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Dryads Hill - Dryads Lair - City Proper

9. The Old Watch Tower: One of the first structures built in the old settlement of Dryads Lair, this structure’s true purpose has been lost to time, but its top floors offer and excellent view of the city and are often rented out for lavish affairs.

10. The High Hall: It was likely once a council hall but now is regularly used for celebrations both public and private.

11. Turga’s Dome: This ancient structure is built of a type of stone found nowhere else in Dryads Lair. According to various legends, Turga may have been a witch, a bandit, an astrologer, or all three.

12. Twelve Leaves: A book store know for the poor quality of its wares, though the diligent browser may occasionally find a rare treasure.

Dryads Hill
Dryads Hill.