Main / Dec0211

Dec 02 11 - Flower Power

ZAR has joined the game on Fri Dec 02 18:20:13 EST 2011

ZAR is receiving the map Base Map...

ZAR has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello there

[ZAR] hi sorry i missed last fridays game

[Master] no worries

[Master] did you get a chance to skim the chat log?

[ZAR] nyet how i bring the chat log up?

[Master] on the website


[Master] that is a list of all teh chat logs from 2011

[ZAR] ok how i bring this chat box up?

[Master] you have to view it in a separate browser

[Master] copy and paste that link to your browser

[ZAR] yea i understand its justi need the link how i veiw it on here?

[Master] cannot view it here in Klooge easily

[ZAR] th text keeps dissapearing on me

[Master] Oh

[Master] view chat history

[ZAR] yes

[Master] that brings up the chat history log for you

[Master] then you can set the chat to disapear at zero

[Master] and not appear on the map

[Master] be right back grabbing drinks

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[ZAR] goshin ur in here!?>

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and back

[Master] and how was your week Bret?

[Master] and goign to test a new map on you

[Master] How do you like that view?

[ZAR] i liek it

[Master] that is the last view before leaving the city

[Master] by the way Guy will not be in tonight

[Master] Koorin moved 17'11".

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Dec 02 18:56:15 EST 2011

BiBo!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!! has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Howdy sir

[BiBo!!!] ::waves::

[Master] goign to load a map or three for you quickly

[BiBo!!!] three?

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Dec 02 18:57:38 EST 2011

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[BiBo!!!] oh wait, misread that

[Master] smiles

Lisa has received the map grasslands.

[BiBo!!!] I may or may not possibly head out early to see a doctor today. depends on how much I get annoyed by the blood.

[Master] would that be blood on the keyboard?

[BiBo!!!] depends on if I cover my mouth when I cough or not

[Master] haveyou considered adding me to your will?

[BiBo!!!] lol. well you wouldnt be getting much

[Master] well we know it is not lupus

[Lisa] never lupus

[Master] thank you

[Lisa] :)

[Master] so Zar you are going to play Grevic tonight?

[Lisa] you have been sick for a long time marco - what have you got?

[BiBo!!!] pneumonia

[Lisa] yikes

[ZAR] yes

[Master] are you sure you are not passing it along to your students Marco?

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 28'01".

[BiBo!!!] that would be a nice thought. would mean I would have to see fewer of them

[Master] LOL

[ZAR] ?

[Master] Ok, well we should be moving along so you get somethings done

[Master] Koorin is back from training at Home

[BiBo!!!] we are all full up on spells and whatever then

[Master] full of everything

[Master] you are leaving most of your stuff at the Palazzo

[Master] or with the Mages tower

[Lisa] thanks for reminder

[Master] just taking along ?

[BiBo!!!] mages tower?

[Master] where you did your training

[Lisa] where you were just training?

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] get better soon! :)

[Master] Guide #2 moved 151'05".

[Master] Joshwin moved 12'00".

[Lisa] we have scrolls, potions, money to pay guides and priests

[Lisa] maybe take the two small gems?

[Master] you can exchange coins for gems here in the city

[Lisa] that should leave enough room to put the flowers in our sack or backpack

[Master] 5% exchange fee

[Master] I thought you were taking a small sack or a small chest for that?

[Lisa] sack then

[Lisa] not strapping a chest onto a horse

[BiBo!!!] I am just imagining a horse with a giant foam muscle chest suit

[Master] if there is anything you wanted appraised you can do that too for a 10% fee

[Master] and laughs

[Lisa] besides chest looks like you have something valuable inside

[Lisa] lol

[BiBo!!!] well armed group with any sort of anything looks like we have something valuable

[ZAR] dude thnx for payign for this all DM!

[BiBo!!!] but yeah, saddle bags or whatever are probably easier to haul with a horse

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 500. Next level in 2142.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 34665.

[BiBo!!!] chaching!

[Master] so you have your things ready?

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: +1 (+0), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: +1 (+0), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 0 (+1), CHANGED: Skyhook -- # Memorized: 2 (1),

[Lisa] llathandryll and indigo have rope

[Lisa] anything else you think we need?

[Lisa] memorized feather fall today in case anyone wants to take a leap off the cliff

[BiBo!!!] leap of faith huh

[Lisa] something like that :)

[BiBo!!!] should I be memorizing fly.... but it is so much funnier to create a trampoline with spectral force....

[Master] and Zar the Grevic backstory is on the character sheet

[Master] and away we go then?

[Lisa] why not

[Master] meeting up in the Bridge Landing disctrict

[Master] district

[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified: Spells - CHANGED: Charm Person -- # Memorized: 4 (5), CHANGED: Fly -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Spectral Force -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Master] your two guides are there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what is the first one's name?)

[Master] Marco did you update Koorin with her new spell level and the two thief levels?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have Johswin and ?)

[Master] grins was wondering when someone would ask

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (joshwin - sorry)

[BiBo!!!] spell level yes, not thief stuff yet

[Master] Nop

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (at least it is easy to spell)

[Master] so on the "northern" end of the bridge there is the Bridge Landing district

[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Koorin modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Find/remove traps -- Total (% - w/modifier): 85 (55), CHANGED: Move Silently -- Total (% - w/modifier): 45 (30), CHANGED: Hide in Shadows -- Total (% - w/modifier): 45 (30),

[Master] is actually the western end of the bridge but everyone calls it going south across the bridge

[Master] there is the main guard gate

[Master] #1

[Master] then you cross out to the first building, (#2) where you go inside

[Master] and climb up several staircases

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 246'05".

[Master] then emerge out onto the upper bridge deck

[Master] now the river surface is far enough below the bridge that boat can go under easily

[Master] you reach the main island in the center of the channel

[Master] and encounter another set of stairs out in the open

[Master] and reach the third level of the bridge deck

[Master] at the end of the bridge is a large gate with doors tall enough to allow giants to go through easily

[Master] going up a short set of stairs and through the gates you see

[Master] and go through the main courtyard infront of the entrance to the Nest


[Master] A large courtyard at the base of The Nest contains the giant sized front doors to enter The Nest. From there it is a set of three switchbacks to reach the town of Rivers Bend down below. The opposite side of the courtyard leads up more switchbacks over a pathway called the Traders Reach? heading towards Outreach and through to the rest of Everreach. The entrance to The Nest is a set of double wide double high stone doors that can allow easy entrance by Hill Giants.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nice picture)

[ZAR] true


[Master] This pathway winds over many switchbacks rising from Rivers Bend and the Nest up through the hills and cliffs of the plateau of the Great Plains until it reaches the top and then works its way along over the plateau and eventually reaches Outreach from the northwest side of the city.

[Master] and there are two priests (one male one female) standing at the base of the tower after you go past the Nest and are heading out on the path up to the Traders Reach

[Greek Priest (Master)] Hello travelers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hello

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are you to take us up the cliffs?

[Greek Priest (Master)] you are here to confess your sins, to seek redemption before crossing into the unknown

[ZAR] "how u do"

Branwyn (Lisa) looks down for a second, "Oh"

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Greek Priest (Master)] you want to be shriven of your sins before you seek danger and death I suppose

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] Oh now, it is not a given that it is death

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Dont have any sins to confess. I am sin free."

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] it is only danger

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] except for those who have the sin of Pride, looking at Llath

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] those who do not repent are not able to see the danger before they fall

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Pride is a totally bogus sin. I dont believe in it. There is nothing wrong in appreciating yourself and others."

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] it does not matter if you do not believe in a sin, if the Gods declare it so

Branwyn (Lisa) mutters to herself, "Good thing I memorized feather fall. He's not going to see a fall until he hits the ground at this rate."

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] and would you go into the wild lands up above without making an offering to the Gods to protect you

[ZAR] "i make my own rules pal"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Oh I am fine making an offering, but I dont like the insinuation that I have been sinning when I havent done anything wrong yet."

[Greek Priest (Master)] of course you have sinned, we all have sinned

[Greek Priest (Master)] no good deed goes unpunished

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Good deeds are sins now?"

Indigo (Lisa) scrunches up his face and thinks very hard

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "When did that commandment get written?"

[Greek Priest (Master)] if they are done for a prideful means

[Greek Priest (Master)] you must do good deeds because they are good not because you want help your self

[Greek Priest (Master)] are you seeking good? or seeking attention?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Neither really. Just something to do usually."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "And doing bad deeds tends to get you arrested."

[Greek Priest (Master)] punishment comes to all in time

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "It is much easier to do good ones."

Indigo (Lisa) walks over to Priestess, "I could confess something."

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] yes my son

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] we can go in private

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well ... there was this travelling companion of ours. I wasn't very nice to him.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's okay I guess

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] do you repent for your actions?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm usually nice to people but I was not to him

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes.

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] would you do differently given the chance again?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm .... it would be hard, but I think I would try

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] who was this person? not a friend?

[Indigo (Lisa)] He was a friend of Branwyn's

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] looking over at the rest of the group

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] then seeing Branwyn

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] nods to her

[ZAR] *smiles

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] places a hand over Indigo's hand

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] if you seek to do better, that is all that we can do

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Indigo and the priestess

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] I will say a prayer for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you my lady

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] you should travel with a happy heart

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] and I will pray that you stay safe

[ZAR] "bouts time gawd!"

Kayugan Priestess (Master) steps aside to let Indigo pass

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Brandobaris says you should never confess without talking to a barrister first. But barristers dont talk much. They mostly just sit there and make sure you dont fall down the stairs."

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 30'11".

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 61'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 32'04".

[Greek Priest (Master)] Young Lady, I do believe you are right

[Greek Priest (Master)] Baristers rarely have something important to say, they often only think they need to say SOMETHING

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::gasps:: "You have talking barristers?"

[Greek Priest (Master)] it is right that you believe in your teachings

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::bounces:: "I wanna see!"

[Greek Priest (Master)] smiles yes, I have heard the trees talk, the water sing and I keep my ears open to all of Gods creations

[Greek Priest (Master)] do you repent your sins? do you feel you are ready to see the uplands?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Does it say, 'Hey! Hold on to me or you will fall down the stairs!'?"

[Greek Priest (Master)] I do try to be careful, he says smiling

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Repaint my suns? I like them the color they are. But sure if that makes everyone happy."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Not sure how I will reach up there though...."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::looks up::

[Greek Priest (Master)] I will do that for you young lady

[Master] Koorin moved 40'07".

[Greek Priest (Master)] and lets her pass

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Oh good! I am a little short..."

[Greek Priest (Master)] Looking at Grevic

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::walks through mumbling something about painting the sun a nice emerald green::

[Greek Priest (Master)] my son, what sins do you have to confess?

[ZAR] "i am a foul kiler may i pass?"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((should be a fowl killer))

[Greek Priest (Master)] do you seek forgivness for your sins?

[ZAR] "yes pls holy one"

[Greek Priest (Master)] lays a hand on Grevic's head and blesses him

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] and your Elven friend? looking at Llath

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 30'02".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Sure. Forgive my sins, whatever they may be."

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] you must know what your sins are

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] you know inside

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Is it a sin if you dont know what they are?"

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] if you wish to cross and not be shiven of your sins, I will not prevent you

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] but knowing what they are and chosing to ignore them will only lead to worse fates

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::ponders::

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] she looks over at Branwyn

[ZAR] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] as the greek priest talks quietly with Nob and Joshwin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm afraid I may have too many for you to forgive in one day

[Master] Nop moved 48'06".

[Master] Joshwin moved 29'00".

[Master] Kayugan Priestess moved 2'01".

[ZAR] *waves behinde the priests at bibo an smiles an winks one eye

[Master] Greek Priest moved 1'07".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I guess we will go with the pride thing. Because I am amazing. It must be a sin to be so amazing. "

[Master] Branwyn moved 13'11".

[Master] Llathandryll moved 15'02".

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] yes such pride is definately a sin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but does he repent?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((repent and repeat))

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] she gives a small shake of her head but blesses Llathandryll and lets him pass

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Then thats the one. Pride. Have a good day! By the way, you look really cute in that robe."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::winks and walks through::

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] she turns to Branwyn,

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] are your burdens so heavy you fall behind the others?

[Master] Llathandryll moved 30'10".

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((holy poop. my hands are now covered in blood. I probably should see the doc sooner than later. gonna run to the clinic now. hopefully I get back before game is up, if not have a good night))

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (eek! take care of yourself!)

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Dec 02 19:50:58 EST 2011

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am at times impatient and unforgiving of others.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I also know that I hurt Indigo's feelings but continued in my behavior out of selfishness.

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] smiles with these companions I would offer that it is a sin that forces it self upon you

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] and that is the sader sin

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] to hurt a friend

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was not one of my prouder moments. And I am sorry for that

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] I forgive you for your sin,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] although you shoudl ask your friend for forgiveness also

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] to be truely whole again

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] go with a lighter heart

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

[Master] and they let the group go through

[Master] Nob looks thoughtful

[Master] as he is climbing the stairs to the next landing

[Master] Joshwin turns to the group

[Master] here is where we hire the mules or donkeys to make the trek to the top of the cliffs

[Master] this will take most of the day

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It takes all day to hire mules?

[Joshwin (Master)] chuckles no Branwyn, I mean the trek up the cliffs

[Joshwin (Master)] we will be well served to move quickly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh

[Joshwin (Master)] however we need to be assured

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 10'11".

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 1'06".

[Joshwin (Master)] have you each confessed fully and honestly

[Joshwin (Master)] the priests who care for the animals will not question

[Joshwin (Master)] but I have heard tales of those that do not feel cleansed having problems on the trip up

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well ... there is something else I could confess too but I would have to do it in private

[Joshwin (Master)] do you wish to do so Sir Indigo?

[Joshwin (Master)] we have time

[Indigo (Lisa)] maybe I better

Joshwin (Master) nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't want to fall down the cliff

[Joshwin (Master)] we are leaving this world behind

[Joshwin (Master)] I always feel like I am in a new state of being when I am on the Plains

[Joshwin (Master)] even young Nob here feels it

Indigo (Lisa) runs down to the priestess to tell her about his lies of Loosend

[Joshwin (Master)] claps him on the shoulders

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] she listens to Indigo quietly

[Indigo (Lisa)] I did it because i thought I had to. To save the others though.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I know lying is wrong but I'm not sure I can repent. Is that bad?

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] doing the wrong thing for a good reason is not right in the end

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] the ends do not justify the means

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] however if you do regret doing so

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] and you wish you had found a different way of accomplishing your goal

[Indigo (Lisa)] I do wish that

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] then you will be forgiven

[Indigo (Lisa)] I feel better now

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you!

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] that is all we may ask for

[Kayugan Priestess (Master)] safe journey young Indigo

Indigo (Lisa) smiles and clamors back up the stairs to the group

[Indigo (Lisa)] All done now

[Joshwin (Master)] feeling better now Sir Indigo?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes. I am ready

[Joshwin (Master)] good

[Joshwin (Master)] so we will give our selves over to the gods and their mules

[Joshwin (Master)] winks

[Joshwin (Master)] and he leads you up the stairs to another platform landing

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Nop, "So do you have to do this everytime you pass?"

[Nop (Master)] yes

[Nop (Master)] I have made the journey three times

[Nop (Master)] and every time I feel like I know what to confess before I start

[Nop (Master)] and then I find something that I did not expect inside of me

[Nop (Master)] this is why peopel should not cross the bridge

[Nop (Master)] let the outside world be

[Indigo (Lisa)] I thought that would be a good thing

[Nop (Master)] I do hope it is again

[Nop (Master)] the first two times I made this trip I had a small group with me, not a large one like this

[Nop (Master)] we made good time on the plains

[Nop (Master)] now I will hope that we all come home safe

[Master] you all reach the landing

[Master] and there is a group of priests, mixed between Kayugan and Greek

Indigo (Lisa) looks over at Llathandryl, Koorin and Grevic

[Master] they are working together to help your group up onto mules

[Indigo (Lisa)] I hope so too

[Master] with smaler burros for the halflings

[Master] Joshwin easily sits on his

[Master] looking back

[Master] they will help you stay attached if you feel the need

[Master] the priest offer to tie each of you to the mule

[Joshwin (Master)] Those who feel cleansed rarely need the assistance, he says

[Joshwin (Master)] but be warned there are spirits on the cliffs

[ZAR] *light of devils weed

[ZAR] :)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think I want to be tied down

[Joshwin (Master)] that will give a wicked man pause, some have been known to leap to their death

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think I will pass on the ropes as well

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Grevic? Want to be tied to your mule?

[Joshwin (Master)] are you a comfortable rider?

[Joshwin (Master)] if not I would advise some assistance

[ZAR] "what u say?"

[Joshwin (Master)] just in case of wind

[ZAR] o ok soemone need to be tired

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not a good rider

[ZAR] tied

[ZAR] ok ill be tied

[ZAR] "yes strap me down"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[ZAR] lol i know worng word

[Master] ok

[Master] so anyone not being tied in securely?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (debating)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (as long as knots will not be too complex that I can't cantrip my way out of them, I'll do it)

[ZAR] so what am i tied to again?

[Master] easly to accomplish

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mule)

[Master] so the group overall will be considered to be tied to their animals

[ZAR] ook kool

[Master] as you go up the cliff path

[Master] there are many zigs and zags

[Master] the path goes up in a winding path where you end up facing almost all directions at some point or other

[Master] and at steep path along the edge half way up

[Master] everyone makes a save versus spell

[ZAR] /roll d20

[ZAR] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] on your dice panel

[Master] there is a save tab zar

[ZAR] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=16] 16

[Master] the shielf

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] shield

[Master] Grevic Rowan: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[ZAR] niiice crit

[Master] and you hear ghoatly voices saying how sweet it would be to end it here and now, to jump and rest in peace

[Master] ghostly

[Master] but you resist their call and stay on your mule

[Master] continuing to travel up the path

Indigo (Lisa) shudders and looks around to try and see where the voices are coming from

[Master] eventually near nightfall you arrive at the top of the cliffs

[Master] where the sun has not set yet

[Master] you see a wide expanse of grass out infront of you

[Master] Where the the large escarpment that separates the Great Plains from the Great Swamp reaches the smaller escarpment that keeps the Rumbling River flowing to the north of the Great Plains meet there is a small secondary upper plateau that creates an additional barrier to travelers from the Small Kingdoms. The Traders Reach pathway crossing this upper wind swept plateau where there are no settlements can be a challenge.

[Master] you leave your mules

[Master] stretch your legs

[Master] looking around you can see that there seems to be only one other group that went up the trail today ahead of you

[Master] and no one was behind you

[Nop (Master)] I have my horses teathered just to the south here

[Nop (Master)] I brought them up the path two days ago

[Nop (Master)] to have them here and ready for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] That was very nice

[Indigo (Lisa)] We are camping here tonight though?

[Nop (Master)] yes

[Nop (Master)] we should get away from the cliff edge

[Nop (Master)] the priests have a little camp

[Nop (Master)] but only they are permitted to stay there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So where do we camp?

[Nop (Master)] out on the grasslands

[Nop (Master)] off to the south away from the edge is my preference, he says with a wry grin

Lisa is receiving the map grasslands...

Lisa has received the map grasslands.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And mine as well

[Master] Nop moved 43'02".

[Master] Joshwin moved 30'10".

[Master] Indigo moved 37'01".

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 45'05".

[Master] Branwyn moved 35'03".

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 PM. Day 18 See ___ tre, Fey {Mid Winter} 18th, 339 SKR.

[Nop (Master)] oops

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 64'06".

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Sow {Late Spring} 13th, 339 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes it would suck if it was winter)

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Lec {Early Summer} 13th, 339 SKR.

[Nop (Master)] there you go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you must camp here for many months)

[Nop (Master)] that is the correct date

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (joshwin kinda looks like superman)

[Nop (Master)] it is month 3 Baldwins Ironweed blooms during month 5 Wild Indigo blooms during the months 2 through 6

[ZAR] hey goshin u here!?!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] goshin?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry for delay - was changing armour for Indigo)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he is at long last on dry land and actually has some chain mail again)

[Nop (Master)] so as night falls

[Nop (Master)] setting up watches

[Nop (Master)] Branwyn on first

[Nop (Master)] Indigo and Grevic together on middle

[Nop (Master)] the two guides on last

[Nop (Master)] is that ok?

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 58'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (fine with me)

[Joshwin (Master)] so is everyone ready for their first night in the open?

[Joshwin (Master)] Joshwin sets up the tents for the group

[Master] (door brb)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (occupy outreach)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (don't think we have ever slept in tents in this group)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] laughs

[ZAR] we settign up camp guys?

[Master] and no you have not ever used tents before, you either slept indoors or were in a swampy area

[Master] and yes Grevic camp is up

[Master] Branwyn is on first watch

[Master] Joshwin hands her a blanket

[Master] you might need this

[Master] and then the rest bed down inside the two tents, with the horses hobbled in the center of camp

[Master] (d12) [1d12=8] 8

[Master] and no encounters for Bran

[Master] next up is Grevic and Indigo

[ZAR] k

[Master] the last time Indigo was outside like this on a watch was way back in the swamps

Indigo (Lisa) looks grevic up and down

[Indigo (Lisa)] So you're an elf and a fighter are you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] The only full elves I've know have been mages

[ZAR] "im a thief an killer" *lets ut a cat hiss with head jerk


[ZAR] im a fighter indi an thier

[Indigo (Lisa)] That is good. We always need people who can use their weapons

[ZAR] *head kicks about uncontrollably

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... is there something wrong with you?

[ZAR] lol im all fine an dandy until someone talks to me then i break down

[ZAR] "nothing im absolutly fine"

[Indigo (Lisa)] You don't want anyone to talk to you?

[ZAR] *sits still

[ZAR] no dude im roleplaying

[Indigo (Lisa)] Did some evil wizard cast a spell on you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] If someone cast a spell on you we can see if we can fix that

[ZAR] *stares blindly off into nothing

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well if you don't want us to try to fix it then that's fine.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But there's an awful lot of talking that goes on around here ...

Indigo (Lisa) stays quiet for a bit

[Master] (d12) [1d12=4] 4

[Master] and no encounter during that watch

[Master] Ok

[Master] and waking up in the morning

[Master] and as dawn is breaking

[Master] suddenly the horses start to stamps and snort

[Master] Nop looks up from tending them, Joshwin from taking down the tents, and then give a shout,


Indigo (Lisa) grabs his short sword

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and not a priest to be found)

[Master] Time of Day: 05:30 AM. Day 14 Be ___ tre, Lec {Early Summer} 14th, 339 SKR.

[ZAR] lol nice soudn stark trejk right

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=7] 5 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Ghoul #17 moved 31'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (should have changed my spells in the morning)

[Master] you can

[Master] Ghoul #19: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Ghoul #21: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Ghoul #20: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Ghoul #22: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Ghoul #17: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Ghoul #28: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Ghoul #18: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Ghoul #29: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Master] so out off the edge of camp

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 0 (+1),

[Master] about 80-80 feet away

[Master] 60-80

[Master] a group of ghouls must have been sneaking through the grass

[Master] and now they stand up to rush into camp, thinking that everyone is busy and they will surprise you

[Master] Zar you need to roll Init

[Master] you know how to do that?

[Master] bring up the dice panel

[Master] and right on the front is an Initiative button

[Master] Lisa how do you bring up yoru init?

[Master] Zar you can also click on your icon then type I to roll Initive

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Pointy -- Magical Adj: +2 (+0),

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (right click on grevic, click on roll dice)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (click on shield in dice panel, then Initiative)

[Master] Grevic Rowan: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=2] 14

[Master] Ok Indigo is up

[ZAR] sorry

[Master] I rolled for you Zar

[Master] make sure you know how to for the next time

[Master] Indigo moved 1'03".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sorry - debating on whether I should run up and get paralyzed or wait for them to come to me)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 10'08".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 10'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (strike that - I'll hold for now)

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ghoul #17

[Master] Ghoul #17 moved 61'06".

[Master] Ghoul #17 targets Branwyn. Distance: 6'03"

[Master] Ghoul #17 targets Joshwin. Distance: 1'08"

[Master] Ghoul #17 targets Indigo. Distance: 5'00"

[Master] Ghoul #17: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #17: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 9. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #17: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 0. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #17: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (-5) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Ghoul #17. Distance: 6'03"

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 16'05".

[Master] Grevic Rowan moved 15'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Ghoul #17: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) [1d4=1] 2 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (4d4+4) [4d4=3,4,2,3] 16 damage!

[Master] can't move till your Init Grevic

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #17's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-16) - Disabled

[Master] Now Grevic can move

[Master] you can go now Zar

[Master] can move up to 60 feet and still attack

[Master] or can do what you wish

[ZAR] ok

[Master] and then click done, the red button when you are finished

[Indigo (Lisa)] (or tell us what you want to do when you are ready and we can help with the klooge part of it)

[ZAR] ok i want to move for abakc attack yo

[ZAR] for the next round

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 21'07".

[Master] that one there is already down

[Master] the others are going to be coming up after you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if they are red and blue they are dead)

[ZAR] lol well then i made my move to late

[Master] you can move to attack the others that are coming

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you can do it over)

[Master] or wait there to be ready for them to come to you

[Master] and then click done

[Master] or does it say next?

[Master] Lisa which is it on your side of things, here it is an arrow

[Indigo (Lisa)] (for me it is just the red dot next to the character name in the combat window)

[Master] ok

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ghoul #18

[Master] Ghoul #18 moved 54'06".

[Master] Ghoul #18 targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Ghoul #18: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 3. HITS Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #18: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 2. HITS Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #18: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #18: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Grevic Rowan

[Master] Ghoul #18: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Grevic Rowan

[Master] Grevic Rowan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ghoul #19

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and I think Indigo will go now)

[Master] Ghoul #19 moved 52'07".

[Master] Ghoul #19 targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 1'02"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (may I?)

[Master] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 18'06".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ghoul #18. Distance: 1'04"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=3] 7 [MODIFIED (-2)]. MISSES Ghoul #18 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))+2+2) [1d20=13] 5 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Ghoul #18 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Military Pick: ((1d4+1)+3+2) [1d4=1] 7 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Ghoul #18

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #18's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-7) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Ghoul #19: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 3. HITS Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #19: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 5. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #19: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #19: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Grevic Rowan

[Master] Grevic Rowan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ghoul #22

[Master] Ghoul #22 moved 54'09".

[Master] Ghoul #22 targets Branwyn. Distance: 3'05"

[Master] Ghoul #22 targets Joshwin. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 15. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-2) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Ghoul #29

[Master] Ghoul #29 moved 46'03".

[Master] Ghoul #29 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Ghoul #29 targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 2'10"

[Master] Ghoul #29: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 9. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #29: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 2. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #29: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 2. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #28

[Master] Ghoul #28 moved 59'01".

[Master] Ghoul #28 targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'03"

[Master] Ghoul #28 targets Joshwin. Distance: 2'05"

[Master] Ghoul #28: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 5. HITS Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #28: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 5. HITS Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #28: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Ghoul #28: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Branwyn

[Master] Ghoul #28: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Branwyn

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 25 (-5) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #21

[Master] Ghoul #21 moved 65'11".

[Master] Ghoul #21 targets Joshwin. Distance: 4'05"

[Master] Ghoul #21 moved 1'07".

[Master] Ghoul #21 moved 2'11".

[Master] Nop targets Ghoul #21. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] Ghoul #21 targets Nop. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] Nop: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 7. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 7. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: Nop

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Nop

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Nop

[Master (to GM only)] Nop's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-9) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #28

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Nop

[Master] Nop: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[ZAR] an i frikkin dead lol?

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ghoul #20

[Master] Ghoul #20 moved 66'11".

[Master] Ghoul #20 targets Branwyn. Distance: 5'07"

[Master] Ghoul #20 targets Joshwin. Distance: 3'05"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not yet)

[Master] Ghoul #20 targets Nop. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 15. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 17. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Nop

[Master (to GM only)] Nop's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-2) - Massively Wounded

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] Branwyn needs to make a save verus Paralyzation

[Master] I fogot that in the mess there

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Master] the other hits were bites, she got hit by a claw

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ack)

[Master] so Bran is paralyzed

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=10] 0 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ghoul #18 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ghoul #18

[Lisa] Grevic Rowan targets Ghoul #29. Distance: 2'10"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #18's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-9) - Dying

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))+2+2) [1d20=6] 12 [MODIFIED (+2)]

[Master] grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sorry - thought I targeted)

[Master] Indigo needs to retarget, he killed his guy

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ghoul #29. Distance: 0'10"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))+2+2) [1d20=19] -1 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Ghoul #29 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Military Pick: ((1d4+1)+3+2) [1d4=2] 8 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Ghoul #29

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=9] 1 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ghoul #29 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ghoul #29

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Ghoul #17

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #29's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -12 (-15) - Dead

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Master] Joshwin: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Joshwin targets Ghoul #28. Distance: 2'05"

[Master] Joshwin: Attack: Javelin: ((20-(d20+0))+4) [1d20=15] 9 [MODIFIED (+4)]. MISSES Ghoul #28 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Ok Grevic

[Master] two of yoru group is paralyzed

[Master] only three of you left standing

[ZAR] i hide

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[ZAR] so i can back stab

[Master] no

[Master] that is only for thieves

[Master] you are a fighter

[ZAR] i thought my class was athief

[ZAR] err

[ZAR] ok

[Master] and you have to have surprise them

[Master] which they are not

[ZAR] o ok

[Master] you are a fighter thief, sorry, but still cannot backstab unless you have surprise

[Indigo (Lisa)] (grevic is listed as fighter/thief)

[ZAR] then i sttack the one right infornt of me

[Master] but you can attack that one

[Master] go for it

[ZAR] how id o that?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (kill maim destroy)

[Master] Grevic Rowan targets Ghoul #19. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] I did the targeting for you

[Master] now you can just roll the attack

[Master] from the dice panel

[Master] right click on Grevic then roll dice

[Master] the attack options are there

[Master] you see that there?

[ZAR] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[ZAR] sob

[Master] no

[Master] on the dice panel

[Master] Lisa can you roll for him please

[Master] to show how it works

[Indigo (Lisa)] what weapon - net?

[Indigo (Lisa)] a little close for a bow

[Master] too close for bows

[Indigo (Lisa)] right click on your character, then click roll dice

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Net: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 16. MISSES Ghoul #19 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you also have a dagger)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ghoul #19

[Master] Ghoul #19: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 6. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #19: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 17. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #19: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 6. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ghoul #22

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 0. HITS Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Branwyn

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Branwyn

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (-6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin: Attack: Lasso: ((20-(d20+0))+4) [1d20=3] 21 [MODIFIED (+4)]. MISSES Ghoul #28 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] DOH

[Master] he has a -4 not a +4 just a sec

[Master] Joshwin: Attack: Lasso: ((20-(d20+0))-4) [1d20=19] -3 [MODIFIED (-4)]. HITS Ghoul #28 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Joshwin: Damage v SM: Lasso: (1d1-1) [1d1=1] 0

[Master] and he JERKS it tight

[Master] and pulls the ghoul off its feet and away from Branwyn

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #21

[Master] Ghoul #28 moved 4'11".

[Master] Ghoul #28 no longer targets Joshwin.

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 5. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (my hero)

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 13. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Nop

[Master (to GM only)] Nop's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-2) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #28

[Master] Ghoul #28: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] and does not escape

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Nop

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ghoul #20

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18

[Master] Ghoul #20 targets Nop. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 12. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 4. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Nop

[Master (to GM only)] Nop's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-2) - Dying

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ghoul #19. Distance: 2'06"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=14] -4 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ghoul #19 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ghoul #19

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))+2+2) [1d20=3] 15 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Ghoul #19 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #19's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Master] ok Zar see how to do it now?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you have the list of all the character names on the left side of screen?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (are you there? we can't help you unless you tell us what you are looking at)

[ZAR] attack the same one

[Master] so roll the attack with Grevic

[ZAR] whats that ringing?aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[Master] telephone up on your menu bar

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ghoul #19

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ghoul #19

ZAR has left the game on Fri Dec 02 21:51:16 EST 2011

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Net: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. HITS Ghoul #19 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] ok and damage

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Damage v SM: Net: ((1d1-1)+1) [1d1=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Ghoul #19

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #19's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-1) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Ghoul #19: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] and he fails his save and is tangled up in the net

[Master] cannot move

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ghoul #22

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 0. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 11 (-6) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Joshwin: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Joshwin

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yay Josh)

[Master] Joshwin targets Ghoul #22. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Joshwin: Attack: Javelin: ((20-(d20+0))-4) [1d20=18] -2 [MODIFIED (-4)]. HITS Ghoul #22 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Joshwin: Damage v SM: Javelin: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Ghoul #22

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #22's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #21

[Master] Ghoul #21 targets Nop. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 0. HITS Nop (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18. MISSES Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Nop

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Nop

[Master (to GM only)] Nop's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-5) - Dying

[Master] Nop: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Initiative changed from 18 to 12.

[Master] and Indigo looks around and to his horror sees Nop rise up from the dead

[Master] he has been changed into a Ghoul

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh no!)

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #28

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ghoul #20

[Master] Ghoul #20 moved 4'01".

[Master] Ghoul #20 targets Joshwin. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 14. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 4. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 6. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Master] is there anything in the party pack that Indigo might want to use? or just try to attack them as normal?

Indigo (Lisa) knowing he is going to have to kill all the rest of the ghouls alone

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I was typing it)

Indigo (Lisa) reaches into his sack and pulls out the Scroll of Protection from Paralyzation and reads it loudly

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Ghoul Nop

[Master] Ghoul Nop moved 14'05".

[Master] Ghoul Nop moved 3'03".

[Master] Ghoul Nop moved 4'03".

[Master] Ghoul Nop targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Ghoul Nop: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 9. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Master] You can roll for Grevic now

[Lisa] Grevic Rowan targets Ghoul Nop. Distance: 0'05"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 13. MISSES Ghoul Nop (AC FINAL: 10).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just one attack per round, right?)

[Master] yes

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ghoul #22

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 5. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-5) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin moved 1'08".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #21

[Master] Ghoul #21 moved 14'10".

[Master] Ghoul #21 targets Indigo. Distance: 4'02"

[Master] Ghoul #21 targets Grevic Rowan. Distance: 1'00"

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 3. HITS Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 15. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Grevic Rowan

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: Grevic Rowan

[Master] Grevic Rowan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-7) - Moderately Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] (will binding wounds keep him from turning into a ghoul?)

[Master] yes

[Master] on Joshwin

[Master] before they eat him and bring him to negative 10

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can't lose both our guides - marco and Guy would kill me)

[Master] lol

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ghoul #20

[Master] Ghoul #20 targets Joshwin. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 2. HITS Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 12. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 13. MISSES Joshwin (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Joshwin

[Master] Joshwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -5 (-3) - Dying

[Master] ROUND: 5

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 15'03".

Indigo (Lisa) runs over to Joshwin and binds his wounds

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Ghoul Nop

[Master] Ghoul Nop: Attack: Arrow; Flight: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 16. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Lisa] Grevic Rowan targets Ghoul #21. Distance: 1'00"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 14. MISSES Ghoul #21 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ghoul #22

[Master] Ghoul #22 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #22: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Indigo

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] and no save verus para

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #21

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 10. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 17. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 10. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ghoul #20

[Master] Ghoul #20 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 10. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 12. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] ROUND: 6

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ghoul #22. Distance: 0'08"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=9] 1 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ghoul #22 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ghoul #22

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))+2+2) [1d20=10] 8 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Ghoul #22 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #22's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-7) - Heavily Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=19] -9 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ghoul #22 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ghoul #22

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #22's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-6) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Ghoul Nop

[Master] Ghoul Nop: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 15. MISSES Ghoul #21 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Ghoul #22

[Master] Ghoul #22: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Initiative changed from 15 to 17.

[Master] he can move over to be with Indgo if you want

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo will come to him soon enough)

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #21

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 6. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 14. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 12. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Ghoul #20

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 17. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 14. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Indigo

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] ROUND: 7

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Lisa] Indigo targets Ghoul #20. Distance: 0'10"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=17] -7 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Ghoul #20 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Ghoul #20

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Military Pick: ((+15-(d20+1))+2+2) [1d20=15] 3 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Ghoul #20 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #20's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-9) - Heavily Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Military Pick: ((1d4+1)+3+2) [1d4=3] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Ghoul #20

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #20's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-9) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Ghoul Nop

[Master] Ghoul Nop: Attack: Arrow; Flight: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 19. MISSES Grevic Rowan (AC FINAL: 4).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Grevic Rowan

[Master] he does not make a very good Ghoul

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES Ghoul #21 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Ghoul #21

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I'm fine with that)

[Master] Ghoul #21 moved 55'11".

[Master] Ghoul #21 no longer targets Grevic Rowan.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hey! no running away)

[Master] lol

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (does grevic get a parting shot?

[Master] yes

[Master] Ghoul Nop moved 45'09".

[Master] at either one

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Composite Long Bow for Elves: ((20-(d20+2))+1) [1d20=11] 8 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Ghoul #21 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] and again with a bow

[Master] sorry thought you were using a dagger or something

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Attack: Composite Long Bow for Elves: ((20-(d20+2))+1) [1d20=14] 5 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Ghoul #21 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] bows get two attacks before they are out of range

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Damage v SM: Composite Long Bow for Elves: ((1d1-1)+1) [1d1=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Ghoul #21

[Master] no

[Master] need to roll damge on the arrow not the bow

[Indigo (Lisa)] Grevic Rowan: Damage v SM: Arrow; Sheaf: ((1d8)+1) [1d8=5] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Ghoul #21

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #21's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-6) - Dying

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sorry - never had a bow and arrows)

[Master] nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can Indigo chase after Nop?)

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 1050. Next level in 33615.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 525. Next level in 30649.

[Master] he could but would have to leave the group

[Master] they are gone

[Master] he is undead now

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just wish he could put him out of his misery)

[Master] you can try

[Indigo (Lisa)] (all alone and undead)

[Master] Indigo can catch up to him out on the plains

[Master] it is a matter of finding his way back to the group afterwards

[Master] there are no landmarks to follow out here

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but is not good to leave the group paralyzed and alone)

[Master] that is also true

[Indigo (Lisa)] (will have to leave him to his fate)

[Master] and the one in the net and the one in the lasso he finishes off as well

Indigo (Lisa) looks around sorrowfully

[Indigo (Lisa)] /after killing the captured ghouls he goes into the supplies and sets up the tents again

[Master] Time of Day: 06:00 AM. Day 14 Be ___ tre, Lec {Early Summer} 14th, 339 SKR.

Indigo (Lisa) carries his paralyzed friends and puts them into tents

Indigo (Lisa) tells Grevic to get in a tent

Indigo (Lisa) then sits outside the capsite to watch until everyone comes back to life

[Indigo (Lisa)] (campsite)

[Master] after about a half hour eveyrone is un frozen

[Indigo (Lisa)] (joshwin is unconscious though?)

[Master] yes

[Master] slumps into a deep sleep

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I have herbalism - can I do anything to help while we wait for a priest to be here?)

[Master] no

[Master] need a priest to cast a healing spell

[Master] or wait for him to heal 3 hit points per day of bed rest to recover

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Then we shall wait)

[Master] I think just call it a night here

[Master] and first thing next week the others will hopefully be here to heal and recover

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes I think I have done enough damage for one evening)

ZAR has joined the game on Fri Dec 02 22:25:21 EST 2011

ZAR is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] and he returns

ZAR has received the map Base Map.

[ZAR] sorry is the game over :(

[Master] the combat is finished

[Master] you killed all the ghouls

[ZAR] niiice!

[ZAR] Grevic Rowan moved 15'04".

[Master] except the one that got away

[Master] but your guide is uncouncious needs a priest to heal him

[Master] so next week we hope one of the players who is a priest logs in

[ZAR] im the only one left LIVE?

[Lisa] you are currently resting up in a tent


[Master] Indigo and Branwyn survived

[Lisa] NO!

[ZAR] cpps

[Lisa] Indigo is on watch while the rest of the party rests

[Master] branwyn is down about 1/3 hit points

[Master] Grevic is down 50%

[Master] Joshwin is at negatives

[Master] was a rough fight

[Lisa] (If I hadn't missed my saving throw)

[Master] nods

[Lisa] (should have had Branwyn read the scroll - Indigo is harder to hit)

[Master] needed to do that early on though

[Lisa] I know - I was debating the scroll as soon as I saw ghouls

[Lisa] should have just done it

[Master] Ok so we shoudl call it a night here

[Master] and next week pick up with hopefully more players

[Master] do you think you understand how to use Klooge better Zar?

[Lisa] hope Guy and Marco are better!

[Master] have you been playing with Dee?

[ZAR] not relly sorry i couldn't figureout how to attack : [Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 30449.

[Master] first thing next time you can take a few practice swings

[Master] to make sure you know how

[Master] chalk it up to battle fear ;)

[Lisa] Have a good week! Goodnight all :)

[Master] night

Lisa has left the game on Fri Dec 02 22:32:57 EST 2011

[Master] have a good night

ZAR has left the game on Fri Dec 02 22:33:21 EST 2011

XP awarded