact that the large mound they sat on appeared to have been man-made. A small camp was set and excavation commenced. The group was never heard from again and the remains of their camp were strewn about. Follow up investigations also disappeared.

Locals now say that there is a presence about the hill and few are willing to travel past it, even less so at night. The road between Benwyck and Ferins Crossing has been largely abandoned as a result. This has resulted in an increase in river traffic between Easthaven and Borts Beach to transport goods to Dryads Lair City. Speculation on the contents of the mound and who is actually responsible for the sudden change in travel patterns is rampant.