Main / Dec0514

Dec 05 14 - Home Stories

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 05 18:19:16 EST 2014 ====

[Master] party guest #5, party guest #4, party guest #3, party guest #2, Priest #2, party guest #6 and party guest #7 moved 98'00".

Mike has joined the game on Fri Dec 05 18:50:15 EST 2014

Mike is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Mike has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Mike] hey bob

[Master] Hello there sir

[Master] sorry I missed you yesterday

[Master] I was at your school at 6 am and again at 5 pm

[Mike] i was home being lazy by then

[Mike] so mel thinks i need to go to your house on fridays again. something about being social

[Master] I asked some random kid if they knew who you were

[Master] they did not

[Master] but they had heard about the pokeman room

[Master] and that would be a good thing

[Master] just you or both of you are welcome

[Master] or she can come over and leave you at home

[Master] tonight is lots of questioning, talking and organzing things

[Master] want to try to get through the ball tonight

[Master] so that next week we can pick up with the two trips outside of the city

[Mike] cool

[Mike] did i miss anything noteworthy at the end of last week?

[Mike] didn't look like there was any chatter on the site

[Master] I would say yes

[Master] there was no realy comments because I think that people are waiting to dive back in tonight

[Master] at the end of tonight and the end of the ball there will be a chance to really wrap up things, figure out who you know what you want to do, etc

[Master] there are so many things up in the air

[Master] heck here at the ball there are still 21 NPCs that no one has spoken to yet

[Master] you should get Lisa, TMO and Guy to talk about the parties you want to host

[Master] figure out how you want to divide that up

[Master] if John is in would be good also

[Master] you have the Captain of the City Guard to invite back, that Branwyn mentioned on the site

[Master] who do you want to invite in from this party

[Master] what is the goal of each party, etc

[Master] and of course you still have the New Years Eve party to plan

[Master] so TONS of stuff to talk about both Out of Character and In Charactter

[Mike] i think we need to come back together as a group in the ball

[Mike] let people come to us so we can all interact

[Mike] the separate interactions are not good for play in my opinion

[Master] talk to them about it

[Master] Eric will not be in tonight most likely

[Master] TMO will want to find a way to work on his gaining more knowledge and likely admission to the thieves guild

[Master] not that it a high likelyhood for tonight, wry grin

[Master] on a different note, the Tabletop Connect program is coming along also

[Master] new details such as dice color

[Master] can be the same as the player, or same as the character or a custom color that is separate

[Master] all the hooks are there for video confernece stuff now as well

[Master] Chat is auto saved

[Mike] nice. i'm looking forward to that program.

[Master] I have some time off coming up and want to start programing the character sheets

[Mike] klooge has worked, but it's really cumbersome

[Master] there has not been an update from 2011

[Master] that is the key issue

[Mike] we can do some coding and whatnot when it comes out.

[Master] yeah I will farm some out

[Master] we need to make sure that we have all the spells and proficiences, etc all in text format to be able to load in

[Mike] too bad it won't be out this month. i've got two weeks of downtime.

[Master] have you downloaded and tested anything?

[Master] oh perspective is added now

[Master] figures that are in a distance are fuzzier, etc

[Mike] nope

[Master] POV works well

[Mike] i'm not into beta

[Master] chuckels

[Mike] prefer to wait until a finished product is ready.

[Master] it could be used right now

[Mike] blizzard keeps trying to get me to beta test for them, but i don't ever feel like it

[Master] if all you want is a place to roll dice and move things on maps

[Master] but it is not as functional as what we have in Klooge yet

[Mike] but we need the chat and all

[Master] eventually will trump Klooge we will not wait that long

[Master] that is the issue

[Mike] hell, with this campaign so far we don't even need spells and weapons yet

[Master] chuckles

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Dec 05 19:08:49 EST 2014

Lisa is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

Lisa has received the map New Residence first floor.

Lisa is receiving the map ballroom...

[Mike] hey lisa

Lisa has received the map ballroom.

[Master] Lisa will be interested in this, the Government agency that gets the fewest curses in emails to them is the Pipeline and Hazerdous materials administration

[Master] the most was the IRS (DUH) and then Fish and Wildlife

[Mike] so now for the big question of the night: pizza or chinese?

[Master] chinese

[Master] I am having Jamaican

[Master] was going for pizza then got distracted by the very full fridge and freezer and thought, I should eat some of this that si already here

[Mike] afk for a bit to figure out dinner while we wait for more to come in

[Lisa] Hello :)

[Master] Hey there

[Lisa] probably because no one knows who PHMSA is for the most part

[Master] chuckles

[Master] and last week we had Lisa, Mike, TMO and Guy correct?

[Lisa] yes

[Master] forgot to add last week to the database

[Lisa] did you talk to John?

[Master] DAMN

[Master] forgot

[Master] texting him now

[Lisa] (test?)

[Master] yes

[Lisa] hello?

[Lisa] ok

[Master] chuckles

[Master] did you have it on pause?

[Lisa] my connection is behaving sporadically

[Lisa] no

[Lisa] computer says - it's klooge night? time to start disconnecting randomly just for fun

[Master] wry grin

[Mike] so i've come up with my next classroom project

[Mike] i'm going to delve into the world of board games.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 84102.

[Master] Imari XP award: 500. Next level in 38692.

[Master] and that would be fun Mike

[Master] have them create one?

[Mike] no, me

[Mike] they aren't ready for that

[Master] it will be interesting

[Master] and speaking of creating

[Master] did you have thoughts on the New Years Eve or other parties?

[Master] Lisa did you see that conversation we started earlier?

[Lisa] about?

[Master] I liked Mike's input at the beginning of the Era about the Jeffersonian type of things

[Master] and talking about inviting the Captain of the Guard

[Master] and or who else?

[Master] Mike?

[Master] who did you want to see involved in this ?

[Mike] huh? jeffersonian?

[Mike] like from bones?

[Master] LOL

[Master] you were talking about how Thomas Jefferson went to Paris

[Master] etc

[Lisa] so we are going to have lots of sex?

[Master] you had some good points that everyone liked

[Mike] ah. and be a cultural sideshow to garner attention and friends

[Master] and I can get some icons for that I am sure Lisa ;P

[Master] even sound files

[Lisa] if we are going to that era - that is the focal points of Franklin and Jeffersonian diplomacy

[Master] so who do you want to be the key player for y ou in that?

[Master] Galduk?

[Master] Jennivive?

[Master] smile

[Master] but a key thing to start with is when do you want to plan a dinner, etc

[Mike] i was under the impression jennivive was hot. like the red lady hot


[Mike] well i suggested a barbarian holliday for halloween time, but that didn't get much traction

[Master] it did get noticed, but you are past the time already

[Master] I think it got put on the back burner for next year

[Mike] ah. okay

[Master] you have about 7 weeks till New Years

[Master] with New Years Eve being your first big important event

[Mike] well we should do something in a few weeks. small dinner party for the who's who we meet here tonight

[Master] so you were talking as a group doing parties before hand to get some experience and build up anticipation to your big party

[Master] that is a good point Mike

[Master] the other practical issue you have is the large dinning room

[Master] you can fit 12 there

[Master] so who do you invite and who do you include from your group?

[Lisa] we can do the courtyard

[Master] that can work

[Lisa] if we want larger

[Mike] yeah, 12 isn't enough

[Master] the court yard could hold a table that fits 22

[Lisa] we can open the small meeting rooms etc

[Master] if you wanted one large huge table

[Master] as I look at it on the map now

[Master] Tristan is on the map if you want to get to it

[Master] yes to Lisa both fo those already have tables for 6

[Lisa] that is if we want a sit down

[Master] but they are shut off from the rest of the mansion also

[Lisa] we could have a buffet with small tables and people can mingle and wander on the lower floor

[Master] you could have Tristan or Jennivive hold a service, there are 5 12 foot pews there in the chapel

[Lisa] tristan can cast a ward spell on the stairs and anyone that tries to go up goes plummeting down the stairs

[Master] LOL

[Master] I think locking doors might be a nicer option

[Lisa] oh that's a great party plan - prayer time with tristan and jennevive

[Master] just offering up the large areas of the manion

[Master] mansion

[Master] if you want to have get to gethers with priests, etc

[Mike] we are heathens

[Master] on the other hand your plan of small rooms works also

[Mike] our parties are booze and meat

[Mike] if they want to do some sort of a prayer time for the locals, they can do their own lame event

[Master] not everyone will want to sit at a table with one or two of them and 10 of you

[Master] it would be intimidating

[Lisa] understandable

[Master] so Mike you think last party two weeks before New Years to build up suspsence?

[Master] and how many practice ones before that? two or three?

[Lisa] can we pretend this is all going to philippe so we don't have to type all of this out again?

[Master] yes I wanted to put some targets on the calendar

[Lisa] everyone is going on a trip the morning after this party

[Mike] no more than two

[Master] so the players can do some stuff on them

[Master] so three total parties

[Lisa] including new years?

[Master] prior to new years

[Mike] yeah


[Master] for your weekday notes and talk

[Lisa] 4 parties in 7 weeks including the time that everyone is off doing other stuff?

[Master] not saying each one has to be a huge event

[Lisa] you guys better kill and negotiate quickly ,,,,

[Master] chuckles

[Master] it's what we do

[Master] but we should get Imari and Branwyn and Indiog talking to people

[Master] who does Imari want to talk with?

[Master] Indigo?

[Master] Brwanyn is the star and has people orbiting her,

[Lisa] he doesn't know who he wants to talk to

[Lisa] :)

[Master] people will walk up to her as they get the chance

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 13'07".

[Lisa] Indigo moved 14'10".

[Master] party guest #20 moved 13'00".

[Mike] she'll talk to anyone

[Mike] just not that annoying guy

[Master] party guest #21 moved 36'03".

[Mike] won't give people who assume she's backward because she's a barbarian her time.

[Lisa] (he might be the king of denmark or something)

[party guest #21 (Master)] Sir Indigo

[party guest #21 (Master)] Or should I say Captain Indigo

[Mike] remind me to tell you about the time a friend met the prince of dembark and a ren faire

[party guest #21 (Master)] (cool)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sir Indigo or just Indigo when we are friends is fine please

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ooh yes Mike)

[party guest #21 (Master)] I was pleased to see you here Sir Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm sorry I don't know your name.

[party guest #21 (Master)] although, being a Captain is more important to me sailor,

[party guest #21 (Master)] nudges Indigo with a good natured push on his shoulder

[Indigo (Lisa)] You're a Captain?

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Ahh I used to be

[Admiral Olana (Master)] although now I command the western fleet

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhhh. I'm sorry Commander.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Nice to meet you.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] when Admiral Zondile is out that is

[Admiral Olana (Master)] I am Admiral Olana, I am in charge of the Naval Yards here in the City

[Admiral Olana (Master)] where your ship was moved to today

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Sorry for any mix up,

Indigo (Lisa) blushes "Im sorry Admiral."

[Admiral Olana (Master)] cannot have the Amabassdors personal Captain needing to go talk to everyday dockworkers

[Admiral Olana (Master)] we look out for each other here

[Mike] ::walks up to Indigo::

[Mike] ::with food::

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you. She's not very nice.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] who is not nice?

[Admiral Olana (Master)] than you miss

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

Admiral Olana (Master) reaches over and takes an horderve off of the plate Imari is holding

[Imari (Mike)] i don't know wher ehe is, could you move me bob?

[Master] Imari moved 7'10".

[Admiral Olana (Master)] the Prince did put out a nice spread for the Ambassador

[Indigo (Lisa)] The dockmaster at the Naval Yards I meant.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] a She? in the Naval Yards?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Admiral Olana, this is Imari.

[Imari (Mike)] ::grimaces at the pompus ass, but holds her tongue and moves so he can't reach her plate::

[Indigo (Lisa)] She's with us.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] I do not know of any women on regular duty there

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Good to meet you Imari

[Indigo (Lisa)] But ... we saw her.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] native dress I see? or is that a ?

[Indigo (Lisa)] She said nasty things about Branwyn and Jondar.

[Imari (Mike)] "Admiral. I am the ambassador from Karnak. Pleasure to meet you."

[Admiral Olana (Master) (to Lisa only)] that was the diplomatic docks, not the naval docks

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Oh Carnak?

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] ohhhh... Indigo doesn't know where he is half the time

[Admiral Olana (Master)] I did not think they had a navy

[Indigo (Lisa)] So I should go visit the Naval Docks. The said that you blow up airships.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] so how many sailors do you have at your command

[Imari (Mike)] "We do not. Why would you think we did?"

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Oh I would say that anyone who is friends with an old water dog like Captain Indigo here must have something to do with the water and a navy

Indigo (Lisa) blushes again

[Admiral Olana (Master)] and we defend against attacks from all areas, water, land or air

[Admiral Olana (Master)] pirates are always a threat

[Admiral Olana (Master)] that is why we need a strong navy

[Indigo (Lisa)] But ... but what if it was a friendly airship?

Admiral Olana (Master) scoffs at the very idea

[Imari (Mike)] "I knew him before he became a captain."

[Imari (Mike)] "We are very old friends."

Admiral Olana (Master) warm smile old friends are the best friends

Indigo (Lisa) nods and smiles

[Admiral Olana (Master)] I have heard from Sarengar that you are a better sailor than he ever was

Admiral Olana (Master) lowers his voice, joking Not that it woudl be too hard to do that

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhhh ... that's not true. Sarengar's a great Captain.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Even better than he is a singer!

[Admiral Olana (Master)] after hearing him tonight, that might not be too hard either,

[Indigo (Lisa)] Especially since he lost that ear.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] laughs

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well that might be part of it. He ended really good though!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 21'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, Indigo. He ended very well.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good evening.

[Imari (Mike)] ::eats her food and offers her plate to Branwyn::

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Hello Ambassador,

Admiral Olana (Master) bows

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head "no thank you"

[Imari (Mike)] ::aside to Indigo:: "I didn't get a bow."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can't possibly thi9nk about eating with so much excitement.

[Indigo (Lisa)] This is Admiral Olana. He commands the western fleet.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Good Evening Miss Ambassador

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is an honour.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Terraguard's Navy is reknowned all over.

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Thank you, that is the intent

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I had a chance to sail on a Teraguard ship but fate decided against it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps a chance shall come again in the future.

[Imari (Mike)] "I liked the airship I flew on."

[Admiral Olana (Master)] If there is some place you wish to travel I am glad to help escort Captain Indigo

[Imari (Mike)] "We sailed on a ship here, but I flew most of the way."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh no! We don't need to do anything like that! Wouldn't want to put you out Admiral!

[Admiral Olana (Master)] I cannot imagine it being remotly pleasant to be on an airship, but you are up there near the sun so that must bake your head a bit

[Imari (Mike)] "It is cooler up in the sky than down here. You have to dress warm to be comfortable."

Admiral Olana (Master) looks at Indigo, concerned

[Admiral Olana (Master)] She seems to be a bit adled, do you need to take her to a calm place?

[Imari (Mike)] "The airship flies higher than my hippogryph does. It doesn't get so cold riding him."

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Or is this just normal for her?

[Imari (Mike)] "Why do I seem addled? Because I am talking about something I've experienced?"

[Imari (Mike)] "Or is it simply because I am disagreeing with what you say?"

[Admiral Olana (Master)] My young girl, you are speaking of things like you really did experience them, when it is obvious that it could not happen, perhaps you were ensorseled

[Imari (Mike)] "Indigo was on the airship with me. So was Bran."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Admiral, I assure you that everything Imari says is true.

Admiral Olana (Master) shakes his head puzzled

[Imari (Mike)] "Perhaps you didn't know, but before we became diplomats we were part of the Dragonslayers. We have had many adventures."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Imari's hippogriff is at our stables at Ashgrove Manor and we all have sailed on a friendly airship.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We even defeated air pirates in the airship!

[Imari (Mike)] "In fact, it is because of those adventures that Bran and Indigo have become such good friends of the Queen."

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods at Indigo::

[Admiral Olana (Master)] I suppose I will let you show me some day Captain Indigo

Indigo (Lisa) nods "I would like that"

[Admiral Olana (Master)] Have a good day Ambassador

[Master] Admiral Olana moved 5'00".

[Master] Admiral Olana moved 15'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was a pleasure

[Master] he retreats quickly

TMO has joined the game on Fri Dec 05 20:13:07 EST 2014

TMO is receiving the map New Residence first floor...

TMO has received the map New Residence first floor.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo, you cannot be afraid of sailing now you are Captain.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You will be fine. I promise.

[TMO] (sorry I'm late)

[Master] Hey there sir

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers in his ear "Or we'll just have to start a little war or something"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hi tmo :) )

[Imari (Mike)] "I wonder if anyone in this kingdom isn't rude."

[Imari (Mike)] "So far the only nice person I've met is Jondar, and he's not from here."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Plenty have been nice. They just need patience.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They do not understand Drillian or much less Carnak for that matter.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you wish to be an Ambassador you will have to educate them, now won't you?

[Imari (Mike)] "Ha. LIsten to you counceling patience."

[Imari (Mike)] "Indigo, mark this night down."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is something I am desperately working on.

Branwyn (Lisa) grins

TMO is receiving the map ballroom...

TMO has received the map ballroom.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I am floating on air!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I got taken and and was viewed by the Great Mage with an Eye of Seeing!

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Great Mage is so great that he has no name.

[Imari (Mike)] "I... see?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was wonderful. I just wish I could pass the ridiculous test to get into the Magus Club.

[Imari (Mike)] "I thought great people had names? And everyone knew them?"

Marisu (TMO)] Oh, is that what that was about?

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, I'm glad you are happy."

[Imari (Mike)] "All you have to do is learn a new spell to put out fire, dear. It's not something you can't do."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hoped that he or she will contact me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Realize that it is not important to make magic go away.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who wants to do that anyway? Huge waste of concentration if you ask me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anyway that is a subject for another day.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks around to see if she can catch Sam's eye now that Marisu has broken free of Lord Nimdle's clutches

[Master] party guest #22 moved 19'09".

[Master] Sam moved 11'00".

Branwyn (Lisa) takes Marisu's arm and whispers "let's go to a Council meeting shall we?"

[Master] party guest #12 moved 10'07".

[Master] Sir Nimdle moved 8'06".

Branwyn (Lisa) directs her to Lord Sam

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 18'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] [Marisu]] moved 21'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (whether she likes it or not! :) )

[party guest #22 (Master)] Mr Sarengar, you are a virtiuso

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles. "Of course." She concentrates for a moment and gives Branwyn and herself a brief burst of fresh perfumed air.

[party guest #22 (Master)] I must have you sing at one of my parties,

[party guest #22 (Master)] they would be so enthralled to see up close just what a nice ... voice you have

Sam (Master) Bows,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that is a spell? or are you stahing a bottle?)

Marisu (TMO)] (cantrip)

Sam (Master) takes Branwy's hand and kisses it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh did not know you had that nsp)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nwp)

[Sam (Master)] AMbassador, how are you enjoying yoru evening

Marisu (TMO)] (full of surpises, young Marisu is. ;) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then you can train joseph)

[Imari (Mike)] ::nuddges Indigo and follows after Branwyn::

Marisu (TMO)] (she's not a trainer, if that matters)

Branwyn (Lisa) curtsies

[Marisu]] (TMO) curtsies to Lord Sam.

[Master] Dorn moved 6'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you so much for such a wonder gathering. Sarengar tol me that you and your father got Sarengar to come.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That was most kind. he is an old firend.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (friend)

[Sam (Master)] He thought it would be appropriate to have you greeted by someone familiar

Sam (Master) leans in, and someone who would not do dance tunes

[Sam (Master)] Father does not like dancing

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I shall remember not to ask him then"

Sam (Master) look of shock on his face

[Sam (Master)] YOu woudl dance with him before me?

Sam (Master) overly dramatic crushed look

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Sam (Master) eyes sparkling

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well I would hope that I would not need to ask your Lordship

Sam (Master) bows

[Sam (Master)] touche Miss Mysterious

[Sam (Master)] I will be sure to not wait to be asked either

[Imari (Mike)] ::eats some more and holds out her plate to Indigo::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn, please.

[Sam (Master)] THen you must call me Sam

[Sam (Master)] At least when we are informal

Indigo (Lisa) takes some food and smiles up at Imari

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you.

[Master] party guest #18 moved 41'05".

[Master] party guest #18 moved 5'06".

[Master] party guest #18 moved 11'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Would it be formal or informal to ask a small favor?

[party guest #18 (Master)] I saw you are the Barbarian that lives with the Ambassador are you now?

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 9'08".

[Sam (Master)] there are no favors I will not listen to

[Sam (Master)] what can I do for you

[Imari (Mike)] "I am."

[Sam (Master)] Are you the one with the hippogriff?

[party guest #18 (Master)] are yhou the one with the hippogriff?

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods::

[party guest #18 (Master)] You will need to apply for a license if you intend on continuing your trade

[party guest #18 (Master)] we cannot have you flooding the market like this

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You had mentioned that you attend City Council meetings regularly. I have been innundated with invitations from the individual members and my attache says I must not show favour seeing as that I do not even know them yet. So I was wondering ....

Sam (Master) points to Imari, so that is why you have Imari speaking with her?

[Sam (Master)] Or Indigo was speaking with Admiral Olana?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If it was possible for you perhaps to escort us to a meeting and introduce us?

Sam (Master) brightens

[Sam (Master)] I would be glad to do that

[Sam (Master)] they meet at the end of each week

[Imari (Mike)] "Flooding the market?"

[Sam (Master)] right down the street from your residence

[Imari (Mike)] "I am not doing any trade."

Branwyn (Lisa) looks back at Imari "I have no idea who's she;s speaking with. Is that a council member?"

[Imari (Mike)] "Though if you know a good way to make money I'd love to hear it."

[party guest #18 (Master)] really, you cannot simply bring in a creature like that into the city,

[party guest #18 (Master)] and expect others to not notice you are selling

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Marisu happily "We would like to accompany you at your convenience."

[Imari (Mike)] "Who said i am selling? Artiark is my companion."

[Sam (Master)] That is the Guildmisstress Occameno

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh no! can we hear them? I hope not)

[Sam (Master)] she is on the council reporesenting the guilds on the Council

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All the guilds?

[Marisu]] (TMO) studies her face and remembers her name.

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] you are serious?

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] you do not intend to breed

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, I suppose if there was a female Artiark took a liking to I'd let him have his fun."

[Imari (Mike)] "But I did not plan to. He is just my companion from home."

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] then we will send the tax bill for only the feathers

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sam (Master)] she was a young scamp on the streets from what I understand

[Sam (Master)] and now is one of the most powerful women in the City

[Master] (brb grabbing drinks)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Imari (Mike)] "Why am I being taxed on the feathers?"

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 7'06".

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] for seliing the feathers on the market of course

Marisu (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 23'09".

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] you cannot think to deny it? no one is that stupid

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] you have the only hippogriff in the City

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] suddenly there are hippogriff feathers on the market

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] you need to follow the rules

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] I am not brining a complaint, just informing you that you will need to pay your taxes

[Imari (Mike)] "Well they are not being sold by me." ::shrugs::

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] you will have to pay the taxes, and then I suggest you speak with your staff

[Imari (Mike)] "I did not bring Artiark here to make money. he is a friend that I travel with. If someone is selling feathers they you need to find and tax them."

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] the supplier is responsible for the taxes, it is the only sensible thing to do

[Imari (Mike)] "I will have to defer you to Branwyn. She is in charge of the staff. If you wish to levy false taxes on the Ambassador, be my guest."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and joseph is head of the thieves guild and is running the blackmarket trade under our noses - that would be amusing)

[Imari (Mike)] "All I can tell you is that I am not selling or supplying feathers. Therefore I do not see why I should pay taxes."

Guildmisstress Occameno (Master) quirks an eyebrow

Guildmisstress Occameno (Master) looks at Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hello

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not selling feathers either.

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] Tell your friend please to speak with AMbassador Branwyn to clear this up

[Imari (Mike)] "Now, if you are only here to bother me with these false accusations, I will bid you good evening."

[Indigo (Lisa)] All right.

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] it really would not be a good way to start in the city

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] have your friend pay her taxes before I need to speak with the Ambassador

[Imari (Mike)] "You have the problem, you clear it up. I have no problem."

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head in agreement.

[Imari (Mike)] "And you do realize I am standing right here. I can hear every word you say."

[Guildmisstress Occameno (Master)] good evening

[Master] Guildmisstress Occameno moved 24'11".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good evening!

[Imari (Mike)] "Are all people here stupd?"

[Master (to TMO only)] Shur helped run a bar and dealt with taxes, etc

[Indigo (Lisa)] No so are you with Branwyn still and Drillian or are you leaving her to be with Carnak?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Should I tell Branwyn?

[Master] Sir Nimdle moved 9'07".

[Master] party guest #6 moved 13'06".

Marisu (TMO) (to Master only)] Was Shur near enough to hear?

[Imari (Mike)] "Go ahead. And I'm with Branwyn. Carnak has no real business here. But since Jondar made me an ambassador I like the sound of it." ::smirks::

Indigo (Lisa) makes a face "I like him and all but I don't think he can do that."

[Master (to TMO only)] yes

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 17'02".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) leans in. "Don't they tax by percentage? You didn't sell any, so your tax would be 0."

[Imari (Mike)] "Thought it would get some people to bow and scrape like they do for Branwyn. But they are all idiots who seem to think I am stupid."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll tell Branwyn later. I don't want to tell her she has to pay taxes right now.

[Imari (Mike)] "Sounds right to me." ::shrugs::

Shurkural (TMO)] Well, we could always work around it the revenuers. Make sure to collect all Art's feathers yourself, and when the say you're selling, show all you still have as proof it ain't you."

Shurkural (TMO)] Could be one of the staff is doing it without you knowing.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We should probably figure out who's doing it. Artiark doesn' have any blad spost does he?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bald spots! how dyslexic of me)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) shrugs.

[Imari (Mike)] "Galduk would know. He spends all his time there."

[Master] Dorn moved 1'06".

[Master] party guest #4 moved 1'09".

party guest #4 (Master) bows to Imari

[party guest #4 (Master)] would you like to dance Miss?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Too bad he doesn't protect Artiark like he does you. We should check him when we get back.

[Imari (Mike)] warf is here???

[Dorn (Master)] Hey Kid

[Dorn (Master)] Do not cut in

[Imari (Mike)] ::raises an eyebrow::

[Dorn (Master)] I was here, I was being a gentlelan

[Dorn (Master)] waiting

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sorry Sir.

[Dorn (Master)] did you not see me earlier talking with her?

[Imari (Mike)] who's dorn?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll be going then.

[party guest #4 (Master)] I am sorry

[Imari (Mike)] i was talking to him?

Indigo (Lisa) bows

[party guest #4 (Master)] I thought you talked with her and she rejected you

party guest #4 (Master) looks to Imari

[Indigo (Lisa)] Imari moved 1'00".

[Imari (Mike)] who is this guy???

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 10'03".

[party guest #4 (Master)] Did you really prefer this ? gestures to DOrn

[Imari (Mike)] i should know before i reject him!

party guest #4 (Master) bows low and broardly

[party guest #4 (Master)] (you spoke with him last week)

[party guest #4 (Master)] I can provide you with much better conversation I am certain

[Imari (Mike)] the knight?

[Master] party guest #20 moved 20'06".

[party guest #20 (Master)] Excuse me miss, to SHur

[Imari (Mike)] lisa, was this the knight?

[Imari (Mike)] you have a better memory than me

[party guest #20 (Master)] (you did not clarify who he was last week, but this is not the knight that you and Indigo spoke with two days ago no)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no knight was Shelpin)

[party guest #20 (Master)] Perhaps I could speak with you ?

[Imari (Mike)] "My my, you two are making me feel like the prettiest girl at th eball."

[Indigo (Lisa)] (20 to Shur it looks like)

[Imari (Mike)] is #4 good looking?

[Imari (Mike)] is dorn good looking?

[party guest #20 (Master)] (20 to Shur, Dorn and 4 to Imari)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dorm looks like an alien - 4 is all open shirt wind swept hair hot)

[Dorn (Master)] LIke I said little boy, leave this to the real men

[Master] party guest #20 and [Shurkural]] moved 3'06".

[Master] Father Mortin moved 17'09".

[Imari (Mike)] "Now now, I have all night. I can dance with both of you."

[Master] party guest #10 moved 4'00".

[Master] party guest #14 moved 4'04".

[Imari (Mike)] "Though I do not know your dances here. Someone will need to teach me."

Dorn (Master) frowns, maybe that is a barbarian thing, but I do not swing that way

[Dorn (Master)] I will be glad to teach you though

Shurkural (TMO)] Ooh, of course. I'm Shurkural.

[Imari (Mike)] ::smiles at Dorn:: ::to #4:: "What is your name, sir?"

[Imari (Mike)] yeah, last week he introduced himself, that was all. lol

[party guest #20 (Master)] Yes I know that Shurkural,

[Dorn (Master)] I am Dorn,

[Imari (Mike)] not him, #4!!

[Dorn (Master)] I am the head of the Carters guild

[Imari (Mike)] "Ah. Carters. Do they transport things about the city?"

Branwyn (Lisa) wonders where Father Mortin is backing off to

[Brightbint (Master)] /laughs brightly at Dorn's mistake

Brightbint (Master) bows

[Brightbint (Master)] I am Lord Brightbint

[Brightbint (Master)] My father is the Duke of Brighton

[Shurkural]] (TMO) dimples. "Well then I think you've got me at a disadvantage, sir."

[Imari (Mike)] "Well my good Lord Brightbint, Dorn here was wanting to speak with me earlier, and I'm afraid I flitted off like a silly butterfly before he had his chance. I will learn to dance with him for now, and I will find you later when I inevidably offend him with my barbarian ways."

[Brightbint (Master)] I am Count Sisagno

[Master] I am certain that you could not annoy someone if you tried Miss Imari

Shurkural (TMO)] (I had to go confirm I remembered correctly what a bint was)

[Imari (Mike)] brittish slang for woman

Shurkural (TMO)] (whore)

[Imari (Mike)] and insulting at that

[Imari (Mike)] yeah, guess it turned into that. started as just woman

[Count Sisagno (Master)] (grins, the powers of the Internet)

[Imari (Mike)] i learned that from buffy the vampire slayer. grins

[Count Sisagno (Master)] Miss Shurukal

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, I have already offended a knight errant and the Guild leader for the council so far."

[Count Sisagno (Master)] I would like to make a proposition to you

[Count Sisagno (Master)] can you get me a meeting with the Ambassador tomrrow?

[Imari (Mike)] "Indigo, sweetie, could you hold my plate while I go learn to dance? Thank you dear."

[Imari (Mike)] ::grins at Indigo and winks::

Indigo (Lisa) takes plate and starts eating

[Master] Imari moved 3'01".

[Count Sisagno (Master)] (so Imari goes off to dance with Dorn)

[Master] Imari and Dorn moved 37'10".

[Master] Guildmisstress Occameno, party guest #22, Sir Nimdle, party guest #6, Sarengar and Belinor moved 12'11".

[Master] Sarengar is involved in a discussion with some older woman

[Master] and Shur has the Count on her arm

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles. "Well... I don't know. She's awfully busy. I can ask her, of course, but can't promise you nothing. At least, no promises about the Ambassador." She looks around the room. "Can I ask you a favor, Count Sisagno? Can you tell me who some of these people are? You're the first bigshot here I've gotten to meet."

[Count Sisagno (Master)] The important people that you need to know?

[Count Sisagno (Master)] Me

[Count Sisagno (Master)] Then there is the Prince

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

Shurkural (TMO)] (I had to think about it, a count doesn't quite count as royalty for her)

[Count Sisagno (Master)] if the two of us are on the Ambassador's side then she will not have any problems at all

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 2'03".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) laughs appreciatively.

[Count Sisagno (Master)] So I will send a coriour over in the morning to fetch the Ambassador

[Count Sisagno (Master)] thank you Shurkural

[Master] Count Sisagno moved 6'06".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) chuckles.

[Master] Dorn is a decent dancer

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no one fetches the ambassador!)

[Imari (Mike)] "So Mister Dorn, I hope I handled that situation well enough. I am not practiced at ballroom diplomacy. I am very flattered to have two men fighting over me, though I assume you have some sort of ulterior motive."

[Dorn (Master)] There is no ulterior motive,

Indigo (Lisa) hides empty plate behind his back

[Dorn (Master)] who would have that?

Shurkural (TMO)] Well, that weren't too bad for a first try.

[Dorn (Master)] of course you will have mulitiple men trying to get you into bed,

[Dorn (Master)] I imagine that you will be chased for quite a while

[Dorn (Master)] as long as you wish to be

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 10'01".

[Imari (Mike)] "Why is that? Because I am new and exotic? Or just for bragging rights that they have bedded the wild barbarian?"

[Dorn (Master)] I would offer up all of the above

[Dorn (Master)] of course some will attempt to flatter you with other reasons

[Imari (Mike)] "I hope that is not your motive. I would like to think better of you. You made such a good first impression."

[Imari (Mike)] "You wated patiently, followed me when I walked away, fought for my hand. Very dashing. Much more smooth than the men back home."

Indigo (Lisa) goes to put plate on empty table

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 30'02".

[Dorn (Master)] I only intend to be with you until you are not interesting,

[Imari (Mike)] "If we were in Carnak, you and that noble would have ended up shedding blood on the dance floor."

[Ilero]] (TMO) alternates between watching the people inside and looking out the windows.

[Dorn (Master)] I can tell you that I will always be honest with you

[Dorn (Master)] If you would like me to shed his blood I will, if that is what you like to see before sleeping with someone

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 12'05".

[Imari (Mike)] "That is good. As long as you're being honest. Quite the puzzle, that."

[Imari (Mike)] ::laughs lightly:: "Oh no. I have grown a bit tired of all that. But I admire your spirit." ::grins at him::

[Dorn (Master)] I pride myself on being a cut above

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 9'08".

[Master] party guest #22 moved 20'00".

[party guest #22 (Master)] Branwyn,

party guest #22 (Master) holds out her hand to be kissed

[party guest #22 (Master)] so nice to meet y ou

Branwyn (Lisa) mild look of surprise but bows and lightly kisses the hand presented to her

[Dorn (Master)] so how long will you be staying in the city?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good Evening. It is a pleasure to meet you. I don't believe we have been introduced.

Dame Colonto (Master) warm smile

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I am Dame Colonto,

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I wanted to invite you to our next City Council meeting at the end of the week

[Imari (Mike)] "For as long as the Queen's business keeps Branwyn here. Or until Partik tells me to go somewhere else. I am here to protect my friends in their travels."

[Dame Colonto (Master)] Now that you have settled in

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I am certain you will find it entertaining

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I would be pleased to host you

[Imari (Mike)] do they have jugglers at the city councel? i've always found jugglers entertaining

Shurkural (TMO)] (Marisu is sticking near by and observing, but she knows better than to interject. She's the sidekick here. Seen, but silent unless necessary.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Host me?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (waiting to fall on my face here :) )

[Dame Colonto (Master)] It can be quite confusing at a meeting

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I am the most recent member, so I understand your posistion better than the others

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh, the City Council?

[Dame Colonto (Master)] warm smile

[Dame Colonto (Master)] it is not quite as hard as facing down a troop of bugbears

[Dame Colonto (Master)] but it can look the same

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I apologize for my ignorance. With the former ambasador's sudden demise, everything has been such a rush and I have not been able to prepare as I should.

Dame Colonto (Master) looks over at Marisu and beckons her over

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are most kind to me.

[Marisu]] (TMO) concentrates, and a whiff of the sweet treats from the buffet table breeze temptingly by.

[Dame Colonto (Master)] You dear girl are not fooling anyone back there

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles and steps forward. "You flatter me, Madame."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Dame Colanto, this is Countess Marisu Doeskin.

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I have my friends at my back as well

[Marisu]] (TMO) curtsies.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She is on the City Council here.

Dame Colonto (Master) holds out her hand to be kissed

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Dame Colonto (Master)] Venturing into the Underdark for a week or more will make you very cautious won't it

[Dame Colonto (Master)] But what am I saying, you have faced down dragons

[Marisu]] (TMO) kisses the back of her hand.

[Imari (Mike)] this broad knows a lot

[Dame Colonto (Master)] the stories about your journeys are quite thrilling

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 6'01".

[Dame Colonto (Master)] those who would distain those who went out adventuring in their early days are missing out on valuable experiences

Marisu (TMO)] I agree, Madame. I heard many of them at home, and are a large part of why I came to join her.

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I find that the twists and turns of combat work with words as well as swords

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And are you an adventurer Dame Colanto? You sound as if you have the heart of one indeed.

Marisu (TMO)] (I really need to sit down and update Marisu's notes. They're a couple weeks out of date now)

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I was very happy to travel the lands

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I made a nice fortune and chose to put it to use here in the City

[Dame Colonto (Master)] not everyone is as comfortable with the idea of new people having rank and being part of society

Marisu (TMO)] Often the old guard whose positions might be threatened, usually.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope that you are putting any fears aside with the work you are doing on the Council.

[Dame Colonto (Master)] Warm Smile, it is so nice of you to say that

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I do hope you will see the progress we are making at the next meeting,

[Dame Colonto (Master)] let me introduce you to another council member,

[Dame Colonto (Master)] Oh! Lord Remorgas!

[Master] Lord Remorgas moved 20'11".

[Lord Remorgas (Master)] Yes? Dame Colonto?

[Dame Colonto (Master)] This is the new Ambassador? have you met yet?

[Dame Colonto (Master)] Lord Remorgas, this is Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious, a powerful Mage from Drillian,

Lord Remorgas (Master) frowns slightly, then bows

[Lord Remorgas (Master)] It is good to meet you

[Lord Remorgas (Master)] You are the Ambassador, correct?

Branwyn (Lisa) gives a small curtsy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes Lord Remorgas. It is an honor to make your acquaintance.

Lord Remorgas (Master) grunts

[Branwyn (Lisa)] May I also introduce Countess Marisu Doeskin?

[Lord Remorgas (Master)] I am certain that the pleasure will be mutual

Lord Remorgas (Master) nods to Marisu

[Marisu]] (TMO) curtsies. "Lord Remorgas."

[Lord Remorgas (Master)] Have a good evening ladies

[Master] Lord Remorgas moved 18'06".

Branwyn (Lisa) looks to Dame Colonto "Is Lord Remorgas always so pleasant?"

Dame Colonto (Master) winks he was particularly nice to you

[Dame Colonto (Master)] anything that upsets the way of the world does not sit well with him

Marisu (TMO)] Reminds me of Uncle Gressius.

[Dorn (Master)] So Miss Imari

[Dorn (Master)] you are a nice dancer, would you care to take a walk around the grounds?

[Master] party guest #2 moved 3'03".

[Imari (Mike)] "That would be nice."

[Master] party guest #17 moved 3'05".

[party guest #17 (Master)] Hello Sir Indigo, she purrs

party guest #2 (Master) lays a hand on Indigo's shoulder

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 9'06".

Indigo (Lisa) looks up "Ummm, good evening my lady."

Indigo (Lisa) looks over at the other one

party guest #17 (Master) warm laugh, thank you Sir Indigo

[party guest #17 (Master)] I had heard you were a gentleman

[Imari (Mike)] "So as a guild member you must meet all kinds."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Did I do something wrong?

[party guest #2 (Master)] No no no

Marisu (TMO)] (snicker)

[party guest #2 (Master)] nothing wrong..... yet

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know where to put the plates.

[party guest #2 (Master)] I was hoping you would

[party guest #2 (Master)] here let me take those from you

party guest #2 (Master) takes everythign from Indigo's hands

[party guest #2 (Master)] holds them behind her an da servant scoots by to take them

[party guest #2 (Master)] See,

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you.

[party guest #2 (Master)] you can have anything you wish

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can I have a pony?)

[party guest #17 (Master)] Anything

[party guest #17 (Master)] (LOL)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Anything?

[party guest #17 (Master)] I would be very happy to make you happy

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think you can do that.

[Master] Imari and Dorn moved 39'02".

[Indigo (Lisa)] But it's nice of you to say.

[Master] Imari and Dorn moved 68'02".

[Master] party guest #12 moved 33'01".

Marisu (TMO)] (they just ricocheted off a wall...)

[party guest #12 (Master)] HEY HEY

[party guest #12 (Master)] YOu promised me a dance too Miss Imari

[party guest #17 (Master)] oh I can do anything for you Sir Indigo

[party guest #17 (Master)] please let me make you happy

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's just ... just I would be happy if I was the best Captain in the whole world and I don't think anyone could do that.

Indigo (Lisa) slaps his hand over his mouth

party guest #17 (Master) warm throaty laugh

[party guest #17 (Master)] You can be my captain

Marisu (TMO)] (O Captain, my Captain)

[party guest #17 (Master)] and ride the waves

Marisu (TMO)] (bingo)

[party guest #17 (Master)] and keep on riding she whispers in his ear

[Imari (Mike)] "No, I promised that man a dance." ::ponts at #4::

Marisu (TMO)] (I wish Shur was close enough to hear this.)

Indigo (Lisa) eyes get big

[party guest #12 (Master)] Again!

[party guest #12 (Master)] How many men are swayed by your charms

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 10'07".

[party guest #12 (Master)] Miss Imari is a temptress

[party guest #12 (Master)] leading us all into the abyss

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... do you two have names?

[Imari (Mike)] "Looks like you were right, Dorn. All the men want to bed me. I hope you have some more interest in me than that."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I mean, I don't know you.

[Penelope (Master)] I am Penelope

[Penelope (Master)] and this is LIlac

[Imari (Mike)] "Well sir, don't follow too closely or you may get burned." ::winks:; I"ll be back later."

[Penelope (Master)] although I would say that you could let her wait till later

Penelope (Master) whispers to Indigo, much much later

[Dorn (Master)] I am happy to bed you

Indigo (Lisa) smiles in relief "You are the first two that haven't had big titles around their names."

[Dorn (Master)] you have no fear of that

Penelope (Master) warm chuckle

[Penelope (Master)] you can call me anything you want Sir INdigo

[Penelope (Master)] and I hope to be wrapped around you soon enough

[Indigo (Lisa)] Me?

[Penelope (Master)] can I tear you away from this boring party

[Penelope (Master)] there are places we could go

[Indigo (Lisa)] But ...

[Penelope (Master)] Sail me away my Captain

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... I don't think I'm allowed to leave without the others.

[Imari (Mike)] "And what if I told you that was off the table. Would you still want to escort me around the grounds?"

[Penelope (Master)] Others?

[Penelope (Master)] I suppose we would bring Lilac

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well Branwyn and everyone.

Dorn (Master) chuckles, that is never off the table sweet

[Indigo (Lisa)] And I'm supposed to be escorting Marisu but I left her along so men could swarm around her without me being in the way.

[Penelope (Master)] Everyone?

[Penelope (Master)] I have not done that in a while

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 7'10".

[Penelope (Master)] but I am sure that I can find my way again

[Dame Colonto (Master)] AMbassador, what are your goals for the future?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think I could get in a lot of trouble with you Lady Penelope.

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs lightly "Survival is my first goal."

[Imari (Mike)] "Well my dear Dorn, tonight I am here in an official capacity. I am supposed to be meeting as many people as I can and gathering information for the Ambassador. We must learn the lay of the land in this new place."

[Penelope (Master)] Oh what a sweet thing to say Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But in earnest, I do wish to learn as much as I can and to work to promote a good relationship between Drillian and Terraguard.

[Dorn (Master)] I promise I can show you the lay of the land quite well

[Dame Colonto (Master)] That is a noble goal

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And quite achieveable I do hope.

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I look forward to working with you to try and achieve that

Marisu (TMO)] (laughs. and you guys thought all of this type of attention would be aimed at Shur and Marisu. ;) )

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles warmly "I do hope so Dame Colonto. It would mean much to me for us to be friends in that"

[Dame Colonto (Master)] I think I can say that this is the start of a very fruitful friendship

[Imari (Mike)] "Well then, what can you tell me about that Brightbint guy?"

[Imari (Mike)] "And who was that other guy calling out for me? I never even spoke with him."

[Lilac (Master)] Sir Indigo do you know how to tie knots?

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 6'11".

[Dorn (Master)] chuckles, it is likely that you are the spotlight

[Indigo (Lisa)] As well as anyone. I'm not an expert though.

[Dorn (Master)] any and every man who thinks he has a chance

[Dorn (Master)] will try to work his way into your embrace

[Lilac (Master)] that is good, because I am not that good at getting out of them

[Lilac (Master)] can you help me practice

[Lilac (Master)] I think it would be very interesting

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know how to get out of them either without a dagger.

[Penelope (Master)] Ooooo, so if I tied you up you would be at my mercy? she says with a twinkle

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are you from here or are you from far away places like all these Ambassadors?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well not if I had my dagger.

[Imari (Mike)] "Mister Dorn, you only talk of one thing. And while it is flattering, you would make a better impression on my if you were to actually help me achieve my goals."

Penelope (Master) looks over her shoulder

[Penelope (Master)] then suddenly back at Indigo, with a wide smile

[Penelope (Master)] why Sir Indigo I would love to see your dagger

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 10'04".

[Dorn (Master)] I can help you achive your goals of course

[Indigo (Lisa)] People say I can't go showing weapons around. They don't like them very much here.

[Dorn (Master)] that is why you would want to sleep with me

Penelope (Master) leans into indigo, I wish you would show me

Penelope (Master) grabs Indigo's hand

[Penelope (Master)] lets go

[Indigo (Lisa)] I ... I ... don't want to get into trouble.

[Penelope (Master)] Oh I hope to

Marisu (TMO)] (doo eeet...)

[Imari (Mike)] "Ah. I think I see now. Well, regardless of where our night goes, I have promised to dance with those other two, and I always keep my word."

[Penelope (Master)] pulls as she starts to walk towards teh doors deeper nto the palace

Indigo (Lisa) looks around frantically for Branwyn

[Master] Penelope moved 2'00".

[Master] Indigo moved 2'00".

[Imari (Mike)] "If you will excuse me, I had better start taking care of my careless promises."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I have to tell Branwyn I'm leaving.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Stop!

[Penelope (Master)] we can tell her

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods and smiles at Dorn and goes back toward the ball::

[Master] Lilac moved 1'09".

Indigo (Lisa) smiles "Okay"

[Master] Penelope and Indigo moved 17'02".

Penelope (Master) curtsies deeply,

[Penelope (Master)] Misstress Branwyn,

[Penelope (Master)] it is a pleasure to meet you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good evening.

[Penelope (Master)] I would like to borrow Sir Indigo for a while please

[Penelope (Master)] I have some things I would like to show him in the palace

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 3'02".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) u-turns.

Penelope (Master) curtsies again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Borrow? And you are?

[Penelope (Master)] I am Penelope,

[Penelope (Master)] it is a pleasure to meet you

Penelope (Master) curtsies again

[Penelope (Master)] starts to move away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Shurkural (TMO)] Indigo, sugar? Are you two-timing me? Again?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Excuse me .... Penelope of what?

[Penelope (Master) (to Lisa only)] well trained in etiquette smooth talking, hitting all the right spots for a noble young lady

[Marisu]] (TMO) starts to move her hand as if to pull Shurkural away, but stops.

Penelope (Master) warm smile, Penelope of Penelope Misstress Branwyn,

[Penelope (Master)] tonight I am just Penelope

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And tomorrow?

[Penelope (Master)] I hope the sun will shine and I will be late out of my bed, she says with a twinkle in her eye

Penelope (Master) curties,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo is quite indispensible to me. I would be greatly upset if he was taken advantage of in any way.

[Penelope (Master)] with your graces

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo?

[Penelope (Master)] opens her mouth to say something then stops

[Penelope (Master)] smiles down at Indigo

[Penelope (Master)] I am certain that we will have many things to go over

[Indigo (Lisa)] She wants to see my dagger?

[Penelope (Master)] Sir Indigo has promised to show me his skills

Branwyn (Lisa) eyebrows arch sharply

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well if he truly shows you his skills, you might not survive the night.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (take that how you will)

Penelope (Master) smiles happily

[Penelope (Master)] I am certain that Sir Indigo will show me many things

[party guest #12 (Master)] SOrry Dorn, the Lady obviously preferrs a real man

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where can I find him if he is not returned in good time? He has an appointment at dawn and I do not wish to bother the Prince in asking where to find you.

[party guest #12 (Master)] someone who understands how to entertain a lady properly

[Penelope (Master)] I will make sure that Sir Indigo is home safe in his bed in the morning

[Indigo (Lisa)] I can take care of myself.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is it okay?

Penelope (Master) warm smile I am certain that you can take care of me Sir Indigo

[Marisu]] (TMO) sniffs theatrically as if she's going to cry.

Marisu (TMO)] (wrong character)

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns slightly "You are a man that can make his own decisions"

[Shurkural]] (TMO) sniffs theatrically as if she's going to cry.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are you all right Shur?

[Imari (Mike)] "Yes. I do enjoy a real man who is confident and does not have to posture. Now, shal we dance?"

Shurkural (TMO)] You cad. Go then, if you must. Just remember what you left behind.

party guest #12 (Master) bows and offers his hand to Imari

[Master] Imari moved 2'02".

[Master] party guest #12 and Imari moved 48'07".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) winks at Indigo.

[Master] Dorn moved 14'11".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) turns away and flounces off.

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 6'06".

[Penelope (Master)] Let us go explore Sir Indigo

[Master] Penelope moved 7'03".

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 7'07".

[Master] Indigo moved 3'11".

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Penelope "She's my friend too"

[Imari (Mike)] "And what is your name?"

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] I am Sir Guildtar

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] my family has been in the city for generations

[Penelope (Master)] Did you want to bring her with us Sir Indigo?

[Penelope (Master)] I promise I can take care of you

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Shur "I hope she is kind and doesn't rob him blind"

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks around to make sure they're gone, then circles back.

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 10'09".

[Master] Indigo and Penelope moved 27'06".

[Master] Indigo and Penelope moved 31'07".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) grins. "Either way, I bet he'll have more fun than a cat in a milk barn."

[Imari (Mike)] "I see. A pleasure to meet you Sir Guildtar. My family has been in Carnak for generations. And here for days."

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Then I have you at my advantage

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] I promise not to use it unfairly

Shurkural (TMO)] Did he leave with two women??

[Master] no

[Master] just the one

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] they went off through one of the doors into the Palace

[Imari (Mike)] "And just what would you do with your advantage?"

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] the unscrupulous person would have you involved in some scheme by morning

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] I intend to treat you as an intelligent person

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] and convince you fairly

Shurkural (TMO)] Oh, Bran. Some Count, Sissyno, I think it was, asked me to arrange a meeting with you tomorrow. He thinks a courier is going to pick you up in the morning.

[Imari (Mike)] ::laughs:: "At least you are up front about wanting to involve me in a scheme.

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Everyone in this City is involved in many schemes

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] it is just a question of knowing which ones to avoid

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] and which ones each person is working

Shurkural (TMO)] I don't know why he thought I could tell you what to do.

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Imari (Mike)] "And are you knowledgeable about what everyone is scheming?"

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Count Sissyno? Why does he want to see me? Where is he from?

Branwyn (Lisa) hopes he is not another Council member

[Shurkural]] (TMO) shrugs. "Beats me, sugar. He didn't waste much time."

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] Probably how he handles all the women in his life, if you know what I mean.

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smirks.

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] No one knows all the schemes if they tell you otherwise then they are eitehr fools or fooling you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lovely.

[Imari (Mike)] "Well do you know more than the average person here?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It will give me something to do I suppose why you are all having grand adventures.

Shurkural (TMO)] But, "if you have him and the Prince on your side, you won't have any problems!"

Sir Guildtar (Master) bows, I hope I do

[Master] Brightbint moved 12'09".

[Master] party guest #10 moved 9'03".

[Master] Dame Colonto moved 9'03".

[Master] Brightbint moved 4'07".

Brightbint (Master) lays a light touch on Mairsu's elbow

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "he said that?"

[Brightbint (Master)] Pardon me Dame

[Marisu]] (TMO) jumps a bit, surprised.

Marisu (TMO)] "Oh. Yes, sir, how can I help you?"

[Brightbint (Master)] If I may be so bold

Shurkural (TMO)] Yep. I almost forgot all about it.

[Brightbint (Master)] I would ask an introduction to the Ambassador

Shurkural (TMO)] Of course! They say fortune favors the bold, after all.

Shurkural (TMO)] (wrong char again)

Marisu (TMO)] Of course! They say fortune favors the bold, after all.

Marisu (TMO)] Who am I introducing, sir?

[Brightbint (Master)] (HAH! try 29 guests at a party! :P )

[Brightbint (Master)] I am Lord Brightbint, son of the Duke of Brighton

Marisu (TMO)] (I double-clicked, but forgot to change chat)

[Marisu]] (TMO) curtsies. "A pleasure to meet you, Lord Brightbint. One moment while the Ambassador finishes up her conversation."

[Brightbint (Master)] (wry grin I have 11 windows open and 7 tabs in one browser, this is getting crazy)

Marisu (TMO)] Are you enjoying yourself this evening, Lord Brightbint?

[Brightbint (Master)] I have found it to be very interesting to see how everyone is reacting to the new celebrities here in the City

Marisu (TMO)] I imagine so. I was kind of surprised at how popular we appear to be.

Marisu (TMO)] (is Branwyn done with Shur?)

Brightbint (Master) chuckles, did you not see the crowd outside the gate? they are just waiting to see you come out

Branwyn (Lisa) leans into Shur "Is Ilero going to lurk in corners all evening?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sure :) )

[Marisu]] (TMO) chuckles. "Probly. You know how he loves crowds. And dressing up."

Marisu (TMO)] 9grr)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it's ok)

Shurkural (TMO)] (that time I just plain forgot)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) chuckles. "Probly. You know how he loves crowds. And dressing up."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tell him he's only allowed to skulk around for half the night

[Brightbint (Master)] (I intend, hope to accomplish, put all these conversations together properly from both nights into one document)

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Shur

[Marisu]] (TMO) steps up toward Branwyn.

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles. "Oh, he'll love that for sure."

Shurkural (TMO)] Maybe I can get him to dance with me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That would be very nice.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the least he can do.

Branwyn (Lisa) turns to Marisu

Marisu (TMO)] Pardon me, Ambassador. This is Lord Brightbint, son of the Duke of Brighton."

Brightbint (Master) bopws

Marisu (TMO)] (no bopping Branwyn on the head!!)

[Brightbint (Master)] It is a pleasure to meet you Branwyn the Mysterious

Branwyn (Lisa) curtsies "Good evening Lord Brighbint."

[Brightbint (Master)] Welcome to the City

[Brightbint (Master)] It is good to have you here

Marisu (TMO)] (Little Bunny Brightbint, hopping through the City, picking up the Branwyns and bopping 'em on the head)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you. It is good to be here. I feel quite fortunate.

[Brightbint (Master)] LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (eek)

[Brightbint (Master)] I am very interested in hearing how you see our City

[Brightbint (Master)] I have been here for two months

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What I have seen is quite amazing. I have heard of Dryads Lair from home of course but one cannot appreciate its grandeur until one sees it for oneself.

[Brightbint (Master)] My father sent me to learn what I can, meet the important people

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The size alone is overwhelming.

[Brightbint (Master)] and I do believe that you qualify for that, grins

[Brightbint (Master)] yes this is a nice city

[Brightbint (Master)] Terrabrink is a larger one of course

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I'm not so sure about that"

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 9'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of my importance that is.

[Brightbint (Master)] but Dryads Lair has its charms

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Have you been there?

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 10'11".

[Brightbint (Master)] My father's lands are just sound of Terrabrink

[Brightbint (Master)] it was kind of him to send me away during the winter

[Brightbint (Master)] although I will be wanted back in the spring

[Brightbint (Master)] and you as the Ambassador for the Small Kingdoms are undoubtably the most important person in this city after the Prince

[Brightbint (Master)] for those who think beyond their own little world

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I am honored you would say that. I am sure there are others who would heartily disagree."

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Miss Imari, is there anything that you would like to know about the city? places for me to show you?

[Brightbint (Master)] They might disagree, but they would be wrong

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So what are your goals in the city besides avoiding winter at home?

[Brightbint (Master)] You have the ear of the most powerful monarch outside of Terragaurd

[Brightbint (Master)] my goals are to meet people, learn

[Brightbint (Master)] and when I get home in the spring pass my father's test

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Test?

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, I do need a friend who can guide me around the social layout of the city. You could become a good friend to our household fi you are honest with us. We are new and don't know anyone here. Like that Dorn. All he wanted to do was bed me."

[Brightbint (Master)] He will test me upon my return to see if I have learned properly

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] if y ou are certain that is all he wants, then you can trust him

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] if he was honest with you about that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Learned what? Customs, history?

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] perhaps if you go to a priest they can help you determine if his intentions are true

[Brightbint (Master)] yes? he says with a grin

[Brightbint (Master)] My older brothers refuse to tell me anything

[Brightbint (Master)] two of them returned home and made my father happy,

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 20'11".

[Brightbint (Master)] one of them was sent off to a monestary after returning home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the other?

[Brightbint (Master)] I will have to hope that I learn the right things,

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, if his intentions are true, then all he wants to do is see how the barbarian woman is in bed. And if he's lying to get me into bed, then..."

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] are barbarian women different in bed than normal women?

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] or is it simply that he is enamoured with you adn wants you?

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] youmust be used to that, when you go out men trying to capture your attention

Marisu (TMO)] [Shurkural]] and [Ilero]] moved 17'09".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) drags Ilero onto the floor.

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] that is why you have the tattoos right? to bring their attention to your face?

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] to your eyes?

[Imari (Mike)] ::laughs:: "No. It is to show my devotion to Partik. I am a priestess."

Sir Guildtar (Master) steps back a step,

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Oh?

[Imari (Mike)] "And that scares you?"

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Scares? no

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] but only a foolish person is not aware and careful when dealing with the powers of magic

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Priests at least have a calling

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Mages are wild and unpredictable

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what's not to love about that?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (considering your 'chompy spell', not sure I can blame the man. ;) )

[Imari (Mike)] "My calling is to protect travellers and usher spirits to the other side."

[Imari (Mike)] "That is why I travel with Branwyn. I help to protect them in Partik's name."

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] The other side you say?

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] you mean the Green Fields?

[Imari (Mike)] "I have been watching over her for a long time."

[Imari (Mike)] "I suppose that could be a name for them. Each god seems to promise their followers a different resting place. Partik simply takes them from this world to the next.?

Shurkural (TMO)] (and you have yet to usher her over. You Have Failed!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's the kind of failure branwyn can get behind)

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] so you have visited that happy place? what is it like?

Shurkural (TMO)] [Marisu]] moved 2'00".

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] is it really like they say? no pain, harvests without effort?

[Imari (Mike)] "I have not been there myself. I have managed to stay alive thus far."

[Imari (Mike)] "I simply send people there. And soon I hope I will be able to intercede and ask Partik to bring them back."

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] WHT!

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] why would you do that?!?!!

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] They are there and happy, at peace and content

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] steps back

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] why would you rip them from their happiness back to this place?

[Master] Sir Guildtar moved 1'10".

[Imari (Mike)] "Not all are ready to go. Many feel they still have things to finish in this world. They can always go back after all."

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] do you really believe that?

Sir Guildtar (Master) fascinated and horrified

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] you think that someone can decide to come back? ignore the wishes of the Gods?

[Imari (Mike)] "It doesn't matter what I believe, does it? If they believe, they will come back on the raven's wings."

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] you think you have the right to rip people from their happy place to come back to sufferng here?

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] you said you would bring them back

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] are you saying you will not bring them back?

[Imari (Mike)] "It is not I who has this power. It is Partik who does this. I can only ask him on their behalf. If they do not wish to come back, why would they?"

[Imari (Mike)] "I can always ask them before I try. Partik also grants me the power to speak to the dead."

Sir Guildtar (Master) horrified

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] You see ghosts!@

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] They are cursed

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] how can that be a good thing!

[Master] Sir Guildtar moved 1'06".

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, if there is a ghost, everyon esees it. I can communicate with spirits of the dead."

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So Lord Brightbint, was the brother that was sent to the monastery sent as punishment or as a calling?

[Imari (Mike)] "A ghost is something completely different. A spirit who goes against the natural order. They must be put to rest."

[Imari (Mike)] "Partik does not abide the udead. Spirits should not linger here, they should move on to the next world."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry - I thought knight ran away)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Brightbint (Master)] Father sent him away, Brian I guess did not pass the test

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] So if this Partik you speak of does not want people to be here if they are not alive, then why would she want people to come back after they are happy in the Green Fields?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then you must learn well.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or at least take a wife so that a monastery is not an option.

[Brightbint (Master)] laughs

[Brightbint (Master)] Father will pick my wife

[Brightbint (Master)] and I do hope that I am learning to answer his test

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope so. It was very nice to meet you.

[Imari (Mike)] "Well the recently dead can come back to life if he wills it and they are willing to come back. Then they aren't dead. And when they die again, he escorts them back to the other side."

Brightbint (Master) bows, thank you, I do hope to be able to pay a visit soon

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] you escort them you said

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles warmly "I would like that"

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] so you are saying that you cannot bring them back unless they want to come back?

Branwyn (Lisa) moves off to see who else she may meet

[Imari (Mike)] "Indeed."

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] ok, so you really do not have any power over them then

[Master] Branwyn moved 17'00".

[Master] Priestess moved 2'03".

[Master] Priestess moved 4'11".

[Priest #2 (Master)] Hello AMbassador Branwyn

[Priestess (Master)] It is very nice to meet you

[Priestess (Master)] Thank you for coming to our city

[Imari (Mike)] "No. Only Partik has any true power over the spirits."

Branwyn (Lisa) curtsies "Good evening to you all"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I thank you for such a warm welcome.

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] /md nods more confidently

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] That is good to know

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have not had the pleasure of your names.

[Sir Guildtar (Master)] Pirests are always .... I suppose I should say some priests are not as forthright on their intentions

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] I am Uncle Tranto

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] these are my aides

Uncle Tranto (Master) sighs

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] I

Uncle Tranto (Master) sighs

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] perhaps a seat?

Uncle Tranto (Master) looking around

[Priestess (Master)] Just a moment Uncle

[Master] Priestess moved 23'07".

[Master] Priestess moved 44'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Certainly. An excellent idea.

Priestess (Master) brings back a chair for him

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] Thank you child

[Imari (Mike)] "Well, I am not secretive by nature. I like to talk about Partik. There is no reason to hide what he does. It is a natural lprocess of life."

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] I saw you speaking with the Council member

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] members

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] I wanted to wait until you had met them all

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] but I am an old man and want my bed

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] so I came to you instead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I apologize for that. Can we get you something? Some water?

Uncle Tranto (Master) shakes his head

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] I merely wanted to introduce myself

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] now that is done

Branwyn (Lisa) lowers herself so he does not have to look up at her

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] there will be other days, one hopes, to be able to speak

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are you with Father Mortin?

[Imari (Mike)] "Now, thank you for dancing with me. I have enjoyed meeting you. We will be having a dinner soon at our estate. I will be sure you get an invitation."

[Imari (Mike)] ::smiles and nods and makes her way back to Branwyn::

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] I was waiting for you to meet everyone, then I could come over

[Uncle Tranto (Master)] Now that is done

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Sir Guildtar (Master) bows to Imari as she leaves

Uncle Tranto (Master) deep sigh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You do not seem well and I do not wish to tire you further. May I call on you when iyou are feeling more rested?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks over to aides for assistance

[Priestess (Master)] That would be a very nice thing Misstress Branwyn

[Priestess (Master)] have a good evening

[Master] Priestess moved 7'00".

[Master] Priestess and Uncle Tranto moved 13'10".

[Master] Priestess moved 1'10".

[Priestess (Master)] Have a pleasent evening

Branwyn (Lisa) stands again looking confused

[Master] Priestess moved 4'09".

Branwyn (Lisa) looks around for Father Mortin and then approaches him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 15'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good evening Father. I have not paid you my respects yet this evening.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How are you?

Father Mortin (Master) nods to Branwyn

[Father Mortin (Master)] I am good Sister

[Father Mortin (Master)] How are you this evening?

[Father Mortin (Master)] have you enjoyed your ball?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A bit overhwelmed but much pleased at the kindness of everyone here.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am enjoying myself very much.

[Father Mortin (Master)] Young Sam made sure to have all the important players in City politics here for you to size up

[Father Mortin (Master)] have you made any choices yet?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is there a choice to be made? Are they really all that fractious?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not here for city affairs as a primary purpose.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or secondary for that matter.

[Father Mortin (Master)] Who should be on your side? Uncle Tranto? Dame Colanto? The Count?

[Father Mortin (Master)] You will need friends to assist you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Uncle Tranto is on the Council?

[Father Mortin (Master)] or you will not be invited to meetings

[Father Mortin (Master)] permitted to offer up petitiions,

[Father Mortin (Master)] Uncle Tranto is the churches reporesentative on the City Council

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was going to ask if he was part of your church or another sect of the Kayugans.

Branwyn (Lisa) desperately wishes Tristan was here

[Father Mortin (Master)] He is not part of the Cahus family

[Father Mortin (Master)] He is a priest of Vitreous,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He does not seem well.

[Father Mortin (Master)] he has risen quite high for such

[Father Mortin (Master)] he is old

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Hightower has offered to take me to a meeting.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am hoping for his guidance.

[Father Mortin (Master)] 25>? maybe 30 more summers than I have seen

[Father Mortin (Master)] The Prince ?

[Father Mortin (Master)] he has not attended a meeting in years

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Sam Hightower, Father.

[Father Mortin (Master)] ahh Young Sam has a healthy interest in the City

[Father Mortin (Master)] I hope the Prince lives a long life that permits young Sam to stay here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sam could not stay otherwise?

[Father Mortin (Master)] when a new Prince is presented he will be sent out on his own

[Father Mortin (Master)] let me be blunt

[Father Mortin (Master)] do you trust Tristan?>

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] there is no doubt in my mind of him

[Father Mortin (Master)] Why? you know he was there in your church under false pretenses

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not by his will.

[Father Mortin (Master)] you I do not truly understand

[Father Mortin (Master)] yet you built a wonderful church

[Father Mortin (Master)] so I must grant you that the gods have blessed you

Marisu (TMO)] Deception isn't Tristan's strongest trait, from what I've seen.

[Father Mortin (Master)] yet Tristan

Father Mortin (Master) looks over at Marisu and frown as at a child that spoke when not asked

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Don't you have spells that read a man's heart? I challenge you to put him to any test.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You will find that he is true and loyal.

[Father Mortin (Master)] Tristan was intended to lead against the forces that would bring chaos

[Father Mortin (Master)] he is meant to fight FOR law

[Imari (Mike)] okay guys, i'm falling asleep. sorry i didn't get to dance and interact with bint guy

[Imari (Mike)] night, all

Marisu (TMO)] (night)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In Vilmar? Pardon me Father, but I have been there and did not find much lawlessness.

[Father Mortin (Master)] if not for his stutter and his other sligth distractions, he might have been touched by Cahus and blessed to lead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight Mike!)

[Father Mortin (Master)] (see you mike)

Mike has left the game on Fri Dec 05 23:35:07 EST 2014

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Stutter? Tristan?

[Father Mortin (Master)] The Mist and the swamp hordes must be defeated

[Father Mortin (Master)] He has mastered it very well I do admit

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Father Mortin (Master)] when he was young he would not get through a full set of prayers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is interesting, but I am sure when he is ready he will tell me about his childhood.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I laughed about the Mist. I do not see that going away any time soon.

[Father Mortin (Master)] I am certain that I sent him to the right place

[Father Mortin (Master)] which is what I am most concerned about

[Father Mortin (Master)] that he did not end up in the right place

[Father Mortin (Master)] do you think that Tristan would not fight the Mist with all of his might?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a discussion for you and him. I will not hold him if he wishes to leave. If he wishes to stay I shall protect him from those who would try and use him wrongly again.

[Father Mortin (Master)] what would bring greater glory to Cahus and to Kayugan faith than to defeat the Mist and prove the power of the Gods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He lived it in as we all have. No one fights the Mist.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Successfully that is.

[Father Mortin (Master)] if anyone has the unyielding backbone it is Tristan

Aunt Jennevive (Master) laughs outloud from the othe rside of the room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Isn't the Mist Drillian's concern?

[Father Mortin (Master)] evil must be defeated

[Father Mortin (Master)] no matter where it is

[Father Mortin (Master)] shirking from our duty to confront it means we become weak

[Father Mortin (Master)] The faith crosses any political borders

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you wish to send a pack of priests to cast dispel magic spells at the skies of Drillian?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are most welcome to try.

Father Mortin (Master) looks at Branwyn as a child

[Father Mortin (Master)] You know better than that

[Father Mortin (Master)] do not lower your self

[Father Mortin (Master)] There is an evil to be defeated

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There are some rocks that are better left not overturned.

[Father Mortin (Master)] no one who believes in good wishes for the Mist to continue

[Father Mortin (Master)] Have a good Night Branwyn

[Father Mortin (Master)] when you have questions, you can come to me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you as well.

[Master] &&&&&&&

[Master] are you both happy with the party?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] the end kind of sucked

[Master] is there more you want to explore? or are you heads read to explode?

[Master] sorry

[Lisa] lol

[Master] we can continue on the site if you wish

[Lisa] oh not a war against drillian - a crusade against drillian

[Master] grins

[Lisa] idiots WANT a vampire war

[TMO] heehee. I was kind of preparing to explain to some young swain that Shur was with the group as muscle.

[Master] now you see what your longer term task is

[Master] nice word!

[Lisa] Calling Count Drake ....

[Lisa] so did we miss meeting VIPs?

[TMO] I'm not entirely sure how the vampires fit into Drillian politics

[Master] I think you meet everyone

[TMO] Count Drake is the only one I've run into in any fashion, even discussion.

[Master] all 5 council members, plus you already know Sam and you met the Admiral

[TMO] and he wasn't one at first.

[Master] plus misc others

[Lisa] Indigo knows one in loosend

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] Brotherhood tries to fight them

[Master] TMO would have LOVED that adventure

[Master] TMO you have read Sherlock Holmes?

[TMO] all of them.

[Master] The Six Napoleons

[TMO] Statues. Ruby or something hidden in one.

[Master] was the theme for the story arc Elementary

[TMO] wow. Welcome to my Trivia Sponge brain.

[TMO] *headdesk*

[Master] where the group met all sorts of people

[Master] it was a great great time

[Master] ask Lisa

[Master] knowing exactly what the story is but unable to stop it from unfolding

[Lisa] it was fun

[TMO] isn't that exactly what fireballs are for?

[Master] grins, her and Kaz knew exactly what was about to happen

[Master] but

[Lisa] indigo had to get the group brainwashed at the end

[Lisa] or vampire would come and try to kill the group

[Lisa] but that was a side story to the mystery part

[TMO] that doesn't sound ominous at all

[Lisa] was fun

[Lisa] bodies in rivers

[Master] lol

[Lisa] speak with dead as an investigative tool

[Master] gnome statue makers

[Lisa] hunting for statues

[Lisa] the chief of police - Investigator Watson if I recall correctly

[TMO] lol

[Master] nods

[TMO] Locate Object

[TMO] problem solved! Next case!

[Master] ahhh

[Master] but the piece of jewlery hidden in a statue was a necklace of obscurement

[TMO] I notice that spell isn't in any of the spellbooks

[Lisa] And I don't think any of us were higher than 5th level

[Master] i twas a very nice crime to solve

[Lisa] yes it was

[TMO] I'm actually not a great detective. I overthink and come up with infinite possible solutions.'

[Lisa] but I am going to go be with the new Christmas tree

[Master] smile

[Lisa] goodnight all :)

[Master] I will try to wrap this all up with a nice bow

[TMO] g'nighte

[Master] before next session

Lisa has left the game on Fri Dec 05 23:53:15 EST 2014

[Master] if eitehr of you watn more

[Master] ooops

[TMO] ciao

[Master] well we will see

[Master] have a great nigth sir

[TMO] you too

[TMO] thanks for the game

TMO has left the game on Fri Dec 05 23:53:50 EST 2014

[Master] Jondar XP award: 400. Next level in 16950.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 28294.

[Master] Aunt Jennevive XP award: 300. Next level in 0.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 400. Next level in 83702.

[Master] [Marisu]] XP award: 200. Next level in 9372.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 200. Next level in 30348.

[Master] Imari XP award: 400. Next level in 38292.

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 200. Next level in 36577.

XP awarded