Main / DirthNecron

Dirth Necron

The Necron family line has long been filled with mages, many of whom were persecuted for suspected dabbling in the necromantic arts. While this was not true, for the most part anyway, their family name often haunted them. A magic user by the name of Necron is somewhat ominous after all.

While Dirth showed some early potential with magic, he stayed away from the mystical arts. He feared the corrupting power of magic. Instead he resorted to the mundane magics of swordplay. He devoted all of his energies to becoming the greatest swordsman alive. He traveled the world searching for the best swordsmen to test his skill and to learn from. Between teachers he spent much time adventuring to further increase his skill. Soon it got to the point where it became hard to find someone who would even prove a mild challenge to him. At this point, he learned of a swordsman named Aran who kept to himself, but was rumored to be the greatest swordsman alive. Dirth quickly sought out this man and challenged him to a duel. After a fight which lasted hours, Dirth was defeated. Dirth yielded and asked Aran to train him. Aran agreed to train him and within a year Dirth had mastered every technique that Aran could teach him. With his new skills, he quickly killed his former tutor in combat. There could only be one master after all.

Content that he had become the greatest swordsman alive, Dirth adventured a short while longer. Somewhere along those adventures he came across a crystal helm, which he has not been seen without since. After acquiring it, he settled his own town with a small standing army. This army was soon wiped out during an uprising of zombies and ghouls. The undead moved on as quickly as they came and haven't been seen in such large numbers since. This event caused many to believe that the land was cursed, so Dirth has not been able to raise a new army.

Somehow, he still manages to keep the peace in his town, even turning back the occasional raiding party. How he has accomplished this for so long is unclear, though the locals like to talk of his nigh godlike prowess with a blade. In fact, it is said that he is so confident in his abilities, that he no longer wears armor when turning back threats to his town.