Main / Dec0409

Dec 04 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 04 18:08:16 EST 2009 ====

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 04 18:09:55 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] hello there

[BOB] how did you know the game was up?

[Kaz] hallo

[Kaz] just took the chance :)

[BOB] smile

[Kaz] How are you tonight?

[BOB] I have been working away on the site

[BOB] life is good

[Kaz] cool

[BOB] laundry is never done it seems

[BOB] but I actually had everything except 1 fork clean

[BOB] then she of course had to dirty more dishes

[Kaz] hehehe

[Kaz] That's what it's all about :)

[BOB] so do you take it seriously when I say Great Saint Bernard Pass ?

[Kaz] *snerk*

[Kaz] Is that from the playbook in a doggie football game?

[BOB] it is the mountain pass where Roadhaven is

[BOB] I have been getting all the yelow sticky notes entered onto the site

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] bits and pieces of things

[Kaz] who is Bernard and why is he a Saint, and of what religion?

[BOB] trying to get rid of paper

[BOB] grins of course that is all on the site too

[BOB] Celtic Druid from hundreds of years ago

[BOB] saved his party from a late spring blizzard in the pass

[Kaz] okay, makes sense, then.

[BOB] grabbing more soda brb

[BOB] b

[Kaz] wb

[BOB] so no Mike tonight

[Kaz] btw, Bernard isnt' even remotely celtic, you know

[BOB] I think that JOhn

[BOB] nods

[Kaz] Just sayin

[Kaz] *cough*

[BOB] it is german

[Kaz] mmmmmmmm

[BOB] but there could be all sorts of things there too

[Kaz] all sorts of things where?

[Kaz] and what about John?

[BOB] sorry sorts of things as in people and languages

[BOB] and no Mike, I am guessing that John is a yes

[BOB] no clue on Lorie

[Kaz] and no Guy, he's working until 9 tonight

[BOB] ok

john2] has joined the game on Fri Dec 04 18:55:10 EST 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

john2] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] wonderful

[john2] hello Kaz, I guess I will gain no ground on you for player of the year

[Kaz] Hi John!

[Kaz] why not?

[john2] I am reffering to who shows up the most not the most fun, but you might win that one too

[Kaz] bah

[Kaz] Everyone is fun!!

[BOB] so Kaz did you peruse all those changes I made to the site?

[BOB] I am guessing that John saw some of them

[john2] where is the link to the map

[BOB] to which map?

[john2] all of them

[john2] one overview

[BOB] there is not one yet

[BOB] if there is a map for an area that I think helps the players it is posted on the individual pages

[Kaz] I have looked a little bit, but not a ton

[BOB] like these

[Kaz] I like those maps

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[BOB] ] Pending XP award: 500.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 98835.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 0.

[BOB] so with the two of you here

[john2] is that me?

[BOB] yes to John

[Kaz] John, you new level? Yay!

[john2] next level in O is that an issue with Keith?

[BOB] yes John

[john2] and while we are working I need new icon to pcik from

[BOB] ] ==== Player Icon browsing has been ENABLED. ====

[BOB] see if that works for you

[BOB] and because both of you are here early so often I have another bonus for you

[BOB] I was telling John the other day I have the first story arc of the new era almost done

[Kaz] oh, cool

[BOB] and that it works no matter what happens at the end of the Trade Wars Era

[Kaz] Wow, that must have taken a ton to work out!

[BOB] grins

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Keith Elvenstire modified: Personal Information - ExperienceC1:: CHANGED: 1768249 (null). ExperienceC2:: CHANGED: null (1768249). Next Level:: CHANGED: 1875000 (null). Next LevelC1:: CHANGED: 1875000 (null). Next LevelC2:: CHANGED: null (1875000).

[BOB] the name of it is "KloOge Olympics"

[BOB] there was an adventure years ago called The Challenge of Champions

[BOB] where it was a test of skills and thinking that any level could do

[BOB] and compete against each other

[BOB] this will be the same thing

[BOB] but for teams of Players rather than Characters

[john2] i do not see how to change my icon

[BOB] I did not see you change it John,

[BOB] did you add it to your sheet? do you have an option to choose which is showing now?

[Kaz] that sounds like a lot of fun

[BOB] I have some tricks to keep it fair and fun I think

[BOB] to create three teams (or more) to use things

[john2] so Fritz will not be in most likly, working

[BOB] have not heard from him sence last week

[john2] how do I browse the icons

[BOB] when that is activated I thought you could just go through the folders like I do

[BOB] I have never tried it from your side

[john2] still looking, used do do from charer menu

john2] is now controlling Keith Elvenstire

[john2] so what else do we do tonight?

[BOB] I would liek the two of you to discuss how you want this story arc to end,

[BOB] after talking with Lorie this week

[BOB] she seems to be convinced that the goal of hte group is to all get killed

[john2] easy, I want Fin and Ant to kill all the bad guys and come home

[BOB] well you know that will not happen John

[BOB] plus you know that once the group gets close

[john2] she and mike are on diffrent ends of the same magnet

[BOB] you will not be able to communicate

[BOB] so you need to figure out a way / if / you want to get everyone together

[BOB] I would like to see some discussion on the why to end this which way

[BOB] I did get teh impression from Lorie that she expected this to be a direct find and kill story arc

[BOB] rather than a mystery

[BOB] or puzzle solving

[Kaz] Well, because of the path Liam took, I kind of see him being our "inside" surprise

[BOB] I agree with you on that Kaz, he does have some information to share with the group

[john2] I think the end of last game it was clear Kylia did not want to make a decission

[BOB] as soon as you have a means of communicating with him

[BOB] other than the ribbons

[Kaz] of course

Player] has joined the game on Fri Dec 04 19:20:17 EST 2009

Player] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Player] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[john2] Liam is a other issue, which I presented my sugesstion last game also

[BOB] brb as you get sorted otu here, restroom break

[Kaz] I'm sorry John, I don't remember what your suggestion was. Refresh my memory?

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[john2] I do not see any more to add but I can repeae if need me

[john2] You scry on Liam, Kylia pools to him thye jump over board and pool home

[john2] then pool to Fin and join or bring back for further research

[Kaz] Oh, yes, that's right.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] My idea was that perhaps it could be more of a clandestine meeting, with him being able to rejoin the pirates. I kind of saw him perhaps having that ability to get physically closer to Blue Gill without anyone there knowing who he really is.

[BOB] and I agree with that idea also John, I just think that you need to figure out some sort of plan other than "lets have Lord J lead us to Bluee Gill"

[BOB] and hello there Me

[BOB] /lorie

[BOB] how is life?

[Kaz] Hi there Lorie

[It's me] Hi I'm here

[It's me] Been a long day

[john2] hello Me

[It's me] but... let's get on with the suicide mission

[It's me] better yet why don't you just re roll your level 1 characters now and save BOB the stress for the remainder of this adventure

[john2] we have been on suside missions before

[It's me] yes but I have never seen such a blatant display of it

[john2] some of us assume we are going to die, but until we do, we can't make up new characters

[It's me] really?

[It's me] why hasn't anyone done anything in the way of suicide prevention aside from my attempts (which obviously failed) at research... or bothered to have any gear, or a back up plan ...or anything?

[john2] well they are not official until the other character is dead or retired, do you want to retire Kylia

[It's me] I'm not being given a choice

[It's me] I've been outvoted..democracy rules

[It's me] and as BOB is proud to boast, it's not his vault

[It's me] it's the will of the players

[It's me] he has the survey to back it up

[john2] I told you what you could do last week, you have another chance today

[john2] there was no vote

[It's me] sure there was

[It's me] didn't you take the survey

[BOB] The survey asked what shoudl happen if there is a total party kill,

[It's me] 6 of 7 players voted for a campaign restart if the majority of the party dies

[john2] mike said fin was going to do something to prepare, Guy set his plan into motion

[It's me] Guy is on a boat... by himself... no where near the rest of the group...

[It's me] Fin isn't able to do anything, remember the altercation wiht BOB about what he wanted?

[john2] and that is ok with HIM, it is his character and AGAIN you can change that

[It's me] why would I change what he decided to do with his character?

[It's me] that was his choice

[BOB] made on the info he had and the resources he had at that time

[john2] then do what you want to do

[BOB] if a different player does somethign different to uncover something new

[BOB] plans change all the time

[It's me] Okay... here's what I'm going to do

[It's me] I'm going to MacTyr and then to Halstatt to research

[BOB] why?

[It's me] well... because I went to Wolfspack and you shut me down

[It's me] so... why not a different venue

[BOB] give me a reason why it is more logical to go to places even FARTHER from the Island Kingdoms than Wolfspack is

[It's me] see abive

[It's me] I have to go where Kylia has resources

[BOB] rather than go to Seagate with is a huge city that is PART OF THE ISLAND KINGDOMS

[BOB] ok

[BOB] fine


[It's me] so...

[BOB] yeha

[It's me] why would I go there

[BOB] ok

[BOB] just fine

[BOB] so the landlocked Mactiirr

[It's me] You know wat.

[It's me] nevermind

[BOB] who do you want to talk to about Pirates

[It's me] I'm going to let you guys finish this out how ever you want

[It's me] I wish you the best of luck

[It's me] Have a wonderful night and if I don't talk to you guys, please have a great holiday

[It's me] Take care

It's me] has left the game on Fri Dec 04 19:33:56 EST 2009

[BOB] fine with me

[BOB] I am sorry Kaz and John

[BOB] I know I sound harsh sometimes

[john2] she does not listen nor learn

[BOB] but I just do not understand how the group is thinking I guess

[john2] the whole issue is the group is not working together

[BOB] I think that for the most part they are John

[BOB] you are just not working with prior planning

[BOB] you are reacting well

[BOB] just not planning well

[john2] there was three main players that made up the core of the group

[john2] one is moving headlong into a trap, one put her head in the sand and one is dead and not able to play

[BOB] well John you and Kaz can talk, figure out what you want to figure out

[BOB] then Kaz can click off time

[Kaz] How long will it be until Keith is available?

[BOB] to bring her up to Keith

[BOB] then the two of you can put into action new things

[Kaz] AND is Keith able to use the pool?

[BOB] no

[john2] we can't do that wthout Mike, that is the main part of the adventure

[BOB] only Kylia has the pool

[BOB] but Keith has teleport in various forms

[john2] Anyone can get to the memorial dungeon and to where ever

[john2] it's getting back that is the issue

[Kaz] Well, we'll have to do that. But it means we can't just pop off to talk with Liam and/or Finglas

[john2] and with Finglass, that is fine, he is in charge and does not think he needs rescuing

[Kaz] Whatever we decide to do, it's going to be for keeps.

[BOB] first look at this as the mystery it is : who is the bad guy, what is their motive, what actions have they taken and what do you think the best way of dealing with that person is going to be?

[john2] I tried and tried to get Kylia to save Liam, because I do not see how it will help in the long run

[BOB] I think if you walk through things

[BOB] together and brainstorm out loud it will help

[Kaz] Well, the information we have is that Blue Gill is Ozymandius. Am I right in that or wrong?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] and Ozy is an old enemy of the Dragonslayers and Blue Gill is supposed to be a legend, not a real person

[Kaz] Okay. And we are just taking it for granted that that information is true, or do we KNOW that?

[john2] A) we have a list B) kill us C) open for debate but killing seems best option

[BOB] Melenger confirmed to you that it is teh same person

[john2] it is just an alias

[BOB] under a true spell

[Kaz] Okay.

[Kaz] ((Sorry, this is the way I reason out mysteries))

[BOB] exactly why I said you would be good at this Kaz

[john2] this never seems like a mystry, except how to handle it, get there

[BOB] you don't need all the history that John knows

[Kaz] And Blue Gill is, supposedly, a legend and a...can't remember the type of creature.

[BOB] shahuagin

[Kaz] thank you

[BOB] but you know that Ozzy is human, or at least he was teh last time the Dragonslayers saw him

[Kaz] But Ozymandius is NOT a sahuagin

[BOB] that was during the Tenth Anniversarry Game

[Kaz] Okay, so. Either Ozy died and was reincarnated as a Sahuagin, OR his powerful mages have given him a way to don the illusion of one, to further his "legend".

[Kaz] I'm leaning toward the illusion, really.

[Kaz] John, does all that make sense so far, or am I going off track?

[john2] it is good specliation, doubt we will know until we get into the fight


[BOB] for any note takign you want to do

[john2] I am still grasping as straws with what to do

[BOB] ok, so to help stimulate the thought process

[john2] lori / Kylia was the only one who could change the couse we are on

[BOB] what has Ozzy done to you so far? and what do you guess he COULD do to you?

[john2] withou

[BOB] and you have the abilty too John

[BOB] Kylia is very powerful but if Lorie is not invested in teh adventure it will not help

[BOB] being motivated and clever will beat powerful almost every time

[john2] what would are you living in, that does not even work in the real world, certainly not yours

[BOB] how do you think that the group died so many times from Goblins

[BOB] or from other low level creatures?

[BOB] they could not walk up and stab you to death

[BOB] but they managed to find a way to pull off killing characters

[BOB] so you need to look at this problem from the side,

[john2] we are not defending our home or are ruthless evil characters

[BOB] no need to be evil

[BOB] you can be ruthless if need be

[Kaz] How do I find the religion of Kapirimtiya? Is it on the page?

[BOB] they beleive in spirits

[Kaz] actually, it's NOT on the page. So how do I find it?

[Kaz] spirits...?

[BOB] there is no organized religion like the Celts

[BOB] ancestor worship

[BOB] and spirit worship, the spirits in the trees, landscape, etc

[BOB] Shamans if you like that term

[john2] who is that Kaz?

[Kaz] Kapirimtiya is the land Meleager is from.

[Kaz] His brother, Menander, is one of Ozy's high-rank priests.

[Kaz] Meleager told us that his brother still follows "the faith of his ancestors"

[Kaz] I don't know if knowing that will help us in some way, but it might.

[john2] brings up interesting possiblities

[john2] another reason we do not want to fight him on his field

[Kaz] Ozy has three powerful priests

[Kaz] Menander is one. Juvenal is another. I can't get a handle on him, help me.

[Kaz] Meleager told us that Juvenal would "Blast the earth from under your feet" (direct quote)

[Kaz] what sphere would that be?

[BOB] elemental Earth

[john2] i was thinging earthquake

[Kaz] I thought that too, John. Thanks, Bob.

[Kaz] Okay, third priest:

[john2] it would be noce if everyone was flying , like Guy and I discussed long ago

[Kaz] Cyprian. Meleager referred to him as "Father Cyprian"

[john2] that's all we have

[BOB] what religion uses the term Father

[john2] see BOB even if I wanted Khan to do something, Kaz still has to stay at her post

[john2] christins?


[Kaz] Does Greek use the term?

[john2] brb

[BOB] smile no, but it is one of the ones on that page plus you might find some other terms of the other religions helpful

[Kaz] Kayugan

[BOB] I will give one more hint to help you on that, there are two different relgions that use it

[BOB] that is one

[john2] even if we have the religon, does that tell us which priest

[BOB] no

[Kaz] Cyprian can rain fire from the skies

[BOB] not which god

[BOB] but there you go

[john2] so we can do fire spells,

[john2] he

[john2] even if I put Khan in SeaGate for 7 weeks, it will be too late to get to Fin

[Kaz] okay, so, it seems a "Father" would be level 11-13, with a spell level of 6. Does that hehlp you, John?

[BOB] not really John because you can scry him, send him a message etc up to the point of no return

[john2] what ever you know we might learn

[BOB] and the other religion that uses the term Father is?

[john2] that mease we are vastly outnumbers and out classed

[john2] i said from the beging there is no winning by fighting

[john2] but that is what Mike wants to do

[BOB] but you can present him a plan and he will listen

[john2] i presened my plan

[Kaz] I didn't see it anywhere else, Bob

[BOB] gnomish

[Kaz] doh, didn't see that

[BOB] as in twist? or missed it on the page?

[Kaz] No, didn't look at gnomish *blush*

[Kaz] if he's a Gnomish priest, "Father" would make him level 9-10 and spell level 5

[john2] how long from there fin & kit is to when they catch up with Keith?

[john2] when

[BOB] 4 dyas

[john2] they spend 6 weeks and 5 days traveling?

[Kaz] There aren't any pages for the Gnomish gods, to say what their spheres are (generally speaking, what they stand for, etc)

[BOB] they have been traveling from 19-2-1260 till 16-4-1260

[BOB] Kieth finishes on 28-4-1260

[BOB] sorry so that is 10 days

[BOB] 12 days

[BOB] I can not do math right now

[BOB] and they have the full range of spheres,

[BOB] mostly dealing with underground

[BOB] or trickery

[john2] well that is a lot depenind on how much farther they have to travel before they reach the Point of no return

[BOB] yes to John but you can also affect that greatly

[BOB] right now they do not have a ship

[BOB] or know where Lord J is

[BOB] and did you catch the fact that the inn keeper did not know who Lord J was when you asked for him

[john2] yes

[BOB] even though he supposedly had reservations there

[BOB] but Kaz knowing the two possible religions should be enough to help out

[john2] the one guy I thought we could trust is no longer trust worthy,

[BOB] speciific gods are not going to matter in general planning

[BOB] only in tactical planning

[BOB] and I would not say that John

[john2] how does the religon matter?

[BOB] well Gnomes versus a Human Relgion that originated in Terragaurd?

[john2] I believe J is traveling under a diffrent name

[BOB] very good thought John

[john2] it seems obvious, but stupid that he would not tell us

[john2] I doubt changing your name in the registry effect magic scrying much

[BOB] or he is still competing with Fin for Kylia's affections

[john2] like Keith changing his name is going to help in these matters

[BOB] not quite believeing Fin's protestations to the contrary

[john2] THAT is a whole nother issue that I can not deal with as Kit nor as Keith

[BOB] grins

[john2] Again, centering a NPC or adventure arround someone who is no longer playing

[BOB] I can only guess so much about the future sorry John

[john2] and for the record, the main reason why the character who died and will die did so is because Lori did not want Kylia to die

[BOB] I agree John

[BOB] I think that Lorie's desire to keep Kylia alive is overriding Lorie's normal willingness to work with the party

[BOB] but trying to move beyond that and plan and work on the adventure

[john2] so lets just saw we were to click off 12 days, all his actions would be based on what Kaz sees which we can not know

[john2] so all I have is Khan

[john2] or Kit

[john2] Kit could have fun on her own but that takes away from that group

[BOB] lets get more planning out of the way, thinking and solving first John

[john2] how do we plan for what we do not know

[Kaz] Going back to what you said about specific gods, Bob, is true inasmuch as it won't change anything. But it DOES help to know their alignment and so forth.

[john2] if when 12 days pass, we can get to the group, we will deal

[BOB] see if you can figure out some more of the why and who and perhaps when, then figure out the What to do THEN figure out how to do that

[BOB] yes to Kaz

[BOB] and sorry that info is not up on the site

[BOB] the Gnomes have Urdlen as an evil god

[BOB] for Kayugan Brennios

[Kaz] and what is he the god of? Urdlen, that is.

[BOB] Urdlen is the gnomish god of the underworld, of thievery and sneakiness, a white mole is his symbol

[BOB] Brennios and Portian for the Kayugan pantheon are the two evil gods

[BOB] Portian - Lesser Goddess of Death, married to Brennios, conveys evil souls to her consorts service, all that is painful about death, promises to end suffering through submission, patron of interrogators, all that is cruel, killed Megrim as a wedding gift for her husband

[BOB] Brennios - Greater God, chief rival, want to usurp power from Belinos and represents all that is corrupt and unjust. He is disfigured due to an accident that he started and resulted in his brother doing the disfiguring act, though not meaning to.

[john2] is this anywhere near relevant?

[BOB] only if you want to know who you renemy is John

[Kaz] possibly not, but it could be. Who knows? The more we know, the more chances we have to figure out how to handle it.

[BOB] if you know who they are

[BOB] you might figure otu what they are doing and why they are doing it

[BOB] and then have an idea of how to deal with it

[BOB] as you have said before right now it looks like you have no hope of beating them in toe to toe battle

[BOB] but I never give you a problem that you can not solve somehow

[BOB] help Kaz out

[john2] so we are presuming he is a gome and looking at the possible evil gnome gods to know what spells they might be able to cast?

[BOB] she knows mysteries

[john2] and my plan is to avoid a toe to toe battle

[BOB] good for that John, but what will you do instead?

[BOB] John you have immense knowledge that you can feed to Kaz

[BOB] help her ask the right questions, make the right connections

[BOB] you two can do great things

[john2] depends on what Keith sees in 12 days, but mostly likeing visit Delia first

[BOB] tell Kaz about the dwarf child

[Kaz] Urdlen is CE. So, I'd say pretty unpredictable.

[Kaz] Yes, tell me about the dwarf child.

[john2] there was a dwrf who had a field of anti magic arround him

[john2] ozzy wanted him, we "saved" him

[john2] about all I remember, might be related but then I do not think it would effect the whole island

[Kaz] This dwarf you saved was a child?

[john2] i think he was a kid, it was years ago in real time

[john2] we did not have chat logs to research

[john2] did I mention I hate research

[john2] esp on a topic I do not care about

[BOB] Key points of the story arc were: Dwarven child who is immune to magic, not the normal dwarven resistance, Ozzy wanted the child, the Dragonslayers found him first and rescued him from being part of any experiments that Ozzy wanted to do, the Dragonslayers transported the kid away so Ozzy could not get to him

[john2] isn't that what I said?

[BOB] the dwarven city of Skylding was where the dragonslayers dropped off the kid

[BOB] that took place in the year 1238 is now the year 1260

[BOB] so not that big of a gap for dwarves

[BOB] age wise

[BOB] and Skylding is along the Great Trade Route, will take a while to walk there, but you can blip there if you want to visit when you have that abiltiy

[john2] we can blip there

[BOB] do you have any ideas on why that child might be important John or Kaz?

[john2] but i repeat myself

[Kaz] if he's immune to magic

[Kaz] ALL magic? Even divine?

[BOB] seemed to be

[john2] it would probably be to stay hidden

[BOB] only way the Dragonslayers found to affect him was through using a Genie to move a boat the kid was on

[BOB] yes to John but the kid only was affected not things around him

[Kaz] Well, if he's immune to magic, then the illusion or magic hhiding Blue Gill's place shouldn't affect him.

[BOB] grins

[BOB] very nice Kaz

[john2] but he may have experimented on him and developed a spell or other device

[john2] I do not say it is important or even relevant

[john2] it is just the kind of issues the DS and Ozzy had

[Kaz] My thing is, I still don't understand why Ozy is going after people who had NOTHING to do with him, no matter what banner they live under.

[john2] EXACTLY

[Kaz] John, it IS relevant, if we can get the 'kid' to come help us find Ozy's hiding place.

[Kaz] Because he isn't affected by whatever magic is hiding Ozy.

[john2] i doubt it works that way

[Kaz] why?

[Kaz] Magic doesn't affect him.

[Kaz] Consider a spell on a doorway - the spell causes a person to see that doorway as far away. The closer they try to step toward it, the further away it gets.

[Kaz] But if they aren't affected by magicc, they walk up to the door and turn the knob.

[john2] that does not mean that he can scry on someone far away, his area of effect has to be limited

[Kaz] If he's immune to magic, I doubt he can do magic himself. Scrying is not my point.

[john2] it might work, if we get to him and if he srys on him, then what jump in and attack him?

[Kaz] No, you said you don't think toe to toe would go well. I agree.

[Kaz] We need to out think him, or to make him actually start to think.

[Kaz] Seriously, what is he thinking, holding a grudge against, say, Moirra, who had NOTHING TO DO with the last altercation, 22 years ago? She wasn't even born yet!

[Kaz] So, is he even thinking? Why is he going after us? Is something affecting him?

[john2] well Fin is gping to kill anying he finds working with Ozzy, seems like Ozzy is thinking the same way

[Kaz] Why does Blue Gill have the form of a Sahuagin? Is Ozy being somehow swayed by them? Or controlled by someone? Or manipulated?

[BOB] to put it another way, what are you actually trying to accomplish in the end? to get him to stop scrying the Dragonslayers? to stop him from blasphing the Dragonslayers good name?

[john2] Kylia and Keith are the only ones I know who had direct effect on him, maybe fin

[BOB] No Fin was not in the Anniversarry Game

[john2] I do not care either way, lets compose a letter

[Kaz] I'd say the end effect I'd like to see is that he release his grudge and leave us alone.

[john2] Dear Ozzy,

[BOB] the last tiem the group directly oppposed him

[john2] clearly you want or need something from the dragnslayers

[BOB] but you did send Lord J twice (on hsi way a third time) to see Blue Gill

[Kaz] brb, I seriously need some tea.

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[john2] are you trying to get something we can get befre you do again?

[john2] THAT was a set up on your part BOB

[BOB] grins, yes it was John

[BOB] I admit to that

[john2] so you started it, you finish it

[BOB] it was part of my plan back during the Anniversarry game to put out some threads I could pull back into the story later on

[BOB] do you agree with Kaz about the "end the grudge against the Dragonslayers" is the end effect?

[BOB] or do you want something more concrete?

[john2] i do not think that is possible but closest thing to what we can hope for

[BOB] well I would say stopping someone from shooting at you is easier than getting them to stop hating you, and it is a better option to not kill them to get them to stop shooting

[john2] i still say he has not shot at us, maybe thrown a stone

[BOB] look at it as if Ozzy and his group are the Mob or al-qida

[BOB] and deal with it from that angle

[john2] just don't piss them off, but don't show weakness

[john2] easy as pie

[BOB] and you have a very good point on that John

[BOB] make sure you tel Kaz that when she gets back

[john2] we still have the same issue, you don't need to convise me but Mike

[BOB] you can convince Mike if you have a plan and give him a chance to show some force

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] abanonding everything outright will not work

[Kaz] sorry,back

[BOB] John had a point for you Kaz

[john2] just read the last few lines

[Kaz] okay

[Kaz] specifically what is the point?

[BOB] that Ozzy has watched you, but not killed you

[Kaz] ahhh

[Kaz] that is true

[john2] we (mike) is doing the one thing we should not be doing

[BOB] has harrassed you, smeared your good name on the Silk Road

[BOB] but has not actually doen you physical harm

[Kaz] that is an excellent point

[BOB] if you can think of some reasons why Ozzy would do that

[BOB] you might come up with some solutions

[john2] which I made before the underdark adventure

[john2] you want me to find the log

[BOB] nah it is ok John

[BOB] just moving forward

[BOB] you have some more speculatoin about the who still to do, and more on the why

[BOB] but you have good starts on both of those

[john2] well when Mike shows up we can move on

[BOB] no

[Kaz] so, why would he do that? what is his goal?

[BOB] you are thinking toe to toe still John

[john2] NO

[BOB] you and Kaz try to solve / reason out some of this

[Kaz] I wonder...

[john2] we can not move on without stopping Fin and Ant from pissing him off

[Kaz] bear with me, this might sound completely stupid

[BOB] you mean the time line john,

[BOB] listening Kaz

[john2] go ahead

[Kaz] But the Dragonslayers have stepped into his 'business' and thwarted him several times, right?

[BOB] yes


[Kaz] so now he's embarrassing us.

[BOB] yes

[BOB] ye

[Kaz] he doesn't want to kill us, or at least not until he thinks he's completely humiliated every Dragonslayer who ever has lived.

[Kaz] AND their mothers.

[john2] a) we did not embarace him in public

[john2] sorry no b

[Kaz] do you think that matters to someone who is ever so slightly off his freaking beam?

[BOB] on the docks you actually did, Marco's character killed his best friend and toughest henchman, with a first level spell and then bragged about it

[john2] i say the best way is to ignore him

[john2] oh great

[Kaz] DS may not have embarrassed him to the world, but they HAVE made him lose face in front of his own men.

[BOB] another thing to consider is distance

[BOB] you have seen how much trouble it is for you to deal with information at this distance

[BOB] what does that tell you about his issues with it?

[Kaz] He probably thinks the entire life goal of every DS is to thwart him.

[Kaz] He has no clue that we don't give a rat's tail about his little pirate games.

[john2] looks like we do now

[Kaz] or am I completely off mark Bob?

[john2] you say my point of how BOB set this up

[BOB] I think you have a good line of reasoning for both of you

[BOB] about Ozzy and how I set it up

[john2] you just might be on my page now Kaz ;)

[BOB] there is still more about the particular way he chose to deal/embarras your group

[BOB] and you guys have come close to stumblign upon various peices several times

[BOB] over the course of this adventue

[john2] I'll send him a letter

[BOB] I will give you one more key clue you all missed and then John can see if he can work his magic to fix it

[Kaz] okies

[BOB] you knew a while back at the end of Magic of Music about a dead henchman/party member of Ozzy's

[BOB] but you did not do anything about it yet

[BOB] even though you did speak with dead with other people

[BOB] is that enough of a hint on what you missed?

[john2] did we kill said henchman

[BOB] no

[john2] where were they killed?

[BOB] you have his girlfriend in the Roadhaven jail though

[Kaz] Celsus

[BOB] and bravo to John about the potential escape, I was going to use that by the way but the adventure looked to be getting too frustrating for everyoen so I dropped that

[john2] we knew that her boyfreidn was killed

[john2] drop what ?

[BOB] yes John you learned early on that a key member of your opponent's party was killed,

[Kaz] He was going to have Octavia escape as a side thing, it seems, John

[john2] Mealager firend I thought

[john2] friend

[Kaz] Meleager killed Celsus

[BOB] and Celsus and Octivia are/were romantically involved

[john2] but who was it that Mealager liked that was related to the DS

[john2] some how

[BOB] Alia

[BOB] Alea

[Kaz] who?

[BOB] Ailea

[john2] timming is in question but I do not see how one of Ozzy's people kiliing one of Ozzy's people effects us


[BOB] and you are missing a key point John

[BOB] will let the two of you puzzle on it for a bit more

[BOB] it has to do with talkign to them

[john2] talkiing to someone we did not meet?

[Kaz] Blue Gill killed Ailea? Or Celsus did?

[john2] or are you trying to say Octivia is hopping we kill someone for her

[BOB] blue gill had Ailea killed

[john2] becuase of the DS?

[BOB] yes

[Kaz] John, Octavia hoped we would kill Meleager for her.

[Kaz] Yes, because of DS

[john2] that is what I thought

[john2] lets do a little roleplaying, while we are here

[BOB] Kaz what spell did you want to use to deal with the Rave situation?

[BOB] to learn what his wishes were

[Khan (john2)] that may be changed now

[Khan (john2)] Morria, will you join me for a moment

[Kaz] can use Speak with Dead

[BOB] grins

[Khan (john2)] (no need)

[Kaz] but without Fritz here...

[BOB] who else could you use that on?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Of course, Khan

[Khan (john2)] who else is dead and here?

[Khan (john2)] ::goes to see Octivia::

Moirra (Kaz)] blinks.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do you wish a zone of truth, or do you think she will answer honestly of her own volition?

[Khan (john2)] don't you want to check in on the prisnor? Do you trust me alone with her?

[BOB] brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (john2)] of couse, would like to know she is speaking the truth

[Khan (john2)] (waiting)

[Khan (john2)] (just when it is getting good, always happends)

[Khan (john2)] (do know who else who is dead that we could talk to?)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Zone of Truth: for (8) 8 rounds, people can't lie in a (5*8) 40 ft square.

Moirra (Kaz)] carefully enters Octavia's 'room'.

Moirra (Kaz)] looks over at Khan, nods, and turns to face Octavia, standing patiently.

[BOB] back

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Octavia (BOB)] watches the two of you in the doorway

[Khan (john2)] how have you been Octavia

[Octavia (BOB)] I have been good thank you very much Khan, I have been writing some new music

[Octavia (BOB)] I know you are a musician

[Octavia (BOB)] did you want to hear some of it?

[Khan (john2)] well in another life, can I look at it

[Octavia (BOB)] smiles, I have heard you sing quite nicely for a troll

[Octavia (BOB)] and I would like to show it to you but I do not have it written down yet,

[Octavia (BOB)] they have only given me so many matierials

[Octavia (BOB)] perhaps you can convince them to give me more?

[Khan (john2)] maybe

[Khan (john2)] you certainly would not mind asking a few questions for a fellow music person

[Octavia (BOB)] what would you like to know?

[Octavia (BOB)] I see that Lady Moirra is still not talking to me

[Khan (john2)] i am trying to put into song how the DS and Ozzy have bee intertwind for so long

[Octavia (BOB)] it wasn't I that changed her into such a hideous creature

[Khan (john2)] and I think I understand how the last loop started, but there is still a gap, I know so little of your "side" if you will

[Octavia (BOB)] how so?

[Khan (john2)] would it be too painfull to discuss yoour late beloved?

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles gently, forgivingly, at Octavia.

[Octavia (BOB)] closes her eyes briefly, what do you want to know?

[Khan (john2)] I do not know if you want to discuss too much but how or maybe why would you say he died?

[Octavia (BOB)] I told you how he died, Meleager killed him, strangled him

[Moirra (Kaz)] Why? Do you have any idea why?

[Khan (john2)] but why, they were both working for Ozzy wen't they?

[Octavia (BOB)] because he and I were leaving, we were going to start a new life together

[Khan (john2)] oh wait he kille Aliea, another pawn to Ozzy, wasn't he

[Octavia (BOB)] yes

[Octavia (BOB)] some stupid little girl

[Octavia (BOB)] why would killing her matter

[Khan (john2)] love is hard to explain

[Octavia (BOB)] Cel was willing to do what Blue Gill wanted so that we could leave

Moirra (Kaz)] gives Octavia a considering look.

[Khan (john2)] but then why did you continue to work for Blue Gil

[Khan (john2)] surly you could make it on your own

[Octavia (BOB)] I did not, after Cel died I traveled north

[Octavia (BOB)] back to the lands of my youth

[Octavia (BOB)] I spent time learning with many Bards, till I heard about a wonderous castle I could hide in

[Octavia (BOB)] and avoid Blue Gill's retribution

[Octavia (BOB)] but you had to take that from me

[Khan (john2)] "we" did not come looking for you until you disgraced our name

[Khan (john2)] (unless there is another castle?)

[Octavia (BOB)] you had nothign to do with that old blind man, he was not able to appreciate that castle, I made much better use of it

[Khan (john2)] you still have not explained how when "we" did not come looking for you until you disgraced our name

[Octavia (BOB)] (caravans were being attacked before Cel died and you were chasing Octavia/Melody when she found the Castle in the Magic of Music story arc)

[Octavia (BOB)] Cel was looking for a way to raid caravans and find someone to blame it on

[Khan (john2)] so it was not on Ozzy's order?

[Octavia (BOB)] there was an orange haired gypsy that said he would help me

[Octavia (BOB)] then he disapeared

[Octavia (BOB)] left me like all men except Cel

Moirra (Kaz)] raises an eyebrow

[Octavia (BOB)] so I used his name and associates to blame the attacks on

[Octavia (BOB)] it was Blue Gills' order to attack caravans on the Silk Road and teh Spice Road

[Khan (john2)] Please be clear, you and Cel were not woring for Ozzy at the time you disgraced our name?

[Octavia (BOB)] yes we were

[Khan (john2)] but not to blame us?

[Octavia (BOB)] we were not given orders to use your name,

[Octavia (BOB)] but when we told Blue Gill what we were doing he was most pleased

[Khan (john2)] (do we know the orange haired gypsy?)

[Octavia (BOB)] (grins, yeap, Marco)

[Khan (john2)] so do you know why Blue Gill wanted the caravans attacked?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Good old Marco, haha))

[Octavia (BOB)] we were doing what he told us to

[Khan (john2)] (was that while he was playing or after he left?)

[Khan (john2)] and that is all that mattered to you

[Octavia (BOB)] (sorry Ramone, not Marco directly I suppose and while he was playing actually)

[Octavia (BOB)] and when Blue Gill gives an order it is carried out one way or another

[Khan (john2)] and when you leave here, what are your plans?

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not kow yet

[Octavia (BOB)] know yet

[Octavia (BOB)] I have not figured out my exact escape yet

[Octavia (BOB)] she smiles sweetly

[Octavia (BOB)] did you want to help me with that?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Octavia, it may fall upon deaf ears, but I would like to make a point to you.

[Khan (john2)] I have a plan, but it is still in the works

[Moirra (Kaz)] Meleager loved Ailea with all his being, and you loved Celsus with all your being. Yes?

[Octavia (BOB)] yes

[Octavia (BOB)] I did love Cel with all my heart

[Moirra (Kaz)] Celsus murdered Ailea, and Meleager killed him for it.

[Moirra (Kaz)] That is no less than the reason you wish to kill Meleager.

[Octavia (BOB)] but I did not wish Meleager dead till he killed Cel

[Octavia (BOB)] at least not really, only ocassionally when he was a horrible person

[Moirra (Kaz)] So if you feel that you are justified in killing Meleager for his action, then you must acknowledge that Meleager was as justified in his.

[Octavia (BOB)] (being in a zone of honesty sucks : P )

[Khan (john2)] ::golf clap::

[Octavia (BOB)] no, I did not need to lose Cel just because Meleager chose to be with an enemy

[Octavia (BOB)] he chose that not me

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, since we are all being completely honest, I must say that in our dealings with Meleager... I can't blame you.

Moirra (Kaz)] gives a little cough

[Octavia (BOB)] (spell runs out, cast again?)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Zone of Truth: for (8) 8 rounds, people can't lie in a (5*8) 40 ft square.

[Khan (john2)] wait a gd sec

[Khan (john2)] Octavia, does Ozzy want you back?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Octavia, you cannot control who your heart chooses to love.

Moirra (Kaz)] turns to look at Khan, at his question

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not care if Blue Gill wants me back, I have fled and will do what I can to stay alive

[Octavia (BOB)] he would only want me back to punich me more

[Octavia (BOB)] punish

[Khan (john2)] that is not want i asked, answer the question or you will meet him face to face

[Octavia (BOB)] he likely baredly knows I am still alive, and I intend to keep it that way

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not know if he does want me back

[Khan (john2)] why would you think he does not know your alive, knowing his powers and friends

[Octavia (BOB)] why would he care about me now?

[Khan (john2)] that is not an answer. What do you think he would do to get you back under his "control"

[Octavia (BOB)] he is capable of almost anything

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not know

[Octavia (BOB)] and I am trying very hard to stay as far away as possible

[Octavia (BOB)] so that he never gets the opportunity to contemplate what he wants to do with me

[Khan (john2)] ::looks at Moirra and thinks::

[Khan (john2)] we do not play his game, certainly not weel

Moirra (Kaz)] ponders for a bit.

[Khan (john2)] wll

[Khan (john2)] well

[Moirra (Kaz)] I would not want to play any game he plays.

[Khan (john2)] Octavia sucked us in then quit the game

[Moirra (Kaz)] And, forgive me, Khan, but I certainly do not want to be a party to him getting his hands on Octavia, no matter her role.

[Khan (john2)] yet she may be our most valuable piece

[Khan (john2)] what if she is the only thing we have that he wants

[Khan (john2)] she said it herself, disgracing the Ds was NOT Ozzy's idea

[Khan (john2)] which started this whole mess and Fin is just digging and digging a bigger hole

[Khan (john2)] we should punish her for starting this and make up to Ozzy for blamming him

Moirra (Kaz)] sighs

Moirra (Kaz)] speaks to Khan in a quiet voice.

[Khan (john2)] the only appropriate punnishment for Octavia is to give her a good reputation, but I do not think that will work

[Moirra (Kaz)] Khan, she has lost the only person she has ever trusted. I believe that is a horrendous punishment.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Perhaps I am too forgiving, but it is not in my nature to blithely hand her over to someone who may torture her, and call it 'just punishment'.

[Moirra (Kaz)] And it was, after all, Ramone's own nature that caused her to drag us into it...

[Moirra (Kaz)] For which HE is to blame, not her.

[Khan (john2)] Octivia, I canot not decisde your fate. I will speak for you as will Moirra, but you are your own best hope

[Khan (john2)] anything you can tell us to help prove your case

[Khan (john2)] or bargin for your freedom

[Khan (john2)] (don't forget BOB)

Moirra (Kaz)] frowns at the floor for a moment, then looks up and gazes measuringly at Octavia.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((spell still in place?))

[Octavia (BOB)] yes

[Moirra (Kaz)] What would you do with your freedom? What do you see for your future, had you a choice?

[Octavia (BOB)] I see a future of running and hiding

[Moirra (Kaz)] What if you weren't you any more?

[Octavia (BOB)] staying under cover and avoiding Blue Gill and now the Dragonslayers

[Moirra (Kaz)] Would you be willing to die for your freedom?

[Khan (john2)] if the DS let you go, they will not chase you. If by some chance you escape, they probably will not chase you

[Octavia (BOB)] if I die I am not free, or at least I am not suicidal if that is what you are asking

[Moirra (Kaz)] Would you be willing be a hideous creature for the rest of your life?

[Octavia (BOB)] no

[Octavia (BOB)] I want to be me

Moirra (Kaz)] nods.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I, too, want to be me.

[Moirra (Kaz)] And I am, no matter what I look like to you.

[Khan (john2)] me three

[Khan (john2)] Octavia, one thing the DS might bargin with is magic, if you have any to offer

[Octavia (BOB)] I am a bard,

[Octavia (BOB)] my life is history, teaching, music and magic

[Octavia (BOB)] but you have taken all of my worldly possesions

[Khan (john2)] no intresting spells to peak their intrest? Tresure map perhaps?

[Octavia (BOB)] I do not even have my spell books anymore

[Octavia (BOB)] (and spell ends)

[Khan (john2)] do you know where they are?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Zone of Truth: for (8) 8 rounds, people can't lie in a (5*8) 40 ft square.

[Khan (john2)] (i think we are done)

[Octavia (BOB)] they were in the castle

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 04 21:58:13 EST 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Khan (john2)] (I want the guards to take all of her paper after we leave)

[Khan (john2)] YEA!

[Octavia (BOB)] (ok, and Hey Fritz)

[Khan (john2)] Now I don't have to go to bed

[Moirra (Kaz)] Hiya Fritz!

[Fritz] hello

[john2] Kaz, i will post on line but I am quite sure my origianl thought was true, ignore the bully

[Fritz] Whats going on

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think you're probably right

[john2] Fritz, you did not miss much, tonight

[Octavia (BOB)] (interrigation done?)

[Octavia (BOB)] and I disagree Fritz, I think John and Kaz did a LOT of work tonight

[john2] Khan says good day and leaves

[Octavia (BOB)] got a lot of good thinking done and some very good plot points

[john2] to get back where I was MONTHS ago

[john2] not to rub it in AGAIN

[BOB] not only that part John

[BOB] but the info you are starting to finally compile on Blue Gill's group

[Fritz] I haven't been keeping up on the site as I have been busy. Not sure what is going on in the game at all. But on another note I hope you have all been well.

[BOB] and some possible strategies

Moirra (Kaz)] gets to the door, turns to Octavia, and says, "Consider my words. Think hard." Then she turns and leaves.

[john2] we solved the mystery of how we got to this point

[BOB] yes

[john2] good enough

[john2] same old fritz, splinted party, looking for troubble

[BOB] life is good Fritz

[BOB] wanted to invite you to the Christmas Party this year, will be on the 19th, a Saturday night

[BOB] John is invited

[john2] fin, ant val and kit are in the islands with Lord J looking to get to Ozzy

[BOB] Kaz is invited by default but I know she is not flying down

[BOB] but Frtiz might make it over, just do not have anyplace for him to stay

[john2] Liam is a pirate looking to get to the indise

[BOB] and yes to all that John just said

[BOB] in a nutshell the party is split three ways

[Moirra (Kaz)] Thank you, Bob, but no, we're not flying down.

[Moirra (Kaz)] How have you been, Fritz?

[john2] I have a short lumpy, noziy couch

[Fritz] Cool to all. I will have to check my schedule.

[Fritz] Busier than a bee at a flower convention

[BOB] grins

[john2] I did not tell BOB of our latest plotting

[Fritz] Oh..LOL

[john2] needed the lawyer in the house

[Fritz] Ha!!

[Fritz] I am working on making that an official degree. Gonna take the boards in the spring

[john2] wow

[john2] are you kidding?

[Fritz] Official D&D degree John., Not an official Law degree

[BOB] so back to what you were puzzling through

[Fritz] Soyou guys were talking to Octavia again?

[john2] so what else do you want to know fritz

[BOB] nods, they were getting more background info

[john2] yea, got the whole picture on the circle jerk, oh is that not G rated?

[Fritz] I guess the rest I will pick up when I get a chance to read the website.

[Fritz] So I thought it was simple...We pissed off Ozy. He decided to pay us back. And so the shit began

[john2] NO that is the jerk part, Octavia was working for Ozzy but had not instructions to blame the DS

[john2] that was just icing to him

[Fritz] she did it cause Bibo's character dumped her like a two dollar whore with a rash?

[john2] the only mystery left is back at the beginning, why would a pirate in the islands want to disruot trade in the mainland

[john2] I bet it is all about bussiness

[john2] Were you here for that?

[Fritz] Ahhh...So this is actually about global warming...I mean global economics?

[BOB] grins

[BOB] and that is what I was almost sick over

[john2] global warming is also all about global politics, but I digress

[Fritz] Check out his e-mails

[BOB] Fritz said that back during the very first adventure

[BOB] that this had something to do with trade

[BOB] because of the name

[Fritz] Yepp

[john2] that was obvious from all your post

[BOB] and no one else ever said anything about it again

[BOB] about why the era was named Trade Wars

[john2] I know

[john2] but that is not a hook the DS would bit

[Fritz] I know ignore the black guy

[john2] e

[BOB] if there was nothing to do with trading after the first three sessions

[BOB] chuckles

[Moirra (Kaz)] What black guy?

[BOB] he was being self referential

[Fritz] 8*)

[Moirra (Kaz)] I know, I was ignoring that. *snerk*


[john2] KAz, what do you aboot the sea creature Blue Gill is suposed to be, anything about making slik?

[Moirra (Kaz)] hrm

[BOB] very nice one Kaz

[Fritz] Blue gill is a sea creature? I thought he was a pirate?

[john2] legand has it Blue gill is a ....

[john2] wait for it

[Fritz] LOL

[Fritz] Morae eel?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, I'm not finding anything about that yet

[john2] no

[Fritz] Sahuaguin?

[john2] yea

[Moirra (Kaz)] but they DO have an overpowering fear of spellcasters, and the strongest warriors will go after spellcasters first.

[john2] so that is why Keith is land locked

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay, wait

[Moirra (Kaz)] Going to type in a direct quote fromt he Monstrous Manual

[Fritz] Duh....go back to when we raided them years ago...We used the gate to go into their home. destroyed their queen and disruppted their slave trade

[Fritz] It's not rocket science

[john2] i do not remember that at all

[Fritz] Remember the egg?

[Moirra (Kaz)] "These creatures want nothing less than full control of the sea coasts, collecting as much wealth and power as possible in the process while maintaining the secrecy of their lairs' locations.

[john2] that is why Ozzy uses the name Blue Gill and the legend of the Sahuaguin

[Moirra (Kaz)] "Those who attempt escape are obsessively hunted down, for fear that the former prisoners may reveal the location of the sahuagin's cities."

[john2] maybe he is in league with them

[john2] wow kaz, thanks, BOB's story is starting to make sence

[Fritz] What was Jessica's characters name? She was kidnapped by them. Reign got killed and then stuck guarding the well. To rescue her we used the pool to TP there. We left all the slaves (when I didn't want to) proved that they could escape. Probably made them look bad. so now they are looking for revenge

[Moirra (Kaz)] Or perhaps he is just banking on the fear that they strike in the people who live in coastal areas.

[BOB] thank you John

[john2] well written, if you read all the books

[john2] er pages

[john2] just not a page turned for me, I jumped to the end

[Fritz] Bob what was the name of that adventure?

[BOB] um

[BOB] does not have its own page yet

[BOB] Sea Devils

[Fritz] The one with the island.

[BOB] I think

[Fritz] Ahh yes


[Fritz] So Bob do they tie together?

[Fritz] Remember the main reason we started on that quest was to get the amulet for Kylia

[BOB] and do you remember who had that amulet?

[Fritz] The amulet that Blue gill had

[BOB] crosses fingers

[john2] Bue Gill


[BOB] grins

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think that he is trying to get the handle on ALL trade, not just sea trade.

[Fritz] Damn Bob you really take things way way way way way way back

[john2] BOB has had us circling him for years

[Moirra (Kaz)] Land pirating as well as sea pirating

[Fritz] Look towards slave trade Kaz

[BOB] things you did during the Anniversarry Game came up earlier Fritz

[Fritz] That is pretty much one of the few things that is both water and land

[BOB] that and the Spice trade

[BOB] i will give you that hint as well,

[BOB] what did Liam just get promoted for?

[Moirra (Kaz)] stealing pepper

[BOB] grins

[Fritz] Spice. Spice. What is it that binds the worms and the spice?

[BOB] bows, thank you very much

[Moirra (Kaz)] The spice trade probably brings in more money than slave trading

[Moirra (Kaz)] ALL spices are incredibly expensive SOMEWHERE.

[Fritz] Dune is the spice and the spice is Dune!!!

[Fritz] I am the Nicha Shadarak!!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] /facepalm

[Fritz] My name is the killing name!!!

[Moirra (Kaz)] I am the Walrus!

[Moirra (Kaz)] COO COO KA CHOO!

[Fritz] Do my eyes look blue to anyone?

[Moirra (Kaz)] No

[BOB] grins

[Moirra (Kaz)] nice try though :)

[Fritz] I have looked into that place that women refuse to look

[BOB] so you at least know a lot more about the WHY

[BOB] and more about the HOW

[BOB] now you still need to work out the end part

[BOB] what do you do to stop him, or how do you do that

[BOB] other than toe to toe

[Fritz] I will kill him!!!! I will Kill him!!!

[BOB] and what can you figure out about who is with him and or where he is

[BOB] careful Fritz, that is what Mike was steam rolling everyone on also

[BOB] Kaz and John had some very good points earlier tonight about that

[Fritz] About what? I am just quoting lines from the movie "Dune".

[BOB] I know

[BOB] just drawing it all back into this

[BOB] they started on some new ideas about the who

[Fritz] I will have to read what they came up with or John in his beautiful prose can type up a sumary

[BOB] did you add those notes to the pages Kaz?

[BOB] or John? afterall anyone can edit the pages

[john2] I will post in my own way

[Fritz] As I said...King of prose

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, I added the notes to the pages

[Moirra (Kaz)] look at the NPC page

[BOB] thank you Kax


[BOB] for John and Fritz

[john2] the only reason I am here now is to hang/work with Fritz. I had my Kaz time and enjoyed it verry much

[john2] i have all week to read

[john2] and post

[Fritz] Ok. John what would you like to work on next?

[BOB] what do you want to do about Rave?

[Fritz] Resurection

[john2] you first, I was going to say Rave

[Fritz] Sounds like a good place to start

[BOB] will be very hard, it will involve a whole nother story arc

[BOB] need to have someone travel to a different land,

[john2] well....

[BOB] and either do the favor or convince them somehow that Rave will

[Fritz] well....

[BOB] is what the whole Father Knows Best was all about

[john2] we have some pretty high level characters in house

[Fritz] and some pretty high level plans to go with them

[john2] and I need to get my book out

[BOB] Celtic religion does not grant Resurection

[BOB] need someone of a different religion

[john2] do we need religon, really

[BOB] no, that is why you can do reincarnate, grins

[Fritz] Naaa...religion is just way to confine the masses

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think the point is that you need someone who is not a Celtic priest to deal with it

[Fritz] Like the cult of Global Warming

[john2] well actuall a reincarnate and a wish is as good as a resurection, almost

[Fritz] Ahhh and we have that


[Fritz] someone who isn't a a celtic priest

[Fritz] Should we tell him our plan John?

[Fritz] Or keep hinting

[Fritz] I think we should rename it...Brother knows best

[john2] I am reading a bit more, just to find to loop hole, warming him up

[Fritz] I really think it is a brillant idea

[john2] you can open the oven for him if you want

[BOB] I can think of how you can combine the two things to try and make this work

[Fritz] Sure...

[BOB] not sure how you are getting either part though

[Fritz] Well the idea is a loop combining them would spoil that and make it a donut hole

[Fritz] We mean a real loop hole

[Fritz] Twisting the fabric of time and space....and bending even the gods to our will!!!

[john2] it is a very vague spell

[Fritz] very

[Fritz] But the timing must be perfect

[john2] step one, Keith trains for 7th level spells

[Fritz] Step 2

[john2] step two, Kieth learns limited wish

[Fritz] step 3....drum roll please

[john2] Kieth wishes for some manner of ablity to resurect, rod or scroll

[BOB] ok, the problem with this is you are planning on clicking off several weeks if not months to do it,

[john2] I understand, that is the main draw back

[Fritz] Like questing on a new story arc wont?

[john2] Keith is in nor hurry and Rave is not getting any more dead

[BOB] was thinking you had someone who could get a wish right now at the well

[BOB] and then have keith cast reincarnate

[Fritz] We do

[BOB] even that will take more than a week to wait for

[john2] who is the "we"

[Fritz] I meant We do?

[BOB] I do not know

[BOB] I was just positing ideas

[Fritz] Who is here? I guess Mentor and Val are here or with the rest of the party?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Mentor and Val are here

[john2] and khan, Kieth is spening 10 hrs a day studdying

[BOB] character A gets a wish, character A wishes that the next time he casts Reincarnate a pixy comes instead of all other optoins, character A then casts reincarnate on Rave

[Moirra (Kaz)] In any case, they aren't with the rest of the party

[BOB] but Keith does not have that wish still

[BOB] so would have to word things differently

[BOB] and it all still waits for Keith to catch up to the rest of the timeline

[BOB] which is still over a week away

[BOB] Tons of options if time was not a problem

[john2] we are just planning

[Fritz] Well if Val and Mentor are here and not with the rest of the party then Val can wish that the next time Keith casts reincarnate that the person is brought back as a pixie

[Fritz] Mentor used his wish already

[john2] that seems to work for me

[BOB] but in the meantime there is still some planing and time to take advantage of

[john2] I am not sure that Keith can not cast but it soulnd like BOB is saying no

[BOB] Keith can not cast while doing research

[john2] so sex with the bar maid is out too?

[BOB] yes

[john2] just checking

[BOB] so while you have three of you

[john2] he is young, he can wait

[Fritz] So how much time are we talking about? 5-10 min tops?!?!??!!? He should still be able to do both

[BOB] brainstorm about potential ending ideas

[john2] 12 days for keith to free up

[BOB] what is it that you really want to see in the end?

[john2] your two biys have 7 weeks of roleplaying

[Fritz] BIYS?

[BOB] for Ozzy to stop blackmailing/etc the Dragonslayers?

[john2] boys

[BOB] do you want to kill Ozzy? his followers? the whole group?

[Kaz] I don't think that's the way

[Fritz] But what difference what we do here when the rest of the party is actually doing the adventure?

[BOB] where do you draw the line good guys solving the problem to becoming the bad guys

[Kaz] They aren't doing the adventure alone

[Kaz] we are still part of it

[BOB] becasue the rest of the group is stumblign about right now

[Kaz] I don't think killing is the way to do it

[BOB] they are accomplishing things

[Fritz] We are Americans...It doesn't make a difference

[BOB] but you can organize

[BOB] and create a better end part

[Kaz] I think what we want is for Ozy to just leave the Dragonslayers alone

[Kaz] and, perhaps, to cut the trade crap

[Fritz] Why would we be able to make him "stop the crap or leave us alone"? Sounds like you are trying to negotiate with Iran.

[Kaz] stop being so greedy

[john2] what we need to do is to convice mike not to attack, when he was designed to attack adn wanting to find out who to attack frm the begining

[Fritz] Again....Negotiating with Iran

[Kaz] Bob asked us what end point we're hoping for.

[Fritz] Oh wow...You must be a registered Democrat

[Kaz] jesus christ

[Kaz] good night guys

[BOB] fritz say on target here

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Dec 04 22:49:20 EST 2009

[Fritz] I am just joking

[BOB] sigh

[Fritz] ok no probl. by

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Dec 04 22:49:32 EST 2009

[john2] just went too far

[john2] surprised by Kaz though

[BOB] yes

[BOB] hold on

[BOB] might be back

[BOB] she is coming back just a sec

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 04 22:51:36 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[john2] so what are we going to discuss, I am all set, and kaz in on the same page

[BOB] while you both are together and can ask me questions,

[BOB] do you have a plan for sorting out how to move forward?

[BOB] and again what do you really want to see happen at the end?

[BOB] are both of you happy with the idea of Ozzy surviving this adventure?

[Kaz] Hi again. I'm sincerely sorry for leaving on such a down note.

[john2] i do not believe we can kill him and certainly not worth trying, if that is what you mean

[Kaz] I don't know. Is it a case of the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know?

[john2] sorry Kaz, if Fritz rubbed you the wrong way

[Kaz] Because as soon as he's gone, someone else will rise up to replace him.

[Kaz] Nothing for you to be sorry for John.

[BOB] I believe that if you put yoru mind to it you can kill Ozzy, but not him and all his followers in one huge battle the way your group is working right now, Maybe if you had all the lead characters together and followers and henchmen, and a long term strategy for it,

[Kaz] You're right Bob

[Kaz] if we want to do away with Ozy's merry band, we need to chip away at it, a bit at a time.

[john2] but why would we wnat the rest of our gamming sessions to be about a war

[Kaz] I wouldn't

[Kaz] and it doesn't have to dominate every sessioin

[Kaz] session

[Kaz] Even if someone could get close enough to Ozy, get him alone and kill him first

[Kaz] might start his seconds to fighting amongst themselves for who gets to be boss

[Kaz] maybe they'll kill each other...

[john2] that is murder

[BOB] nods that is one way of dealing with Mob families

[Kaz] Yes it is, John

[john2] WE are not the MOB

[Kaz] and not something Moirra would be party to... hence, she couldn't know about it

[BOB] I hear you John

[john2] even setting up one of his flunkies to kill him is evil in my mind

[BOB] Murder is not a good act

[BOB] so disrupting his hideout?

[BOB] sowing disention in the ranks?

[john2] why do you want us to piss him off more

[BOB] what are the alternatives

[BOB] you could just let him be

[Kaz] First, if he doesn't know we're behind it...

[BOB] but that does not seem very likely

[john2] ignoring him, untill he does somthing to effect us

[Kaz] sowing dissention in the rannks works against him, not us.

[john2] i have to go, it is late and I am not getting though to BOB

[BOB] I hear you John

[john2] good night you two

[BOB] I am just offering up the counter points

[john2] enjoy your week or so

[BOB] good night John

[john2] preaching to the chorus

[Kaz] Night John

john2] has left the game on Fri Dec 04 23:00:31 EST 2009

[Kaz] I'll talk with Guy about possibilities, when he gets out of theh shower

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] Have a good night Bob

[BOB] you too

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Dec 04 23:01:09 EST 2009