Main / Dec0117c

Dec 01 17 - A River Runs Through It

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 01 18:33:39 EST 2017 ====

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 18:56:55 EST 2017

JohnA is receiving the map Hamlet of Shadywood...

JohnA has received the map Hamlet of Shadywood.

[Master] hey there

[JohnA] Hello

[JohnA] recovered yet?

[Master] from?

[JohnA] Middle school

[Master] ahh that is easy

[Master] the breaking the HoloLens is iffffy

[Master] they did give me permission to buy a new one

[Master] so Monday I will order it

[Master] and this weekend I will try to fix this one

[JohnA] fun fun project

[Master] the computer part is ok

[Master] it is the harness and headset portion

[Master] that keeps it actually on your head

[JohnA] 3d print the parts

[JohnA] make it a project for your team

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 19:01:30 EST 2017

Carissa is receiving the map Hamlet of Shadywood...

Carissa has received the map Hamlet of Shadywood.

[Master] it is a metal part

[Master] that slides into the casing

[Master] hoping I can glue it together

[Master] and or duct tape

[Master] and hey there Carissa

[JohnA] Hello Carissa

[Carissa] Hello! :)

[JohnA] What is new with you?

[Carissa] Good and bad!

[Carissa] Good being probably stopped deployments for work (although to be fair, I wanted them to pay for me to go home). Bad because next spring we might find out we have a really bad probably on hand so June is still iff.

[Master] your igloo is leaking?

[Carissa] Also bad because my laptop completely died yesterday. Which also means those two weeks I'm home are iffy to get on if I can't get it to work.

[Master] really bad what probably?

[Carissa] If my igloo is leaking, that's good because it's warm enough for water to melt :)

[Carissa] (finding link)

[Master] chuckles

[JohnA] I am sorry, you current live in an Igloo?


[Carissa] Yeah. It's called the state of New York

[Carissa] So might not go to Texas to fight ticks. Come spring when they stop hibernating, might have to fight them up here.

[JohnA] and that is a good thing?

[Carissa] No no. The good thing is the potential of being in Texas for three weeks every month is likely done. The bad is I might just do the same thing up here.

[Master] but you can get a weekend away I do hope

[Carissa] Depends on what happens and how it goes. They get serious about these things, but it's too early for me to request time off (and know if I have the leave/money for it).

[Carissa] So I have to time it right.

[JohnA] Texas bad Ticks bad, got it

[JohnA] NY is home but too cold for your taste


[Carissa] Working up here is great. And though I shouldn't like it, global warming is really working in my favor so far to make NY tolerable :)

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 19:09:17 EST 2017

Lisa is receiving the map Hamlet of Shadywood...

Lisa has received the map Hamlet of Shadywood.

[Master] wry grin find the best in everything

[Master] hey there Lisa

[Carissa] Haha it's a talent. Or a necessity. Not sure which.

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

[JohnA] Hello Lisa

[Lisa] Hello :)

[Master] Michael will try to be here will be late, Spring will not be in

[JohnA] How do feel about Ticks Lisa, or global warming

[Master] not feeling good enough yet to get to Internet

[Lisa] Not a big fan of either

[Master] I did tell Michael that he should read the summaries because Lisa is now playing a halfling thief

[Lisa] for about 1 session

[Master] have to keep him on his toes

[JohnA] only if we talk fast

[JohnA] or walk fast?

[Master] br right back as I fill

[Carissa] Both

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] Can I ask how to combat the tick issue?

[Lisa] Fire!

[JohnA] seems easier in the winter?

[JohnA] and Lisa, sure you wouldn't rather play Miranda?

[Carissa] I suggested Napalm. Sadly no one approved...

[Lisa] So sad

[Carissa] Weird thing is apparently winter up here means things hibernate so can't fight them because they aren't active...

[Carissa] Otherwise combat like you do with pets: ivermectin!

[JohnA] so what do you do while you’re not tick hunting?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] Eh, make sure there are no other plagues in the area :)

[Master] no prairie dogs at least

[Carissa] True!

[JohnA] so kinda like looking for UFO, hope you don't find one, crazy if you find one

[Carissa] That's a good way to look at it ;)

[JohnA] so maybe I should have read the log, did we not leave the hamlet yet?

[Master] yes you should read

[Carissa] We did. I thought...

[Master] and yes you did

[Lisa] why do we not want to find a UFO?

[Lisa] I want to see a UFO

[Master] you are out in the farmlands, avoiding notice camping

[Lisa] I never get to see one

[Master] then it would not be a UFO it would be a FO

[JohnA] based on every movie, it ends badly ;)

[Master] every disaster movie starts with people ignoring the scientists

[Lisa] ET was good

[JohnA] but then I like the song version

[Carissa] (Are we near that forest anymore?)

[JohnA] not for him

[Master] no to Carissa

[Carissa] ET scared me as a kid. Still not a fan.

[Master] have not seen it yet

[JohnA] phet

[Lisa] think we need to do 3rd watch still

[Carissa] Yep.

[Carissa] Which was originally TMO and TMO...

[Carissa] Could be Hoff/Miranda?

[JohnA] Hoffman and Miranda are ready, so I just need to talk to myself a lot

[Lisa] sometimes you need to ignore the scientists

[JohnA] to avoid a roll

[Carissa] Exactly. Do what TMO was worried about: act schizophrenic :)

[Lisa] Yes, Dr Frankenstein can you make more creatures please? You were so good at it the first time

Hoffman (JohnA)] so are you trying to say you want to get married Miranda?

[Carissa] Practice makes perfect? ;)

[Lisa] lol

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) blank stare

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] well

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I think it is something we could talk about when we are alone

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) looks around

Hoffman (JohnA)] I think we alone now

Hoffman (JohnA)] (20 pt)

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) deep breath

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I think we have talked enough, we are commit to each other

[Master] should have asked Branwyn to cantrip you a ring

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I am with you, I am

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I know you do not have any parents or family to .... deal with

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] but before anything more changes in my life, I really should go back to Loosend

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (BTW Bob, I am not sure what the religious requirements are or will be)

[Master] no clue yet

[Master] I am sure we can all come up with something fun

[Carissa] (Sacrifice BBQ chicken on a full moon while standing upside down in a barrel of fish)

Hoffman (JohnA)] That make sense, I have no issue. I ... am happy you are with me and I am committed to you. What happened next is ... dare I say... up to Fate

Hoffman (JohnA)] (had to re read to remember about her family)

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) You can say it and you can believe it, I just think you’re not the guy to preach it.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] We will get Brother Foto and Qui Fon and we can have a nice chat

TMO has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 19:29:27 EST 2017

TMO is receiving the map Hamlet of Shadywood...

TMO has received the map Hamlet of Shadywood.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (hello TMO)

[Carissa] (Hi TMO!)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (really no comment on the (20 pts) )

[Master] Hello there TMO


[Master] did not catch what it is from

[TMO] apparently my daughter left the caps lock on

[Carissa] Sure sure, blame the kids...

[TMO] I already picked up her dirty dishes and stuffed animal she left on my desk

[Master] it was The TICK

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (name of a song)

[Carissa] (They're everywhere! See??)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (some day she will pay you back)


[Lisa] (HI TMO :) )

[TMO] (enjoying your 3rd ever character?)

[TMO] ;)

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) gets close to Hoffman

[Lisa] (lol)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] How safe do you feel right now

[Carissa] (I vote she keeps him because then she has to juggle four ;) )

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) clears throat

Hoffman (JohnA)] I am a little worried about that look in your eye and everyone counting on us

[Lisa] (no keeping him)

Hoffman (JohnA)] we are never alone and never that safe out in the wilderness

[Lisa] (no me keeping him anyway)

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) hits Hoffman gently

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I was just kidding, I am not a thrill seeker,

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Just making sure we are good

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] when you meet Long Sword Sally, you are in for a talking

Hoffman (JohnA)] I am sure I will be ok

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Just don't tell her I call her that

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I will hurt you then

[Master] one thing you should discuss out of character over the next few weeks is what you will do when Qui returns

Hoffman (JohnA)] I would never do anything to get you mad at me

Hoffman (JohnA)] (already composing a post in my head)

[TMO] (hahaahahaha! Oh Hoff... so naive...)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (it is hard to play that just right)

[Master] Carissa has no idea

[Carissa] (Nooope)

[Master] neither does Mario for that point

[Master] or Michael

[Master] or Spring

[Master] only John, Lisa and TMO

Hoffman (JohnA)] (About Qui or about Long Sword Sally?)

[Carissa] (Both)

[Master] Qui and his quest

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I love Qui)

[Carissa] (Something about an airship?)

[JohnA] Qui Fon (dwarven priest) training on an airship

[Lisa] (and it was sad that we lost him out of the Mist and will get him when we're back in - since he does omen readings etc.

[Carissa] (About all I know - only because I think he's on the training page :) )

[Carissa] (Ooo nice)

[JohnA] at the time I had no idea we were leaving so I split my party up

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I have been running away for so long, I can't believe I am getting excited to go home, and them home

Hoffman (JohnA)] If it makes you happy, it makes me happy

Hoffman (JohnA)] (good enough? you know BOB will let me talk all night)

[Carissa] (Haha sure if you're happy with it)

[Master] it totally depends on you

[Carissa] (Unless BOB says roll. If so, keep talking)

[TMO] (feel the schizophrenia!!)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (so what I am hearing is you all like watching?)

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] (No no I just like no surprise encounters at night :) )

Hoffman (JohnA)] But you know what happened last time we stayed in once place too long

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] That was just a phase for us, good timing turned a little sour

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] now we are back on the path as you would say, looking forward to what comes next

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) gets a little serious

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Have you talked to Branwyn yet

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) lowers head there is nothing to say, we are good

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I want to know if you are ok

Hoffman (JohnA)] I am ok, I will always be ok. there is enough going on now besides, I can't exactly talk to her know

Hoffman (JohnA)] unless you think she is scrying on us?

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) looks around

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Carissa] (if you fail your roll, or no one is listening, no one is listening ;) )

[Master] you do not feel anyone is listening

Hoffman (JohnA)] (but no one finds it finny that she is watching?)


Hoffman (JohnA)] No, if it comes up it comes up

[Carissa] (Is she?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] We will have enough to talk about when we meet again

Hoffman (JohnA)] Let's just make sure we get her people, and her stuff back to her

[Master] and so morning comes


Miranda Paige (JohnA)] No promises but to do my best

[Master] Time of Day: 08:36 AM. Day 26 Ko ___ se, Spe {Early Fall} 26th, 1267 TGR.

[Lisa] (surprises to look forward to :) )

[Master] everyone is up and ready? can have new spells, etc.

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yup)

[JohnA] sure

[JohnA] can I have a puppy?

[Master] you can have someone try to find it for you

[JohnA] I can wait

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If you get one of these, I'm going to steal one)

[Master] hah

[Master] so you are heading west

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] This is close to where those orcs were, wasn't it?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) does NOT stray from the party this time

[Master] yes it is

[Master] the Earldom of Venier

[Master (to Lisa only)] feel free to expound as you wish

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Ilero (TMO)] Eyes open.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Know anything about the orcs out here, Tore?

[Master (to Lisa only)] invent and create

[Master] and moving everyone to the open fields again

[JohnA] Tebhoundrin no longer follows Kel.

[TMO] Tebhoundrin follows Kel.

[Carissa] Tebhoundrin no longer follows Kel.

[Lisa] Tebhoundrin follows Kel.

Lisa is receiving the map Overland travel...

Lisa has received the map Overland travel.

Carissa is receiving the map Overland travel...

Carissa has received the map Overland travel.

TMO is receiving the map Overland travel...

TMO has received the map Overland travel.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] They come down around here from time to time to see if there is anything more to loot or travelers to ambush.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] They don't have villages here directly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So we might have scared them away last time we passed through?

Ilero (TMO)] Heh. Maybe we should have kept all chains, hang t'em from wagon as warning.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Do you know why there are so many hedges around here?

Hoffman (JohnA)] please tell us

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Someone was bored?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] The old Earl of Venier banned the making of all stone walls and wooden fences.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] If you wanted a barrier you had to grow one

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) smiles

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Sounds like what we do.

Hoffman (JohnA)] We?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] My clan.

Hoffman (JohnA)] oh, you elf people

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well, most elves, actually.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Your father died when his horse missed jumping a wall?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Oh

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Er, no. My father is still alive.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Um, did YOUR father die jumping a wall?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] maybe the Earl

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] chuckles

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] 's father

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] The old Earl, three ... maybe five Earls before the last one died when his horse missed jumping a wall

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It seems like many people die from riding horses...

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] His son, the next Earl., was only 6 years old at the time

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Or many royals, at least...

Ilero (TMO)] It actually happen sometime.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] He figured if all walls were made of bushes you would always have a safe landing

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Some times it has nothing to do with the horse

Ilero (TMO)] Bushes not made of pillows.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] That's what the boy said

[Jilly (Master)] They must have some big castles then

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Tore up all the walls and the people spent months carting stones off into the hills and dumping them

[Jilly (Master)] oh

[Jilly (Master)] I thought they would build big castles with them

[Jilly (Master)] I would build a big high castle

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Fights over land happened for years while the shrubs grew

[Jilly (Master)] tall towers

[Jilly (Master)] big big big

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] You want a tower too, you’re not a mage

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Whole Earldom nearly fell into civil war over bushes

[Jilly (Master)] with all those stones

[Jilly (Master)] over bushes

[Jilly (Master)] they are glad they did not have Shi taking all their berries

[Jilly (Master)] they would have been mad about that too I bet

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If not me, you would probably take them, Jilly.

[Jilly (Master)] but I would cook with them

[Jilly (Master)] Tore liked my last one

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well you did use goodberries.

[Jilly (Master)] Of course they were good

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Which are good, are they not?

[Jilly (Master)] I would not use bad ones

[Jilly (Master)] I need to teach you about cooking

Tore Henrick (Lisa) nods

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I would be interested if you leave out the sticks.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Heh. Leaf)

[Jilly (Master)] you like fiber

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] No one wants to eat anybody's badberry tarts

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You don't get fiber from sticks. You get it from leaves.

[Jilly (Master)] and nuts

[Jilly (Master)] sticks and nuts

[Jilly (Master)] all the elves eat those

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well a badberry tart could kill you, so it is best avoided.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] How many elves have you met?

Jilly (Master) counting on her fingers

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Jilly (Master)] six?

Marisu (TMO)] Are there actually badberries?

[Jilly (Master)] maybe seven

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Me? Ohh just the ones from that adventure Branadarus roped me into

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods to Marisu, "The spell can be used to create poisonous berries, but I haven't a reason to do that."

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] The only elf I knew who ate sticks wasn't...right in the head.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And I know at least more than seven elves.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) grins

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] What adventure?

TMO2 has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 20:17:19 EST 2017

TMO2 is receiving the map Overland travel...

TMO2 has received the map Overland travel.

[Jilly (Master)] but elves are supposed to sing too

[Jilly (Master)] and you do not seem to do much of that

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] We do sing.

[Jilly (Master)] at least Tore said that

[TMO2] (test)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I sing a home.

[Jilly (Master)] (yes to TMO)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (TMO is a twin??)

Tore Henrick (Lisa) scratches his head "He dragged me off looking for some gold and magic ring of the elves

Marisu (TMO)] (test)

[TMO2] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO2)] (test)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (heheheheheheeeee)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Uh oh)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Never found the ring

[Jilly (Master)] (do I sense a new way grins)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Magic ring of elves?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Where abouts were you?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If you give me some berries tonight Jilly, I might sing for you.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Yeah belonged to somebody the magnificent or stupendous or whatnot

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Mages are a silly bunch

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Maybe someone stupendously magnificent?

TMO3 has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 20:19:13 EST 2017

TMO3 is receiving the map Overland travel...

TMO3 has received the map Overland travel.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh dear)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Always having to tell people how great they're supposed to be

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) laughs

[TMO3] (not perfect - I have to change the preferences manually each time)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Did you get anything out of the trip at least?

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] no

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Got some gold

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (sorry - Internet only drops when I run klooge)

[Jilly (Master)] I wonder how much?

[Jilly (Master)] Prince Branadarus never seems to run out

[Jilly (Master)] Prince

[Jilly (Master)] giggles

[Jilly (Master)] Princess

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] He isn't a princess

[Jilly (Master)] Branwyn is

[Jilly (Master)] giggles

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] His new wife is.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I suppose she is now.

[Jilly (Master)] Mysterious Princess

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] just a new title

[Jilly (Master)] Princess Mysterious

[Jilly (Master)] OOO

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] She does seem to collect titles...

Shurkural (TMO2)] She'll make 'em work!

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Maybe that's how he got some girl to marry him

[Jilly (Master)] I need to sew

[Jilly (Master)] HEH!

[Jilly (Master)] Branwyn is not some girl

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] She's not a girl?

Jilly (Master) waggles a spoon at Tore

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] do not let either one hear you say that

[Jilly (Master)] YOU

[Jilly (Master)] threatens

[Jilly (Master)] Branwyn is way better

[Jilly (Master)] well at least as good

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) whispers to Tore, "Jilly really loves Branwyn. Careful of she won't feed you extra."

[Jilly (Master)] I think she is better

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Watch that spoon there, lady!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (*or)

Jilly (Master) WHAP

[Jilly (Master)] cracks on the side of the wagon

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] OUCH!

[Jilly (Master)] you be nice

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (oh)

[Jilly (Master)] wait till you meet her

Tore Henrick (Lisa) looks at Shi and then at Jilly and back again

[Jilly (Master)] Branwyn is great

[Jilly (Master)] she is amazing

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I'm sure she is

[Jilly (Master)] well she likes mysterious

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Not meaning any disrespect

[Jilly (Master)] she is not a mage with lots of titles

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] well

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] OHHHHH ....

[Jilly (Master)] I need to look for berries

Jilly (Master) JUMPS off the wagon

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Don't go too far, Jilly.

[Jilly (Master)] leaving the reins to Tore

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I'll watch the wagon

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Er...

[Master] the horse just plods along

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Careful with those hedges, young lady!

Shurkural (TMO2)] I'll go with her.

[Master] brb

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Hoffman, make sure she does not stray too far

[Shurkural]] (TMO2) hops down and follows her, hand on sword.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I can send Fete to see if anything is nearby. Not sure how helpful he'll be yet...

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Or you can Shur

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Stay safe

Shurkural (TMO2)] Sure, send Fete with us. Couldn't hurt.

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) places himself on the side where Jilly and Shur are

JohnA is receiving the map Overland travel...

JohnA has received the map Overland travel.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (How long is 12 rounds again?)

[Master] b

Shurkural (TMO2)] (2 minutes, iirc)

[Master] rounds are 1 minute long roughly

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 4'05".

Hoffman (JohnA)] Jilly moved 9'07".

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Shurkural]] moved 8'02".

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 6'02".

Hoffman (JohnA)] Tore Henrick moved 13'07".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I don't know. Last orc batter too way longer in two rounds, remember? :P)

[Master] no icon for Fete yet

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 6'04".

[Master] he only has 2 hit points

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (He's just going to fly above, out of sight, do a quick recon.)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (...once I find the spell to talk to him and tell him...)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against : Speak with Animals: I can speak with animals for (2*6) 12 rounds.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Fete, would you please fly over there and get a quick lay of the land? See if anything around our size is moving who is not us?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) points toward where Jilly is heading

Hoffman (JohnA)] (why is everyone so worried about Jilly)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (she will outlive us all)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not Jilly so much as another orc ambush)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Right but we'll die trying to save her)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Since that is very true...)

Hoffman (JohnA)] So Tore, what will you do when we get to where we are going?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Since Fete has no icon, who is technically controlling him/talking as him?)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Collect my silver first thing

Tore Henrick (Lisa) shrugs "Then go home"

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) chuckles of course

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No more adventuring?

[Master] In your inventory Carissa there is Shi's spell target with a new name there also for Fete

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] No. I'm settled now.

[Master] so you can speak as him

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Aww man....figure out how he speaks then...)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (caw?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I think lots of aks)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (More like a screech)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (do not forget the (b) )

[Master] lol

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You saw my home. I have one of the finest homes in all Shadytown. Who'd want to leave all that?

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 0'00"

[TMO3] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze no longer targets Shi'Nynze.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Only you know what he is saying and can talk to him)

Marisu (TMO)] It seemed like quaint, quiet town.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Now to try to understand where BOB is indicating...)

Hoffman (JohnA)] It looks like fine place to retire

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I did my adventuring when things were scarce.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (True. But real question, as he returns a few minutes later: did he see anything?)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] It's good enough it is

[Master] you have a spell target in your inventory

[Master] you drop that

[Master] pick the alternate name if you wish

Hoffman (JohnA)] (hey, I played as Eddie once and I did not need a spell)

[Master] of course we could give one of the wolves that alternative name also to make it easier than dropping something out of inventory

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sorry. Feel like an idiot. Trying to figure out how to get to inventory?)

[Master] will chang an else just a set

[Master] now Galad has an alternative name of Fete

Lisa has left the game on Fri Dec 01 20:42:03 EST 2017

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (As in chat as Galad to chat as Fete?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ah! I see it)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (I think so, yes. Of course, you're the only one who can understand him)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] test

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ....

[Fete (Carissa)] now test

[Master] there you go

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fete (Carissa)] (He can be a werewolf too?? ;) )

[Master] LOL

[Fete (Carissa)] (Another test)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I wanted a baby werewolf)

[Master] it is too bad you did not have Carissa on your side back then

[Fete (Carissa)] (Befriend all the things!!)

[Master] you still would not have gotten away with it

[Master] but it would have been an interesting argument

[Master] they found a littler of werewolves

[Fete (Carissa)] (Did they kill them??)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (not the pups, did we?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (maybe)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (I honestly do not remember)

[Fete (Carissa)] (Yep that could have been interesting)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (but I suspect we did)

[Fete (Carissa)] (Aww...I mean, expected, but aww...

[Fete (Carissa)] (Okay now that Fete kind of exists, did he see anything?)

Fete (Carissa) returns to Shi after a few minutes

[Master (to Carissa only)] he spotted a wooden walled village with smoke rising out of it about 3 miles away to the north

Fete (Carissa) sounds like adorable tiny screeches to everyone else as he talks.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods a few times and frowns.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] There is a village up that way. Fete describes it as surrounded by "weird trees". But smokes is coming from it?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) points towards the north

Hoffman (JohnA)] Smoke coming from the trees?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) murmurs to Fete

Hoffman (JohnA)] Are you sure you herd that right

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Smoke from between the weird trees that villages sometimes have around them.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I think he means a fence...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Or something like that.

Marisu (TMO)] Did he see any people?

Marisu (TMO)] She? It?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] He. And no, just the smoke.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to Master only)] How many minutes has it been?

Ilero (TMO3)] We need go look, or just keep going once Jilly stop messing around?

[Master (to Carissa only)] say 10 of the 12

Hoffman (JohnA)] I suppose we should check it out, shouldn't we?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] The spell will wear off soon or I'd send Fete again.

[Master] Lisa is trying to get back in trying alternative ways

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Er, that was the way Jilly went...

Ilero (TMO3)] (am I using all the connections?)

[Master] oh no TMO we have unlimited

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I told Fete to look where Jilly was heading so I'm unsure if she went that far. He wasn't keeping an eye on her...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Just the area.

Hoffman (JohnA)] well than catch up

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) runs off in the direct of Jilly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh no! Galad disappeared!)

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 20:55:02 EST 2017

Lisa is receiving the map Overland travel...

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Wearbird/wolf?)

[Master] Werewolf moved 7'00".

[JohnA] (no)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Options are Werewolf and Fete. So guess Galad is a werewolf. So we have a werewolf pup now! Yay!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (A word?)

[JohnA] (shhh don't tell Shur)

[Galad (Master)] WOFF

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Heh. Wolf/Bird...word...)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) gives Galad a quick hug

Marisu (TMO)] bilf

Lisa has received the map Overland travel.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (But the bird is the word)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (are you with us Lisa?

[JohnA] (can the bird talk to a ball?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (A ball?)

[JohnA] (detroit pitcher nicknames the bird talked to the ball)

[Lisa] (barely)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oooh)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do you know anything about a wooden village nearby, Tore?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If you're with us still)

[Lisa] No, I thought this area was mostly deserted after the Grey Death wiped most of them out

[Lisa] If it's a wooden village then odds are it's not the Veniers

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) shudders

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Wonderful. Well we can't leave Jilly and Shur to themselves. I think Hoffman is right. We should go after them.

Shurkural (TMO2)] (Hoff already went, right?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] yes, lets

[Master] how close do you want to get?

[Lisa] Well then, you should go do that and I'll watch the wagon.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (yea, he is probably caught up to jilly)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Slowly approach and hope we see Jilly and Shur from a distance?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And Hoffman from a distance?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Shurkural (TMO2)] (No Hoffman, that's a tree)

Hoffman (JohnA)] oh no the tress ate them

Shurkural (TMO2)] (I know you're used to looking at Miranda, but Shur isn't twig-shaped. :P )

Tore Henrick (Lisa) whistles

Hoffman (JohnA)] (ouch)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) looking for the three of them as they approach carefully

Hoffman (JohnA)] (if Hoffman does not find Jilly, he will just get close enough to see the smoke while waiting for the others

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) also still making sure she doesn't stray from the party

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (she is not at all paranoid right now)

[Master] no information about Jilly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Any sign of Hoffman or Shur?)

[Master] but SHur and Hoffman are close enough to see that there is smoke coming up most likely from campfires

[Master] that are behind a palisade wall

[Master] with tattered flags limply hanging

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) thinks no big deal, I will wait for the brains and talkers before barging in

[Master] anyone with heraldry?

[Shurkural]] (TMO2) looks to see if she can recognize anything human or orcish.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Nope)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Rest of the party caught up with them?)

[Master] if the rest of the group includes the wagon?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Tore stayed with wagon, Shi and Miranda at least kept going, I believe)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I would not want the wagon too far behind if only Tore is guarding it)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (bad enough splitting party in four)

[Marisu]] (TMO) stayed with Tore.

[Master] give me the two groups

[Ilero]] (TMO3) should probably follow Shur's group, in case sneaking is required.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So everyone except Marisu and Tore are at the wall? Shi can stay behind if needed)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Shi can go, Miranda will stay)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (She'd let Hoffman run off without her? :) )

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] call if you need us, we we feed the horses

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] horse

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If you are comfortable with them, I can leave the wolves behind and just take Anor with me.

[Master] Marisu points to the banners

Marisu (TMO)] (she's still with the wagon)

[Master] while you are still more than a quarter mile away

[Master] ahh

[Master] then nope she does not see anything

Marisu (TMO)] (before you tell us something she doesn't know. ;) She was just watching for someone coming after the wagon)

[Master] that is good though

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] so the other group is about a quarter mile from the walls

[Master] when Marisu spots a group of orcs coming from the south

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So since no one said no: first party is Shur, Hoffman, Ilero, Shi, Anor. Second party is: Tore, Marisu, Miranda, Ithil/Galad/Tinu, Jennevive?)

[Master] heading towards the walls

[Master] what will she do to warn them? or not?

Marisu (TMO)] (are they heading toward the wagon, or away from the wagon?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Send the wolves!)

Marisu (TMO)] (how? Shi isn't with us.)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (They're trained. Just say, Go get Shi! They can understand that much by now, I’m sure)

Marisu (TMO)] (rrrriiiiight)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (wink wink)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay okay BOB has final say, but normal dog could do that. Why not wolves?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (She left three of them with you)

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 23'06".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 10'07".

[Master] [Hoffman]] moved 7'03".

Marisu (TMO)] (MY dog couldn't ;) )

[Master] Anor moved 13'00".

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (Look see those mean orcs way over there, they are gonna get momma)

[Master (to GM only)] Orc #7 moved 109'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Orc #6 moved 108'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Orc #5 moved 31'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Orc #4 moved 106'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Orc #3 moved 106'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Orc #2 moved 64'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Orc #1 moved 93'00".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (They do know alarm and silence. Just say go and point and hope for the best? Maybe?)

[Master] Orc #5, Orc #1, Orc #2, Orc #7, Orc #6, Orc #4 and Orc #3 moved 65'05".

Marisu (TMO)] (not sure yet who is in danger)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Unlessssss they instinctively would go warn their master?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (waiting on map to see what to do)

[Master] so there is the large blob to show a mile or more of distance between the two groups

[Master] there is a group of orcs moving towards the away team

[Master] the rest of the group cannot spot anything at this distance

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (I hope Marisu at least tells us)

[Master] Marisu saw the Orcs heading towards the group

Marisu (TMO)] (which group? :) )

[Master] can choose what when how to react

Tore Henrick (Lisa) not paying much attention to anything

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Away group meaning wagon group?)

[Master] they went to the west of the group by the wagon (lower right of map)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (ah, toward the away team. thanks!)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Easiest silver I've made in a while

[Master] yes to TMO

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You know Missy! You said you were in a hurry when you hired me.

Marisu (TMO)] Aunt Jennevive. I didn't memorize Message today. Do you have anything that can warn the other group?)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Don't seem like you're really in much a one

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (stupid bird just found us an encounter)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Bird or Jilly? Wasn't this all because we ran after Jilly?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I can fly but if anyone else would rather?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Who is probably out chasing unicorns now)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (they seriously went 1 mile away to pick berries?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (It's probably)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (lol)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You do know I'm getting paid by the day

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I do not have anything that will work at that distance

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] If you want to make this a week long trip that's fine by me

Marisu (TMO)] (one sec)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] So I guess we cannot warn them, should we head that way anyway?

[Jilly (Master)] Go what way?

Marisu (TMO)] Tore - is this wagon fairly well hidden?

Tore Henrick (Lisa) looks around

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Damnit Jilly. Of course you appear)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Hidden from what?

[Jilly (Master)] You have to get used to them

[Jilly (Master)] they get silly sometimes

Marisu (TMO)] From the orcs if I get their attention by accident.

[Jilly (Master)] they are too used to The Mist

[Jilly (Master)] orcs?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Orcs?

[Jilly (Master)] where are there orcs?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] wait what or who gets silly?

[Jilly (Master)] you said to stay away from them?

[Jilly (Master)] Did they go look for orcs?

Tore Henrick (Lisa) looks around

[Orc #2 (Master)] ORURUO OROUUR OOURUR ELF!!!!!!

[Master] Orc #1, Orc #2, Orc #7, Orc #5, Orc #6, Orc #4 and Orc #3 moved 54'03".

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (can Tore figure out hedgerow hiding?)

[Master] sure

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Orc #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Orc #2: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] [Shurkural]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Shi'Nynze: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=6] 14

[Master] Anor: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Orc #7: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Orc #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Orc #6: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] [Ilero]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

[Master] Orc #4: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Orc #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

Marisu (TMO)] (well, so much for warning them)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] We can move it up behind that one up yonder aways

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Master] Initiative changed from 14 to 10.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=6] 16

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Initiative changed from 19 to 12.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Initiative changed from 12 to 15.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ithil: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Tinu: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Galad: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

Tore Henrick (Lisa) gives the reins a snap to move the wagon up

[Master] so only the group at the top of the map (that I had already rolled, wry grin) needs to roll Initiative

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] YOU'RE GOING TO DIE, ORCS!!

[Master] the rest are a mile away still

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (are the wagon people in combat?)

[Master] nope

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oops)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (Oh well)

Ilero (TMO3)] [Shurkural]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Initiative changed from 11 to 20.

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=3] 11

[Master] Initiative changed from 17 to 11.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (you can go run over - Tore will watch the wagon....)

Marisu (TMO)] (all Marisu is going to do is make another target)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Hoffman]]

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Miranda will cast fly and head over

[Master] how fast can she fly?

[Master] 18?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] 18

[Master] ok

[Master] so that means she will get there on ....... round 28

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 15'01".

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] targets Orc #2. Distance: 179'05"

[Master] Ilero Hoffman Shur Shi and Anor

[Master] are involved for now

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] good to know

[Master] and yes the distances for that group are right

[Master] Hoffman is about 179 feet away

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Three wolves are simply at the wagon whining because they want to help but were told to stay)

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) holding action Um guys how you want to handle this pickle

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Orc #7

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] By killing them all!!

[Master] Orc #7 moved 86'10".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] How else do you handle orcs??

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: [Ilero]]

Ilero (TMO3)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

Hoffman (JohnA)] oh, ok I like that plan

Hoffman (JohnA)] simple direct

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Take no prisoners!

Hoffman (JohnA)] not so clear on the how

Ilero (TMO3)] (sorry, juggling windows)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Stab them, gut them, set them on fire.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Chop them with your axe?

Ilero (TMO3)] (this isn't as easy as you'd think)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Didn't think it was :) )

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (the rabidly violent side of Shi)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Can barely keep track of tabs when surfing the web)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Kel would be so proud)

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]] moved 39'03".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha just a tiny bit rabidly violent)

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Hide in shadows* check:(d100) [1d100=52] 52 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

Ilero (TMO3)] (is that legal? He's going to try and set up a flanking attack)

[Master] yes he thinks he is hidden around a hedge by Shi,

Ilero (TMO3)] (so no movement?)

[Master] right

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]] moved 28'07".

Ilero (TMO3)] (ok, nevermind)

[TMO3] [Ilero]] targets Orc #7. Distance: 145'07"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (They'll probably target Shi. Ilero can try and motion her away)

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]] moved 43'00".

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]] moved 20'03".

Ilero (TMO3)] (sorry, indecision. done now)

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Orc #2

[Master] Orc #2 moved 89'02".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Orc #2. Distance: 98'03"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Short Bow for Elves: (18-(d20)) [1d20=3] 15. MISSES Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Short Bow for Elves: (18-(d20)) [1d20=2] 16. MISSES Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Orc #3

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh damn wrong bow)

[Master] Orc #3 moved 94'04".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Orc #1

Hoffman (JohnA)] (nervous are we?)

[Master] Orc #1 moved 90'11".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Anor

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] MAKE THEM PINCUSHIONS!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 2'09".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 7'05".

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Orc #5

[Master] Orc #5 moved 91'11".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #4

[Master] Orc #4 moved 91'00".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #6

[Master] Orc #6 moved 91'06".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: [Shurkural]]

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Short Bow:: is now ARMED.

[TMO2] [Shurkural]] targets Orc #2. Distance: 108'08"

[TMO2] [Shurkural]] targets Orc #3. Distance: 140'08"

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Short Bow: (15-(d20)) [1d20=3] 12. MISSES Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6).

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Short Bow: (15-(d20)) [1d20=4] 11. MISSES Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Hoffman]]

Hoffman (JohnA)] (eventually we will roll more then 4)

Hoffman (JohnA)] Hedges are miss what to movement?

[Master] to jump over need a dex check

Hoffman (JohnA)] to walk through?

[Master] to plow through cuts movement to half

Hoffman (JohnA)] (walking)

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 70'00".

Hoffman (JohnA)] (150 combat move = 75 so full move)

[Master] ok

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Orc #7

[Master] Orc #7 moved 70'09".

[Master] Orc #7 targets [Hoffman]]. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: [Ilero]]

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 21:43:41 EST 2017

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Overland travel...

mharm-15549 has received the map Overland travel.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Hey You)

[mharm-15549] I have arrived

[Master] Michael, North or South?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Hi Michael! nice timing)

[mharm-15549] Reinforcements...Have Arrived

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi Michael!)

[TMO3] [Ilero]] targets Orc #2. Distance: 85'02"

[mharm-15549] North

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (orc time)

[Master] East or West?

[mharm-15549] Hey All! Sorry Late

[mharm-15549] East

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]] moved 7'05".

[Master] OK

[Master] One or Two?

[mharm-15549] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Heads

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=11] 3 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[mharm-15549] 1 [mharm-15549] what is this 20 questions?

[mharm-15549] :)

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Damage v SM: Hand of Reaching: (1d8) [1d8=1] 1 added to: Orc #2

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Orc #2

[Master] Orc #2: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Initiative changed from 11 to 14.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (shhh)

[Master] ok so Neith is with the wagon and Hugh is circling around behind the orcs

[mharm-15549] Cool

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Paths Home...

mharm-15549 has received the map Paths Home.

[Master] Orc #2 moved 83'01".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Orc #1

Hoffman (JohnA)] (see, good things happen when you leave to chance)

[Master] Orc #1 moved 18'08".

[Master] Orc #1 targets [Hoffman]]. Distance: 0'03"

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Overland travel...

mharm-15549 has received the map Overland travel.

[Master] Orc #7: Attack: Battle Axe: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 9. MISSES [Hoffman]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Orc #3

[Master] Orc #3 moved 98'01".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Anor

[Master] I will tell you when to roll Init Michael

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 7'04".

[Carissa] Anor targets Orc #2. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] in the meantime did you read the summaries?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor: Attack: Bite: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 8. MISSES Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Orc #5

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I did

[Master] Orc #5 moved 76'07".

[Master] Orc #5 targets [Hoffman]]. Distance: 0'11"

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] thanks for the warning

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #4

[Master] Orc #4 moved 82'03".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #6

[Master] Orc #6 moved 90'07".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Master] Orc #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (it's going to be a honky tonk Christmas, but I'll be over you by New Year's Eve - now that's a cheery holiday song)

[Master] wow

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wow indeed_

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] O don't follow?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ?

[Master] right now Michael you are waiting

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Short Bow:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; one hand:: is now ARMED.

[Master] after Shur is done

[Master] you get to roll Initiative for the next round

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]] moved 23'02".

[Master] then we go through things again

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (No sorry, Lisa's comment sorry)

[Master] on round 28 the rest of the group might show up

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands:: is now ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; one hand:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Master] until then you are on your own

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=16] -2 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Damage v SM: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: (2d4) [2d4=2,2] 4 added to: Orc #2

[Master] Orc #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-4) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] so now roll Init for Hugh

Shurkural (TMO2)] (should have gone two weapon)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Did Shi not go Round 2?)

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] no longer targets Orc #2.

[Master] while Neith is back at the wagon with Tore

[Master] and yes she did and she missed

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Hoffman]]

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (I coming!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I thought that was round 1....)

[Master] and yes Hugh is that far away and can move on his Init

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] targets Orc #7. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] you attacked twice

[Master] missed a lot

[Master] so far have fired 4 arrows

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: (13-(d20+1)) [1d20=17] -5. HITS Orc #7 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Throwing Axe: (13-(d20+1)) [1d20=9] 3. HITS Orc #7 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] see what battle lust does to you?

[Master] grins

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Man my memory sucks tonight)

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] no longer targets Orc #7.

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] targets Orc #7. Distance: 0'06"

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] targets Orc #1. Distance: 0'03"

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: (13-(d20+1)) [1d20=14] -2. HITS Orc #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Throwing Axe: (13-(d20+1)) [1d20=3] 9. MISSES Orc #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Orc #1

[Master] Orc #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-5) - Heavily Wounded

Hoffman (JohnA)] sorry one too many swings but still two hits

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Orc #1

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) (to Lisa only)] Sorry quick reminder on how far you can run again? Or full distance you can possibly go in a turn?

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Orc #7

[Master] no you need to roll damage against orc #7 not again on Orc #1

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] no longer targets Orc #7.

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] targets Orc #7. Distance: 0'06"

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Orc #7

[Master] Orc #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-7) - Dying

[JohnA] All targets for [Hoffman]] removed.

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] Michael you can move up to 12 walking 24 running

[Master] moving through hedges cuts your movement in half

[TMO3] [Ilero]] targets Orc #3. Distance: 13'01"

[TMO3] [Ilero]] targets Orc #6. Distance: 30'06"

[TMO3] [Ilero]] targets Orc #4. Distance: 28'08"

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Thanks

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] 24 Meters?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Feet?

[Master] feet

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] That’s it?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I suck

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=18] -4 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Orc #3 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Damage v SM: Hand of Reaching: (1d8) [1d8=8] 8 added to: Orc #3

[Master] 24 means 240 feet in a round

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay no not insane. Looking at chat. Shi only went once. She got skipped after Ilero)

[Master] then roll again

[Master] for that round

[Master] I did not click done for you

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well it's weird. Don't even show her Init coming up)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Want me to roll init?)

[Master] no it is now

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] thank you for clarifying. I could have sworn it was a lot more haha :)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow for Elves: ((18-(d20))-1-1) [1d20=4] 12 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow for Elves: ((18-(d20))-1-1) [1d20=20] -4 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow for Elves: ((18-(d20))-1-1) [1d20=15] 1 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Orc #2

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Orc #2

Hoffman (JohnA)] (that is more like it)

[Master] Orc #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-6) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Orc #1

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Done and say she just held that last turn?)

[Master] Orc #1: Attack: Chain: (19-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=7] 14 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES [Hoffman]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Orc #3

[Master] Orc #3 moved 29'01".

[Master] Orc #3 targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 0'05"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I care more about knowing I didn't lose my mind than getting my turn ;P)

[Master] Orc #3: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Shi'Nynze (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Orc #3: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 13. MISSES Shi'Nynze (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Orc #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-8) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Anor

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 11'09".

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Orc #5

[Master] Orc #5: Attack: Chain: (19-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=1] 20 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES [Hoffman]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Hugh D'Ambray

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 20'00".

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 100'00".

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] enough to cross the stream/river?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] how does that work

[Master] Those are little creeks not a hindrance to movement

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 24'00".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #4

[Master] Orc #4 moved 57'03".

[Master] Orc #4 targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 1'00"

[Master] Orc #4 targets Anor. Distance: 0'06"

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] almost there guys!

[Master] Orc #4: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Anor (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master] Orc #4: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 2. HITS Anor (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Orc #4: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Shi'Nynze (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Orc #4: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 7. MISSES Shi'Nynze (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #6

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] On no you don't!

[Master] Orc #6 moved 49'08".

[Master] Orc #6 targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] Orc #6 targets Anor. Distance: 3'04"

[Master] Orc #6: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=4] 17 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Shi'Nynze (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Orc #6: Attack: Punch: (19-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=10] 11 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Shi'Nynze (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: [Shurkural]]

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; one hand:: is now ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO2)] Attack: Short Sword:: is now ARMED.

[TMO2] [Shurkural]] targets Orc #6. Distance: 9'11"

[TMO2] [Shurkural]] targets Orc #4. Distance: 12'04"

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]] moved 16'02".

Shurkural (TMO2)] (this is her 2 attack round with the sword)

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; one hand: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=7] 7 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Orc #4 (AC FINAL: 6).

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; one hand: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=7] 7 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Orc #4 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] ok

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Short Sword: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] -4. HITS Orc #4 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Shurkural (TMO2)] [Shurkural]]: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: Orc #4

Shurkural (TMO2)] (seriously?)

[Master] Orc #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-6) - Dying

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ( worked?)

Shurkural (TMO2)] (ok, I suppose I’ll take that)

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Hoffman]]

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] targets Orc #1. Distance: 0'03"

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: (13-(d20+1)) [1d20=6] 6. HITS Orc #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Orc #1

[Master] Orc #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -7 (-11) - Dying

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] targets Orc #5. Distance: 0'11"

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: (13-(d20+1)) [1d20=6] 6. HITS Orc #5 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: (13-(d20+1)) [1d20=8] 4. HITS Orc #5 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] (it is -2 for second target?)

[Master] yes but that still hits

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Orc #5

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Orc #5

[Master] Orc #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -6 (-15) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Kinda thought I would get to be a hero. I'm totally getting shown up here!)

Ilero (TMO3)] (-4 to hit with ranged into that group, isn't it?_)

[Master] yes

Ilero (TMO3)] (how many attacks per round is knife in melee combat?)

[Master] 1

Ilero (TMO3)] (thrown is 2. thought so)

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]] moved 35'11".

Ilero (TMO3)] Attack: Varsta Huitoa:: is now ARMED.

Ilero (TMO3)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Varsta Huitoa: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 5. HITS Orc #6 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Ilero (TMO3)] [Ilero]]: Damage v SM: Varsta Huitoa: (1d6+1) [1d6=6] 7 added to: Orc #6

[Master] Orc #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-7) - Disabled

[Master] Combat has finished.

Ilero (TMO3)] (y'all are seeing something RARE.)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Is disabled dead?)

Ilero (TMO3)] (when was the last time he actually used that thing)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Because if not, Shi is making sure he's dead)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] So I was totally useless sorry

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I do not know)

[Master] no not dead

Ilero (TMO3)] (no, just late)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I did try in one round to make it haha

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Attack: Long Sword for Elves:: is now ARMED.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (maybe you’re the comedy relief?)

Ilero (TMO3)] (yes! Say something witty!)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Have my character trip over a bush

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (A dex roll? Like if something is sleeping/paralyzed?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] oop

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] oof

Hoffman (JohnA)] Is everyone ok?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] sorry

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] not one for the witty

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Orc #6. Distance: 0'00"

Hoffman (JohnA)] oh wait one more that looks like Hugh

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I will be in a minute.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Once confirmed what to roll, if anything...)

[Master] if there is not a skull on the icon then they are only bleeding

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 35'03".

[Master] they lose one hit point per round until they are at negative 10

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh no! So more than one is not dead?)

[Master] you can target them again

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] and do what you wish

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hmm well if they're going to die...)

MarioCS has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 22:09:55 EST 2017

MarioCS is receiving the map Overland travel...

MarioCS has received the map Overland travel.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) barely retains herself from stabbing the orcs dead and kicks them instead

[Ilero]] (TMO3) checks the bodies for anything useful or clues.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Attack: Long Sword for Elves:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I do not see any skulls, Hoffman will just make sure his are dead dead)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (but did you find any berries?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Probably have to scroll in close. I only see a skull on #4)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Hi Mario!)

Ilero (TMO3)] (where is Jilly, anyways?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I don't know! I hope Jilly did)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi Mario!)

[MarioCS] Hello Hello

Ilero (TMO3)] (hi!)

Hoffman (JohnA)] #5 is only disabled

[Master] and Kel comes around the wagon and hears combat from Shi screaming about Orcs from far off in the distance

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Mereth en draugrim...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) lets Anor tear into them.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (hello Mario)

[MarioCS] :oD

[MarioCS] its clobberin' time?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (She might have gone savage again)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Just missed it. All dead/almost dead!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Almost as in bleeding to death)

[MarioCS] Orcs. I hate Orcs

[MarioCS] (role playing at its finest)

Ilero (TMO3)] (Hoffman went berserk and took half of them by himself)

Hoffman (JohnA)] Just glad did not have too main chains or stay back and shoot

[MarioCS] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (MarioCS)] (Nice!)

Hoffman (JohnA)] they came right up to me to die

Anor (Carissa) feasts upon the enemies

Hoffman (JohnA)] Maybe I should warn them next time?

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) looks around

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) checking the bodies for loot

Hoffman (JohnA)] Do I not look intimidating at all?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Orc are stupid.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You might, but they're too stupid to notice.

Hoffman (JohnA)] ah, that is why

[Master] you find (8d6) [8d6=2,6,2,2,5,1,4,5] 27 of copper coins and another (1d2) [1d2=1] 1 gems

Ilero (TMO3)] (biab)

[JohnA] well now that Mario is here I can tag out

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Night John

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh! Goodies!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sorry I wasn't here earlier

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Aw, night John!)

[JohnA] have fun storming the village without me

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well found Jilly so not sure we're storming, but we'll see :) )

[JohnA] they don't know that

[Kel (MarioCS)] bye John

[JohnA] ttfn

[JohnA] enjoy

JohnA has left the game on Fri Dec 01 22:16:24 EST 2017

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (How far off is the wagon?)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Goodnight John!)

[Master] wagon is about a mile away

[Kel (MarioCS)] (sorry, how did we get so far from the wagon?)

[Master] Kel is not Shi is

[Master] grins

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Jilly ran off to find berries, some of the group went to make sure she was okay. Jilly was fine. Group was not)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (as usual)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (As in Jilly shows back up at wagon. Group ends up at wooden wall/near orc camp)

[Master] not near wall yet, that is another mile away

[Master] you just got in the way of the patrol returning

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Away group: Shur, Shi, Anor, Ilero, Hoffman, Hugh)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wagon: Marisu, Miranda, Jennevive, Ithil/Galad/Tinu, Tore, Kel)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (ah, so Kel is in the red river of blood?)

[Master] and yes Mario this was the first encounter of the morning

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So that must be fire from an orc camp.

[Master] need to decide what you are doing about that

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Perhaps we should meet up with the rest of the group first?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) wishes Branwyn and the wand were here.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) looks at Ilero waiting for direction.

[Kel (MarioCS)] .

[Master] Time of Day: 11:40 AM. Day 26 Ko ___ se, Spe {Early Fall} 26th, 1267 TGR.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Maybe TMO got lost in the windows?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (lol, three logins!

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray, [Shurkural]], Shi'Nynze, [Hoffman]], Anor and [Ilero]] moved 512'02".

[Master] [Ilero]], [Shurkural]], Shi'Nynze and Anor moved 134'07".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So guessing this means back at the wagon? :) )

[Master] yes

[Kel (MarioCS)] Tebhoundrin moved 5'06".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Jilly? Where did you get off to??

[Jilly (Master)] I told you

[Jilly (Master)] I was looking for berries

[Jilly (Master)] and nuts

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (wow - looking at the side panel - no one got even 1 hp injured!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] ewww, you all smell like orcs

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'll be right back. Bathroom

[Jilly (Master)] but there are not a lot of nuts there

[Jilly (Master)] but I did find berries

[Jilly (Master)] and then I found a bird’s nest

[Jilly (Master)] so I took the eggs

[Jilly (Master)] and then there was this

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Fete attacks Jilly)

Jilly (Master) holds up a red bit of string

[Jilly (Master)] not sure why

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well while Jilly found eggs and berries we found orcs.

[Jilly (Master)] OH

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Red string in the nest?

[Jilly (Master)] did they have anything good?

[Kel (MarioCS)] ugh, I knew it!

[Jilly (Master)] yeah

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Some copper and a gem.

[Jilly (Master)] not sure it means anything

[Jilly (Master)] but it is pretty

[Jilly (Master)] so maybe that is why they had it?

[Jilly (Master)] or maybe it means something?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Maybe it was just decorating its nest? Some birds do that.

[Jilly (Master)] you talk with birds

[Jilly (Master)] what do they want with red string?

Ilero (TMO3)] (have to go get son, then put kids to bed. you may be offline before all that is finished. if so, good night everyone! if you're still here, see you when I get back)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yes, but I'd have to talk to that bird.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I hope you left at least one egg behind, JIlly

[Jilly (Master)] we need eggs

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (See you later TMO!)

[Jilly (Master)] I need to feed Tore

[Jilly (Master)] and Shi and you

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If you aren't back in time, night TMO!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (bye TMO

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] least you're safe.

[Kel (MarioCS)] you always leave at least one egg behind. We won’t miss a smaller breakfast, but we will miss birds

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] There's an orc camp nearby. Much as I'd love to raid I, might be best to avoid it.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I can get us in and out, cleanse this land of them...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Like a good old clan raid...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) wistful

[Jilly (Master)] I thought you just said to leave one behind?

[Kel (MarioCS)] Hoff and I, and Ilero, we can be in and out in no time

Kel (MarioCS) looks at Jilly, shakes head slowly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So tempting...but we probably shouldn't keep Indigo waiting.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (E) And don't forget we're paying Tore by the day. If we take any longer...

[Kel (MarioCS)] you preserve the things you want to keep

[Kel (MarioCS)] (E) I’d gladly pay the extra day to wipe out a clan

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (E) True...but the rest of the group doesn't quite understand the joys of it.

[Kel (MarioCS)] ok, let’s move on then, the stench is almost overwhelming

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Agreed.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] All done with your foraging, Jilly? Hopefully we can make good time.

[Jilly (Master)] done?

[Jilly (Master)] no

[Jilly (Master)] but we can move

[Jilly (Master)] I will keep looking

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Just don't run off too far.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You don't want one of those bastards catching you.

[Jilly (Master)] You will take care of them

[Jilly (Master)] I am not worried

[Jilly (Master)] you are pretty good

[Kel (MarioCS)] (E) Would it be wrong to use the girl to lure them out, for easy pickings?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (E) You know it would be.

[Jilly (Master)] (I could use two encounter rolls)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh. Well. Thanks Jilly. I hope I am.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[Master] Time of Day: 07:40 PM. Day 26 Ko ___ se, Spe {Early Fall} 26th, 1267 TGR.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] back

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Whew)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (How far from orc camp are we?)

[Master] and night falls

[Master] you are about 20 miles from there now

[Master] you are just over 1 day’s travel to the river

[Kel (MarioCS)] (sorry, where?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] ah tx

[Master] you are in the middle of the Earldom of Venier right now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Does this mean real encounter rolls for watches?)

[Master] grins

[Master] unless you can convince me otherwise

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (What? Jennevive and Kel on a watch??)

[Master] chuckles it seems Kel is not too keen on that

[Kel (MarioCS)] (oh the rumors that would start!)

[Master] but you do need watches

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi on first as usual)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (We can throw TMO on third on the chance we don't get to it tonight)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (Kel wherever needed)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (First or second is focus right now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Tore and Shi on first, Kel and Hugh second?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Unless Kel wants to get more info from Tore?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (Kel is good , no other info needed)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (although those other elves seem intriguing...)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or based on responses, maybe Kel and Shi first since no one has spoken up :) )

[Kel (MarioCS)] (Either or)

Lisa has left the game on Fri Dec 01 22:43:20 EST 2017

[Kel (MarioCS)] (and Jenn can start her own rumors then)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (...yeah I was worried Lisa was still having problems)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (We could always invite Jenn again!)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I can do two if needed

[Kel (MarioCS)] (OK, Lisa, I'll have Kel speak with Tore, jeez!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well since it's three of us at the moment...)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Kel (MarioCS)] :0)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Kel and Shi first, Kel and Hugh second, Hugh and hopefully someone returns third!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh sorry! I forget Neith, too. She can be first or last)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] She can join on first so can sleep for the rest of the night

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi and Neith first, then)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Since I'm sure Jennevive will sleep this time.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Dec 01 22:46:19 EST 2017

Lisa is receiving the map Overland travel...

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hey Lisa, we can cover shifts if you need?

Lisa has received the map Overland travel.

[Master] Up to you

[Master] she will be there as you wish

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Jenn or Lisa?)

[Master] grins, I can only speak for one of them

[Lisa] (does Tore have a weapon other than a dagger?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I have an extra sword if you want

[Master] Tore only has the dagger

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] We did have so much fun last watch, Jennevive. Although, Kel will be doing second watch if you'd prefer to join them.

[Master (to Lisa only)] magical +2, +3 against undead

Kel (MarioCS) glares at Shi

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hahaha how can I not??)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) grins at him

[Kel (MarioCS)] (lol)

Kel (MarioCS) kicks the dirt and walks away

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I would be glad to join either you

Kel (MarioCS) looks back to see if she responds

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I can help guide Kel for you Shi

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] perhaps that will help with how to make things fit together?

Tore Henrick (Lisa) looks at Hugh's long sword

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It depends on which pieces you are putting together.

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Boldly declares "Jennevive will not be on the same watch as Hugh. Right Hugh?"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (OMG EVEN BETTER)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Another one that carries swords as big as a man

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Looks at Shoes

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "Yes I think that might be best."

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] No thank you young man

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Looks at Tore

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ah, I guess you'll be more welcome on first watch from the sounds of it, Jenn.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Unsheathes Goblin short sword from Back sheath.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I think this might be your size

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) passes sword

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] omg typing

Tore Henrick (Lisa) waves it around clumsily

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Snorts

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Careful with that.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I have another dagger?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Oh I have one of those

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] You shoot a crossbow?

Kel (MarioCS) watches this play out, amused with the sword wielding

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] HAH!

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (do you have it in your inventory? you have some things in the wagon but most was in the scroll that Branwyn took with her)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You fall over backwards shooting one of those

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Hugh’s pack always has the stuff in his inventory unless you say otherwise)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ( scroll went with her...dang)

Kel (MarioCS) rolls eyes

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] those things take both you and your enemy out at the same time

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (For example, I always keep some gold on hand)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (should be in the party pack Shi)

Kel (MarioCS) openly smiles

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Do you change your mind on that Bob? I can change)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Daggers good weapons

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh good)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Branwyn only took some clothes and her books)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (you need a real wall to use the room scroll though)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Can you see my equipment picked up sheet on my notes? It says what my general getup is

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (yes to Michael just noting you have those things and not much else)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (I do only keep a few things because the party carries the rest)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Sorry, I'll update this page more often for your records)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (no worries)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] So

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Who wants to be here near the fire with me?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Tore is a halfling thief NPC - so I am making him as cooperative as an NPC usually is :) )

[Kel (MarioCS)] I think I heard something over here, I’ll be right back

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] LOL

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (I did see that :) )

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Moves forward

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well the fire is warm...

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) WHACKS him with shemaprds crook

[Kel (MarioCS)] (lol)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] "I think I’ll take the first shift"

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Glares at Jennevive

Tore Henrick (Lisa) grumbles under his breath "The women around here sure are violent"

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) sits petulantly on a rock and stares into the distance

Tore Henrick (Lisa) continues "Look like ladies, but gotta stay away from that lot"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Keep talking Tore and you'll remember why you don't like to adventure with Branadarus friends

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) turning bright red

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Oh I remember right enough.

Kel (MarioCS) turns to watch

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] So Neith

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Back off

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] are you enjoying your trip so far?

[Kel (MarioCS)] (here we go...)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Not in the mood Jennevive

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Oh maybe that is the problem you and Hugh are having?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I can help you with that

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) grumbles to herself

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (She's so helpful with many things)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] show you how to be in the mood when you need it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ah, Jennevive. May I ask you a favor?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] You want help getting Kel in the mood too?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I can do that for you

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) rolls eyes

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Not that.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is very easy to push him over the edge

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] he is already so close

[Kel (MarioCS)] /rolls eyes, walks away again

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No, no.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] oh?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you want to take the reins yourself?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] ride him to the finish without help?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It's just...I've had a song stuck in my head and I was wondering if you'd play the lute?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] certain

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Not sure I'm ready to sing it and you'd have to learn the notes first, but I can hum them for you.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)]

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Cocks her head "Do you hear that Jennevive? It sounds like a whimpering child in the distance. Shouldn't you go curse it or something?"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha of course, but not that song)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi is trying to distract her)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Okay it goes like this...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) starts trying to hum the notes

[Master] Aunt Jennevive: Musical Instrument - Lyre check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ouch(

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ah, not...not quite.

Kel (MarioCS) turns to see who stepped on a cat

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I guess we'll have to work on this a little more...

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) tries again

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)]

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And they pass first watch successful with Shi trying to teach Jenn a song?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol!)

[Master] and second watch

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sweet!)

Ilero (TMO3)] (still going?)

[Master] of course

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Just talked our way out of first watch)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Which was Shi, Neith, and Jenn)

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Wanders over to Hugh and gently wakes him

Ilero (TMO3)] (phew. sometimes it stinks being the only one who can do anything. ;) )

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Your turn

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hm?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Right

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) goes to bed determined to make Jennevive learn

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Yawn

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'm up

Ilero (TMO3)] (where am I in the rotation?)

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Grabs Him

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Kisses

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Second was Kel and Hugh. We threw you at third to give you time to return)

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Ignore Jennevive

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) I'm not in the mood

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You and Lisa)

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Looks wide awake

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "uh sure"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Can switch as needed)

Ilero (TMO3)] (this is fine)

[Master] so a roll for second watch? or?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Talk it out or fight it out)

Ilero (TMO3)] (Kel and Hugh should talk about forming the We Hate Jenn Society during their watch)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yes! There you go. Good topic!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] ugh, there's only so much one can take of that,...that,...woman

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (and then Jennevive realizes she can't sleep and ends up on second watch. Dun dun dun....)


[Kel (MarioCS)] has anyone actually ever took her up on her offers?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] hold on gotta check this link :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Kel (MarioCS)] I bet she would expect to be worshipped, and not offer anything in return

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Stretches

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Twists

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Looks at Neith

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] She's adorable

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Anyway

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Anything suspicious from the last watch?


[Kel (MarioCS)] I didn’t hear anything from the crew at handover, so we will have to be vigilant

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] handover eh?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I gotta kiss but that was about it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)]

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Figure we're picking out Jenn sons?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Stop with the YouTube war lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (*...songs not sons)

[Kel (MarioCS)] all I get are vacant looks, so consider yourself lucky

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) grumbles

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] sometimes I wish I got a vacant look

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] she punches too

[Master] lol

[Kel (MarioCS)] oh Hugh, never downplay affection and caring

[Kel (MarioCS)] you are a very lucky man

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Don't I know it

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'm gonna do a quick walk around

[Kel (MarioCS)] you could be sleeping all alone, cold and weary

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'll shout if anything

[Kel (MarioCS)] instead you have someone

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) whips hand about

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) rolls his eyes at Kel

[Kel (MarioCS)] or you could cuddle w Jenn

Kel (MarioCS) giggles under breath

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Flips him the bird

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) walks away

Kel (MarioCS) smiles widely

Kel (MarioCS) checks on the wolves, and bird

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Does a quick round about the site

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (1d20) [1d20=5] 5

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Does that mean you gave up talking for fighting?)

[Master] brb restroom

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Oh I thought we had to roll

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] sorry

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ignore that

[Kel (MarioCS)] (Kel was trying to chat, so we wouldn’t have to roll...)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Maybe. Depends if BOB thinks that convo was enough to count as an encounter ;) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Here's your chance!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (While Bob's gone. Keep talking!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (so, do you think the Earldom's Quidditch team will make the playoffs?

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) finishes round

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Are you on drugs?

[Kel (MarioCS)] if they had a good relief flyer broom guy person, maybe

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I don't know. Have you seen their seeker? Not as good as Phygia)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] What is Quidditch?

[Kel (MarioCS)] (never saw a movie or read a book)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I don' can can you not??)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] oh that was in parenths. sorry

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (I thought you were in game chat lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Nope sorry. Just talkative. Ignore me. Back to Kel and Hugh)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Yes I obviously know what quidditch is)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Woohoo!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] ..and that’s how you take out the knee of an orc

[Kel (MarioCS)] drops them straight away

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] With an arrow?

[Kel (MarioCS)] takes the fight out of them

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] to the Knee?

[Kel (MarioCS)] (ROFL!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (YES)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (LOL)

[Kel (MarioCS)] so what do you think of our guide? I wonder what Branadarus had him do on their adventure that scarred him

[Kel (MarioCS)] he seemed very reluctant to help us out

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Grunts in acknowledgement

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I don't know if it was true reluctance

[Kel (MarioCS)] oh?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] he seemed quite intent on something exciting

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] As long as he gets his share that it

[Kel (MarioCS)] well, he won’t have to wait too long with this crew to find excitement

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] He seems nice enough

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) nods

[Kel (MarioCS)] yes, he does, and knowledgeable of the area, so that helps

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] We'll have to watch our sweet rolls around him.

[Kel (MarioCS)] and Shur got some information about her sword

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hm

[Kel (MarioCS)] He and Jilly will be best buds in no time

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I missed that

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I was focused on the inn

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] What about the sword?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Something something enchanted

[Kel (MarioCS)] remember, Shur went into a Greek temple and the priestess told her of the markings of her sword?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Oh yes, I remember now

[Kel (MarioCS)] the hero traveled with Homer

[Kel (MarioCS)] and his wife was someone too

[Kel (MarioCS)] and Charon did that thing as well

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] It seems we're swimming in Greek things these days

[Kel (MarioCS)] I think the prophecy is about Tiberius, and not about Sam

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) pauses

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] why do you think that?

[Kel (MarioCS)] well, I heard the others say that, so...

Kel (MarioCS) kicks the dirt around

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) leans in closer

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] If that is true, then we will have a serious problem

[Kel (MarioCS)] why is that?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Because Id don’t know what the deal with his mother is

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (MarioCS)] she’s a witch, no?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] but there is nothing that will stop her from that prophecy

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) shakes head

Kel (MarioCS) surprised

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I don't know of any witch that could give me that feeling

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Remember Jenn shared her letter so they know she's a vampire)

[Kel (MarioCS)] I haven’t net any, except for her

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (I thought we established Bran didn’t'?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (oh, yikes, I’ll play that off)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Her as in the Queen. Not Jenn. Even thought she might be, too)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Okay one moment)

[Master] lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (One moment)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Okay

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] go back 10 lines

Kel (MarioCS) looks away " hmm, lots to think about"

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) If you think that it might be Branadarus, we need to tell Bran

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] She needs to be warned

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] The mist might be the only thing that protects them

[Kel (MarioCS)] well, the others said so, I don’t know if they have any proof, or reason to think that

[Kel (MarioCS)] well, then they are going there now

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yet you said it out loud.

[Kel (MarioCS)] so that’s a good thing...right?

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) contemplates

[Master] remember none of you except TMO's characters have been in The Mist

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I think we should hurry

[Kel (MarioCS)] I mean, the Mist is wet, and...misty

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (But they've told us about the magical obscurment right? I thought Bran told me that once)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (and the legendary reason for the Mist is to protect the vampires of Drillian, but that's a different issue)

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Claps Kel on the shoulder


[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (The Irony, it kills me)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (lol!)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] But, better discussion for another Time I think)

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) gets up

[Kel (MarioCS)] agreed, when there are oters to help out

[Kel (MarioCS)] otters

[Kel (MarioCS)] lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'm going to do another round, be right back

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (love otter help)

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) pauses by the sleeping form of Neith

[Kel (MarioCS)] :0)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (sounds like something Ilero would say)

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) pulls the blankets around her

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) walks on

[Master] OH man TMO and Lisa remember the otter encounter

Ilero (TMO3)] (not offhand, sorry)

[Kel (MarioCS)] wow, it has to be about time to wake the others

[Kel (MarioCS)] and let the otters sleep

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Bob? time for that?)

[Master] there was a group of otters on the far bank of a stream

[Master] the group of characters took almost an hour to plan and scheme on how to get past them

[Master] was an amazing night

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] wow

Ilero (TMO3)] (lol. that sounds like us)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] did they make it? lol

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Otters? Of all things?)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (who wanted to be responsible for otter genocide?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Fair point!)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (we were trying to get through without mass otter slaughter)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (in all fairness, though, they do look like they would talk smack)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (nice!)

[Master] and they were scared by the willow tree too

[Master] scar not scare

[Kel (MarioCS)] not their kids_ daughter's otter slaughter

[Kel (MarioCS)] in the river? water daughter otter slaughter

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] :)

[Kel (MarioCS)] and the dad? father daughter water otter slaughter

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wow)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (drops mic)

[Master] The father daught water otter slaughter outa notta occura

Ilero (TMO3)] (I'll just sit over here and be quiet. :P )

Ilero (TMO3)] (oughtta notta matta)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or that's a sign for third watch...)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Yeah)

[Master] yes third watch

Ilero (TMO3)] (who)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (yay chat session!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You and Tore!)

Ilero (TMO3)] (both me, or me with someone else?)

[Master] Ilero and Tore

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Whoever wants to talk to Tore)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well I mean if you want it to make sense, yeah the two thieves...)

Ilero (TMO3)] (Hye not t'ief! :P)

[Master] and if you want to understand then Shur should be there :)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

Ilero (TMO3)] (oh no, this will be fun)

Ilero (TMO3)] Attack: Varsta Huitoa:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Ilero (TMO3)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

[Ilero]] (TMO3) paces silently around the edge of the campsite.

Tore Henrick (Lisa) meanders around mumbling

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Don't miss this about adventuring

Ilero (TMO3)] What wrong?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Getting up in the middle of the night to pace about

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Another reason to retire

Ilero (TMO3)] Good time t'ink.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] No

Ilero (TMO3)] Not listen chatter.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] No tinkling bells in the middle of the night either

Ilero (TMO3)] You hear bells?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Tink... or did you mean drink?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I have been known to take a drink or two on watch

Ilero (TMO3)] T'ink. In head. T'ink t'oughts.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Keeps you focused

Tore Henrick (Lisa) looks up at Ilero strangely

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] maybe a drink would get rid of whatever's in your head

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (This is gold)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Definitely fun)

[Ilero]] (TMO3) frowns, puzzled why we turned to insults. "Hye not sure what you talking 'bout."

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I didn't say anything about your boat

Ilero (TMO3)] Hye... not have boat.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I'd like to see it though

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I thought that's why you hired me

Ilero (TMO3)] Oh, t'at boat. T'at not mine.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] To take you to your boat

Ilero (TMO3)] Sorry.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Must be a pretty big boat to carry all of you in it

Ilero (TMO3)] Just barely big 'nuff. No ot'er crew.

[Master] a crew of otters?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Be glad for that

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha almost typed that)

Ilero (TMO3)] Hye not good rower.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Biggest bunch of pests those otters

Ilero (TMO3)] Not try be mean, but you talk funny sometime.

[Master] lol

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I talk funny?

Ilero (TMO3)] Hye have trouble understand what you talk 'bout.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Well if you can't row then you probably don't know much about boats is all

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You can tell that

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Especially if you want to hire a crew of otters

[Ilero]] (TMO3) nods. "True. Not much sailor."

Ilero (TMO3)] Why would we want crew of otters?

Ilero (TMO3)] Were-otters?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] That's what I said. You don't.

Ilero (TMO3)] T'en why you bring t'em up?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You won't find any otters until you get to the river anyway

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] And you certainly can't tell them what to do

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Even if you have ten, not one will listen to you

Ilero (TMO3)] Well... hokay. We still on schedule get t'ere?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] It's Tore. Not Tere

[Ilero]] (TMO3) looks at the halfling like he's gone insane.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] It's taking a bit longer but we're on schedule

Ilero (TMO3)] Good. Hye ready get home.

[Master] as we all sit in wonder

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (This is awesome)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You live in a tree?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Or a tower?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] What's a high home?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (I'm saving this conversation.)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Every home to a halfling?)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (lol)

Ilero (TMO3)] ... Hye stay at Jistille wit' Branwyn and ot'er Dragonslayers. Not been t'ere long time.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Tore.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Otters slaying dragons?)

[Master] yes to Carissa

Ilero (TMO3)] ... Ilero ...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Badass)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] What are the otters like where you come from??

Ilero (TMO3)] Not have otters. You like otters?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Never seen an otter good for anything other than making dinner out of them

Ilero (TMO3)] Ah. Otter taste good?

[Master] you o'tter try alligator

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] OH! You throw otters at dragons so you can sneak up behind them and slay them

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Good idea!

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Otters as decoys

[Ilero]] (TMO3) is now certain that he's hired a certified madman to guide the group.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Takes one to know one? ;) )

Ilero (TMO3)] When we get river, you be hokay get home alone?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] So where you from anyway?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You don't talk like the others and you sure ain't an elf

Ilero (TMO3)] No. From town in Blackwater, up nort'.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Never heard of it

[Ilero]] (TMO3) shrugs. "Quite a ways away. Not been t'ere in many years."

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Good you speak the common tongue though coming from far off

Ilero (TMO3)] Yes, t'ough hye have to speak slow be understood.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Just because you're taller than me doesn't mean you have to speak slow to me from oh so high up there.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You're not that tall

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] That one with the axes has a good foot on you

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 300. Next level in 278591.

[Master] [Marisu]] XP award: 150. Next level in 6888.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] XP award: 150. Next level in 2903.

[Master] Neith of Inholt XP award: 150. Next level in 7351.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 300. Next level in 206891.

[Master] Shi'Nynze XP award: 200. Next level in 19397.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 200. Next level in 58021.

[Master] Kel XP award: 200. Next level in 14944.

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 200. Next level in 97627.

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 150. Next level in 8983.

[Ilero]] (TMO3) smirks slightly. "Hkay, hyespeknormlforyu."

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Huh?

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (LOL)

Ilero (TMO3)] Hye speak slow 'cause people here not understand when hye speak normal.

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] I don't think it's helping

Ilero (TMO3)] Could be worse.

Ilero (TMO3)] Hye has to listen to everybody talk really really slow all time.

[Kel (MarioCS)] (fantastically entertaining. Excellent!!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (ok, I’m off, good night all!)

Ilero (TMO3)] (g'nite!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Night Mario!)

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (Goodnight!)

MarioCS has left the game on Sat Dec 02 00:02:41 EST 2017

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (that was fun)

Ilero (TMO3)] ( :) )

[Carissa] (Fun to watch, too!)

[Master] very fun

Ilero (TMO3)] (I haven't ever really practiced the fast speak before. Not sure if it's sustainable.)

Ilero (TMO3)] (I brought it up to Bob once as an idea.)

[Carissa] Guess it'll be another dialogue heavy summary :)

Ilero (TMO3)] (go into loving detail on how we butchered the orcs)

[Carissa] Haha

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] And Hugh didn't even get close before you whacked them down!

[Master] It will be interesting to see how TMO can sustain the multiple logins for each character

[Lisa] this area is missing quite a few now

[Carissa] Pincushions and steaks.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I am sorry I was late guys

Ilero (TMO3)] (I may try doing 3 different installs so I don't have to keep changing the preferences every time)

[Master] We are playing next week

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] family stuff an all

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I will be there

Ilero (TMO3)] (no worries)

[Carissa] Was it possibly we weren't?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Master] three instals works

[Master] and it was not planned to miss until today and then I avoided it

[Carissa] Gold star for you!

[Master] someone is unable to make a conference that was paid for next weekend

[Master] and I was suggested as the replacement

[Master] but someone will go for me

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] We are doing the one before xmas too right? I know it's not close, but I wanted to make sure we all are in the holiday spirit to slaughter some xmas orcs!

[Master] she can take her husband so it works out nicely

[Master] yes

[Master] every week till Feb

[Master] then there are a few missed sessions

[Carissa] Glad it worked for everyone!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'll have Eggnog while we play and sing you xmax carols

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] you can drink the heavier stuff :)

[Carissa] Holidays will be hit/miss for me because family.

[Master] 16 cases of wine delivered last week

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Pft. Who needs those

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ;) [Master] so plenty for me

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Apparently I do haha

[Master] have a great night everyone

[Lisa] Christmas is on Monday so Friday should be fine :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Bob will get sloshed and start raising xp left and right

[Carissa] For some reason, they think you need to spend time with them when you haven't seen them in months

Ilero (TMO3)] I'll probably miss at least one around holidays.

[Carissa] Haha

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] G'Nith all!

[Master] put the game up on the TV

[Master] and let them watch

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Carissa] Fingers crossed no miss, but possibly late.

mharm-15549 has left the game on Sat Dec 02 00:08:26 EST 2017

[Carissa] Pass.

Lisa has left the game on Sat Dec 02 00:08:30 EST 2017

[TMO3] g'nite all

[Carissa] Night all!

Carissa has left the game on Sat Dec 02 00:08:37 EST 2017

[TMO3] now I have to log all these off. :P

[Master] grins

TMO2 has left the game on Sat Dec 02 00:09:08 EST 2017

[Master] I can do that for you

TMO3 has left the game on Sat Dec 02 00:09:12 EST 2017

Marisu (TMO)] it's not that hard.

Marisu (TMO)] cya

TMO has left the game on Sat Dec 02 00:09:29 EST 2017

XP awarded