Main / Dec1407M

Dec 14 07M - The Dragon! The Dragon! The Dragon!

[mikE of DOOM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 14 20:53:48 EST 2007 ====

BOB has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 20:54:09 EST 2007

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 20:55:44 EST 2007

Beth has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 20:55:53 EST 2007

[BOB] smiles

[BOB] and this is where MIKE takes over

[BOB] he has everyone's characters

[BOB] and maps and such

[Beth] Go, Mikiey!

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 20:56:45 EST 2007

[mikE of DOOM] Just importing all y'all's chars

[BOB] grins, will be a bit fo a pause here

[Beth] k

[BOB] I just exported all the characters to include the XP from the last adventure

[BOB] and now he is importing them here

[Beth] I'll try to stay awake

[BOB] someone let Kaz know

[BOB] please

[Beth] done

[Vicki] i did too

[Vicki] well, guess she got 2 messages

[Beth] :)

BOB is receiving the map BaseMap...

BOB has received the map BaseMap.

Vicki is receiving the map BaseMap...

Vicki has received the map BaseMap.

[mikE of DOOM] Kira moved 44'11".

Beth is receiving the map BaseMap...

Beth has received the map BaseMap.

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Beth] hey! I'm here!

[mikE of DOOM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 45'11".

Lorie is receiving the map BaseMap...

Lorie has received the map BaseMap.

[Vicki] wow... i didn't think it took this long

[BOB] grins, this is Mike's first time DMing and seeing Klooge from that side of things

[mikE of DOOM] Moirra moved 43'06".

[mikE of DOOM] 'hokay

[BOB] next week will be the same time as normal

[Vicki] oh

[mikE of DOOM] dere youse are

[BOB] I just will not be here

[BOB] for those who have not been through one of the Guest DM spots before, Mike is in control

[BOB] I only offer advice

[BOB] or world info points

[BOB] the adventure is his creation

[BOB] and everything "counts"

[mikE of DOOM (to GM only)] Lyllyllyn moved 46'03".

[Vicki] my goodness, that'll be hard to type

[BOB] Vicki will be playing Lylylyn

[mikE of DOOM] okay, vicki, you can play lyllyllyn when she comes into play

[BOB] I will try to be quiet-ish

[BOB] and let things happen

[mikE of DOOM] it's a good and proper elven name

[Vicki] a simple Lyn couldn't work?

[mikE of DOOM] plenty of l's and y's

[Lorie] you're a lying lynlynin

[Lorie] lol

[Vicki] ooh... an elf

[mikE of DOOM] elves don't have names with less than 4 sylables

[Vicki] lol lorie

[Vicki] i can't lie to save my life

[mikE of DOOM] alright, so you all have done your bit with the brat

[mikE of DOOM] An acolyte comes up to Kylia and whispers to her

[Beth] sooooo glad that's done

[mikE of DOOM (to Lorie only)] Master Anterias is at the tree gate and asking for an audience.

[mikE of DOOM (to Lorie only)] He has that... girl with him.

[Lorie] :: frowns visibly ::

[Lorie] :: shudders ::

[Lorie] Very well...

Beth thinks "oops"

[Lorie] we have company

[mikE of DOOM] Valedianna #1 moved 31'09".

[mikE of DOOM] Antarias #1 moved 29'09".

[Lorie] Anterias, how have you been? Things in Green Borough are well I trust?

[mikE of DOOM] The acolyte bows and retreats.

[Vicki] uhh... how do i play as Lyllyllyn?

[mikE of DOOM] For those of you who don't know, Anterias is a dwarf and Val is basically a succubus looking girl. clearly a half demon by her bat like wings

[mikE of DOOM] i'll helpyou out when we get there.

Beth sees Val and wonders what kind of trouble she'll get into this time

[Lorie] :: pretends Val isn't there ::

[Lorie] Anterias, what brings you to Roadhaven?

[Antarias #1] "M'lady Kylia."

[Antarias #1] ::bows, looks next to him and nudges Val until she bows too with a roll of her eyes::

[Lorie] :: continues to ignore Val ::

[Antarias #1] "I have a matter of some import that we would like help with."

[Lorie] Have you met Kira and Moirra?

[Antarias #1] ::looks over the two women:: "No, I havn't."

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] They are new members to the Dragonslayers..

Kira (Beth) stops trying to fade into the shadows

[Antarias #1] "A pleasure to meet you. I hope your stay is long."

[Lorie] We have a few other new members that aren't present but I will try and ensure you meet them

[Lorie] Anterias runs Green Borough

[Antarias #1] ::nods solemnly::

Kira (Beth) bows

[Antarias #1] "The group looks small, but I am sure you can help."

[Lorie] What is it that you need assistance with?

[Antarias #1] "We have been undertaking an important quest for my father."

[Antarias #1] "He wishes for me to help an elven temple near the Bronde Hills reclaim an item they lost."

[Antarias #1] sorry, not bronde, cordrawn

[Antarias #1] the cordrawn hills

[Antarias #1] "For certain reasons I am unable to retrieve the item myself, and so I come to you asking for help.

[Lorie] I'm interesting in hearing these reasons

[Antarias #1] ::coughs quietly::

[Antarias #1] "Well, it is because of my father, really."

[Antarias #1] "You see, my relation to my father would be sensed and because of a political pact he is not able to take a part in this issue. If I were to go and act it would be seen as a breech of his pact."

Tattle has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 21:17:50 EST 2007

[Kira (Beth)] Hi, Tattle :)

[Lorie] ahh yes

[Lorie] that again

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

[Tattle] Hello :D

[Kira (Beth)] btw everyone, Tattle is my Earl :)

Tattle is receiving the map BaseMap...

Tattle has received the map BaseMap.

[Vicki] (hi tattle)

[Antarias #1] ::furrows his brow:: "You know of it?"

[Valedianna #1] "No brother, I doubt she has the slightest clue. She's just thinking of something completely different and wrong."

[Lorie] No but I can see the issue since your father and you, well umm, you know...

[Lorie] :: turns :: in my home you will not speak of or about me unless I ask you to do so

[Valedianna #1] "No I don't know. What are you trying to say about him?"

[Lorie] else you can wait outside and entertain the farmers

[Lorie] So then this pact... have you a map of the hills

[Valedianna #1] "Whatever you say Miss Priss."

[Antarias #1] "Val, quiet!"

[Lorie] OUT

[Lorie] NOW

[Lorie] :: points ::

[Antarias #1] "We're asking her for help. You need to put aside your differences with her for this. It's more important than your squabbles."

[Lorie] I will do nothing until she is gone

[Lorie] :: crosses arms ::

[Antarias #1] "Please Lady Kylia, she is as much involved with this as I am."

[Kira (Beth)] ::fades into the background::

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Dec 14 21:21:47 EST 2007

[BOB] wb

[Lorie] ((wb Kaz ))

[Vicki] (wb kaz)

[Antarias #1] "She will behave." ::shoots Val a look::

[Lorie] :: shakes head at Anterias :: not even for your brother

[Lorie] She must go

[Kaz] hi all - catching up

[Lorie] Every time she is here there is nothing but disrespect and lack of manners

[Lorie] I will not have it here

[Lorie] no longer

[Antarias #1] "Val, go to Paul then and tell him I will be along shortly. We will meet you in the village."

[Lorie] I just finished a quest with an unruly child...I'll not deal with another

[Valedianna #1] "Oh fine. Although I don't know who she's calling a child. Girl has less life experience than my little toe does."

[Lorie] :: beckons an acolyte and whispers in their ear ::

Kaz is receiving the map BaseMap...

Kaz has received the map BaseMap.

[Valedianna #1] ::leaves::

[Lorie] Why would you have brought her here?

[Antarias #1] "Forgive her, Kylia."

[Lorie] :: shakes head :: continue

[Antarias #1] "Because this is our quest together."

[Lorie] She is nothing to me

[Antarias #1] "And as much as you may not like her, her intentions are noble as any that have been."

[Lorie] I honor Green Borough and as a Dragonslayer, your brother's memory

[Lorie] her intentions are nothing but condensending

[Lorie] and rude

[Lorie] now ... let's move along

[Antarias #1] "Her manners do leave some to be desired."

[Lorie] we waste time speaking of her

[Lorie] what is the issue

[Antarias #1] "We have been asked to aid a temple of Sahanine Moonbow recover a lost relic."

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

[Lorie] Your father, as an elf has tasked you with this?

[Antarias #1] "If you would help us I will guide you to the preistess who can tell you more."

[Antarias #1] "Er..." ::coughs:: "My -other- father, My lady."

[Lorie] :: nods :: my apologies Antarias

[Lorie] But why then?

[Lorie] and does your other father know?

[Antarias #1] "He is the one who instructed me to help. Val has led me to find him again, and he had need of our help."

[Antarias #1] "As for Evernon, I have not told him anything yet."

[Antarias #1] "This is a separate matter from him or mother."

[Kira (Beth)] /me wonders what kettle of worms has been opened

[Antarias #1] this is just the most dysfunctional elven family ever.

[Lorie] :: looks at him :: I think the matters of one of the most revered elven priestesses might matter to them

[Antarias #1] their stories are all up on the wiki under my chars

[Lorie] And you know they have suffered a great loss...grief does not heal quickly

[Antarias #1] "He follows a different god. It is not a secret, just not a concern to him."

Kaz sits quietly in the background


[Antarias #1] "Which is all the more reason not to go to him with this."

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.



[Lorie] ((BTW, Finglas was Mike's last character that was killed. Anterias is his brother and Val is his sister ...umm, well kinda ... sorta...umm, yeah))

[Lorie] (( Kylia likes Kit more than Val for the record... ))

[Antarias #1] val's his half sister.

[Antarias #1] not sure why

[Antarias #1] she's a good kid. just rough around the edges

[Antarias #1] better than most BOB NPC's anyway


[Lorie] Hmmmmm

[Lorie] Okay then...

[Antarias #1] ::waits patiently::

[Lorie] Since I don't really remember these far away are there and how many days travel to this priestess

[Lorie] and who is against this plan completely?

[Antarias #1] "If you would like, we can travel directly to Hillshire Haven."

[Antarias #1] "I have arranged rooms for the night there. It will take a day for the elves to send a guide who will take us from Hillshire to Drawnquil, the elven city."

[BOB] (cordrawn hills are on the far western side of Terraguard, almost to the Small Kingdoms, and the Dragonslayers were there one time before, when John was the Guest DM, also on the site)

[Lorie] ((oh...gotcha. I do remember this place now ))

[Lorie] (( what's the vote ladies and earl?))

[BOB] Hillshire Haven is south along the great trade route

[BOB] and drawnquill is an elven town in the forests N of there

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.



[Antarias #1] well, if you don't like this idea i've got another one all set and ready to go. I call it "rocks fall and everyone dies"

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Moirra has no opinion either way. She will do whatever the rest of the group decides.))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LMAO Mike))

[BOB] let me know what you think of those maps by the way please

[Kira (Beth)] I will go

[Antarias #1] if you recall we had lots of fun with it the last two times we played through it

[Lorie] So we feed Mal to the rock giants and the girls go have a day at the beach? Awesome!

[Antarias #1] Combat has begun!

[Antarias #1] Combat has finished.

[Lorie] so let's see... I believe that the majority has voted to go on this merry quest of doom

[Kira (Beth)] lol, and Earl votes to go with the group, he diddn't realize his opinion was asked

[Lorie] :: shakes head :: Poor easily led astray

[Antarias #1] "I hope it will not cause any trouble. I came to you because I felt you could handle it."

[mikE of DOOM] ::Mal walks in:: "Going somewhere?"

[Lorie] So .... as long as Val does not show up, we'll be fine

[mikE of DOOM] Mal: "I don't much feel like going anywhere right now. Do you realize over the last few outings we've accumulated tens of thousands of gold worth of books for our libraries?"

[mikE of DOOM] Mal: "And I havn't even put a dent into organizing them yet. I can't do anything until I get the library under control."

[Lorie] Ummm... you won't be casting any spells then?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Malagorn! Are you going to attempt another search for the "Ten Little Bixies Go to the Beach" books again?

Kira (Beth) pats Mal "sounds like time for you to do some heavy reading"

[mikE of DOOM] "Oh, sure I will."

[mikE of DOOM] "Lots of reading and spells I hope."

[Lorie] umm, please be Mal when we return then

Kira (Beth) groans

[Lorie] :: looks at Pepe and gives him the look ::

[mikE of DOOM] "Huh? Who else would I be?"

[mikE of DOOM] "Okay, you have fun. Don't die."

Kira (Beth) gives Pepe an apple "Please take care of him!"

[mikE of DOOM] ::wanders up to the library::

[Moirra (Kaz)] And YOU have fun with the "Ten Little Bixies"!

[Antarias #1] "Ah, another new member?"

[Lorie] :: shakes head :: don't ask about him

[Lorie] He has personality "issues"

[Antarias #1] "I see."

[Antarias #1] "If you would like we can get you ready to travel and go to Hillshire."

[Lorie] :: nods and looks at the group ::

[Kira (Beth)] ::shrugs::

Moirra (Kaz) nods to Kylia

[Antarias #1] so you going there now? nothing else to do?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, aside from making sure gear is in order

[Moirra (Kaz)] and so forth

[Lorie] :: checks gear, speaks with Wilson to ensure that he knows the plan, prays, etc. ::

[BOB] it is the next day, everyone has spells adn is fully healed

[Antarias #1] okay, so you all go down to hilshire later in the day.

[Antarias #1] "Here is the lovely little town of Hillshire Haven. There is our inn."

[Antarias #1] When he says little, he means little. Hillshire is a town of halflings.


[Kira (Beth)] (( I thought about creating a halfling character))

[Antarias #1] Anterias leads you up to the inn and through the doors. The common room is crowded with the dinner rush and evening guests having a few pints before retiring home.

[Antarias #1] He leads you to a large table in the center of the room that is conspicuously empty, then goes to the bar and talks to a halfling woman there.

[Antarias #1] The people around you take note of you as you sit down and hushed conversations replace the loud ones that greeted you when you walked in.

[Antarias #1] The halfling woman disappears in a rush into the kitchen as Anterias returns with his hands full of ale mugs.

[Antarias #1] "Here is some drink. Cheery will be along shortly with supper. Her stew is very good and her bread always fresh. She bakes it every morning."

[Antarias #1] Cheery the halfling comes out of the kitchens and towards the table with a younger girl in tow. Each of them is carrying a heavily laden tray of food.

Moirra (Kaz) smiles her thanks to the women.

[Antarias #1] "Here you go dears."

[Lorie] Thank you ma'anm

[Lorie] ma'am

[mikE of DOOM] "My best stew."

[Kira (Beth)] thank you, very much

[mikE of DOOM] ::She looks around:: "Oh you all hush up and stop staring at me guests!"

[mikE of DOOM] "I'll not have you lot embarissing me in front of such distinguished people."

[mikE of DOOM] ::she turns back to the group with a smile:: "I'm sorry about these riff raff. We've not had the likes of you stop in here before."

[mikE of DOOM] ::she bustles around the table serving everyone::

Moirra (Kaz) gives Kira a wry look and smiles.

[mikE of DOOM] "I can't believe THE DragonSlayers are here in my inn."

[mikE of DOOM] "Anterias has told me all about you, the dear."

[Kira (Beth)] ::hides a smile::

[Moirra (Kaz)] And a lovely inn it is, dear lady.

[mikE of DOOM] "Ant, where is your sister?"

[Antarias #1] "She won't be joining us, ma'am."

[mikE of DOOM] "Shame shame. She told some fun stories. And I know the boys were all enamoured with her." ::haruphs at that and glares at the men around her in general, all of whom stare resolutely at their plates and drinks::

[mikE of DOOM] ::smiles at Moirra:: "Thank you. I got it from my father."

[mikE of DOOM] "He left it to me after he passed. I told him that he didn't need to go and see the climbing armadilloes."

[mikE of DOOM] "But Uncle Lambert insisted that they were climbing trees."

Moirra (Kaz) returns the smile and eats some stew, then stops and blinks.

[Kira (Beth)] "oh, dear!"

[mikE of DOOM] "And who can say they've seen an armadillo climb up a tree?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] Climbing Armadilloes?

[mikE of DOOM] "So he went and sure enough, the armadilloes were climbing the trees."

[mikE of DOOM] "The things were also falling out of them."

[mikE of DOOM] "One landed square on dear dad."

[Kira (Beth)] "ah"

Moirra (Kaz) nods.

[Moirra (Kaz)] It was inevitable.

[mikE of DOOM] "Such a shame."

Kira (Beth) eats soup with relish

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm sorry for your loss.

[mikE of DOOM] "Oh, it was quite some time ago. Are you all going to help dear Ant with the elves?"

[Kira (Beth)] ::smiles:: it would appear so

[mikE of DOOM] "I once went to Drawnquill with Uncle Lambert."

[mikE of DOOM] "It is a beautiful city. Who are you going to visit there?"

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks to Kylia::

[Lorie] We have a meeting with a priestess

[mikE of DOOM] "Oooh. At that big shining temple. How lovely!"

[mikE of DOOM] "My Uncle Lambert took me past there. I loved all them pretty carvings. He was looking for anything that wasn't nailed down of course."

[Kira (Beth)] ((why did I just hear that in the voice of the little worm in Labyrinth???))

[mikE of DOOM] because you're a weirdo

[Kira (Beth)] ::grins:: it's nice to know that someone knows me so well

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LOL))

[mikE of DOOM] "I wanted to stop and hear the elves sing, but my Uncle Lambert was too busy running from the guards to wait around for me."

[mikE of DOOM] "You should listen to them sing if you can. It's very pretty."

[Kira (Beth)] ::snert::

Kira (Beth) is SO not going to ask why Uncle Lambert was running from the guards

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((he was looking for stuff that wasn't nailed down))

[mikE of DOOM] "You see, before we went to the temple we went to some fancy building for a party."

[mikE of DOOM] "But we wasn't exactly invited you see."

[mikE of DOOM] "But that was okay because Uncle Lambert knew where they kept the key to the back door."

[mikE of DOOM] "So we went in and I never had such fine foods."

Kira (Beth) wonders silently if Uncle Lambert was related to Bilbo

Moirra (Kaz) grins

[mikE of DOOM] "Uncle Lambert was shopping for some new silverware for my mum, it was her birthday soon, you see.

[mikE of DOOM] "And he found a nice set of it, only it was locked up in a cabinet."

[mikE of DOOM] "So as he was working on getting it open some elves came in and saw him. I guess they didn't think he was good for the money, so's they chaced him out and called for the guards.

[mikE of DOOM] "Oh me oh my. Listen to me prattle on about such things. I'm sure you all are bored to death what with all the adventures you've been in."

[mikE of DOOM] "When you get tired your rooms are the first ones at the head of the stairs. I changed the sheets special for you."

[mikE of DOOM] "If'n you want more food or drink just give a yell and I'll get you some quick as a rabbit."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Thank you very much, Ma'am. I enjoyed your story.

[mikE of DOOM] so this is probably a good spot to stop for the night. i'd like to get everyone else in here for the next part so they're not lost.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((is gonna dream about armadilloes falling out of trees tonight))

[mikE of DOOM] i didn't know they weren't going to be here tonight

[mikE of DOOM] and i think everyone's asleep anyway.

[Kira (Beth)] :)

[Kira (Beth)] I'm awake, but I'm tired

[Lorie] here and awake

[Lorie] but juggling Kristen since Paul has gone

[Moirra (Kaz)] Didn't think I needed to specify I was awake, hehe

[mikE of DOOM] you juggle your children? does child welfare know of this?

[Lorie] I have to pay attention to her

[Lorie] juggle = multi-task :P

[mikE of DOOM] yes, but i think there are more constructive ways than juggleing them.

[mikE of DOOM] children are for slave labor, not circus tricks

[mikE of DOOM] have her wash and wax the floors

[Kaz] lol

[Lorie] uh huh

[Lorie] right....

[mikE of DOOM] okay, so next week i'll hopefully be able to run this with no problems.

[mikE of DOOM] in theory, i should be fine because bibo's router and my router are both set up for hosting games

[Kira (Beth)] :D I look forward to it

[mikE of DOOM] so wherever i play i should be good.

[Lorie] Great

[Kaz] cool

[mikE of DOOM] and i'm thinking this will take two weeks to do

[BOB] thank you all

[mikE of DOOM] so that'll get us half way through bob's trip

[BOB] I will see you when I get back

[Lorie] okies

[Kaz] always helps to hit the enter key and not the shift key

[Lorie] :: waves and hugs :: safe journeys BOB

[BOB] thanks

[mikE of DOOM] night all

[Lorie] Heading out for the night

[Lorie] :: waves :: take care all

BOB has left the game on Fri Dec 14 22:24:14 EST 2007

[Kaz] Godspeed Bob

Lorie has left the game on Fri Dec 14 22:24:16 EST 2007

[Kaz] Night all!

[Vicki] night

[Kira (Beth)] bye bye!

Vicki has left the game on Fri Dec 14 22:24:25 EST 2007

[Kaz] (nice start, Mike)

Beth has left the game on Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 EST 2007

Kaz has left the game on Fri Dec 14 22:24:32 EST 2007

Tattle has left the game on Fri Dec 14 22:24:58 EST 2007