Main / Dec1903

Dec 19 03 - Kapirimtiya Adventures

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

BiBo!!! has edited Shade's effects.

Fritz has joined the game.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Howdy all

[DM] hey

[DM] look at your new icon, do you like it?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wow I love it thanks

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Will you let me edit my character sheet so I can add the Kopesh?

[DM] it is not the one you sent, but I found that one and thought you would like it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It is AWESOME

[DM] and I changed your size to a Large sixed creature

[DM] I think I did everything right,

[DM] I am not editing

[DM] try to change it now

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hmm My saving throw for spells is gone I will add that. Did you ever figure out how to add magic item adjustments for saving throws?

[DM] not yet, not enough hours in the day

[DM] Nyrma is in full blown getting ready for teh party

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Slacker :-)

[BiBo!!!] darn tootin

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What's up Bibo? Happy Holidays my friend

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] same to you, how went yer week?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Rough as hell. I don't remember a week this hard all year.!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] well, at least it's over ;)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Amen

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::glances at the clock:: 6 minutes

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh Bob I want a 2 handed blunt weapon if they have any here by chance?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] hey fritz, don't pass the number to lorie for 5 more minutes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] we'll split the 500 ;)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] :-) kk

[DM] what IP number is it anyway?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] not tellin

[DM] and yes there are two handed blunt weapons, some of the pole arms are like that

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] a quarterstaff

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] or a really big club

[DM] have to look in the book, but it would give you a hella reach

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Something similiar to a mace would be nice so I take less of a negative on my Thaco

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] a big big stick with a rock tied to it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] damn, trevor's here, down to 333

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] 2 minutes to go...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Should have locked the door

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] shoulda told the gate guy not to let anyone in

[DM] Lorie just asked for the IP

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] 1 minute longer

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob Have they heard of chariots in this area?

[DM] yes, they have heard of them,

[DM] but they have none near here

[DM] they are something from across the desert to the east and north

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] you are depriving me of my ridinghood !!!

[DM] you will have fun with it later on,

[DM] riding around Terraguard,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What kind of blunt weapons do they have here did you figure it out?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob is this a type of middle eastern culture?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] wohoo!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] 333 exp for us all!

(Kylia) has joined the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] hello milady

[DM] no, did not find a blunt weapon polearm on the first look through

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] hey lorie, did you ever get your xp for the mastery adventure?

[(Kylia)] Evening Sir Reign

[DM] but I know that they exist

[(Kylia)] ::shakes head:: No XP

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] hold on, lemme get the total

[(Kylia)] BOB gave out XP? ::faints::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob if this is a middle eastern culture Kopesh is not a weapon...he gave out a TON of exp...20000

[(Kylia)] How many people are you expecting tomorrow night ?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] 52,720

[DM] it is not a middle eastern setting

[(Kylia)] ::gasps:: I'm... 5000 from 11th level

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that's per char, not share

[(Kylia)] That's what I guessed

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you get your 10% if you get it

[(Kylia)] Actually with my 10% it's less than 5'000

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What 52,720 woot I get to add more exp...I only added that as my total.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sweetness

[(Kylia)] wait... I thought it was 20000

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] plus that extra xp

[DM] This culture is not quite egyptian,

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that much additional

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That IS middle eastern Bob

[(Kylia)] Bibo, it's 20000 plus 10% right?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that too

[DM] it is more of an outpost of a caribian nation

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that was a separate night

[(Kylia)] so 57200+20000+10%?

[DM] this area was egyptian at one time

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] if you didn't add that in before

[(Kylia)] I'm 11th level

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] woot!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] new spells yet?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] WOW congrats Milady

Trevor has joined the game.

[DM] very very cool

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cuz we blipped off lots of time if you need training time

[DM] now what is that new number Lor?

[DM] how much till next level?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] infinity

[(Kylia)] I now have 715'947 (+333 for tonight ;O) )

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] And is that 333 per person or 333 per share?

[(Kylia)] 333 per person just like always

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] per person

[(Kylia)] ugh... 900'000 til 12th

[(Kylia)] here goes another 3 years

[DM] but you proved it could be done

(Kylia) is receiving the map...

(Kylia) has received the map.

[(Kylia)] I have to figure out how to update my character sheet, but I have 73 HP now

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you roll hp at level 11?

[(Kylia)] no, I just get 4 more than I had

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you get 4?

[(Kylia)] yup

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you sure?that sounds high

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I was actually 2763 above eigth level. So that put me either 2 levels at our last adventure or if I cant get 2 levels then I got it last time. Which is it bob?

[(Kylia)] Page 33 of my PHB --> 11th level is 9HD +4

[DM] well, you can get as many levels as you get the XP for

[(Kylia)] 10 is 9+2

[DM] so the higher one

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so you get 2 hp

[(Kylia)] And now I cast 6th level spells

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Woot I am 8 th level !!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] woot

[(Kylia)] yeah

[DM] hit points adjusted Loire

[DM] Lor

[(Kylia)] thx

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so we can assume you trained for them before this adventure

[(Kylia)] I'm a river in France???

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so yeay you ;)

[DM] french why not

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lookie at your new spells, see what you can do

[(Kylia)] water to dust

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yum

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] woops no I am not. I was looking at the wrong table... :-(

[(Kylia)] command monster

[(Kylia)] conjure fire elemental

[DM] wow,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Very nice

[(Kylia)] those are just the cleric spells... haven't looked at the wizard spells

[(Kylia)] at level 6

[(Kylia)] ;o)

[DM] Sean is here by the way, getting his puter up and running

[(Kylia)] ::waves to SPC::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I don't think you get new wizard until 12th

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Done BOB. I may have to change my AC depending on what weapon I use I am going to anticipate I don't us a shield for the time being so let me do so.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Hmmm...

[DM] sure

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reload my character Bob

[(Kylia)] bummer... no 6th level cleric spells ;(

[DM] did for you fritz

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] why not?

[(Kylia)] that's okay, I just get more 5th

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] not high enough?

[DM] looking for a new icon for trevor back in a sec

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Still says I have -10 AC instead of -5

[(Kylia)] 12th level wizard gets 6th, 11th just gets 3-5th

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] oh, wizard, right

[(Kylia)] BRB...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] thought you were talking about cleric spells

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] wait... you were

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you get 6th level cleric spells, just not wizard ones

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and we can assume you've trained for em

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] with a wis of 17 it'd only take you 2 weeks

Sean has joined the game.

[DM] ok, Fritz, did that work?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What does it tell you my AC is?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] I see -10 for you Fritz.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Is it really that low?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no, but mine is :-D

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It is supposed to be -5 since I am not going to use a shield and yes with a shield it is -10

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Aye Carumba!

[DM] fritz when I go to edit your sheet it says you have it locked out

[DM] on your end

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It changed it now

[DM] good

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] so Fritz, Marco, and Trevor have new icons, Sean or Lorie do you wish to change also?

[DM] Lorie, do you want to change?

[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Any sound tonight Sean?

[El Fudge (Sean)] haven't had a chance to really play around with speak freely this week ...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] k

[El Fudge (Sean)] so no sound, unless you and Bob want to talk ...

[El Fudge (Sean)] no conference calling

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] wanna tryTeam speak?

[DM] ok,

[DM] so let's get going on

[(Kylia)] I'd like to change my icon

[(Kylia)] please

[(Kylia)] no LIv Tyler

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] alrighty

[DM] ok, let me know what kind of look you are going for and I will see what I have

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] g'luck, bob has to do it and there's no way to show it on your side

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] well, short of changing it and saying, is this okay?

[DM] and by the way, someone just did up the spells for us

[DM] if you get the chance to play with it please do

[(Kylia)] Similar to what I have... but less cartoony

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Thank you whoever that was

[DM] here is the email from him, telling me what to do,

[DM] Woohoo. That was a lot more work than I thought it would be!! Just save the file in your Klooge directory somewhere then go to >edit>preferences and set the location of the new description file. If the spell name as listed on your character sheet matches the one in the description file you will see a blue "I" lit up when you are either modifying a character sheet or when you have the dice dialog up. Note that there are some spells that you will have to be particularily careful on spelling/syntax if you want the descriptions to come Purify food and drink vs purify food/drink or Power Word, Sleep vs Power Word Sleep. What I did is once I had the tab delimited file with all the spells I imported them into one character sheet to test which spells werent showing up then investigated why by opening up the description file. In some cases I changed the name or mistake in the description file and in others I changed the tab delimited file. Our guys really like the descriptions. You can just pull up your Dice Dialog and see what spells you have left and click on the 'I' to get the description if you need to...less flipping of the pages is good. Later, Guy

[DM] I am ordering food, be back in a sec

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yo Varlet Time to Die by the Hand of Reign Tandem Light in the Darkness

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yo Varlet Time to Die by the Hand of Reign Tandem Light in the Darkness


[DM] hows that lorie?

[(Kylia)] Umm... ok I guess

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] looks like you are crying

[(Kylia)] That's how I felt this week ;)

[DM] or that?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Looks like she is having a bad hair day

[(Kylia)] Ewww... I look like a Cure reject

[(Kylia)] or Flock of Seagulls on a bad hair day

[DM] how about that

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Now she looks like Nicole Kidman on a bad hair day

[DM] how about that

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Much better. Reminds me of Maryanne from Guilgans Island

[(Kylia)] Leave it like that for now... let's play. I don't want to distract any longer

[DM] okie doke. looks like lior showed up

[DM] ok, ready

[DM] anyone have a question about what is happening?

[(Kylia)] I do... where is the graveyard for the supposed treasure

[DM] you don't quite know that

[DM] you hope to find out more when you get to Fort Thunder

[DM] the sage does say that it in on the southeast corner of the mountains near the lake

[DM] the lake is about one week out from Fort Thunder

[(Kylia)] And we're how many days in to the week?

[DM] none

[DM] it is about 2 days or so across the desert to get to Fort Thunder

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] tomorrow is the caravan

[DM] and from there it will be a week

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I say we talk about getting a reservation into that

[DM] so maybe 12 days away

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I set out hopefully some tempting bait if the thieves are still in town

[(Kylia)] are there dragons in the desert?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yellow ones

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] grr

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] arg

[DM] none that are around the caravan route, as least up till now

[(Kylia)] Okay, so we need to cross the desert

[DM] yes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep, caravan

[DM] and did everyone get the point about the unpredictable magic problem ?

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) swats at a fly buzzing bout, then goes back to lounging on the rug.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] oh, yeah

[(Kylia)] unpredictable magic?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yeah, there's areas where magic either is super powered or non existant

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cuz stupid god's feet

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] they touched the ground and screwed up everything

[(Kylia)] And how do we know which areas are which?

[DM] you don't

[(Kylia)] Okay...proceed with caution, got it.

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Testing my macros

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Raises his weapon high in the air and says "Yo Varlet Time to Die by the Hand of Reign Tandem Light in the Darkness"

[DM] very cool

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Looks with disgust at the strange people around him and thinks to himself "GREEK GREEK GREEK GREEK GREEK they are all freakin GREEK !!"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Places himself between Lady Kylia and the danger !!

[DM] we need to keep Marco away from those

[DM] lol

[DM] I am sure you will use that one a lot

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Places Shade between himself and the danger

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Sure he'll use that lne alot too :-P

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] um... how you getting macros to do stuff?

Shade (BiBo!!!) Thwaps BOB good

Shade (BiBo!!!) Thwaps BOB good

[DM] so about that caravan

Shade (BiBo!!!) pelts BOB with so many koosh balls.

[(Kylia)] Bibo, did you get your macros working?

Shade (BiBo!!!) turns the Reign into a halfling.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] apparently

[(Kylia)] BTW, I'm using Macros at work and sent out an email explaining how MARCO worked ;o)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] not sure how I did it, but yeah

[(Kylia)] good

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Grabs Sergoth Stonefist by his nappy collar and throws him into the midst of the enemy as a smelly distraction. Nods his head in satisfaction to see it work beyond his expectations!!!

[(Kylia)] Oh my...

[El Fudge (Sean)] Bob is Evil! Bob is Evil

[El Fudge (Sean)] Bob is Evil! Bob is Evil

[El Fudge (Sean)] Bob is Evil! Bob is Evil

Shade (BiBo!!!) pelts BOB with so many koosh balls.

[El Fudge (Sean)] Bob is Evil! Bob is Evil

Shade (BiBo!!!) pelts BOB with so many koosh balls.

[El Fudge (Sean)] Bob is Evil! Bob is Evil

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Fun with Macros 101.

[(Kylia)] So we're walking?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Shouts for the world to hear " BOB IS AN EVIL BUTT!!! BOB IS AN EVIL BUTT!!"

El Fudge (Sean) does the Monty Python Fish Dance!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] bob

Shade (BiBo!!!) aims his koosh bazooka at BOB and fires.

[DM] well, I was waiting to here what you wanted to do to join the caravan

[(Kylia)] is this caravan made up of circus performers?

[DM] no

[(Kylia)] Why do we need to DO anything to join?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] go up to them and say hey, mind for a bit of extra protection?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Those guys were going to go and ask about us joining the caravan remember. We talked about it last week

[DM] exactly

[DM] just want to make sure everyone is on the same page

[DM] you have an invite if you want it

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] to protect something? [Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Wonderful

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] !

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] it doesn't take much, I'm sure they appreciate the extra firepower

[DM] are you bringing your own supplies?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Of course I am! [DM] they look at the Minatuar and wonder just how much that thing eats

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] I'm alwys prepared.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am not there remember?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yes, we get everything we need

[DM] I mean when you meet them in the morning,

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Where's the big bull again?

[(Kylia)] We're like the Girl Scouts... Always prepared

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] we ask what we should bring of course, since we're stupid non desert dwelling adventurers

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] but we bring all that we need

[DM] they fill you in

[(Kylia)] except one large tent

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ahh yes. I gather nothing happened that night. ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Are they going to pay us anything as escorts

[DM] they are ready for you to join them

[DM] they are taken aback by the looks of your group

[DM] they are willing to negociate for pay for you

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Would you perchance happen to have any extra turbans caravan leaders?

[DM] if any danger comes up and you contribue

[DM] contribute

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] I would like something to cover me bald head.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What is there original offer?

[DM] for you to tag along

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sure, we get first pickins at any treasure plus 10% of whatever profits you guys plan on makin from this trip

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Did we get the suntan oil and skin burn ointment I asked for?

[DM] yes, to Sergoth, they are willing to give you a turban

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] How do I put this thingy on?

[DM] one of the guards shows you

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) fiddles with the turban, finally getting it to stay in a somewhat sloppy spiral.

[DM] another guard that is not wearing a turban makes fun of you

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] does my offer sound reasonable?

[DM] to Shade, no, no treasure for you

Reign Tandem (Fritz) wonders if the DM can keep up with everyones comments?

[DM] to Sergoth

[DM] the big thing to follow is the speaking, trying to get everyone to type

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Answer my question please bob

[DM] sergoth, not everyone here is wearing a turban

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] by treasure I mean from anything that attacks us

[DM] sorry, fritz, yes you have the protection oil

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is called loot

[DM] non magical but protects from thedirect sun

[DM] ok,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok I have everyone apply some before we leave to join the caravan

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Roll #1: (d4) [4] 4

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I do this at least daily or more often if needed as I asked the sage how often it needs to be applied

[DM] there appears to be two factions amoung the caravan guards, some with turbans, and some without

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) starts to stomp around, working himself up, glaring at the guard who insulted him, and growling.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lior is here by the way, I'll probably be his voice for the night

[DM] he told you to reaplly when ever you sweat it off

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok I give some to everyone and instruct them to do so ok Bob?

[DM] good

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] is there a heirarchy of some sort between the turban people?

[DM] not that you can tell

[DM] but there seems to be two seperate groups

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] If they are going to do it I suggest everyone tell bob now so not to have to do it during the game if possible

[DM] I will take it that you start with sergoth

[(Kylia)] are they physically apart or is there another way it's indicated BOB?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonfist: Paralysis, Poison or Death: (d20) [18] 18 must be equal or greater than 11 to save.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) stands in front of Sergoth and says calm down my friend it is no reason to get upset just because someone is more stupid then you are

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonfist: Paralysis, Poison or Death: (d20) [15] 15 must be equal or greater than 11 to save.

[DM] they are working together

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) clms down.

[DM] but they look different

[DM] they seem to be making fun of each other

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) grumbles for a moment, then is distacted by the camels!

[DM] like opposing fans in the stands

[DM] camels and donkeys

[DM] the donkeys are more like mules

[(Kylia)] ::nods:: Perhaps we shouldn't align ourselves with either faction?

[DM] your choice

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I agree with thee Lady Kylia

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) is petting one of the camels.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] //me adjusts his turban as it falls over his eyes.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) gives Sergoth an apple to feed the camel

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Wheee!

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) feeds the apple to the camel.

[DM] ok,

[DM] so we have the turban heads, the non turban heads

Shade (BiBo!!!) steps away from the camels and watches them spit on Sergoth

[DM] all going out into the desert

[DM] jello, everyone has room for jello

[DM] ok

[DM] moving, moving

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yes... walking like an egyptian

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] there's really nothing we can do until this caravan gets rollin

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) trots next to the camels, and chats animatedly with one of the turban wearers riding a camel.

[DM] it is ready to move out when you say you are

[(Kylia)] vaya!

[El Fudge (Sean)] 3d6+2

[(Kylia)] allez!

[(Kylia)] andiamo!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Jamaican Egyptian!!

[El Fudge (Sean)] (3d6+2) [(5+2+6)+2] 15

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Move BOB

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack: Vampiric touch (spectral hands) hits AC: (15-(d20+3)) [15-(13+3)] -1

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Damage [S/M]: Vampiric touch (spectral hands) does (5d6+0) [(6+1+1+2+2)+0] 12 damage

[DM] the caravan takes off

[DM] out in the early morjning

[DM] begore day break

[El Fudge (Sean)] into the sunset?

[El Fudge (Sean)] oop, sunrise?

[DM] the caravan leader

[(Kylia)] we follo

[(Kylia)] err follow

[DM] tells you to put your cloaks on

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I do

[DM] says the morning is coming

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonfist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+2)) [11-(20+2)] -11 [CRITICAL HIT]

[DM] as you go forward

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonfist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+2)) [11-(15+2)] -6

[DM] is everyone putting on cloaks?

[(Kylia)] ::nods acknowledgement of the advice::

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonfist: Damage [S/M]: Stone Axe (Stonehew) does (1d8+2) [4+2] 6 damage

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yes, I have mine on

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) has his turban and his loincloth on.

[DM] as day breaks

[DM] and the dessert is all around

Shade (BiBo!!!) watches sergoth freeze

[DM] sudenly out of the west clouds roll in

[DM] as the sands heat up with the morning sun

[DM] clouds form

[DM] thunderheads

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] run!!! they're cominng!! flee from the rolling clouds!!

[El Fudge (Sean)] um ... we're in a desert!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] deserts still rain

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] just not as often

[El Fudge (Sean)] it's not supposed to rain ...

[DM] within a half hour you have large dark clouds overhead

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Makes sure his nostrils are covered

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Ummm...

[El Fudge (Sean)] Ties his rope to Shade.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Those thunderclouds might cause some serious flash flooding.

[El Fudge (Sean)] ties the other end to himself

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Stands close to lady Kylia and gets out his rope

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::unties the rope::

[DM] the caravan leader shouts out to tie down the packs

[DM] and soon the rains start to come down

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::flies up and watches the waters sweep across the lands::

[DM] it pours hard

[DM] lighining

[DM] thuder

[(Kylia)] ::ponders about the amount of rainfail in the deserts::

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) jumps up on one of the caravans, and secures himself to it.

[DM] thunder

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lands:: bad lightning

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Helps the caravan merchants tie down the packs

[DM] after about a half hour the rain stops

[DM] the clouds break up

[DM] and go away

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) ties down packs on the caravan he's on.

[DM] the sun quickly

[DM] dries out the camels fur

[(Kylia)] ::ponders:: Hurricane season in the desert? Who would have thunk it

[El Fudge (Sean)] I can see clearly now, the rain has gone

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] actually, that's where the hurricanes start

[El Fudge (Sean)] I thought hurricanes started in the ocea

[El Fudge (Sean)] ocean

[DM] the namib, in soutwestern africa if you are interested in details

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We are in the amazonian desert

[(Kylia)] Alas, no Hurricanes start here.

[El Fudge (Sean)] I thought we were in the African desert.

[El Fudge (Sean)] Hot. Africa hot.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] um.... the amazon is the opposite of desert

[El Fudge (Sean)] and all that.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Nope we are in the Jamegyptian desert

[DM] but for you purposes as long as you are with caravan they help you with the details

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) shakes like a dog to dry himself off as he walks.

[DM] it is very hot now that the sun is out

[(Kylia)] //me stands far from Sergoth while he dries himself like a dog

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Wishes he had handes Sergoth a bar of soap to use while it was raining

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Changes his staff to a dagger while no one is looking

[DM] done

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Wonders if Lady Kylia has a protection from elements spell?

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Ponders disturbing her to ask

Reign Tandem (Fritz) figures if he gets to warm he will

[DM] and it does get warm

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Does it get TOO warm?

[DM] anyone in metal armor feels it

[DM] your body temp (if magical armor) does not go up

[DM] but the air is hot

[DM] the whole world seems to just be baking

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am wearing magical armor

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Do I get more than just get uncomfortable?

Reign Tandem (Fritz) realizes he has been hanging around Shade for quite a while so he is used to Hot Air!

[DM] a little bit sergoth

Shade (BiBo!!!) turns reign into a ice mephit

[DM] everyone not protected from the heat by some sort of magic, will need to make a con check if it comes to combat

[El Fudge (Sean)] break out the sun block

[El Fudge (Sean)] ((takes out my SPF-500 cloak of sun protection))

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I gave people sunblock so they wouldn't get sunburned. So everyone should have that

[DM] yes

[DM] ok,

[DM] makes his secret rols

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) rubs some of the sun ointment on himself.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) reminds Sergoth NOT to eat any of the ointment!!!

[DM] ok

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) wouldn't think of it, it doesn't smell very nice.

[DM] so the morning journey is over, and you stop at a rock formation for the noon break

Reign Tandem (Fritz) thinks ointment smells better than Sergoth

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) smells just fine, he got rained on.

[(Kylia)] Rock formation... can you describe a bit more?

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) thinks the mino smells a little funky himself sweating in his armor.

[DM] the rocks have several carving on them

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I go over and read the carvings

[DM] they seem to be names of adventures

[DM] groups

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) sits in the shade of a rock.

[DM] individuals

[DM] several different languages

Reign Tandem (Fritz) asks the caravan leader the meaning of these names

[DM] he shrugs

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] By the way Bob what language do these people speak?

[DM] people think they need to leave thier name on the world

[DM] and this is the only way they can do it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep, basically they write bob wuz here, that sorta thing, right?

[DM] language here is about 60% western common, 40% mantheo

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) scratches a mark into the rock, unintelligable to you all.

[DM] mantheo is a dialect of Central Common

Reign Tandem (Fritz) looks at the mark Sergoth scratched into the stone. Decifers it

[DM] so the caravan takes off for the second part of the journey after a few hours

[DM] (lor you still around?)

[(Kylia)] Still here

[(Kylia)] Just waiting for things to move along

[DM] the caravan leave in the late afternoon

[DM] travels into the evening

[DM] well into the dark

[DM] the moons and stars light the way

[DM] the evening break comes up

[DM] the caravan leader looks at your group

[DM] who will help with the watches this evening?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] I will!

Reign Tandem (Fritz) raises his hand

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'll take morning watch

[DM] make sure you are not lead astray by the voices in the wind

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] I get first?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior:: I'll take middle watch

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] What voices?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What voices ?

[DM] he says you will see when it happens

[DM] not every night

[DM] but sometimes

[DM] the dessert calls out to visitors

[DM] calls them into her depths

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] My guardin spirits will protect me.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] And their Deaths?

[DM] few return from the deep dessert

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How many watches will you set up this night ?

[DM] two watches for the evening

[DM] early and late

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How many on each watch?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: if the casters want a middle watch, i'll take it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: not alone though

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] There is no middle watch

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Well, I'm taking first.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: we can make one

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Anyone staying up with me?

[DM] they say as many as want to join them, will mean less of thier people on

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i'll take whichever watch has an opening, i dont mind

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] i suggest at least 3 per watch if possible so that would make 6 a night. I will stand watch with Sergoth and one of your men this first watch and Shade with 2 of your men the last watch. We shall adjust tomorrow

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] What's the terrain like where we are?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Where we stopped.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yeay, I get 2 men

[DM] the leader agrees that is good

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i'll stay up with the witch

[DM] the terrain is rocky

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Thought that would make you happy Shade

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No you sleep tonight. Tomorrow you will stay up.

[DM] a small hill of granite sticks out of the sans

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Any plant life around?

[DM] a little bit of shrubs

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We shall rotate so all get there share

[DM] there is a small trickle of water near the base of the hill

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) fills up his water skins, and pulls off a bit of root from a brush to chew on.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I will keep watch as patrol around the caravan. I will place sergoth and one of the local guards on the hill

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) shrugs.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Whatever you say big guy.

[DM] the local says one of the key dangers are raiders

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] How big is aid hill?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] When the watch changes I will place the witch to do patrol with her broom and the locals on the hill.

[(Kylia)] ::prepares her area for bed and says some prayers::

[DM] the hill is about 100 feet tall

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes I can see very well in the night so I will watch carefully

[DM] not enought wood, unless you brought your own

[DM] guess what they burn

[(Kylia)] ::wonders if this is a good magic or bad magic area::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Dung

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) gathers up some camel dung from where the camels are tethered.

[DM] you seem to be in contact with your god kylia

[(Kylia)] ::smiles and Casts Create Campsite::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: not ever going near sergoth again

[(Kylia)] ::continues her prayers::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sergoth do you know how to use a bow?

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) looks on in awe, slack jawed.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Hmmm?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] I don't use bows.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Do the guards know how to use a bow?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Bows are for wimps.

[DM] they use bolas

[DM] and swords

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Good enough.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: you could teach him some manners

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Do you use rocks Sergoth?

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) pokes around the new, magically created campsite, making sounds of amazement in the back of his throat.

[DM] the campsite is up Kylia

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Yeah, I use rocks.

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) taps his axe.

[DM] kylia, describe for the others what they see

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok gather some with you on the top of the hill to throw if need be before ye come down and join me in the frenzy of battle

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Ummm... I don't throw.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] I bash things.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok I understand

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] **My axe is made of stone bt.

[(Kylia)] ::climbs into her bedroll and stares at the beauty of her spell::

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[(Kylia)] There is a campsite large enough for 33 people...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lol lorie

[(Kylia)] Tents, bedrolls, campfire, bland meal

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: ooh a bland meal, yum!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::uses cantrip to improve the taste of her meal::

[(Kylia)] Only the best for you Lior ;o)

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) looks around, kinda disturbed, and clears a space for himself just outside the confines of the cmpsite.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: aww, thanks lorie

[(Kylia)] reduced chance of being detected (by 50%) even with the fire...

[DM] understood

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Uhmmm Stonfist can I talk to you a sec?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Sure, whatch need?

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) walks off with Reign.

[DM] the guards are a little awed by the campsite

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well it is hard for humans to see in the dark and we have these rocks that give off a glow would you use one?

[DM] the caravan leader bows and thanks the kind lady for her goodness

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::goes to sleep to rest up for second watch::

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Ummm....

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) peers at the rock.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The rocks get there glow from the tiny worms in the middle

Reign Tandem (Fritz) I haven't showed you a rock yet

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Umm.. alright.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Kinda like fireflies you see in the summer

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Aaaah!

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) grins!

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Yeah!

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Fireflies!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The only thing is that if you break the rock the worms turn to air immediately and you cant see them so dont break the rock

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The cant live in the air

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] If you break the rock you will kill them

[(Kylia)] ::falls asleep, thankful that they were in a good magic area::

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Aaaah! Okies!

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) nods slemnly.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) reaches into his pocket and hands Sergoth a continual Light rock

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Oooooooooh.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Aaaaaaah!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Enjoy.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] They are very rare

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] WE were lucky to be able to buy this stock of rocks when we were in Woflspack

[(Kylia)] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] the first watch passes

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) giggle maniacally

[DM] the second watch starts

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) curls up under a camel blanket near the camp, not in it.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) realises that a white lie is ok if done for a good cause.

[DM] save verus spell, mental for the second watch

Reign Tandem (Fritz) lays a few feet from Lady Kylia. Removes his armor but puts a cloth over his head when he removes his helm

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d100) [17] 17

[(Kylia)] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] the second watch, saves?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so yeah, made magic resistence

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: didn't make it :(

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: it was about time this character died

[(Kylia)] ::raises brow, it's only been three weeks::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lior's taking the deal

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] with bob

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Bob is sending a private essage to Sadoya the old fashoined way.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Yeah! the Fritzmeister is back!

[DM] ok

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: the two of us (me and bibo) see the two guys on watch with us jogging away, after dropping their weapons

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Uhmmm I thought Lior was sleeping this watch? Did he go against my suggestion/order?

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Yes, he did.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] :)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i said i was on watch, to keep the witch in check

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Butt of course

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Fruedian slip

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i say to the witch "hey, we gotta stop those guys"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: "if they're gone in the morning, we'll have explaining to do"

Reign Tandem (Fritz) You tell them Lucy

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i heard a voice

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: it didn't mean much to me, but it obviously had some effect on those guys

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: by mean much to me, i mean that it didn't affect me in the same way it affected them

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Time out. I just want some clarification. Why is Lior speaking out of Shade/Bibo's voice?

[DM] they are sharing a computer

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: we're on the same laptop

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Because they are sharing a comp.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Why?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i dont have my own

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Not enough of em.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Looks with disgust at the strange people around him and thinks to himself "GREEK GREEK GREEK GREEK GREEK they are all freakin GREEK !!"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: and i'm in florida for the holidays

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i'm mediterranean, but i'm not greek

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wow cool I didn't realize you were there Lior. Cool as Friggin Shit...pardon my Egyptian!

[El Fudge (Sean)] but are you a geek?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so yeah... how fast are they going?

[DM] jogging

[DM] not running, but faster than walking

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] you can speak out of your voice just click on your character

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i fly up to them

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] That requires too much effort.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: yeah, but hitting control v is easier

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] what does that do

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: it pastes ::lior speaks::

[El Fudge (Sean)] gek geek geek geek geek!

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] He has ::lior speaks in the clipbvoard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ahhh gotcha.. move on then

[DM] they are moving along, off into the deep dessert

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Umm... guys...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hush you are asleep

[DM] am I still uncouncious

[DM] yes

[DM] they are still about 20 feet apart

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: me and bibo are going after them

[DM] and about 100 yards out now

[DM] getting farther and farther

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i would assume we started going after them before they got that far

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i'm not running, only bibo is

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: bibo is flying after them

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i'm staying behind to keep some sort of guard

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: bibo flies up close to them and throws a rope at them

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: and it keeps trying to attack them until it ensnares them

[DM] make your rolls

[DM] one saves, one did not

[DM] he is entangled in the rope

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We heard your rolls bob but the other guys no rolls came out on our end

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] bob's the only one that needs ta roll

[DM] the other dogges and keeps on jogging along

[DM] cool, you heard that?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] yes

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Hr's doing secret rolls.

[DM] did you hear the opening credits then?

[DM] very cool

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] yes it was cool

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] what movement rate is the guy going?

[DM] he is moving at 14

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::flies in front of the guy and says stop movin::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yawns and rolls over

[DM] he tries to dodge your broom

[DM] and keep moving into the dark

[DM] we are waiting on Shade at this point

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::casts seduction 1:: bob make a save vs spell at -9

[DM] fails

[DM] he looks at you

[DM] staring

[DM] trying to jump up and reach the broom

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::tells the guy to bring the tied up guy with him and flies back to camp::

[DM] he listens

[DM] and they follow you back to camp

[DM] when you get back to camp what happens"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::tells sadoya:: um... do something with them?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] TMI Bob isn't this private stuff between the witch and her new lover?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: "if that rope's not gonna last, i can tie them up so they won't run away. But that other guy doesn't seem to be running anymore"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] oh he will eventually, tie them both up, tell the one who isn't running that I asked you to do it for later

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i tie 'em both up

[DM] ok then

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] TMI TMI TMI

[DM] grin

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ;)

[DM] ok so the morning breaks

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] fix it!

Reign Tandem (Fritz) shudders in his sleep from strange and gruesome nightmares of the witch and tied up Jamacegyptians

[DM] ok so the caravan leader starts to get his men ready for the day

[(Kylia)] ::rises and shines. Does her morning prayers and studying::

[DM] he looks at the two tied up

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] And notices two hog tied?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: wait

[DM] and he looks at the rest of the group

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i was going to say that i'm untying them as day breaks, but before people have the chance to wake up and notice that they've been tied to

[(Kylia)] Guys... Im going to bed.

[(Kylia)] Sorry...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: aww.. nighty lorie

[DM] gee,

[(Kylia)] I can't keep my eyes open

[DM] well have a great night miss Lor

[(Kylia)] Have a great time at the party tomorrow....

[DM] must be the new kid and all

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Okies. Night Lorie!

[DM] hey wie will supposedly meet Sara tomorrow

[(Kylia)] Happy Chanukah Lior and Merry Christmas to the rest of you

[(Kylia)] Wow...

[(Kylia)] Night all

[DM] night

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: speaking of which, you missed homemade goodies i brought

(Kylia) has left the game.

[DM] and back to the journey south

[DM] the caavan leaves before daybreak

[DM] starts moving south

[DM] and the guards looks at the witch out of the corner of thier eyes

Sean has joined the game.

[DM] several of them

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] problem gentlemen?

[DM] they quickly look away

[Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor)] Welcome back Sean.

[Sean] Thank you ...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::chuckles to herself::

[DM] the caravan makes good time during the day

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Howdy Sean!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: to shade "you think we have problems?"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] to sadoya "we'll see soon enough shan't we?"

[DM] the caravan leader comes up to the witch

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] <on the side? did you guys tell us what happened?

[DM] mind telling me what happening last night?

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) dances around with the caravan, chasing dung flies and catching them in his hand.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: to shade "lets hope its fear, and that they dont act stupidly on it"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] <<yeah, we tell you everything in the morning party members>>

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] k

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) hears the caravan leader, and listens in.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] your men ran off into the night, I stopped them

[DM] hmm

[DM] well thank you I guess

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: "had to tie them up to keep them from running"

Reign Tandem (Fritz) would have suggested to the witch she remove her charm

[DM] but what is this I head abotu favors

[DM] about favors

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] excuse me?

[DM] this is why I don't like women in my groups

[DM] nothign but trouble

[DM] you better learn to keep yoru dress pulled down

[DM] or you will have trouble in this world

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) guffaws under his breth.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::chuckles and transform into a guy with typical male garb::

[DM] he blanches

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: smiles at shade

[DM] and rides away

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) looks slightly disturbed by Shade's transformation.

[DM] you take your afternoon break in the open desert

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) walks up and cautiosly pokes Shade's chest.

[DM] the camels arrayed in a circle around you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Raises his eyebrows, and snorts under his breath. "Witchy PooPoo is doing it again!"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] can you not do that?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Look at the bright side Witchy PooPoo. He could have tried to poke you somewhere else!!!!

Sergoth Stonfist (Trevor) feels female chest under there, so he sorta rolls his eyes and walks away.

[DM] the break passes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I suppose that is a plus, of course if he had we'd be short a human but with one extra newt

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] people only touch me when I allow it

[DM] so the break passes

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chuckles "Now that would be interesting! A barbarian Newt out to save the Chipmunks!!"

[DM] and the caravan leaves in the late afternoon

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::cackles loudly:: wouldn't it though?

[DM] you arrive at Fort Thunder in the late evening

[DM] and the gates are closed

[DM] the caravan leader says that you will be able to enter in the morning

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] What kind of gates are they?

Reign Tandem (Fritz) asks directions to the Commanders quarters ....woops doesn't do that since they are not inside

[DM] large wooden stockade type

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) attempts to scale them.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Any modifiers?

[DM] as you approach them you hear a warning to halt

[DM] from up above

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::watches the barbarian, cantrips up a chipmonk and shouts:: ooh look at the chipmonk in peril

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Mind if I come in? It's cold out here.

[DM] halt,

[DM] the gates open in the morn, stay till then

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: "willl someone stop that ape from getting us killed?"

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) sighs.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Turns to the Witch. " Wanna bet on how many arrows it takes to make him drop like a rock?"

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) curls up aginst the gate and goes to sleep.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I say 20

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Darn Barbarians spoil all our fun

[DM] a bucket of slop is emptied over you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Shouts for the world to hear " BOB IS AN EVIL BUTT!!! BOB IS AN EVIL BUTT!!"

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) picks through the food bits and gnaws on a bone.

Shade (BiBo!!!) pelts BOB with so many koosh balls.

[DM] more fun with macros

[DM] ok,

[DM] so the morning comes

[DM] the gates open

[Sean] Bob is evil! Bob is evil! Bob is evil!

[Sean] Bob is evil! Bob is evil! Bob is evil!

[DM] the caravan leader says thank you for your kind efforts

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) prances into the fort.

[DM] and says that you are welcome to travel with him again in the future

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::bows in thanks and holds out her hand::

[DM] he points out where to go to meet the fort's commander

[DM] he looks at Shade and frowns, walks away with out touching her

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Thanks the Caravan Leader. Makes sure to write down his name. Enters the Fort and proceeds to the Fort Comander as he watches Bambi Boy enter the Fort

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::coughs:: I believe you owe us some pay

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] especially seeing as how we saved the lives of 2 of your men

[DM] he ignores you for that

[DM] walks away from your group

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i stick by reign

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Stops and turns

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::whispers to reign:: so... should I newt him or not?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Excuse me but did you just ignore my compatriots remark?

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) prances back to the group.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] What's all the fuss about?

[DM] the caravan leader continues to walk away

Reign Tandem (Fritz) calls to the caravan leader excuse me sir wait one second

[DM] he pauses

[DM] looks at Reign

[DM] yes

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Our pay?

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) walks up with Reign.

[DM] for?

[DM] I appreciate your efforts to save my men,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Escorting your caravan and saving your men

[DM] but that was not part of the deal

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Pardon?

[DM] you were to be paid if you defeated any bandits that attack the caravan

[DM] did you defeat something?

[DM] he looks like he is explaining something, rather than challenging you directly

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No it was 10% of the value of the caravan and any loot taken from bandits

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Loot?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] What's loot?

[DM] he shakes his head, no that was what you asked for I never agreed to that, I was quite clear

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Spoils of war

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] What war?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I'm confused.

[DM] and if you can bring me back the voice from the desert, ensure that my men will no longer be harmed by her then

[DM] he trails off

[DM] have a good visit kind sir

[DM] you are welcome to join us on the return trip is you wish

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Um, how do you know it's a her?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: if you no longer want the voice of the desert commanding your men, i'd suggest you start hiring women

[DM] the voice of the deset tries to lure all men to thier deaths

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] sure, we get first pickins at any treasure plus 10% of whatever profits you guys plan on makin from this trip

[DM] he frowns at that, and turns to walk away

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you said no treasure

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you said nothing about no pay

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Witchy poopoo can you just uenicfy him?

[DM] he looks at the witch, frowns, and walks away

[DM] stiffly

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I whispered that Bob

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) leans over to Reign, we mad at them?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] In other words turn him into a man without any Balls

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::ponders:: we can always wait until they're asleep, it works better that way

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] and a very small penis

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) taps Reign "Reign, Reign, why are we mad at these peoples?"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] side note: its spelled eunic

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] eunich

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Thanks the Withc

[Sean] Ith ought it was Unix.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Because the went back on a deal they made with us my friend

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) frowns.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I dont like people that don't keep their word

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] They are going back on a deal?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::nods agreeably::

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] We bartered with them?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes my young ally we did. We di

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We did in deeed

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] And they not give us their end?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Verily

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Roll #1: (d4) [1] 1

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) starts to growl angrily.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The Witch was quite clear on that end

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::keeps track of the caravan group::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: takes a step back from sergoth

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Paralysis, Poison or Death: (d20) [8] 8 must be equal or greater than 11 to save.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Places a hand on Sergoth's Shoulder. "Later my friend" Sometimes vengeance is a dish best served cold"

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) shrugs off your hand, and runs toward the caravan leader, axe held high.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Crap crap crap

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::snickers and watches the barbarian go::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: ::mutters oh crap::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Witch mud the ground please anything

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] why?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I would prefer to have our money than blood

[DM] caravan leader's surprised AC is 10, he is one round ahead

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] eh, either will do for me

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Witch Now!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Please!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] mud... the ground... ::snickers::

[DM] so the beginning of the round

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Levitate anything to save the stupid caravan leadder. I dont want needless blood on our hands

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] or my hands for that matter.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] won't be on our hands anyway, besides, he looks like hes about to get what he deserves

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We dont know how the fort guards will handle the situation either

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] eh, we didn't have anything to do with it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: if anything.. we don't know him, he's just a straggler that follwed us

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I say we walk the other way

[DM] ok,

[DM] so beginning of the round

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Outsiders are Outsiders. To them we will be with me on this. I was an ex-slave. I know how people think

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] would you like me to turn you into a local, like myself?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Initiative: (d10+0) [8+0] 8

[DM] Roll #1: (d10) [9] 9

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Initiative: (d10+2) [7+2] 9

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] um.... how come you have a +2 to initiative?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] are you supposed to be 2 faster or slower?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That should be minus 2 and a 5 or are we doing it by mage. faster...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] gotcha

[DM] ok

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] just makin sure, -2 then

[DM] so the barbarian starts to move forward

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I will change it. first time I ever used it

[DM] he trips over somehting

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wait how can the Barbarian move before me bob?

[DM] and falls down

[DM] you move at the same time he does Fritz

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I move at 5

[DM] on very fast

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh ok gotcha

[DM] the barbarian trys to stand up

[DM] and then falls over

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) stands up on his turn and keeps charging towards the leader.

[DM] and falls over again

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I move over to him not in front of him and again say to him...Please Sergoth calm down we shall get them to pay us in Money not blood. It is better to get our revenge on these infidels another way. Blood they will not miss. Money and coin they will.

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) hacks at whatever is holding his legs and tries to keep moving.

[DM] make a to hit roll sergoth

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) totally ignores Reign.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(16+7)] -12

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I try to speak to Sergoth in his native language

[DM] you strike at some force around your legs, roll for damage

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Damage [S/M]: Stone Axe (Stonehew) does (1d8+9) [5+9] 14 damage

[DM] it stops wrapping around you

[DM] the caravan leader has moved further along

[DM] one full round of tripping and attacking at that force

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) keeps moving towards the caravan leader, full tilt.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yooo hoo Sergy poo. Calm down in the name of the Stonefist tribe you come from calm down or you shall jeapordize us all

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) ignores you. Doesn't seem to heaqr you.

[DM] pause

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::walks into the gates, finds a suitably private place and changes her form to another one which is basically a typical male of the area::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How about the round and initiative stuff bobby boychick?

[DM] your damage does not seem to be having any effect

[DM] you feel you are hitting something

[DM] but not doing damage to it

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Says crap to himself about 20 times in his brain out loud. Rears his head and says...OK DM. What is going on? Is this savage still wrapped up or is he loose? If he is loose it is time for a Xaolin Showdown!

[Sean] Bob is checking up on it

[DM] ok, so here is the situation,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] <On a side note> What did you cast Sean?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] <I've got no clue>

[DM] the barbarian is trying to free himself from the the force around his legs

[DM] he seems to be able to hit it, but not damage it

[DM] it feels like something is actively trying to trip you,

[DM] and everytimg you break free, it grabs you again

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) tries to power through it, avoiding the trips, slows down to walking speed but moves determinedly towards the leader.

[DM] that seems to have an effect,

[DM] you walk forward

[DM] the caravan leader is out of sight,

Reign Tandem (Fritz) pulls out his sword and stands in front of Sergoth and says please my friend dont do this

[DM] but you feel you know where he went

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Shouts for the world to hear " BOB IS AN EVIL BUTT!!! BOB IS AN EVIL BUTT!!"

Shade (BiBo!!!) pelts BOB with so many koosh balls.

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) walks around reign, to the outside of the fort, hunting the leader.

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Everytime Segoth tries to step around me I step infront of him to block his path

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] /growls Out of my way.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It will come to a Xaolin Showdown for him to pass

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No I will not let you pass my friend. His death is not worth it. Calm down and you will see the truth of what I tell you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Please

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I do not wish to cross blades with you but if I must I will

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I will not let any one die needlessly

[DM] ok, end of the first round

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I know you are upset and rightly so but this is not our way. You are in group now.

[Trevor] Sergoth Stonefist targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 6'11"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets Sergoth Stonefist. Distance: 7'01"

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(6+7)] -2

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of -2 misses Reign Tandem

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob are you going to do rounds now and initiative first?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Weren't you waiting for an action from me?

[DM] I can not seem to get my rounds to move past zero right now, not sure why that is

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I don't know I am really confused where we are in the rounds

[DM] we are beginning on round two

[DM] everyone can roll initive, round 4 of the rage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Thanks bob for moving me

[DM] yeah, still riguring out things too

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Initiative: (d10+2-4) [10+2-4] 8

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Initiative: (d10+0) [2+0] 2

[Sean] El Fudge: Initiative: (d10+0) [2+0] 2

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(18+7)] -14

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of -14 (probably) hits Reign Tandem

[DM] I am out of this so far, it is between the two of you mostly

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I attack on fast

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Damage [L]: Stone Axe (Stonehew) does (1d8+9) [4+9] 13 damage

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Bob told me to go for it.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(17+10)] -13

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -13 (probably) hits Sergoth Stonefist

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(18+10)] -14

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -14 (probably) hits Sergoth Stonefist

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [S/M]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((d10*2)+13) [(2*2)+13] 17 damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [S/M]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((d10*2)+13) [(5*2)+13] 23 damage

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(7+7)] -3

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of -3 misses Reign Tandem

[DM] Sergoth Stonefist's hit points adjusted to 59 (-38) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] Reign Tandem's hit points adjusted to 92 (-13) - Lightly Wounded

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob that second hit on Sergoth was for 46 points

[DM] learning slowly

[Shade (BiBo!!!)]

[DM] why that?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Natural 18

[DM] oh, got it

[DM] double checking

[DM] and will adjust accordingly

[DM] ok, so the

[DM] ok so now the fritz attack goes off

[DM] to be clear

[DM] for everyone

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [S/M]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((d10*2)+13) [(7*2)+13] 27 damage

[DM] need a to hit first

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(2+10)] 2

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of 2 misses Sergoth Stonefist

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lucky dog

[DM] for a critical hit, we roll for a bonus attack,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Gotcha

[DM] just like if someone would get a natural 20,

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] So no critical.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Nope

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so you can do like infinite damage in theory

[DM] in this case Reign needs a 18 or higher

[DM] exactly

[DM] if you can keep rolling 20's

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So now my attacks for this round?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] No.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] That was the ttacks, new round.

[DM] exactly, new round

[DM] new int

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Initiative: (d10+0) [3+0] 3

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wait look back and see how many time sergoth has attacked me and how many times I have attacked please

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I've attacked twice.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I get two per rond.

[DM] fritz attacked three times

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] And one was bonus.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] on yours.

[Shade (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d10) [1] 1

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Initiative: (d10+2-4) [10+2-4] 8

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Gotcha just misread some of the rolls

[Shade (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d20) [4] 4

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Go Sergoth

[DM] ok, so in order

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Roll #1: (d100) [19] 19

[DM] sergoth makes a roll

[DM] a male thief become visible behind sergoth as he swings at the back of his head

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] While we are fighting I continue to ask him to calm down

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Who is the Thief?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] lior.

[DM] apparetnly some man walking up behind him

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] nm, I don't know that.

[DM] attacks the barbarian

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sadoya?

[DM] random person in the crowd

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] its not sadoya

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] no, random person.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What crowd?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] its someone who looks like someone who should be in the fort

[DM] the people moving around your group

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that was all ::lior speaks::

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Apparently the crowsd of fort people who are watching us brawl.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] And someone I have never seen before just attaacked Sergoth?

[DM] yes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yes

[DM] let the fun begin

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Great now I get to fight 2 people

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Raises his weapon high in the air and says "Yo Varlet Time to Die by the Hand of Reign Tandem Light in the Darkness"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok roll your attack Sergoth you go before me

Sean is receiving the map...

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(15+7)] -11

Sean has received the map.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of -11 (probably) hits Reign Tandem

[DM] the man suddenly disapears into the air at then end of the round

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Damage [L]: Stone Axe (Stonehew) does (1d8+9) [8+9] 17 damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The round is not over yet bob

El Fudge (Sean) grabs some popcorn to watch the show ...

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(20+7)] -16 [CRITICAL HIT]

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of -16 (probably) hits Reign Tandem

[DM] understand,

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Damage [L]: Stone Axe (Stonehew) does (1d8+9) [5+9] 14 damage

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::makes sure she's far out of sight::

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(5+7)] -1

[DM] roll your attacks Reign, you can tell the person is tring to flee

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of -1 misses Reign Tandem

[DM] reign, go ahead roll your two attacks

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob put me next both Sergoth and the guy trying to run

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: not trying to run yet

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(9+10)] -5

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -5 (probably) hits Sergoth Stonefist

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [S/M]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((d10*2)+13) [(10*2)+13] 33 damage

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets No Name. Distance: 3'05"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(3+10)] 1

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of 1 (probably) hits No Name

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [S/M]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((d10*2)+13) [(8*2)+13] 29 damage

[DM] that missed

[DM] Sergoth Stonefist's hit points adjusted to 26 (-33) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] Reign Tandem's hit points adjusted to 55 (-31) - Moderately Wounded

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] If it was behind dont forget to add a +4 to my to hit

[DM] did, still missed

[DM] ok end of round

[DM] new

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Initiative: (d10+2-4) [6+2-4] 4

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Initiative: (d10+0) [2+0] 2

[DM] just the two of you now

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(3+7)] 1

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of 1 misses Reign Tandem

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Damn boy you roll good initiative

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Attack: Stone Axe (Stonehew) hits AC: (11-(d20+7)) [11-(7+7)] -3

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist's attack of -3 misses Reign Tandem

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets Sergoth Stonefist.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Heads

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets Sergoth Stonefist. Distance: 3'09"

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] That actually hits oyu.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Because I have plus two for raging.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Heads

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(3+10)] 1

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of 1 misses Sergoth Stonefist

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Sergoth Stonefist: Damage [L]: Stone Axe (Stonehew) does (1d8+9) [2+9] 11 damage

[DM] Reign Tandem's hit points adjusted to 42 (-13) - Heavily Wounded

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(20+10)] -16 [CRITICAL HIT]

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -16 (probably) hits Sergoth Stonefist

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(10+10)] -6

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem's attack of -6 (probably) hits Sergoth Stonefist

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [S/M]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((d10*2)+13) [(3*2)+13] 19 damage

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Owie.

[DM] Sergoth Stonefist's hit points adjusted to 7 (-19) - Massively Wounded

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage [S/M]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((d10*2)+13) [(10*2)+13] 33 damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob I blunt my damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I want to pull back to not kill him

[DM] ok

[DM] one fourth real now

[DM] Sergoth Stonefist's hit points adjusted to -1 (-8) - Dying

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is he unconsciouss?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I bandage him up

[DM] he is uncounscious

[DM] ok, so the fight is over

[DM] the barbarian is lying on the ground

[DM] the minatour bandages him up

[DM] stops the bleeding

Reign Tandem (Fritz) I turn to the Witch. I want a Eunic or how ever you spell it with a very small penis. I hope you understand who I am speaking of!!!

[DM] you take him out of the main entrance way, and towards the shade

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::is nowhere in sight::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] A facial deformity wouldn't be to bad either

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Mutters to himself...I sure hope for once she does something I find worthwhile!!!

[DM] no law enforcement has appeared at all

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: i come up to reign... i wouldn't recommend a facial deformity on anyone... but who are you talking to?

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] My self apparently. You wouldn't happen to have any healing potions would you?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: "nada"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: maybe his corpse does?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well I guess this is one Cow that is going to be forced to nurse this stinking pighead back to health. No he isn't dead

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: okay unconscious body :-P

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] And if you tell Witchy PooPoo I said that I promise you will be in worse state then Stonebrain here

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: "said what?"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Doubt it. He hates magic

Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor) has a healing potion on him when you search him.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I knew there was a reason I liked you

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: "go figure"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] But we can check

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wow. Go figure

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[DM] so,

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Pours healing potion down Sergoths throat.

[DM] ready to close down now

[DM] the barbarian is uncouncious

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::lior speaks:: have a good week fritz

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You cant pour a potion down someones throat?

[DM] yes you can

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You to Lior. Have fun down there my friend.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is he still unconscious after the potion?

[DM] so we have the barbarian at walking wounded

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] *gurgles*

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ouch Sergoth thou are't a mighty fighter. I am glad I had my armor to protect me. I never would have survived otherwise. I hope you will not hold this against me but I could not let you kill that man

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Huh?

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] *shakes head*

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Owwwww.......

[DM] ok, so this worked out ok,

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] What man?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I never wish to have to duel you my are one nasty strong warrior

[DM] we need to work on the character sheets, to get them to handle the rage type things

[DM] and stuff like that

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Chabge his weapon to take into account when he rages.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] change his weapon

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] And my AC.

[DM] it is in the spell effects section of the chracter sheet

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] And enemy damage.

[DM] will go right into the expressions for the attacks and damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] have a raging weapon. Just allow editing of the AC at that point. That should work

[DM] so no one forgets

[DM] when to add it in

[DM] and when to stop it

[DM] if we get the chance this week I will work on it with someone

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I'd have to make rging verions of ALL my weapons.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Remind me to stand BEHIND Sergoth next time he rages !!!!

[DM] I am planing on playing next week

[DM] will everyone be here?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] as far as I know

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] I wont.

[DM] Nyrma wants to be in Orlando

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Great Job on the role playing Trevor

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Mmm, thanks.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I say he gets rper of the night

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Actually, I will be playing long distance next week.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Me too

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] On both :)

[DM] ok, so 500 XP to trevor

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Wow, thanks everyone.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Don't forget to save the campaign bob

[DM] have it on auto save now

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] :_)

[DM] unfourtnately the chat room needs to be manually saved, and then cleared or it never goes away

[DM] but at least it will always be there for me

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] LOL Reign, I could probably take you on in a wrestling match, but ith you armored, you're a tank :-P

[DM] ok, need to go see what nyrma needs for the morning

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is why I am glad I have armor fighting you!!! Next time I may have to try and use my reach to my advantage :- )

[DM] we might have the cam up , not sure yet

[DM] have a good night all,

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] okay, I'm shutting down. great night everyone

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hope you do. I will at least try and log on to say hi. Night all Bibo take care

BiBo!!! has left the game.

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Heh, alrighty everyone, thanks for the RP award, it's most of my exp :-)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Everyone Happy holidays/Christmas/Hanaka (or however you spell it)

[Sergoth Stonefist (Trevor)] Take care everyone.

Trevor has left the game.

Fritz has left the game.

Sean has left the game.

Sean has left the game.