Main / Dec1109

Dec 11 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 11 18:20:02 EST 2009 ====

[BOB] I am getting drinks, food and such and will return to the screen.

[BOB] I know that Kaz will be in late, about an hour or hour and a half after we normally start

[BOB] I hope to see everyone else

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

john2] has joined the game on Fri Dec 11 18:48:28 EST 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

john2] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] Hey there John

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] hello

[BOB] how was your week?

[john2] up and down, and over

[BOB] that sounds good

[john2] and yours?

[BOB] one more day for me to go

[BOB] my asssitant is on vacation this week

[BOB] plus one of the other full time staff people on vacation for the last of three weeks gone

[BOB] plus my problem person called out sick two days this week

[john2] must be tough in that small of a branch

[BOB] so two of the five days so far had me and one other full time

[BOB] intead of 5 full time

[BOB] but after a hard two days have it all caught up

[BOB] maintain on Sat and then Off on Sun adn Mon

[BOB] did I tell you that Rob thinks he is coming to the party on Saturday?

[john2] no but good

[BOB] and Sean and Mike will be here also

[BOB] how are the kids?

[BOB] and how did last weekend's demo go?

[john2] fine, Mike had a tough week, Miranda was good

[BOB] anything in particular?

[john2] well, either he bad a bad reaction to a flu shot, or he needs to be tested for ADD, he had two really bad days at school

[john2] no focus

[john2] or too much on the wrong things

[BOB] constructive wrong things?

[BOB] like being obessed by music?

[BOB] drumming etc

[BOB] or just scattered?

[john2] wants to be on the computer at school

[BOB] doing something in particular?

[john2] if he does not want to do it, it just does not care

[BOB] ok

[BOB] you know you can always come over and talk if you want

[john2] when ever I have a free moment

[BOB] or just want Nyrma's opinion

[BOB] she would be glad to help out

[john2] Laura wants to have him tested and family can't really do it

[BOB] ] XP award: 1000. Next level in 105251.

[BOB] not to have her do it

[BOB] but to talk about it

[BOB] options etc

[john2] it's going to be a slow night

[BOB] we will see

[BOB] expecting Kaz and Mike both in

[BOB] while you are here,

[john2] you said Mike was not comming on line?

[BOB] what are your ideas on the followers and henchmen?

[BOB] Mike said he would be online only

[john2] ah

[BOB] but a bit late perhaps

[BOB] when he talked to me today

[john2] what is the question on F & H?

[BOB] and if he is not in to call or IM him

[BOB] what do you want to do as Keith with them?

[BOB] you have Kit, Khan and Kazza

[BOB] keeping them,

[BOB] obviously

[BOB] and they will stay

[BOB] the followers,

[BOB] have you given any thought to that?

[BOB] you could pick up one or more as a henchman

[BOB] or?

[BOB] pay them as your army?

[john2] i did not think anything would change, not really looking for a new one

[BOB] it depends on how you want to deal with them

[BOB] no reason for it to change

[BOB] except that you are not a warrior anymore

[BOB] so there are those wrinkles to take into account

[john2] I gave the followers up with the protectorate

[BOB] ok

[BOB] you can always pick up the apprentices like I said before

[BOB] 1d4

[BOB] they are treated like followers

[BOB] but if Brad or anyone you really wanted to keep as a henchman

[BOB] now is the time to convert them

[john2] no, I think I have enough

[BOB] ok

[BOB] no pressure

[john2] was looking like Kit, Kazza and Khan would be joing Morria on the next adventure

[BOB] how so?

[john2] looked like Mike and Lori were staying away for a while, that how I read it

[BOB] I am not sure about that

[BOB] I know that Mike is frustrated if you think he is steamrolling the group into something

[BOB] and I do beleive he wants to talk that out with you

[john2] has there been any significate change in trades in our area

[BOB] not yet

[BOB] it is getting into summer

[BOB] the passes are just opening up again after the winter

[BOB] the first set of attacks you mostly ignored, the next set were in the summer, then the ones you really paid attention to were in teh fall

[BOB] then you spent most of the winter in the Underdark

[BOB] and now is late spring

[BOB] to mid summer depending on which time line you are in

[john2] i would guess the Norther trade route has been better sence the western one was taken over by thedd?

[BOB] well two diferent things

[BOB] there is the Silk Road

[john2] or did it all get on the river

[BOB] that runs from Wolfspack to Hallstatt through the Great Saint Bernard Pass

[BOB] that is where Roadhaven is

[john2] yea I read

[BOB] the Spice Road is north of that and comes out near the Highlands in Terraguard

[BOB] much harder rougher terrain

[BOB] where Thedd is/was

[BOB] was west of wolfspack

[BOB] so after goods get to WP

[BOB] then head north through the protectorate

[BOB] or west past Thedd

[BOB] the river was the faster way but also has pirates

[BOB] the Great Trade Route

[BOB] goes south from WP

[BOB] down to Seagate

[BOB] and the Island Kingdoms

[BOB] so the answer to your question about good traveling past Thedd is yes they are, but not as much as before

[BOB] brb

[BOB] b

[john2] so we will be waiting for mike before we forward time?

[BOB] no

[BOB] Keith is on his own time line right now

[BOB] plus any questions you have

[BOB] organizational stuff

[BOB] Kit

[BOB] lots of things

[john2] the first thing he is going to do is talk with Khan and check on the rest, like kit

[john2] Kit is not going to do anything but follow Fin's lead

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Kit could do some minor talking investigating if you want

[john2] at most, if she runs into Lord J she will tlak to him, but between Kylia and Fin not sure what I can say

[BOB] wry grin

[john2] even Keith would not do anything with Octiva without Kylia's say

[john2] I'll just see what happenes

[BOB] did you have any other ideas on how to handle it?

[john2] same plan, untill I see more effect, that why I asked about the local trade

[BOB] the local trade around WP would not change

[BOB] more might come from the south along the trade route rather than over the pass

[BOB] but unless trade gets shut down totally

[john2] I would be concerend from Gellagar north to Terrigard

[BOB] what would you be looking for?

[BOB] I guess I do not understand what you are trying to assertain

[john2] lack of supplies

[john2] has there been any significate issue that might have been caused by BG

[BOB] that would be on the Eastern side of the Great Mountains

[BOB] not on your side

[BOB] that would be caravans leaving Shou Lung and traveling across Semphar and Hallstatt

[BOB] and eventually up and over the Great Saint Bernard Pass

[BOB] on the western side

[BOB] where WP and the Great Trade Route are

[BOB] goods would keep flowing north south

[BOB] the caravan attacks were to the East

[john2] so the only reason we tok any note was we were being blamed

[BOB] yes

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Dec 11 19:36:20 EST 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

mikE] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] to be clear what you understand is that Ozzy/BG wanted the caravans attacked, and the DS were a convient scape goat

[BOB] and welcome Mike

[john2] yes I got that last week

[john2] hello mike

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] so back to the question of last week john

[BOB] what would make you think that this story line is over

[BOB] what is the outcome specifically you would like to see?

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] i do not think this is the kind of storry.situation that will never be over

[BOB] no

[BOB] there will be lose ends of course

[john2] without killing Ozzy, our paths will cross again

[john2] and I do not think this is woth killing ozzy over

[BOB] is that a goal then? eliminating Ozzy ? knowing you are leaving some of his group alive?

[john2] we can ignore him or piss him off, I choose to ignore him

[BOB] or is it to disrupt his plans?

[john2] we are not the policemen of the world, it is not our place to disrupt his plans for his part of the world

[BOB] Mike?

[BOB] thoughts on goals?

[mikE] ozzy obvously has a hard on for the ds'ers. if he's taking over spice trade he'll come into the pass eventually

[mikE] i'd say find him, and negotiate a peace with him

[mikE] but i fully believe that would be pointless to even try

[john2] do you miss the part where it was not his idea to blame the DS's

[john2] did

[BOB] he likes the idea of blaming the DS

[mikE] no, but he still hates us

[BOB] he did kill someone's partner because she used to be with the DS

[mikE] and eventually we'll step on his toes again, especially if he leaves the ocean and then we'll have to deal with this shit all over again

[john2] just imaging how he would feel if we disrupt his current plan

[mikE] there are only two real solutions: eliminate the threat or nullify it.

[mikE] i doubt we have a snowballs chance in hell at the second part

[mikE] and no one else thinks we can do the first part

[john2] he is not currently threating us

[BOB] I think you have a chance at both sides of that Mike

[mikE] so at this point why don't we just go home and wait for him to come to us

[BOB] but two quick points

[BOB] 1 - Ozzy has never done anything outside fo the Island Kingdoms that you know of

[BOB] and 2 - what do you think his plan actually entails and then you can figure out if there are things you can do to nuliffy it

[BOB] and John he has not threatened you directly, but he has kept tabs on you at least recently

[john2] but you did tell me earlier that what he has done has little or no effect on our part of the world

[BOB] yes and no

[BOB] it has not even been a year yet

[BOB] so hard to see what is happening long term

[john2] yet

[BOB] and what sort of effect are you looking for?

[BOB] the ammount of trade goods?

[BOB] the number of caravans?

[BOB] the type of goods?

[john2] looking for a reason to stick my nose is an issue in anther country when my neighborhood is being overrun

[BOB] what you asked about earlier was trade in a very specific section of the Great Trade Route

[john2] i was asking about the area from gellager to Terragard, it's a big enough area

[BOB] that is a hundred mile stretch or more

[BOB] but the Great Trade Route is over 1,000 miles long

[BOB] and again you are concentrating on the area on the western side of the Great Mountains

[john2] should we patrol it to make sure it's safe from bad guys?

[john2] this is our area

[BOB] there have not been any attacks on this side of the Great Mountains

[BOB] they have all been on the Eastern side of the mountains

[mikE] and if there are bad guys, guess who they'll work for?

[BOB] at least the ones attributed to the DS

[BOB] what do you mean Mike?

[BOB] brb bathroom

[mikE] if there are bandits raiding along the road, they'll if not now, then eventually work for ozzy

[mikE] so then we'd be sticking our nose in his business again.

[BOB] there are always bandits on the roads

[john2] you make it sould like all the bad guys are under BG

[BOB] that is why caravans hire guards

[BOB] and a question to think about and bat around

[BOB] why would he want to attack caravans?

[mikE] yes, but if he corners the spice trade

[mikE] through banditry or piracy

[mikE] then if we do anything on the route, it'll be against him

[mikE] so if we go stick our heads in the sand, the problem will still come to our doorstep.

[BOB] remember teh Silk Road runs east west

[BOB] the great trade route runs north south

[BOB] I think you can not stick your heads in the sand, I agree with Mike on that

[BOB] you can not totally ignore this issue

[BOB] but I to think that the scope of trade is not apparent to you

[BOB] thousands of tons of goods go by caravan each year

[BOB] in hundreds of caravans

[john2] which you expect the DS to be responsible for?

[BOB] there is a large ammount of traffic from the Island Kingdoms up the Great Trade Route

[BOB] to Wolfspack and then into Terraguard

[BOB] was that at me john?

[john2] it is a question, sounds like you want us to think that

[BOB] the DS are not responsible for protecting any part of any trade route except the small section near Roadhaven now that the protectorate is gone

[BOB] but the attacks that caught your attention that started this new Era

[BOB] were on the Silk Road in Hallstatt

[john2] wich is weeks away by horse?

[BOB] over teh pass yes

[john2] well I do not think you need to change Mike's mind and you don't have to change my mind

[BOB] I am not trying to change anyone's mind

[BOB] I want the group to come to some sort of concensus on what the goal should be

[BOB] then we will know what can be done about that

[john2] we are going to disagree, we have for a long time, that is why I am sitting back and letting Mike lead, he is the only one who wants to

[BOB] only one who wants to what?

[john2] i contribute and make sugestions

[john2] lead

[mikE] well apparently my leading is in the wrong direction and i don't listen to anyone when i do it.

[BOB] I do not think that being in the Island Kingdoms is the wrong direction

[BOB] I do think that the group does not know what they want to accomplish there

[BOB] either short term or long term

[john2] my understanding of the plan was "this is war"

[mikE] you may not think so, but john made it abundantly clear that i was doing it all wrong

[BOB] then you two should talk about that

[john2] but yet i am still here and have my characters working towards your goals

[john2] what would you like me to do, besides seding Keith on a suiside mission

[mikE] i don't really care anymore

[john2] it's your mission, how can you not care

[john2] you never told me you wanted to "talk"

[mikE] i'll just have fin pull a paul and go home to mind his little corner of the world and give the team all my best intentions from the sidelines

[john2] fin and ant are designed for combat, Keith is designed for research and support

[john2] he is AC 10 and 28 hit pts

[john2] magic missles kills him in one round

[BOB] and there is a difference in John and Mike being on the same page and Fin adn Keith being on the same page

[BOB] Mike and John need to come up with goals and potential solutions along with the other players

[mikE] what other players?

[BOB] then each player plays their character as they see fit

[BOB] Kaz and Guy

[BOB] both are fully invested in this

[mikE] then we need them here to make any plans

[BOB] Guy can not be here right now on Friday nights, that is why he was trying to contribute by having his own track for Liam

[BOB] plus he is paying attention on the site

[BOB] and Kaz has done both

st watching] has joined the game on Fri Dec 11 20:16:04 EST 2009

st watching] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

st watching] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] and Fritz

[BOB] what do you think the goals should be?

[st watching] Who me?

[john2] was that suposed to be Just watching?

[Silent Bob] Yes

[BOB] Fritz you will speak up and contribute

[Silent Bob] Don't want to disturb your game

[john2] how does BOB know who it is?

[Silent Bob] I am the only one who comes in with aliases

[john2] does he know your IP

[john2] no

[john2] Lori does it alot too

[Silent Bob] Maybe

[BOB] everyone has to be constructive adn contribute

[john2] you can play Fritz. if you have a wish, you do not need to wait for Keith

[john2] should i come back later?

[BOB] no

[BOB] I talked with Nyrma about this the other night, you will remember what I am talking about John

[Silent Bob] Oh. Well.I havent been keeping up. Got home early tonight. If you want my opinion on the big picture without knowing all the facts here it is...You can't negotiate with terrorists...Blue Gill is a terrorist. Pirate = Terrorist. This goes back to our initial jaunt here when Marco was playing and we came to the Island Kingdoms to fulfill the quest that Reign and Finglas promised Kylia...To get her the amulet that Blue Gill had. Anyway we came across the Sahuagin and stole Jess' character which was a prisoner. They don't like that. They have to reclaim their reputation and we have spat in Ozzy's face alot of times. So the only way to get this to stop is to take over Ozzy's spot as head of the Pirate's and possibly leader of the Sahuaguin. To do that we need to remove Ozzy/Blue Gill as well as his cronies and then put a fake Blue Gill in his place. The best person to be able to impersonate him would be a shape shifter

[BOB] thank you Fritz

[BOB] I would not equate pirates with terrorists, as Pirates for the most part are opportunisitc and want goods / money

[john2] so we have one vote for kill them all

[john2] and be pirates

[john2] at least you will get Robert to support you

[BOB] and even if the Kill them All is not really achieveable you can use parts of that idea on stopping them

[mikE] you are voting for kill them all, john?

[BOB] and or see where to do more research to round out your picture of what you know

[Silent Bob] But not just kill them all JOhn...No if you want you could have RAve impersonate Blue Gill, he is high enough level to start his own thieves guild. This could be a way to retire him, and have the DS'ers extend their influence across the ocean.

[john2] NO, I voted long ago to ignore him, until he comes to our neighborrhood

[Silent Bob] He is up here is my point and he wont go away.

[BOB] actually not Friz

[john2] and that is why I am surrporting the group

[john2] my strongest fugher is with the "main group" and my wizard is researching a spell to give the DS an edge

[BOB] attacks on caravans on teh Silk Road instigated by him, etc, but no evidence that Ozzy has ever left the Island Kingdoms

[john2] how coll will it be when Kit can cast spells?

[mikE] then who is voting for kill them all?

[Silent Bob] No I didn't mean "Physically" being here, but he is here as his presence is here in the actions he is doing to take over the silk trade.

[john2] fritz just said kill BG and all his flunkies

[john2] am I seeing things?

[Silent Bob] think about what it would mean if silk trade is no longer safe on land...that means people will have to take a chance and use the seas...If he controlls the seas then he controls the trade.

[BOB] it is not possible to 'take over the silk trade' there are too many parts to it, and remember half the silk trade in Terraguard comes out of the Underdark

[BOB] and yes to Fritz

[john2] even BG can't do that

[BOB] that could be a goal of BG/Ozzy

[BOB] is not actually happening right now

[john2] 'what if we just tell other intrested parties that is what BG is doing

[john2] there has to be a number 2

[BOB] that is another good option to consider John

[Silent Bob] Well those are things I don't know, I am just speculating. For example what if he used the Sahuaguin to make ties with Kuatoa. They could potentially inhibit the underdark trade route. And even controlling half the trade is better then none of the trade. Plus where does it come from. Could he possibly have connections there and wants to be the main supplier? Sort of like going semi legit?

[BOB] all very good points fritz

[BOB] remembering that this is all just speculation right now on the groups part

[BOB] trying to figure out potential reasons for Ozzy's actions

[BOB] so you can come up with counter actions for them

[john2] he is a bad guy

[john2] he does bad things

[BOB] did you all see the research on Blue Gill that Kaz did ?

[BOB] does anyone have any questions from that?

[john2] not I

[john2] Mike, any thingts on my latest sugestion?

[john2] thoughts?

[mikE] not really. it all depends on who this guy is. if he's a typical crazed, one way only person there's no dealing with him

[mikE] if he's actually trying to become a world power either open or in the shadows i'd think diplomacy could work.

[john2] i did not sugest dealing with BG, but lookng for the nuber two in trade

[john2] not the nuber two pirate

[BOB] Fritz adn John both were there for the very first encounter with Ozzy

[mikE] and then we've sicced him on ozzy and ozzy's pissed at us more

[john2] if the drow are going to be effected by Ozzy's actions, let them take him on

[mikE] hell, at this point kylia is the only person who's had dealings with ozzy left

[BOB] directly not even her

[BOB] only the characters at the Anniversarry Game

[BOB] Khan perhaps?

[john2] not in the same room, but Paul and Kylia were involved

[john2] small fry

[BOB] just saying that as characters there is very little direct connection

[BOB] as a group the Dragonslayers have interacted with Ozzy and his group quite a bit

[Silent Bob] Afk phone

[Silent Bob] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] you do know that the group of people around him has fluxuated as much as teh DS has

[mikE] and i doubt anyone cares. at this point unless he directly, adversely affects us, do we really care what the hell he does?

[BOB] that is up the group to decide

[BOB] both what you mean by adversly affect you

[BOB] and caring what he does

[BOB] up to this point Ozzy has never directly attacked teh DS

[BOB] ever

[BOB] the group has attacked him several times

[john2] we had one mutual fight

[john2] and indirectly effect him


[mikE] this last thing was direct

[john2] we never said, lets go kick his but

[mikE] while not ozzy, it was his group fucking around with our group

[john2] we did not know it was ozzy

[mikE] if it weren't for that he'd still be on his side of the world, us on ours

[BOB] and that is why it is an adventure

[mikE] i'd think any normal person would rather have a cold war situation with us than a hot war

[mikE] but the key word there is normal

[BOB] you can count on him being the big evil mastermind villian at least

[BOB] "Before I kill you Mr. Bond ...... "

[mikE] yes, and i'd expect a villain with his level of success would see that it'd be better to just be standoffish than openly hostile with us.

[mikE] maybe we can't go toe to toe, maybe we can

[mikE] but either way us actively against him is going to rankle

[BOB] yes

[mikE] which is why i would consider just saying fuck off our corner and we'll just be fine

[BOB] which is another good potenial goal

[BOB] two of the three goals so far require finding out exactly where he is and how to get there

[BOB] so doing what Fin has been doing and what Liam has been doing are both good actions

[BOB] you have to decide at what point to pull back to get more people involved in which ever track

[BOB] and of course still working out what the real goal is

[BOB] is it going to be to convince Ozzy to leave teh DS alone?

[BOB] or is it to disupt his plans?

[BOB] or some combination of ?

[mikE] and how do we pull back?

[mikE] our pool is off limits, and our teleporter is awol

[BOB] so Fin has to be creative in figuring out a way to get back home

[mikE] we walk?

[BOB] and or do things while waiting to be picked up

[john2] for two more weeks

[mikE] picked up by who?

[BOB] Keith is an option

[BOB] Arilyn is an option

[BOB] Kylia is an option

[BOB] Christy is not logging in very frequently righ tnow

[john2] Kieth can pick you up when he is done

[BOB] John is

[mikE] keith is awol, kylia is awol, arilyn is awol

[BOB] Lorie is unknown

[BOB] you need to differienate between Players and Characters Mike

[BOB] Keith is doing what John set him on

[Silent Bob] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] when the group had a partial plan

[Silent Bob] Can I ask a question of Mike a John?

[BOB] go for it

[Silent Bob] Mike and John?

[john2] yes?

[john2] ::waiting::

[Silent Bob] What I don't understand is why you fight going on this adventure? I really don't understand. Here Bob has given us an adventure, a bad guy, a potential goal and all you guys seem to want to do is ignore it. I mean if you don't want to do this adventure then just say so and have Bob create another one. I am not trying to be pushy or cause consternation but I really fail to comprehend why you keep arguing the point of whether or not the DS'ers should engage Ozzy in some form or fashion. If I am misunderstanding your thoughts or desires please forgive me. It is probably just this form of communication.

[Silent Bob] Please my tone is one of curiosity not angst

[Silent Bob] I know my words may not seem that way but I am really curious.

[john2] I am here trying to play in a group. I let go of the fact that I didagree with the party/adventure MONTHS ago seems to make me the bad guy

[BOB] youa re not a bad guy John at all

[mikE] i am pursuing the adventure.

[BOB] you have been here week in and week out participating

[Silent Bob] I don't understand John, really I don't. What do you mean?

[BOB] difference of opinion does not make anyone the bad guy

[mikE] i've taken the initiative when no one else would and took a step forward, planning on other players joining in.

[mikE] lorie is not playing

[BOB] Mike is not a bad guy for wanting to move things along

[BOB] Lorie is wrong for not participating

[mikE] which threw a monkey wrench in, because she's our transport

[mikE] john has kit along, but is completely passive

[john2] you want Kit to lead?

[mikE] and was quite clear in last week's chat log that i'm doing something he disagrees with

[john2] I talk, I interact

[mikE] kaz has moirra stuck in roadhaven

[mikE] and guy has work timing issues

[john2] tell me what you want Kit to do, please so I can keep up with you

[Silent Bob] I am willing to move forward with this adventure. I have been very busy on Friday's and SAt recently so I have been unable to join. I probably will be able to make it more often, but this is busy season for me now. I just don't know what is actually going on. What happened to Paul's Pool?

[mikE] i'm upset by the fact that the party is splintered into uselessness, and i feel like i'm the one trying to work the adventure, then get critisized when i'm not there about what i'm doing

[john2] the control crysal was destroyed with Paul

[Silent Bob] Paul was destroyed? Oh didn't know that

[john2] he was killed when Rave was killed

[Silent Bob] Roughly how many miles away are we? Oh didn't know.

[john2] Keith is the new reincarnared Paul

[BOB] Mike there is a difference in John and Mike having differing opinions on what to do and both of you still participating

[BOB] and the 4 different time lines you currently have which is not a problem from my point of view as you are each doing something different, and hopefull it will all eentually come together towards the common goal

[john2] i thought I made it clear Kit was following Fin

[BOB] and the group is in a few different spots Fritz

[BOB] Keith is at home on one time line

[john2] if you do not want to role play that , then tell me

[BOB] Kylia and Moirra are in Roadhaven on another time line

[mikE] yes, but after reading last week's chat log to catch up, you sound like you disagree with what i'm doing quite a lot

[BOB] Liam is in the island kingdoms, secondmate on a pirate ship now on a third time line

[mikE] but i don't remember you ever saying anything about it when i'm here

[john2] i am sorry if you need my approval, NO, you want me to find the chat logs

[BOB] and Fin, Kit and others are on a seperate time line and on the island of Borinquen

[john2] i'll say the same thing I told lori twice, you can do what you want

[Silent Bob] Well...I have an idea on how to get people together if and when they are all ready.

[john2] if I can help great

[john2] you both have much more powerfull adventures, I have lost all my tricks, all my aces

[john2] I have one ring left and protection from level draining

[john2] what about Rave Fritz, are you going to wish him back?

[Silent Bob] 3 possibilities actually. Option number one - if you have the remnants of Paul's control crystal I can try and fix it. Option number 2 - I can do multiple short range teleports without error to get us to the rest of the party. Option three - Mentor and Val both have connections to a major wizard's college/guild. We can go there and purchase a teleportation directly to where we have to go. As far as Rave is concerned yes I would like to wish him back.

[Silent Bob] I think he would be the best one to take over after we have destroyed ozzy

[john2] another thing Frits, you are missing, we can get to the Mem dungeon and the teleported easy

[john2] it is getting back

[john2] which Keith can do once he is done with his current task

[john2] so all we have to do is role play for a two weeks of game time

[john2] or just jump ahead if that is what Mike wants

[Silent Bob] Well, as far as getting back is concerned...I understand the need to hurry to get there and find Ozzy and join up with the rest of the group. I don't see why we need to hurry back. I mean if it takes us a few weeks or months to journey back home what does that matter if we have accomoplished our main objective?

[Silent Bob] AFK wife calling.

[john2] I guess it depends on how you define our curent objective, did I mention, once we get to a certain point we will not be able to teleport either way?

[Silent Bob] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] Kaz is on the way in

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 11 21:20:15 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[john2] Yea!

[john2] Hello Kaz

[Kaz] Hi everyone! Give me a second while I read back and see what's been said so far.

[Kaz] Glad to see you all tonight :)

mikE] has left the game on Fri Dec 11 21:23:40 EST 2009

[john2] it might take a while

[john2] let me sum up

[john2] well.

[john2] think that was on purpose?

[BOB] no clue

[Kaz] Have I pissed him off, too?

[BOB] I do not think so

[john2] i do not see how

[john2] but looks to be a early night for me

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Dec 11 21:26:17 EST 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

mikE] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Kaz] okay

[Kaz] yay!

[Kaz] welcome back Mike

[john2] wait

[john2] wb

[mikE] hi kaz

[Silent Bob] I am back at the keyboard.

[Silent Bob] need to reboot

Silent Bob] has left the game on Fri Dec 11 21:29:10 EST 2009

[Kaz] Okay, I'm kind of reading back, but where do we stand right now? What options are being discussed?

[john2] I see it is up to Mike to decide as he is leading the group that is not cauught up to Keith

[Kaz] Mike, do you think the information we got from Octavia affects what we should do?

[mikE] i do not want to have the whole adventure laid on me.

[john2] I came up with the idea to tell the number two merchant that BG is disrupting trade

[BOB] No one is laying the entire adventure on you Mike, John means ( I think ) that you have to move Fin's time line forward to match up with Keiths at some point

[mikE] you say it's up to me and you're fine, but then all you did last week was critisize my choice of how to progress

[Kaz] Ooh, that could be good, John. Let HIM deal with the usurper.

NOTsilent Bob] has joined the game on Fri Dec 11 21:34:02 EST 2009

NOTsilent Bob] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

NOTsilent Bob] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[john2] i must have really insulted you, will have to reread and see what I said

[john2] sorry

[Kaz] Welcome back Fritz

[Kaz] But Mike, you didn't answer my question, unless you answered it somewhere in the above chat, earlier.

[mikE] i'm sorry, what question?

[Kaz] Do you think the information we got from Octavia affects what we should do?

[Kaz] Namely, that our involvement in this whole mess had NOTHING to do with Ozy.

[BOB] it does have something to do with him, it was just not his plan to involve you, he was quite happy to mess with you guys

[mikE] yes. he is still viewing himself as our enemy

[john2] which is a nudge from BOB

[Kaz] But according to Octavia, his happiness was completely after the fact.

[mikE] and wether by design or by coincidence his people are screwing with us

[Kaz] Also, did anyone read the quotes I put up on the Blue Gill page?

[BOB] yes to both Kaz and Mike

[john2] screwed? they stopped at least for the winter

[mikE] that is akin to say, ussr putting balistic missiles in cuba

[john2] I read

[mikE] a long term threat and powerful enemy has reentered the ds'er time line

[mikE] we have to deal with it

[mikE] the two options i see are destroy the threat, or nullify it through other means

[mikE] my intention to lord j was just fact finding

[mikE] but now we're bloody well stuck

[mikE] and the party is fragmented to hell and back

[Kaz] I don't know if we can destroy the threat, but nullifying it might be more doable.

[mikE] so i am taking my characters and searching out ozzy in hopes that for once i can talk some sense into ozzy.

[john2] ok, lets go

[mikE] since this has degenerated from a cohesive party adventure to every character for themselves

[NOTsilent Bob] Wait is Blue Gill Male or Female?

[BOB] That is where I think you are going just a bit too far Mike, in that the rest of the group will have things to help you when their timelines catch up

[Kaz] The whole Ozy = Blue Gill thing... five years ago when the DS went after Blue Gill, and Blue Gill was a woman... is that merely a DM inconsistency, or are we dealing with a Dread Pirate Roberts?

[john2] you keep saying that but you are the one not listening to anyone

[BOB] and you have to speculate on that

[BOB] I will give you one hint towards that

[Kaz] See, I don't see where it's every charactger for themselves.

[BOB] no one ever called Blue Gill a male until after Lord J found him

[BOB] that is the point in the timeline that the pronoun changes

[Kaz] ahh

[BOB] that is a little hard to discern from the chat logs

[BOB] becuse not all the individual story arcs have dates

[Kaz] I'm not sure how that helps us, if it does. But it's another thing to keep in mind, something else that might give a hint how to deal with him.

[Kaz] Okay. Let's look at this from the point of view that it is NOT every character for himself.

[Kaz] What can we do to pull it together?

[john2] sure, jsut for S&G

[mikE] you get to the mem dungeon and join us

[john2] wait two weeks for Keith to be free

[NOTsilent Bob] Ok I have an idea...It may be far fetched but I think Kaz may have the right of it.

[Kaz] Moirra still has a wishing well wish, and we still have the Efreeti coin

[Kaz] What's that, Fritz?

[NOTsilent Bob] Well if I remember correctly that occasionally there are Sahuaguin mutations that make very powerful creatures. It is possible that the original one was female...problem is "she" is supposed to have come from the northern reaches...What if an usurper Sahuaguin killed her and took her place and is now a him? There is another option that may be linked to Mike.

[NOTsilent Bob] What if He is a she and She is a in a psycho pirate with multiple personalities...aka Octavia aka Ozzy

[NOTsilent Bob] Octavia knows about Ozzy but Ozzy doesn't know about Octavia

[Kaz] ARe you saying there's a possibility that Octavia IS Ozymandius?

[NOTsilent Bob] Yes....but not really know it...

[john2] I believe Octavia reffred to Ozzy uder a truth grid, so i think not

[NOTsilent Bob] [Octavia (BOB)] I doubt he knows I am alive, he never met me, might not know I exist, why would he miss me?

[Kaz] That is another inconsistency

[john2] if it was that easy

[NOTsilent Bob] Ahh yes but what if she "BELIEVES" that she isn't him

[Kaz] She said that, then she said that if she escaped she would spend the rest of her life hiding from him.

[NOTsilent Bob] Or he doesn't know "He is her"

[Kaz] Why would she have to, if he didn't know she existed?

[NOTsilent Bob] Exactly

[john2] BOY that is a streatch

[NOTsilent Bob] If I was a split personality I would want to "HIDE" from the personality I didn't want in charge

[john2] thin, I'd say

[NOTsilent Bob] I bet Bob is laughing his ass off right now

[john2] BOB is rolling on the floor laughing I bet

[Kaz] I don't know. There's a weird inconsistency in what Octavia said as far as him not knowing of her, then saying she'd have to hide from him forever. But I don't think it means she is Sybil.

[BOB] I like the idea but you did have the truth spell up and at one point had true seeing on her

[NOTsilent Bob] Would true seeing show a psychotic person for who they were?

[BOB] so you can safely elminate the idea that you have had Ozzy locked up in Roadhaven all this time

[mikE] i think it's more a case of what does ozzy care about a leutenant's mistress?

[Kaz] As far as the Blue Gill = SHE , Blue Gill = HE thing, it's very possible Ozy killed the original Blue Gill and took her place. It's easy to do that to someone who's only a legend.

[john2] so Kaz, what do you think about Moria joining thw away team

[NOTsilent Bob] Would true seeing show a psychotic person for who they were? Bob?

[mikE] unless that mistress has been with us, his arch enemies or killed or tried to arrange to kill one of said leutenants

[BOB] no Fritz, not split personalities but changes in teh personalities would show u p

[Kaz] I agree Mike, but I'm still interested in that inconsistency.

[NOTsilent Bob] but some say it is based on facts [BOB] of a shauagin prince who hunts human ships

[NOTsilent Bob] [BOB] he asked about the docks etc for blue Gill [BOB] gets told that it is a legend for the most part [BOB] but some say it is based on facts [BOB] of a shauagin prince who hunts human ships

[Kaz] Well, if Kylia is clearly not going to involve herself, then Moirra's staying there is pointless. However, before she goes anywhere, there is Liam to see about.

[john2] but without Guy here what can we do?

[NOTsilent Bob] Question Bob about a past adventure

[BOB] brainstorm about how Moirra can stay in touch with them

[BOB] chuckles, you think you can put me under a truth spell? wink

[john2] brb

[BOB] but I do agree that there are lots of possible questions to ask

[NOTsilent Bob] Question is about the Island adventure. When Laila was kidnapped by the Sahuaguin they had a bunch of prisoners fighting in an underground areana correct?

[BOB] yes

[Kaz] OH! OH! I'm sorry guys. Guy WILL be here, next week. He thought he wouldn't, but they changed his day off, or something.

[BOB] underground and underwater

[BOB] and very nice Kaz

[Kaz] I think we can definitely get Bob under a truth spell.

[Kaz] Mike, call Nyrma... MUAHAHAHA!

[BOB] lol

[NOTsilent Bob] There was a very big Sahuaguin that seemed to sense we were watching them and we changed the view quickly to avoid further detection correct?

[BOB] yes

[NOTsilent Bob] The sahuaguin are known for not liking to lose prisoners correct?


[BOB] yes they are slavers

[john2] yes, there is a connection

[john2] two groups or maybe one leading both groups are mad at the DS

[NOTsilent Bob] Ok guys we have been to this lair of the sahuaguin before. What if we started there looking for the connection to Ozzy and Blue Gill?

[john2] sounds like a possiblity, why don't you wish Rave back and join Fin

[NOTsilent Bob] The only problem is that the only one who is still present from that adventure is Finglas. He would have to use the pool to get us there. So we need to fix the crystal.

[BOB] make a new crystal and that is a big task

[john2] YOU can get there from the memorial dungeon!

[BOB] I would count the pools out for now

[BOB] the teleporter in teh Memorial Dungeon is a good idea

[NOTsilent Bob] Ahhh but does finglas have divination?

[john2] and if it is quicker to wait for Keith to do a site to site transport then take a local boat

[Kaz] Why does Fin need divination? I'm confuzzled.

[NOTsilent Bob] If not I believe Mentor does. He can do divination from the teleportation area and then we could use that as the teleport site to go to

[john2] if it is so important, wish the crystal back

[john2] at the memorial dungon you think where you want the person in the teleoert to go and poof

[NOTsilent Bob] If he uses divination then he can locate the spot and we can teleport to anything we can see. Also we could wish the crystal back

[john2] BTW that changed from the origunal design, but BOB mis remembered

[BOB] how so John?

[Kaz] Can't the Memorial Dungeon teleport us to a specific person?

[john2] it is clear as day, I was runnign Freki, you took me in the other room and said I wanted to go home and I said No i want to get to this meeting and break it up

[john2] and I decided where i went

[BOB] yes

[john2] how long ago was that?

[BOB] OH you mean from the inside

[john2] yes

[BOB] ahh that was a mistake back then

[john2] how else would i decide

[john2] and kaz , yes, it will

[john2] precedent!

[NOTsilent Bob] But it can't teleport us to Blue Gill correct John/Bob?

[john2] i need a rulling

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] it can teleport you to a person

[john2] not if he can not be scried

[BOB] exactly John

[john2] scryed?

[john2] how do you spell it

[NOTsilent Bob] Where is Finglas now?

[BOB] but the teleporter only works for the person outside of the booth, not from the inside, that was a mistake in the first round of using the teleporter

[Kaz] Finglas is in that other sea city. Does it start with a G?

[BOB] on Borinquen

[BOB] no

[BOB] he left Seagate

[BOB] and made it to Borinquen

[Kaz] okay... G, B... they rhyme!


[NOTsilent Bob] LOL he is on a Puerto Rican Island!!!


[NOTsilent Bob] What was the name of the Island that Laila was kidnapped from Bob?

[BOB] do not remember

[BOB] it was not part of that Island Group

[BOB] was part of Island Group A

[john2] must not be omportant

[john2] ;)

[john2] important

[BOB] the name of the island is not (it should be in teh chat log for that story arc) but that area is a long way from Island Group B where you are now with Fin, et al

[BOB] but you can fill in that bit of the puzzle later on also

[BOB] I think you have a good idea now that you can get most if not all of the group together in one time line again next week

[BOB] but you still do not quite know waht you are trying to accomplish once you do

[BOB] is the goal to talk to Ozzy? and then see where things go?

[BOB] or to kill off some of his group?

[BOB] or to try and replace him with a doppleganger/Rave?

[Kaz] I'd rather try to settle things without death

[Kaz] BUT we may have to.

[BOB] I just think that the group does not understand what will constiute an END point to the story

[BOB] not that it will be over finally completely

[BOB] but at what point do you say done, moving on

[NOTsilent Bob] Well I would expect some guidance from you on that issue Bob.

[Kaz] Well, when we have information from Liam, maybe it will again change what we think. It's hard to say, without knowing it.

[BOB] I think that info from Liam will help with how to do something but not what to do

[BOB] and I can guide you some, but I think that you as a group have to be comfortable that you can move on,

[BOB] you all dropped the Mist Wars era

[BOB] without having completed a fourth of it

[BOB] but the group was ok with that so I let that happen

[BOB] if the group wanted to now jsut drop and move on you could

[BOB] I just don't think you do

[john2] well then I will see you all next week

[Kaz] I don't think that dropping it solves anything, but if that is what everyone else wants to do, I will say fine.

[john2] have a good night, weekend, week

[NOTsilent Bob] WEll do I bring Rave back now with Keith

[BOB] night John

[Kaz] Good night, John.

[NOTsilent Bob] or wait until next week

[john2] you do not need Kith to bring Rave back

[john2] you have a wish

[BOB] a wish will keep him a pixy during a reincarnate spell

[BOB] a wish used to just bring him back to life

[john2] so Mike wished Ant back but Fritz can't wish Rave back?

[BOB] I would say acts like a reincarnate spell, as that is what his religion is

[BOB] Ant was not dead

[BOB] just on another plane

[john2] reincarnate will still give you diffrent stats

[NOTsilent Bob] I don't have a religion...but ok.

[BOB] the religion of the area Rave is from Frtiz

[BOB] not saying it has to be what he believes

[NOTsilent Bob] ok

[john2] so wishes can not bring people back from the dead, Disney was right?

[BOB] they can

[BOB] PH says it can

[john2] so ie you do not need keith

[BOB] but I would rule that it opperates in teh way easiest for the person

[BOB] either Raise Dead

[BOB] or Reincarnate

[john2] i am not going to debate wishes now

[john2] good night

[BOB] ok

[BOB] night

[BOB] Frtiz we can work that out on the site as well

[Kaz] good night John

john2] has left the game on Fri Dec 11 22:24:36 EST 2009

[BOB] so that it is a click click at the beginning of the session

[NOTsilent Bob] Ok well ok...Night all.

[BOB] all we need to do is work out the timing

[NOTsilent Bob] See you next week

[BOB] see you

[Kaz] Good night Fritz

[BOB] have a great week all

NOTsilent Bob] has left the game on Fri Dec 11 22:25:11 EST 2009

[BOB] Kaz and Mike

[Kaz] Bob

[mikE] i guess that's the end of the night, then

[BOB] any ideas on helping firm up those goals?

[BOB] we know the intermediate goal is to get everyone back to one timeline

[BOB] but beyond that

[Kaz] was there anything left of Paul's amulet?

[BOB] Kaz do you have any ideas on how to catch up to their track?

[mikE] i gave my opinion of how to conduct the adventure

[Kaz] the one for pooling?

[BOB] and no, the control crystal is shattered, dead

[Kaz] I'm trying to figure out how to get Liam back

[BOB] Keith and Arilyn both can teleport, and once you get Rave back in teh land of the living he can also

[Kaz] If a Wish could get the control crystal back in working, pristine condition, I'd be willing to spend a Wish on it.

[BOB] hmmmm, that is possible

[BOB] of course it would be your control crystal for the pool, and you can choose if you give it to Keith, grins

[Kaz] lol

[BOB] here you go teen age boy, here is a way to teleport anywhere you want to go

[Kaz] A moral issue for Moirra? Don't be ridiculous!! :D

[Kaz] Oh, good heavens. Since you put it THAT way...

[BOB] grins

[BOB] and Mike you gave your opinion earlier but how to you reconcile that with the rest of the group?

[Kaz] Well, when I go pick up Guy, he and I can talk about wording the Wish, unless Mike has a good idea.

[BOB] you do not want to ignore Ozzy

[BOB] but what is a more clear plan to deal with him?

[mikE] besides waging a years long war of attrition?

[mikE] we talk to him

[Kaz] Do you think diplomacy would work with him?

[BOB] if you want to have a multi year episodic adventure we can do that

[mikE] we either come to an agreement, agree to disagree, or he kills us

[Kaz] I can definitely agree with attempting to talk with him.

[mikE] i think fritz's plan was a bit unrealistic with the dopelganger

[mikE] the logistics of pulling that off would mean years of study and planning

[BOB] do you want to hurt his base of power, take away his means of protection, insert someone into his group similar to what Fritz intended with Rave?

[Kaz] It's neat, though. But I doubt we could kill off Ozy and take his place without his powerful lieutenants catching on before we're ready for thim

[BOB] I think you are right in that doing it in one fell swoop would be nearly impossible, but it has merit for other things

[Kaz] I kind of agree with what John said - we need to drop a quiet word in the ear of whomever's spice trade BG is trying to take over.

[Kaz] However, that wouldn't be part of our dealing with Ozy

[BOB] what I am hearing is that you want to find a way to get TO Ozzy, want the chance to talk with him and some how persuae him to change his methods

[Kaz] Mike, do you think it would be better to send a more powerful person (Fin, for example) to speak with Ozy, or someone less threatening (like Moirra)?

[BOB] you do know you can at least negociate with him

[BOB] or talk at least

[Kaz] I think sending a group would be suicide. But one person, he might listen to one person.

[BOB] becuase Lord J won somethign in a card game from him

[BOB] so he is not a blood thirsty kill on sight sort of person

[Kaz] right

[BOB] one person alone is likely to die

[BOB] any mistake and the plan is ruined

[BOB] a small group can sneak in and attempt things

[BOB] or a large group can go in with a show of force as equals

[BOB] you have options from one to up to 200 characters on your side

[Kaz] I don't think a show of force would be smart, to be honest.

[BOB] between followers henchmen, etc

[mikE] rather than sneak or force our way in, why not just find him and knock of the door so to speak?

[Kaz] I could be wrong, though. I've never dealt with him before. You guys have.

[BOB] you can always hire more sailors/pirates/troops in teh island kingdoms

[BOB] that has very good merit Mike

[mikE] look, here we are as a group on your doorstep

[mikE] rather than trying something we are just showing ourselves

[mikE] i'd interpret that as a show of good will

[Kaz] I agree, Mike

[BOB] as devils advocate

[BOB] it could be seen as attempting to interfeer with his plans again

[Kaz] not necessarily

[BOB] to insert your group so close to his group

[BOB] just offering it up, so you can look at all sides of things

[BOB] obviously Lord J went in and out twice, and lived to tell about it

[mikE] well that's why i want to be open about it

[mikE] here we are, no subterfuge, no tricks, no attacks

[Kaz] Not if the group tries to get a message to him, openly, to say they are there to talk with him.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] that is a nice plan

[BOB] but then if he says yes? he wants to talk

[BOB] no answer required right now

[Kaz] Then we talk with him

[BOB] just making sure you think about things

[BOB] grins

[BOB] you get a golden ticket

[Kaz] lol

[BOB] you can invite in 2 friends

[BOB] do you go into the mysterious missing island?

[Kaz] Just as long as we don't pollute the chocolate river

[BOB] or have him come to you?

[BOB] or ?

[Kaz] I'd say we need a neutral ground

[Kaz] one that is not a place of power for either side.

[BOB] and is there any though to attempting to neutralize or stop his plans?

[mikE] well we're not in the area enough for that

[mikE] i'd say john has a good idea with letting the next few top syndicates know what is happening

[BOB] take away his hiding place?

[BOB] and then allow the others to deal with him?

[mikE] BUT that would almost certainly get back to him that it was our idea and he hates us that much more

[Kaz] Well, it doesn't have to come from us directly

[Kaz] and there are people we have dealt with in the past that might be inclined to step in and give a message without it coming from us.

[Kaz] For example, the dream mage...

[Kaz] she could plant the knowledge in the dreams of those particular syndicate heads.

[Kaz] In fact... isn't her dream lover one of the priests who works for Ozy?

[mikE] is he?

[mikE] then we don't want her doing it

[Kaz] I could be wrong

[BOB] no

[mikE] maybe she can get to one of them, though

[BOB] dream lover is a divination priest from St. Delia

[Kaz] No he isn't, or no I'm not wrong?

[Kaz] AHh, okay

[BOB] not part of Ozzy's crew

[mikE] plant the message that we want to meet

[Kaz] so, maybe she could plant the knowledge with the syndicate heads

[BOB] grins, very very good ideas guys, very nice use of experience

[Kaz] and you said that Liam's information may help us to figure out how to do certain things, so maybe when we have that info we can figure out how we get a message to BG.

[BOB] Liam will have helpful ideas on pirates overall and on how crews work together and against each other

[BOB] as he is now a legitimate pirate

[BOB] and Fritz did nto speak up to it but I will for him

[BOB] one of Fritzes old characters

[BOB] is a prince on an island

[BOB] you could use that as a contact too

[Kaz] that's a good idea

[BOB] that island is on the opposite end of the Island Kingdoms

[BOB] way far away

[BOB] but at least it is someone who is from that area

[BOB] xenophopic jerk that he is

[Kaz] lol

[BOB] wry grin, fritz playing a xenophobic jerk

[BOB] who could imagine

[BOB] grins

[BOB] he actually did a good job with him over the years

[BOB] of a slow progression of personality

[BOB] as John's and Rob's characters interacted with him and forced/helped him adjust

[Kaz] cool

[mikE] yes. fritz playing a jerk. that's a stretch.

[BOB] but again he did give up for the group

[BOB] the main ship in his fleet

[BOB] is now up in Invergarry

[BOB] in Terraguard

[BOB] the ship was magically transported there

[BOB] to help the group get home out of a sticky situation

[BOB] so if you visit that county

[BOB] you can stay in an inn that is housed in a ship

[BOB] over a thousand miles from the ocean

[Kaz] neato! :D

[Kaz] CRAP

[Kaz] I have to go get Guy

[BOB] go

[Kaz] Okay

[BOB] will see you later on

[BOB] have a great night

[mikE] bye kaz

[mikE] i'm going to log, too

[mikE] night bob

[BOB] Mike do you think we accomplished some things tonight?

[Kaz] Well, I will want to do that Wish, for the control crystal. And once that's done, I want to go visit the dream mage.

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] And I really like Mike's plan for being straight-forward with Ozy.

[Kaz] Also, I think that Moirra will not tell anyone what she did with the dream mage, that way when people go to talk with Ozy, they honestly won't know about it.

[BOB] grins, the reverse of "and now Mr Bond before I kill you"

[Kaz] Hehe

[Kaz] Okay, good night, you two. :)

[mikE] night

mikE] has left the game on Fri Dec 11 22:55:44 EST 2009

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Dec 11 22:56:07 EST 2009