Main / Dec1407

Dec 14 07 - Father Knows Best

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 14 19:06:15 EST 2007 ====

mikE has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 19:07:14 EST 2007

Beth has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 19:08:38 EST 2007

[DM] hey there

[DM] just so you know, this is Beth's 68th game session

[Beth] 68th???

[DM] nods

[DM] and Mike's 201st

[Beth] eh, call me when it hits 100

[DM] grins

[DM] that is when you get the paperweight

[DM] Mike and I were just talking about that

[Beth] I have one, it's called a cat

[DM] you are the next person to earn that

[DM] grins

[Beth] oh, no that's the shredder

[DM] this is crystal and has the logo on it

[Beth] ::grins::

[DM] the next person who does not have one, which you get at the 100th game

[DM] is Kaz

[DM] who if she shows up tonight will be her 10th game

[Beth] so, 32 more weeks

[DM] nods,

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 19:12:13 EST 2007

[DM] you will get that in teh sumer

[DM] hey Lorie

[Beth] okies. only 18 more weeks of hell

[Lorie] Hey Hey

[mikE] hey lor!

[Lorie] What's going on

[Beth] Hi, Lorie!

[Lorie] Got held up

[DM] looking at numbers for the moment

[Lorie] Bus at 5:05 never came

[mikE] bummer

[Lorie] I waited and waited

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[DM] this is lorie's 409th game session

[mikE] now, you can't log out early tonight.

[Lorie] You all know Marco won't be here right?

[mikE] without hans and christy here it's already going to be a light start to my adventure

[DM] she is only the second person to break the 400 session mark

[mikE] he won't? jeeze

[mikE] maybe i should just wait until next week

[Lorie] He has to make his apperance as Santa

[Lorie] no no

[DM] total sessions including tonight will be 672

[Lorie] You've been working hard on this

[DM] and that will be funny

[Lorie] 409????

[Lorie] Me? Yikes!!!!

[DM] grins, yeah

[mikE] yeah, so i want people to actually be around to appriciate it

[DM] Beth my MSN is on the fritz, is Kaz around?

[Beth] I are hear

[Beth] yes, she was

[Lorie] Beth, what server are you on again for WoW?

[Beth] Siisters of Elune

[Lorie] :: nods :: Okay

[Beth] have 2 guilds there, Children of Destiny, and Small but Mighty

[Lorie] you run them both?

[Beth] SbM is Tattle's, but I am 2nd in command ((dammit))

[Lorie] I don't think I have a character on that server

[Lorie] gotcha

[Lorie] nice ;O)

[Beth] lol, I try to keep track of both guilds especially when he's on the road for so many hours

[Lorie] are you ally or horde?

[Beth] mostly ally

[mikE] you should make one!

[Beth] 7 ally toons and 3 horde on SoE, 4 ally on 2 other servers

[mikE] i've remade carrach on it

[DM] so the overall stats by the way as this is the last night of the year for me,

[DM] Bunny was here 6 times

[DM] Robert was here 2 times

[mikE] funny how the last game of the year won't have bob in it

[DM] Kaz was here 9 times (not counting tonight)

[DM] John was here 17 times

[DM] amazing I know

[DM] Sean was here 25 times

[Beth] lol, seems wrong somehow

[DM] that brings John's total to 431

[DM] and Sean to 316

[DM] then we hit the very active players

[Beth] Kaz is having trouble logging in

[DM] ok

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 19:19:26 EST 2007

[DM] Hans has been here 34 times for 166 total sessions and 5,000 XP

[DM] Hey Kaz

[Kaz] Hi all

[Beth] Hiya, Kaz!

[Kaz] I've had a frustrating time getting in :(

[DM] Marco has been here 35 times for 363 total sessions and 5,000 xp

[Lorie] Hey Kaz

[Beth] it's just for you, dear

[Lorie] and congrats to Hans and Bibo en absentia

[DM] backtracking Kaz has now been here 10 times for 10 sessions overall and a 1,000 XP

[Lorie] Well Congrats Kaz

[Beth] YAY

[DM] Mike has been here for 35 times and 201 total sessions for 5,000 xp

[Lorie] Nice job Mike :O)

[Beth] woohoo!

[DM] Lorie has been here 40 times for 409 total sessions and 5,000 xp

[Lorie] Yeah me :O)

[Kaz] wheee - sorry, was catching up.

[Beth] wtg, Lorie!

[Kaz] Huge congrats, Lorie!

[DM] Beth has been here 41 times for 68 total sessions and 7,500 XP

[Lorie] Very nice Beth

[Beth] woah...

[Beth] me?

[mikE] we got showed up

[Kaz] lovely

[Beth] wow lol

[DM] and Christy was the tops this year, 43 times and a total of 209 sessions for 10,000 x

[DM] xo

[DM] xp

[Kaz] wow

[Lorie] Wow... yeah for her

[Lorie] :: applauds loudly ::

[DM] I sent her the prize, a santa riding a dragon

[Lorie] So glad Hans and her came back

[DM] christmas tree ornament

[Beth] wtg Christy!!!!

[DM] yeah

[Kaz] :-D

[Lorie] ((Is that the one I got last year BOB?))

[Kaz] nice

[DM] is a lot of fun for everyone, thank you all

[DM] grins, yes it is Lor

[DM] I thought we woudl have a tie last year so got two

[Lorie] I <3 that ornament


[Lorie] and thanks BOB for your hard work and efforts

[Beth] that would be a truly cool one lol

[DM] someone will post a pic I am sure

[Beth] yes, Thank you Bob. For not killing us all completely :D

[DM] the stats will be up on the site after I get the chance

[DM] then we will count the sessions that Mike runs while I am gone in the overall counts

[DM] will add those after I get back from vacation

[Beth] oh, Lor? SoE is a really good server. I've met some terrific people there

[Lorie] RP? PVE or PVP?

[Beth] RP low pop

[Lorie] ahhhh

[Lorie] how strict are the RP rules?

[DM] just in case you want to know, a total of 49 weeks this year, and 47 sessions, only missed the two, and 12 times we were totally online, no one at the house,

[Beth] not at all [Beth] we rp if we feel like it and don't if we don't

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 19:26:15 EST 2007

[Lorie] Wow BOB we've come a long way in 4 years

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] Evening Vicki

[DM] yeah

[Beth] There are guilds who are strictly RP and are rabid about it, I avoid those lol

[Beth] Hi, Vicki

[Kaz] Hi Vicki

[DM] oh Beth there was a thing on the sleuth boards for you about Sleuth Con, just to let you know

[Kaz] Okay guys, I have to get the man from work at 7

[DM] he can walk

[Beth] I've been feeling the urge to log in there

[DM] it is not that cold

[DM] puts hair on your chest

[Beth] I need to get my committee together to announce a final decision

[DM] someplace with Internet is all I ask

[Beth] which means I have to catch lorelei

[Beth] it looks like the cabins in Ohio

[Beth] and they should have better access by that time

[DM] good

[Kaz] better check to make sure they're upgrading, Beth

[Beth] the cabins are Lorelei's idea, I'll let her run it

[Beth] we do need internet

[DM] ok

[Kaz] And I can't let him walk, Bob. He's from Texas.

[DM] so everyone caught up on the end of the year stuff

[Kaz] He's a wuss.

[DM] lol

[Beth] ::snerk::

[Kaz] as soon as the thermometer drops below 80, he gets all whiney


[DM] everyone was great this year, lots of fun, good arguments, and the website is coming along nicely

[Beth] chuckles:: sounds like Bob

[Kaz] I've been having a great time, and I'd like to thank you all for taking me in :)

[DM] in the upcoming year I hope everyone gets the chance to add their thoughts and things to it, I know Mike has come up with things

[DM] grins

[DM] and she is away from the keyboard right now but Viki will be running an NPC over the next few sessions

[DM] to see how she does with the group

[DM] I am looking forward to a fun year

[DM] have the next 4 adventures lined up

[mikE] i'd like to point out that bob is putting her npc trial phase right in my game

[DM] and after Mike gets his chance to run as Guest DM

[mikE] i wonder if he's trying to scare her away

[DM] we will see how those go

[Beth] ROFL could be

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] hi


[Vicki] ty

[DM] ok, everyone ready to start?

[DM] you have the trident

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[DM] and are blipping over to the Duke to show him ?

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] I believe that was the plan

Beth is receiving the map Base Map...

Beth has received the map Base Map.

[DM] by the way after we finish with this

[DM] I will tell everyone

[DM] and we will all log out and then log into Mike's campaing

[DM] I will export your characters

[Kaz] ok

[DM] to his campaing

[DM] campaign

[DM] so what do you want to do about completing this?

[Kaz] You mean he's off the hook for having to act all Lawful? I call shenanigans!

[DM] how are you going to handle the transport of the girl and such?

[Beth] convince the Duke to return her himself and have a chance to visit with his old friend

[Lorie] ((grabbing dinner two minutes ))

[DM] Mal is Lawful Good from now on

[mikE] well, i suppose if ye olde fex ex won't deliver there we'll have to hand deliver it

[Kaz] Well, we could go stick the trident in the little brat's....

[Kaz] ...hand

[Beth] um... I like'd your unspoken thought better, Kaz

[mikE] hehheh

[Vicki] i think we all would

[Kaz] *whistles innocently*

[Kaz] I don't trust her and that lovestruck puppy.

Beth pats Kaz "NICE priestess...."

[Kaz] Either she needs to be blipped home, or escorted while he's under guard.

[Beth] best way to deal with a love-struck puppy is to tell her she has to marry him...

[Beth] suddenly he's not 'all that' if it's approved

[mikE] i was thinking puppies should be kicked

[Kaz] yeah, and that they have to live in a mud hut in the wilderness

[Lorie] bak

[Vicki] wb lorie

[Lorie] tyvm

[Vicki] yw

[Kaz] You can't kick the puppy - that wouldn't be a very Lawful Good act.

[Kaz] What WOULD be fun is to show him the future - what she would turn into if she continues acting the way she does

[Kaz] (and it's also kind of a way of kicking the puppy, Mike)

[Beth] an old rule of thumb was to look at the mother before deciding to marry the calf

[Kaz] yes, but since she's basically without a mother, that would be hard to do

[mikE] kylia?

[Beth] yeah, trying to figure out how that works in that case

[Lorie] ????

[mikE] i'd say we could point to kylia and say this is what she'll grow up into

[DM] you are all in Wingstone still

[DM] and Kylia is blipping you over directly to the Duke?

[DM] or home to Roadhaven first?

[mikE] can i just start bopping people with the trident and turning them priestly?

[Beth] ::chuckles:: that might just scare the bejebus outta him

[mikE] imagine having to touch the trident to move in. you'd have a LG community

[mikE] of mostly priests

[Lorie] I vote we go to the duke first unless there is an overwhelming reason to go somewhere else?

Beth does NOT want to be bopped

[Beth] I vote Duke

[Kaz] Can't think of any

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 68 (10) - Unharmed

[Beth] grab the brat and blip

[mikE] we could go say hi to the necromancer...

[Lorie] no

[mikE] or the high priest of hades. heehee

Vicki has left the game on Fri Dec 14 19:47:20 EST 2007

[Kaz] Dear heavens.

[Kaz] The very thought.

[Lorie] no :x

[mikE] aphrodite? we know her

[DM] ok, so BLINK

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 19:47:50 EST 2007

[mikE] i mean, they're in the same pantheon at least

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[mikE] hey lorie, hold this for me while i tie my sandal?

[Beth] ::snert::

[Lorie] LOL

[Kaz] Doh!

[Lorie] I am neither good nor lawful

[Lorie] well okay I am lawful

[Lorie] ;o)

[Duke of Votral] Welcome Dragonslayers

[Beth] I am NOT lawful and don't wanna be... Just NOT the thing for a thief ::sighs::

[Lorie] :: nods and bows ::

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[mikE] naw, lawful thieves are the best kind.

[Duke of Votral] I am happy to see you, I trust that you have completed the last task?

[mikE] lawyers

[Moirra (Kaz)] *Bows to the Duke*

[Lorie] :: motions at the trident ::

[Duke of Votral] very impressive

[Mal (mikE)] "Got it right here."

[Mal (mikE)] ::holds the trident out to the Duke::

[Duke of Votral] we shall have a feast for you tonight

[Duke of Votral] and you can be shown to be the Heroes of old

[Duke of Votral] returned to glory

[Mal (mikE)] "Which heroes are those?"

[Duke of Votral] Hercules

[Duke of Votral] Jason

[Beth] ::fades into the background::

[Mal (mikE)] "Which one is Kylia?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] *begins to look distinctly uncomfortable*

[Duke of Votral] perhaps Helen?

[Mal (mikE)] "I didn't think Hercules had... well endowments."

[Duke of Votral] or Persephony

[Mal (mikE)] "Didn't Persephony start a fight between gods?"

Duke of Votral shrugs, who am I to judge

[Mal (mikE)] "Curse the world for six months with winter?"

[Beth] Hades stole her and her mother made it winter forever

[Mal (mikE)] "How would she be seen as a hero?"

[Duke of Votral] she survived her time with the Gods

[Beth] so, someone got them to agree on 6 months

[Mal (mikE)] "As a daughter of a god, wasn't she a god herself?"

[Mal (mikE)] "Maybe a godlet?"

[Beth] demi-goddess, I believe

[Duke of Votral] demi-goddess or perhaps a saint

[Beth] who was her father?

[Beth] I've forgotten

[Duke of Votral] no clue

[Duke of Votral] in any case

[Duke of Votral] moving to dinner?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((rats, I'm going to miss all the fun))

[Duke of Votral] the Duke asks you to give a speech

[Mal (mikE)] ::stands up::

[Beth] ah, Zeus was her father

[Mal (mikE)] ::clears his throat::

[Duke of Votral] then in the morning you will escort the Lady Arrafaic to her home

[Lorie] :: shakes head and mutters :: this should be good

[Duke of Votral] later on Mal

[Duke of Votral] not right now

[Duke of Votral] will give you time to contemplate

[Duke of Votral] and he ends the audience

[Mal (mikE)] oh like mal ever contemplates anything

[Duke of Votral] and you are shown to your quarters

[Duke of Votral] the mineral springs nearby are there for healing

[Duke of Votral] and the rest of your gear is all cleaned and polished

[Duke of Votral] Time of Day: 06:00 PM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 4th, 1259.

[DM] as evening decends

[DM] the torches are lit

[DM] and outside in a large banquet setting

[DM] with three tables up on a stage for you and the Duke's guests

[DM] then the town arranged below

[DM] to witness your return

[Duke of Votral] My countrymen, we are gathered here to honor the last night of Lady Arrafiac's stay in our realm

[Duke of Votral] and the return of the Dragonslayers

[Duke of Votral] who have completed the three tasks

[Mal (mikE)] i bet the realm's glad to be rid of her

[Duke of Votral] of returning the Daughter of the Green Misstress

[Duke of Votral] bringing forth a Kirin horn

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((why else would they be throwing this huge party?))

[Duke of Votral] and now the return of the Trident

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((back in 20))

[Duke of Votral] Three tasks that only a Hero could undertake and come out alive

[Lorie] ((idk ask my bff jill ;o) ))

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Duke of Votral] I give you the Dragonslayers

[DM] LOUD applause

[DM] many shouts of HERE HERE

[Mal (mikE)] he's giving us away now? fine treatment of heroes

[Lorie] :: stands ::

[Mal (mikE)] at least there's people fighting over who gets us

[DM] and they quiet to listen

[Beth] ((heros generally don't want to be heroes lol))

[Beth] ::stands::

[Mal (mikE)] yeah, they usually just want to be rich and have lots of women

[Lorie] We are humbled by your honor

[Mal (mikE)] but would be even more humbled by your daughters

[Beth] ::looks suitably humbled::

[Mal (mikE)] ::looks around absentmindedly::

[Lorie] Truly these tasks were not simple and required the entire group you see before you to work together as a team and think creatively

Lorie has left the game on Fri Dec 14 20:01:48 EST 2007

[Mal (mikE)] ::steals something good from Kira's plate while she's too busy being all humbled::

[DM] (that was ironic that she got logged out like that )

[Beth] ::looks at Mal with a small smile::

[DM] in a POOF of smoke

[DM] the crowd looks around

[DM] confused

[DM] looking at the rest of you standing there

[DM] looking at Kira and Mal

[Mal (mikE)] ::waves with a drumstick in hand::

[Beth] ::frowns:: She must have been called away

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 20:03:41 EST 2007

[DM] and the theatrics continue

[DM] as Kylia is there again

[Vicki] (WB Lorie)

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[Mal (mikE)] ::takes a bite from his drumstick, then offers it to Pepe::

[Beth] ::sigh of relief

[Beth] ::offers Pepe a piece of fruit from her plate::

[Lorie] :: resumes ::

[Vicki] (brb)

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] Know that we return Lady Affraic to her father, having been bettered and fostered by your friendship and teachings

[Lorie] We thank you for all that you have given her and support for the Dragonslayers

[Mal (mikE)] ::mumbles:: "I thought her a bit of a brat."

Affraic looks resigned

[Mal (mikE)] "I'd hate to have seen her before if this is bettered."

[Lorie] So, please accept our thanks for your hospitality this evening and throughout the duration of these quets

Beth whispers "me too"

[Lorie] :: quests::

[Lorie] :: hopes that no one dies again to ever have to visit this place again... dreadful greeks ::

[Beth] ::agrees::

[Mal (mikE)] ::hopes that someone here dies::

[Affraic] I have agreed to return home

[Lorie] ((Here comes the However or but...))

Beth waits for the other shoe to drop

[Lorie] Great... I think I saw a pool outside and we can make our journey in the morning quiclkly

[Affraic] and I will leave in the morning

[Affraic] with this group of heroes

Affraic sits down

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, Miss Affraic..."

[Lorie] By use of the portal, there will be little fear for your safety

[Lorie] :: smiles broadly ::

[Mal (mikE)] "Since you wanted proof of the deeds on the other two occasions, I would like to present to you the trident for your inspection. So you can make sure it's the genuine article"

[DM] the rest fo the evening passes warmly

[Mal (mikE)] "I would hate for anyone tho think we cheated on the quest and got any old fisherman's trident."

[DM] she shakes her head, I have heard of its powers, I belive you

[DM] one such as you would not lie

[DM] you can not hold the trident and lie

[Lorie] lol

Beth snaps fingers "darn"

[Mal (mikE)] "Are you sure? I've lied plenty in the past."

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Affraic] I will retire for the evening, perhaps you would like to join me in my rooms for a toast?

[Mal (mikE)] "Yeah toast!"

[Mal (mikE)] "I like toast."

Beth doesn't trust this

[Mal (mikE)] "Let's go get some toast."

Beth thinks of poisoned wine/spirits, tricks and traps

[Affraic] you are all ushered back to your quarters

[Affraic] and have time to gather your thoughts before her servants come for you

Beth thinks drink nothing, eat nothing, promise nothing

[Affraic] ok,

[Beth] I don't trust her

[Affraic] she has her servants come and bring you out to the gardens

[Affraic] the group of you

[Affraic] and her

[Affraic] no one else

[Affraic] she sits and sips water from a pitcher

[Affraic] then she refills the pitcher from a nearby fountain

[Affraic] and sets it down for you to drink from if you wish

[Affraic] she looks at you

Affraic takes a deep breath

[Affraic] do I have to go home?

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, I don't suppose you have to."

[Mal (mikE)] "There are always other options."

Beth nudges Mike

[Mal (mikE)] "She could always commit suicide. That would work."

[Lorie] You will be going home in the morning, yes

[Beth] Yes, you have to go home

[Lorie] Despite you acting like a foolish child, we have met your request and now you will honor your portion of the bargain

Affraic sighs

[Affraic] I would really like it here

[Affraic] and at home I have to work so hard

Beth thinks Mal had best be ready to bop said brat with the trident

[Beth] ::snorts::

[Lorie] If you have come looking for sympathy, after what we've just accomplished, I believe you'll find none with us

[Mal (mikE)] ::ponders things over::

[Beth] Work creates character, which you are saddly lacking in

[Lorie] Please have your things ready to go we will portal to your father's home in the morning

[Mal (mikE)] ::sidles closer to Affraic with the trident::

[Lorie] And please, do not attempt to do something silly like run away...or hide... or anything of the sort

[Affraic] I gave my word

[Affraic] I never thought you could live through the Kirin

[Affraic] nor the dragon

[Beth] we have yet to know you are as good as your word

[Affraic] the trident did not change you , looking at Kylia,

[Affraic] I have always lived up to my promises

[Affraic] I never told my Father that I wanted to come home

[Lorie] it is not I who needs to change, I do not demand of strangers such monumental tasks

[Affraic] he is the one who thinks that he knows what I need

[Lorie] I am humble...and I do not take credit for what the others have done

[Lorie] The Dragonslayers are a talented bunch...they are not Lady Kylia alone

[Beth] But, ::smiling:: Lady Kylia is the heart of us

[Affraic] I thought that perhaps you woudl see that I would be better off here

[Lorie] I have seen nothing that would lead me to believe you are better off here

[Beth] We made a promise and we keep our word and our bargains

[Lorie] shooting off orders like a tyrant

[Lorie] Your father would not have you behave this way... of that I am certain

[Affraic] he does not understand

[Lorie] perhaps a father's love and dicipline are what's needed

[Lorie] you can order around strangers, but can you be sensible and talk rationally with him?

[Affraic] he thinks that I should return home and put my hand on the running of the estate

[Lorie] or if he does not take your orders does that make him somehow less

[Beth] my father would have hung me from the main wagon if I behaved as you have

[Affraic] I have not tried to hurt him

[Affraic] I just want the chance to do things MY way

[Affraic] not his way

[Beth] but, you have hurt him deeply

[Affraic] not the way things have always been done

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Affraic] he just sees me as another way to extend his holdings,

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((sorry, back and catching up))

[Affraic] he wants me to marry

[Affraic] and to form alliances

[Lorie] Then perhaps, as someone who wants to be an adult

[Affraic] and to bear children

[Lorie] You should discuss this with him

[Beth] you are a spoiled child who thinks she has earned the right to behave as an adult

[Lorie] Every parent wants to see their child better than they

[Affraic] do you have children?

[Affraic] (crickets)

[Mal (mikE)] "None that I know of."

[Lorie] I have a keep of nearly 4 score

[Lorie] and while they are not my children, I am very much responsible for their lives and their betterment

[Lorie] I want to see the keep thrive and the priests and acolytes within do their best

[Lorie] sometimes, you cannot coddle and "listen" to their position

[Lorie] So ... as a parent you don't have to be popular

[Lorie] and they don't always have to agree

[Lorie] it's not a democracy as a parent

Affraic bows her head

[Affraic] I will return with you in the morning

[Affraic] and give this life a try

[Affraic] but i will not promise to like it

[Affraic] nor to forget the chances I had here

[Lorie] You need to speak to your farther

[Lorie] father

[Beth] ::chuckles:: you don't have to like it

[Lorie] but do so respectfully

[Affraic] you like your life

[Affraic] you adventure

[Lorie] and quickly

[Affraic] you have quests

Moirra (Kaz) sits quietly on a bench

[Affraic] why can't I do that

[Lorie] This life is not easy

[Moirra (Kaz)] You, too, have a quest, Affraic.

[Lorie] I have seen more death then I would ever wish upon another

[Beth] You are born to a station with responsibilities

[Lorie] the loss of friends and dear ones

[Moirra (Kaz)] All of life is a quest. All things we must do are quests.

[Lorie] far from our homes...

[Beth] you must be brave and live up to the responsibilities you were born to

[Moirra (Kaz)] Affraic, tell me this one thing.

Affraic looks

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do you believe you would be happier if your father didn't try to help your life?

[Affraic] I don't know, but I do know that I am happy now

[Moirra (Kaz)] I mean, honestly, deep in your heart of hearts?

[Affraic] and that I am returning to hard work

[Affraic] and how can that make me happy?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, hard work. There is nothing wrong with hard work.

[Beth] ::laughs::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do you think that our work is easy?

[Beth] you think what we do isn't hard?

[Affraic] you have adventures

[Moirra (Kaz)] Have YOU ever negotiated with a dragon?

[Affraic] you are brave adn explore wild new areas

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do you have any idea how frightening it is?

[Affraic] to explore strange new lands

[Beth] it's HARD

[Moirra (Kaz)] brave.

[Lorie] :: mutters :: have you met some of our group? that itself is work

[Affraic] to see out new......

[Moirra (Kaz)] What is courage?

[Beth] it's WORK

[Moirra (Kaz)] Courage is merely realising you have to do something, and then DOING it.

[Beth] go help your father run his country and do your duty

[Moirra (Kaz)] Even if it's scary. Or boring.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Or difficult.

[Beth] THEN come tell us which is better

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do you know what a hero truly is, Affraic?

[Affraic] youa re

[Affraic] the Dragonslayers are Heroes

[Moirra (Kaz)] A hero is not someone who goes out and seeks adventures.

[Lorie] We did not wake up heroes

[Moirra (Kaz)] A hero is a person who realises that something must be done - and then DOES it.

[Lorie] There were others who came before us

[Lorie] and started the legacy

[Moirra (Kaz)] Regardless of personal feelings or wants.

[Lorie] and we have worked very hard to carry on the tradition and efforts

[Moirra (Kaz)] Do you think I sought this life? Because I can assure you, I did not.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I would rather be in my home, with my father.

[Lorie] So please, speak with your father, make suggestions and work hard

Affraic bows her head

[Affraic] very well

[Affraic] I promise

Beth hides very very deeply feelings of missing her father

[Affraic] adn she whistles a quick three notes

[Affraic] a boy comes out from behind one of the statues

[Affraic] she walks over to him

[Affraic] talks to him quietly

[Affraic] kisses him on the cheek

[Affraic] then walks back to your group

[Affraic] I have said my goodbyes

[Affraic] i will give a formal fairwell to the Duke in the morning

[Affraic] and then we will go see my father

[DM] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 5th, 1259.

[Mal (mikE)] "I still think I should hit her with the trident."

[DM] morning breaks


[Mal (mikE)] "It's only fair since she was planning on tricking us."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Mal did it!

[DM] and you are all gathered in the courtyard

[Mal (mikE)] did not

[Beth] ::chuckles::

[DM] the Duke bids you all safe journey

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((did too, I saw you. You were swinging that trident around and you knocked it over.))

[Beth] and we go blip???

[DM] her bags are all set next to you,

[Mal (mikE)] hah. we can't take her bags with us.

[Beth] where is she and are any of the bags moving?

[DM] none of the bags are moving

[DM] she is right here

[Mal (mikE)] i stick it with the trident

[Mal (mikE)] how many bags she got to carry?

[DM] about a dozen or so

[Mal (mikE)] she does realize she's the one who'd going to be doing all the carrying, right?

[Mal (mikE)] i guess we should have told her to pack light

Affraic looks affronted

[Affraic] why shoudl I carry these?

[Beth] cuz they're yours?

[Lorie] because they are yours?

[Mal (mikE)] i mean, mal can bairly carry his spellbook for crying out loud

[Moirra (Kaz)] We aren't servants, you know.

[Affraic] but you have them

[Lorie] Adventurers carry their own bags Affraic

[Affraic] you siad you have lots of people who look up to you

[Affraic] that you take care of

[Affraic] they must do things for you

[Mal (mikE)] "I could probably magic her bags into something more carryable."

[Moirra (Kaz)] We do not expect them to act as slaves.

[Beth] hit her with the trident, Mal

[Lorie] exactly

[Lorie] I no longer carry the bags and my acolytes aren't here

[Lorie] carry your bags young lady

[Mal (mikE)] "I can really make them easy to carry."

[Moirra (Kaz)] If you wish people to help you, then you must ask nicely.

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

[Mal (mikE)] "It wouldn't be a problem."

[Lorie] She will carry her own bags.

[Lorie] This is not a negotiation

[Duke of Votral] we can send them along afterwards

[Moirra (Kaz)] But you shouldn't expect anything from anyone.

[Mal (mikE)] ::sighs::

[Beth] turns away with Kylia

[Duke of Votral] you are not actually riding are you?

[Mal (mikE)] "I never get to do magic."

[Lorie] If she cannot carry bags, how can she run her lands?

[Lorie] You must be an example to your people ...those that you would have respect or look up to you

[Lorie] whether you want them to or not

[Mal (mikE)] "Kira, how come she never lets me do anything?"

[Lorie] :: puts on her 'don't make me lecture you' face ::

[Duke of Votral] He steps forward, we wil see that your goods arrive at her home by winter

[Duke of Votral] I will ahve them sent

Moirra (Kaz) watches Affraic quietly, but with a steady gaze.

[Beth] "Ah, Mal... she does lots of times."

[Mal (mikE)] "I can't hit people with the trident, I can't magic things."

[Lorie] ((Umm, because your other personalities frighten us ))

[Mal (mikE)] "Can I bop the Duke? I doubt we'll ever see him again."

[Duke of Votral] have a good journey,

[Beth] "Well, I know it's REALLY tempting to hit her with the trident, but I suppose it's better not to"

[Mal (mikE)] "But she'd be oh so much more managable if I did."

[DM] so is it to Wingstone first to drop off the trident?

[Mal (mikE)] "She'd follow directions..."

[Lorie] :: bows :: All the best Sir ... thank you again for the acommodations

Moirra (Kaz) bows to the Duke

[Beth] "Well, we can't have it best all the time"

Beth bows to the Duke

[DM] or to Jarl of Tramolf?

[Beth] Indeed

[Lorie] ((Yes, let's get rid of that bloody trident already ))

[Mal (mikE)] we totally need to use this thing on SOMEONE

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I think the sooner we get the trident out of Mal's hands, the better off we are))

[Lorie] ((before Mal gets antsy and BOPs someone who should be BIPPed ))

[DM] so BLIP to Wingtone

[Beth] ((ROFL))

[DM] and deliever the Trident

[DM] then BLIP to Tramolf to deliver the girl

[DM] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 5th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 5th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 12:00 PM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 5th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 01:00 PM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 5th, 1259.

[Jarl] Welcome home my daughter

[Lorie] Yes, Mal you really need to give it back ;o)

[Jarl] and thank you very much for returning her in one piece

[Jarl] I must hear your story

[Mal (mikE)] ::grumbles::

[Jarl] you will stay for dinenr

[Beth] Heh

[Jarl] we will have a feast

[Jarl] and I will hear of your travels

[Jarl] Time of Day: 06:00 PM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 5th, 1259.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((oh, this oughtta be good))

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, I guess it was fun riding the dragon."

[Lorie] Sir, :: bows :: a moment of your time privately if you would?

[DM] of course

[Beth] There is too much, Lemme sum up

[DM] and before the feast

[DM] grins

[DM] you are all in his private chambers

[DM] he has her sitting in a chair next to him

[Lorie] :: I will wait for the others to exit ::

[DM] adn teh rest of you arranged in chairs around the rooms

[DM] in a private audience

[DM] what did you wish to discuss with me?

[Lorie] Sir, it's about your daughter

[Jarl] yes?

[Lorie] I want to speak without intending any disrespect

[Lorie] She's expressed some concerns to us

[Jarl] about?

[Lorie] She has some ideas and thoughts about how things should go...

[Lorie] but fears that you will not hear her out

[Jarl] good, that is how she shoudl be

[Lorie] or give her suggestions serious thought

[Jarl] as long as she has learned how to run the family steading

[Jarl] and to prosper in the Jarldom

[Jarl] then she will have learned what I required of her

[Lorie] I would try to not force your will upon her...even though it is the way it should be

[Lorie] Again, I mean not disrespect to you in your keep on your lands, but she is not sure this is the life for her

[Jarl] nods

[Jarl] very well

[Jarl] and then the feast is held

[Jarl] there is much rejoicing

[Jarl] and everyone eats drinks and is merry

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((oh, did we eat the minstrels?))

[Mal (mikE)] yaaaaaay

[Beth] were they good looking?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Sir Robin's minstrels. Not particularly, I would say.))

[Beth] bleah, then no

[Jarl] ok,

[Jarl] so every one can log off now

Beth has left the game on Fri Dec 14 20:58:16 EST 2007

mikE has left the game on Fri Dec 14 20:58:19 EST 2007

[DM] and we will pick this up in Mike';s game in 5-10 minutes

Lorie has left the game on Fri Dec 14 20:58:24 EST 2007

Vicki has left the game on Fri Dec 14 20:58:25 EST 2007

Kaz has left the game on Fri Dec 14 20:58:25 EST 2007