Main / Dec1208

Dec 12 08 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 12 17:36:57 EST 2008 ====

[BOB (to GM only)] ] In character Discussions moved 27'02".

[BOB] ] In character Discussions moved 7'11".

[BOB] You are HERE targets To get the map Overland Lake of Mists. Distance: 1 mi., 5'

[BOB] You are HERE no longer targets To get the map Overland Lake of Mists.

[BOB] ] You are HERE moved 3748'11".

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 18:27:43 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

Fritzie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 18:31:55 EST 2008

Fritzie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritzie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Fritzie] is receiving the map Sample Bridge...

Fritzie] has received the map Sample Bridge.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] hi Fritz and Bob

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hi Vicki how are you?

[Vicki] busy

[Tori (Vicki)] right now in the middle of making dinner

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Is that good or bad?

[Tori (Vicki)] well, it's that time of year... I'm always busy around Christmas time

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well I guess that is a good thing then

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative {not sure why this is here}: (INIT) : CHANGED: +(-$RA) (+10+$RA). Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +(-$RA) (+10+$RA).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Armor - Magic Resistance:: CHANGED: 0 (30).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Gold Coin -- Inventory/Charges: 3 (1),

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Naola (BOB)] Hey there guys

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hiya Bob

[Naola (BOB)] Food is ordered, no Mike tonight in case you did not read teh site

[Naola (BOB)] Lorie will be on but a little late

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Will John be able to make it?

[Naola (BOB)] have not heard from him

[Naola (BOB)] he did post

[Naola (BOB)] in the Character thread for DDD

[Naola (BOB)] in case you did not see

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Yea I read it

[Naola (BOB)] did you see the dwarf's journal?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Paul to Kylia and Fin

[Naola (BOB)] and to Tori

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Yes I did...It was great

[Naola (BOB)] Guy will not be in tonight

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Sorry my questions brought up so much emotion and angst.

[Tori (Vicki)] now that I have Klooge open, it doesn't seem to like having me on the website at the same time

[Naola (BOB)] nope

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Bummer

[Naola (BOB)] it is good

[Naola (BOB)] did you try to follow a link from the Map Vicki?

[Tori (Vicki)] but I love the way that Mike put a time on his datestamp saying it's 5pm somewhere

[Naola (BOB)] and the ghosting thing on the maps is gone now for everyone how about the dupe entries here?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] haven't tried. but Vicki didn't when she first spoke

[Tori (Vicki)] nope, had it already open, last time I did this and talked about the issue, it also didn't like me opening it

[Tori (Vicki)] brb, gotta restart this damn thing

[Fritz] ok lets see what happens

[Fritz] nope no ghosting...but no avatar either

[Naola (BOB)] ok

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 18:45:07 EST 2008

[Naola (BOB)] that is a good step at least

[Fritz] Let's see what happens now

[Naola (BOB)] I did talk with Kaz also Fritz

[Fritz] Ahh that works

[Fritz] Ok bout what?

[Naola (BOB)] she understands that it is part of the game, she says she will tell you to be quiet if it needs to be said

[Naola (BOB)] so overall I think the back and forth on the site is good

[Fritz] ok

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 18:46:41 EST 2008

Vicki] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Vicki] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Naola (BOB)] Fritz you are using my picture there on purpsoe?

[Naola (BOB)] brb food

[Fritz] What who me?

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

John] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 18:50:25 EST 2008

John] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

John] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 18:50:46 EST 2008

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Vicki] Hi John and Kaz

[John] hello all

[Kaz] Hi there, everyone :)

[Vicki] no more duplicates... one issue solved

[Naola (BOB)] very glad for that ten

[Vicki] but I still can't be on the web and have Klooge running

[Naola (BOB)] and Fritz could you use your image please, I am having issues on the master end with what image shows with what, just adds to my confusion

Vicki] is receiving the map Sample Bridge...

Vicki] has received the map Sample Bridge.

[Vicki] Bob, can you move Tori?

Kaz] is receiving the map Sample Bridge...

Kaz] has received the map Sample Bridge.

[Vicki] or is she not there?

[John (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Naola (BOB)] and everyoen should be on the correct map now

[Naola (BOB)] I will take some of th epeople off the tree soon

[Naola (BOB)] as soon as we know they are fully completed so I can save them

[Vicki] ok, gotta go get dinner, brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Naola (BOB)] JOhn I am goign to take it you do not need a recap?

[John (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Spells - CHANGED: Deep Freeze -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Dig -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Dimention Door -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Improved Spider Climb -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Imunity to Spider Venom -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Lance of disruption -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Polmorph Self -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Shadow Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Shadow Monster -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Wizard Lock -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[John] I will see and ask if I feel it is important

[John] but no I did not read

[Naola (BOB)] ok

[John] i thought you said they crossed the bridge, but I'm ok

[Naola (BOB)] I am having some redrawing issues

[Naola (BOB)] they did cross the bridge

[Kaz] afk while I go make some tea

[Naola (BOB)] is anyone else having issues with screen refreshes?

[Kaz] If I could go back in time, I'd find the person who decided to build a house with no insulation, and I'd smack them stupider.

[Kaz] Nope, I seem to be fine so far.

[Naola (BOB)] ok

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] my chat is full screen, when I went back it says error and it slowly starts to reload

[Naola (BOB)] I think I am stuck with this until Frtiz gets back

[Naola (BOB)] I told him to take that image off

[Naola (BOB)] but he is still away from the screen apparently

[Naola (BOB)] Fritz need to NOT use any avatars there

[Naola (BOB)] all the problems started when you added that

[Naola (BOB)] ok

[Naola (BOB)] thank you

[Naola (BOB)] will see if it fixes itself

[Naola (BOB)] or if it is something else too

[Naola (BOB)] I added Paul and Tori to the map

[Naola (BOB)] one of them might have an issue also

[Naola (BOB)] those are the three tings that are different than last week

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Back sorry I was on the phone

[Fritz] John I am glad you are here. How is the family?

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 12'04".

[John] did you save a life?

[John] Family is ok tks, and yours?

[BOB] ] Tori moved 1'08".

[Fritz] I wish this time John...Not really some issues. But won't worry about it now. Bob can fill you in.

[John] i do not talk to him much more offten then u ;)

[Fritz] LOL

[Fritz] I read your post as Paul. But you realize that as much as Paul may not want to be a leader-John is!!

[John] we shall see

[John] I am a good roleplayer, even when I am not here

[Naola (BOB)] ok, I am shutting this down to restart and see if that fixes our problem

[Naola (BOB)] it is almost unsualbe onmy end righ tnow

[John] ok Klogging off

[Fritz] Also Kaz if you ever say something as stupid as that post you made again I will personally hunt you down and punish you for hinting you are insignificant!!

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 12 19:08:17 EST 2008 ====

[BOB] ] Naola moved 7'01".

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:08:51 EST 2008

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Vicki] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:09:12 EST 2008

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 17'03".

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 16'00".

John] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:09:48 EST 2008

John] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

John] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] ok, so far it is all woring much better thank you all

Fritz] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Fritz] has received the map Open Caverns.

Vicki] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Vicki] has received the map Open Caverns.

[BOB] Vicki please keep that icon I switch you to for now

[BOB] I will switch it back later when I test somethign else

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 11'06".

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:11:09 EST 2008

[BOB] ok, so that seems to be ok

Kaz] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Kaz] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Kaz] okay, back and reading all the stuff that happened while I was away

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +($RA) (+10+$RA).

[John] when I am viewing the map it flickers a bit

[BOB] thank you John let me know if it gets worse

[BOB] I found out that Paul was rotated 400+ degrees

[BOB] so that might have been an issue

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I always get a little flicker as it goes back and forth between chat box and map

[BOB] I guess he was in teh fourth demenion

[John] looks like lightning, like I can see what it hidden, like scrambled cable

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I see you stopped character screen chat

[BOB] chuckles

[Kaz] Just so you all know...

[BOB] great idea john we can charge a subscription

[Kaz] I ate my desert BEFORE I had my dinner. :D

[John] gingerbread?

[BOB] did you eat the whole house? or jsut the roof?

[Kaz] I wish... was banana split cheesecake someone else made.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh YUM!!!

[Kaz] some nice gingerbread with whipped cream would go over well, right about now. :D

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Sounds delic!

[Vicki] I get some flickering with the current map... but I'm back for now

[BOB] ok

[Vicki] until I decide I'm hungry again

[BOB] so you are traveling the next "day" at least after one sleep period

[John] two things I love seperate but not together Cheese and Cake do not below in the same word

[BOB] you have wound your way up and down soem trails and are now entering an area with much larger caverns

[Naola (BOB)] This is where the real deeplands begin

[Kaz (to John only)] I'm not a huge cheesecake fan, either, and I'm usually really picky about my banana splits. It was good, but not great.

[Naola (BOB)] down here you need to be cautious

[Naola (BOB)] the size and space can fool your senses

[John] oh, before we were just out for a stroll?

[Kaz (to BOB only)] Are you kidding? This group needs to be cautious just crossing the road!

[Naola (BOB)] looks at Paul with a wry grin

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So which direction are we heading?

[Naola (BOB)] we are heading towards the Stair Case

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] DIRECTION

[Naola (BOB)] that is it you flying bug

[Naola (BOB)] we are going in teh direction of the stair case

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (ooc which direction on the map dufus)?

[Naola (BOB)] there is a large fissure up ahead

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'm guessing west, if up is north, Fritz))

[John] when I zoom the flicker goes on and off on command,

[Naola (BOB)] (you have no clue, following his lead, but we are using the current map going right to left)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (That is what I was asking....gratzi)

[Fritz] Rave Starfire targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 10'00"

[Fritz] Rave Starfire no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 40'11" (8.1 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 57'07" (11.5 squares).

[Naola (BOB)] so have any of you sunlovers ever been this far intot eh deep lands?

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:20:12 EST 2008

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((same happens to me, John. Also when I was choosing to chat as Moirra, it flickered then, a lot.))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Nope can't say that I have.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I never have, no.

[Naola (BOB)] well we have a lot of the same as up above

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Have you ever climbed a tree?

[Naola (BOB)] bats and such

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles.

[Naola (BOB)] a tree? those are for chopping down and fiiring up the smelters

[Naola (BOB)] why would you want to climb one?

[Moirra (Kaz)] I love bats.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I had a lot of flickering when someone moved Rave))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Lorie))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] well yes, but it was a lifetime ago

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((heya Lorie!!))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Sigh Boy you miss alot down here

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (hey Lorie)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hiya Lorie

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh, I don't know about that, Fritz. If you grew up down here, you'd know all the beautiful parts of it.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Sheesh - RAVE))

[Naola (BOB)] there are lots of spots up here for ambushes too

[Naola (BOB)] need to be on your toes

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Kylia, Paul do you feel I should move forward and investigate?

Lorie] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Lorie] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I trust you Rave, if you are upfor it

[Lorie] ((Evening all... ))

[Lorie] ((Nice to see you John :O) ))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] just have a rock to pull out if you need help

[Lorie] :: ponders :: Not sure Rave, last time you had an issue when you scouted ahead

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (good to see u)

[Lorie] :: turns to X :: I have ventured into the underdark previously, but...ventured is about the right word. We didn't go far or stay long

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I could join you Rave, if not for the darkness, I lost my nightvision

[Naola (BOB)] (keeping any discussion about vision issues to the site for now, will clarify everything there later)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hmmm....I will check and see if I can give you a potion that would help

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (no vote ?)

[Naola (BOB)] (later not tonight)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I was thinking of putting a rock inside a pot or somthing so it would be like a beacon

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I'm thinking Tori's pretty much useless here anyhow))

[Lorie] ((There will be use for a fighter, we just aren't there yet...patience ))

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (unless we get into a fight)

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (OR NEED SOME HUMOR)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (She is confused about the vision issue)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (I have a potion that will let you see in darkness as in daylight but it works for only 10d8 min. Is that ok?)

[Naola (BOB)] Kylia, you are able to keep that *growls* prisoner in check?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Anyhow, let's continue wherever we're going))

[Lorie] :: ponders :: not sure what you mean Naola? She's not been an issue so far, so no need for keeping in check

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I would not waste a potion , this is a long journey, a long day even

[Naola (BOB)] so far she has been near the surface, now

[Lorie] I see

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I could sit on your shoulder as a blind bird?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Ventriloquism proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Naola (BOB)] who knows when she gets the scent of one of her kind

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::smirks::

[Lorie] well ... we will have to wait and watch things play out. I am willing to continue on and figure out strategy as we get closer

[Naola (BOB)] nods,

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10+(+2)) [1d10=3] 5

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10+(+2)) [1d10=1] 3

[Lorie] :: looks thoughtfully at Paul ::

[Naola (BOB)] you get along well with dwarves,

[Naola (BOB)] surprising for a sunlighter

[Lorie] :: shrugs ::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::chortles::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Fritz)] (Whispering with ventriloquism to Kylia and Paul) I have a flower,which may be what she wants and that will help us to keep her here if she knows of it

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::nods::

[BOB] ] Naola moved 151'02".

[Lorie] :: shrugs ::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Fritz)] Should I tell her?

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 101'01".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Fritz)] (Wow connect the dots!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((looks like we need to connect the dots))

[Lorie] :: looks at Rave and shrugs :: I have no issue

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::shakes head::

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Fritz only)] you're chatting as Rhys, not Rave

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] "Ace"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Fritz)] Damn stupid Klooge

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] who is this Klooge you speak of?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ok is this correct?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((yes))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (Ok I will move forward of the group with light off)

[Naola (BOB)] (remember everyone that there are 11 more dwarves in teh group, just not on the board for ease of use)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((does this mean we're all supposed to move?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (I will let you move me about 30 feet ahead Bob)

[Naola (BOB)] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] left or right?

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 81'02".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (I listen real carefully for any noise)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=26] 26 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 45!!

[BOB] ] Naola moved 69'02".

[Lorie] :: waits for Naola's indication of direction ::

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 157'03".

[Lorie] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 228'10".

[Naola (BOB)] up this way, we curve around this bend on the left then make a switch back

Tori (Vicki)] waits with the rest of the party about 250' back

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (I increase my distance to 60 feet infront of the group. Staying invisible with no light if I can)

[Naola (BOB)] there is a heard of wild Rothe that are typically in this area

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Rothe? What are Rothe?

[Naola (BOB)] Hey Bug, if you smell something get the heck out of there

[Naola (BOB)] they would eat you for a snack

[Naola (BOB)] Rothe?

[Naola (BOB)] you don't know what Rothe are?

[Naola (BOB)] shakes his head, what do they teach you sunlighters

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Please humor us

[Lorie] :: shakes head :: Alas, we do not

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 214'04".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Uhmmm Nope am I supposed to?

[Lorie] maybe we call them something else

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (good point)

[Naola (BOB)] two big horns for stabbing , four large feet for stomping, a head made to crush rocks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Sorry forgot to turn on Kylia ... all that was her chat ))

[Naola (BOB)] some good eating though if you can get it

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hmmm sounds like cows

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] A ram?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] are the horns curved or just pointy ?

[Naola (BOB)] pointy

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] How tall?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: Then I think Rave may have it right. We call them Bulls...cows

[Tori (Vicki)] ((If you ask me, Bob just described some bulls))

[Naola (BOB)] Deep Rothe only grow about 4 foot at the shoulder

[Naola (BOB)] Upper Rothe can get a good 6 foot tall, regular monsters they are

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hmmm...Short for cows, but tall for sheep

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh well the upper ones may be cows

[BOB] ] Naola, Kylia Wolfslayer and Moirra moved 135'02".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] are they afraid of anything?

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 112'09".

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1 moved 17'06".

John] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 19:42:31 EST 2008

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: we may have something similar on the surface...

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1 moved 4'06".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[BOB] Purple Worm #1 targets Naola. Distance: 55'03"

[BOB] ] Naola moved 49'05".

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Attack: Bite: (5-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] -7. PROBABLY HITS Naola (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

Fritz] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 19:43:12 EST 2008

[BOB] Attack: Bite:: is now ARMED.

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

Vickie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:43:29 EST 2008

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

John] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:43:50 EST 2008

John] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

John] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 19:43:51 EST 2008

Fritzou] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:44:01 EST 2008

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 19:44:04 EST 2008

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=2] 12

[BOB] ] Initiative changed from 14 to 34.

Vickie] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Vickie] has received the map Open Caverns.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:44:52 EST 2008

[Naola (BOB)] (everyone can place them selves there, only ones that that are surprised are the dwarves,

[Naola (BOB)] will let everyone get set first

Fritzou] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Fritzou] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 43'11".

[John] ] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=10] 20

Kaz] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Kaz] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=5] 15

[Fritzou] ] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10+(+2)) [1d10=5] 7

[Fritzou] initiative wrong with boot

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18

John] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

John] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Fritzou (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: +(-$RA) (+($RA)).

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritzou] ] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10+(-+2)) [1d10=3] 1

[BOB] ] Initiative changed from 7 to 1.

[Moirra (Kaz)] The dwarves ARE surprised?

[Fritzou] Ok fixed

[BOB] yes

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((okay, just making sure))

[BOB] no room for everyone to attack, will have to get in close fast

[BOB] Chohen is with the prisoner

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] How big is the worm?

[BOB] Moirra is bringin up the rear

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Can we Tell)'

[BOB] about 15 foot thick

[BOB] at least it seems to be

[BOB] that is the size of the opening it came out of

[BOB] who knows how long it is

[John] how much is visable

[BOB] everyone ready? know where you are and what your options are?

[John] out of the hole

[BOB] about 15 to 20 foot is out of the hole so far

[BOB] but that is the STRIKE then pull back

[BOB] you get to attack before it pulls back

[BOB] it does have Naola in its mouth

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Did it swallow anyone?

[John] clear, tks

[BOB] did not swallow him

[BOB] but is chewing on him

[Tori (Vicki)] Attack: Long Sword +1:: is now ARMED.

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Damage v SM: Bite: (2d12) [2d12=5,3] 8 added to: Naola

[BOB] ] Naola: No adjustments made.

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] ] INIT: 1 GOING: Rave Starfire

John] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 19:51:01 EST 2008

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 19:51:01 EST 2008

[BOB] sigh

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I will wait for them bob

[BOB] thanks

John] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:51:24 EST 2008

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Dagger +2 -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Halberd -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Long Sword +1 -- Range: - (null),

John] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

John] has received the map Open Caverns.

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:52:01 EST 2008

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Say when Bob

[John] it must be me

[BOB] go for it

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire targets Purple Worm #1. Distance: 41'02"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against Purple Worm #1: Amulet of Hardwater: Harden water to a granite consistency volume 30,000 square feet or hurl bolts of hard water(4*d8) [1d8=5] 20 damage save vs breath weapon for half.

Lorie] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Lorie] has received the map Open Caverns.

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] that is a save

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 110 (-10) by Master - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] forgot to update saves

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Purple Worm #1. Distance: 19'02"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Yea looked like that

[BOB] issues Lor?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Kylia Wolfslayer casts a spell against Purple Worm #1: Flame Strike: "Hold still, this will only hurt until the burns heal! (6d8) [6d8=6,1,5,5,4,7] 28"Range: 60 yds. Area of Effect: 5 ft. radius x 30 ft. column

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] other than scrolling through my spell list is a slow and painful death?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] nope...nada

[BOB] grins, Mike has that on the list of things for Fritz and I to change in the Def file

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 82 (-28) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Tori

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 19:57:04 EST 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori moved 5'03".

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori moved 9'04".

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 19:57:58 EST 2008

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori moved 1'07".

[Vicki] Tori targets Purple Worm #1. Distance: 0'00"

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))-1-1-3-1-1) [1d20=14] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Purple Worm #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Damage v L: Long Sword +1: ((1d12)+3+3+1) [1d12=12] 19 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Purple Worm #1

Lorie] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Lorie] has received the map Open Caverns.

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 63 (-19) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Moirra

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 71'04".

[BOB] ] INIT: 20 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 20:00:28 EST 2008

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((omg, poor Lorie!))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] She's having a harder time than I do usually

[John] Can I get to the dwarf? assuming others are attacking the body

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 20:01:23 EST 2008

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] yes to john

Lorie] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Lorie] has received the map Open Caverns.

[BOB] BRB guys, sorry

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Sorry all...not sure what's up with Klooge -- not having any other internet issues this evening ))

[John] I want to make sure I go where he goes,

[John] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 41'07".

[John] does she have something to grab onto

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((if you can get the dwarf away from the worm, bring it back to M if you can))

[John] (wait for me)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((good heavens, that sounded awful. Bring HIM back to M.))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Also Tori has another attack. she gets 2 a round, plus a free parry))

[John] do you understand my intention BOB

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Aside from the dwarf and Paul being closer to the worm than I am, I sure hope none of us are the next target of the worm's))

[John] sorry, did not see AFK BOB

[BOB] ok, so Pual is esentially wrestling the dwarf out of the worm's mouth and pulling him away, and yes Tori gets another attack

[John] BOB I want to be pulled into the hole with the Dwarf, not the mouth if I can help it

[BOB] so roll that attack

[BOB] ok John

[John] I am not trying to pull him out yet

[BOB] the dwarf is being pulled into the mouth not the hole

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))-1-1-3-1-1) [1d20=17] -11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Purple Worm #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[BOB] the worm is trying to eat/swallow him

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Damage v L: Long Sword +1: ((1d12)+3+3+1) [1d12=2] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Purple Worm #1

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 54 (-9) by Master - Heavily Wounded

[John] but he will not die this round

[BOB] if swallowed he might

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Vows Paul))

[John] my sheet was not fixed with the new changes

[BOB] Fritz can you tackle that

[BOB] and John just say what you want to do

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Yes

[John] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=18] 18

[John] that should work

[John] I want to hold on, just keep the dwarf out of the throat

[BOB] so that is a hit on the dwarf

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Weapons - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, --, null, $ATK, +0, +0, +0, +5, null, $DMG, +0, +0, +0, +0, +5, d8, d8, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits -- Magical Adj: -3 (+3), CHANGED: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Punch with VT -- Skill Adj: -1 (+1), CHANGED: Punch with VT -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: punch -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: sh vt -- Magical Adj: -2 (+2), CHANGED: sh vt -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null),

[BOB] when we get to it will need an opposed strength agaisnt the worm to stop him from swallowing

[Tori (Vicki)] I was also asking Fritz in Vent how to parry, I'm still a tad unclear on it but I hope I get the hang of this eventually

[BOB] is that what you want?

John] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 20:11:35 EST 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] (sorry that was OOC)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Weapons - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, --, null, $ATK, +0, +0, +0, -5, +0, $DMG, +0, +0, +0, +0, +5, d8, d8, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Punch with VT -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: punch -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: sh vt -- Range: - (null),

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Gonna tests Paul)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Attack: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits:: is now ARMED.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits: ((11-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=7] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Weapons - DELETED: Scimitar +5, null, null, null, null, null, -, --, null, $ATK, +0, +0, +0, -5, +0, $DMG, +0, +0, +0, +0, +5, d8, d8, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits, true, null, null, null, null, -, --, 1.5, $atk, +0, +0, +0, -3, +0, $dmg, +0, +0, +0, +0, +3, d8, d8, null, null, null, null, null.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ok fixed

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] John is trying to get on

[BOB] nods

[BOB] he called me, I know what he is planning

[BOB] ] INIT: 34 GOING: Purple Worm #1

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Attack: Bite: (5-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] -8. PROBABLY HITS Naola (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Damage v SM: Bite: (2d12) [2d12=11,11] 22 added to: Naola

[BOB] ] Naola's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (-22) by Master - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[BOB] ] INIT: 1 GOING: Rave Starfire

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 20:16:04 EST 2008

[BOB] go Rave

[BOB] Lorie is logging back in

[BOB] I think it has somethign to do with combat

John] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 20:17:09 EST 2008

John] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

John] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Well waiting for them or not, what I want to do is hurl both Paul and Naolo out of the Worms mouth with TK. The worm of course gets a save. Can I do them both?)

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 20:17:19 EST 2008

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] you are making a strength check against the worm Fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (if not then I will try to do it to Naolo, unless I can tell what Paul is doing. Or is he still invisible?)

[BOB] to see who can hold on

Lorie] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Lorie] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against Purple Worm #1: Ring of Telekinesis: Range 320 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 800 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 320 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 800 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 32 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[John] i was never invisible

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Didn't know)

[John] well long time ago

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Bob I believe this is a magic spell save not a str check)

[BOB] ok, will do that for ease Frtiz

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] that is a fail

[BOB] so you YANK the two of them out

[BOB] as the worm is sinking back into its hole

[BOB] but you all get your parting shots on it, so Tori and Kylia go still

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[John] steal my thunder will you, I'll show you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Is Naola still in "harm's way"?))

[BOB] no

[BOB] ] Naola moved 28'04".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 19'10".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((LOL sorry John didin't know what you were going to do I figured that if I failed your thing would still work))

[John] :)

John] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

John] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay...I want to roll to hit the Worm, but it would seem that's been modified as well

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 4'00".

[BOB] Fritz will fix just roll a D20

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[BOB] ok then

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((:o( That's not even fair))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((that die was loaded. I call shenanigans!))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Faithful Balance -- Range: - (--), CHANGED: Faithful Balance -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null),

[BOB] try again properly now Lorie

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Attack: Faithful Balance:: is now ARMED.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Fixed

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Kylia Wolfslayer: Attack: Faithful Balance: (9-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] -1. PROBABLY HITS Purple Worm #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((still a 1...just negative :X))

[BOB] chuckles

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Kylia Wolfslayer: Damage v L: Faithful Balance: ((3d6)+7+4) [3d6=1,2,1] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Purple Worm #1

[BOB] go roll damage

[BOB] Fritz can you check the other sheets please

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (That is the correct roll though)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Thank you Fritz for fixing on the fly))

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (-15) by Master - Heavily Wounded

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=1] 1

[Tori (Vicki)] ((at least negative hits the worm))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Yazza Massa Bob)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] (no knockdown))


[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Tori

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 20:25:35 EST 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))-1-1-3-1-1) [1d20=15] -9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Purple Worm #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Moirra good

[BOB] ok Tori try to finish it off

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Damage v L: Long Sword +1: ((1d12)+3+3+1) [1d12=7] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Purple Worm #1

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))-1-1-3-1-1) [1d20=5] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Purple Worm #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Damage v L: Long Sword +1: ((1d12)+3+3+1) [1d12=4] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Purple Worm #1

[BOB] ] Purple Worm #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (-25) by Master - Massively Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Moirra

John] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 20:26:01 EST 2008

[BOB] adn no

[BOB] Combat has finished.

John] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 20:26:27 EST 2008

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 15'10".

[Kaz] Moirra targets Naola. Distance: 3'11"

John] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

John] has received the map Open Caverns.

[BOB] so the worm retreats back down its hole

[BOB] not going to start combat again if I can help it

[BOB] to stop pepople from logging in and out

[Tori (Vicki)] ((massively wounded though))

[John] can I still kill the worm

[BOB] ye to Vicki

[BOB] how John?

[BOB] you could go chase it down there if you want

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Bummer so no more action tonight?)

[John] option 1 - Cloud Kill?

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri Dec 12 20:27:58 EST 2008

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Moirra (Kaz)] How badly hurt is Naola?

[Tori (Vicki)] brb

[Fritzou] I could follow you John

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] is is seriously hurt

[BOB] lett than 1/4 of his hitpoints left

[John] option 2 turn into Black pudding, slide down until I find it and kill it

Lorie] is receiving the map Open Caverns...

Lorie] has received the map Open Caverns.

[Fritzou] Suwheat Let's do it John!!!

[John] WOuld you mind if we take lite rave?

[John] light

[Fritzou] Not at all

[John] or you just tell me when, I will stay Black Pudding to back you up

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((OH!! Bob, all my spells are listed as Level 1))

[Fritzou] We have to hurry....Off we go.

[John] lead the way

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 49'09" (9.9 squares).

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against Naola: Cure Critical Wounds: You're healed (-3d8-3) [3d8=6,6,4] -19 points.

[BOB] ] Naola's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (19) by Master - Lightly Wounded

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Zipps into hole after certain death)

[BOB] three rounds later you emerge victorious

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against Naola: Cure Serious Wounds: You're healed (-2d8-1) [2d8=1,1] -3 points.

[BOB] ] Naola's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (3) by Master - Lightly Wounded

[John] I want to look for treasyre too, just to show off

[Moirra (Kaz) (to John only)] ROFL

[John] but we can move on

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] hehehe. and good idea, and I collect Purple worm parts for alchemy for me and Mentor and anyone else that wants some

[BOB] ok

[John] I was going to cut up to the stomache, got to be something good

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((oh, please... I've got the perfect shelf to put them on. :-p ))

[John] sniff sniff

[John] moving on

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((go cut him up))

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 119'08".

[BOB] In this area, immediately in front of you, there is a collection of bones that look like they belong to a human arm. Another similar group is to your left. Farther on there is a helmet that has been bent almost in half and a large chest-sized boulder with a stain upon it like dried blood lies nearby. A crushed breastplate that still contains the ribs and spine of a human is about four feet past that.

[BOB] ] Naola moved 114'09".

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 100'08".

[Kaz] Moirra no longer targets Naola.

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori moved 100'06".

[John] i am going to change to a flying elf so I can get a birds eye view

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Percival modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword, +3 -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Long Sword, +3 -- Ability Adj: +$atk (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword, +3 -- Magical Adj: -3 (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword, +3 -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Longsword, +1 -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Longsword, +1 -- Ability Adj: +$atk (+0), CHANGED: Longsword, +1 -- Magical Adj: -1 (+0), CHANGED: Longsword, +1 -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Heavy Lance -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Heavy Lance -- Ability Adj: +$atk (+0), CHANGED: Heavy Lance -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Horseman's flail -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Horseman's flail -- Ability Adj: +$atk (+0), CHANGED: Horseman's flail -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Range: (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Range: (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Range: (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Range: (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Range: (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Range: (null), CHANGED: Hand Crossbow -- Total Atk Adj: +0 (null), Ability Scores - Attack Adjust: (ATK) : CHANGED: -3 (+3).

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (inspects the boulder...does it look like it was thrown and crushed the victim? As if persay by a giant?)

[BOB] looks like it is large and yes there are parts stickign out from under it

[BOB] As you look around you see the bones of a leg over here, and another set over there. A broken sword glints in the dirt of the floor as well. It looks like something violently crushed whoever this was with repeated blows from the rock and then ripped them to pieces. Closer examination of the helm reveals that only the left side of the skull is intact; the rest of the skull, the teeth and jaw are broken to tiny bits.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Duh...Looks like he ate himself)

[John] why would you say that

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Dang...poor dude.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((I failed my observation roll on an obvious case scenario)

[John] ah, giid roleplaying

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Ok I pull out Mirest sphere and see if anything around here is magical.

[BOB] nope

[BOB] none of it

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Well I guess this guy was hungry...Good things we have lots of food....Lets move forward before we get hungry

[John] my lighting stopped, so I can't see as much

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I put the sphere away

[BOB] so entering the area?

[John] I fly over it

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I can try and track here if you want me to

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[John] woot

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 44'00".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 199'11".

[BOB] ] Naola moved 18'07".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 152'04".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Valgar modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Battle Axe -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Hand/Throwing Axe -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: Short Sword -- Range: - (null), CHANGED: +1 sangkan-dagger -- Range: - (null),

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 57'09".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 14'03".

[BOB] ] Naola moved 31'01".

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 44'05".

[BOB] ] Tori moved 59'04".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] n

[BOB] you think that the tracks lead through that area there where the cavern floor looks wet

[Tori (Vicki)] (testing)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok still here))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Could I tell what made the tracks? I have to roll again correct?)

[BOB] at least a dozen creatures, on two feet

[BOB] humanoid

[John] How do you feel Naola?

[Naola (BOB)] grunts, I will be fine

[Naola (BOB)] one of the dangers around here to watch out for

[John] does this scene remind you of anything?

[Naola (BOB)] a bit lucky on that

[Naola (BOB)] what scene?

[Naola (BOB)] gestures to teh armor this?

[John] the bones

[Naola (BOB)] lots of bones around

[Naola (BOB)] not everyone is strong enough to make it out of here in one piece

[John] Thank you so much for your insight

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Some can't even make it out of here in many pieces

[John] (holding back a smile)

[Naola (BOB)] sure, I know you sunlighters are not all that knowledgable about things down here

[Naola (BOB)] you really should spend more time in a real place like this,

[Naola (BOB)] than up in that silly sun and air,

[Naola (BOB)] down here where water doesn't just fall from the sky at random

[John] but rocks do it seems

[Naola (BOB)] points to the ceiling up out of light range,

[Naola (BOB)] lots of rocks up there

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Snickers))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] high is the ceiling here?

[Naola (BOB)] yesterday you folk set off a bunch of falling piercers

[Naola (BOB)] because you are so noisy

[Naola (BOB)] (you can not see it )

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Nah, water doesn't fall from the sky at random, it just falls from the rocks constantly))

[John] at least they were not random

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Hey BRB gonna fly up and see if I can find a roof

[Naola (BOB)] everythign was put in place by Moridon

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I go up

[Naola (BOB)] how can you think differently?

[John] you have tracks, do you want to loose them?

[Naola (BOB)] (you fly up and find a rough cieling at about 150 foot up)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Thinks to himself...cause we have brains))

[Naola (BOB)] loose what tracks?

[John] Rave was tracking

[Naola (BOB)] that bug? you call him that because he is raving mad?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I fly back down....high ceiling watch for attacks from up there

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Yep you got it

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I am CRRRRAAAAAZZZZYYYYYYY

[Naola (BOB)] shrugs, ok

[Naola (BOB)] comes from too much sun

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Goes back to try and track again...

[Naola (BOB)] you need to stay underground where it is healthy

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[John] Are you a priest by any chance?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::struggles to keep her mouth shut, but she succeeds in doing so::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 35'04" (7 squares).

[Naola (BOB)] no, I don't have any special powers

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 43'03" (8.6 squares).

[John] you seem to worship the underground

[Naola (BOB)] (nothign to be seen Rave, seems to go into that slick area and then disapear)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Staying invisible I fly over the area)

[Naola (BOB)] blinks, not worship, that would be like worshiping air, you just need it and it is there

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 48'05" (9.6 squares).

[Naola (BOB)] (nothing rave)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 40'05" (8 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Looks for tracks on the other side of slick area

[Naola (BOB)] make that rool

[Naola (BOB)] rool

[Naola (BOB)] sighs roll

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Naola (BOB)] nope, do not find anything

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I pick up a rock and drop it in the middle of the shiny floor

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 51'11" (10.3 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Plunk

[Naola (BOB)] it sort of gloops down then slowly settles

[Naola (BOB)] liek the rock is soft

[John] You will write Rave?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Hmmm Could this be a giant ooze of some sort?

[Tori (Vicki)] Someone wanna walk across it?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Night all -- good luck ))

[Naola (BOB)] sleep well Lor

[Tori (Vicki)] ((night Lorie))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Bye

Lorie] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 21:01:11 EST 2008

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] any ideas anyone? any suggestions?

[John] Which way to the stairs Naola

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Well come on down I don't see anything...Watch out for the gloopy stuff in the middle

[Naola (BOB)] the far side of that slick, then another left farther down

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Do we have to walk through it?))

[John] then lets stick to one side and walk arround it

[Naola (BOB)] Moirria? Tori? ideas?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((let's just move on))

[Naola (BOB)] that is what you are discussing, how to move on

[Tori (Vicki)] ((unless Rave wants to do more here))

[Naola (BOB)] you want to get how close tot hat?

[John] half way from the goo and the edge

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Not close enough that we fall in if it's a hole of some sort))

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 153'03".

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 23'05".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 205'05".

[BOB] ] Tori moved 60'11".

[John] I will fly along the edge of the goo

[BOB] ] Naola moved 73'01".

[BOB] ] Chohen and Drow Prisoner moved 216'00".

[BOB] Chohen targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 4'08"

[BOB] Chohen no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 86'10".

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Chohen. Distance: 3'11"

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 85'00".

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 8'08".

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 13'10".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((we might be able to send someone to walk across it that isn't one of our usual party))

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 82'05".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I hope you're not suggesting one of the dwarves))

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori moved 59'03".

[BOB] Grey Ooze #1 targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 36'01"

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1: Attack: Strike: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 3. PROBABLY HITS Drow Prisoner (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1 moved 22'06".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((well, I'm just suggesting not killing off characters, but I suppose if we want to find out what's up with the goo, and have to have a character do it, I might be able to))

[Naola (BOB)] so as you are skirting that area, a psuedo pod LASHES out and SMACKS the drow on the wrists,

[Naola (BOB)] she screams

[Naola (BOB)] as it is wrapped around her wrists

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, does this mean we fight without bringing up the combat box?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Oh man grey ooze

[Naola (BOB)] (for now yes Vicki)

[Naola (BOB)] Chohen turns and cuts at the pod with his dagger

[Tori (Vicki)] ((still roll init to keep the order?))

[BOB] Chohen targets Grey Ooze #1. Distance: 11'03"

[BOB] ] Chohen: Attack: Club new data file: ((20-(d20+0))-5) [1d20=6] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Grey Ooze #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[BOB] ] Chohen: Damage v SM: Club new data file: ((1d6)+1+4+1+1) [1d6=3] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Grey Ooze #1

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-10) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[John] is she free?

[Naola (BOB)] and it disolves as it slices into him

[John] can we back up?

[Naola (BOB)] she is shaking her hands trying to get it off of her, but it looks like it went for the mithreal bonds, ate that up, burned her skin in the process

[Naola (BOB)] you can go back for forward

[Naola (BOB)] chohen is looking at Paul

[John] brb

[BOB] ] Naola moved 37'10".

[Chohen (BOB)] it ate my dagger!

Moirra (Kaz)] calls out "Someone grab her and make sure she is okay."

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 44'11".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Does it look like it ate through the shackles?

[BOB] Chohen targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 2'00"

[Chohen (BOB)] she is shaking her hands, so you could guess so

[Chohen (BOB)] bu thtere are no shackles, just the wrist bracers

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((was she the person closest to it? Trying to figure out why she, specifically, was grabbed))

[Chohen (BOB)] (she was close, and she had mithreal exposed )

[Tori (Vicki)] Chohen, grab hold of the prisoner so she doesn't escape

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((What are we doing now?))

[Chohen (BOB)] Chohen had asked which way to go

[Chohen (BOB)] then he was told to grab the prisoner

[Tori (Vicki)] ((seems to be twiddling our thumbs))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Are we in combat or not?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Left or right?))

[Chohen (BOB)] yes

[Chohen (BOB)] in combat

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (who's turn is it?)

[Chohen (BOB)] is anyone else goign to do anything before it can attack again?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Get rid of the ooze and make sure the prisoner doesn't escape, then worry about where to go))

[Chohen (BOB)] the only one who has done anything is Chohen

[Tori (Vicki)] ((John?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (what turn are we in initiative? Do we roll? A bit confused here?)

[John] I was away for a sec, I tell everyone to get back

[Chohen (BOB)] you can just go

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((looking through spells. I don't really know anything about oozes))

[Chohen (BOB)] it is so slow it will go after everyone

[Tori (Vicki)] ::listens to Paul and backs off::

[BOB] ] Naola moved 18'03".

[BOB] ] Tori moved 26'04".

[John] flying and waving them all back, keeping between the ooze and the group

[Tori (Vicki)] ::tells Chohen to back up with the prisoner::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Waiting for Paul to do something then I will act))

[BOB] Drow Prisoner no longer targets Chohen.

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Moirra. Distance: 4'04"

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 11'06".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Tell me when I should do something John, Bob, Kaz))

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 11'10".

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire targets Grey Ooze #1. Distance: 50'01"

[John] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 17'08".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 18'06".

[Chohen (BOB)] you can go Fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against Grey Ooze #1: Amulet of Hardwater: Harden water to a granite consistency volume 30,000 square feet or hurl bolts of hard water(4*d8) [1d8=8] 32 damage save vs breath weapon for half.

[John] once we are all safe, gather all the scrape metal

[John] or waiting on the other mage to kill it

[Chohen (BOB)] no effect Rave

[John] or not

[Tori (Vicki)] Yes'sir, Sir Paul

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (It's not magic but hardened water like a boulder bob)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] It is a melee attack

[Chohen (BOB)] (it is a spell, did not work)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((John, could you try something?))

[John] I think we can just throw the spae metal one way and run past the other way

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (So a spell that creates a solid object won't affect it?)

[John] Right Naola?

[Chohen (BOB)] (only a couple of specific things that hurt it other than weapons)

[John] oh, can you run faster than a gray ooze?

[Naola (BOB)] We can find a way aroudn it

[Naola (BOB)] don't have to go that way

[BOB] ] Naola moved 51'08".

[BOB] Chohen no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 85'07".

[John] but this is a known issue

[BOB] ] Naola moved 32'05".

[BOB] Drow Prisoner no longer targets Moirra.

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Chohen. Distance: 4'07"

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Naola. Distance: 4'01"

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 83'06".

[John] Tori, you help Cohen keep an eye on the drow please

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori moved 55'05".

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori moved 15'10".

[BOB] Moirra targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 4'11"

[BOB] Moirra no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 75'03".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Attack: Hooch:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Attack: Pixie War Arrow:: is now ARMED.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Attack: Pixie War Arrow: ((16-(d20+0))-4) [1d20=7] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Grey Ooze #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ::takes over the other side of the drow and growls::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Damage v L: Pixie War Arrow: (((d4+1))+8) [1d4=2] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Grey Ooze #1

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -26 (-43) by Master - Dead

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 27 (53) by Master - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (-11) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-10) by Master - Massively Wounded

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (? Me so confused)

[Naola (BOB)] back to normal now

[Naola (BOB)] it took the blow from Chohen and ate his dagger, took the arrow from you and absorbed that too

[Naola (BOB)] I accidently doubled it,

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Ok do I get my second arrow now?

[Naola (BOB)] took the full damage

[Naola (BOB)] yes

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire targets Grey Ooze #1. Distance: 49'01"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Attack: Pixie War Arrow: ((16-(d20+0))-4) [1d20=20] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Grey Ooze #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Attack: Pixie War Arrow: ((16-(d20+0))-4) [1d20=20] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Grey Ooze #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Attack: Pixie War Arrow: ((16-(d20+0))-4) [1d20=3] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Grey Ooze #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Naola (BOB)] wow

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] DANG 2 crits

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((NICE))

[John] can I pick up a bone or two and throw at it

[Tori (Vicki)] ((LOL))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Damage v L: Pixie War Arrow: (((d4+1))+8) [1d4=2] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Grey Ooze #1

[Naola (BOB)] chuckles yes to Paul

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Damage v L: Pixie War Arrow: (((d4+1))+8) [1d4=1] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Grey Ooze #1

[John] or wate for the other fighter to kill it

[BOB] ] Grey Ooze #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -15 (-21) by Master - Dead

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((stupid question time))

[John] As I was saying Naola, this was a known issue

[John] go ahead

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Pixie War Arrow -- #: +37 (+35),

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((was that whole spot on the floor the ooze, or was it a smaller creature hiding in that spot?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Tiny little arrow....Big damage

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Must have gotten it right in the Mitochondrial Process and caused it to explode

[Tori (Vicki)] ((lol))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((anyone? Bueller?))

[John] seems only small spot, but BOB only knows

[Naola (BOB)] could be one large one, could be a colony of small ones, could be one hiding in something

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((So we wouldn't be able to tell?))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Okay))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bueller's Day Off? Kaz))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Wait I know what to do....(flys off to pick up some used armor

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok, so moving on?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 228'00" (45.6 squares).

[Tori (Vicki)] ((any dynamite around?))

[John] i say we take some metal and thow it on the stuff

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Grabs some used armor and plops it along the OUTSIDE of the ooze to see if it is still alive))

[Naola (BOB)] what is your lunatic doing?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 183'09" (36.7 squares).

[Naola (BOB)] BLOOOP,

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Weeeee Supper time!!!

[Naola (BOB)] snatches it and eats its

[John] sleding anyone?

[Naola (BOB)] HEY BUG!!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] Naola, making sure this thing is really dead

[Naola (BOB)] stop feeding it

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I believe it is still alive

[Naola (BOB)] you are making it grow

[Tori (Vicki)] Rave, give it some plastic from now on...

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Sorry. I just wanted to make sure it was dead

[John] I grab some bones

[Naola (BOB)] grumbles

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I guess there is more than one down here

Moirra (Kaz)] looks oddly at Tori.

[Naola (BOB)] have to kill everythign that moves

[Moirra (Kaz)] Plastic? What is that?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Smiles))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Ventriloquism proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Tori (Vicki)] Ok, bones ought to work

[Naola (BOB)] what do you do with your bones John?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Nope you are still alive...((Of course rather than a voice by his is a voice that comes from on top of the ooze))

[John] use them as weaponds

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] We could just go around it

[Naola (BOB)] ok

[John] have the walkers walk arround, use rave and me flying metal as bait on the far side

[Tori (Vicki)] Naola, how do you make this thing shrink in size?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::moves with Naola leading the path around::

[Naola (BOB)] stay away from it

[Naola (BOB)] don't feed it

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] FLYING BAIT!?!?!?!? Are you serious?

[John] no drop the metal left and move right

[John] you can fly high and drop it making lots of noise. I know how much you like that

[Moirra (Kaz)] Are you crazy? It will feed off the metal that falls, and grow!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Oh geez I just KNOW this is going to go horribly wrong!!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((brb, keep tori with the prisoner and moving around this thing))

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] we do not have a target

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] How about just going around a different path? That sounds MUCH safer!!! ((Hint Hint))

[Moirra (Kaz)] Paul, I truly do not believe that is a good idea.

[Moirra (Kaz)] We should just choose a different path, and stay away from that.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Nods invisibly head vigourously at Moirra))

[John] ok, lets go elsewhere

[BOB] ] Naola, Drow Prisoner, Tori, Moirra and Chohen moved 96'05".

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 13'04"

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 14'00"

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 145'04" (29 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Flys down and checks the prisoner to make sure she is still held securely

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 13'04"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire moved 10'11" (2.1 squares).

[Naola (BOB)] she has no bindings at all

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Uhmmm Naolo she is free

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Tori was holding on to her, I thought))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Yea but she can't do that forever

[Naola (BOB)] yes, Chohen and Tori are holding her

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] How about I tie her up?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Just in case

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 184'05".

[Moirra (Kaz)] That is probably a good idea.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Rope Use check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 21!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] WOA!!!!

[John] woot

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Super sweet roll

[Naola (BOB)] so yes you manage to tie her up

[Naola (BOB)] grins

[BOB] Tori targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 0'06"

[BOB] Tori no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[BOB] Tori targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 1'06"

[BOB] ] Tori, Paul Elvenstire, Naola, Drow Prisoner, Rave Starfire, Moirra and Chohen moved 164'11".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 176'01".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 175'10".

[BOB] ] Moirra, Paul Elvenstire, Naola, Drow Prisoner, Tori, Rave Starfire and Chohen moved 266'06".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 20'04".

[BOB] ] Naola moved 7'03".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Ma who turned out the lights?))

[John] i was looking to see where we were

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 31'05".

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 273'01".

[BOB] and so you reach later on that day teh stair case

[Naola (BOB)] this should be a straight forward climb

[John] does it go up or down ;)

[Naola (BOB)] up ahead is a large break

[Naola (BOB)] goes up

[Naola (BOB)] about 300 feet

[BOB] Naola targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 1'08"

[BOB] Naola no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[BOB] ] Naola moved 56'10".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 56'07".

[Naola (BOB)] scale on that map is correct

[Naola (BOB)] is Paul flying?

[John] yes

[Naola (BOB)] The drow is not, wry grin

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((great paul is high!!))

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 10'00".

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Chohen. Distance: 4'08"

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 18'06".

[BOB] ] Naola moved 49'11".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 88'09".

[John] I am within the light

[BOB] ] Naola and Rave Starfire moved 158'01".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 305'11".

[Fritzou] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ] Naola, Rave Starfire and Paul Elvenstire moved 49'05".

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Naola (BOB)] HEY!, what in the clouds happened here

[Naola (BOB)] growls

[BOB] ] Naola moved 45'07".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 28'09".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 94'03".

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra moved 362'05".

[Moirra (Kaz)] What is wrong?

[BOB] as you draw closer you see a huge pile of rubble

[BOB] at teh bottom of the shaft going up

[BOB] and no stairway

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh, dear

[Fritzou] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 46'01".

[BOB] ] Tori, Chohen and Drow Prisoner moved 275'09".

[BOB] Tori targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 4'09"

[BOB] Tori no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[BOB] ] Tori moved 351'08".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 71'00".

[John] how far up can i see

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I go and fly around the rubble to see if we can get past it or if the stair is destroyed

[BOB] that far

[BOB] there is nothing going up except a wide shaft

[Tori (Vicki)] ((can we move the rubble?))

[BOB] you can see how large some of the rubble pieces are

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] How high to we have to go to get to the next level of stairs?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks around the rubble trying to determine if she can move these pieces::

[BOB] you can

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 6'11".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Well I can either TK everyone up or we can climb. Which do you all prefer?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((moving the pieces so that we don't have to climb it all again to get out

[Tori (Vicki)] ))

[John] TK

[Naola (BOB)] how will we get back down? on the way home?

[Naola (BOB)] do you plan on coming with us again?

[Naola (BOB)] we need to rebuild the stais

[Naola (BOB)] stairs

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Oh geeze

[Naola (BOB)] unless you have a better plan

[John] you do not climb?

[John] rope and such?

[Tori (Vicki)] I do not fly well

[Naola (BOB)] how much rope do you have?

[Naola (BOB)] we each have about 50 paces

[John] I do not carry rope, Rave how much did you pack?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Rave, can you not use your telekinesis to help stack the rubble in such a way that it is climbable?

[John] Moia?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I believe 300

[Tori (Vicki)] ((who has the scroll of shelter now?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Possibly if it is less than 800lbs

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have no rope with me, Paul. I'm sorry.

[Tori (Vicki)] Or at least scatter it to one side so the passage is clear on 3 quarters of the way?

[John] how about stone shape Moia?

[Tori (Vicki)] (across that is))

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have more of an affinity with wood. Were it wood, I could do much with it.

Moirra (Kaz)] sighs

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] No sorry I have 100 foot of rope but we have more in storage

[Moirra (Kaz) (to John only)] is the name of the spell stone shape, or shape stone? Or is it something else?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] let me see how much rope I have in storage

[John] I have no issue helping rebuild stairs, or rather waiting for you to as I have no skills in that area

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Can you polymorph Paul?

[John] I already have and still can, what do you sugest

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Well we could polymorph into creatures that through their natural ability can dig/tunnel into stone and soil. That way we could recreate the stairway

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Plus you have the "Dig" Spell

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Several potions of spider climb and we have 300 feet of rope

[Tori (Vicki)] ((why do I suddenly have the image of Pocahontas (the movie) where the settlers are digging their settlement?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((He))

[John] I have doubt we can get up, Noala just wanted to rebuild the stairs, so I was thinking we should let them

[Tori (Vicki)] Couldn't we just put the dwarves to work for this?

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have a feeling that any stairs we would build would not be up to dwarven standards.

[John] for when we return, when others come and go

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles tentatively at Naola.

[Naola (BOB)] well no one expects you to be able to achieve that

[John] I would certainly stand guard while the expects work

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Yes but that would delay us a long time...we could change to something like Umber Hulks..we don't get the magic eyesight but we have their claws

[Naola (BOB)] but if your group can do something that would be appreciated

[Naola (BOB)] we could fix it later to better specifications

[Naola (BOB)] looking at teh pile of rubble and the walls going up

[Moirra (Kaz)] But perhaps we could do something meant to be temporary, that way if we leave via a different route...

[Naola (BOB)] should take us about a month or so to do that

[Naola (BOB)] shrugs, we can forage for food

[John] Paull changes into a Umber Hulk and cares out a couple steps

[Naola (BOB)] camp here

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against : Polymorph Self: The caster can change shape into any creature from the size of a wren to a hippopotamus.

[John] ::grunts in a questioning tone:

[Naola (BOB)] (looking up to see how much you can move in how much time)

[Tori (Vicki)] I, for one, don't want to spend a month here if we don't have to

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Ditto and become visible...hey maybe Naolo can tell us where to put the holes so we can make it secure)

[John (to Fritzou only)] when I decided to take poly self I looked u pa few things but I did nto save the file

[Tori (Vicki)] ::helps Rave and Paul with the pieces::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to John only)] I did some research on creatures we may meet here in the underdark so that I could help solve problems like this as well as be aware of what might hurt us

[John (to Fritzou only)] there was one fish like creature if we find an ocean

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (hands his ring of telekinesis to Tori)- here use this to move the rubble out of the way that we create

[John (to Fritzou only)] or lake

[John] brb

[BOB (to John only)] the starless lake was mentioned at the beginning

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to John only)] You mean the Aboleth or are you talking simple?

[Tori (Vicki)] How?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Just concentrate on moving a bunch of rubble and let the ring do the work

[BOB] ok, so you can make a large enough tunnel on an angle going up to create a secondary shaft

[BOB] then carve the flor of that into crude steps

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks at the ring and ponders:: If it'll work, I guess I can handle that

[BOB] will take about four hours of work

[BOB] is not the same as before, is only 10 foot tall or so, and 5 foot wide

[John] ::grunts hapily::

[Tori (Vicki)] ::concentrates on the rubble and moves it with the rings help::

[BOB] Drow Prisoner no longer targets Chohen.

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Tori. Distance: 2'05"

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Chohen. Distance: 4'07"

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Moirra. Distance: 4'08"

[BOB] Drow Prisoner no longer targets Chohen.

[BOB] Drow Prisoner no longer targets Moirra.

[BOB] Drow Prisoner no longer targets Tori.

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Chohen. Distance: 4'02"

[BOB] Drow Prisoner no longer targets Chohen.

[BOB] Drow Prisoner targets Chohen. Distance: 2'10"

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner, Tori, Chohen, Naola, Rave Starfire, Paul Elvenstire and Moirra moved 371'04".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire and Rave Starfire moved 72'08".

[John] is there an auto target that you can turn off?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ::Working alongside Paul he smiles a grateful contented Umberhulk smile:: (problably the scariest thing someone has ever seen)

[John] ::urgle ber targen::

[John] ::changes into femal Umber hulk::

[John] (how would you know)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ::Griflfed vergen bogle nub:

[BOB] ok, so after a few hours of hard labor you get it all cleared out, rough carved adn make it up to the top

[John] ::winks::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Wow what big hooters you have my dear)

[BOB] what big mandibles you have

[John] ::changes to rave and rests on Chohen's shoulder::

[BOB] and such a shiney caraparace

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LMAO))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ::Turns into Paul and stares sullenly down the hall:: "Harrumpph"

Moirra (Kaz)] turns to Naola.

[John] ::caw caw::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] "Harrumpph Harrumph"

[Moirra (Kaz)] So, we are either returning with you or we aren't. *smiles a little, sad smile*

[Moirra (Kaz)] If we don't, when you are fixing our rough staircase, please stop for a moment to remember us.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] "Harrumpph Harrumph. How much longer must I stay away from my beloved Gon and my research? Harrumpph, Harrumpph"

[BOB] I was told to escort you to Khazefryn,

[John] ::flys over to Moirra's shoulder::

[BOB] after that we are taking our released captives home

[John] (and you can't be a specific person, just a bad impression)

[Tori (Vicki)] Well, let's get moving while these men amuse themselves with changing their looks

Moirra (Kaz)] grins at Pauls silliness

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] "Harrumpph Harrumpph I have more important things to do like protecting my Protectorate. Harrumpph, Harrumpph"

[John] (and Paul never says harrumph)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((hence the bad impression... lol))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((You give the governor harumph...))

[John] ::gently pecks at Moirra's ear::

[Moirra (Kaz)] I know you are, but we may not be with you on your return. And if we are not...

[Moirra (Kaz)] ...then someone should give our memories a moment of thought, no?

[BOB] what are you going to do when you get there?

[John] ::changes intto a really ugly pikie::

[BOB] aye, memories and a good burial

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] "Where is Kit? Harrumpph, Harrumpph. I need someone to do my work for me. Harrumpph, Harrumpph. Where is Khan? That lazy troll!!! I should boil him in oil to teach him a lesson. Harrumpph, Harrumpph"

[John] I've got an item that will make you taller, give me a sec

[Moirra (Kaz)] If there is anything to bury. I do not mind being laid to rest in your darkness, Naola.

[John] here sniff this and then swallow it

[BOB] what are you going to do when you get to that den of villiany and scum

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ((Carves into the entrance to the new tunnel. "Dragonslayers Passage. Built in honor of the dwarves of Morten for their invaluable assistance in our journey through the underdark"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Turns back into Rave and gets his ring back from Tori

[Moirra (Kaz)] Fight evil, which is what it always seems to boil down to.

[John] Here let me kill that dragin with my magic twig, stand back everybody

[Tori (Vicki)] ::hands the real Rave his ring back::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] "Puts the names of all the current Dragonslayers in the party"

[John] hey that is my ring

[BOB] it will be dangerous

[Tori (Vicki)] "Thank you for helping me help you and Paul, Rave"

Moirra (Kaz)] tickles Paul lightly, then turns back to the dwarves.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] My pleasure

[Moirra (Kaz)] It is always dangerous. But we must do it.

[Naola (BOB)] do you know what you are going to do when you get there?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks at Rave's mimic::

[Naola (BOB)] how long are you staying there?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] What we do best good dwarf...Make it up as we go along!!!

[John] I plan on getting this extra leg removed

[Tori (Vicki)] Sorry, Paul, you can't fool a person who's been close to Rave all these years ::winks at Paul:: but you can fool anyone who wouldn't know him as well as I do

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (looks at Paul curiously trying to figure out what he means by that)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (Smiles at Tori)

[John] ::flys on ahead::

[Naola (BOB)] well we will see what happens when we get there, still have a few days to go

[Moirra (Kaz)] It's funny. No matter how much we plan and scheme, we always seem to end up winging it.

[BOB] (keeping you on this map for now, )

[BOB] You think you hear something but it is faint.

[BOB] in the corridoors up ahead

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((what kind of 'something'?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] More like "Broken wing it" Don't you mean Moirra?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((are we moving on?))

[BOB] You hear the click, click, click of a small rock upon a larger one. It is like someone is tapping out a message. Click, click [pause] click, click. It is impossible to determine if it is coming from in front of you or from behind you ? it?s like the sound is everywhere. It continues for several repetitions. Click, click [pause] click, click [pause] click, click. Finally, it stops and you hear nothing more.

Moirra (Kaz)] looks curiously at Naola and his contingent.

[John] ::aproaches carefully::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Arrgggh Giant black balls of death

Vicki] is receiving the map Encounter area 1...

Vicki] has received the map Encounter area 1.

[BOB] Chohen targets Drow Prisoner. Distance: 3'05"

[BOB] Chohen no longer targets Drow Prisoner.

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 38'07".

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 55'10".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Time to clear the history buffer

[Moirra (Kaz)] afk a sec

[BOB] could be from any of those coridoors,

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 130'01".

[BOB] ] Tori moved 27'07".

[BOB] ] Naola moved 11'05".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 105'01".

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 35'10".

[Tori (Vicki)] North, South, East, or West?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] "Yes"

[Naola (BOB)] damn goblins

[Tori (Vicki)] ((lol))

[Naola (BOB)] need to find a place to protect ourselves now

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Was that goblins?

[Naola (BOB)] then a call from one of the other dwarves

[Naola (BOB)] watch out

[John] from what?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((attack!!!))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] [whirls around looking for enemies]

[Naola (BOB)] and a SWARM of centipedes rushes down teh opening towards you

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Bob go ahead and try the combat please maybe it wont be as bad with lorie gone

[Naola (BOB)] is ok no real combat

[Naola (BOB)] Paul and Rave are flying

[Naola (BOB)] the rest are stuck

[Tori (Vicki)] ::swings wildly to fight/brush off all these bugs::

[John] what level are the dwarfs?

[John] any idea

[BOB] ] Chohen's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-8) by Master - Heavily Wounded

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Drow Prisoner: No adjustments made.

[BOB] ] Moirra's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 23 (-8) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] Naola's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (-8) by Master - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] Tori's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 64 (-8) by Master - Lightly Wounded

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] [shudders]

[Naola (BOB)] and rushes on out

[Naola (BOB)] (no to John)

[Chohen (BOB)] someone watch her

[Chohen (BOB)] **colapses**

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] That was really gross...Glad I was up here and not down there Aye Paul?

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 26'04".

[Drow Prisoner (BOB)] NO

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] TK drow prisoner

[John] how many are a swarm 100's?

[Drow Prisoner (BOB)] **colpases**

[Drow Prisoner (BOB)] if you have area of effect attacks you could do something if it stayed in one place

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Uhmmm

[BOB] and yes several hundred

[John] casting

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Moirra check for poison...I check also

[BOB] but the two of them seem to be the worst off

[Fritzou] Rave Starfire targets Chohen. Distance: 16'10"

[BOB] dwarves made their saves

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Herbalism check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[BOB] Tori and Morria need to make theirs still

[John] centipees have eyes right? they see?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] sorry, back

[BOB] no to john

[Tori (Vicki)] ((make what, didn't see to roll saves))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] (save vs poison)

[BOB] Tori and Moirria need to save versus poison

[Tori (Vicki)] ] Tori: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[BOB] Tori falls over

[Tori (Vicki)] ::collapses::

[BOB] Kaz your go

[Moirra (Kaz)] sorry, was trying to catch up on what's going on. Rolling now.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: Herbalism check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[BOB] chuckles first you have to save versus poison your self

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL FAILED against 7!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] snicker

[John] rave think clound kill will kill the dwarf, or if it does will Kylia raise them

[BOB] and Moirra falls over

[BOB] so we have the dwarves and Rave and Paul

[BOB] the rest are down for the count

[Moirra (Kaz)] *collapses to the groun

[BOB] the swarm is gone

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((unconscious?))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((for how long?))

[BOB] will tell you that next week

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Not sure....probably...Crap...are they dieing or unconscious or paralyzed

[BOB] as Rave failed his check

[Tori (Vicki)] ((but we got 15 minutes left...))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I can make a potion to help here real fast

[BOB] does Paul have somethign up his sleeve?

[John] set up to the ambush?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against Chohen: Gold Coin: Make any magic potion, oil, salve etc. 3 times a day

[BOB] wait

[John] I was going to cast cloud kill if they are in range

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Neutralize poison and give it to Moirra

[BOB] are ou sure you want to do that Fritz?>

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so is the same round essentially

[BOB] so Moirra gulps it down

[BOB] and groggily comes awake

[BOB] and you hear drums in the distance





[John] I fly forward to meet them

[BOB] and now we pick up next session

[John] i want to do my line


[Vicki] hehe

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((ROFL))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] [ROFL]

[BOB] grins

[John] I got this Rave and Moia take care of the rest

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I thought it was NONE SHALL PASS))

[BOB] which way is Paul flying?

[John] we came one way, how many other ways are there?

[BOB] three

[Vicki] there's North, South, East and West...

[BOB] plus brnaches from there

[Vicki] one of them being the way we came from... LOL

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Can we tell where the drums came from?

[BOB] no

[BOB] is echoing all around

[John] I guess you will have to wait untill next time

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] how about a thief check with major minuses?

[BOB] at least Moirra is not collapsed on the ground

[Vicki] but Tori is

[BOB] and Chohen

[BOB] and the drow prisoner

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] [I don't know...she was kinda sexy laying there]

[Kaz] Okay, I just want to make sure I know what's what. The dwarves are all okay?

[John] how about a wall of stone arrond the party, or across the path

[John] how long does it have to be?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] [All vulnerable and what not]

[BOB] yes the dwarves are all standing

[John] oh you said it was just us three

[Kaz] lol Fritz

[Kaz] you perv

[John] why did you not list them as our assets

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] :)


[Vicki] Kaz, does that surprise you?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] LOL

[Kaz] absolutely

[Kaz] NOT

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Good one John

[John] if we only had a Death cloak

[Kaz] :)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] We have a wheel barrow

[John] let me take some measurments

[John] which way did we come

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] On my best days I could only handle 6

[BOB] ] Tori moved 189'11".

[Vicki] ::starts singing "She wheeled a wheel barrow..."

[BOB] that is where you came from

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] ] Rave Starfire: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=33] 33 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 45!!

[Vicki] ::

[BOB] ] Drow Prisoner moved 165'00".

[BOB] ] Chohen moved 145'04".

[BOB] ] Naola moved 66'11".

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so we pick up there next week

[Vicki] toward the sound?

[BOB] you definately hear noise

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] The sound is coming from that way>>>>>>, and that way <<<<<<<<, and that way ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] <<<<<<<

[John] don't shoot untill you see their heat signatures

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] <-------------

[Vicki] Why thank you, Rave the Scarecrow

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] The reds of their eyes?

[John] one fales moves and the drow gets it

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] The Sheriff is a N-----

[John] good night all

[Vicki] night night John

[BOB] night everyone

[Kaz] I need everyone's help with a moral dilemna

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Night all

[BOB] oh?

[BOB] what ?

[Kaz] Night John

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] What?

[Vicki] Moral Dilemma?

[BOB] catches John and keeps him

[Kaz] Well, this...

[Vicki] lol bob

[Kaz] Should I steal Guy's moonpie, or not?

[Kaz] I'm kinda having a chocolate craving.

[Vicki] No, absolutely not

[Kaz] But if a man's moonpie isn't sacred territory, what is?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] STEAL, STEAL, STEAL!!!!!! You are talking to a thief after all

[Vicki] especially if he knows he has one

[John] that is not moral, it's political, it is half yours right?

[Kaz] Yeah, but it's been sitting there for like three weeks.

[Kaz] no, how is it half mine?

[Vicki] then it's open game

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] A man's Moonpie is only sacred territory to another man....remember he will always share it with another woman...if at the same time that is

[Vicki] what's yours is yours, and what's his is yours ;)

[Kaz] LOL

[Kaz] Poor Guy. No moonpie for him.

[John] like you can't get another one

[Kaz] I know...

[John] ttfn


[Vicki] night night

[Kaz] night J

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Nighty Johny

[BOB] wow was that a covanent refernce?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] :)

[Vicki] Bob, do you mean a "convienent reference"?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I do say that was a neat trap Bob

[BOB] thomas covenant reference, Nom Nom Nom is a phrase from there

[BOB] thanks Fritz

John] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 23:00:30 EST 2008

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Which book? Missed that one as well.

[Kaz] No, actually, it was a Lolcat reference

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Whoa never heard of Lolcat

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] what is Lolcat?

[Kaz] OMG! You don't know lolcats?


[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Uhhhmmm No in my vocabulary the only good cat is a dead cat!!


[Vicki] says a cat person to a dog person... LOL

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] OK OK...I take it back...Cats are great!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Great DOG FOOD that is!!!

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: +5 (+0). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: +5 (+4). CHANGED: 4 -- Current: +1 (2). Spells - CHANGED: Accelerate Healing -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Age Plant -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Animal Summoning I -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Augury -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Aura of Comfort -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Barkskin -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Body Clock -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Call Woodland Beings -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Chant -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Charm Person or Mammal -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Choose Future -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Circle of Privacy -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Continual Light - Priest -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Control Animal -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Create Campsite -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Create Food and Water -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Create Holy Symbol -- Cast Level: 2 (1),

[Kaz] what you're saying... "blah blah blah"

[Kaz] what I'm hearing... "..."

Vicki] thinks of trying to find the movie "The Truth about Cats and Dogs" again... it's basically nearly the same scenario here

[Vicki] only you both aren't single... LOL

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Why you must have dog ears...My dog hears the same thing....blah blah blah, Wesley. Blah blah blah. Wesley...Blah Blah Blah...No Wesley

[Vicki] LOL

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Blah blah blah Kaz

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cure Blindness or Deafness -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Cure Critical Wounds -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Cure Disease -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Cure Serious Wounds -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Detect Lie -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Detect Snares and Pits -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Detect Spirits -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Dispel Magic - Priest -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Divination -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Efficacious Monster Ward -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Ethereal Barrier -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Extradimensional Detection -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Find Traps -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Fire Purge -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Focus -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Fortify - Healing -- Cast Level: 4 (1),

[Kaz] No, I have cat ears. What I hear is: "..."

[Kaz] (nothing)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] "Nice Pussy"

[Vicki] Perv...

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Well all it has been a fun night. Do you think Guy will be joining us next week

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Spells - CHANGED: Frisky Chest -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Giant Insect -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Goodberry -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Hallucinatory Forest -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Helping Hand -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Hesitation -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Hold Animal -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Hold Plant -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Hold Poison -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Invisibility Purge -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Know Customs -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Lighten Load -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Line of Protection -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Locate Object - Priest -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Magical Vestment -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Messenger -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Mystic Transfer -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Nap -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Negative Plane Protection -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Neutralize Poison -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Omniscient Eye -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Plant Door -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Plant Growth - Priest -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Protection from Evil, 10' Radius - Priest -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Remove Curse - Priest -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Remove Paralysis -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Repair Injury -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Repel Insects -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Resist Acid and Corrosion -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Resist Fire/Resist Cold -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Sanctify -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Slow Poison -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Slow Rot -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Snake Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Snare -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Speak with Animals -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Speak with Dead -- Cast Level: 3 (1),

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Hey did anyone say anything about bumping him up some levels like Tori? She Kicked ass tonight with that Purple wurm

[Vicki] ::mimics tweety:: "I tawt I taw a puddytat"

[BOB] yes we are going to Fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] BTW Bob did we get anything out of that PW?

[BOB] was letting him roll his own hit points when he is here next

[BOB] no treasure

[BOB] some misc coins

[BOB] but that is all

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Oh wait I need to write down some PW pieces on my character

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Kaz what did he think about my idea about the polearm?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] till we can get him a better weapon more suited to him

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Spells - CHANGED: Speak with Plants -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Spell Immunity -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Spike Growth -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Squeaking Floors -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Sticks to Snakes -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Summon Insects -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Thief's Lament -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Tongues - Priest -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Tree -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Tree Steed -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Trip -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Unfailing Premonition -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Uplift -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Warp Wood -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Weather Stasis -- Cast Level: 4 (1), CHANGED: Withdraw -- Cast Level: 2 (1), CHANGED: Zone of Sweet Air -- Cast Level: 3 (1), CHANGED: Zone of Truth -- Cast Level: 2 (1),

[BOB] she is fixing spell levels on her character sheet right now

[BOB] there we go all done

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Spells - DELETED: Observation, General, null, 1, $re, +0+1. DELETED: Ventriloquism proficiency, Rogue, null, 1, $re, -2+1. DELETED: Voice Mimicry, Rogue, null, 2, $ap, +0+1. DELETED: Information Gathering, Rogue, null, 1, $re, +0+1. DELETED: Tracking, Warrior, null, 2, $wi, +0+1. DELETED: Rope Use, General, null, 1, $ai, +0+1. DELETED: Fanaticism, null, null, -4, null, null. DELETED: Powerful Enemy, null, null, -4, null, null. DELETED: Brewing, Craft, null, 1, $kn, +0+1. DELETED: Cooking, Craft, null, 1, $re, +0+1. DELETED: Alchemy, Wizard, null, 2, $kn, -3+1. DELETED: Herbalism, Priest; Wizard, null, 2, $kn, -2+1. DELETED: Bower/Fletcher, Warrior, null, 1, $ai, -1+1. Notes - CHANGED. Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: Character Info,

[DM] Roll: (10d6) [(6+6+5+6+5+4+4+3+5+3)] 47

Zadore's Poison Sheath: Each time a blade is drawn from this sheath it is automatically coated with 1d6 different poisons. So virulent are Zadore's poisons that no saving throw is allowed. One slice of a blade enclosed by this sheath (fortunately there is only one), results in sudden death for any creature struck by it except planar creatures who do get a saving throw, but at -4.

Sacred Bundle: The Sacred Bundle bestows the following benefits upon the owner: +2 on all saving throws, the character is only suprised on a natural roll of one, unarmored AC becomes 2, and one point of damage is subtracted from each die of damage done to the character. A sacred bundle never benefits anyone but the character who made it

Makki (Medicine Bundle): +1 on all saving throws and proficiency/ability checks, Further the character can call upon the totem spirit in the event that the save or check fails. If this option is selected, the die roll for the saving throw or check is ignored and the character is assumed to have successfully overcome the hazard. Whatever caused the character to attempt the saving throw or ability check will destroy the makki,however, forcing the character to fashion a new one if he wishes to regain his +1 to saving throws and ability checks bonus.

Kit Ar Dex Race 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pick Pockets +5 +20 +5 15 20 5 10 10 5

Open Locks +20 -10 10 20 15 15 10 5 5 10 10 5

Find/remove traps +5 +5 5 5 10 10 15 5 5 5 10 15

Move Silently +10 +10 +5 10 5 5 5 10 10 5 15 5

Detect Noise +5 15 15 5 5

Hide Shadows +5 +15 +10 5 5 15

. DELETED: XP Awards,

==== Tue Jun 10 15:57:12 EDT 2008 ====

15th Aniverssary Game - 5000 (Tue Jun 10 15:53:46 EDT 2008)

Story / Roleplaying - 500 (Tue Jun 10 15:56:15 EDT 2008)

==== Wed Nov 26 12:46:30 EST 2008 ====

Magic of Music Story Award - 10000 (Wed Nov 26 12:40:17 EST 2008)

Roleplaying Award - 500 (Wed Nov 26 12:43:11 EST 2008)

Magic of Music XP Bonus - 5000 (Wed Nov 26 12:46:21 EST 2008)==== Fri Nov 28 18:49:17 EST 2008 ====

Trouble with Trillochs - 4000 (Wed Nov 26 12:49:42 EST 2008)


AIM and Yahoo - lilangel062582

Google Talk - lilangeldear

(can't think of anything else now.) . DELETED: Game notes,

Xulltyrr name of drow prisoner

. DELETED: Body parts,

Multiple Hair samples of Xulltyrr

Multiple tissue samples from the entire party.

Xulltyrr one dagger

troglodyte skin and body parts .

[Kaz] sorry, but it's all fixed now. :)

[Kaz] You guys should be proud of me - I figured out hte problem myself, and fixed it on the sheet! :D

[BOB] kaz

[BOB] when we log this

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Does Lorie need her character sheet fixed for her spells Bob?

[Vicki] Good Job Kaz

[BOB] you need to go back

[Kaz] Fritz, he thought it was a good idea

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Awesome Kaz

[Vicki] go back where?

[BOB] Fritz just copied the Ventrilo information to the llog

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Duh

[BOB] after you all log out will post

[Kaz] Ooh, okay

[Vicki] oh

[Kaz] I will fix it when you post

[BOB] ok

[BOB] thank you

[Kaz] let me check Lorie's sheet real quick for her spells. Though if it didn't work, I think she'd have said something.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Thats strange I just added Purple worm parts and pieces to my sheet

[BOB] nods, but it copies your other notes to the chat log

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Ahhh gotcha

[BOB] to show the changes

[Vicki] I didn't see it

[BOB] is only on my end

[Vicki] oh

[BOB] I see all the changes to sheets

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] So the entire "Notes" section is on one draft of the program

[Kaz] Nope, she's fine. Mine was never right, but now it was more wrong than it used to be.

[Vicki] I know that

[BOB] I beleive so Fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Does anyone need any help with their character sheets while I am here?

[Kaz] I don't think so. I need to write Moirra's will. Ugh.

[Kaz] Good night, everyone :)

[Kaz (to Fritzou only)] MEOW!

[Vicki] night night Kaz

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 23:15:25 EST 2008

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Tori modified: Combat - ADDED: 64. ADDED: 72. ADDED: 13. ADDED: 7. ADDED: +10+$RA. ADDED: +10+$RA.

[Vicki] night night

Vicki] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 23:15:49 EST 2008

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Bob anything else you need from me?

[BOB] not here

[BOB] but we can talk abotu more later on

[BOB] I know that Lorie wants some sort of filter thing for spells

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Yea...Thanks for tonight I really needed the distraction

[BOB] no clue how that would work


[BOB] Is there any chance he gets better?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Filter what do you mean?

[BOB] not sure exactly

[BOB] she mentioned Excel

[BOB] we will have to look into it

[BOB] we are goign to the airport in teh morning

[BOB] taking a dog to be shipped

[BOB] then will be around the rest of the day

[BOB] I am workingon Sunday

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Oh I was in your neck of the woods on Weds? shipping a dog?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] I went to the Hard Rock Casino to see Jeff Dunham in concert on Weds

[BOB] her mother's dog is heading back home

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] The one in Fortlauderdale

[BOB] cool

[BOB] we are eventually goign to get one here near us

[Rave Starfire (Fritzou)] Yea it was a fast expect me to be dropping by soon

[BOB] very good

[BOB] go relax

[BOB] I will work on the rest of this

[BOB] and see you later on

Fritzou] has left the game on Fri Dec 12 23:20:28 EST 2008